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under Atty. Nelson Logronio

By: Dennie Vieve Idea & Robert V. Bulayungan, Jr.
(New Era University College of Law)


Calalas v. Sunga Private Respondent rode a jeepney. As the jeepney Petitioner contends that the The issue in Civil Case No. 3490 was whether Salva and his driver Verena were
was full, she was given a stool as extension seat. ruling in Civil Case No. liable for quasi-delict for the damage caused to petitioner's jeepney. On the other
Then the jeepney stopped to let a passenger off. As 3490 that the negligence of hand, the issue in this case is whether petitioner is liable on his contract of carriage.
she was seated at the rear of the vehicle, Sunga gave Verena was the proximate The first, quasi-delict, also known as culpa aquiliana or culpa extra contractual, has
way to the passenger. Just as she was doing so, an cause of the accident as its source the negligence of the tortfeasor. The second, breach of contract or culpa
Isuzu truck driven by Iglecerio Verena and owned negates his liability and contractual, is premised upon the negligence in the performance of a contractual
by Francisco Salva bumped the left rear portion of that to rule otherwise obligation.
the jeepney. As a result, Sunga was injured. would be to make the
common carrier an insurer Consequently, in quasi-delict, the negligence or fault should be clearly established
Sunga filed a complaint for damages against of the safety of its because it is the basis of the action, whereas in breach of contract, the action can be
Calalas, alleging violation of the contract of passengers. prosecuted merely by proving the existence of the contract and the fact that the
carriage by the former in failing to exercise the obligor, in this case the common carrier, failed to transport his passenger safely to
diligence required of him as a common carrier. He contends that the his destination.
Calalas, on the other hand, filed a third-party bumping of the jeepney by
complaint against Francisco Salva, the owner of the the truck owned by Salva There is, thus, no basis for the contention that the ruling in Civil Case No. 3490,
Isuzu truck. was a caso fortuito. finding Salva and his driver Verena liable for the damage to petitioner's jeepney,
should be binding on Sunga. It is immaterial that the proximate cause of the
RTC: rendered judgement AGAINST Salva (truck Petitioner further assails collision between the jeepney and the truck was the negligence of the truck driver.
owner) and absolved Petitioner. the award of moral
damages to Sunga on the The doctrine of proximate cause is applicable only in actions for quasi-delict,
CA: RTC ruling was reversed and made Petitioner ground that it is not not in actions involving breach of contract. The doctrine is a device for
liable on the ground that the real cause of action supported by evidence. imputing liability to a person where there is no relation between him and
was based on a contract of carriage, not quasi- another party. In such a case, the obligation is created by law itself. But, where
delict. there is a pre-existing contractual relation between the parties, it is the parties
themselves who create the obligation, and the function of the law is merely to
regulate the relation thus created.

In the case at bar, upon the happening of the accident, the presumption of negligence
at once arose, and it became the duty of petitioner to prove that he had to observe
extraordinary diligence in the care of his passengers. The fact that Sunga was seated
in an "extension seat" placed her in a peril greater than that to which the other
passengers were exposed. Therefore, not only was petitioner unable to overcome the
presumption of negligence imposed on him for the injury sustained by Sunga, but
also, the evidence shows he was actually negligent in transporting passengers.

under Atty. Nelson Logronio
By: Dennie Vieve Idea & Robert V. Bulayungan, Jr.
(New Era University College of Law)
Mercury Drug Respondent was involved in an accident when he 1. Whether petitioner was In this case, the Court discussed the requisites before a claim under Article 2176 of
Corporation v. fell asleep while driving. It turned out that the cause negligent, and if so, the New Civil Code may arise:
Sebastian Baking of his sleepiness was the drug (Dormicum) whether such negligence
mistakenly given by Petitioner Durg Stores’s was the proximate cause of To sustain a claim based on the above provision, the following requisites must
saleslady; the latter misread the prescription given respondent’s accident; and concur:
by Baking’s doctor.
2. Whether the award of (a) damage suffered by the plaintiff;
Hence, respondent filed with the Regional Trial moral damages, attorney’s (b) fault or negligence of the defendant; and,
Court (RTC) a complaint for damages against fees, litigation expenses, (c) connection of cause and effect between the fault or negligence of the defendant
petitioner. and cost of the suit is and the damage incurred by the plaintiff.
RTC & CA: Both held Petitioner liable. Hence, this Considering that a fatal mistake could be a matter of life and death for a buying
case at bar. patient, the said employee should have been very cautious in dispensing medicines.
The care required must be commensurate with the danger involved, and the skill
employed must correspond with the superior knowledge of the business which the
law demands.


--- WRONG!!!!!!!!


Proximate cause is defined as any cause that produces injury in a natural and
continuous sequence, unbroken by any efficient intervening cause, such that the
result would not have occurred otherwise. Proximate cause is determined from the
facts of each case, upon a combined consideration of logic, common sense, policy,
and precedent.
Here, the vehicular accident could not have occurred had petitioner’s employee been
careful in reading Dr. Sy’s prescription. Without the potent effects of Dormicum, a
sleeping tablet, it was unlikely that respondent would fall asleep while driving his
car, resulting in a collision.

As regards the award of moral damages, we hold the same to be in order.

Respondent has adequately established the factual basis for the award of moral
damages when he testified that he suffered mental anguish and anxiety as a result of

under Atty. Nelson Logronio
By: Dennie Vieve Idea & Robert V. Bulayungan, Jr.
(New Era University College of Law)
the accident caused by the negligence of petitioner’s employee. There is no hard-
and-fast rule in determining what would be a fair and reasonable amount of moral
damages, since each case must be governed by its own peculiar facts.

In addition, we also deem it necessary to award exemplary damages. Article 2229

allows the grant of exemplary damages by way of example or correction for the
public good.
Spouses Guanio vs. Spouses Luigi and Anna Guanio (petitioner) entered 1. What is the proximate The Supreme Court held that proximate cause is applicable only in actions for quasi-
Makati Shangri-la into contract with Makati Shangri-La Hotel and cause of the injury incurred delicts, not in action involving breach of contract. What applies in the instant case is
Hotel Resort, Inc. (respondent) for the latter to render its by Petitioners? rather Art. 1170 of the Civil Code which reads:
catering services to the former’s wedding reception.
2. Whether or not the Art. 1170. Those who in the performance of their obligations are guilty of fraud,
Reportedly during the reception, respondent’s doctrine of proximate negligence or delay, and those who in any manner contravene the tenor thereof, are
representatives, Catering Director Bea Marquez and cause is applicable to liable of damages.
Sales Manager Tessa Alvarez did not show up; actions involving breach of
there was a delay in the service of the dinner; contract. The mere proof of the existence of the contract and the failure of its compliance
certain items in the published menu were justify a corresponding right of relief by the injured contracting party.
unavailable; respondent’s waiters were rude and
unapologetic when confronted by the guest about However, it must be stressed that petitioner’s failure to inform respondent of the
the delay; wine and liquor brought by the change in the number of the guests is a clear failure on the part of the former to
petitioners in accordance with their open bar discharge such obligation which is stipulated in the Banquet and Meeting Services
agreement were not served to the guests and thus Contract between them.
the latter were forced to pay for their drinks; and The failure of petitioner to inform respondent about the change in the number of
despite Sales Manager Alvarez’s promise that guests notwithstanding, the Court notes that respondent could have managed the
would be no charge for the extension of the situation better in view of its vast experience in the business which warrants the safe
reception beyond 12:00 midnight, petitioners were presumption that this is not the first time they have encountered booked events
billed PHP 8,000.00 per hour for the three-hour exceeding the guaranteed cover. It is therefore reasonable to expect that certain
extension of the event which they paid for. measures are placed in case predicaments such as the instant case crops up. That
In view of the foregoing, petitioner’s sent a letter- regardless of these measures, respondent still received complaints from the
complaint to respondent and received an apologetic petitioner. As such, the Court deems it just to award petitioners only nominal
reply from respondent’s Hotel Executive Assistant damages.
Krister Svenson. Nevertheless, the former filed a
complaint for breach of contract and damages
before the Regional Trial Court of Makati City.

In its Answer, respondent claimed that the

proximate cause of the delay in the service dinner

under Atty. Nelson Logronio
By: Dennie Vieve Idea & Robert V. Bulayungan, Jr.
(New Era University College of Law)
was occasioned by the sudden increase of guests to
470 from the guaranteed expected minimum
number of 350–380. In bears mentioning in this
regard, that said increase of guests was not relayed
by petitioners to respondents beforehand.

RTC: rendered judgement in favor of the petitioners

and ordered respondent to pay the petitioners actual,
moral and exemplary damages; and attorney’s fees.

CA: reversed the trial court’s decision, it holding

that the proximate cause of petitioners’ injury
was the increase in their guests which
respondent did not expect.
Añonuevo v Court Private respondent Villagracia was travelling along Whether or not private NO. To prove contributory negligence, it is still necessary to establish a causal link,
of Appeals, Jerome Boni Avenue on his bicycle, while petitioner respondent Villagracia is although not proximate, between the negligence of the party and the succeeding
Villagracia Anonuevo, driving his Lancer, was traversing the guilty of contributory injury.
opposite lane when the collision occurred. The car negligence?
was owned by P&G Inc., employer of petitioner’s Petitioner claims that Respondent violated traffic regulations when he failed to
brother. Villagracia sustained injuries due to the register his bicycle or install safety gadgets thereon hence, Article 2185 should be
collision. applied by analogy. However, the Court held that no, there is a historical reason why
there is segregation between motorized and non-motorized vehicle, since motor
Villagracia instituted an action for damages against vehicle are more capable of inflicting greater injury.
P&G and Anonuevo. Both the RTC and CA ruled in
favor of Respondent. A driver of an automobile, under such circumstances, is required to use a greater
degree of care than drivers of animals, for the reason that the machine is capable of
The present petition was based on Petitioner’s greater destruction, and furthermore, it is absolutely under the power and control of
Motion for Reconsideration with the following the driver; whereas, a horse or other animal can and does to some extent aid in
arguments: averting an accident.

1. Article 2185 of the Civil Code should apply by NEGLIGENCE ON THE PART OF RESPONDENT:
analogy to non-motorized vehicle;
Even if the legal presumption under Article 2185 should not apply to Villagracia,
2. Villagracia’s own fault and negligence serves to this should not preclude any possible finding of negligence on his part. While the
absolve him from any liability for damages legal argument as formulated by Añonuevo is erroneous, his core contention that
Villagracia was negligent for failure to comply with traffic regulations warrants

under Atty. Nelson Logronio
By: Dennie Vieve Idea & Robert V. Bulayungan, Jr.
(New Era University College of Law)
serious consideration, especially since the imputed negligent acts were admitted by
Villagracia himself.

The Civil Code characterizes negligence as the omission of that diligence which is
required by the nature of the obligation and corresponds with the
circumstances of the persons, of the time and of the place.

