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PoesorCstopher Nardin, Macquai Uiversty ieee mee Translation and Se naa eos . foie edt Tnsiogst Pinta ante Translating: se ranonson = Theory and Practice prams inSiuso w Senor E05) eugene rt trae swing Sten Ein HERES an mance Senso Ine tae be eo) tan neon rai ngrowene Lewring i | 2 Sane aare oss An insocon to Sco Language Pa forcing inferionacowas Sh Lananetaa ano SetenesRnseess SNES Raa eh a Language nd lennon poe Aes mcs / atone Oucoune —— RLAMSBERT FER re a0 pees Ph ‘Set oaves i ‘MatcouN COULTHARD ‘Translation and Translating: Sarehilgong Resawcn "0" ROSERT- BELL ki Be sore teers 7 im ‘CHRISTOPHER N. CANDLIN (E eee eon eee ieee aa ‘Begun Edcatan (SARL JAMES AND — ot fo ae ond LONGMAN LONDON AN! NEW YORK ongnus Geoup UK Lan {pan Ha, Bat Mi a, Fore 20 IE, Ean nd Ascot Company douphut the wa Phd inthe nied Stes of Amis by Lane nc, Now York ‘tanga Grasp UK Lied 1991 ‘Ags rsa prof se pubcaon may be educa utd in ‘neal pcs in sy frm yay ean secon, ‘mci pg go whe i ie ea he Uns! King isl by the Capyight Laxesing Aastoy Lid So Tanna Core Ras, Londo, WIP EE Bi Libary Caioping ia Podleaton Data a, Roger loge Tm) 19 (np tapas on woes (neue temas uso ISHN 0 582 1648-7 Lian of Cones Catling Pblinon Daa Toston end waning tery and ractictRog: el ot (apd gus ta ngage) ier bboapia eens ands iano-secete a bane it ee 02085 "yes by Opus Design Company, Oxf in 10 a 12 pane Yel by mga Singapore aber (ed Contents Acknowledgments General Eaton's Preface Iniroducsion Par 1: MODEL, CHAPTER 1 Perspectives on translation LT Whatistansaon? LLL Equtalence: semantic and site LI2- Ruler: deseripdon and prescription 113 Transition; proces and product 114 Sommary 12, Wharisamanslator 1.1 Memory, meaning and language 122 ‘The commonicabon process 123 ‘Thetranlaion proces 124 Summary 13. Whatis uanslaion theory? 131 Theories, models nd analogies 132 Requlemens fora theory af wenslaon 133 Methodology; vestigaing arson 134 Summary 14 Conearon CHAPTER 2 Translating, modelling the process 21. The wanalator: knowledge and sills 214, Meal biingtal competence 212) Expertise 213 Communicative competence 214 Summary 2 4 4 15 "7 n a 8 an n 35 cf 4 a si Cotes 22 Tranlatingthe model 221. Componensand processes 222 Analysis 223 Symtess 224 Semmaqy 23. Using the process to tani LLL Analysis: reading the source langue txt 232 Prepaingtowansate 233. Symes; wig he trgetlanpuge text 234. Summary 24, Conelsion Pare 2: MEANING CHAPTER 3. Word- and sentence-mesning 22 Thethessras 321 Lexical and semantic eds 422 Denotnion and connotation 323 Seman diferent! 4324 Summary 1 Sentence-meaning 331 Wordeand sentences 432 Unerance, sentence and proposiion 1333 Situation conte and universe of discourse 334. Sommary 34 Concuton CHAPTER 4 Logi, grammar and shetorie 121 Cope meanings eatonafuneion and "TRANSITIVITY ALL Paricpants and processes 4112 Greumstances 413. Logicand the tansbator Summary ma 7 as 1B 7 19 13 Comins 442 Imeratonl caning expen foeton md MooD. 421 Conmuniaine exchanges and clus options 422. Ghiand choice: phrase options 423 Geanmarand the tans 424 Sinimary 43. Disoursl mcaing, the textual fareton andthe THEME gm 431” Oxpntnginfrmatons ont sevcne 432 ‘Themsteaion 433. Linking clues tx cobeson 4354 Rhone end the tanastor 435 Summary 44. Concasion CHAPTER 5 ‘Text and discourse Si Stan oft S11 Coes anes 312. Inenioaliy and aceeplbilty 513 nfm relevance and itertenaliy 514 Summary 5.2 Speech stand the co-operative piciple 52.1 Comgonents nd eles 522. Indecerspeechacs 523. ‘The co-operative principe 52.4 Summary 53 Discwrne partes S31 Tenor 532 Made 533 Doin 534 Seman 54 Conclusion Part 5: MEMORY CHAPTER 6 Text processing 61 Texypooges 1 Formal pages 2 Funeonal pages 613. Texypes, om and samples 614 Summary t 62 Tax prcesing knomedge 621" Symacichoewedge 622 Semantic knowledge 623 Pragmatic nowlege ‘Summary voces sil 631" Problems snd text pracesing 632 Syuhosewriing 633 Anus reading 634. Sommary 64 Conclsion oa FIER 7 Information, knowlege and memory oman itor procesing TT sage Tha Tweeproees 113. Poedcmas 214 Sammy 12. Krowldge 721 Concpnl xe and ees 422 Kyle ents 323 Sekine 328 Summary 72 Many ene 1" Fpl nd conecpil mony 132 Ablesing seme 133 Recto emmy 134. Semmay 14 Gotti CHAPTERS Envi Appenic ittoganhy Index a 20 mt as Bn 254 a4 aS 56 238 us Er 1 19 us Acknowledgements ‘This book as been growing tealy wih pt versions of pars of it merging oer the period 1984-90 a teaching materials and papers, tt the mole ws only Brot tetera complete fst daft by di offre mec sendy word-procesing in Lancaster ding AES snd cay September 1988. The time snd place were sigan. Ecater was in many ways an del place to wee; que and in the "rummer of 1B, wetand cold Iwas, asthe proverb might hae sid, mil How tat winds nobody good the hlay eade's as was my Brin, snce the tempi to go ent mas ot there tobe reste, Tas very canes of tchacogeal supports I wrote. The text ‘was word-procesed, the London Weather Cente gave me via the ‘aio and elevison, th diy forecasts wanted to heat = showers and wih intr probably with the ght imterssomited~ and Radio “Thee, assy, provided wonder muse whe you wo’ Tam tf Several organizations for help during the creation of this book My parulr ns go to the Briss Couel or proving support which allowed met yout same of he esi this bok in Tal, Groce, Hong Kong snd Paistan ding the past i years "Egalyin the ceston of any book raring have always layed 2 ‘quiet bat ruc ole T mold singe ot for parcular thanks the ‘re-hlpul and professional staffs of the Bray in the Sehol of Languages inthe Popechie of Cenral Londo and ofthe Senate House Library ofthe University of London, owe x parcolar deo grate omy alleges in the School of Languages atthe Plyteca of Central Landon and to Alan Collis ofthe Department of Peycbaogy tthe Unters of Lancaster and the several india who mere generous enough w comment in ‘denon catty versione of the mancacip, Vera Adamson, Chris (Cando, Mak Hite, Cae James, Ricardo Steiner. lam parca ‘ref io Dunn Bel Judy Bowles and Susan Gran who ae cased uta metals poaeading ofthe et x Admoiedgenens Final, need on Aldi Baer, Stel Doron, John and Ann Cori, hn and Jan Rana, Russ and il Rossel, Eke Hutchison, Groin’ Large and Joel Ryce-Menuhin who, i ther own very ire ways ade dis book pose, ‘There are many more without what soppor tis bk wosld not ave ben writen ~ in parca, ny long-ufeing etude, To al of them, named or not, Toler my thanks, acknowledge their ood ess exonerate thes fom the bad parts of his book, those ae, of ‘ourse, down tome alone Roger. Bell neater and London 1989 ‘The Publishers are gral to Eons Galimard for pemision ‘produce the poem Pots by Pal Valery rom Aire Rhum of Tel uel © Estas Galinard and to Cabrige Univers Pree td ‘he autor fra gure ross Gregory, M. (196) ‘Aspects of Varetes Difereniatonin Jornal a Liguitia 3 General Editor's Preface For someone who ie professionally engaged inconeptalsing and “organising psterpercnce programmes in Applied Linguistics (nd : Any mode of communication atthe same tine 3 model of trasaton, of» yeracal oe horizontal taster of sgncance ses send Soa Se gents ee shee Seafarer a el we Se ae Se Sc ea et a nt ce a ae “Hence pe ice Sag seg a me paenrenspatc ea Brin erie ee ce» “Wena serene eecaaemen acta pat Secrets sneer eee es eg ‘esti hermit en catia ie Sac ean na iusto oe “Eee tae at cere eos er acne Ci are epee kes Seay ecg es (nr compas ae hands cc mas roe ae Sie pale eta cans ee ae a wif erent ae oes soe manana eet Se ee Sr 1.2.1. Memory, messing and language “The tasty, Hk any oter communicator, ves in the word of he ‘isc throgh which prcepdons ae integrated as concep, e=per- FACULDADE DE LETRAS / UPMO timtiorecs “ 16 Translation