Political Law Case Digests 2

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Republicanism encroachment over the powers and functions

Separation of powers of the Executive Branch headed by the

President of the Philippines?
MMDA v. Concerned Residents of Manila
Bay, G.R. Nos. 171947-48, February 15, Ruling: No. The case is now in the execution
2011 phase of the final and executory December 18,
2008 Decision. The Manila Bay Advisory
Doctrine: Separation of Powers; The issuance
of subsequent resolutions by the Court setting Committee was created to receive and evaluate
time frames be set for the executive agencies the quarterly progressive reports on the
to perform their assigned tasks pursuant to activities undertaken by the agencies in
earlier decision of the Court is simply an accordance with said decision and to monitor
exercise of judicial power under Art. VIII of the the execution phase. In the absence of specific
Constitution, because the execution of the completion periods, the Committee
Decision is but an integral part of the recommended that time frames be set for the
adjudicative function of the Court, not an agencies to perform their assigned tasks. This
encroachment by the Court over executive may be viewed as an encroachment over the
powers and functions. powers and functions of the Executive Branch
headed by the President of the Philippines. This
FACTS: This was a Resolution of the SC for the view is misplaced. The issuance of subsequent
enforcement of its Decision on the resolutions by the Court is simply an exercise of
environmental case filed by the concerned judicial power under Art. VIII of the Constitution,
residents of Manila Bay, ordering various because the execution of the Decision is but an
government agencies to clean up, rehabilitate integral part of the adjudicative function of the
and preserve Manila Bay, and restore and Court. None of the agencies ever questioned
maintain its water to make it fit for swimming, the power of the Court to implement the
skin-diving, and other forms of contact December 18, 2008 Decision nor has any of
recreation. The defendant government them raised the alleged encroachment by the
agencies failed to appeal on such decision, Court over executive functions. While additional
hence, it became final and executory. The final activities are required of the agencies like
and executory decision provide, among others, submission of plans of action, data or status
that: (1) DENR is the primary agency to reports, these directives are but part and parcel
implement its operational plan for the Manila of the execution stage of a final decision under
Bay Coastal Strategy, (2) DILG shall exercise Rule 39 of the Rules of Court.
the general supervision and will formulate the
waste management program, (3) MWSS and -----------------------------------------------------------
LWUA to install and maintain waste water Belgica vs. Ochoa, Jr, G.R. No. 208566,
treatment, sewerage and sanitation facilities, November 19, 2013 (November 11 in SC
(4) DA to restore marine life, (5) PNP Maritime website)
Group to prevent marine pollution, (6) PPA to
adopt a measure to prevent discharge and FACTS: Before the Court are consolidated
dumping of ship-generated wastes, (7) MMDA petitions2 taken under Rule 65 of the Rules of
as the lead agency and implementor of program Court, all of which assail the constitutionality of
and projects including the establishment and the Pork Barrel System. Due to the complexity
maintenance of sanitary landfill, (8) DOH for of the subject matter, the Court shall heretofore
health concerns and (9) DBM for appropriation discuss the system‘s conceptual underpinnings
of funds. Further, the Manila Bay Advisory before detailing the particulars of the
Committee was created to receive and constitutional challenge. The Facts I. Pork
evaluate the quarterly progressive reports Barrel: General Concept. "Pork Barrel" is
on the activities undertaken by the said political parlance of American -English origin.3
agencies and to monitor the execution Historically, its usage may be traced to the
phase. In the absence of specific degrading ritual of rolling out a barrel stuffed
completion periods, the Committee with pork to a multitude of black slaves who
recommended that time frames be set for would cast their famished bodies into the
the agencies to perform their assigned porcine feast to assuage their hunger with
tasks. morsels coming from the generosity of their
well-fed master.4 This practice was later
ISSUE: Whether or not the setting of time frame compared to the actions of American legislators
for the concerned government agencies to in trying to direct federal budgets in favor of their
perform their assigned task is an districts.5 While the advent of refrigeration has

made the actual pork barrel obsolete, it persists increased tremendously,89 owing in no small
in reference to political bills that "bring home the part to previous Presidents who reportedly used
bacon" to a legislator‘s district and the "Pork Barrel" in order to gain congressional
constituents.6 In a more technical sense, "Pork support.90 It was in 1996 when the first
Barrel" refers to an appropriation of government controversy surrounding the "Pork Barrel"
spending meant for localized projects and erupted. Former Marikina City Representative
secured solely or primarily to bring money to a Romeo Candazo (Candazo), then an
representative's district.7Some scholars on the anonymous source, "blew the lid on the huge
subject further use it to refer to legislative sums of government money that regularly went
control of local appropriations.8 In the into the pockets of legislators in the form of
Philippines, "Pork Barrel" has been commonly kickbacks."91 He said that "the kickbacks were
referred to as lump-sum, discretionary funds of ‘SOP‘ (standard operating procedure) among
Members of the Legislature,9 although, as will legislators and ranged from a low 19 percent to
be later discussed, its usage would evolve in a high 52 percent of the cost of each project,
reference to certain funds of the Executive. which could be anything from dredging, rip
rapping, sphalting, concreting, and construction
II. History of Presidential Pork Barrel in the of school buildings."92 "Other sources of
Philippines. While the term "Pork Barrel" has kickbacks that Candazo identified were public
been typically associated with lump-sum, funds intended for medicines and textbooks. A
discretionary funds of Members of Congress, few days later, the tale of the money trail
the present cases and the recent controversies became the banner story of the Philippine Daily
on the matter have, however, shown that the Inquirer issue of August 13, 1996, accompanied
term‘s usage has expanded to include certain by an illustration of a roasted pig."93 "The
funds of the President such as the Malampaya publication of the stories, including those about
Funds and the Presidential Social Fund. On the congressional initiative allocations of certain
one hand, the Malampaya Funds was created lawmakers, including ₱3.6 Billion for a
as a special fund under Section 880 of Congressman, sparked public outrage."94
Presidential Decree No. (PD) 910,81 issued by Thereafter, or in 2004, several concerned
then President Ferdinand E. Marcos (Marcos) citizens sought the nullification of the PDAF as
on March 22, 1976. In enacting the said law, enacted in the 2004 GAA for being
Marcos recognized the need to set up a special unconstitutional. Unfortunately, for lack of "any
fund to help intensify, strengthen, and pertinent evidentiary support that illegal misuse
consolidate government efforts relating to the of PDAF in the form of kickbacks has become a
exploration, exploitation, and development of common exercise of unscrupulous Members of
indigenous energy resources vital to economic Congress," the petition was dismissed.95
growth.82 Due to the energy-related activities Recently, or in July of the present year, the
of the government in the Malampaya natural National Bureau of Investigation (NBI) began its
gas field in Palawan, or the "Malampaya Deep probe into allegations that "the government has
Water Gas-to-Power Project",83 the special been defrauded of some ₱10 Billion over the
fund created under PD 910 has been currently past 10 years by a syndicate using funds from
labeled as Malampaya Funds. On the other the pork barrel of lawmakers and various
hand the Presidential Social Fund was created government agencies for scores of ghost
under Section 12, Title IV84 of PD 1869,85 or projects."96 The investigation was spawned by
the Charter of the Philippine Amusement and sworn affidavits of six (6) whistle-blowers who
Gaming Corporation (PAGCOR). PD 1869 was declared that JLN Corporation – "JLN" standing
similarly issued by Marcos on July 11, 1983. for Janet Lim Napoles (Napoles) – had
More than two (2) years after, he amended PD swindled billions of pesos from the public
1869 and accordingly issued PD 1993 on coffers for "ghost projects" using no fewer than
October 31, 1985,86 amending Section 1287 of 20 dummy NGOs for an entire decade. While
the former law. As it stands, the Presidential the NGOs were supposedly the ultimate
Social Fund has been described as a special recipients of PDAF funds, the whistle-blowers
funding facility managed and administered by declared that the money was diverted into
the Presidential Management Staff through Napoles‘ private accounts.97 Thus, after its
which the President provides direct assistance investigation on the Napoles controversy,
to priority programs and projects not funded criminal complaints were filed before the Office
under the regular budget. It is sourced from the of the Ombudsman, charging five (5)
share of the government in the aggregate gross lawmakers for Plunder, and three (3) other
earnings of PAGCOR. lawmakers for Malversation, Direct Bribery, and
III. Controversies in the Philippines. Over the Violation of the Anti-Graft and Corrupt Practices
decades, "pork" funds in the Philippines have Act. Also recommended to be charged in the

complaints are some of the lawmakers‘ chiefs - Funds. ● Procurement by the NGOs, as well as
of-staff or representatives, the heads and other some implementing agencies, of goods and
officials of three (3) implementing agencies, services reportedly used in the projects were
and the several presidents of the NGOs set up not compliant with law. As for the "Presidential
by Napoles.98 On August 16, 2013, the Pork Barrel", whistle-blowers alleged that" at
Commission on Audit (CoA) released the least ₱900 Million from royalties in the
results of a three-year audit operation of the Malampaya gas project off
investigation99covering the use of legislators' Palawan province intended for agrarian reform
PDAF from 2007 to 2009, or during the last beneficiaries has gone into a dummy NGO."104
three (3) years of the Arroyo administration. According to incumbent CoA Chairperson
The purpose of the audit was to determine the Maria Gracia Pulido Tan (CoA Chairperson),
propriety of releases of funds under PDAF and the CoA is, as of this writing, in the process of
the Various Infrastructures including Local preparing "one consolidated report" on the
Projects (VILP)100 by the DBM, the application Malampaya Funds.105 IV. The Procedural
of these funds and the implementation of Antecedents. Spurred in large part by the
projects by the appropriate implementing findings contained in the CoA Report and the
agencies and several government-owned-and- Napoles controversy, several petitions were
controlled corporations (GOCCs).101 The total lodged before the Court similarly seeking that
releases covered by the audit amounted to the "Pork Barrel System" be declared
₱8.374 Billion in PDAF and ₱32.664 Billion in unconstitutional. To recount, the relevant
VILP, representing 58% and 32%, respectively, procedural antecedents in these cases are as
of the total PDAF and VILP releases that were follows: On August 28, 2013, petitioner Samson
found to have been made nationwide during the S. Alcantara (Alcantara), President of the Social
audit period.102 Accordingly, the Co A‘s Justice Society, filed a Petition for Prohibition of
findings contained in its Report No. 2012-03 even date under Rule 65 of the Rules of Court
(CoA Report), entitled "Priority Development (Alcantara Petition), seeking that the "Pork
Assistance Fund (PDAF) and Various Barrel System" be declared unconstitutional,
Infrastructures including Local Projects (VILP)," and a writ of prohibition be issued permanently
were made public, the highlights of which are restraining respondents Franklin M. Drilon and
as follows:103 ● Amounts released for projects Feliciano S. Belmonte, Jr., in their respective
identified by a considerable number of capacities as the incumbent Senate President
legislators significantly exceeded their and Speaker of the House of Representatives,
respective allocations. ● Amounts were from further taking any steps to enact legislation
released for projects outside of legislative appropriating funds for the "Pork Barrel
districts of sponsoring members of the Lower System," in whatever form and by whatever
House. ● Total VILP releases for the period name it may be called, and from approving
exceeded the total amount appropriated under further releases pursuant thereto.106 The
the 2007 to 2009 GAAs. ● Infrastructure Alcantara Petition was docketed as G.R. No.
projects were constructed on private lots 208493. On September 3, 2013, petitioners
without these having been turned over to the Greco Antonious Beda B. Belgica, Jose L.
government. ● Significant amounts were Gonzalez, Reuben M. Abante, Quintin Paredes
released to implementing agencies without the San Diego (Belgica, et al.), and Jose M.
latter‘s endorsement and without considering Villegas, Jr. (Villegas) filed an Urgent Petition
their mandated functions, administrative and For Certiorari and Prohibition With Prayer For
technical capabilities to implement projects. ● The Immediate Issuance of Temporary
Implementation of most livelihood projects was Restraining Order (TRO) and/or Writ of
not undertaken by the implementing agencies Preliminary Injunction dated August 27, 2013
themselves but by NGOs endorsed by the under Rule 65 of the Rules of Court (Belgica
proponent legislators to which the Funds were Petition), seeking that the annual "Pork Barrel
transferred. System," presently embodied in the provisions
● The funds were transferred to the NGOs in of the GAA of 2013 which provided for the 2013
spite of the absence of any appropriation law or PDAF, and the Executive‘s lump-sum,
ordinance. ● Selection of the NGOs were not discretionary funds, such as the Malampaya
compliant with law and regulations. ● Eighty- Funds and the Presidential Social Fund,107 be
Two (82) NGOs entrusted with implementation declared unconstitutional and null and void for
of seven hundred seventy two (772) projects being acts constituting grave abuse of
amount to ₱6.156 Billion were either found discretion. Also, they pray that the Court issue
questionable, or submitted a TRO against respondents Paquito N. Ochoa,
questionable/spurious documents, or failed to Jr., Florencio B. Abad (Secretary Abad) and
liquidate in whole or in part their utilization of the Rosalia V. De Leon, in their respective