The existence of negligence in a given case is not determined by the

personal judgment of the actor in a given situation, but rather, it is the law which
determines what would be reckless or negligent. Añonuevo asserts that
Villagracia was negligent as the latter had transgressed traffic
regulations. However, Añonuevo was speeding as hemade the left turn,
and by his own admission, he had seen Villagracia at a good distance of ten (10)
meters. Had he been decelerating, as he should, as he made the turn, Aonuevo would
have had ample opportunity to avoid hitting Villagracia, such negligent act was
the proximate cause of the accident.

To hold a person as having contributed to his injuries, it must be shown that he
performed an act that brought about his injuries in disregard of warnings or signs of
an impending danger to health and body. To prove contributory negligence, it is still
necessary to establish a causal link, although not proximate, between the negligence
of the party and the succeeding injury. In a legal sense, negligence is contributory
only when it contributes proximately to the injury, and not simply a condition for its
As between Añonuevo and Villagracia, the lower courts adjudged Añonuevo assole
ly responsible for the accident. The petition does not demonstrate why
this finding should be reversed. It is hard to imagine that the
same result would not have occurred even if Villagracia’s bicycle had
been equipped with safety equipment.

NOTE (from Atty.’s discussion):

Effect of Negligence on the plaintiff:

under Atty. Nelson Logronio
By: Dennie Vieve Idea & Robert V. Bulayungan, Jr.
(New Era University College of Law)
 If his negligence is the proximate cause – it will bar recovery of
 If only contributory – reduction of award of damages

Phoenix At about 1:30 a.m. on November 15, 1975, private Whether the collision was The Court found private respondent Dionisio was unable to prove possession of a
Construction v. respondent Leonardo Dionisio was on his way brought about by the way valid curfew pass during the night of the accident and that the preponderance of
IAC home from cocktails and dinner meeting with his the truck was parked, or by evidence shows that he did not have such a pass during that night. It is the
boss. respondent’s own petitioners' contention that Dionisio purposely shut off his headlights even before he
negligence? reached the intersection so as not to be detected by the police in the police precinct
He was proceeding down General Lacuna Street which he (being a resident in the area) knew was not far away from the intersection.
when he saw a Ford dump truck parked askew,
partly blocking the way of oncoming traffic, with Petitioners' theory is a more credible explanation than that offered by private
no lights or early warning reflector devices. respondent Dionisio, i.e., that he had his headlights on but that, at the crucial
moment, these had in some mysterious if convenient way malfunctioned and gone
The truck was driven earlier by Armando Carbonel, off, although he succeeded in switching his lights on again at "bright" split seconds
a regular driver of the petitioner company. Dionisio before contact with the dump truck. We do not believe that this evidence is sufficient
tried to swerve his car to the left, but it was too late. to show that Dionisio was so heavily under the influence of liquor as to constitute
He suffered some physical injuries and nervous his driving a motor vehicle per se an act of reckless imprudence. The conclusion we
breakdown. Dionision filed an action for damages draw from the factual circumstances outlined above is that private respondent
against Carbonel and Phoenix Insurance. Dionisio was negligent the night of the accident. He was hurrying home that night
and driving faster than he should have been. Worse, he extinguished his headlights
Petitioners countered the claim by imputing the at or near the intersection of General Lacuna and General Santos Streets and thus did
accident to respondent’s own negligence in driving not see the dump truck that was parked askew and sticking out onto the road lane.
at high speed without curfew pass and headlights,
and while intoxicated. The trial court and the Court Nonetheless, we agree with the Court of First Instance and the Intermediate
of Appeals ruled in favor of private respondent. Appellate Court that the legal and proximate cause of the accident and of Dionisio's
injuries was the wrongful or negligent manner in which the dump truck was parked
in other words, the negligence of petitioner Carbonel. The collision of Dionisio's car
with the dump truck was a natural and foreseeable consequence of the truck driver's

under Atty. Nelson Logronio
By: Dennie Vieve Idea & Robert V. Bulayungan, Jr.
(New Era University College of Law)
Estacion v Noe Respondent Noe was going home to Dumaguete Whether or not No, but there was contributory negligence.
Bernardo from Cebu via Bato and Tampi. At Tampi, he respondents negligence
boarded a Ford Fiera jeepney driven by respondent hold them liable for the We agree with petitioner that respondent Noe’s act of standing on the rear carrier of
Quinquillera and owned by Bandoquillo. He was accident? the Fiera exposing himself to bodily injury is in itself negligence on his part. We
seated on the extension seat placed at the center of find that the trial court and the CA erred when they failed to consider that
the Fiera. respondent Noe was also guilty of contributory negligence.

Then, as an old woman wanted to ride, he offered “to hold a person as having contributed to his injuries, it must be shown that he
his seat, and he just hung on the left rear of the performed an act that brought about injuries in disregard of warning or signs of an
vehicle. Then, on its journey, the Fiera began to impending danger to health and body”.
slow down and stepped to pick up passengers when
a Isuzu cargo truck hit the rear end portion of the CONTRIBUTORY NEGLIGENCE DEFINED
Feira which smashed respondent where his lower
left was amputated. Conduct on the part of the injured party, contributing as a legal cause to the
harm he has suffered, which falls below the standard to which he is required to
Respondent filed with the RTC compliant for conform for his own protection (Atty. asked this)
damages arising from quasi-delict alleging that the
truck driver’s reckless imprudence was the Still the proximate cause of the accident was the negligence of the truck driver for
proximate cause of the incident. driving it with faulty brakes and at a high speed.
Rakes v. Atlantic M.H. Rakes was a black man working as a laborer Yes. The negligence of the plaintiff, contributing to the accident, to what extent it
Gulf for Atlantic Gulf in the early 1900s. One day, they existed in fact and what legal effect is to be given it. In two particulars is he charged
were working in the company’s yard and they were with carelessness:
transporting heavy rails using two cars (karitons?);
each car carrying the opposite ends of the rails. The 1. First. That having noticed the depression in the track he continued his work; and
cars were pulled by rope from the front and other 2.
workers are pushing the cars from behind. There Second. That he walked on the ends of the ties at the side of the car instead of along
were no side guards installed on the sides of the the boards, either before or behind it.
cars but the rails were secured by ropes. The track 3.
where the cars move were also weakened by a The Court ruled that His lack of caution in continuing at his work after noticing the
previous typhoon. slight depression of the rail was not of so gross a nature as to constitute negligence,
barring his recovery under the severe American rule. While the plaintiff and his
It was alleged that Atlantic’s foreman was notified witnesses swear that not only were they not forbidden to proceed in this way, but
of said damage in the tracks but the same were left were expressly directed by the foreman to do so, both the officers of the company
unrepaired. While the cars were being moved and and three of the workmen testify that there was a general prohibition frequently
when it reached the depressed portion of the track, made known to all the gang against walking by the side of the car, and the foreman
and while Rakes was beside one of the cars, the swears that he repeated the prohibition before the starting of this particular load. On
ropes gave in and the rails slipped thereby crushing this contradiction of proof we think that the preponderance is in favor of the

under Atty. Nelson Logronio
By: Dennie Vieve Idea & Robert V. Bulayungan, Jr.
(New Era University College of Law)
his leg and causing it to be amputated. Rakes sued defendant's contention to the extent of the general order being made known to the
Atlantic Gulf and he won; he was awarded 5,000 workmen. If so, the disobedience of the plaintiff in placing himself in danger
pesos for damages ($2,500). contributed in some degree to the injury as a proximate, although not as its primary
Atlantic assailed the decision of the lower court
alleging that they specifically ordered their workers Distinction must be between the accident and the injury, between the event
to be walking only before or after the cars and not itself, without which there could have been no accident, and those acts of the
on the side of the cars because the cars have no side victim not entering into it, independent of it, but contributing under review was
guards to protect them in case the rails would slip. the displacement of the crosspiece or the failure to replace it. This produced the
Atlantic also alleged that Rakes should be suing the event giving occasion for damages — that is, the sinking of the track and the
foreman as it was him who neglected to have the sliding of the iron rails.
tracks repaired; that Rakes himself was negligent
for having known of the depression on the track yet **FELLOW-SERVANT RULE. — Sua cuique culpa nocet. The doctrine
he continued to work. known as the "Fellow-servant rule," exonerating the employer where the
injury was incurred through the negligence of a fellow-servant of the employee
injured, is not adopted in Philippine jurisprudence.

Assumption of risk is a defense in the law of torts, which bars or reduces a

plaintiff's right to recovery against a negligent tortfeasor if the defendant can
demonstrate that the plaintiff voluntarily and knowingly assumed the risks at
issue inherent to the dangerous activity in which he was participating at the
time of his or her injury.

In this case, the SC also elucidated the two kinds of culpa which are:

Culpa as substantive and independent, which on account of its origin arises in an

obligation between two persons not formerly bound by any other obligation; may be
also considered as a real source of an independent obligation (extra-contractual or
culpa aquiliana).

Culpa as an incident in the performance of an obligation which cannot be presumed

to exist without the other, and which increases the liability arising from the already
existing obligation (contractual or culpa contractual).
Ramos v. Court of Erlinda Ramos underwent a surgical procedure to Whether or not the private
Appeals remove stone from her gall bladder respondents were negligent RES IPSA LOQUITOR DEFINED
(cholecystectomy). They hired Dr. Hosaka, a and thereby caused the

