Understanding Work Immersio1

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Understanding Work Immersion

Work immersion is a real word experience through SHS. One of its

components, the work immersion provides students to experience real
work place to enhance their livelihood skills that can help them make
more improve their employment prospects. In work immersion the first
thing we should do id to know the company. You must know the things
you can do and the things you can’t do. In doing works, attitude is very
important, you can show this to them but in a right side. You need also
to know the attitude of the employees for you to avoid the unimportant
things and we all know are limitation. When you enter company, if there
is something to hide, hide it because secret is a secret. What you see and
what you hear when you just leave it there. Be aware also of what you
are talking because there a case that the business will hurt of unexpected
words. It may cause problem and it can ruin your communication to
them so the right thing to do is to be careful of we do/ say.
In doing works, safety is needed thing on this. Safety first they say.
Know the do and don’t. don’t do thing that can harm you. Don’t abuse
yourself, you need also to take rest. Give yourself a break because in
business you need a healthy body to do some works and the important
thing maintain your healthy body.
In business employees is the one who needed the must without
them, business is nothing. The employees need to have a teamwork so
that they can make a good communication and to make their work not
boring. Employees is the flower of every company because they make
the best work just to make their company nice and good. We need also
to put God in the center of everything because to God nothing is
impossible. There is no other God except him. Have faith in him and he
will bless us.

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