capacities as the incumbent Executive under the same provision; and (d) setting the
Secretary, Secretary of the Department of consolidated cases for Oral Arguments on
Budget and Management (DBM), and National October 8, 2013. On September 23, 2013, the
Treasurer, or their agents, for them to Office of the Solicitor General (OSG) filed a
immediately cease any expenditure under the Consolidated Comment (Comment) of even
aforesaid funds. Further, they pray that the date before the Court, seeking the lifting, or in
Court order the foregoing respondents to the alternative, the partial lifting with respect to
release to the CoA and to the public: (a) "the educational and medical assistance purposes,
complete schedule/list of legislators who have of the Court‘s September 10, 2013 TRO, and
availed of their PDAF and VILP from the years that the consolidated petitions be dismissed for
2003 to 2013, specifying the use of the funds, lack of merit.113 On September 24, 2013, the
the project or activity and the recipient entities Court issued a Resolution of even date
or individuals, and all pertinent data thereto"; directing petitioners to reply to the Comment.
and (b) "the use of the Executive‘s lump-sum, Petitioners, with the exception of Nepomuceno,
discretionary funds, including the proceeds filed their respective replies to the Comment:
from the x x x Malampaya Funds and (a) on September 30, 2013, Villegas filed a
remittances from the PAGCOR x x x from 2003 separate Reply dated September 27, 2013
to 2013, specifying the x x x project or activity (Villegas Reply); (b) on October 1, 2013,
and the recipient entities or individuals, and all Belgica, et al. filed a Reply dated September
pertinent data thereto."108 Also, they pray for 30, 2013 (Belgica Reply); and (c) on October 2,
the "inclusion in budgetary deliberations with 2013, Alcantara filed a Reply dated October 1,
the Congress of all presently off-budget, lump- 2013. On October 1, 2013, the Court issued an
sum, discretionary funds including, but not Advisory providing for the guidelines to be
limited to, proceeds from the Malampaya Funds observed by the qwould be able to competently
and remittances from the PAGCOR."109 The and completely answer questions related to,
Belgica Petition was docketed as G.R. No. among others, the budgeting process and its
208566. implementation. Further, the CoA Chairperson
Lastly, on September 5, 2013, petitioner Pedrito was appointed as amicus curiae and thereby
M. Nepomuceno (Nepomuceno), filed a Petition requested to appear before the Court during the
dated August 23, 2012 (Nepomuceno Petition), Oral Arguments. On October 8 and 10, 2013,
seeking that the PDAF be declared the Oral Arguments were conducted.
unconstitutional, and a cease and desist order Thereafter, the Court directed the parties to
be issued restraining President Benigno submit their respective memoranda within a
Simeon S. Aquino III (President Aquino) and period of seven (7) days, or until October 17,
Secretary Abad from releasing such funds to 2013, which the parties subsequently did.
Members of Congress and, instead, allow their ISSUE: Whether or not the 2013 PDAF Article
release to fund priority projects identified and and all other Congressional Pork Barrel Laws
approved by the Local Development Councils similar thereto are unconstitutional considering
in consultation with the executive departments, that they violate the principles of/constitutional
such as the DPWH, the Department of Tourism, provisions on (a) separation of powers
the Department of Health, the Department of RULING: 1. Separation of Powers. a.
Transportation, and Communication and the Statement of Principle. The principle of
National Economic Development Authority.111 separation of powers refers to the constitutional
The Nepomuceno Petition was docketed as demarcation of the three fundamental powers
UDK-14951.112 On September 10, 2013, the of government. In the celebrated words of
Court issued a Resolution of even date (a) Justice Laurel in Angara v. Electoral
consolidating all cases; (b) requiring public Commission,162 it means that the "Constitution
respondents to comment on the consolidated has blocked out with deft strokes and in bold
petitions; (c) issuing a TRO (September 10, lines, allotment of power to the executive, the
2013 TRO) enjoining the DBM, National legislative and the judicial departments of the
Treasurer, the Executive Secretary, or any of government."163 To the legislative branch of
the persons acting under their authority from government, through Congress,164belongs the
releasing (1) the remaining PDAF allocated to power to make laws; to the executive branch of
Members of Congress under the GAA of 2013, government, through the President,165
and (2) Malampaya Funds under the phrase belongs the power to enforce laws; and to the
"for such other purposes as may be hereafter judicial branch of government, through the
directed by the President" pursuant to Section Court,166 belongs the power to interpret laws.
8 of PD 910 but not for the purpose of "financing Because the three great powers have been, by
energy resource development and exploitation constitutional design, ordained in this respect,
programs and projects of the government‖ "each department of the government has

exclusive cognizance of matters within its view of the foregoing, the Legislative branch of
jurisdiction, and is supreme within its own government, much more any of its members,
sphere."167 Thus, "the legislature has no should not cross over the field of implementing
authority to execute or construe the law, the the national budget since, as earlier stated, the
executive has no authority to make or construe same is properly the domain of the Executive.
the law, and the judiciary has no power to make Again, in Guingona, Jr., the Court stated that
or execute the law."168 The principle of "Congress enters the picture when it
separation of powers and its concepts of deliberates or acts on the budget proposals of
autonomy and independence stem from the the President. Thereafter, Congress, "in the
notion that the powers of government must be exercise of its own judgment and wisdom,
divided to avoid concentration of these powers formulates an appropriation act precisely
in any one branch; the division, it is hoped, following the process established by the
would avoid any single branch from lording its Constitution, which specifies that no money
power over the other branches or the may be paid from the Treasury except in
citizenry.169 To achieve this purpose, the accordance with an appropriation made by
divided power must be wielded by co-equal law." Upon approval and passage of the GAA,
branches of government that are equally Congress‘ law -making role necessarily comes
capable of independent action in exercising to an end and from there the Executive‘s role of
their respective mandates. Lack of implementing the national budget begins. So as
independence would result in the inability of not to blur the constitutional boundaries
one branch of government to check the between them, Congress must "not concern it
arbitrary or self-interest assertions of another or self with details for implementation by the
others.170 Broadly speaking, there is a Executive.
violation of the separation of powers principle The foregoing cardinal postulates were
when one branch of government unduly definitively enunciated in Abakada where the
encroaches on the domain of another. US Court held that "from the moment the law
Supreme Court decisions instruct that the becomes effective, any provision of law that
principle of separation of powers may be empowers Congress or any of its members to
violated in two (2) ways: firstly, "one branch play any role in the implementation or
may interfere impermissibly with the other’s enforcement of the law violates the principle of
performance of its constitutionally assigned separation of powers and is thus
function";171 and "alternatively, the doctrine unconstitutional."177 It must be clarified,
may be violated when one branch assumes a however, that since the restriction only pertains
function that more properly is entrusted to to "any role in the implementation or
another."172 In other words, there is a violation enforcement of the law," Congress may still
of the principle when there is impermissible (a) exercise its oversight function which is a
interference with and/or (b) assumption of mechanism of checks and balances that the
another department‘s functions. The Constitution itself allows. But it must be made
enforcement of the national budget, as primarily clear that Congress‘ role must be confined to
contained in the GAA, is indisputably a function mere oversight. Any post-enactment-measure
both constitutionally assigned and properly allowing legislator participation beyond
entrusted to the Executive branch of oversight is bereft of any constitutional basis
government. In Guingona, Jr. v. Hon. and hence, tantamount to impermissible
Carague173 (Guingona, Jr.), the Court interference and/or assumption of executive
explained that the phase of budget execution functions. As the Court ruled in Abakada:178
"covers the various operational aspects of Any post-enactment congressional measure x x
budgeting" and accordingly includes "the x should be limited to scrutiny and
evaluation of work and financial plans for investigation.1âwphi1 In particular,
individual activities," the "regulation and release congressional oversight must be confined to the
of funds" as well as all "other related activities" following: (1) scrutiny based primarily on
that comprise the budget execution cycle.174 Congress‘ power of appropriation and the
This is rooted in the principle that the allocation budget hearings conducted in connection with
of power in the three principal branches of it, its power to ask heads of departments to
government is a grant of all powers inherent in appear before and be heard by either of its
them.175 Thus, unless the Constitution Houses on any matter pertaining to their
provides otherwise, the Executive department departments and its power of confirmation; and
should exclusively exercise all roles and (2) investigation and monitoring of the
prerogatives which go into the implementation implementation of laws pursuant to the power
of the national budget as provided under the of Congress to conduct inquiries in aid of
GAA as well as any other appropriation law. In legislation. Any action or step beyond that will

undermine the separation of powers or excess of jurisdiction and, hence, accorded
guaranteed by the Constitution. (Emphases the same unconstitutional treatment.
supplied) b. Application. The post-enactment That such informal practices do exist and have,
measures which govern the areas of project in fact, been constantly observed throughout
identification, fund release and fund the years has not been substantially disputed
realignment are not related to functions of here. As pointed out by Chief Justice Maria
congressional oversight and, hence, allow Lourdes P.A. Sereno (Chief Justice Sereno)
legislators to intervene and/or assume duties during the Oral Arguments of these cases:193
that properly belong to the sphere of budget Chief Justice Sereno: Now, from the responses
execution. Indeed, by virtue of the foregoing, of the representative of both, the DBM and two
legislators have been, in one form or another, (2) Houses of Congress, if we enforces the
authorized to participate in – as Guingona, Jr. initial thought that I have, after I had seen the
puts it – "the various operational aspects of extent of this research made by my staff, that
budgeting," including "the evaluation of work neither the Executive nor Congress frontally
and financial plans for individual activities" and faced the question of constitutional
the "regulation and release of funds" in violation compatibility of how they were engineering the
of the separation of powers principle. The budget process. In fact, the words you have
fundamental rule, as categorically articulated in been using, as the three lawyers of the DBM,
Abakada, cannot be overstated – from the and both Houses of Congress has also been
moment the law becomes effective, any using is surprise; surprised that all of these
provision of law that empowers Congress or things are now surfacing. In fact, I thought that
any of its members to play any role in the what the 2013 PDAF provisions did was to
implementation or enforcement of the law codify in one section all the past practice that
violates the principle of separation of powers had been done since 1991. In a certain sense,
and is thus unconstitutional.191 That the said we should be thankful that they are all now in
authority is treated as merely recommendatory the PDAF Special Provisions. x x x (Emphasis
in nature does not alter its unconstitutional and underscoring supplied) Ultimately,
tenor since the prohibition, to repeat, covers legislators cannot exercise powers which they
any role in the implementation or enforcement do not have, whether through formal measures
of the law. Towards this end, the Court must written into the law or informal practices
therefore abandon its ruling in Philconsa which institutionalized in government agencies, else
sanctioned the conduct of legislator the Executive department be deprived of what
identification on the guise that the same is the Constitution has vested as its own.
merely recommendatory and, as such,
respondents‘ reliance on the same falters -----------------------------------------------------------
altogether. Besides, it must be pointed out that
respondents have nonetheless failed to Principle of checks and balances
substantiate their position that the identification
authority of legislators is only of Gonzales III v Office of the President
recommendatory import. Quite the contrary,
respondents – through the statements of the FACTS:
Solicitor General during the Oral Arguments –
have admitted that the identification of the There are two petitions that have been
legislator constitutes a mandatory requirement consolidated because they raise a common
before his PDAF can be tapped as a funding thread of issues relating to the President's
source, thereby highlighting the indispensability exercise of the power to remove from office
of the said act to the entire budget execution herein petitioners who claim the protective
process:192 Thus, for all the foregoing reasons, cloak of independence of the constitutionally-
the Court hereby declares the 2013 PDAF created office to which they belong - the Office
Article as well as all other provisions of law of the Ombudsman.
which similarly allow legislators to wield any
form of post-enactment authority in the
implementation or enforcement of the budget, 1st case G.R. No. 19621:
unrelated to congressional oversight, as
violative of the separation of powers principle Petition for Certiorari which assails on
and thus unconstitutional. Corollary thereto, jurisdictional grounds the Decision dated March
informal practices, through which legislators 31, 2011 rendered by the Office of the
have effectively intruded into the proper phases dismissing petitioner Emilio A. Gonzales III,
of budget execution, must be deemed as acts Deputy Ombudsman for the Military and Other
of grave abuse of discretion amounting to lack Law Enforcement Offices, upon a finding of guilt

on the administrative charges of Gross Neglect However, upon the recommendation of
of Duty and Grave Misconduct constituting a petitioner Emilio Gonzales III, a
Betrayal of Public Trust. The petition primarily Decision finding P/S Insp. Rolando Mendoza
seeks to declare as unconstitutional Section and his fellow police officers guilty of Grave
8(2) of Republic Act (R.A.) No. 6770, otherwise Misconduct was approved by the Ombudsman
known as the Ombudsman Act of 1989,
which gives the President the power to They filed a Motion for
dismiss a Deputy Ombudsman of the Office Reconsideration followed by a Supplement to
of the Ombudsman. the Motion for Reconsideration. The pleadings
mentioned and the records of the case were
2nd case G.R. No. 196232: assigned for review and recommendation to
Graft Investigation and was endorsed for final
a Petition for Certiorari and Prohibition seeking approval by Ombudsman Merceditas N.
to annul, reverse and set aside the undated Gutierrez, in whose office it remained pending
Order requiring petitioner Wendell Barreras- for final review and action when P/S Insp.
Sulit to submit a written explanation with Mendoza hijacked a bus-load of foreign tourists
respect to alleged acts or omissions on that fateful day of August 23, 2010 in a
constituting serious/grave offenses in relation to desperate attempt to have himself reinstated in
the Plea Bargaining Agreement entered into the police service
with Major General Carlos F. Garcia; and the
April 7, 2011 Notice of Preliminary Incident Investigation and Review Committee
Investigation, both issued by the Office of the (IIRC): found Deputy Ombudsman Gonzales
President the administrative case initiated committed serious and inexcusable negligence
against petitioner as a Special Prosecutor of the and gross violation of their own rules of
Office of the Ombudsman. procedure by allowing Mendoza's motion for
reconsideration to languish for more than nine
The petition likewise seeks to declare as (9) months without any justification, in violation
unconstitutional Section 8(2) of R.A. No. 6770 of the Ombudsman prescribed rules to resolve
giving the President the power to dismiss a motions for reconsideration in administrative
Special Prosecutor of the Office of the disciplinary cases within five (5) days from
Ombudsman. submission. The inaction is gross, considering
there is no opposition thereto. The prolonged
Facts of 1st case inaction precipitated the desperate resort to
A hostage drama involving Rolando Mendoza
Case was elevated to OP (Office of the
and Hong Kong nationals in a tourist bus.
President). OP instituted a Formal Charge
Rolando Mendoza demanded his
against petitioner Gonzales for Gross Neglect
reinstatement. Sometime in 2008, a formal
of Duty and/or Inefficiency in the Performance
charge for Grave Misconduct (robbery, grave
threats, robbery extortion and physical injuries) of Official Duty under Rule XIV, Section 22 of
was filed against him and other police officers the Omnibus Rules Implementing Book V of
E.O. No. 292 and other pertinent Civil Service
Laws, rules and regulations, and for Misconduct
Office of the Regional Director of the National in Office under Section 3 of the Anti-Graft and
Police Commission turned over, upon the Corrupt Practices Act
request of petitioner Emilio A. Gonzales III, all
relevant documents and evidence in relation to
OP Dismissed Gonzales from his office.
said case to the Office of the Deputy
Ombudsman for appropriate administrative
adjudication. 2nd case

