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1. TujuanPenelitian / Purpose ------------------------------------------------------------------ 2

2. RumusanMasalah /StudyQuestions ------------------------------------------------------- 2

3. Hipotesis / Hypothesis------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2

4. Variabel / Variable ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2

5. AlatdanBahan / Materials ------------------------------------------------------------------- 3

6. Cara Kerja / Procedures ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 3

7. TabelPengamatandanGrafik/ Experimental Table and Chart ------------------------- 4

8. Kesimpulan / Conclusion -------------------------------------------------------------------- 4

9. Lampiran / Attachments ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 5

1. TujuanPenelitian / Purpose
a. Mengetahuipengaruhenzimkatalaseterhadap H2O2.
(The influence of the enzyme catalase against H2O2).
2. RumusanMasalah / Study Questions
a. Berapabesarpengaruh yang dihasilkanenzimkataleterhadaplarutan H2O2
sebelumditambahkanlarutandanfaktorlainnyasepertisuhudansetelah di
tambahkanlarutanseperti HCL danNaOH.
(How much influence that the enzyme catalase does toward the H2O2 both before and
after being added with HCL, NaOH, or even the temperature differences).
b. Seberapatinggiataurendahsuhu yang dihasilkan.
(How much the temperature that are produced).
3. Hipotesis / Hypothesis
a. Setiappenambahanfaktorfaktor lain dalamlarutan H2O2 akanmempengaruhikonsentrasi
O2 yang dihasilkandimana, konsentrasi O2 pada H2O2 + HCL> H202 + NaOH> H2O2
yang didinginkan> H2O2 yang dipanaskan, karena :
i. Enzimkatalaseakanbekerja optimal pada pH x<7,x>7
(Enzyme catalase will work better in the acidic and base condition than the
ii. Enzimkatalasetidakakanberkerja optimal
(Enzyme catalase won’t work properly in the high temperature because it will be
4. Variabel / Variable
a. Variable bebas / Independent variable
i. Dalampenelitianinivariabelbebasadalahpenambahankonsentrasi HCL, NaOH,
(In this experiment adding more concentration of HCL, NaoH, and temperature
before reaction are the independent variables).
b. Variabelterikat / Dependent variable
i. Dalampenelitianinivariabelterikatadalahbanyaknyagelembung, nyalaapi, volume
balon, dansuhu yang dihasilkan.
(In this experiment numbers of bubles, fire, balloon volume, and temperature
after the reaction are the dependent variable).

c. Variabel control / Control variable
i. Dalampenelitianinivariabel control adalahkonsentrasi H2O2
(In this experiment concentration of H2O2 and concentration of the chicken’s
liver extraction are the control variable.
5. Alatdanbahan / Materials
a. Rakdantabungreaksi (5), (Rack and five test tubes)
b. Pipettetes, (Pipettes)
c. Pembakarspirtus, (Methylated burner)
d. Bara lidi, (Sticks)
e. Spatula, (Spatula)
f. Gelaskimia, (Beaker)
g. Esbatu, (Ice cubes)
h. Ekstrakhatiayam, (Chicken’s liver extraction)
i. HidrogenPeroksida(H2O2),
j. NaOHdanHCL,
k. Tissue, dan
l. Balon. (Balloon)
6. Cara kerja / Procedures
a. Ambillahduasendok spatula exstrakhatikemudiantuangkankedalamtabungreaksi.
(take 2 spoon of the extraction then put it into all 5 tubes).
b. Tambahkan HCL padatabung 2, NaOHpadatabung 3, bakartabung 4 hinggamendidih,
sertaletakkantabung 5 kedalamgelaskimia yang telahberisikanesbatu.
(add the HCL into tube 2, NaOH into tube 3, burn the tube 4, and put the tube 5 into the
ice cube).
c. Kemudian, tuangkan H2O2 sebanyak 10
(after 5 minutes, put the H2O2 ten drops into all the tube then cover the mouth of the tube
with balloon).
d. Amati pertambahan volume balondanujilahmasing –
(look at the balloon volume and then test the O2 by putting in the flammable sticks).
e. Catathasilpengamatan.
(write down the data).

7. Tabelpengamatan / Experimental table

Larutan Gelembung Nyalaapi Volume balon Suhu

A H2O2 ++ +++ ++ 27ºC
B HCL +++ +++ +++ 27ºC
C NaOH + ++ + 27ºC
D Dipanaskan + ++ ++ 27ºC
E Didinginkan ++ ++ + 7ºC

Ekstrak Hati
Gelembung Nyala api Balon Suhu





H2O2 HCL NaOH Dipanaskan Didinginkan

Ket: a) 1  + ; 2  ++ ; 3  +++
b) 1 dingin ; 3 panas

8. Kesimpulan / Conclusion
a. Faktor yang mempengaruhikerjaenzimkatalasediantaranya :
i. Suhu: dimanaenzimkatalasetidakakanbekerjasecara optimal
ii. Begitu pula faktorpH.Enzimkatalaseakanbekerja optimal pada pH netral.
iii. Konsentrasienzim.Padaumumnyakonsentrasienzimberbandinglurusdengan
b. Enzimkatalaseberperanmenguraikanracundari H2O2 menjadi H2O dan O2
[ 2H2O2  2H2O + O2 ]

9. Lampiran / attachment

Figure 1Balloon with HCL in it

Figure 2 Burning process of the tube 4th

Figure 3 Flaming process


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