Signal Transmission: Baseband and Bandpass: Dr. S .M. Zafaruddin Assistant Professor

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Lecture 4

Signal Transmission:
Baseband and Bandpass

Dr. S .M. Zafaruddin

Assistant Professor
Deptt. of EEE, BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus
Dr. Zafar (BITS Pilani) CommSys: L4 Bandpass
Objectives of Today Lecture

1 Queries on the last lecture.

2 Baseband signal transmission over lowpass channel.
3 Hilbert Transform.
4 Bandpass signal transmission over bandpass

Dr. Zafar (BITS Pilani) CommSys: L4 Bandpass

Homework 3

It is a solved problem from the text book.

Dr. Zafar (BITS Pilani) CommSys: L4 Bandpass

Spectral Density: Unit Impulse
• m(t) = δ(t)

Dr. Zafar (BITS Pilani) CommSys: L4 Bandpass

Spectral Density: Unit Impulse
• m(t) = δ(t)
• Power of m(t) = 0.

Dr. Zafar (BITS Pilani) CommSys: L4 Bandpass

Spectral Density: Unit Impulse
• m(t) = δ(t)
• Power of m(t) = 0.
• Energy of m(t) =?.

Dr. Zafar (BITS Pilani) CommSys: L4 Bandpass

Spectral Density: Unit Impulse
• m(t) = δ(t)
• Power of m(t) = 0.
• Energy of m(t) =?.
• M (f ) = 1

Dr. Zafar (BITS Pilani) CommSys: L4 Bandpass

Spectral Density: Unit Impulse
• m(t) = δ(t)
• Power of m(t) = 0.
• Energy of m(t) =?.
• M (f ) = 1
• ESD Ψm (f ) = 1

Dr. Zafar (BITS Pilani) CommSys: L4 Bandpass

Spectral Density: Unit Impulse
• m(t) = δ(t)
• Power of m(t) = 0.
• Energy of m(t) =?.
• M (f ) = 1
• ESD Ψm (f ) = 1
• Energy= −∞ Ψm (f )df = ∞

Dr. Zafar (BITS Pilani) CommSys: L4 Bandpass

Spectral Density: Unit Impulse
• m(t) = δ(t)
• Power of m(t) = 0.
• Energy of m(t) =?.
• M (f ) = 1
• ESD Ψm (f ) = 1
• Energy= −∞ Ψm (f )df = ∞
• Energy of m(t) = ∞.

Dr. Zafar (BITS Pilani) CommSys: L4 Bandpass

Spectral Density: Unit Impulse
• m(t) = δ(t)
• Power of m(t) = 0.
• Energy of m(t) =?.
• M (f ) = 1
• ESD Ψm (f ) = 1
• Energy= −∞ Ψm (f )df = ∞
• Energy of m(t) = ∞.
• m(t): Neither power signal nor energy signal.

Dr. Zafar (BITS Pilani) CommSys: L4 Bandpass

Auto-correlation of Energy
• m(t): Energy signal

Dr. Zafar (BITS Pilani) CommSys: L4 Bandpass

Auto-correlation of Energy
• m(t): Energy signal
Z ∞
ψm (τ ) = m(t)m(t − τ )dt, ∀τ (1)

Dr. Zafar (BITS Pilani) CommSys: L4 Bandpass

Auto-correlation of Energy
• m(t): Energy signal
Z ∞
ψm (τ ) = m(t)m(t − τ )dt, ∀τ (1)

• ACF:
Z ∞
ψm (τ ) = m(t)m(t + τ )dt, ∀τ (2)

Dr. Zafar (BITS Pilani) CommSys: L4 Bandpass

Auto-correlation of Energy
• m(t): Energy signal
Z ∞
ψm (τ ) = m(t)m(t − τ )dt, ∀τ (1)

• ACF:
Z ∞
ψm (τ ) = m(t)m(t + τ )dt, ∀τ (2)

• Use either (1) or (2)

Dr. Zafar (BITS Pilani) CommSys: L4 Bandpass

Auto-correlation of Energy
• m(t): Energy signal
Z ∞
ψm (τ ) = m(t)m(t − τ )dt, ∀τ (1)

• ACF:
Z ∞
ψm (τ ) = m(t)m(t + τ )dt, ∀τ (2)

• Use either (1) or (2)

• ACF property: ψm (τ ) = ψm (−τ ).