The administrative case against Mendoza was The Acting Deputy Special Prosecutor of the
dismissed upon a finding that the material Office of the Ombudsman charged Major
allegations made by the complainant had not General Carlos F. Garcia, his wife Clarita D.
been substantiated "by any evidence at all to Garcia, their sons Ian Carl Garcia, Juan Paulo
warrant the indictment of respondents of the Garcia and Timothy Mark Garcia and several
offenses charged unknown persons with Plunder and Money
Laundering before the Sandiganbayan


1. Whether the Office of the President has Ombudsman without citing any reason therefor
jurisdiction to exercise administrative cannot, by itself, be considered a manifestation
disciplinary power over a Deputy of his undue interest in the case that would
Ombudsman and a Special Prosecutor who amount to wrongful or unlawful conduct. After
belong to the constitutionally-created Office all, taking cognizance of cases upon the
of the Ombudsman.**issue based on syllabus request of concerned agencies or private
parties is part and parcel of the constitutional
2. Whether or not Gonzales is liable for his acts mandate of the Office of the Ombudsman to be
and therefore be removed from office. the "champion of the people." The factual
circumstances that the case was turned over to
Held: (Based on the syllabus principle) the Office of the Ombudsman upon petitioner's
request; that administrative liability was
pronounced against P/S Insp. Mendoza even
1.YES.The Ombudsman's without the private complainant verifying the
 disciplinary power over a truth of his statements; that the decision was
 Ombudsman and Special Prosecutor immediately implemented; or that the motion for
is not exclusive. While the Ombudsman's reconsideration thereof remained pending for
authority to discipline administratively is more than nine months cannot be simply taken
extensive and covers all government officials, as evidence of petitioner's undue interest in the
whether appointive or elective, with the case considering the lack of evidence of any
exception only of those officials removable by personal grudge, social ties or business
impeachment such authority is by no means affiliation with any of the parties to the case that
exclusive. Petitioners cannot insist that they could have impelled him to act as he did. There
should be solely and directly subject to the was likewise no evidence at all of any bribery
disciplinary authority of the Ombudsman. For, that took place, or of any corrupt intention or
while Section 21 of R.A. 6770 declares the questionable motivation. The OP's
Ombudsman's disciplinary authority over all pronouncement of administrative accountability
government officials, Section 8(2), on the other against petitioner and the imposition upon him
hand, grants the President express power of of the corresponding penalty of dismissal must
removal over a Deputy Ombudsman and a be reversed and set aside, as the findings of
Special Prosecutor. A harmonious construction neglect of duty or misconduct in office do not
of these two apparently conflicting provisions in amount to a betrayal of public trust. Hence, the
R.A. No. 6770 leads to the inevitable conclusion President, while he may be vested with
that Congress had intended the Ombudsman authority, cannot order the removal of petitioner
and the President to exercise concurrent as Deputy Ombudsman, there being no
disciplinary jurisdiction over petitioners as intentional wrongdoing of the grave and serious
Deputy Ombudsman and Special Prosecutor, kind amounting to a betrayal of public trust.
respectively. Indubitably, the manifest intent of
Congress in enacting both provisions - Section
As to the second case: The Office of the
8(2) and Section 21 - in the same Organic Act
President is vested
 with statutory authority to
was to provide for an external authority, through
the person of the President, that would exercise proceed
 administratively against
the power of administrative discipline over the petitioner
 Barreras-Sulit to determine
Deputy Ombudsman and Special Prosecutor the
 existence of any of the grounds for
without in the least diminishing the removal from office as provided
 for under the
constitutional and plenary authority of the Constitution and the
 Ombudsman Act.
Ombudsman over all government officials and
employees. Such legislative design is simply WHEREFORE, in G.R. No. 196231, the
a measure of "check and balance" intended decision of the Office of the President in OP
to address the lawmakers' real and valid Case No. 10-J-460 is REVERSED and SET
concern that the Ombudsman and his ASIDE. Petitioner Emilio A. Gonzales III is
Deputy may try to protect one another from ordered REINSTATED with payment of
administrative liabilities. backwages corresponding to the period of
suspension effective immediately, even as the
2. Petitioner Gonzales may not be
 removed Office of the Ombudsman is directed to proceed
from office where the
questioned acts, with the investigation in connection with the
falling short of
 constitutional standards, do above case against petitioner. In G.R. No.
196232, We AFFIRM the continuation of OP-
 constitute betrayal of public trust.
DC Case No. 11-B-003 against Special
Petitioner's act of directing the PNP-IAS to
endorse P/S Insp. Mendoza's case to the Prosecutor Wendell Barreras-Sulit for alleged

acts and omissions tantamount to culpable swindled billions of pesos from the public
violation of the Constitution and a betrayal of coffers for "ghost projects" using no fewer than
public trust, in accordance with Section 8(2) of 20 dummy NGOs for an entire decade.
the Ombudsman Act of 1989.
On August 28, 2013, petitioner Samson S.
The challenge to the constitutionality of Alcantara (Alcantara), President of the Social
Section 8(2) of the Ombudsman Act is Justice Society, filed a Petition for Prohibition of
hereby DENIED. even date under Rule 65 of the Rules of Court
(Alcantara Petition), seeking that the "Pork
----------------------------------------------------------- Barrel System" be declared unconstitutional
xxxxx in whatever form and by whatever name
Two (2) fundamental tests to ensure that the it may be called, and from approving further
legislative guidelines for delegated rule- releases pursuant thereto. The Alcantara
making. Petition was docketed as G.R. No. 208493.

BELGICA vs. OCHOA On September 3, 2013, petitioners Greco

G.R. No. 208566 November 19, 2013 Antonious Beda B. Belgica, xxxx filed an Urgent
Justice Bernabe Petition For Certiorari and Prohibition With
Prayer For The Immediate Issuance of
FACTS: Temporary Restraining Order (TRO) and/or
Writ of Preliminary Injunction dated August 27,
HISTORY”: In the Philippines, the “pork barrel” 2013 under Rule 65 of the Rules of Court
(a term of American-English origin) has been (Belgica Petition), seeking that the annual "Pork
commonly referred to as lump-sum, Barrel System," xxxxx and the Executive‘s
discretionary funds of Members of the lump-sum, discretionary funds, such as the
Legislature (“Congressional Pork Barrel”). Malampaya Funds and the Presidential Social
However, it has also come to refer to certain Fund be declared unconstitutional and null and
funds to the Executive. The “Congressional void for being acts constituting grave abuse of
Pork Barrel” can be traced from Act 3044 discretion.
(Public Works Act of 1922), the Support for
The Malampaya Funds was created as a
Local Development Projects during the Marcos
period, the Mindanao Development Fund and special fund under Section 880 of Presidential
Visayas Development Fund and later the Decree No. (PD) 910, issued by then President
Countrywide Development Fund (CDF) under Ferdinand E. Marcos (Marcos) on March 22,
the Corazon Aquino presidency, and the 1976. Petitioners contend that Section 8 of PD
Priority Development Assistance Fund (PDAF) 910 constitutes an undue delegation of
under the Joseph Estrada administration, as legislative power since the phrase "and for such
continued by the Gloria-Macapagal Arroyo and other purposes as may be hereafter directed by
the present Benigno Aquino III administrations. the President" gives the President "unbridled
discretion to determine for what purpose the
While the term "Pork Barrel" has been typically funds will be used.
associated with lump-sum, discretionary funds
ISSUE (based on the syllabus):
of Members of Congress, the present cases
Whether or not Section 8 of PD 910
and the recent controversies on the matter
constitutes an undue delegation of
have, however, shown that the term‘s usage
legislative power since the phrase "and for
has expanded to include certain funds of the
such other purposes as may be hereafter
President such as the Malampaya Funds and
directed by the President" gives the President
the Presidential Social Fund.
"unbridled discretion to determine for what
Recently, or in July of the present year, the purpose the funds will be used.
National Bureau of Investigation (NBI) began its
probe into allegations that "the government has
been defrauded of some ₱10 Billion over the
past 10 years by a syndicate using funds from Yes. The Court agrees with the petitioners’
the pork barrel of lawmakers and various submissions.
government agencies for scores of ghost
projects."96 The investigation was spawned by Respondents, on the other hand, urged the
sworn affidavits of six (6) whistle-blowers who Court to apply the principle of ejusdem generis
declared that JLN Corporation – "JLN" standing to the same section and thus, construe the
for Janet Lim Napoles (Napoles) – had phrase "and for such other purposes as may be

hereafter directed by the President" to refer only or class as those specifically mentioned, is
to other purposes related "to energy resource belied by three (3) reasons: first, the phrase
development and exploitation programs and "energy resource development and exploitation
projects of the government." programs and projects of the government"
states a singular and general class and hence,
While the designation of a determinate or cannot be treated as a statutory reference of
determinable amount for a particular public specific things from which the general phrase
purpose is sufficient for a legal appropriation to "for such other purposes" may be limited;
exist, the appropriation law must contain second, the said phrase also exhausts the
adequate legislative guidelines if the same class it represents, namely energy
law delegates rule-making authority to the development programs of the government; and,
Executive either for the purpose of (a) filling third, the Executive department has, in fact,
up the details of the law for its enforcement, used the Malampaya Funds for non-energy
known as supplementary rule-making, or (b) related purposes under the subject phrase,
ascertaining facts to bring the law into thereby contradicting respondents‘ own
actual operation, referred to as contingent position that it is limited only to "energy
rule-making. resource development and exploitation
programs and projects of the government."
Thus, while Section 8 of PD 910 may have
There are two (2) fundamental tests to ensure passed the completeness test since the policy
that the legislative guidelines for delegated rule- of energy development is clearly deducible from
making are indeed adequate. The first test is its text, the phrase "and for such other
called the "completeness test." Case law purposes as may be hereafter directed by
states that a law is complete when it sets forth the President" under the same provision of
therein the policy to be executed, carried out, or law should nonetheless be stricken down as
implemented by the delegate. On the other unconstitutional as it lies independently
hand, the second test is called the "sufficient unfettered by any sufficient standard of the
standard test." Jurisprudence holds that a law delegating law. This notwithstanding, it must
lays down a sufficient standard when it provides be underscored that the rest of Section 8,
adequate guidelines or limitations in the law to insofar as it allows for the use of the Malampaya
map out the boundaries of the delegate‘s Funds "to finance energy resource
authority and prevent the delegation from development and exploitation programs and
running riot. To be sufficient, the standard must projects of the government," remains legally
specify the limits of the delegate‘s authority, effective and subsisting. Truth be told, the
announce the legislative policy, and identify the declared unconstitutionality of the
conditions under which it is to be implemented. aforementioned phrase is but an assurance that
the Malampaya Funds would be used – as it
In view of the foregoing, the Court agrees with should be used – only in accordance with the
petitioners that the phrase "and for such avowed purpose and intention of PD 910.
other purposes as may be hereafter directed
by the President" under Section 8 of PD 910 -----------------------------------------------------------
constitutes an undue delegation of
legislative power insofar as it does not lay Civilian supremacy clause (Art. II, Sec. 3)
down a sufficient standard to adequately
determine the limits of the President‘s GARCIA v. EXECUTIVE SECRETARY
authority with respect to the purpose for G.R. No. 198554, July 30, 2012
which the Malampaya Funds may be used.
As it reads, the said phrase gives the President
wide latitude to use the Malampaya Funds for FACTS:
any other purpose he may direct and, in effect,
allows him to unilaterally appropriate public Major General Carlos F. Garcia was tried by the
funds beyond the purview of the law. That the Special General Court Martial No. 2 (Military
subject phrase may be confined only to "energy Court).
resource development and exploitation
programs and projects of the government" Two days after his arraignment, petitioner,
under the principle of ejusdem generis, having reached the age of fifty-six (56),
meaning that the general word or phrase is to compulsorily retired from military service.
be construed to include – or be restricted to –
things akin to, resembling, or of the same kind