ond Translating ences can be “ealed'and even ‘elved” trough the sats of ‘Ase tal sein Chapter 7 (whe we conser meni ystems) it ‘sell dbus vee enston = ching Sel rm the cutie wall Urogh the tenes ~ and erepton; te ‘spoon 2 tse lnpreion ino a cde red bat able dimes ‘oun See nd pectin [Bitews cater egw fre Rises tare Setter tect re meeite ote a mea tae aes ieee ras arin oe Peters ricer Rete tare Decimas es pelouriS mets cet Wt bam oh te ear b Reareeeay eeeancc he siehcah range tees Tierney aera senor mietemawae eee ceo cei tere, ppierreerrienert ant San ae Penpesice om remlaon 17 coves a th convents angus an os aly Seng See ngage wed ‘What ds rnin now bong? he ner woul const ol of ng chlo ae et slice Tit so mele of the eons seine fo (0) comeing Sherhaus emy concpes Wiha rane ih pops ‘Gemnic knot) (nope propesins, nich re ues Sod et edt any ngage em the churn es of 2 Faria linge (see tome) and) eli tans ‘ences ad xs inact! comeonire stron het toni) "We sal be condrng ich of hese dough the ss fis twkand yoo pure make wat pr an ins ol. ‘a hs peso aman being ns ener nes apis trans in sey pars sc, forh anther a the ‘er Tease ngoge and wo cultres ined Father ta oe Thao, hg erin he ee ht arse re comely are of aguge and he resort cas hh tondingeal commute se ah purple weer thou lange ey ow fo pei he en) ba o pose foal noaelge Bowring tht et bar sachs ch Ghana) so aogier dle say, sb ston of Fngstce qty dcne ding etal anges ean st wintry ae ding when thy speak owt. We sal he Xp the distinc berocn peed to ac! te Chap? Seton 2 burmenion there bene takes ese he fend of ek whic ces we aonb the ate. {orn te procedural knowledge whic aeistrs pntesioGl ledge nick canbe robe, shred, dacs "The question tat we would wish to ah the, i ‘Hw docs the trandator mone from oe langage tthe other in the corse of ‘ranean and the answer we sal ie wl be inthe frm of ey ple model ofthe proce “The transato, swe ane been syn, by definition a communica tor hose in writen conmniaton, We might hei ‘begin by proving ough, general nde ofthe pores of writen ‘Communication before moving on tothe specie and pac ‘roblematic proces in whch wanstors are mold. “Phe mn presente n igre 13 dee imately fom workin i ‘ Information theory and contains sine steps which tke os frm] coding the mestig through is wanemisson and eceton tthe Aecoding ofthe message by the reesinr It provides swith sring| fit for the explanation of the process of communication, abet ined tothe monolingual end, by implication, a dyaieneractins ne sender aed one cee. seo 222 5 scm, OM pecven ven with thee timation, however, i contains widhin i the ‘ements and process which eed be epined and ass age "umber of questions which rqute an answriPwe aro secead ot alti our auemps wo make sense othe phenomen of tansaton, We ‘ld desert thi proces a tr of rine sep: AD) the sender sles message and code ) encodes message {G) secs chanel sans signal contsining message (© receiver receives sgl onsining message (6) recognizes cote 5) deere signa (8) reaver mesge and (0) comprohends mesae We ght nt, however, assme tha this i simple, iirectiona and lnear process noe that each step mst be competed before the ‘ex canbe stared Processing i by its very mature both epee Gi Sender sends more meses orth receiver takes oer the senders, roe) and eoperte (he sender ny well bein aan at ep 1 whe the rexver no farer advanced tha topo) ‘second ood (Figure 1) ow needed to provide 4 ear outa between the processes of monalingual communion snd | ‘rslaton, If can be fead at + coninvation ofthe model shor by ‘ining tp Sin she monolingual proces presente shine with ep 1 : low i. ‘ether reeves seal Scns ened ih esi es cnn mes. Ti eH mtb ned ati oe he ap bat tne the sees fs or ateton 2m sty and ifrence beeweentansaon an ‘Somat ommenicnon. — sero 222+ scien 2 maton neceVER ao SlmaneNAL? owns 4 Teniing a oe 9 smart @ ie coe saeo 