Dr. Zafar (BITS Pilani) CommSys: L4 Bandpass

Auto-correlation of Exponential
Signal m(t) = e−atu(t)
• ACF :
Z ∞
ψm (τ ) = e aτ
e−2at u(t)u(t − τ )dt (3)

= eaτ e−2at u(t − τ )dt (4)

Dr. Zafar (BITS Pilani) CommSys: L4 Bandpass

Auto-correlation of Exponential
Signal m(t) = e−atu(t)
• ACF :
Z ∞
ψm (τ ) = e aτ
e−2at u(t)u(t − τ )dt (3)

= eaτ e−2at u(t − τ )dt (4)

• For τ > 0, eqn (4):

Z ∞
1 −aτ
ψm (τ ) = e aτ
e−2at dt = e (5)
τ 2a

Dr. Zafar (BITS Pilani) CommSys: L4 Bandpass

Auto-correlation of Exponential
Signal m(t) = e−atu(t)
• ACF :
Z ∞
ψm (τ ) = e aτ
e−2at u(t)u(t − τ )dt (3)

= eaτ e−2at u(t − τ )dt (4)

• For τ > 0, eqn (4):

Z ∞
1 −aτ
ψm (τ ) = e aτ
e−2at dt = e (5)
τ 2a
• For τ < 0, eqn (4):
Z ∞
1 aτ
ψm (τ ) = e aτ
e−2at dt = e (6)
0 2a

Dr. Zafar (BITS Pilani) CommSys: L4 Bandpass

Auto-correlation of Exponential
Signal m(t) = e−atu(t)

• Combining above:
1 −aτ
e ,τ > 0
ψm (τ ) = 1 aτ
e ,τ < 0

Dr. Zafar (BITS Pilani) CommSys: L4 Bandpass

Auto-correlation of Exponential
Signal m(t) = e−atu(t)

• Combining above:
1 −aτ
e ,τ > 0
ψm (τ ) = 1 aτ
e ,τ < 0
• In a compact form: ψm (τ ) = 1 −a|τ |

Dr. Zafar (BITS Pilani) CommSys: L4 Bandpass

Baseband Signal
Transmission over Channel:
Effect of Channel Distortion

Dr. Zafar (BITS Pilani) CommSys: L4 Bandpass

Channel: A Linear Filter

m(t) x(t) y(t)

Transmitter Channel
f(t) c(t)

Dr. Zafar (BITS Pilani) CommSys: L4 Bandpass

Channel: A Linear Filter

m(t) x(t) y(t)

Transmitter Channel
f(t) c(t)

• Measurement on most of practical channels: channel

behaves as a linear filter.

Dr. Zafar (BITS Pilani) CommSys: L4 Bandpass

Channel: A Linear Filter

m(t) x(t) y(t)

Transmitter Channel
f(t) c(t)

• Measurement on most of practical channels: channel

behaves as a linear filter.
• Wireline: LTI, Wireless channels: LTV

Dr. Zafar (BITS Pilani) CommSys: L4 Bandpass

Channel: A Linear Filter

m(t) x(t) y(t)

Transmitter Channel
f(t) c(t)

• Measurement on most of practical channels: channel

behaves as a linear filter.
• Wireline: LTI, Wireless channels: LTV
• y(t)?

Dr. Zafar (BITS Pilani) CommSys: L4 Bandpass

Channel: A Linear Filter

m(t) x(t) y(t)

Transmitter Channel
f(t) c(t)

• Measurement on most of practical channels: channel

behaves as a linear filter.
• Wireline: LTI, Wireless channels: LTV
• y(t)?
• y(t) = m(t) ∗ f (t) ∗ c(t)

Dr. Zafar (BITS Pilani) CommSys: L4 Bandpass

Channel: A Linear Filter

m(t) x(t) y(t)

Transmitter Channel
f(t) c(t)