MG Garcia (ret) was convicted for violations of the active service of AFP when he committed
the 96th Article of War (Conduct Unbecoming the violations until his arraignment. Garcia’s
an Officer and Gentleman) and 97th Article of mandatory retirement on November 18, 2004
War (Conduct Prejudicial to Good Order and did not divest the General Court Martial of its
Military Discipline) for knowingly, wrongfully jurisdiction. Having established the jurisdiction
and unlawfully fail to disclose/declare and make of the General Court Martial over the case and
untruthful statements under oath of all his the person of the petitioner, the President, as
existing assets in his Sworn Statement of Commander-in-Chief, therefore acquired the
Assets and Liabilities and Net worth (SALN) for jurisdiction to confirm petitioner's sentence as
the years 2003 and 2002 as required by RA mandated under Article 47 of the Articles of War
3019, as amended in relation to RA 6713. The Court stressed that Article 48 of the Articles
of War vests on the President, as Commander-
After six (6) years and two (2) months of in-Chief, the power to approve or disapprove
preventive confinement, on December 16, the entire or any part of the sentence given by
2010, petitioner was released from the Camp the court martial, also Article 49 of the same
Crame Detention Center. grants the President the power to mitigate or
remit a sentence.
On September 9, 2011, The Office of the
President, or the President as Commander-in- “Thus, the power of the President to
Chief of the AFP and acting as the Confirming confirm, mitigate and remit a sentence of
Authority under the Articles of War, confirmed erring military personnel is a clear
the sentence imposed by the Court Martial recognition of the superiority of civilian
against petitioner. The Confirmation of authority over the military. However,
Sentence further states that pursuant to the although the law (Articles of War) which
48th and 49th Articles of War the sentence on conferred those powers to the President is
MG Carlos Flores Garcia, AFP shall not be silent as to the deduction of the period of
remitted/mitigated by any previous preventive confinement to the penalty imposed,
confinement. as discussed earlier, such is also the right of an
accused provided for by Article 29 of the RPC.”
Thereafter, petitioner was arrested and
detained, and continues to be detained at the 2) Yes. The Court ruled that applying the
Bureau of Corrections, Muntinlupa City. provisions of Article 29 of the Revised Penal
Code (RPC) (Period of preventive
Aggrieved, petitioner filed with this Court the imprisonment deducted from time of
present petition for certiorari and petition for imprisonment), the time within which the
habeas corpus, alternatively. Garcia argued petitioner was under preventive confinement
that the confirmation issued by the Office of the should be credited to the sentence confirmed
President directing his two-year detention in a by the Office of the President, subject to the
penitentiary had already been fully served conditions set forth by the same law.
following his preventive confinement subject to
Article 29 of the RPC (Revised Penal Code). The Court held that “the General Court Martial
is a court within the strictest sense of the word
ISSUE: and acts as a criminal court.” As such, certain
provisions of the RPC, insofar as those that are
1) Whether the Office of the President acted not provided in the Articles of War and the
with grave abuse of discretion, amounting to Manual for Courts-Martial, can be
lack or excess of jurisdiction, in issuing the supplementary. “[A]bsent any provision as to
Confirmation of Sentence dated September 9, the application of a criminal concept in the
2011. implementation and execution of the General
Court Martial’s decision, the provisions of the
2) Whether or not Article 29 of the RPC is Revised Penal Code, specifically Article 29
applicable in Military Courts. should be applied. In fact, the deduction of
petitioner’s period of confinement to his
HELD: sentence has been recommended in the Staff
Judge Advocate Review.”
1) The Court upheld the authority of the
President, as Commander-in-Chief, to confirm The Court further held that the application of
the sentence. It held that the General Court Article 29 of the RPC in the Articles of War is in
Martial had jurisdiction over the case since it accordance with the Equal Protection Clause of
was indisputable that Garcia was an officer in the 1987 Constitution. “[T]he concept of equal

justice under the law requires the state to misappropriation or impairment of Philippine
govern impartially, and it may not draw rainforests?”
distinctions between individuals solely on
differences that are irrelevant to a legitimate Ruling:
governmental objective. It, however, does not Yes. Petitioner-minors assert that they
require the universal application of the laws to represent their generation as well as
all persons or things without distinction. What it generations to come. The Supreme Court ruled
simply requires is equality among equals as that they can, for themselves, for others of their
determined according to a valid classification. generation, and for the succeeding generation,
Indeed, the equal protection clause permits file a class suit. Their personality to sue in
classification.” held the Court. behalf of succeeding generations is based on
the concept of intergenerational responsibility
----------------------------------------------------------- insofar as the right to a balanced and healthful
ecology is concerned. Such a right considers
The right of the people to a balanced and the “rhythm and harmony of nature” which
healthful ecology (Art. II, Sec. 16) indispensably include, inter alia, the judicious
disposition, utilization, management, renewal
Oposa vs Factoran and conservation of the country’s forest,
Facts: mineral, land, waters, fisheries, wildlife,
A taxpayer’s class suit was filed by minors Juan offshore areas and other natural resources to
Antonio Oposa, et al., representing their the end that their exploration, development, and
generation and generations yet unborn, and utilization be equitably accessible to the present
represented by their parents against Fulgencio as well as the future generations.
Factoran Jr., Secretary of DENR. They prayed Needless to say, every generation has a
that judgment be rendered ordering the responsibility to the next to preserve that
defendant, his agents, representatives and rhythm and harmony for the full enjoyment of a
other persons acting in his behalf to: balanced and healthful ecology. Put a little
differently, the minor’s assertion of their right to
1. Cancel all existing Timber a sound environment constitutes at the same
Licensing Agreements (TLA) in the country; time, the performance of their obligation to
2. Cease and desist from receiving, ensure the protection of that right for the
accepting, processing, renewing, or appraising generations to come.
new TLAs;
and granting the plaintiffs “such other reliefs just
and equitable under the premises.” They Academic Freedom (Art. XIV, Sec. 5[2])
alleged that they have a clear and constitutional
right to a balanced and healthful ecology and Aldrin Jeff Cudia vs The Superintendent of
are entitled to protection by the State in its the Philippine Military Academy, G.R. No.
capacity as parens patriae. Furthermore, they 211362
claim that the act of the defendant in allowing
TLA holders to cut and deforest the remaining Facts:
forests constitutes a misappropriation and/or
impairment of the natural resources property he Aldrin Jeff Cudia was a member of the
holds in trust for the benefit of the plaintiff Philippine Military Academy (PMA) Siklab Diwa
minors and succeeding generations. Class of 2014. On November 14, 2013, Cudia’s
The defendant filed a motion to dismiss the class had a lesson examination in their
complaint on the following grounds: Operations Research (OR) subject the
schedule of which was from 1:30pm to 3pm.
1. Plaintiffs have no cause of action
against him; However, after he submitted his exam paper,
2. The issues raised by the plaintiffs Cudia made a query to their OR teacher. Said
is a political question which properly pertains to teacher, then asked Cudia to wait for her. Cudia
the legislative or executive branches of the complied and as a result, he was late for his
government. next class (English). Later, the English teacher
reported Cudia for being late.
Do the petitioner-minors have a cause of action In his explanation, Cudia averred that he was
in filing a class suit to “prevent the late because his OR class was dismissed a bit
late. The tactical officer (TO) tasked to look

upon the matter concluded that Cudia lied when HC reconvened and the members cast their
he said that their OR class was dismissed late vote. The initial vote was 8-1: 8 found Cudia
because the OR teacher said she never guilty and 1 acquitted Cudia. Under PMA rules
dismissed her class late. Thus, Cudia was (Honor System), a dissenting vote means the
meted with demerits and touring hours because acquittal of Cudia. However, they also have a
of said infraction. practice of chambering where the members,
particularly the dissenter, are made to explain
Cudia did not agree with the penalty hence he their vote. This is to avoid the “tyranny of the
asked the TO about it. Not content with the minority”. After the chambering, the dissenter
explanation of the TO, Cudia said he will be was convinced that his initial “not guilty vote”
appealing the penalty he incurred to the senior was improper, hence he changed the same and
tactical officer (STO). The TO then asked Cudia the final vote became 9-0. Thus, Cudia was
to write his appeal. immediately placed inside PMA’s holding
In his appeal, Cudia stated that his being late
was out of his control because his OR class was Cudia appealed to the HC chairman but his
dismissed at 3pm while his English class appeal was denied. Eventually, the
started at 3pm also. To that the TO replied: that Superintendent of the PMA ordered the
on record, and based on the interview with the dismissal of Cudia from the PMA.
teachers concerned, the OR teacher did not
dismiss them (the class) beyond 3pm and the Cudia and several members of his family then
English class started at 3:05pm, not 3pm; that sent letters to various military officers
besides, under PMA rules, once a student requesting for a re-investigation. It was their
submitted his examination paper, he is claim that there were irregularities in the
dismissed from said class and may be excused investigation done by the HC. As a result of
to leave the classroom, hence, Cudia was in such pleas, the case of Cudia was referred to
fact dismissed well before 3pm; that it was a lie the Cadet Review and Appeals Board of PMA
for Cudia to state that the class was dismissed (CRAB).
late because again, on that day in the OR class,
each student was dismissed as they submit Meanwhile, Cudia’s family brought the case to
their examination, and were not dismissed as a the Commission on Human Rights (CHR)
class; that if Cudia was ordered by the teacher where it was alleged that PMA’s “sham”
to stay, it was not because such transaction investigation violated Cudia’s rights to due
was initiated by the teacher, rather, it was process, education, and privacy of
initiated by Cudia (because of his query to the communication.
teacher), although there were at least two
students with Cudia at that time querying the Eventually, the CRAB ruled against Cudia. This
teacher, the three of them cannot be ruling was affirmed by the AFP Chief of Staff.
considered a “class”; Cudia could just have But on the other hand, the CHR found in favor
stated all that instead of saying that his class of Cudia.
was dismissed a bit late, hence he lied. The
STO sustained the decision of the TO. PMA averred that CHR’s findings are at best
recommendatory. Cudia filed a petition for
Later, the TO reported Cudia to the PMA’s certiorari, prohibition, and mandamus before
Honor Committee (HC) for allegedly violating the Supreme Court. PMA opposed the said
the Honor Code. Allegedly, Cudia lied in his petition as it argued that the same is not proper
written appeal when he said his class was as a matter of policy and that the court should
dismissed late hence, as a result, he was late avoid interfering with military matters.
for his next class.
The Honor Code is PMA’s basis for the
minimum standard of behavior required of their Whether or not the PMA can validly dismiss
cadets. Any violation thereof may be a ground Cudia based on its findings.
to separate a cadet from PMA.
Cudia submitted an explanation to the HC.
Thereafter, the HC, which is composed of nine II. Yes. It is within PMA’s right to academic
(9) cadets, conducted an investigation. After freedom to decide whether or not a cadet is still
two hearings and after the parties involved were worthy to be part of the institution. Thus, PMA
heard and with their witnesses presented, the did not act with grave abuse of discretion when

it dismissed Cudia. In fact, Cudia was accorded Such argument is not valid. Even without
due process. In this case, the investigation of express provision of a law, the PMA has
Cudia’s Honor Code violation followed the regulatory authority to administratively dismiss
prescribed procedure and existing practices in erring cadets. Further, there is a law
the PMA. He was notified of the Honor Report (Commonwealth Act No. 1) authorizing the
submitted by his TO. He was then given the President to dismiss cadets. Such power by the
opportunity to explain the report against him. President may be delegated to the PMA
He was informed about his options and the Superintendent, who may exercise direct
entire process that the case would undergo. supervision and control over the cadets.
The preliminary investigation immediately
followed after he replied and submitted a written Further, as stated earlier, such power by the
explanation. Upon its completion, the PMA is well within its academic freedom.
investigating team submitted a written report Academic freedom or, to be precise, the
together with its recommendation to the HC institutional autonomy of universities and
Chairman. The HC thereafter reviewed the institutions of higher learning has been
findings and recommendations. When the enshrined in the Constitution.
honor case was submitted for formal
investigation, a new team was assigned to The essential freedoms of academic freedom
conduct the hearing. During the formal on the part of schools are as follows;
investigation/hearing, he was informed of the
charge against him and given the right to enter a. the right to determine who may teach;
his plea. He had the chance to explain his side,
confront the witnesses against him, and present b. the right to determine what may be taught;
evidence in his behalf. After a thorough
discussion of the HC voting members, he was c. the right to determine how it shall be taught;
found to have violated the Honor Code.
Thereafter, the guilty verdict underwent the d. the right to determine who may be admitted
review process at the Academy level – from the to study.
OIC of the HC, to the SJA (Staff Judge
Advocate), to the Commandant of Cadets, and The Honor Code is just but one way for the PMA
to the PMA Superintendent. A separate to exercise its academic freedom. If it
investigation was also conducted by the HTG determines that a cadet violates it, then it has
(Headquarters Tactics Group). Then, upon the the right to dismiss said cadet. In this case,
directive of the AFP-GHQ (AFP-General based on its findings, Cudia lied – which is a
Headquarters) to reinvestigate the case, a violation of the Honor Code.
review was conducted by the CRAB. Further, a
Fact-Finding Board/Investigation Body But Cudia’s lie is not even that big; is dismissal
composed of the CRAB members and the PMA from the PMA really warranted?
senior officers was constituted to conduct a
deliberate investigation of the case. Finally, he The PMA Honor Code does not distinguish
had the opportunity to appeal to the President. between a big lie and a minor lie. It punishes
Sadly for him, all had issued unfavorable any form of lying. It does not have a gradation
rulings. And there is no reason for the SC to of penalties. In fact, it is the discretion of the
disturb the findings of facts by these bodies. PMA as to what penalty may be imposed. When
Cudia enrolled at PMA, he agreed to abide by
Academic freedom of the PMA the Honor Code and the Honor System. Thus,
while the punishment may be severe, it is
Cudia would argue that there is no law nevertheless reasonable and not arbitrary, and,
providing that a guilty finding by the HC may be therefore, not in violation of due process -also
used by the PMA to dismiss or recommend the considering that Cudia, as a cadet, must have
dismissal of a cadet from the PMA; that Honor known all of these.
Code violation is not among those listed as
justifications for the attrition of cadets -----------------------------------------------------------
considering that the Honor Code and the Honor
System (manner which PMA conducts The right of the states to recover properties
investigation of Honor Code violations) do not unlawfully acquired by public officials and
state that a guilty cadet is automatically employees (Art. XI, Sec 15)
terminated or dismissed from service.