under Atty. Nelson Logronio
By: Dennie Vieve Idea & Robert V. Bulayungan, Jr.
(New Era University College of Law)
surgeon, to conduct the surgery at the De Los comatose condition of A procedural or evidentiary rule which means “the thing or the transaction
Santos Medical Center (DLSMC). Hosaka assured Ramos? speaks for itself.” It is a maxim for the rule that the fact of the occurrence of an
them that he would find a good anesthesiologist. injury, taken with the surrounding circumstances, may permit an inference or
But the operation did not go as planned, Dr. Hosaka raise a presumption of negligence, or make out a plaintiff’s prima facie case,
arrived 3 hours late for the operation, Dra. and present a question of fact for defendant to meet with an explanation, where
Gutierrez, the anesthesiologist “botched” the ordinarily in a medical malpractice case, the complaining party must present
administration of the anesthesia causing Erlinda to expert testimony to prove that the attending physician was negligent.
go into a coma and suffer brain damage. The
botched operation was witnessed by Herminda This doctrine finds application in this case. On the day of the operation, Erlinda
Cruz, sister in law of Erlinda and Dean of College Ramos already surrendered her person to the private respondents who had complete
of Nursing of Capitol Medical Center. and exclusive control over her. Apart from the gallstone problem, she was
neurologically sound and fit. Then, after the procedure, she was comatose and brain
The family of Ramos (petitioners) sued the hospital, damaged—res ipsa loquitur!—the thing speaks for itself!
the surgeon and the anesthesiologist for damages.
The petitioners showed expert testimony showing Negligence – Private respondents were not able to disprove the presumption of
that Erlinda's condition was caused by the negligence on their part in the care of Erlinda and their negligence was the
anesthesiologist in not exercising reasonable care in proximate cause of her condition. One need not be an anesthesiologist in order to tell
“intubating” Erlinda. Eyewitnesses heard the whether or not the intubation was a success. [res ipsa loquitur applies here]. The
anesthesiologist saying “Ang hirap ma-intubate Supreme Court also found that the anesthesiologist only saw Erlinda for the first
nito, mali yata ang pagkakapasok. O lumalaki ang time on the day of the operation which indicates unfamiliarity with the patient and
tiyan.” which is an act of negligence and irresponsibility.
Diagnostic tests prior to surgery showed that
Erlinda was robust and fit to undergo surgery. The head surgeon, Dr. Hosaka was also negligent. He failed to exercise the proper
authority as the “captain of the ship” in determining if the anesthesiologist
The RTC held that the anesthesiologist ommitted to observed the proper protocols. Also, because he was late, he did not have time to
exercise due care in intubating the patient, the confer with the anesthesiologist regarding the anesthesia delivery. (Sir discussed
surgeon was remiss in his obligation to provide a this)
“good anesthesiologist” and for arriving 3 hours late
and the hospital is liable for the negligence of the The hospital failed to adduce evidence showing that it exercised the diligence of a
doctors and for not cancelling the operation after good father of the family in hiring and supervision of its doctors (Art. 2180). The
the surgeon failed to arrive on time. The surgeon, hospital was negligent since they are the one in control of the hiring and firing of
anesthesiologist and the DLSMC were all held their “consultants”. While these consultants are not employees, hospitals still exert
jointly and severally liable for damages to significant controls on the selection and termination of doctors who work there
petitioners. The CA reversed the decision of the which is one of the hallmarks of an employer-employee relationship. Thus, the
Trial Court. hospital was allocated a share in the liability.

under Atty. Nelson Logronio
By: Dennie Vieve Idea & Robert V. Bulayungan, Jr.
(New Era University College of Law)
Spouses Africa v. In March 1948, in Rizal Avenue, Manila, a tank Whether or not Caltex and Yes.
Caltex truck was hosing gasoline into the underground Boquiren are liable to pay
This is pursuant to the application on the principle of res ipsa loquitur (“the
storage of Caltex. Apparently, a fire broke out from for damages?
transaction speaks for itself”) which states: “where the thing which caused injury,
the gasoline station and the fire spread and burned
without fault of the injured person, is under the exclusive control of the defendant
several houses including the house of Spouses
and the injury is such as in the ordinary course of things does not occur if he having
Bernabe and Soledad Africa. Allegedly, someone (a
such control use proper care, it affords reasonable evidence, in the absence of the
passerby) threw a cigarette while gasoline was
explanation, that the injury arose from defendant’s want of care.” The gasoline
being transferred which caused the fire. But there
station, with all its appliances, equipment and employees, was under the control of
was no evidence presented to prove this theory and
Caltex and Boquiren. A fire occurred therein and spread to and burned the
no other explanation can be had as to the real reason
neighboring houses. The persons who knew or could have known how the fire
for the fire. Apparently also, Caltex and the branch
started were Boquiren, Caltex and their employees, but they gave no explanation
owner (Mateo Boquiren) failed to install a concrete
thereof whatsoever. It is a fair and reasonable inference that the incident happened
firewall to contain fire if in case one happens.
because of want of care.
Note that ordinarily, he who charges negligence shall prove it. However, res
ipsa loquitur is the exception because the burden of proof is shifted to the party
charged of negligence as the latter is the one who had exclusive control of the
thing that caused the injury complained of.
Layugan v. IAC Pedro T. Layugan filed an action for damages Whether or not Isidro is The SC held that the CA erroneously appreciated the evidence. It was proven that
against Godofredo Isidro, alleging that while at liable as employer of the petitioner placed a warning sign within 3 to 4 meters from their truck in the form
Baretbet, Bagabag, Nueva Vizcaya, the Plaintiff and Serrano? of a lighted kerosene lamp. The existence of this warning sings was corroborated by
a companion were repairing the tire of their cargo Serrano, respondent's driver, and further stated that when he saw a parked truck, he
truck which was parked along the right side of the kept on stepping on the brake pedal but it did not function. Thus despite this
National Highway; that defendant's truck, driven warning signs, the truck recklessly driven by Serrano and owned by Respondent
recklessly by Daniel Serrano bumped the plaintiff, Isidro bumped the truck of petitioner.
that as a result, plaintiff was injured and
hospitalized where he incurred and will incur more The private respondent is sued under Art. 2176 in relation to Art. 2180, paragraph 5,
expenses as he recuperates from said injuries; of the Civil Code. In the latter, when an injury is caused by the negligence of a
Plaintiff's right leg was amputated and that because servant or employee there instantly arises a presumption of law that there was
of said injuries he would be deprived of a lifetime negligence on the part of the master or employer either in the selection of the servant
income. or employee, or in supervision over him after selection, or both. Such presumption
is juris tantum and not juris et de jure and consequently, may be rebutted. If follows
necessarily that if the employer shows to the satisfaction of the court that in the
To free themselves from liability, defendants Isidro selection and in the supervision he has exercised the care and diligence of a good
[owner] and Serrano [driver] averred that he knows father of a family, the presumption is overcome and he is relieved from liability. In
his responsibilities as a driver and further contends disclaiming liability for the incident, the private respondent stresses that the
that it was the negligence of plaintiff that was the negligence of his employee has already been adequately overcome by his driver's

10 | P a g e
under Atty. Nelson Logronio
By: Dennie Vieve Idea & Robert V. Bulayungan, Jr.
(New Era University College of Law)
proximate cause of the accident. They alleged that statement that he knew his responsibilities as a driver and that the truck owner used
plaintiff parked his truck in a manner which to instruct him to be careful in driving.
occupied a part of the highway and he did not even
put a warning sign. We do not agree with the private respondent in his submission. In the first place, it is
clear that the driver did not know his responsibilities because he apparently did not
Subsequently, a third-party complaint was filed by
check his vehicle before he took it on the road. If he did he could have discovered
the defendant against his insurer, the Travellers
earlier that the brake fluid pipe on the right was cut, and could have repaired it and
Multi Indemnity Corporation; that the third-party
thus the accident could have been avoided. Moreover, to our mind, the fact that the
plaintiff [Isidro], without admitting his liability to
private respondent used to instruct his driver to be careful in his driving, that the
the plaintiff, claimed that the third-party defendant
driver was licensed, and the fact that he had no record of any accident, as found by
[Travellers] is liable to the former for contribution,
the respondent court, are not sufficient to destroy the finding of negligence of the
indemnity and subrogation by virtue of their
Regional Trial Court given the facts established at the trial.
insurance contract which covers the insurer's
liability for damages arising from death, bodily The doctrine can be invoked when and only when, under the circumstances
injuries and damage to property. The Insurance involved, direct evidence is absent and not readily available. Hence, it is generally
company argued that it is only liable for the amount been held that the presumption of inference arising from the doctrine cannot be
agreed in the policy and the complaint was availed of, or is overcome, where the plaintiff has knowledge and testifies, or
premature since no claim was made to it. presents evidence as to the specific act of negligence which is the cause of injury
complained of.
The RTC ruled in favor of the Petitioners. The CA
reversed the decision, stating that it is the
petitioners who were negligent since they did not
exercise caution by putting warning signs that their
truck is park on the shoulder of the highway.
Picart v Smith In December 1912, Amado Picart was riding his Whether or not the Yes.
horse and while they were on a 75 meter long defendant in maneuvering
The control of the situation had then passed entirely to the defendant; and it was his
bridge, he saw Frank Smith Jr.’s car approaching. his car in the manner above
duty either to bring his car to an immediate stop or, to take the other side and pass
Smith blew his horn thrice while he was still at a described was guilty of
sufficiently far away from the horse to avoid the danger of collision. But he didn’t.
distance away because Picart and his horse were on negligence such as gives
Smith’s lane. But Picart did not move his horse to rise to a civil obligation to Likewise, it goes without saying that the plaintiff himself was not free from fault, for
the other lane, instead he moved his horse closer to repair the damage done? he is guilty of antecedent negligence in planting himself on the left side of the road.
the railing. Smith continued driving towards Picart
But the defendant was also negligent; and in such case, the problem is always to
without slowing down and when he was already so
discover which party is directly responsible. It will be noted that the negligent acts
near the horse he swerved to the other lane. But the
horse got scared so it turned its body across the of the two parties were not contemporaneous, since the negligence of the
bridge; the horse struck the car and its limb got defendant succeeded plaintiff’s negligence.
broken. Picart suffered injuries which required Under the circumstance, the law is that the person who has the last fair chance

11 | P a g e
under Atty. Nelson Logronio
By: Dennie Vieve Idea & Robert V. Bulayungan, Jr.
(New Era University College of Law)
several days of medical attention while the horse to avoid the impending harm and fails to do so is chargeable with the
eventually died. consequences without reference to the prior negligence of the other party.


The test by which to determine the existence of negligence in a particular case may
be stated as follows: Did the defendant in doing the alleged negligent act use that
person would have used in the same situation? If not, then he is guilty of negligence.
The existence of negligence in a given case is not determined by reference to the
personal judgment of the actor in the situation before him. The law considers what
would be reckless, blameworthy, or negligent in the man of ordinary intelligence
and prudence and determines liability by that.
The question as to what would constitute the conduct of a prudent man in a given
situation must of course be always determined in the light of human experience and
in view of the facts involved in the particular case. Abstract speculations cannot here
be of much value but this much can be profitably said: Reasonable men govern their
conduct by the circumstances which are before them or known to them. They are
not, and are not supposed to be, omniscient of the future. Hence they can be
expected to take care only when there is something before them to suggest or warn
of danger.
Modifies comparative negligence by allowing the plaintiff to collect damages from
the defendant, even if the plaintiff contributed to his injury, if the defendant had a
last clear chance to prevent the injury. In other words, could the defendant have
prevented the injury regardless of the plaintiff's negligence? If the answer is yes,
then the plaintiff will still be able to collect regardless of comparative negligence.
Spouses Ong v. Plaintiff spouses seek to recover from defendant, Whether or not the MWD No. As established by the facts, MWD was not negligent in selecting its employees
Metropolitan damages, funeral expenses and attorney’s fees for is liable for the death of as all of them were duly certified. MWD has also provided all proper safety measure
Water District the death of their son, Dominador Ong, in one of Dominador? and precautions.
the swimming pools of the latter. After trial, the CFI

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under Atty. Nelson Logronio
By: Dennie Vieve Idea & Robert V. Bulayungan, Jr.
(New Era University College of Law)
dismissed the complaint for it found the action of Likewise, the doctrine of last clear chance is not applicable. It was not established as
the plaintiffs-appellants untenable. to how Dominador was able to go to the big pool. The last clear chance doctrine can
never apply where the party charged is required to act instantaneously, and if the
injury cannot be avoided by the application of all means at hand and after the peril is
or should have been discovered.