• Measurement on most of practical channels: channel

behaves as a linear filter.
• Wireline: LTI, Wireless channels: LTV
• y(t)?
• y(t) = m(t) ∗ f (t) ∗ c(t)
• Y (f ) = M (f )F (f )C(f )

Dr. Zafar (BITS Pilani) CommSys: L4 Bandpass

Channel: A Linear Filter

m(t) x(t) y(t)

Transmitter Channel
f(t) c(t)

• Measurement on most of practical channels: channel

behaves as a linear filter.
• Wireline: LTI, Wireless channels: LTV
• y(t)?
• y(t) = m(t) ∗ f (t) ∗ c(t)
• Y (f ) = M (f )F (f )C(f )
• How you define the channel now?

Dr. Zafar (BITS Pilani) CommSys: L4 Bandpass

Channel: A Linear Filter

m(t) x(t) y(t)

Transmitter Channel
f(t) c(t)

• Measurement on most of practical channels: channel

behaves as a linear filter.
• Wireline: LTI, Wireless channels: LTV
• y(t)?
• y(t) = m(t) ∗ f (t) ∗ c(t)
• Y (f ) = M (f )F (f )C(f )
• How you define the channel now?
• h(t) = f (t) ∗ c(t) or H(f ) = F (f )C(f ).
Dr. Zafar (BITS Pilani) CommSys: L4 Bandpass
Distortionless Transmission

• Transmission is distortionless if the input and output

signals have identical shapes.

Dr. Zafar (BITS Pilani) CommSys: L4 Bandpass

Distortionless Transmission

• Transmission is distortionless if the input and output

signals have identical shapes.
• Condition for distortionless transmission?

Dr. Zafar (BITS Pilani) CommSys: L4 Bandpass

Distortionless Transmission

• Transmission is distortionless if the input and output

signals have identical shapes.
• Condition for distortionless transmission?
• y(t) = x(t);

Dr. Zafar (BITS Pilani) CommSys: L4 Bandpass

Distortionless Transmission

• Transmission is distortionless if the input and output

signals have identical shapes.
• Condition for distortionless transmission?
• y(t) = x(t);
• Channel transfer function: C(f ) = 1

Dr. Zafar (BITS Pilani) CommSys: L4 Bandpass

Distortionless Transmission

• Transmission is distortionless if the input and output

signals have identical shapes.
• Condition for distortionless transmission?
• y(t) = x(t);
• Channel transfer function: C(f ) = 1
• y(t) = x(t − td )

Dr. Zafar (BITS Pilani) CommSys: L4 Bandpass

Distortionless Transmission

• Transmission is distortionless if the input and output

signals have identical shapes.
• Condition for distortionless transmission?
• y(t) = x(t);
• Channel transfer function: C(f ) = 1
• y(t) = x(t − td )
• C(f ) = e−j2πf td

Dr. Zafar (BITS Pilani) CommSys: L4 Bandpass

Distortionless Transmission

• y(t) = k · x(t − td )

Dr. Zafar (BITS Pilani) CommSys: L4 Bandpass

Distortionless Transmission

• y(t) = k · x(t − td )
• C(f ) = ke−j2πf td ; k denotes the attenuation.

Dr. Zafar (BITS Pilani) CommSys: L4 Bandpass

Distortionless Transmission

• y(t) = k · x(t − td )
• C(f ) = ke−j2πf td ; k denotes the attenuation.
• Magnitude response |C(f )| = k : independent of

Dr. Zafar (BITS Pilani) CommSys: L4 Bandpass

Distortionless Transmission

• y(t) = k · x(t − td )
• C(f ) = ke−j2πf td ; k denotes the attenuation.
• Magnitude response |C(f )| = k : independent of
• Determines the gain of each input frequency

Dr. Zafar (BITS Pilani) CommSys: L4 Bandpass

Distortionless Transmission

• y(t) = k · x(t − td )
• C(f ) = ke−j2πf td ; k denotes the attenuation.
• Magnitude response |C(f )| = k : independent of
• Determines the gain of each input frequency
• Phase response θc = −2πf td : linear with frequency.