COMMITTEE ON BEHEST LOANS v. HON. Committee filed this case to this Court.
ANIANO A. DESIERTO ISSUE: Whether the right of the Republic to
G.R. No. 130140; October 25, 1999 recover behest loans unlawfully acquired by
PSI imprescriptible
FACTS: On 8 October 1992, President Fidel V.
Ramos issued AO No. 13, creating the RULING: The Republic of the Philippines
Presidential Ad Hoc Fact-Finding Committee on has the right to recover behest loans
Behest Loans. unlawfully acquired by PSI although may be
barred by prescription. The Court explains
On 9 November 1992, President Ramos issued that behest loans are part of the ill-gotten
MO No. 61 directing the COMMITTEE to wealth which former President Marcos and his
include in its investigation, inventory, and study cronies accumulated and which the
all non-performing loans which shall embrace Government through the PCGG seeks to
both behest and non-behest loans. It likewise recover. Furthermore, the ruling in Dinsay is
provided for the following criteria which might not applicable to the case at bar. First, it is a
be utilized as a frame of reference in decision of the Court of Appeals; hence, it does
determining a behest loan, to wit: not establish a doctrine and can only have a
persuasive value. Second, it involved a
a. It is undercollateralized. prosecution for estafa in that the accused
b. The borrower corporation is disposed of his property claiming that it was
undercapitalized. free from any lien or encumbrance despite the
c. Direct or indirect endorsement by high fact that a notice of lis pendens was registered
government officials like presence of marginal with the Registry of Deeds. Third, Dinsay
notes. involved private parties, while the instant case
d. Stockholders, officers or agents of the involves the Government and public officers.
borrower corporation are identified as cronies. Fourth, the ruling is not absolute.
e. Deviation of use of loan proceeds from the
purpose intended. The Court held that under Section 15, Article XI
f. Use of corporate layering. of the Constitution the right of the State to
g. Non-feasibility of the project for which recover properties unlawfully acquired by public
financing is being sought. officials or employees, from them or from their
h. Extraordinary speed in which the loan nominees as transferees, shall not be barred by
release was made. prescription, laches, or estoppel. The
consequence of the foregoing discussion is that
In its report on behest loans to President the prosecution of offenses arising from,
Ramos, the Committee reported that the relating or incident to, or involving ill-gotten
Philippines Seeds, Inc. was one of the twenty- wealth contemplated in Section 15, Article XI of
one corporations which obtained behest loans. the Constitution may be barred by prescription.
On 2 March 1996, the Committee, filed with the Since the law alleged to have been violated,
OMBUDSMAN a sworn complaint against the i.e., paragraphs (e) and (g) of Section 3, R.A.
Directors of PSI for violation of paragraphs (e) No. 3019, as amended, is a special law, the
and (g) of Section 3 of Anti-Graft and Corrupt applicable rule in the computation of the
Practices Act. prescriptive period is Section 2 of Act No. 3326,
In the resolution, the OMBUDSMAN dismissed as amended, which provides:
the complaint in on the ground of prescription.
Relying on People v. Dinsay, a case decided by Sec. 2. Prescription shall begin to run from the
the Court of Appeals, he ratiocinated that since day of the commission of the violation of the
the questioned transactions were evidenced by law, and if the same be not known at the time,
public instruments and were thus open for the from the discovery thereof and institution of
perusal of the public, the prescriptive period judicial proceedings for its investigation and
commenced to run from the time of the punishment.
commission of the crime, not from the discovery
thereof. Reckoning the prescriptive period from The prescription shall be interrupted when
1969, 1970, 1975, and 1978, when the disputed proceedings are instituted against the guilty
transactions were entered into, the person and shall begin to run again if the
OMBUDSMAN ruled that the offenses with proceedings are dismissed for reasons not
which respondents were charged had already constituting double jeopardy. This simply
prescribed. Its motion for reconsideration means that if the commission of the crime is

known, the prescriptive period shall commence Petitioners assail the constitutionality of certain
to run on the day it was committed. provisions of the IPRA and its Implementing
Rules on the ground that they amount to an
In the present case, the Court explained, it was unlawful deprivation of the State’s ownership
well-nigh impossible for the State, the over lands of the public domain as well as
aggrieved party, to have known the violations of minerals and other natural resources therein, in
R.A. No. 3019 at the time the questioned violation of the Regalian Doctrine embodied in
transactions were made because, as alleged, Section 2, Article XII of the Constitution, as
the public officials concerned connived or follows:
conspired with the beneficiaries of the loans.
Thus, the Court agrees with the Committee that 1. Section defining the extent and
the prescriptive period for the offenses with coverage of ancestral
which the respondents were charged should be domains, and ancestral lands;
computed from the discovery of the commission 2. Section which provides that
thereof and not from the day of such ancestral domains including
commission. However, the Court held that inalienable public lands,
Section 15, Art XI of the Constitution only bodies of water, mineral and
applies to civil actions for recovery of ill-gotten other resources found within
wealth, and not to criminal cases. ancestral domains are private
but community property of the
The case was remanded to the OMBUDSMAN indigenous peoples;
finding upon grave abuse of discretion on their 3. Section which defines the
part. composition of ancestral
domains and ancestral lands;
----------------------------------------------------------- 4. Section which recognizes and
enumerates the rights of the
Regalian Doctrine (Art. XII, Sec. 2 relate with indigenous peoples over the
Art. XII, Sec. 5 and Art. II, Sec. 22) ancestral domains, and over
the ancestral lands;
ISAGANI CRUZ V. SEC. OF NATURAL 5. Section which provides for
RESOURCES (G.R. No. 135385, December 6, priority rights of the indigenous
2000) peoples in the harvesting,
extraction, development or
REGALIAN DOCTRINE – all lands of the exploration of minerals and
public domain as well as all-natural other natural resources within
resources enumerated therein, whether on the areas claimed to be their
public or private land, belong to the State. ancestral domains, and the
(Section 2 of Article XII) right to enter into agreements
with nonindigenous peoples for
FACTS: the development and utilization
This suit for prohibition and mandamus filed by of natural resources therein for
petitioners Isagani Cruz and Cesar Europa, as a period not exceeding 25
citizens and taxpayers, assailing the years, renewable for not more
constitutionality of certain provisions of than 25 years; and
Republic Act No. 8371 (R.A. 8371), otherwise 6. Section which gives the
known as the Indigenous Peoples Rights Act of indigenous peoples the
1997 (IPRA), and its Implementing Rules and responsibility to maintain,
Regulations (Implementing Rules). develop, protect and conserve
the ancestral domains and
The Solicitor General, representing the Sec. of portions thereof which are
DENR and DBM is of the view that the IPRA is found to be necessary for
partly unconstitutional on the ground that it critical watersheds,
grants ownership over natural resources to mangroves, wildlife
indigenous people. The CHR, through sanctuaries, wilderness,
Intervention, asserts that IPRA is an expression protected areas, forest cover
of the principle of parens patriae and that the or reforestation.
State has the responsibility to protect and
guarantee the rights of those who are at a
serious disadvantage like indigenous peoples.

Whether the provisions of IPRA contravene the and Patrimony of the 1987 Constitution
Constitution being violative of the Regalian classifies lands of the public domain into four
Doctrine categories: (a) agricultural, (b) forest or timber,
(c) mineral lands, and (d) national
parks. Section 5 of the same
RULING: Article XII mentions ancestral lands and
Seven Justices voted to dismiss the petition, ancestral domains but it does not classify them
while seven other members of the Court voted under any of the said four categories. To
to grant the petition. As the votes were equally classify them as public lands under any one of
divided (7 to 7) and the necessary majority was the four classes will render the entire IPRA law
not obtained, the case was redeliberated upon. a nullity. The spirit of the IPRA lies in the distinct
However, after redeliberation, the voting concept of ancestral domains and ancestral
remained the same. Accordingly, pursuant to lands. The IPRA addresses the major problem
Rule 56, Section 7 of the Rules of Civil of the ICCs/IPs which is loss of land. Land and
Procedure, the petition is DISMISSED. space are of vital concern in terms of sheer
survival of the ICCs/IPs.
Separate Opinion of J. Puno

The provisions of the IPRA do not contravene B. The Right of ICCs/IPs to Develop Lands
the Constitution. and Natural Resources Within the Ancestral
Domains Does Not Deprive the State of
A. Ancestral domains and ancestral lands Ownership Over the Natural Resources and
are the private property of indigenous Control and Supervision in their
peoples and do not constitute part of the Development and Exploitation.
land of the public domain.
There is nothing in IPRA that grants to the
The rights of the ICCs/IPs to their ancestral ICCs/IPs ownership over the natural resources
domains and ancestral lands may be acquired within their ancestral domain. Ownership over
in two modes: (1) by Native Title over both the natural resources in the ancestral domains
ancestral lands and domains; or (2) by Torrens remains with the State and the rights granted by
Title under the Public Land Act and the Land the IPRA to the ICCs/IPs over the natural
Registration Act with respect to ancestral lands resources in their ancestral domains merely
only. gives them, as owners and occupants of the
Native title refers to ICCs/IPs' preconquest land on which the resources are found, the right
rights to lands and domains held under a claim to the small-scale utilization of these resources,
of private ownership as far back as memory and at the same time, a priority in their large-
reaches. These lands are deemed never to scale development and exploitation.
have been public lands and are indisputably The ICCs/IPs' rights over the natural resources
presumed to have been held that way since take the form of management or stewardship.
before the Spanish Conquest. Ancestral lands
and ancestral domains are not part of the lands NOTE:
of the public domain. This is concept of private Justice Kapunan filed an opinion, which the
land title that existed irrespective of any royal Chief Justice and Justices Bellosillo,
grant from the State. However, the right of Quisumbing, and Santiago join, sustaining the
ownership and possession by the ICCs/IPs of validity of the challenged provisions of R.A.
their ancestral domains is a limited form of 8371.
ownership and does not include the right to
alienate the same. Justice Puno also filed a separate opinion
sustaining all challenged provisions of the law
The option to register land under the Public with the exception of Section 1, Part II, Rule III
Land Act and the Land Registration Act has of NCIP Administrative Order No. 1, series of
nonetheless a limited period. This option must 1998, the Rules and Regulations Implementing
be exercised within twenty (20) years from the IPRA, and Section 57 of the IPRA which he
October 29, 1997, the date of approval of the contends should be interpreted as dealing with
IPRA. the large-scale exploitation of natural resources
and should be read in conjunction with Section
Thus, ancestral lands and ancestral domains 2, Article XII of the 1987 Constitution.
are not part of the lands of the public domain.
They are private and belong to the ICCs/IPs. On the other hand, Justice Mendoza voted to
Section 3 of Article XII on National Economy dismiss the petition solely on the ground that it

does not raise a justiciable controversy and to comply with the Environmental Impact
petitioners do not have standing to question the Assessment requirements pursuant to
constitutionality of R.A. 8371. Presidential Decree No. 1586
JAPEX began to drill an exploratory well, with
Justice Panganiban filed a separate opinion a depth of 3,150 meters, near Pinamungajan
expressing the view that Sections 3 (a)(b), 5, 6, town in the western Cebu Province.[15] This
7 (a)(b), 8, and related provisions of R.A. 8371 drilling lasted until February 8, 2008
are unconstitutional. He reserves judgment on It was in view of the foregoing state of affairs
the constitutionality of Sections 58, 59, 65, and that petitioners applied to this Court for redress,
66 of the law, which he believes must await the via two separate original petitions both dated
filing of specific cases by those whose rights December 17, 2007, wherein they commonly
may have been violated by the IPRA. seek that respondents be enjoined from
implementing SC-46 for, among others,
Justice Vitug also filed a separate opinion violation of the 1987 Constitution
expressing the view that Sections 3(a), 7, and Petitioners' Allegations: Petitioners maintain
57 of R.A. 8371 are unconstitutional. that SC-46 transgresses the Jura
Regalia Provision or paragraph 1, Section 2,
Justices Melo, Pardo, Buena, Gonzaga-Reyes, Article XII of the 1987 Constitution because
and De Leon join in the separate opinions of JAPEX is 100% Japanese-
Justices Panganiban and Vitug. owned.[60] Furthermore, the FIDEC asserts that
SC-46 cannot be considered as a technical and
----------------------------------------------------------- financial assistance agreement validly
executed under paragraph 4 of the same
Utilization of natural resources (Art. XII, Sec. 2) provision.[61] The petitioners claim that La
Bugal-B'laan Tribal Association, Inc. v.
Resident Marine Mammals vs. Sec. Angelo Ramos[62] laid down the guidelines for a valid
Reyes, G.R. No. 180771, 21 April 2015 service contract, one of which is that there must
exist a general law for oil exploration before a
FACTS: service contract may be entered into by the
Before Us are two consolidated Petitions filed Government. The petitioners posit that the
under Rule 65 of the 1997 Rules of Court, service contract in La Bugal is presumed to
concerning Service Contract No. 46 (SC-46), have complied with the requisites of (a)
which allowed the exploration, development, legislative enactment of a general law after the
and exploitation of petroleum resources within effectivity of the 1987 Constitution (such as
Tañon Strait, a narrow passage of water Republic Act No. 7942, or the Philippine Mining
situated between the islands of Negros and Law of 1995, governing mining contracts) and
Cebu. (b) presidential notification. The petitioners thus
On June 13, 2002, the Government of the allege that the ruling in La Bugal, which
Philippines, acting through the DOE, entered involved mining contracts under Republic Act
into a Geophysical Survey and Exploration No. 7942, does not apply in this case.[63] The
Contract-102 (GSEC-102) with JAPEX. This petitioners also argue that Presidential Decree
contract involved geological and geophysical No. 87 or the Oil Exploration and Development
studies of the Tañon Strait. Act of 1972 cannot legally justify SC-46 as it is
On December 21, 2004, DOE and JAPEX deemed to have been repealed by the 1987
formally converted GSEC-102 into SC-46 for Constitution and subsequent laws, which
the exploration, development, and production of enunciate new policies concerning the
petroleum resources in a block covering environment.[64] In addition, petitioners in G.R.
approximately 2,850 square kilometers No. 180771 claim that paragraphs 2 and 3 of
offshore the Tañon Strait. Section 2, Article XII of the 1987 Constitution
From May 9 to 18, 2005, JAPEX conducted mandate the exclusive use and enjoyment by
seismic surveys in and around the Tañon Strait. the Filipinos of our natural resources,[65] and
A multi-channel sub-bottom profiling covering paragraph 4 does not speak of service
approximately 751 kilometers was also done to contracts but of FTAAs or Financial Technical
determine the area's underwater composition Assistance Agreements.
JAPEX committed to drill one exploration well Public Respondents' Counter-Allegations:
during the second sub-phase of the project. claims and asseverate that SC-46 does not
Since the well was to be drilled in the marine violate Section 2, Article XII of the 1987
waters of Aloguinsan and Pinamungajan, Constitution. They hold that SC-46 does not fall
where the Tañon Strait was declared a under the coverage of paragraph 1 but instead,
protected seascape in 1988,[10] JAPEX agreed under paragraph 4 of Section 2, Article XII of

