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In the drained condition, the volumetric strain seems to be large enough to absorb at least a part of the

excess pore-water coming out from a liquefied sand layer if the post-liquefaction settlement is of the
same order. In the undrained condition, this dilatant behavior will increase the effective stress in the
sand and the slope will stop its flow movement as soon as the excess pore pressure during shaking

Because of extensive post-liquefaction lateral flow and settlement, the elevation contours may have
changed considerably after the quake.

Flow failure in a liquefied ground may not necessarily be caused by the inertia force during earthquakes
but by the gravity force sustained after earthquakes. Considering that even a very gentle slope flows
only by gravity, a mechanism must inevitably be involved, in which a residual shear strength of sand
which is as small as possible is exerted.

If such sand layer liquefies, excess pore water squeezed from the liquefied sand is trapped by a relatively
impermeable sub-layer and forms a water film beneath it.

Peningkatan volume akibat pergeseran pada tanah dikenal sebagai perilaku dilatan atau dilatansi.
Perilaku dilatan merupakan sifat umum pada tanah, khususnya pada pasir.

Quick Behavior menunjukkan kecenderungan lanau untuk menjadi cair ketika digetarkan, ,lrrn dilatansi
merupakan kecenderungan untuk mengalami penambahan volume ketika berubah bentuk.

kecenderungan untuk dilatansi terlihat jelas dan tekanan air pori mengalami pcnrrnrnun rerusmenerus

In some cases, lateral flow occurred not only during but also after earthquakes and flowed more than a
few meters even though in very gentle slopes.

Generally, ground is structured by many layers whose permeability is different to each layer. While
ground recovers from liquefaction, sedimentation begins in each sublayer. In this process, drained
excess pore water may accumulate under a low, permeability sublayer. We have named this
phenomenon as “water film effect”. If the water film is formed continuously along the sublayer, the
shear resistance along it reduces, having a great influence on lateral flow mechanism [6]. In this study, in
order to make clear the water film effect on flow failure.

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