Dr. Zafar (BITS Pilani) CommSys: L4 Bandpass

Distortionless Transmission

• y(t) = k · x(t − td )
• C(f ) = ke−j2πf td ; k denotes the attenuation.
• Magnitude response |C(f )| = k : independent of
• Determines the gain of each input frequency
• Phase response θc = −2πf td : linear with frequency.
• Determines the delay of each frequency component
of signal.

Dr. Zafar (BITS Pilani) CommSys: L4 Bandpass

Mitigating the Effect of
Channel: Channel Equalizer
m(t) x(t) y(t) x(t)
Transmitter Channel Channel Equalizer
f(t) c(t) (Inverse Filter)

Dr. Zafar (BITS Pilani) CommSys: L4 Bandpass

Mitigating the Effect of
Channel: Channel Equalizer
m(t) x(t) y(t) x(t)
Transmitter Channel Channel Equalizer
f(t) c(t) (Inverse Filter)

• How to extract x(t) from received signal y(t)?

Dr. Zafar (BITS Pilani) CommSys: L4 Bandpass

Mitigating the Effect of
Channel: Channel Equalizer
m(t) x(t) y(t) x(t)
Transmitter Channel Channel Equalizer
f(t) c(t) (Inverse Filter)

• How to extract x(t) from received signal y(t)?

• Apply an inverse filter

Dr. Zafar (BITS Pilani) CommSys: L4 Bandpass

Mitigating the Effect of
Channel: Channel Equalizer
m(t) x(t) y(t) x(t)
Transmitter Channel Channel Equalizer
f(t) c(t) (Inverse Filter)

• How to extract x(t) from received signal y(t)?

• Apply an inverse filter
• Output at the inverse filter Y (f ) · C(f )
= X(f )

Dr. Zafar (BITS Pilani) CommSys: L4 Bandpass

Mitigating the Effect of
Channel: Channel Equalizer
m(t) x(t) y(t) x(t)
Transmitter Channel Channel Equalizer
f(t) c(t) (Inverse Filter)

• How to extract x(t) from received signal y(t)?

• Apply an inverse filter
• Output at the inverse filter Y (f ) · C(f )
= X(f )
• Filter 1
C(f )
is an inverse filter or channel equalizer.

Dr. Zafar (BITS Pilani) CommSys: L4 Bandpass

Mitigating the Effect of
Channel: Channel Equalizer
m(t) x(t) y(t) x(t)
Transmitter Channel Channel Equalizer
f(t) c(t) (Inverse Filter)

• How to extract x(t) from received signal y(t)?

• Apply an inverse filter
• Output at the inverse filter Y (f ) · C(f )
= X(f )
• Filter C(f )
is an inverse filter or channel equalizer.
• Difficulty: Need to know impulse/frequency response
of the channel.
Dr. Zafar (BITS Pilani) CommSys: L4 Bandpass
Bandpass Signal
Transmission Over
Bandpass Channel

Dr. Zafar (BITS Pilani) CommSys: L4 Bandpass

Real-valued Signals: Negative
• x(t) = cos(2πf0 t)

Dr. Zafar (BITS Pilani) CommSys: L4 Bandpass

Real-valued Signals: Negative
• x(t) = cos(2πf0 t)
• Fourier transform representation of x(t)

Dr. Zafar (BITS Pilani) CommSys: L4 Bandpass

Real-valued Signals: Negative
• x(t) = cos(2πf0 t)
• Fourier transform representation of x(t)
• x(t) = 12 e−j2πf0 t + ej2πf0 t

Dr. Zafar (BITS Pilani) CommSys: L4 Bandpass

Real-valued Signals: Negative
• x(t) = cos(2πf0 t)
• Fourier transform representation of x(t)
• x(t) = 12 e−j2πf0 t + ej2πf0 t

• X(f ) = 21 [δ(f − f0 ) + δ(f + f0 )]

Dr. Zafar (BITS Pilani) CommSys: L4 Bandpass

Real-valued Signals: Negative
• x(t) = cos(2πf0 t)
• Fourier transform representation of x(t)
• x(t) = 12 e−j2πf0 t + ej2πf0 t

• X(f ) = 21 [δ(f − f0 ) + δ(f + f0 )]