the 1987 Constitution on FTAAs. They also utilization of government and/or local or foreign
insist that paragraphs 2 and 3, which refer to private resources to yield the maximum benefit
the grant of exclusive fishing right to Filipinos, to the Filipino people and the revenues to the
are not applicable to SC-46 as the contract Philippine Government.[70]
does not grant exclusive fishing rights to JAPEX
nor does it otherwise impinge on the FIDEC's Contrary to the petitioners' argument,
right to preferential use of communal marine Presidential Decree No. 87, although enacted
and fishing resources in 1972, before the adoption of the 1987
Constitution, remains to be a valid law unless
ISSUE: otherwise repealed, to wit:
WON Service contract 46 is constitutional?
NO. In summarizing the matters discussed in Section 3. All existing laws, decrees, executive
the ConCom, we established that paragraph orders, proclamations, letters of instructions,
4, with the safeguards in place, is the and other executive issuances not inconsistent
exception to paragraph 1, Section 2 of with this Constitution shall remain operative
Article XII. The following are the safeguards until amended, repealed, or revoked.
this Court enumerated in La Bugal: If there were any intention to repeal Presidential
Such service contracts may be entered into Decree No. 87, it would have been done
only with respect to minerals, petroleum and expressly by Congress.
other mineral oils. The grant thereof is subject Consequently, we find no merit in petitioners'
to several safeguards, among which are these contention that SC-46 is prohibited on the
requirements: ground that there is no general law prescribing
the standard or uniform terms, conditions, and
(1) The service contract shall be crafted in requirements for service contracts involving oil
accordance with a general law that will set exploration and extraction.
standard or uniform terms, conditions and
requirements, presumably to attain a certain But note must be made at this point that while
uniformity in provisions and avoid the possible Presidential Decree No. 87 may serve as the
insertion of terms disadvantageous to the general law upon which a service contract for
country. petroleum exploration and extraction may be
authorized, as will be discussed below, the
(2) The President shall be the signatory for the exploitation and utilization of this energy
government because, supposedly before an resource in the present case may be allowed
agreement is presented to the President for only through a law passed by Congress, since
signature, it will have been vetted several times the Tañon Strait is a NIPAS[75] area.
over at different levels to ensure that it 2. President was not the signatory to SC-46
conforms to law and can withstand public and the same was not submitted to
scrutiny. Congress

(3) Within thirty days of the executed While the Court finds that Presidential Decree
agreement, the President shall report it to No. 87 is sufficient to satisfy the requirement of
Congress to give that branch of government an a general law, the absence of the two other
opportunity to look over the agreement and conditions, that the President be a signatory to
interpose timely objections, if any.[69] SC-46, and that Congress be notified of such
Adhering to the aforementioned guidelines, this contract, renders it null and void.
Court finds that SC-46 is indeed null and void Paragraph 4, Section 2, Article XII of the 1987
for noncompliance with the requirements of the Constitution requires that the President himself
1987 Constitution. enter into any service contract for the
1. The General Law on Oil Exploration exploration of petroleum. SC-46 appeared to
have been entered into and signed only by the
The disposition, exploration, development, DOE through its then Secretary, Vicente S.
exploitation, and utilization of indigenous Perez, Jr., contrary to the said constitutional
petroleum in the Philippines are governed by requirement. Moreover, public respondents
Presidential Decree No. 87 or the Oil have neither shown nor alleged that Congress
Exploration and Development Act of 1972. This was subsequently notified of the execution of
was enacted by then President Ferdinand such contract.
Marcos to promote the discovery and While the requirements in executing service
production of indigenous petroleum through the contracts in paragraph 4, Section 2 of Article XII

of the 1987 Constitution seem like mere with priority to subsistence fishermen and
formalities, they, in reality, take on a much fishworkers in rivers, lakes, bays, and lagoons.
bigger role. As we have explained in La Bugal, The President may enter into agreements with
they are the safeguards put in place by the foreign-owned corporations involving either
framers of the Constitution to "eliminate or technical or financial assistance for large-scale
minimize the abuses prevalent during the exploration, development, and utilization of
martial law regime." As this Court has held in La minerals, petroleum, and other mineral oils
Bugal, our Constitution requires that the according to the general terms and conditions
President himself be the signatory of service provided by law, based on real contributions to
agreements with foreign-owned corporations the economic growth and general welfare of the
involving the exploration, development, and country. In such agreements, the State shall
utilization of our minerals, petroleum, and other promote the development and use of local
mineral oils. This power cannot be taken lightly. scientific and technical resources.
Even if we were inclined to relax the The President shall notify the Congress of
requirement in La Bugal to harmonize the 1987 every contract entered into in accordance with
Constitution with the aforementioned provision this provision, within thirty days from its
of Presidential Decree No. 87, it must be shown execution.
that the government agency or subordinate
official has been authorized by the President to -----------------------------------------------------------
enter into such service contract for the
government. Otherwise, it should be at least Franchise, certificate and authority for public
shown that the President subsequently utilities (Art.XII, Sec.11)
approved of such contract explicitly. None of Roy III vs. Chairperson Herbosa, G.R. No.
these circumstances is evident in the case at 207246, 22 November 2016
(Just an FYI in case tanungin)
Section 2, Article XII of the 1987 ------MISSING CASE========
Constitution, which reads as follows:
Section 2. All lands of the public domain, -----------------------------------------------------------
waters, minerals, coal, petroleum, and other
Ownership / acquisition of lands (Art. XII, Secs.
mineral oils, all forces of potential energy,
7 and 8)
fisheries, forests or timber, wildlife, flora and
Philippine National Oil Company
fauna, and other natural resources are owned (PNOC) vs. Keppel Philippines
by the State. With the exception of agricultural Holdings, Inc., G.R. No. 202050, 25 July
lands, all other natural resources shall not be 2016
alienated. The exploration, development, and
utilization of natural resources shall be under (Ownership/acquisition) Art. XII, Sec. 7&8
the full control and supervision of the State. The
State may directly undertake such activities, or Section 7. Save in cases of hereditary
it may enter into co-production, joint venture, or succession, no private lands shall be
production-sharing agreements with Filipino transferred or conveyed except to individuals,
citizens, or corporations or associations at least corporations, or associations qualified to
sixty per centum of whose capital is owned by acquire or hold lands of the public domain.
such citizens. Such agreements may be for a Section 8. Notwithstanding the provisions of
period not exceeding twenty-five years, Section 7 of this Article, a natural-born citizen of
renewable for not more than twenty-five years, the Philippines who has lost his Philippine
and under such terms and conditions as may citizenship may be a transferee of private lands,
be provided by law. In cases of water rights for subject to limitations provided by law.
irrigation, water supply, fisheries, or industrial
uses other than the development of water Philippine National Oil Company and PNOC
power, beneficial use may be the measure and Dockyard & Engineering Corporation vs.
limit of the grant. Keppel Philippines Holdings, Inc.
The State shall protect the nation's marine
wealth in its archipelagic waters, territorial sea, FACTS:
and exclusive economic zone, and reserve its Almost 40 years ago or on 6 August
use and enjoyment exclusively to Filipino 1976, the respondent Keppel Philippines
citizens. Holdings, Inc. (Keppel) entered into a lease
The Congress may, by law, allow small-scale agreement (the agreement) with Luzon
utilization of natural resources by Filipino Stevedoring Corporation (Lusteveco) covering
citizens, as well as cooperative fish farming, 11 hectares of land located in Bauan,

Batangas. The lease was for a period of 25 the RTC. Failure to secure a reconsideration,
years for a consideration of P2.1 million. At the hence, this petition.
option of Lusteveco, the rental fee could be
totally or partially converted into equity shares ISSUE:
in Keppel.
(1) Whether the terms of the
At the end of the 25-year lease period, Agreement amounted to a virtual
Keppel was given the "firm and absolute option sale of the land to Keppel that was
to purchase the land for P4.09 million, provided designed to circumvent the
that it had acquired the necessary qualification constitutional prohibition on aliens
to own land under Philippine laws at the time owning lands in the Philippines.
the option is exercised. Apparently, when the (2) Whether Keppel's equity ownership
lease agreement was executed, less than meets the 60% Filipino-owned
60% of Keppel's shareholding was Filipino- capital requirement of trie
owned, hence, it was not constitutionally Constitution, in accordance with the
qualified to acquire private lands in the Court's ruling in Gamboa v. Teves.
country. If at the end of the 25-year lease
period and Keppel remains to be unqualified to RULING:
own lands, their lease would automatically be
renewed for another 25 years. They are allowed (1) The Court affirms the
to exercise the option to purchase the land up constitutionality of the Agreement.
to the 30th year of the lease, also on the The agreement was executed to
condition that, by then, it would have acquired enable Keppel to use the land for
the requisite qualification to own land in the its shipbuilding and ship repair
Philippines. business. The industrial/commercial purpose
behind the agreement differentiates the present
Together with Keppel's lease rights and case from Lui She where the leased property
option to purchase, Lusteveco warranted not to was primarily devoted to residential use.
sell the land or assign its rights to the land for Undoubtedly, the establishment and operation
the duration of the lease unless with the prior of a shipyard business involve significant
written consent of Keppel. Accordingly, when investments. Keppel's uncontested testimony
the petitioner Philippine National Oil showed that it incurred P60 million costs solely
Corporation (PNOC) acquired the land from for preliminary activities to make the land
Lusteveco and took over the rights and suitable as a shipyard, and subsequently
obligations under the agreement, Keppel did introduced improvements worth P177 million.
not object to the assignment so long as the Taking these investments into account and the
agreement was annotated on PNOC's title. With nature of the business that Keppel conducts on
PNOC's consent and cooperation, the the land, we find it reasonable that the
agreement was recorded as Entry No. 65340 agreement's terms provided for an extended
on PNOC's Transfer of Certificate of Title No. T- duration of the lease and a restriction on the
50724. rights of Lusteveco.

Keppel, then at least 60% Filipino- We observe that, unlike in Lui She, Lusteveco
owned, wrote to Keppel to exercise its option to was not completely denied its ownership rights
purchase the land and its readiness to during the course of the lease. It could dispose
purchase. However, despite demand, PNOC of the lands or assign its rights thereto, provided
did not favorably respond. Keppel filed a it secured Keppel's prior written consent. That
complaint for specific performance which was Lusteveco was able to convey the land in favour
countered by PNOC stating that Keppel's of PNOC during the pendency of the
claims by contending that the agreement was lease should negate a finding that the
illegal for circumventing the constitutional agreement's terms amounted to a virtual
prohibition against aliens holding lands in the transfer of ownership of the land to Keppel.
Philippines. It further asserted that the option
contract was void, as it was unsupported by a (2) In Gamboa v. Teves (2011) the Court
separate valuable consideration. It also claimed declared that the "legal and beneficial
that it was not privy to the agreement. RTC ownership of 60 percent of the outstanding
rendered in favor of Keppel and PNOC was capital stock must rest in the hands of
ordered to execute a deed of absolute sale Filipino nationals." Clarifying the ruling, the
upon payment of Keppel. PNOC elevated the Court decreed that the 60% Filipino
case to the CA which affirmed the decision of ownership requirement applies separately

to each class of shares, whether with or has been plagued with rebellion and lawless
without voting rights. violence which only escalated and worsened
with the passing of time. Particularly, on May
As of November 2000, Keppel's capital is 60% 23, 2017, a government operation to capture
Filipino-owned. However, there is nothing in the the high-ranking officers of the Abu Sayyaff
records showing the nature and composition of Group (ASG) and the Maute Group was
Keppel's shareholdings, i.e. ,whether its confronted with armed resistance which
shareholdings are divided into different classes, escalated into open hostility against the
and 60% of each share class is legally and government. Through these groups' armed
beneficially owned by Filipinos - siege and acts of violence directed towards
understandably because when Keppel civilians and government authorities,
exercised its option to buy the land in 2000, institutions and establishments, they were able
the Gamboa ruling had not yet been to take control of major social, economic, and
promulgated. The Court cannot deny Keppel political foundations of Marawi City which led to
its option to buy the land by retroactively its paralysis. This sudden taking of control was
applying the Gamboa ruling without violating intended to lay the groundwork for the eventual
Keppel's vested right. Thus, Keppel's failure to establishment of a DAESH wilayat or province
prove the nature and composition of its in Mindanao. The President then chronicled in
shareholdings in 2000 could not prevent it from his Report the events which took place on May
validly exercising its option to buy the land. 23, 2017 in Marawi City which impelled him to
declare a state of martial law and suspend the
Nonetheless, the Court cannot completely privilege of writ of habeas corpus.
disregard the effect of the Gamboa ruling; the The Report highlighted the strategic location of
60% Filipino equity proportion is a continuing Marawi City and the crucial and significant role
requirement to hold land in the Philippines. In it plays in Mindanao, and the Philippines as a
this case, Keppel must be allowed to prove whole. In addition, the Report pointed out the
whether it meets the required Filipino equity possible tragic repercussions once Marawi City
ownership and proportion in accordance with falls under the control of the lawless groups.
the Gamboa ruling before it can acquire full title After the submission of the Report and the
to the land. briefings with the military and police authorities,
the Senate issued P.S. Resolution No. 3888
SC affirms the RTC decision and expressing full support to the martial law
REMANDS the case to the Regional Trial proclamation and finding Proclamation No. 216
Court for the determination of whether the "to be satisfactory, constitutional and in
respondent Keppel Philippines Holdings, accordance with the law". In the same
Inc. meets the required Filipino equity Resolution, the Senate declared that it found
ownership and proportion in accordance "no compelling reason to revoke the same".
with the Court's ruling in Gamboa v. The House of Representatives likewise issued
Teves, to allow it to acquire full title to the House Resolution No. 1050 expressing full
land. support to the martial law proclamation.