The negligence of a claimant does not preclude a recovery for the negligence of
defendant where it appears that the latter, by exercising reasonable care and
prudence, might have avoided injurious consequences to claimant notwithstanding
his negligence.
The doctrine of “last clear chance” cannot apply if the:
a. Negligence of the plaintiff is concurrent with that of the defendant (in pari
b. Party charged is required to act instantaneously;
c. Injury cannot be avoided despite the application at all times of all the means to
avoid the injury (after the peril is or should have been discovered), at least in all
instances where the previous negligence of the party charged cannot be said to have
contributed to the injury at all.
Allied Banking On October 10, 2002, a check in the amount of 1. What does the Doctrine 1. The doctrine of last clear chance, stated broadly, is that the negligence of the
Corporation v. P1,000,000.00 payable to "Mateo Mgt. Group of Last Clear Chance plaintiff does not preclude a recovery for the negligence of the defendant where it
Bank of the Phil. International" (MMGI) was presented for deposit enunciate? appears that the defendant, by exercising reasonable care and prudence, might have
Island and accepted at petitioner's (Allied Bank) Kawit avoided injurious consequences to the plaintiff notwithstanding the plaintiff’s
Branch. 2. Does the Doctrine of negligence. The doctrine necessarily assumes negligence on the part of the
Last Clear Chance apply in defendant and contributory negligence on the part of the plaintiff, and does not apply
The check, post-dated "Oct. 9, 2003", was drawn this case? except upon that assumption. Stated differently, the antecedent negligence of the
against the account of Marciano Silva, Jr. (Silva) plaintiff does not preclude him from recovering damages caused by the supervening
with respondent BPI Bel-Air Branch. Upon receipt, negligence of the defendant, who had the last fair chance to prevent the impending
petitioner sent the check for clearing to respondent harm by the exercise of due diligence. Moreover, in situations where the doctrine
through the Philippine Clearing House Corporation has been applied, it was defendant’s failure to exercise such ordinary care, having

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under Atty. Nelson Logronio
By: Dennie Vieve Idea & Robert V. Bulayungan, Jr.
(New Era University College of Law)
(PCHC). The check was cleared by respondent and the last clear chance to avoid loss or injury, which was the proximate cause of the
petitioner credited the account of MMGI with occurrence of such loss or injury
P1,000,000.00. On October 22, 2002, MMGI’s
account was closed and all the funds therein were 2. YES. In this case, the evidence clearly shows that the proximate cause of the
withdrawn. A month later, Silva discovered the unwarranted encashment of the subject check was the negligence of respondent
debit of P1,000,000.00 from his account. who cleared a post-dated check sent to it thru the PCHC clearing facility
without observing its own verification procedure. As correctly found by the
In response to Silva’s complaint, respondent PCHC and upheld by the RTC, if only respondent exercised ordinary care in
credited his account with the aforesaid sum. the clearing process, it could have easily noticed the glaring defect upon seeing
Petitioner filed a complaint before the Arbitration the date written on the face of the check "Oct. 9, 2003". Respondent could have
Committee, asserting that respondent should solely then promptly returned the check and with the check thus dishonored,
bear the entire face value of the check due to its petitioner would have not credited the amount thereof to the payee’s account.
negligence in failing to return the check to Thus, notwithstanding the antecedent negligence of the petitioner in accepting
petitioner within the 24-hour reglementary period as the post-dated check for deposit, it can seek reimbursement from respondent
provided in Section 20.1of the Clearing House the amount credited to the payee’s account covering the check.
Rules and Regulations (CHRR) 2000.

In its Answer with Counterclaims, respondent

charged petitioner with gross negligence for
accepting the post- dated check in the first place. It
contended that petitioner’s admitted negligence was
the sole and proximate cause of the loss.

Elcano V. Hill Reginald Hill, a minor, caused the death of Agapito 1. Is the present civil action 1. ART. 2177. Responsibility for fault or negligence under the preceding
(son of Elcano). Elcano filed a criminal case against for damages barred by the article is entirely separate and distinct from the civil liability arising from
Reginald but Reginald was acquitted for “lack of acquittal of Reginald in the negligence under the Penal Code. But the plaintiff cannot recover damages
intent coupled with mistake.” Elcano then filed a criminal case wherein the twice for the same act or omission of the defendant.
civil action against Reginald and his dad (Marvin action for civil liability,
Hill) for damages based on Article 2180 of the Civil was not reversed? The extinction of civil liability referred to in Par. (e) of Section 3, Rule 111, refers
Code. Hill argued that the civil action is barred by exclusively to civil liability founded on Article 100 of the Revised Penal Code,
his son’s acquittal in the criminal case; and that if 2. May Article 2180 (2nd whereas the civil liability for the same act considered as a quasi-delict only and not
ever, his civil liability as a parent has been and last paragraphs) of the as a crime is not extinguished even by a declaration in the criminal case that the
extinguished by the fact that his son is already an Civil Code he applied criminal act charged has not happened or has not been committed by the accused.
emancipated minor by reason of his marriage. against Atty. Hill,
notwithstanding the Therefore, the acquittal of Reginal Hill in the criminal case has not extinguished his
undisputed fact that at the liability for quasi-delict, hence that acquittal is not a bar to the instant action against

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under Atty. Nelson Logronio
By: Dennie Vieve Idea & Robert V. Bulayungan, Jr.
(New Era University College of Law)
time of the occurrence him.
complained of. Reginald,
though a minor, living with 2. Under Article 2180, "(T)he obligation imposed by article 2176 is demandable not
and getting subsistence only for one's own acts or omissions, but also for those of persons for whom one is
from his father, was responsible. The father and, in case of his death or incapacity, the mother, are
already legally married? responsible. The father and, in case of his death or incapacity, the mother, are
responsible for the damages caused by the minor children who live in their
company." In the instant case, it is not controverted that Reginald, although married,
was living with his father and getting subsistence from him at the time of the
occurrence in question. Factually, therefore, Reginald was still subservient to and
dependent on his father, a situation which is not unusual.

While it is true that parental authority is terminated upon emancipation of the child
(Article 327, Civil Code), and under Article 397, emancipation takes place "by the
marriage of the minor (child)", it is, however, also clear that pursuant to Article 399,
emancipation by marriage of the minor is not really full or absolute. Thus
"(E)mancipation by marriage or by voluntary concession shall terminate parental
authority over the child's person. It shall enable the minor to administer his property
as though he were of age, but he cannot borrow money or alienate or encumber real
property without the consent of his father or mother, or guardian. He can sue and be
sued in court only with the assistance of his father, mother or guardian."
SCHMITZ Petitioner, who was in charge of securing requisite (1) Whether the loss of the When a fortuitous event occurs, Article 1174 of the Civil Code absolves any party
TRANSPORT & clearances, receive the cargoes from the shipside cargoes was due to a from any and all liability arising therefrom:
BROKERAGE and deliver it to the consignee Little Giant Steel fortuitous event,
CORPORATIO Pipe Corporation warehouse at Cainta, Rizal, hired independent of any act of ART. 1174. Except in cases expressly specified by the law, or when it is otherwise
the services of respondent Transport Venture negligence on the part of declared by stipulation, or when the nature of the obligation requires the assumption
N, petitioner, vs.
Incorporation (TVI)’s tugboat for the hot rolled petitioner Black Sea and of risk, no person shall be responsible for those events which could not be foreseen,
TRANSPORT steel sheets in coil. Coils were unloaded to the TVI, and or which though foreseen, were inevitable.
VENTURE, barge but there was no tugboat to pull the barge to
INC., the pier. (2) If there was negligence, In order, to be considered a fortuitous event, however, (1) the cause of the
INDUSTRIAL whether liability for the unforeseen and unexpected occurrence, or the failure of the debtor to comply with
INSURANCE Due to strong waves caused by approaching storm, loss may attach to Black his obligation, must be independent of human will; (2) it must be impossible to
COMPANY, the barge was abandoned. Later, the barge capsized Sea, petitioner and TVI. foresee the event which constitute the caso fortuito, or if it can be foreseen it must be
LTD., and washing 37 coils into the sea. Consignee was impossible to avoid; (3) the occurrence must be such as to render it impossible for
BLACK SEA executed a subrogation receipt by Industrial the debtor to fulfill his obligation in any manner; and (4) the obligor must be free
SHIPPING AND Insurance after the former’s filing of formal claim. from any participation in the aggravation of the injury resulting to the creditor.
Industrial Insurance filed a complaint against both

15 | P a g e
under Atty. Nelson Logronio
By: Dennie Vieve Idea & Robert V. Bulayungan, Jr.
(New Era University College of Law)
INCHCAPE petitioner and respondent herein. The trial court This Court holds then that petitioner and TVI are solidarily liable for the loss of the
SHIPPING held that petitioner and respondent TVI were jointly cargoes.
SERVICES, and severally liable for the subrogation.
respondents. TVIs (Common carrier) failure to promptly provide a tugboat did not only increase
the risk that might have been reasonably anticipated during the shipside operation,
but was the proximate cause of the loss. A man of ordinary prudence would not
leave a heavily loaded barge floating for a considerable number of hours, at such a
precarious time, and in the open sea, knowing that the barge does not have any
power of its own and is totally defenseless from the ravages of the sea. That it was
nighttime and, therefore, the members of the crew of a tugboat would be charging
overtime pay did not excuse TVI from calling for one such tugboat.

Should Prudent be made likewise liable? If at all, that liability could only be for
tort under the provisions of Article 2176 and related provisions, in conjunction
with Article 2180 of the Civil Code. x x x [O]ne might ask further, how then
must the liability of the common carrier, on one hand, and an independent
contractor, on the other hand, be described? It would be solidary. A
contractual obligation can be breached by tort and when the same act or
omission causes the injury, one resulting in culpa contractual and the other in
culpa aquiliana, Article 2194 of the Civil Code can well apply. In fine, a liability
for tort may arise even under a contract, where tort is that which breaches the
contract. Stated differently, when an act which constitutes a breach of contract
would have itself constituted the source of a quasi-delictual liability had no
contract existed between the parties, the contract can be said to have been
breached by tort, thereby allowing the rules on tort to apply.