• Real signals: both sided spectra

Dr. Zafar (BITS Pilani) CommSys: L4 Bandpass

Real-valued Signals: Negative
• x(t) = cos(2πf0 t)
• Fourier transform representation of x(t)
• x(t) = 12 e−j2πf0 t + ej2πf0 t

• X(f ) = 21 [δ(f − f0 ) + δ(f + f0 )]

• Real signals: both sided spectra
• x(t) = e−j2πf0 t , X(f ) = δ(f − f0 )

Dr. Zafar (BITS Pilani) CommSys: L4 Bandpass

Real-valued Signals: Negative
• x(t) = cos(2πf0 t)
• Fourier transform representation of x(t)
• x(t) = 12 e−j2πf0 t + ej2πf0 t

• X(f ) = 21 [δ(f − f0 ) + δ(f + f0 )]

• Real signals: both sided spectra
• x(t) = e−j2πf0 t , X(f ) = δ(f − f0 )
• Complex-valued signals: one sided spectra

Dr. Zafar (BITS Pilani) CommSys: L4 Bandpass

Analytic Signal of Sinusoidal
• Represent real-valued signal x(t) = cos(2πf0 t) in
terms of complex-valued signals.

Dr. Zafar (BITS Pilani) CommSys: L4 Bandpass

Analytic Signal of Sinusoidal
• Represent real-valued signal x(t) = cos(2πf0 t) in
terms of complex-valued signals.
1 x(t) = Re[ej2πf0 t ] = Re[xp (t)], where xp (t) = ej2πf0 t .

Dr. Zafar (BITS Pilani) CommSys: L4 Bandpass

Analytic Signal of Sinusoidal
• Represent real-valued signal x(t) = cos(2πf0 t) in
terms of complex-valued signals.
1 x(t) = Re[ej2πf0 t ] = Re[xp (t)], where xp (t) = ej2πf0 t .
2 x(t) = Re[cos(2πf0 t) + j sin(2πf0 t)] = Re[xp (t)],
where xp (t) = cos(2πf0 t) + j sin(2πf0 t).

Dr. Zafar (BITS Pilani) CommSys: L4 Bandpass

Analytic Signal of Sinusoidal
• Represent real-valued signal x(t) = cos(2πf0 t) in
terms of complex-valued signals.
1 x(t) = Re[ej2πf0 t ] = Re[xp (t)], where xp (t) = ej2πf0 t .
2 x(t) = Re[cos(2πf0 t) + j sin(2πf0 t)] = Re[xp (t)],
where xp (t) = cos(2πf0 t) + j sin(2πf0 t).
3 And many more...

Dr. Zafar (BITS Pilani) CommSys: L4 Bandpass

Analytic Signal of Sinusoidal
• Represent real-valued signal x(t) = cos(2πf0 t) in
terms of complex-valued signals.
1 x(t) = Re[ej2πf0 t ] = Re[xp (t)], where xp (t) = ej2πf0 t .
2 x(t) = Re[cos(2πf0 t) + j sin(2πf0 t)] = Re[xp (t)],
where xp (t) = cos(2πf0 t) + j sin(2πf0 t).
3 And many more...
• xp (t): complex envelop of signal x(t).

Dr. Zafar (BITS Pilani) CommSys: L4 Bandpass

Analytic Signal of Sinusoidal
• Represent real-valued signal x(t) = cos(2πf0 t) in
terms of complex-valued signals.
1 x(t) = Re[ej2πf0 t ] = Re[xp (t)], where xp (t) = ej2πf0 t .
2 x(t) = Re[cos(2πf0 t) + j sin(2πf0 t)] = Re[xp (t)],
where xp (t) = cos(2πf0 t) + j sin(2πf0 t).
3 And many more...
• xp (t): complex envelop of signal x(t).
• Most of the times, analyzing xp (t) is much easier than