----------------------------------------------------------- Issue:

V. Legislative Department Whether or not the power of this Court to review

the sufficiency of the factual basis [of] the
Lagman vs. Executive Secretary, G.R. No. proclamation of martial law or the suspension of
231658, 4 July 2017 the privilege of the writ of habeas corpus is
independent of the actual actions that have
Facts: been taken by Congress jointly or separately
Effective May 23, 2017, and for a period not
exceeding 60 days, President Rodrigo Roa Held:
Duterte issued Proclamation No. 216 declaring
a state of martial law and suspending the Yes. The Court may strike down the
privilege of the writ of habeas corpus in the presidential proclamation in an appropriate
whole of Mindanao. proceeding filed by any citizen on the ground of
Within the timeline set by Section 18, Article VII lack of sufficient factual basis. On the other
of the Constitution, the President submitted to hand, Congress may revoke the proclamation
Congress on May 25, 2017, a written Report on or suspension, which revocation shall not be set
the factual basis of Proclamation No. 216. The aside by the President.
Report pointed out that for decades, Mindanao In reviewing the sufficiency of the factual basis
of the proclamation or suspension, the Court

considers only the information and data Jalosjos ruling should not be applied to him,
available to the President prior to or at the time because he is a mere detention prisoner and is
of the declaration; it is not allowed to "undertake not charged with a crime involving moral
an independent investigation beyond the turpitude. The Makati RTC denied the motion.
pleadings." On the other hand, Congress may Issues: 1. WON the petition of trillanes be
take into consideration not only data available granted.
prior to, but likewise events supervening the 2. WON the Jalosjos ruling is applicable in this
declaration. Unlike the Court which does not case.
look into the absolute correctness of the factual Held: 1. No. The SC denied Trillanes’ petition
basis as will be discussed below, Congress on the ground that Sec. 13, Art. Ill of the
could probe deeper and further; it can delve into Constitution, explicitly provides that crimes
the accuracy of the facts presented before it. punishable by reclusion perpetua when the
The Court's review power is passive; it is only evidence of guilt is strong are nonbailable. The
initiated by the filing of a petition "in an Court further said that the presumption of
appropriate proceeding" by a citizen. On the innocence does not necessarily carry with it the
other hand, Congress' review mechanism is full enjoyment of civil and political rights.
automatic in the sense that it may be activated 2. Yes. In People v. Jalosjos, the SC denied the
by Congress itself at any time after the motion of Congressman Jalosjos that he be
proclamation or suspension was made. allowed to fully discharged the duties of a
The power to review by the Court and the power Congressman, including attendance at
to revoke by Congress are not only totally legislative sessions and committee hearings
different but likewise independent from each despite his having been convicted by the trial
other although concededly, they have the same court of a non-bailable offense. The denial was
trajectory, which is, the nullification of the premised on the following: [i] membership in
presidential proclamation. Needless to say, the Congress does not exempt an accused from
power of the Court to review can be exercised statutes and rules which apply to validly
independently from the power of revocation of incarcerated persons; [ii] one rationale behind
Congress. confinement, whether pending appeal or after
final conviction, is public self-defense, i.e., it is
----------------------------------------------------------- the injury to the public, not the injury to the
complainant, which state action in criminal law
Houses of Congress seeks to redress; [iii] it would amount to the
Senate; Composition (Art. VI, Sec. 2) creation of a privileged class, without
justification in reason, if notwithstanding their
Trillanes v. Judge Pimentel, Sr. liability for a criminal offense, they would be
Facts: On July 27, 2003, a group of more than considered immune from arrest during their
300 heavily armed soldiers led by junior officers attendance in Congress and in going to and
of AFP stormed into the Oakwood Premier returning from the same; and [iv] accused-
Apartments in Makati City and publicly appellant is provided with an office at the House
demanded the resignation of the President and of Representatives with a full complement of
key national officials. staff, as well as an office at the Administration
Later that day, President Arroyo issued Building, New Bilibid Prison, where he attends
Proclamation No. 427 and General Order No. 4 to his constituents; he has, therefore, been
declaring a state of rebellion and calling out the discharging his mandate as member of the
Armed Forces to suppress the rebellion. House of Representatives, and being a
detainee, he should not even be allowed by the
Trillanes was charged with coup detat. prison authorities to perform these acts.
In this case, petitioner posits that his election
Close to four years later, petitioner, provides the legal justification to allow him to
who has remained in detention, threw his hat in serve his mandate, after the people, in their
the political arena and won a seat in the Senate sovereign capacity, elected him as Senator. He
with a six-year term commencing argues that denying his Omnibus Motion is
at noon on June 30, 2007. tantamount to removing him from office,
depriving the people of proper representation,
Trillanes sought from the Makati RTC denying the peoples will, repudiating the
leave to attend Senate sessions and to peoples choice, and overruling the mandate of
convene his staff, resource persons and guests the people.
and to attend to his official functions as Senator.
He anchored his motion on his right to be In a plethora of cases, the Court categorically
presumed innocent, and claims that the held that the doctrine of condonation does not

apply to criminal cases. Election to office does Petitioners Senator Benigno Simeon C. Aquino
not obliterate a criminal charge. Petitioners III and Mayor Jesse Robredo seek the
electoral victory only signifies pertinently that nullification as unconstitutional of Republic Act
when the voters elected him to the Senate, they No. 9716, entitled “An Act Reapportioning the
did so with full awareness of the limitations on Composition of the First (1st) and Second (2nd)
his freedom of action [and] x x x with the Legislative Districts in the Province of
knowledge that he could achieve only such Camarines Sur and Thereby Creating a New
legislative results which he could accomplish Legislative District From Such
within the confines of prison. Reapportionment. Province of Camarines Sur
was estimated to have a population of
In once more debunking the 1,693,821,2 distributed among four (4)
disenfranchisement argument, it is opportune legislative districts, following the enactment of
to wipe out the lingering misimpression that the Republic Act No. 9716, the first and second
call of duty conferred by the voice of the people districts of Camarines Sur were reconfigured in
is louder than the litany of lawful restraints order to create an additional legislative district
articulated in the Constitution and echoed by for the province.
jurisprudence. The apparent discord may be
harmonized by the overarching tenet that the Petitioners contend that the reapportionment
mandate of the people yields to the Constitution introduced by Republic Act No. 9716, runs afoul
which the people themselves ordained to of the explicit constitutional standard that
govern all under the rule of law. requires a minimum population of two hundred
fifty thousand (250,000) for the creation of a
The performance of legitimate legislative district.5 The petitioners claim that
and even essential duties by the reconfiguration by Republic Act No. 9716 of
public officers has never been the first and second districts of Camarines Sur
an excuse to free a person is unconstitutional, because the proposed first
validly in prison. The duties district will end up with a population of less than
imposed by the mandate of the 250,000 or only 176,383.
people are multifarious. The
accused-appellant asserts that Issue:
the duty to legislate ranks
highest in the hierarchy of Whether or not a population of 250,000 is an
government. The accused- indispensable constitutional requirement for the
appellant is only one of 250 creation of a new legislative district in a
members of the House of province
Representatives, not to mention
the 24 members
of the Senate, charged with the Ruling:
duties of legislation. Congress
continues to function well in the Any law duly enacted by Congress carries with
physical absence of one or a it the presumption of constitutionality. Before a
few of its members. x x x Never law may be declared unconstitutional by this
has the call of a particular duty Court, there must be a clear showing that a
lifted a prisoner into a different specific provision of the fundamental law has
classification from those others been violated or transgressed. When there is
who are validly restrained by neither a violation of a specific provision of the
law (People v. Jalosjos). Constitution nor any proof showing that there is
such a violation, the presumption of
constitutionality will prevail and the law must be
----------------------------------------------------------- upheld. To doubt is to sustain. There is no
specific provision in the Constitution that fixes a
House of Representatives 250,000 minimum population that must
Representation of cities and provinces (Art. VI, compose a legislative district, each city with a
Sec. 5[3], 2nd sentence)
population of at least two hundred fifty
Aquino vs. COMELEC, GR No. 189793, 7 thousand, or each province, shall have at least
April 2010 one representative."

Facts: The provision draws a plain and clear

distinction between the entitlement of a city to a
district on one hand, and the entitlement of a

province to a district on the other. For while a when there is a creation, division, merger,
province is entitled to at least a representative, abolition or substantial alteration of boundaries
with nothing mentioned about population, a city of a province, city, municipality, or barangay; in
must first meet a population minimum of this case, no such creation, division, merger,
250,000 in order to be similarly entitled. The abolition or alteration of boundaries of a local
use by the subject provision of a comma to government unit took place; and
separate the phrase "each city with a population 3. R.A. No. 9371 did not bring about any change
of at least two hundred fifty thousand" from the in Cagayan de Oro's territory, population and
phrase "or each province" point to no other income classification; hence, no plebiscite is
conclusion than that the 250,000 minimum required.
population is only required for a city, but not for The petitioner argued in his reply that:
a province. Plainly read, Section 5(3) of the 1. Cagayan de Oro City's
Constitution requires a 250,000 minimum reapportionment under R.A. No. 9371
population only for a city to be entitled to a falls within the meaning of creation,
representative, but not so for a province
division, merger, abolition or
----------------------------------------------------------- substantial alteration of boundaries of
cities under Section 10, Article X of the
Bagabuyo vs. COMELEC, 8 December 2008 Constitution;
2. the creation, division, merger, abolition
DOCTRINE: A plebiscite is not required. or substantial alteration of boundaries
Section 10, Article X of the 1987 Constitution
of local government units involve a
only apply when there is a creation, division,
merger, abolition or substantial alteration of common denominator - the material
boundaries of a province, city, municipality, or change in the political and economic
barangay; in this case, no such creation, rights of the local government units
division, merger, abolition or alteration of directly affected, as well as of the
boundaries of a local government unit took people therein.
FACTS: Rogelio Bagabuyo filed an action to ISSUE:
prevent the Commission on Elections 1. Does R.A. No. 9371 merely provide for
(COMELEC) from implementing Resolution No. the legislative reapportionment of
7837 on the ground that Republic Act No. 937
Cagayan de Oro City, or does it involve
“An Act Providing for the Apportionment of the
Lone Legislative District of the City of Cagayan the division and conversion of a local
De Oro." 12 - the law that Resolution No. 7837 government unit?
implements - is unconstitutional. 2. Whether or not a plebiscite was
In asking for the nullification of R.A. No. 9371 required in the case at bar.
and Resolution No. 7837 on constitutional
grounds, the petitioner argued that the HELD: R.A. No. 9371 merely provide for the
COMELEC cannot implement R.A. No. 9371 legislative reapportionment of Cagayan de Oro
without providing for the rules, regulations and City.
guidelines for the conduct of a plebiscite which
is indispensable for the division or conversion Reapportionment, is the realignment or
of a local government unit. He prayed for the change in legislative districts brought about by
issuance of an order directing the respondents changes in population and mandated by the
to cease and desist from implementing R.A. No. constitutional requirement of equality of
9371 and COMELEC Resolution No. 7837, and representation.19
to revert instead to COMELEC Resolution No.
7801 which provided for a single legislative
district for Cagayan de Oro. Article VI (entitled Legislative Department) of
The respondent's Comment on the petition, the 1987 Constitution lays down the rules on
legislative apportionment under its Section 5
argued that:
which provides:
1. R.A. No. 9371 merely increased the
representation of Cagayan de Oro City in the
House of Representatives and Sangguniang xxx
Panglungsod pursuant to Section 5, Article VI
of the 1987 Constitution; (3) Each legislative district shall
2. The criteria established under Section 10, comprise, as far as practicable,
Article X of the 1987 Constitution only apply continuous, compact, and adjacent

