Critical Review 2

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Critically reviewed article: Bukhari A. A. (2007).

Investigation of the electro-coagulation treatment

process for the removal of total suspended solids and turbidity from municipal wastewater. Bioresource
Technology, 99(2008), 914–921. doi:10.1016/j.biortech.2007.03.015

Reviewed by: Submission Date: 10/22/2018

Submitted to:

Summary: The article, “Investigation of the electro-coagulation treatment process for the removal of
total suspended solids and turbidity from municipal wastewater” by Alaadin A. Bukhari investigated the
removal efficiency of total suspended solids (TSS), turbidity, and particulate BOD (pBOD) of raw
municipal wastewater by electro-coagulation method. Batch experiments were accomplished using
stainless steel as iron electrode. The variation of TSS, turbidity and pBOD removal efficiency were
investigated obtaining different current and contact time of the electrode. The study showed that the
amount of iron generated dominate the removal efficiency of the TSS and turbidity whereas pBOD
removal is function of TSS removal. The results concluded that sweep-floc coagulation is the dominant
removal mechanism when higher current is applied whereas in lower currents, the removal is consistent
using charge neutralization coagulation mechanism.

Introduction: The objective of this work was to investigate the removal efficiencies of the TSS, turbidity
and pBOD of wastewater by obtaining electro coagulation method. The removal efficiencies were
assessed by varying current and contact time of the iron electrode. The objectives of the study are clearly
aligned with the abstract. Unfortunately, the author didn’t mention the pBOD removal in the title which
was one of the main objectives described in this study. The information provided clearly stated the
background in a sequential order and the necessity for conducting the study. The author provided
sufficient background information of the mechanism obtained in this study and the previous works related
to this mechanism done in the past which probably ensures the originality of this study. In addition, the
author clearly stated the necessity to look for an alternative process, in this study electro-coagulation
mechanism over conventional treatment facilities for the removal of TSS, turbidity and pBOD.

Methods: The method obtained in this study for the removal of the TSS, turbidity and pBOD of
wastewater is valid to study the removal efficiency of these parameters in this alternative mechanisms.
Author clearly described the experimental setup in brief but the procedures were clear and adequate
enough to duplicate the methods in laboratory. Although analytical procedure for measuring BOD is cited
accordingly but the analysis of TSS describe in method is not clear enough. In addition, author didn’t
mention the turbidity measuring procedures in the method. Furthermore, the temperature at which the
batch experiments were conducted was not mentioned in the anywhere. Temperature could play a major
role in removal efficiency. The sample selected for the study originated from the raw municipal
wastewater in which constituents are high in terms of TSS, turbidity, particulate BOD chloride
concentrations which facilitated the study. It can be stated that the sample selection for the study was

Results: The authors represented the removal efficiencies varying the contact time, current and amount of
iron produced. Author also showed the correlation between BOD and TSS removal efficiency. The
reasons for the correlation found between the parameters were also adequately explained. The only table
showed in the study is adequate and it clearly showed the characteristics of the wastewater samples. All
the figures except Fig.6 and Fig. 9 are self-explanatory and they were persuasive. The legends, formatting
and captions are clear and persuasive. Although Fig. 9 was clearly explained, the explanation of Fig. 6 is
missing. Fig. 6 is a schematic diagram of coagulation curves that was obtained from another study.
Author should clearly explain the diagram for the convenience of the reader to understand the expression
of S1, S2, S3 and S4.
Discussion: Overall interpretation of the results is concisely described in appropriate order. The results
were not repeated in the discussion. The interpretations of the result were clear and adequate. To support
author’s finding, other research were cited. Hence, this study considered the key studies in the field. One
flaw that can be weak the feasibility of the study is the final pH of the effluent. As discussed in the
literature that from the anode, Fe+2 will be released which has the potential to decrease the pH. The author
didn’t mention the drop of pH after the removal is done. Depending on the drop of the pH, it could
increase the cost to neutralize the effluent prior to discharge which eventually may increase the overall

Conclusion: The author summarized the results and interpreted the findings in a precise and conclusive
manner in this section. The study showed the effect of electro-coagulation on TSS, turbidity and pBOD
removal depend on various factors. In the conclusion, the author accurately summarized the findings and
interpreted the efficient way to remove TSS, turbidity and pBOD from the wastewater in this mechanism.
The main strength of the research is the removal efficiency it showed is pretty impressive. The author
claimed that it could be an efficient way to remove solids and BOD in relatively low cost as conventional
treatment plants required high energy cost. Since in this study electricity is being used to enhance the
removal efficiency, the overall cost or reduction of the cost than conventional treatment plant is unknown.
Further study is required to bolster the feasibility and applicability of electro-coagulation method to
remove these parameters not only in terms of removal efficiency and cost association but also
environmental impacts. By doing life cycle assessment (LCA) in terms of cost and environmental impacts
of the materials and electricity consumed, it can be concluded that whether this mechanism is more
applicable than conventional treatment methods.

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