Dr. Zafar (BITS Pilani) CommSys: L4 Bandpass

Analytic Signal of Sinusoidal
• Represent real-valued signal x(t) = cos(2πf0 t) in
terms of complex-valued signals.
1 x(t) = Re[ej2πf0 t ] = Re[xp (t)], where xp (t) = ej2πf0 t .
2 x(t) = Re[cos(2πf0 t) + j sin(2πf0 t)] = Re[xp (t)],
where xp (t) = cos(2πf0 t) + j sin(2πf0 t).
3 And many more...
• xp (t): complex envelop of signal x(t).
• Most of the times, analyzing xp (t) is much easier than
• xp (t): analytic signal

Dr. Zafar (BITS Pilani) CommSys: L4 Bandpass

Analytic Signal of Sinusoidal
• Represent real-valued signal x(t) = cos(2πf0 t) in
terms of complex-valued signals.
1 x(t) = Re[ej2πf0 t ] = Re[xp (t)], where xp (t) = ej2πf0 t .
2 x(t) = Re[cos(2πf0 t) + j sin(2πf0 t)] = Re[xp (t)],
where xp (t) = cos(2πf0 t) + j sin(2πf0 t).
3 And many more...
• xp (t): complex envelop of signal x(t).
• Most of the times, analyzing xp (t) is much easier than
• xp (t): analytic signal
• Satisfies the Cauchy-Riemann conditions

Dr. Zafar (BITS Pilani) CommSys: L4 Bandpass

Analytic Signal
• x(t) is a real-valued signal

Dr. Zafar (BITS Pilani) CommSys: L4 Bandpass

Analytic Signal
• x(t) is a real-valued signal
• Find the complex-envelop or analytic signal of x(t)

Dr. Zafar (BITS Pilani) CommSys: L4 Bandpass

Analytic Signal
• x(t) is a real-valued signal
• Find the complex-envelop or analytic signal of x(t)
• Assumption: there is no defining structure of the
signal x(t)

Dr. Zafar (BITS Pilani) CommSys: L4 Bandpass

Analytic Signal
• x(t) is a real-valued signal
• Find the complex-envelop or analytic signal of x(t)
• Assumption: there is no defining structure of the
signal x(t)
• Hilbert transform is the way

Dr. Zafar (BITS Pilani) CommSys: L4 Bandpass

Analytic Signal
• x(t) is a real-valued signal
• Find the complex-envelop or analytic signal of x(t)
• Assumption: there is no defining structure of the
signal x(t)
• Hilbert transform is the way
• xp (t) = x(t) + jxh (t)

Dr. Zafar (BITS Pilani) CommSys: L4 Bandpass

Analytic Signal
• x(t) is a real-valued signal
• Find the complex-envelop or analytic signal of x(t)
• Assumption: there is no defining structure of the
signal x(t)
• Hilbert transform is the way
• xp (t) = x(t) + jxh (t)
• xh (t) is the Hilbert transform of x(t)

Dr. Zafar (BITS Pilani) CommSys: L4 Bandpass

Analytic Signal
• x(t) is a real-valued signal
• Find the complex-envelop or analytic signal of x(t)
• Assumption: there is no defining structure of the
signal x(t)
• Hilbert transform is the way
• xp (t) = x(t) + jxh (t)
• xh (t) is the Hilbert transform of x(t)
• xp (t): complex envelop of x(t)

Dr. Zafar (BITS Pilani) CommSys: L4 Bandpass

Analytic Signal
• x(t) is a real-valued signal
• Find the complex-envelop or analytic signal of x(t)
• Assumption: there is no defining structure of the
signal x(t)
• Hilbert transform is the way
• xp (t) = x(t) + jxh (t)
• xh (t) is the Hilbert transform of x(t)
• xp (t): complex envelop of x(t)
• |xp (t)|: envelop of x(t)

Dr. Zafar (BITS Pilani) CommSys: L4 Bandpass

Hilbert Transform
1 1
R∞ 1
• xh (t) = x(t) ∗ πt
= π −∞
x(α) t−α dα

Dr. Zafar (BITS Pilani) CommSys: L4 Bandpass

Hilbert Transform
• xh (t) = x(t) ∗ πt = π1 −∞ x(α) t−α

• Xh (f ) = X(f )F T [ πt ]