8 kr oe gars Beer tanta se opt Te en cere bemeen npalagal ommunicrn ad bling ce See acre ae ea moe ret ea rie See ns icant ict a reas i settgatenroveoctas SET cuenta emt lt 20 Traut and Tring to binds of emlanin: (1) poblngitic elation arto cin yet pin nan and @) a ore tgif wciingisieexplnnon which Ret aaee pare ee ae Sprite eo fe en sean cme lero reteocrs Sure es foscvatn as oreeeeas mere ee eens eons ieee Seana Sete areas scree mid eel roe Sear cre seemhlge crag chat ni Sees ee ore me ced a ppt toap ila! realy Smo eo on oe Setar et are siooreis, tans 123 Tete ps ew py pry ein ai ee ot To pea tin tre tert stove ed emp eed nee ee ee ‘Sein a Spas + mre Se et a vo anetater sowckame tes eh ate Sites gem pagel bp tgteen opp Lg sma Ee tl do ace ee nian or er ere cea em te ett SoS GE ae bre a or Meee Sete me eo Fearne rapt pall oats preemie Ss teed aoe sec (the tayo language tex, the TLT). Penge om romain OL Pa =] Cae ee cia 15 Tron proces 124 Summary In ths secon we have mond from dscusing the abst notion ‘rasan athe pote eed ins deseipon ad expan ‘Gon to the uso he atv: he tandator. We hse, very rie. atid nde he atari rt aia che proces alton i the contest of haan communion ‘Sha fay, provid the simplest posible mode of he process of tration, Alo these fuce wll eapeat ter and wl oe del with Ina ch es summary asin Weneed wet to deride how we ae ging tcl the description snd eaplanatin of asain, This wil egal uso dvi on (he ind of dheory which il be most revealing fr oo purposes and his ‘nl mole dsinguishing model from tears and sping te “Hacatrsts which theories in general anda theory of anata parla boul poses) and (2) the ef methodology which il te most pepsin 13. Whatis translation theory? “THe sly of aston seems to be permeate by sundersandng (both ies Engi tending to mbes Ye objects and ‘Methods of esata thor dana tert to demonsite fom sdequste gop ofthe pices of gus and Insts invesigton. One recent qunton wil make this om he point of ew of the ansae,any sine iment asian dagamnat Goreng 2d raion hors me eho nga sem ae ode) of what gos nln the bain (la eres ey ving there of manag tema and pee specie? We ave bearing tht advance ia trnsaton theory ean ony be achieved though snd ofthe proces of tanstion ad would ake ‘his suggestion fumher by desing hat what Is equted eseription of that process and an explanation aft Wee seching, ‘in ater words, ansmer the questions (Suh haps ms ‘rnsatoy esate and ) "whys the proces ays Ta ode snr thse questions, rH steps eel 9 be taken Fins of all given the emphasis which has ten placed on the ‘vation of the prot, It seems esc tat the balance be ‘edresed twgh the sstemas study ofthe pre, Its the proces ich ereates the product and i ony by understanding te press that we can hope ese curses in sch rol to Belpourcnes 4 thers to improve thir sills a8 trnatos. The need for such shit of anetion has, indeed, ready been anped fc tnd we ang endorse the sentiment expressed ia theory of. aslaion would acount the proces ‘of moving fom orga ext 9 mental represetation and how Airs rom the erga ext Sccony, we must ~ fing the propose! made by Basnet -MeGuire*~ adapta descriptive ralher than prescriptive appost’ 1 our ivestiation ofthe process, recogniig the the puree of Vatslaon then to reach an understanding of the processes undertaken inthe at tans and, no a 550 commonly msndesoa, Provide set of noes fr eet the perfect tansaon In short instead of making subjective and abitaryugments on the ‘tent © which one translation i “heter than anther and esing that ‘pndes resides in the Eth adherencet an imposed set ST ommtandments, our eiettion has to be towards the objective specication othe steps and stages through which th asst works the source text inthe original language ransformed othe get ‘exh focus onthe proces which rates the anton rather than on the wantin el We must nt Howeer, make exaggerated