territory. Each city with a population of and the Local Government Code expressly
at least two hundred fifty thousand, or require a plebiscite to carry out any creation,
each province, shall have at least one division, merger, abolition or alteration of
representative. boundary of a local government unit.26 In
contrast, no plebiscite requirement exists under
(4) Within three years following the the apportionment or reapportionment
return of every census, the provision. In Tobias v. Abalos,27 a case that
Congress shall make a arose from the division of the congressional
reapportionment of legislative district formerly covering San Juan and
districts based on the standards Mandaluyong into separate districts, we
provided in this section. confirmed this distinction and the fact that no
plebiscite is needed in a legislative
reapportionment. The plebiscite issue came up
The creation, division, merger, abolition or
alteration of boundary of local government because one was ordered and held for
units, i.e., of provinces, cities, municipalities, Mandaluyong in the course of its conversion
and barangays, are covered by the Article on into a highly urbanized city, while none was
held for San Juan. In explaining why this
Local Government (Article X). Section 10 of this
happened, the Court ruled that no plebiscite
Article provides:
was necessary for San Juan because the
objective of the plebiscite was the conversion of
No province, city, municipality, Mandaluyong into a highly urbanized city as
or barangay may be created, divided, required by Article X, Section 10 the Local
merged, abolished, or its boundary Government Code; the creation of a new
substantially altered, except in legislative district only followed as a
accordance with the criteria consequence. In other words, the
established in the local government apportionment alone and by itself did not call for
code and subject to approval by a a plebiscite, so that none was needed for San
majority of the votes cast in a plebiscite Juan where only a reapportionment took place.
in the political unit directly affected.
In contrast with the equal representation
objective of Article VI, Section 5, Article X,
Section 10 expressly speaks of how local SEMA vs. COMELEC
government units may be "created, divided,
merged, abolished, or its boundary
substantially altered." Its concern is the
commencement, the termination, and the =======MISSING CASE======
modification of local government units'
corporate existence and territorial coverage;
and it speaks of two specific standards that -----------------------------------------------------------
must be observed in implementing this concern,
namely, the criteria established in the local The Party-list System
government code and the approval by a
majority of the votes cast in a plebiscite in the
political units directly affected. Under the Local The four parameters in the Party-List election
Government Code (R.A. No. 7160) passed in
1991, the criteria of income, population and Atong Paglaum vs. COMELEC, GR No.
land area are specified as verifiable indicators 203766, 02 April 2013
of viability and capacity to provide
services.24 The division or merger of existing This constitutes 54 Petitions filed by 52 party-
units must comply with the same requirements list groups and organizations assailing the
(since a new local government unit will come Resolutions issued by the Commission on
into being), provided that a division shall not Elections (COMELEC) disqualifying them from
reduce the income, population, or land area of participating in the 13 May 2013 party-list
the unit affected to less than the minimum elections, either by denial of their petitions for
requirement prescribed in the Code.25 registration under the party-list system, or
cancellation of their registration and
accreditation as party-list organizations.
A pronounced distinction between Article VI,
Section 5 and, Article X, Section 10 is on the
requirement of a plebiscite. The Constitution

 Pursuant to the provisions of Republic Whether the criteria for participating in the
Act No. 7941 and COMELEC party-list system laid down in Ang Bagong
Resolution Nos. 9366 and 9531, Bayani and Barangay Association for National
approximately 280 groups and Advancement and Transparency v.
organizations registered and Commission on Elections (BANAT) should be
manifested their desire to participate in applied by the COMELEC in the 13 May 2013
the 13 May 2013 party-list elections. party-list elections

 On 5 December 2012, the COMELEC RULING:

En Banc issued a Resolution affirming
the COMELEC Second Division’s No, the Supreme Court declared that it would
resolution to grant Partido ng Bayan ng not be in accord with the 1987 Constitution and
Bida’s (PBB) registration and R.A. No. 7941 to apply the criteria in Ang
accreditation as a political party in the Bagong Bayani and BANAT in determining who
National Capital Region. However, are qualified to participate in the coming 13 May
PBB was denied participation in the 13 2013 party-list elections. Thus, the Court
May 2013 party-list elections because remanded all the present petitions to the
PBB does not represent any COMELEC. In determining who may participate
"marginalized and underrepresented" in the coming 13 May 2013 and subsequent
sector; PBB failed to apply for party-list elections, the COMELEC shall adhere
registration as a party-list group; and to the following parameters:
PBB failed to establish its track record 1. Three different groups may
as an organization that seeks to uplift participate in the party-list system: (1)
the lives of the "marginalized and national parties or organizations, (2)
underrepresented." regional parties or organizations, and
(3) sectoral parties or organizations.
 On 7 January 2013, the COMELEC
issued a Resolution and excluded the 2. National parties or organizations and
names of 13 petitioners in the printing regional parties or organizations do not
of the official ballot for the 13 May 2013 need to organize along sectoral lines
party-list elections. The 13 petitioners and do not need to represent any
were (ASIN, Manila Teachers, ALA- "marginalized and underrepresented"
EH, 1AAAP, AKIN, AAB, AI, ALONA, sector.
PPP, and PBB). 3. Political parties can participate in
party-list elections provided they
 The COMELEC En Banc scheduled register under the party-list system and
summary evidentiary hearings to do not field candidates in legislative
determine whether the groups and district elections. A political party,
organizations that filed manifestations whether major or not, that fields
of intent to participate in the 13 May candidates in legislative district
2013 party-list elections have elections can participate in party-list
continually complied with the elections only through its sectoral wing
requirements of R.A. No. 7941 and Ang that can separately register under the
Bagong Bayani-OFW Labor Party v. party-list system. The sectoral wing is
COMELEC (Ang Bagong Bayani). by itself an independent sectoral party,
Then, the COMELEC disqualified some and is linked to a political party through
groups and organizations from a coalition.
participating in the 13 May 2013 party-
list elections. 4. Sectoral parties or organizations
may either be "marginalized and
 39 petitioners were able to secure a underrepresented" or lacking in "well-
mandatory injunction from the Court, defined political constituencies." It is
directing the COMELEC to include the enough that their principal advocacy
names of these 39 petitioners in the pertains to the special interest and
printing of the official ballot for the 13 concerns of their sector. The sectors
May 2013 party-list elections. that are "marginalized and
underrepresented" include labor,
ISSUE: peasant, fisherfolk, urban poor,
indigenous cultural communities,

handicapped, veterans, and overseas Section 5(1), Article VI of the Constitution is
workers. The sectors that lack "well- crystal-clear that there shall be "a party-list
defined political constituencies" include system of registered national, regional, and
professionals, the elderly, women, and sectoral parties or organizations." The
the youth. commas after the words "national," and
"regional," separate national and regional
5. A majority of the members of parties from sectoral parties. Had the framers of
sectoral parties or organizations that the 1987 Constitution intended national and
represent the "marginalized and regional parties to be at the same time sectoral,
underrepresented" must belong to the they would have stated "national and regional
"marginalized and underrepresented" sectoral parties." They did not, precisely
sector they represent. Similarly, a because it was never their intention to make the
majority of the members of sectoral party-list system exclusively sectoral.
parties or organizations that lack "well-
defined political constituencies" must What the framers intended, and what they
belong to the sector they represent. expressly wrote in Section 5(1), could not be
The nominees of sectoral parties or any clearer: the party-list system is composed
organizations that represent the of three different groups, and the sectoral
"marginalized and underrepresented," parties belong to only one of the three groups.
or that represent those who lack "well- The text of Section 5(1) leaves no room for any
defined political constituencies," either doubt that national and regional parties are
must belong to their respective sectors, separate from sectoral parties.
or must have a track record of
advocacy for their respective sectors. Thus, the party-list system is composed
The nominees of national and regional of three different groups: (1) national parties
parties or organizations must be bona- or organizations; (2) regional parties or
fide members of such parties or organizations; and (3) sectoral parties or
organizations. organizations. National and regional parties or
organizations are different from sectoral
6. National, regional, and sectoral parties or organizations. National and regional
parties or organizations shall not be parties or organizations need not be organized
disqualified if some of their nominees along sectoral lines and need not represent any
are disqualified, provided that they particular sector.
have at least one nominee who
remains qualified. Moreover, Section 5(2), Article VI of the 1987
Constitution mandates that, during the first
************** three consecutive terms of Congress after the
ratification of the 1987 Constitution, "one-half of
ARTICLE VI the seats allocated to party-list representatives
shall be filled, as provided by law, by selection
The indisputable intent of the framers of the or election from the labor, peasant, urban poor,
1987 Constitution to include in the party-list indigenous cultural communities, women,
system both sectoral and non-sectoral parties youth, and such other sectors as may be
is clearly written in Section 5(1), Article VI of provided by law, except the religious sector."
the Constitution, which states: This provision clearly shows again that the
party-list system is not exclusively for sectoral
Section 5. (1) The House of Representative parties for two obvious reasons.
shall be composed of not more that two
hundred and fifty members, unless otherwise First, the other one-half of the seats allocated to
fixed by law, who shall be elected from party-list representatives would naturally be
legislative districts apportioned among the open to non-sectoral party-list representatives,
provinces, cities, and the Metropolitan Manila clearly negating the idea that the party-list
area in accordance with the number of their system is exclusively for sectoral parties
respective inhabitants, and on the basis of a representing the "marginalized and
uniform and progressive ratio, and those who, underrepresented." Second, the reservation of
as provided by law, shall be elected through one-half of the party-list seats to sectoral
a party-list system of registered national, parties applies only for the first "three
regional, and sectoral parties or consecutive terms after the ratification of this
organizations. (Emphasis supplied) Constitution," clearly making the party-list
system fully open after the end of the first three

congressional terms. This means that, after this The accused-appellant, Romeo Jalosjos, is a
period, there will be no seats reserved for any full-fledged member of Congress who is
class or type of party that qualifies under the confined at the national penitentiary while his
three groups constituting the party-list system. conviction for statutory rape and acts of
lasciviousness is pending appeal. The
Hence, the clear intent, express wording, accused-appellant filed a motion asking that he
and party-list structure ordained in Section be allowed to fully discharge the duties of a
5(1) and (2), Article VI of the 1987 Congressman, including attendance at
Constitution cannot be disputed: the party- legislative sessions and committee meetings
list system is not for sectoral parties only, despite his having been convicted in the first
but also for non-sectoral parties. instance of a non-bailable offense.

Jalosjos’ primary argument is the "mandate of

sovereign will." He states that the sovereign
SEC. 9 OF R.A. NO. 7941 electorate of the First District of Zamboanga del
Norte chose him as their representative in
Section 9 of R.A. No. 7941 prescribes the Congress. Having been re-elected by his
qualifications of party-list nominees. This constituents, he has the duty to perform the
provision prescribes a special qualification only functions of a Congressman. He calls this a
for the nominee from the youth sector. covenant with his constituents made possible
by the intervention of the State. He adds that it
Section 9. Qualifications of Party-List cannot be defeated by insuperable procedural
Nominees. No person shall be restraints arising from pending criminal cases.
nominated as party-list representative
unless he is a natural-born citizen of Jalosjos further argues that on several
the Philippines, a registered voter, a occasions, the Regional Trial Court of Makati
resident of the Philippines for a period granted several motions to temporarily leave
of not less than one (1) year his cell at the Makati City Jail, for official or
immediately preceding the day of the medical reasons.
election, able to read and write, a bona
fide member of the party or Jalosjos avers that his constituents in the First
organization which he seeks to District of Zamboanga del Norte want their
represent for at least ninety (90) days voices to be heard and that since he is treated
preceding the day of the election, and as bona fide member of the House of
is at least twenty-five (25) years of age Representatives, the latter urges a co-equal
on the day of the election. branch of government to respect his mandate.

In case of a nominee of the youth sector, he Issue:

must at least be twenty-five (25) but not more Whether or not accused-appellant should be
than thirty (30) years of age on the day of the allowed to discharge mandate as member of
election. House of Representatives and to leave his cell.

Any youth sectoral representative who attains Held:

the age of thirty (30) during his term shall be To allow accused-appellant to attend
allowed to continue in office until the expiration congressional sessions and committee
of his term. meetings will virtually make him a free man.

A party-list nominee must be a bona fide When the voters of his district elected the
member of the party or organization which he accused-appellant to Congress, they did so
or she seeks to represent. In the case of with full awareness of the limitations on his
sectoral parties, to be a bona fide party-list freedom of action. They did so with the
nominee one must either belong to the knowledge that he could achieve only such
sector represented, or have a track record legislative results which he could accomplish
of advocacy for such sector. within the confines of prison. To give a more
drastic illustration, if voters elect a person with
----------------------------------------------------------- full knowledge that he is suffering from a
terminal illness, they do so knowing that at any
People vs. Jalosjos time, he may no longer serve his full term in

To allow accused-appellant to attend
congressional sessions and committee
meetings for 5 days or more in a week will
virtually make him a free man with all the
privileges appurtenant to his position. Such an
aberrant situation not only elevates accused-
appellant’s status to that of a special class, it
also would be a mockery of the purposes of the
correction system.

In the ultimate analysis, the issue before us

boils down to a question of constitutional equal

The Constitution guarantees: "x x x nor shall

any person be denied the equal protection of
laws." This simply means that all persons
similarly situated shall be treated alike both in
rights enjoyed and responsibilities imposed.
The organs of government may not show any
undue favoritism or hostility to any person.
Neither partiality nor prejudice shall be

Does being an elective official result in a

substantial distinction that allows different
treatment? Is being a Congressman a
substantial differentiation which removes the
accused-appellant as a prisoner from the same
class as all persons validly confined under law?

The performance of legitimate and even

essential duties by public officers has never
been an excuse to free a person validly in

The Court cannot validate badges of inequality.

The necessities imposed by public welfare may
justify exercise of government authority to
regulate even if thereby certain groups may
plausibly assert that their interests are

We, therefore, find that election to the position

of Congressman is not a reasonable
classification in criminal law enforcement. The
functions and duties of the office are not
substantial distinctions which lift him from the
class of prisoners interrupted in their freedom
and restricted in liberty of movement. Lawful
arrest and confinement are germane to the
purposes of the law and apply to all those
belonging to the same class.


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