CINCO v Petitioner filed a complaint in the City Court for Whether or not there can The concept of quasi-delict enunciated in Article 2176 of the New Civil Code is so
CANONOY recovery of damages on account of a vehicular be an independent civil broad that it includes not only injuries to persons but also damage to property. It
accident involving his car and a jeepney driven by action for damage to makes no distinction between "damage to persons" on the one hand and "damage to
respondent Romeo Hilot and operated by property during the property" on the other. The word "damage" is used in two concepts: the "harm" done
respondents Valeriana Pepito and Carlos Pepito. pendency of the criminal and "reparation" for the harm done. And with respect to "harm" it is plain that it
Subsequently, a criminal case was filed against the action? includes both injuries to person and property since "harm" is not limited to personal
driver. At the pre-trial of the civil case counsel for but also to property injuries. An example of quasi-delict in the law itself
the respondents moved for the suspension of the which includes damage to property in Article 2191(2) of the Civil Code which holds
civil action pending determination of the criminal proprietors responsible for damages caused by excessive smoke which may be
case invoking Section 3(b), Rule 111 of the harmful "to person or property". Respondent Judge gravely abused his discretion in
Rules of Court. The City Court granted the motion upholding the decision of the city court suspending the civil action based on quasi-

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under Atty. Nelson Logronio
By: Dennie Vieve Idea & Robert V. Bulayungan, Jr.
(New Era University College of Law)
and ordered the suspension of the civil case. delict until after the criminal action is finally terminated.

Petitioner elevated the matter on certiorari to the On Articles 32176 and 2180 of the New Civil Code which is quasi-delictual in
Court of First Instance, alleging that the City Judge nature and character. Liability being predicated on quasi-delict , the civil case may
acted with grave abuse of discretion in suspending proceed as a separate and independent court action as specifically provided for in
the civil action for being contrary to law and Article 2177. Section 3 (b), Rule 111 of the Rules of Court refers to "other civil
jurisprudence. The Court of First Instance dismissed actions arising from cases not included in Section 2 of the same rule" in which,
the petition; hence, this petition to review on "once the criminal action has been commenced, no civil action arising from the same
certiorari. offense can be prosecuted and the same shall be suspended in whatever stage it may
be found, until final judgment in the criminal proceeding has been rendered".
The civil action referred to in Section 2(a) and 3(b), Rule 11 of the Rules of Court
which should be suspended after the criminal action has been instituted is that
arising from the criminal offense and not the civil action based on quasi delict.
Nancy GO v CA In 1981, Hermogenes Ong and Jane Ong contracted Whether or not petitioners ART. 1883. If an agent acts in his own name, the principal has no right of action
with Nancy Go for the latter to film their wedding. acted only as agents of a against the persons with whom the agent has contracted; neither have such persons
After the wedding, the newlywed inquired about certain Pablo Lim and, as against the principal. In such case the agent is the one directly bound in favor of the
their wedding video but Nancy Go said it’s not yet such, should not have been person with whom he has contracted, as if the transaction were his own, except
ready. She advised them to return for the wedding held liable? when the contract involves things belonging to the principal.
video after their honeymoon. The newlywed did so
but only to find out that Nancy Go can no longer Petitioners argument, using the above provision, that since the video equipment used
produce the said wedding video because the copy belonged to Lim and thus the contract was actually entered into between private
has been erased. respondents and Lim is not deserving of any serious consideration.

The Ongs then sued Nancy Go for damages. In the instant case, the contract entered into is one of service, that is, for the video
Nancy’s husband, Alex Go, was impleaded. The coverage of the wedding. Consequently, it can hardly be said that the object of the
trial court ruled in favor of the spouses Ong and contract was the video equipment used. The use by petitioners of the video
awarded in their favor, among others, P75k in moral equipment of another person is of no consequence.
damages. In her defense on appeal, Nancy Go said: xxxxx
that they erased the video tape because as per the Article 1170 of the Civil Code provides that those who in the performance of their
terms of their agreement, the spouses are supposed obligations are guilty of fraud, negligence or delay, and those who is any manner
to claim their wedding tape within 30 days after the contravene the tenor thereof, are liable for damages.
wedding, however, the spouses neglected to get said
wedding tape because they only made their claim In the instant case, petitioners and private respondents entered into a contract
after two months; that her husband should not be whereby, for a fee, the former undertook to cover the latter’s wedding and deliver to
impleaded in this suit. them a video copy of said event. For whatever reason, petitioners failed to provide
private respondents with their tape. Clearly, petitioners are guilty of contravening
their obligation to said private respondents and are thus liable for damages.

17 | P a g e
under Atty. Nelson Logronio
By: Dennie Vieve Idea & Robert V. Bulayungan, Jr.
(New Era University College of Law)
Finally, petitioner Alex Go questions the finding of the trial and appellate courts
holding him jointly and severally liable with his wife Nancy regarding the pecuniary
liabilities imposed. He argues that when his wife entered into the contract with
private respondent, she was acting alone for her sole interest.[12]

We find merit in this contention. Under Article 117 of the Civil Code (now Article
73 of the Family Code), the wife may exercise any profession, occupation or engage
in business without the consent of the husband. In the instant case, we are convinced
that it was only petitioner Nancy Go who entered into the contract with private
respondent. Consequently, we rule that she is solely liable to private respondents for
the damages awarded below, pursuant to the principle that contracts produce effect
only as between the parties who execute them
AIR FRANCE v. Plaintiff, a civil engineer, was a member of a group Whether or not petitioners Using Article 2219 (10) of the Civil Code, a contract to transport passengers is quite
RAFAEL of 48 Filipino pilgrims that left Manila for Lourdes violated the contract of different in kind and degree from any other contractual relation. And this, because
CARRASCOSO on March 30, 1958. carriage? of the relation which an air-carrier sustains with the public. Its business is mainly
with the travelling public. It invites people to avail of the comforts and advantages it
The defendant, Air France, through its authorized offers. The contract of air carriage, therefore, generates a relation attended with a
agent, Philippine Air Lines, Inc., issued to plaintiff public duty. Neglect or malfeasance of the carrier's employees, naturally, could give
a "first class" round trip airplane ticket from Manila ground for an action for damages.
to Rome. From Manila to Bangkok, plaintiff
travelled in "first class", but at Bangkok, the Passengers do not contract merely for transportation. They have a right to be treated
Manager of the defendant airline forced plaintiff to by the carrier's employees with kindness, respect, courtesy and due consideration.
vacate the "first class" seat that he was occupying They are entitled to be protected against personal misconduct, injurious language,
because, in the words of the witness Ernesto G. indignities and abuses from such employees. So it is, that any rule or discourteous
Cuento, there was a "white man", who, the Manager conduct on the part of employees towards a passenger gives the latter an action for
alleged, had a "better right" to the seat. When asked damages against the carrier.
to vacate his "first class" seat, the plaintiff, as was
to be expected, refused, and told defendant's
Manager that his seat would be taken over his dead
body. After some commotion, plaintiff reluctantly
gave his "first class" seat in the plane.
RAFAEL pouses Rafael Zulueta and Telly Albert Zulueta, YES, plaintiff is entitled to damages. Firstly, plaintiff’s testimony about what he did
ZULUETA v with their daughter boarded a PANAM plane from upon reaching the beach is uncontradicted. Furthermore, there is absolutely no direct
PAN Honolulu to Manila, the first leg of which was evidence about said alleged quarrel. If such was true, surely, plaintiff would not
AMERICAN Wake Island. While on stopover, Mr. Zulueta found have walked back from the beach to the terminal before the plane had resumed its
the need to relieve himself and after finding the flight to Manila, thereby exposing his presence to the full view of those who were

18 | P a g e
under Atty. Nelson Logronio
By: Dennie Vieve Idea & Robert V. Bulayungan, Jr.
(New Era University College of Law)
terminal’s comfort rooms full, he walked down the looking for him.
beach to do his business. Meanwhile, the flight was
called and Mr. Zulueta’s absence was noticed. Anent the request of the common carrier to inspect the bags of plaintiff, it appears
Heading towards the ram, plaintiff remarked, “You that Captain Zentner received information that one of the passengers expressed a
people almost made me miss your flight. You have fear of a bomb on board the plane. As a result, he asked for the plaintiff’s bags to
a defective announcing system and I was not verify the bomb. Nevertheless, this claim is unfounded. The Captain failed to
paged.” explain why he seemingly assumed that the alleged apprehension of his information
was justified. Plaintiff himself intimated to them that he was well known to the US
Instead of allowing plaintiff to board the plane, State Department and that the Captain was not even aware of the informant’s name
however, the airport manager stopped plaintiff and or any circumstances which may substantiate the latter’s fear of a certain bomb.
asked him to surrender his baggages for inspection.
Refusing to comply with the order, plaintiff was not Defendants further argue that plaintiff was also guilty of contributory negligence for
allowed to board the plane. His wife and daughter failure to reboard the plane within the 30 minutes announced before the passengers
were able to proceed but were instructed to leave debarked therefrom. This may have justified a reduction of the damages had plaintiff
their baggages behind. been unwittingly left by the plane, owing to the negligence of PANAM personnel, or
even, wittingly, if he could not be found before the plane’s departure. It does not,
Plaintiff instituted present petition for recovery of and cannot have such justification in the case at bar, plaintiff having shown up
damages against respondents for breach of contract. before the plane had taken off and he having been off-loaded intentionally and with
The defendants, however, maintain that plaintiff’s malice.
reason for going to the beach was not to relieve
himself but because he had a quarrel with his wife. With all the foregoing, it is clear that plaintiff is entitled to damages from respondent
LOADMASTER Columbia insured its shipment of electric copper Whether or not YES, it is liable although not as an agent but a tortfeasor. Loadmasters’ claim that it
S CUSTOMS v cathodes with R&B Insurance. The shipment then Loadmasters is liable with was never privy to the contract entered into by Glodel with the consignee Columbia
GLODEL arrived at Manila. Columbia engaged Glodel for the Glodel? or R&B Insurance as subrogee, is not a valid defense. It may not have a direct
BROKERAGE withdrawal/release of the cargoes and their delivery contractual relation with Columbia, but it is liable for tort under the provisions of
to Columbia’s warehouses. In turn, Glodel engaged Article 2176 of the Civil Code on quasi-delicts.
the services of Loadmasters to transport the
cargoes. 12 trucks owned by Loadmasters driven This Court has previously held that a tort may arise despite the absence of a
by its employed drivers with its employed truck contractual relationship. The act that breaks the contract may be also a tort. In fine, a
helpers were tasked with the delivery. However, liability for tort may arise even under a contract, where tort is that which breaches
one truck failed to make the delivery. Later, the the contract. In connection, Art 2180 provides that employers shall be liable for the
truck was recovered but without the copper damages caused by their employees and household helpers acting within the scope
cathodes. Columbia claimed from its insurance with of their assigned tasks, even though the former are not engaged in any business or
R&B. industry.