cig for ou eis and teh de Bexogande wa 1c is inaproprine 0 expect that a thee, model of ‘anton had sel e rbot woe. ites shal lite 2 of ete fr sprang cand for coordinating te dierent pec ems ich fom cme le se here a igen Sa eon ses ms () bend te desi, Stier af pce rnc, an avy om pecion an, icing. Ow he mo ree wn a eng wh he dacs wi ements Gee econ asthe and Seton 122 fra pr satemet in elon anon ho). ciue cee’ and ode hate st ben we We ne ise cei hy espe press sien we are ene. i ames Se sty a wee ee srs ear ‘a aaate titra ett a sioemasimmmaarse aan Socaereataen a Eee Caeanets scutoe et epee ct Sees Seaver ery eo Fee foncowame See Ricci cetn eave et Soe eee So ena ie ues ner cr tr men eth ail a wean of ee inane gat sigs eau tor oe Says noun 6 Peep sed engi that ideas preexst thee discover) or ‘eesti we belcre they do see on et a ne beg res paelarae ees See Gece ee ee sence ene ae Sere Soares Sooner te Ftp pep mpeg gin eo] Seto ee aa Se ere oe ere Nel peolagics ct earlgy can at yet prove (Rats cee ie emi on srr a oer oe ea oe ele Seize panes ates Cedar eed trai ‘how they relate to each other: “+! shied 1 a a moka epee pe of Penge o romain — 25 ‘stem and order ia something observed. It exits iat all ‘lop! dbate as rage fortwo millenia over the exten: of ‘tac ens) nthe mind. It has no tng manson, 1 8 idea (bic might wel be nique the individual who “a which ‘omsttes the internal epresentation of phenomenon, em mn idea af th aout ofthe ata! London Underground ssc ‘A-rmodel is in const, an exer rather than a reqrscnnin othe explanations reazaton othe cry I exists {Stange bjt (a dingram, formal, tex) which sands for he les cooled inte theory. The London Underground ste, fe trample, repesened by two very diferent kinds of map: (0) the ‘Shera plan ia which ation ar shown as eguiistan fines are nt faved, cey and @) 4 map in which dhe Bes re dawn i lat the road under which they ran of which they ces. “Armodel most therfore, poses a amber of characteris itis to deel 1 unt ily rpc the they at tans Gr Indinte what the penn ely rater han what appears tobe 2.1 must do this by reveling sgifant carers of the ‘phenomenon exsined by the theory. Clea, gen that 2 mods ‘and for ering fr moe complex than self, no model cn ‘present ws wit he fl complesty ofthe rg but ro ode is Fequred tod hat The eel constraint on mols ot that it Should be sony ofthe gal phenomenon but ta shoud focus atenton on tore pars of the phenomenon which are fonsird obe moet event bythe tho Te must hie » hewriteFnction making it esier wo grasp the ‘elation (the theo) and doing tat aa way which makes Farther stly easier and leds to deeper understanding. This is fehiced by mca of analogy: A model popes that we 3 Phenomena were oer than i appears. For this ress 3 Frode maybe extemely pil (Fr example, uh one we we Chapter 7 expan informaion- processing ivaes a number of “deo charge ofthe several stages) bt theese constrain tors model sno that itsboul be rea Gate sense of ng ory ‘tibe phevomenon) but that abou be revealing of known ts Shout te oii there so need cla hatte model does ny Inore han pe the components involved and the rears thy ‘ne wih each other. ‘he modes we salle proposing wile analogs wh see ins of horace Thy sa ro maine he pena we se hey ware smething een ode fly vt anderand ‘hore fal” We doth ath the tanlon paces hater, ‘ating gel popeson to sytc rcres n esatons of Bodh in aeraees and tex (Chapt tad 3) tn qrcening {Chapter 6 and intrmsonpoceting sn menor (hope ‘Wha sen, ofthe theory wee sesh fo? What hrs should we eset it hae apd whit cress shoal ce be for ‘cahating aerate thar this eth sino he ‘eiremens far they of rani, hi ew tas 1.3.2 Requirements fora theory of translation ‘A mode ell mols san atempe ats dept aber han an ‘slenatin. An expaton ia they A theory aye defied satoment of general prince sed upon reamed srgment td ‘unpre by