Dr. Zafar (BITS Pilani) CommSys: L4 Bandpass

Hilbert Transform
• xh (t) = x(t) ∗ πt = π1 −∞ x(α) t−α

• Xh (f ) = X(f )F T [ πt ]
• F T [ πt ] = −jsgn(f)

Dr. Zafar (BITS Pilani) CommSys: L4 Bandpass

Hilbert Transform
• xh (t) = x(t) ∗ πt = π1 −∞ x(α) t−α

• Xh (f ) = X(f )F T [ πt ]
• F T [ πt ] = −jsgn(f)

−j = 1 · e
 ,f > 0
F (f ) = 0, f = 0;

j = 1 · ejπ/2 , f < 0

Dr. Zafar (BITS Pilani) CommSys: L4 Bandpass

Hilbert Transform
• xh (t) = x(t) ∗ πt = π1 −∞ x(α) t−α

• Xh (f ) = X(f )F T [ πt ]
• F T [ πt ] = −jsgn(f)

−j = 1 · e
 ,f > 0
F (f ) = 0, f = 0;

j = 1 · ejπ/2 , f < 0

• Hilbert transform: changes the phase of every

component of x(t)

Dr. Zafar (BITS Pilani) CommSys: L4 Bandpass

Hilbert Transform
• xh (t) = x(t) ∗ πt = π1 −∞ x(α) t−α

• Xh (f ) = X(f )F T [ πt ]
• F T [ πt ] = −jsgn(f)

−j = 1 · e
 ,f > 0
F (f ) = 0, f = 0;

j = 1 · ejπ/2 , f < 0

• Hilbert transform: changes the phase of every

component of x(t)
• xh (t) is the Hilbert transform of x(t).

Dr. Zafar (BITS Pilani) CommSys: L4 Bandpass

Hilbert Transform
• xh (t) = x(t) ∗ πt = π1 −∞ x(α) t−α

• Xh (f ) = X(f )F T [ πt ]
• F T [ πt ] = −jsgn(f)

−j = 1 · e
 ,f > 0
F (f ) = 0, f = 0;

j = 1 · ejπ/2 , f < 0

• Hilbert transform: changes the phase of every

component of x(t)
• xh (t) is the Hilbert transform of x(t).
• Hilbert transform of x(t) = cos(2πf0 t)

Dr. Zafar (BITS Pilani) CommSys: L4 Bandpass

Hilbert Transform
• xh (t) = x(t) ∗ πt = π1 −∞ x(α) t−α

• Xh (f ) = X(f )F T [ πt ]
• F T [ πt ] = −jsgn(f)

−j = 1 · e
 ,f > 0
F (f ) = 0, f = 0;

j = 1 · ejπ/2 , f < 0

• Hilbert transform: changes the phase of every

component of x(t)
• xh (t) is the Hilbert transform of x(t).
• Hilbert transform of x(t) = cos(2πf0 t)
• xh = sin(2πf0 t)

Dr. Zafar (BITS Pilani) CommSys: L4 Bandpass

Hilbert Transform
• xh (t) = x(t) ∗ πt = π1 −∞ x(α) t−α

• Xh (f ) = X(f )F T [ πt ]
• F T [ πt ] = −jsgn(f)

−j = 1 · e
 ,f > 0
F (f ) = 0, f = 0;

j = 1 · ejπ/2 , f < 0

• Hilbert transform: changes the phase of every

component of x(t)
• xh (t) is the Hilbert transform of x(t).
• Hilbert transform of x(t) = cos(2πf0 t)
• xh = sin(2πf0 t)
• Hilbert transform of sin(2πf0 t) = − cos(2πf0 t)
Dr. Zafar (BITS Pilani) CommSys: L4 Bandpass
Spectrum of Complex Envelope

• Xp (f ) = X(f ) + jXh (f ) = X(f ) + sgn(f )X(f )

Dr. Zafar (BITS Pilani) CommSys: L4 Bandpass

Spectrum of Complex Envelope

• Xp (f ) = X(f ) + jXh (f ) = X(f ) + sgn(f )X(f )

2X(f ), f > 0
Xp (f ) =
0, f < 0;

Dr. Zafar (BITS Pilani) CommSys: L4 Bandpass

Spectrum of Complex Envelope

• Xp (f ) = X(f ) + jXh (f ) = X(f ) + sgn(f )X(f )