The insurance company then filed damages against It is not disputed that the subject cargo was lost while in the custody of Loadmasters

19 | P a g e
under Atty. Nelson Logronio
By: Dennie Vieve Idea & Robert V. Bulayungan, Jr.
(New Era University College of Law)
both Glodel and Loadmasters. The RTC found whose employees (truck driver and helper) were instrumental in the hijacking or
Glodel liable. On appeal, the CA held that as agent robbery of the shipment. As employer, Loadmasters should be made answerable for
of Glodel, Loadmasters was likewise liable with the damages caused by its employees who acted within the scope of their assigned
Glodel, hence the petition to the SC. Loadmaster task of delivering the goods safely to the warehouse.
argued that it should not be held liable as agent of
Glodel. There is no contribution between joint tortfeasors whose liability is solidary since
both of them are liable for the total damage. Where the concurrent or successive
negligent acts or omissions of two or more persons, although acting independently,
are in combination the direct and proximate cause of a single injury to a third
person, it is impossible to determine in what proportion each contributed to the
injury and either of them is responsible for the whole injury. Where their concurring
negligence resulted in injury or damage to a third party, they become joint
tortfeasors and are solidarily liable for the resulting damage under Article 2194 of
the Civil Code.
HUANG v PHIL. This case involve petitioner who was invited by her Whether or not Respondent NO. Initially, Huang sued respondents mainly on account of their negligence but not
HOTELIERS friend to Dusit Hotel. She and her friend decided to Hotel is liable for damages on any breach of contract. Presently, she claims that her cause of action can be based
swim in the Hotel’s pool where the accident due to injuries incurred by both on quasi-delict and breach of contract. A perusal of the complaint evidently
happened. petitioner? shows that her cause of action was based solely on quasi-delict (negligence). It is
They exceeded on staying in the pool area. The 2 evident from the complaint and from her open court testimony that the reliance was
went to the shower room adjacent to the swimming on the alleged tortious acts committed against her by respondents, through their
pool to take a shower and dress up. When they management and staff. In quasi-delict, there is no presumption of negligence and it
came out of the bathroom, the entire swimming is incumbent upon the injured party to prove the negligence of the defendant,
pool area was already pitch black and there were the otherwise, the former‘s complaint will be dismissed.
only ones there. The doors were also locked. After
some time, Huang saw a phone behind the As Huang‘s cause of action is based on quasi-delict, it is incumbent upon her to
lifeguard‘s counter. As she went inside, the wooden prove the presence of the following requisites before respondents PHI and Dusit can
countertop fell on her head and knocked her down be held liable, to wit: (a) damages suffered by the plaintiff; (b) fault or negligence of
almost unconscious. the defendant, or some other person for whose acts he must respond; and (c) the
connection of cause and effect between the fault or negligence of the defendant and
the damages incurred by the plaintiff.

Second element is Absent.

In this case, Huang utterly failed to prove the alleged negligence of respondents.
Other than her self-serving testimony that all the lights in the hotel‘s swimming pool
area were shut off and the door was locked, which allegedly prompted her to find a
way out and in doing so a folding wooden counter top fell on her head causing her
injury, no other evidence was presented to substantiate the same. Even her own

20 | P a g e
under Atty. Nelson Logronio
By: Dennie Vieve Idea & Robert V. Bulayungan, Jr.
(New Era University College of Law)
companion during the night of the accident inside the hotel‘s swimming pool area
was never presented to corroborate her allegations.

Res Ipsa Loquitur & Respondeat Superior:

With regard to Huang‘s contention that the principles of res ipsa loquitur and
respondeat superior are applicable in this case, this Court holds otherwise.

Res ipsa loquitur - The doctrine finds no application if there is direct proof of
absence or presence of negligence. In the case at bench, even granting that
respondents‘ staff negligently turned off the lights and locked the door, the folding
wooden counter top would still not fall on Huang‘s head had she not lifted the same.
Records showed that she lifted the said folding wooden counter top that eventually
fell and hit her head.

Doctrine of respondeat superior – also finds no application in the absence of

any showing that the employees of respondents were negligent. Since in this
case, the trial court and the CA found no negligence on the part of the employees of
respondents, thus, the latter cannot also be held liable for negligence.
Third element: On the issue on whether Huang‘s debilitating and permanent
injuries were the result of the accident she suffered at the hotel‘s swimming pool
area, the Court holds that there is no cogent reason to depart from the lower courts‘

21 | P a g e
under Atty. Nelson Logronio
By: Dennie Vieve Idea & Robert V. Bulayungan, Jr.
(New Era University College of Law)
REYES v This case involves a criminal case against Romeo DOUBLE RECOVERY
PEOPLE Dunca, driver of Petitioner Reyes Trucking
Corporation. In negligence cases, the aggrieved party has the choice between (1) an action under
Article 100 for civil liability and (2) separate action for quasi-delict under Article
Upon arraignment, the offended parties made a 2176. Once the choice is made, the injured party cannot avail himself of any other
reservation to file a separate civil action against the remedy because he may not recover damages twice for the same act.
accused from the offense charged. The parties also
filed a complaint against petitioner, as employer of In this case, the offended parties elected to file separate civil action against
the Dunca, based on quasi-delict. petitioner for quasi-delict. Under the law, the vicarious liability of employee is
founded on at least 2 specific provisions:
Later on, private respondents withdrew the
reservation to file separate civil action and (1) Art. 2176 in relation to Art. 2180 – allows an action against employer and
manifested that they would prosecute the civil necessitate only preponderance of evidence – here, the liability is direct
aspect in the criminal action but they did not and primary – does not require the employee to be insolvent since the
withdraw the separate civil action based on quasi- liability is SOLIDARY
delict against the petitioner as employer.
(2) Article 103 of the RPC, in which the employer may be held liable when the
The trial court rendered Dunca guilty for the crime employee is convicted of a crime done in performance of his work and is
and ordered petitioner to pay for damages and insolvent.
dismissed the civil case under Art. 2176. From this
decision, private respondents moved for amendment HELD:
of the dispositive portion as to hold petitioner liable
subsidiarily in the event of the accused’s 1. Petitioner may not be held subsidiarily liable for damages because of the
insolvency. This was considered. foiling of a separate civil action based on 2176 – in view of the reservation
to file, the subsequent filing of the civil action, the same was not instituted
During the pendency of the case, the accused with the criminal action.
jumped bail and fled to a foreign country; the CA
dismissed petitioner’s appeal. Hence this case. 2. Likewise, the award of damages in the criminal case was improper because
the civil action for recovery of civil liability was waived in the criminal
action by the filing of a separate civil action against the employer.
BASILIO v CA In this case, petitioner’s driver/employee was Requisites of Article 103 of the RPC to warrant subsidiary liability
convicted of the crime of Reckless Imprudence
resulting in damage to property with double 1. Existence of an employer-employee relationship
homicide and double physical injuries. 2. The employer is engaged in some kind of industry
3. The employee is adjudged guilty of the wrongful act and committed in the
When the conviction became final, petitioner filed a discharge of his duties
“Special Appearance and Motion for 4. Said employee is insolvent

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under Atty. Nelson Logronio
By: Dennie Vieve Idea & Robert V. Bulayungan, Jr.
(New Era University College of Law)
Reconsideration” praying that the judgement be set
aside in so far as it affected him and subjected him INSTANCES WHEN EMPLOYER-EMPLOYEE RELATIONSHIP MAY BE
to subsidiary liability for the civil aspect of the case. PROVEN:
This was denied and a writ of execution of award of
civil indemnity was issued. 1. During the criminal proceeding
2. During the proceeding in the execution of judgement
Hence, this case. In both instances, petitioner must be given the opportunity to be heard which is the
essence of due process.
Petitioner asserts that he was not given the
opportunity to be heard by the trial court to prove In this case, Petitioner knew of the criminal case that was filed against accused
the absence of an employer-employee relationship because it was his truck that was involved in the incident. Further, it was the
between him and accused. Nor that, alternatively, insurance company, with which his truck was insured, that provided the counsel for
the accused was not lawfully discharging duties as the accused, pursuant to the stipulations in their contract. Petitioner did not intervene
an employee at the time of the incident. While these in the criminal proceedings, despite knowledge, through counsel, that the
assertions are not moved, we shall give them due prosecution adduced evidence to show employer-employee relationship. With the
consideration. convicts application for probation, the trial courts judgment became final and
executory. All told, it is our view that the lower court did not err when it found that
petitioner was not denied due process. He had all his chances to intervene in the
criminal proceedings, and prove that he was not the employer of the accused, but he
chooses not to intervene at the appropriate time.
CASTILEX v Romeo So Vasquez, was driving a Honda Whether or not Castilex is NO. Article 2180, par. 4 and 5, applies to employers.
VASQUEZ motorcycle and Benjamin Abad manager of vicariously liable for the
Castilex Industrial, registered owner of the Toyota death resulting from the Par. 4, to owners and managers of an establishment or enterprise and Par. 5, to
Hi-Lux Pick-up. They collided with each other negligent operation by employers in general, whether or not engaged in any business or industry. Par. 4
causing severe injuries because the latter Abad of a company-issued covers negligent acts of employees committed either in the service of the branches
overlapped the former’s path. Vasquez died. Sps. vehicle outside working or on the occasion of their functions, while the Par. 5 encompasses negligent acts of
Vasquez, parents of the deceased filed a suit. RTC hours? employees acting within the scope of their assigned task.
ruled in favor of the spouses and ordered Abad and
Castilex Industrial to pay damages. CA affirmed. In the case at bar, it is undisputed that ABAD did some overtime and thereafter went
to Goldie's Restaurant, which is about seven km away from the place of business. At
the Goldie's Restaurant, ABAD took some snacks and had a chat with friends. It was
when ABAD was leaving the restaurant that the incident in question occurred. To
the mind of this Court, ABAD was engaged in affairs of his own or was
carrying out a personal purpose not in line with his duties at the time he
figured in a vehicular accident. It was then about 2am, way beyond the normal
working hours. ABAD's working day had ended and his overtime work had already
been completed.