evidence, thats itended to explain parteul fat, {01 phenomena." Le. whe model animers the question ‘ha he deo anawers he Question why? Gincn the ambi ofthe word tana, we cn envisage three pose theories depeading am the fos of the imestigatin the roves or the product These would be 1.4 they of ansaton as proces (ea thcry of alain). This wld requir a staly af information proesing and wit Ot such opis as perception, ) memory and (0) the encoding and lezaing of mesiges, and would draw heavily on psychology and on psyebulingii, 2.1 cy of wanton 2 ra Gs. hy of raed en) "his wl rue n sud af texts not mer by means ofthe ‘cational levels ofinguste analysis Gna and seats) but ato making us fsa tet rcs a teelngaes ed dco sal, 3.4 theory of translation a bth proces and product i. theory a « ‘waning and wanslaton). "The would requ the nr tay offhand sch ener hype, em a or he moment test we ae afer they of asaig a srentuthere ease agement on the Cars ch «theory shold poses, we ean tate what ou idea theory should look Iie, scat, thor is juged on the extent which it exeraly sed nay got ma cpr wih hed och cee na elon prs Gea en feaues, | Teal, «theory must refs our parca characteris: () expr, ics tebe {Q) deerme itmst be able predit @) perinay, tbe simple od {@) fewrtgg — mstbe comprehensive Clery, + theory of ansaton woul be requ to,cnfom, #8 Teese ho cea andthe reser the conformity he ‘Bee jowerfl te theory. Hones the elas beeen exe er rem adequacy role aif it the long enig se of TRUST Seeteion The more weshaed he da, he more {Sctace snd te frer fom he osnes of the rel worl does the ery Become.” it may be concen we are sow ttn to much f rantion they alent fore moment =n cons wih here minal (ramps demands whch ve been made cn in he Ey From th plied agus point of view, rasan teary can Be cel ein te esc oe ee of ei (Gelangugetendhngequalest of cso ace) oat bes (Piiactimeued Gn ogage eating ems the equaent of goba Clee of techniques ado-veal met ic eto Rosas needed i princledapprosch fom whch the est Teal tow ‘uly in descrpde rier han api terms, igh perhaps te wore fae to tink of developing apach rater than + theory ean rents probem of dese nd exiing thea process which dre rom en ama of nsighie iam pycolgy ad nputceit the nanre of the acy of Camng Ine adopt hs pen of acon, we can rw eon “Sidente eperis i aplied ii, fom wich be approach tretod technique sees comes and rode eta ta ft of What we might expect om her of weno: (0) siemens of he comensons which consi the acti of ‘Tan tor han Sins res wich determing 28 Trae ond Translating (2) model which afer robs ut act epastios of what ‘a been done ater thn determine «pr odes wich ‘Sn wo ped wha be done, (6) gd othe anes the proces frites than static depos ofthe ce of he prod (9 indeos of he relonshipe which exit beween anaaton "on 'one ide and broer nto sich at communicative " campetoc, dina eience and appropstnes i he theul th code, her thn he mote narrowly dfn concert fee ngs. ie competency, teal cbeson ‘Sd rammaicliy in age te cade on the ee. We is idan St of in Crate, icerdipiary, ‘multi ad nla approach’ to the explanation of the ad we mul lc the approach win Sey ced oli epi wich el en tn oth techn Sle of cig lansage lesciony ‘nd lagen, speech ptoloy, sisi, language planning 2sikingaseron from a major fgere in anton theory: ‘in shoe inde rites lengua, man commaniction eos ‘malt. A sey of tration is tod oflangnge. ‘ox igh, Se we st shout erenng such an approach? The wean bg the fl pr of hi sects metodo. 