2X(f ), f > 0
Xp (f ) =
0, f < 0;
• For real-valued x(t): two-sided spectrum

Dr. Zafar (BITS Pilani) CommSys: L4 Bandpass

Spectrum of Complex Envelope

• Xp (f ) = X(f ) + jXh (f ) = X(f ) + sgn(f )X(f )

2X(f ), f > 0
Xp (f ) =
0, f < 0;
• For real-valued x(t): two-sided spectrum
• Complex envelop xp (t): one-sided spectrum

Dr. Zafar (BITS Pilani) CommSys: L4 Bandpass

Spectrum of Bandpass Signal
• x(t): bandpass signal.

Dr. Zafar (BITS Pilani) CommSys: L4 Bandpass

Spectrum of Bandpass Signal
• x(t): bandpass signal.


f=0 f0-B f0 f0+B

-f0-B -f0 -f0+B f

Dr. Zafar (BITS Pilani) CommSys: L4 Bandpass

Complex Envelop of Bandpass
• xp (t) = x(t) + jxh (t)

Dr. Zafar (BITS Pilani) CommSys: L4 Bandpass

Complex Envelop of Bandpass
• xp (t) = x(t) + jxh (t)
2X(f ), f > 0
Xp (f ) =
0, f < 0;

Dr. Zafar (BITS Pilani) CommSys: L4 Bandpass

Complex Envelop of Bandpass
• xp (t) = x(t) + jxh (t)
2X(f ), f > 0
Xp (f ) =
0, f < 0;

f=0 f0-B f0 f0+B

Dr. Zafar (BITS Pilani) CommSys: L4 Bandpass
Complex Envelop of Bandpass
• xp (t) = x(t) + jxh (t)
2X(f ), f > 0
Xp (f ) =
0, f < 0;

f=0 f0-B f0 f0+B


• x (t) = x̃(t)e
Dr.j2πf t
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Low Pass Equivalent of
Bandpass Signal

• xp (t) = x̃(t)ej2πf0 t

Dr. Zafar (BITS Pilani) CommSys: L4 Bandpass

Low Pass Equivalent of
Bandpass Signal

• xp (t) = x̃(t)ej2πf0 t
• x̃(t): Low pass equivalent signal

Dr. Zafar (BITS Pilani) CommSys: L4 Bandpass

Low Pass Equivalent of
Bandpass Signal

• xp (t) = x̃(t)ej2πf0 t
• x̃(t): Low pass equivalent signal
• |xp (t)| = |x̃(t)|

Dr. Zafar (BITS Pilani) CommSys: L4 Bandpass

Low Pass Equivalent of
Bandpass Signal

• xp (t) = x̃(t)ej2πf0 t
• x̃(t): Low pass equivalent signal
• |xp (t)| = |x̃(t)|
• x̃(t): Complex envelop of bandpass signal

Dr. Zafar (BITS Pilani) CommSys: L4 Bandpass

Low Pass Equivalent of
Bandpass Signal

• xp (t) = x̃(t)ej2πf0 t
• x̃(t): Low pass equivalent signal
• |xp (t)| = |x̃(t)|
• x̃(t): Complex envelop of bandpass signal
• Finally: x(t) = Re[x̃(t)ej2πf0 t ]

Dr. Zafar (BITS Pilani) CommSys: L4 Bandpass

Exercise 4
• Problem 2.10-11 TB (page 139) (B.P. Lathi) In the
system shown in Fig.2 P2.10-11a , bandpass filter
characteristics is shown in Fig. P2-10-11b. Here
x(t) = 2Bsinc(2πBt). Energy in x(t) and z(t) are Ex
and Ez . Obtain the raio Ez /Ex .

Dr. Zafar (BITS Pilani) CommSys: L4 Bandpass

Objectives Achieved and Q&A

1 Queries on the last lecture.

2 Baseband signal transmission over lowpass channel.
3 Hilbert Transform.
4 Bandpass signal transmission over bandpass

Dr. Zafar (BITS Pilani) CommSys: L4 Bandpass

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