23 | P a g e
under Atty. Nelson Logronio
By: Dennie Vieve Idea & Robert V. Bulayungan, Jr.
(New Era University College of Law)
FILAMER Daniel Funtecha was a working student at the The present case does not deal with a labor dispute on conditions of employment
CHRISTIAN Filamer Christian Institute. He was assigned as the between an alleged employee and an alleged employer. It invokes a claim brought
INSTITUTE v school janitor to clean the school 2 hours every by one for damages for injury caused by the patently negligent acts of a person,
CA morning. Allan Masa was the son of the school against both doer-employee and his employer. Hence, the reliance on the
president and at the same time he was the school’s implementing rule on labor to disregard the primary liability of an employer under
jeepney service driver. On October 20, 1977 at Article 2180 of the Civil Code is misplaced. An implementing rule on labor cannot
about 6:30pm, after driving the students to their be used by an employer as a shield to void liability under the substantive provisions
homes, Masa returned to the school to report and of the Civil Code.
thereafter have to go home with the jeep so that he
could fetch the students early in the morning Funtecha is an employee of Filamer. He need not have an official appointment for a
driver’s position in order that Filamer may be held responsible for his grossly
Funtecha had a student driver’s license so Masa let negligent act, it being sufficient that the act of driving at the time of the incident was
him take the driver’s seat. While Funtecha was for the benefit of Filamer (the act of driving the jeep from the school to Masa’s
driving, he accidentally hit an elderly Kapunan house is beneficial to the school because this enables Masa to do a timely school
which led to his hospitalization for 20 days. transportation service in the morning). Hence, the fact that Funtecha was not the
school driver or was not acting with the scope of his janitorial duties does not relieve
Kapunan filed a criminal case and an independent Filamer of the burden of rebutting the presumption juris tantum that there was
civil action based on Article 2180 against Funtecha. negligence on its part either in the selection of a servant or employee, or in the
supervision over him. Filamer has failed to show proof of its having exercised the
required diligence of a good father of a family over its employees Funtecha and
PHI. RABBIT v Pineda recklessly drove a freight truck [owned by WON the terms NO.
PHIL. AM Phil-American Forwarders] along the national "employers" and "owners
FORWARDERS highway at Pampanga, and the truck bumped the and managers of an Those terms do not include the manager of a corporation. It may be gathered
PRBL bus driven by Pangalangan. As a result, establishment or from the context of NCC 2180 that the term "manager" ("director" in the Spanish
Pangalangan suffered injuries and the bus was enterprise" embrace the version) is used in the sense of "employer".
damaged and could not be used for 79 days, thus manager of a corporation
depriving PRBL of earnings amounting to owning a truck, the Hence, no tortious or quasi-delictual liability can be imposed on Balingit as manager
P8,665.51. Balingit was the manager of Phil- reckless operation of which of Phil-American Forwarders, in connection with the vehicular accident in question,
American Forwarders. allegedly resulted in the because he himself may be regarded as an employee or dependiente of Phil-
vehicular accident from American Forwarders.
PRBL and Pangalangan filed a complaint for which the damage arose?
damages against Phil-American Forwarders,
Balingit, and Pineda. Defendants said Balingit was
not Pineda's employer.
MERRITT v Merrit was riding a motorcycle along Padre Faura 1. Did the Government, in 1. By consenting to be sued a state simply waives its immunity from suit. It does not
GOVT Street when he was bumped by the ambulance of enacting the Act 2457, thereby concede its liability to plaintiff, or create any cause of action in his favor, or

24 | P a g e
under Atty. Nelson Logronio
By: Dennie Vieve Idea & Robert V. Bulayungan, Jr.
(New Era University College of Law)
the General Hospital. Merrit sustained severe simply waive its immunity extend its liability to any cause not previously recognized. It merely gives a remedy
injuries rendering him unable to return to work. from suit or did it also to enforce a preexisting liability and submits itself to the jurisdiction of the court,
The legislature later enacted Act 2457 authorizing concede its liability to the subject to its right to interpose any lawful defense.
Merritt to file a suit against the Government in plaintiff?
order to fix the responsibility for the collision 2. Under the Civil Code, the state is liable when it acts through a special agent,
between his motorcycle and the ambulance of the 2. Is the Government liable but not when the damage should have been caused by the official to whom properly
General Hospital, and to determine the amount of for the negligent act of the it pertained to do the act performed.
the damages, if any, to which he is entitled. driver of the ambulance?
A special agent is one who receives a definite and fixed order or commission,
After trial, the lower court held that the collision foreign to the exercise of the duties of his office if he is a special official. This
was due to the negligence of the driver of the concept does not apply to any executive agent who is an employee of the acting
ambulance. It then determined the amount of administration and who on his own responsibility performs the functions which are
damages and ordered the government to pay the inherent in and naturally pertain to his office and which are regulated by law and the
same. regulations. The driver of the ambulance of the General Hospital was not a
special agent; thus the Government is not liable.
AMADORA v In April 1972, while the high school students of Whether or not Colegio de Yes. The Supreme Court made a re-examination of the provision on the last
CA Colegio de San Jose-Recoletos were in the school San Jose-Recoletos, an paragraph of Article 2180 which provides:
auditorium, a certain Pablito Daffon fired a gun. academic school, is liable
The stray bullet hit Alfredo Amadora. Alfredo died. under Article 2180 of the Lastly, teachers or heads of establishments of arts and trades shall be liable for
Daffon was convicted of reckless imprudence Civil Code for the tortuous damages caused by their pupils and students or apprentices so long as they remain
resulting in homicide. The parents of Alfredo sued act of its students? in their custody.
the school for damages under Article 2180 of the
Civil Code because of the school’s negligence. The Supreme Court said that it is time to update the interpretation of the above law
due to the changing times where there is hardly a distinction between schools of arts
The trial court ruled in favor of Amadora. The trial and trade and academic schools. That being said, the Supreme Court ruled that ALL
court ruled that the principal, the dean of boys, as schools, academic or not, may be held liable under the said provision of Article
well as the teacher-in-charge are all civilly liable. 2180.
The school appealed as it averred that when the
incident happened, the school year has already The Supreme Court however clarified that the school, whether academic or
ended. Amadora argued that even though the not, should not be held directly liable. Its liability is only subsidiary.
semester has already ended, his son was there in
school to complete a school requirement in his For non-academic schools, it would be the principal or head of school who
Physics subject. The Court of Appeals ruled in should be directly liable for the tortuous act of its students. This is because
favor of the school. The CA ruled that under the last historically, in non-academic schools, the head of school exercised a closer
paragraph of Article 2180, only schools of arts and administration over their students than heads of academic schools. In short, they are
trades (vocational schools) are liable not academic more hands on to their students.
schools like Colegio de San Jose-Recoletos.

25 | P a g e
under Atty. Nelson Logronio
By: Dennie Vieve Idea & Robert V. Bulayungan, Jr.
(New Era University College of Law)
For academic schools, it would be the teacher-in-charge who would be directly
liable for the tortuous act of the students and not the dean or the head of

The Supreme Court also ruled that such liability does not cease when the school
year ends or when the semester ends. Liability applies whenever the student is in
the custody of the school authorities as long as he is under the control and influence
of the school and within its premises, whether the semester has not yet begun or has
already ended at the time of the happening of the incident. As long as it can be
shown that the student is in the school premises in pursuance of a legitimate student
objective, in the exercise of a legitimate student right, and even in the enjoyment of
a legitimate student right, and even in the enjoyment of a legitimate student
privilege, the responsibility of the school authorities over the student continues.
Indeed, even if the student should be doing nothing more than relaxing in the
campus in the company of his classmates and friends and enjoying the ambience and
atmosphere of the school, he is still within the custody and subject to the discipline
of the school authorities under the provisions of Article 2180.

At any rate, the REMEDY of the teacher, to avoid direct liability, and for the school,
to avoid subsidiary liability, is to show proof that he, the teacher, exercised the
necessary precautions to prevent the injury complained of, and the school exercised
the diligence of a bonus pater familias.

In this case however, the Physics teacher in charge was not properly named, and
there was no sufficient evidence presented to make the said teacher-in-charge liable.
Absent the direct liability of the teachers because of the foregoing reason, the school
cannot be held subsidiarily liable too.
PALISOC v In March 1966, while Dominador Palisoc (16 years The Court holds that under the cited codal article, defendants head and teacher of
BRILLANTES old) was watching Virgilio Daffon and Desiderio the Manila Technical Institute (defendants Valenton and Quibulue,
Cruz work on a machine in their laboratory class in respectively) are liable jointly and severally for damages to plaintiffs-appellants
the Manila Technical Institute (a school of arts and for the death of the latter’s minor son at the hands of defendant Daffon at the
trades), Daffon scolded Palisoc for just standing school’s laboratory room.
around like a foreman. This caused Palisoc to
slightly slap the face of Daffon and a fistfight  No liability attaches to defendant Brillantes as a mere member of the
ensued between the two. Daffon delivered blows school’s board of directors. The school itself cannot be held similarly
that eventually killed Palisoc. The parents of liable, since it has not been properly impleaded as party defendant. While
Palisoc sued Daffon, the school president (Teodosio plaintiffs sought to so implead it, by impleading improperly defendant

26 | P a g e
under Atty. Nelson Logronio
By: Dennie Vieve Idea & Robert V. Bulayungan, Jr.
(New Era University College of Law)
Valenton), the instructor (Santiago Quibulue), and Brillantes, its former single proprietor, the lower court found that it had
the owner (Antonio Brillantes). The basis of the suit been incorporated since August 2, 1962, and therefore the school itself, as
against Valenton, Quibulue, and Brillantes was thus incorporated, should have been brought in as party defendant.
Article 2180 of the Civil Code.
 The rationale of such liability of school heads and teachers for the tortious
The lower court, as well as the CA, ruled that only acts of their pupils and students, so long as they remain in their custody, is
Daffon is liable for damages and that Valenton, that they stand, to a certain extent, as to their pupils and students, in loco
Quibulue, and Brillantes are not liable because parentis and are called upon to “exercise reasonable supervision over the
under Article 2180, they are only liable “so long as conduct of the child.”
they [the students] remain in their custody.” And
that this means, as per Mercado vs Court of  This is expressly provided for in Articles 349, 350 and 352 of the Civil
Appeals, that teachers or heads of establishments Code. In the law of torts, the governing principle is that the protective
are only liable for the tortious acts of their students custody of the school heads and teachers is mandatorily substituted for that
if the students are living and boarding with the of the parents, and hence, it becomes their obligation as well as that of the
teacher or other officials of the school – which school itself to provide proper supervision of the students’ activities during
Daffon was not. the whole time that they are at attendance in the school, including recess
time, as well as to take the necessary precautions to protect the students in
their custody from dangers and hazards that would reasonably be
anticipated, including injuries that some student themselves may inflict
willfully or through negligence on their fellow students.

 The lower court therefore erred in law in absolving defendants-school

officials on the ground that they could be held liable under Article 2180,
Civil Code, only if the student who inflicted the fatal fistblows on his
classmate and victim “lived and boarded with his teacher or the other
defendants officials of the school.” As stated above, the phrase used in the
cited article — “so long as (the students) remain in their custody” means
the protective and supervisory custody that the school and its heads and
teachers exercise over the pupils and students for as long as they are at
attendance in the school, including recess time. There is nothing in the law
that requires that for such liability to attach the pupil or student who
commits the tortious act must live and board in the school, as erroneously
held by the lower court, and the dicta in Mercado (as well as in Exconde)
on which it relied, must now be deemed to have been set aside by the
present decision.

 Defendants Valenton and Quibulue as president and teacher-in-charge of

27 | P a g e
under Atty. Nelson Logronio
By: Dennie Vieve Idea & Robert V. Bulayungan, Jr.
(New Era University College of Law)
the school must therefore be held jointly and severally liable for the quasi-
delict of their co-defendant Daffon in the latter’s having caused the death of
his classmate, the deceased Dominador Palisoc. The unfortunate death
resulting from the fight between the protagonists-students could have been
avoided, had said defendants but complied with their duty of providing
adequate supervision over the activities of the students in the school
premises to protect their students from harm, whether at the hands of fellow
students or other parties.
SALVOSA v IAC Baguio Colleges Foundation is an academic Whether or not BCF NO.
institution. However, it is also an institution of arts should be held subsidiarily
and trade because BCF has a full-fledged technical- liable? Teachers or heads of establishments of arts and trades are liable for "damages
vocational department offering Communication, caused by their pupils and students or apprentices, so long as they remain in their
Broadcast and Teletype Technician courses as well custody." The rationale of such liability is that so long as the student remains in
as Electronics Serviceman and Automotive the custody of a teacher, the latter "stands, to a certain extent, in loco parentis [as
Mechanics courses. to the student] and [is] called upon to exercise reasonable supervision over the
conduct of the [student]."
Within the premises of the BCF is an ROTC Unit.
The Baguio Colleges Foundation ROTC Unit had Likewise, "the phrase used in [Art. 2180 — 'so long as (the students) remain in their
Jimmy B. Abon as its duly appointed armorer. As custody means the protective and supervisory custody that the school and its heads
armorer of the ROTC Unit, Jimmy B. Abon and teachers exercise over the pupils and students for as long as they are at
received his appointment from the AFP. Not being attendance in the school, including recess time."
an employee of the BCF, he also received his salary
from the AFP, as well as orders from Captain In line with the case of Palisoc, a student not "at attendance in the school" cannot be
Roberto C. Ungos. Jimmy B. Abon was also a in "recess" thereat. A" recess," as the concept is embraced in the phrase "at
commerce student of the BCF. attendance in the school," contemplates a situation of temporary adjournment
of school activities where the student still remains within call of his mentor and
One day, in the parking space of BCF, Jimmy B. is not permitted to leave the school premises, or the area within which the
Abon shot Napoleon Castro a student of the school activity is conducted. Recess by its nature does not include dismissal.
University of Baguio with an unlicensed firearm Likewise, the mere fact of being enrolled or being in the premises of a school
which the former took from the armory of the without more does not constitute "attending school" or being in the "protective and
ROTC Unit of the BCF. As a result, Napoleon supervisory custody' of the school, as contemplated in the law.
Castro died and Jimmy B. Abon was prosecuted for,
and convicted of the crime of Homicide. Upon the foregoing considerations, we hold that Jimmy B. Abon cannot be
considered to have been "at attendance in the school," or in the custody of BCF,
Subsequently, the heirs of Napoleon Castro sued for when he shot Napoleon Castro. . Logically, therefore, petitioners cannot under Art.
damages, impleading Jimmy B. Abon and the BCF. 2180 of the Civil Code be held solidarity liable with Jimmy B. Abon for damages
resulting from his acts.

28 | P a g e
under Atty. Nelson Logronio
By: Dennie Vieve Idea & Robert V. Bulayungan, Jr.
(New Era University College of Law)

(ito yung di daw liable yung school kasi nung namaril sia nagtatrabaho na sia sa
ROTC unit and acted not as a student)
UNIVERSAL The chemical plant of Universal Aquarius, Inc. Whether Tan has cause of Employer's liability for acts of its employees attaches only when the tortious
AQUARIUS v (Universal) is adjacent to the depot of Marman action against Resources? conduct of the employee relates to, or is in the course of, his employment.
TAN Trading (Marman) owned by Conchita Tan. Q.C.
Human Resources Management Corporation NO. Tan has no cause of action against Resources. A thorough reading of the
(Resources) supplied Universal with manpower. allegations of the Complaint reveals that Tan's claim for damages clearly
Rodolfo Capocyan, claiming to be the general springs from the strike effected by the employees of Resources. It is settled that
counsel/national president of Obrero Pilipino - an employer's liability for acts of its employees attaches only when the tortious
Universal Aquarius Chapter, sent a Notice of Strike conduct of the employee relates to, or is in the course of, his employment.
to Universal.
The question then is whether, at the time of the damage or injury, the employee is
They picketed, barricaded and obstructed the entry engaged in the affairs or concerns of the employer or, independently, in that of his
and exit of Universal's chemical plant and own. An employer incurs no liability when an employee’s conduct, act or
intercepted Universal's delivery trucks. Marman's omission is beyond the range of employment. Unquestionably, when Resources'
depot, which adjoined Universal's plant, suffered a employees staged a strike, they were acting on their own, beyond the range of
similar fate. Universal and Tan filed a Complaint their employment.
against the strikers and Resources before the RTC
for breach of contract and damages suffered due to Thus, Resources cannot be held liable for damages caused by the strike staged by its
the disruption of their respective business employees. Hence, the petition was partially granted.
operations. Universal forged an Agreement (To End
Labor Dispute) with Obrero Pilipino.

Universal and Tan then filed a Notice of Dismissal

as against the strikers. Resources filed a motion to
dismiss but was denied by the RTC. The MR was
likewise denied. On appeal, CA dismissed the
complaint for lack of cause of action.
MERCURY This case involves the collision of a 16 wheeler Whether or not Petitioner Petitioner Mercury Drug as employer of Del Rosario is liable under Articles 2176
DRUG v DEL truck driven by the driver of petitioner Mercury should be held liable for and 2180.
ROSARIO drug and a Sedan causing paralysis to the driver. the negligence of its
It appears that at the time of the accident, the driver employee? The liability of the employer under Art. 2180 of the Civil Code is direct or
has no driver’s license. immediate. It is not conditioned on a prior recourse against the negligent employee,
or a prior showing of insolvency of such employee. It is also joint and solidary with
Respondents fault petitioner Del Rosario for the employee.
committing gross negligence and reckless

29 | P a g e
under Atty. Nelson Logronio
By: Dennie Vieve Idea & Robert V. Bulayungan, Jr.
(New Era University College of Law)
imprudence while driving, and petitioner Mercury To be relieved of liability, petitioner Mercury Drug should show that it exercised the
Drug for failing to exercise the diligence of a good diligence of a good father of a family, both in the selection of the employee and in
father of a family in the selection and supervision of the supervision of the performance of his duties.
its driver.
In contrast, petitioners allege that the immediate
and proximate cause of the accident was respondent In the selection of its prospective employees, the employer is required to examine
Stephen Huang’s recklessness. them as to their qualifications, experience, and service records.

The trial court, in its Decision dated September 29, With respect to the supervision of its employees, the employer should formulate
2004, found petitioners Mercury Drug and Del standard operating procedures, monitor their implementation, and impose
Rosario jointly and severally liable to pay disciplinary measures for their breach.
respondents actual, compensatory, moral and
exemplary damages, attorney’s fees, and litigation To establish compliance with these requirements, employers must submit concrete
expenses, which the CA affirmed with proof, including documentary evidence.
EQUITABLE On July 17, 1994, a Fuso Road Tractor driven by Whether or not the The Lease Agreement between petitioner and Edwin Lim stipulated that it is the
LEASING v Raul Tutor rammed into the house cum store of petitioner was liable for intention of the parties to enter into a finance lease agreement. Ownership of the
SUYOM Myrna Tamayo in Tondo, Manila. A portion of the damages based on quasi subject tractor was to be registered in the name of petitioner, until the value of the
house was destroyed which caused death and injury. delict for the negligent vehicle has been fully paid by Edwin Lim.
Tutor was charged with and later convicted of acts?
reckless imprudence resulting in multiple homicide Lim completed the payments to cover the full price of the tractor. Thus, a Deed of
and multiple physical injuries. Sale over the tractor was executed by petitioner in favor of Ecatine represented by
Edwin Lim. However, the Deed was not registered with the LTO.
Upon verification with the Land Transportation
Office, it was known that the registered owner of Petitioner is liable for the deaths and the injuries complained of, because it was the
the tractor was Equitable Leasing registered owner of the tractor at the time of the accident. The Court has
Corporation/leased to Edwin Lim. consistently ruled that, regardless of sales made of a motor vehicle, the
registered owner is the lawful operator insofar as the public and third persons
On April 15, 1995, respondents filed against Raul are concerned.
Tutor, Ecatine Corporation (Ecatine) and Equitable
Leasing Corporation (Equitable) a Complaint for Since Equitable remained the registered owner of the tractor, it could not
damages. escape primary liability for the deaths and the injuries arising from the
negligence of the driver.
The petitioner alleged that the vehicle had already
been sold to Ecatine and that the former was no
longer in possession and control thereof at the time

30 | P a g e
under Atty. Nelson Logronio
By: Dennie Vieve Idea & Robert V. Bulayungan, Jr.
(New Era University College of Law)
of the incident. It also claimed that Tutor was an
employee, not of Equitable, but of Ecatine.
FILCAR v Espinas, while driving, was hit by another car. The Whether Filcar, as Yes. Filcar, as registered owner, is deemed the employer of the driver, Floresca, and
ESPINAS other car escaped from the scene of the incident, but registered owner of the is thus vicariously liable under Article 2176 in relation with Article 2180 of the Civil
Espinas was able to get its plate number. motor vehicle which Code
figured in an accident, may
After verifying with the Land Transportation be held liable for the As a general rule, one is only responsible for his own act or omission. Thus, a
Office, Espinas learned that the owner of the other damages caused to person will generally be held liable only for the torts committed by himself and not
car, with plate number UCF-545, is Filcar. Espinas Espinas? by another. The law, however, provides for exceptions that an employer is made
filed a complaint for damages against the latter. vicariously liable for the tort committed by his employee. Article 2180 of the Civil
Code states:
Filcar argued that while it is the registered owner of
the car that hit and bumped Espinas’ car, the car Article 2180. The obligation imposed by Article 2176 is demandable not only for
was assigned to its Corporate Secretary Atty. one’s own acts or omissions, but also for those of persons for whom one is
Candido Flor, the husband of Carmen Flor. Filcar responsible.
further stated that when the incident happened, the
car was being driven by Atty. Flor’s personal Employers shall be liable for the damages caused by their employees and household
driver, Timoteo Floresca. helpers acting within the scope of their assigned tasks, even though the former are
not engaged in any business or industry.
Filcar denied any liability to Espinas and claimed
that the incident was not due to its fault or Under Article 2176, in relation with Article 2180, of the Civil Code, an action
negligence since Floresca was not its employee but predicated on an employee’s act or omission may be instituted against the employer
that of Atty. Flor. Filcar and Carmen Flor. who is held liable for the negligent act or omission committed by his employee.

It is well settled that in case of motor vehicle mishaps, the registered owner of the
motor vehicle is considered as the employer of the tortfeasor-driver, and is made
primarily liable for the tort committed by the latter under Article 2176, in relation
with Article 2180, of the Civil Code.

Filcar is not be permitted to evade its liability for damages by conveniently passing
on the blame to another party; in this case, its Corporate Secretary, Atty. Flor and his
alleged driver, Floresca.

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