133 Methodology; insisting translation ‘a in: nd secmingy sige bjcin 12 de noon of pring ind expainng fhe penonenen of tala ight wel ‘et te whe of th proce th he cvs ecepin ofthe physical specs of reading and wrt) takes place inthe mind ofthe anh angen hate ave ero no det acetone Shalt, forced buck prec e usando Sesrpon of te pod wih we hve Ben sig at we ws 0 mo “We well counter hs by pointing ot ats pee eine wba up dmdeon he bss olaerences den fen ance Peeves ov ration 29 rudy ofthe product, Inded, such an approach woul cnstute no ‘mor than a pei nance ofthe dase enginecring poem ofthe "Mack bow’ which conaine mechani sbi converts input ind ouput bats there ttl aes How psn sch scare, to speci the nature ofthe mechani? The sation to work ‘ack from he opt ofthe mechanism (he pod) and make a set af satemens abou the necessary characters ofthe tem isl (the proces) ie to mae ue ofthe logical proces of induction. This analogy, hoveer, does not ft the process of tranaton ‘mac, snce we haven degre of acces tough essa Ips we ave into the working four own in. This ing the se, it should be pose by Inuespecion (he by adopting 3 ‘eductive approach to the problem), 16 buds model of wht me ‘urs are ding when we trarsate Unimatey ~ a the development of psychology tas shown — a ‘null appesch naling bot nducon snd deduction in» eee Investigation, mce kel tobe revesing than he tt adherence to iter Induction ve deus lone ae gute 1). ‘We migheihacate th by tating up anuher fate wbich has cxercied tration theorist oe very long period indeed he problem ofthe size ofthe wn of aman. The question "What she Une of tansaon” esles i all too eel into «search or the mower to the question ‘What ought he wi of tansation to be The Potion ‘nt of tanlaon’~ sometimes writen UT" = hae been ‘Sed in thse terme “The sles segment of nL sours Lngugel et which can be teanbed, a «whol, in lon fom eter segments onal anges from the word hough the easton to the ‘he, It eould be deseribed ear ema a is psible and 34 large ass neces (iss my view), hough Some tansators sald ay ht itis miladng concep, since the oly UT the hate xe nist io imagines beter example fn sue which cre ou for ‘empiri investigation. I we ask what thet that the tantor tual proce inthe cours of walang we coer ha there fod pescolopea and linguistic endene to sugges atthe nit tends tobe the dase (ee Chapter 6, Secon 6.3. fer discussion on textprocessing), There i ko experimental eidene™ which sup- ort the notion of o-oecurrence between copie ‘chunk’ Bound ie andsytcie oundares within the cae; hounds Between Me 17 Theo engiy snr cra units Sj, Peat, Complement ee) and the fons which realize therm bre othe spe) or ecm the United Nao Sern Gener rego baa popes ‘in the peace negotiations in Geneva today ae woul he ely be segmented during ending int fe rsx wis: Ith Unied Nations Seretny Geel trponed int popes inte pace nego in Geneva : : Hoda Perspectaccs om iranviatwn — 30 the United Nason Seretary General] [Nine Serer) a {General reported substantial) . Ipropessinche) : [peace nego in} {Genes tds ie ie Rese Bere (Gownl Boal (repel ae (on ie Ine ii ss wed en pech wh hounds eed Seta op isl nd sc "Ninel ae en hy gh be setpoint when he ten dete tom tan’ ce rr he an ots ping i it one 134 Summary Ta this ial sedon, we hav Been addresing the sue of theo in reli to enlaion by singushing mode from theories ‘pecling what theory of tanslaion ought Yo contin and giving 32 Trani and Trating spendin the med al eerie rs theory 14 Conclusion : In the capter we hae cleared the ground for what ito fllow. The three-way ambiguly of the tem "wanton has been ied 10 zinguh process Gum product and fom the conept which ‘combines them both. ‘Wie have considered, tify the mature of translation, placed transaon nthe wider contest aman communication and outlined ‘programe forte creation of «theory of wantin, concenuating (lal atlas) on the proces and probing, least implii, he ‘question “What do tractors scaly do?” ‘The answer 10 this question, cena though iti wo our owe incre, seems enormous) clue. At + contemporary Ieray ‘tanto pus someone ass me how I trate, am hard pt to Sind an answer. Lean deseribe the phil proces: make very rapid fst dat, put ade for whe then go oer tat» pity ‘dow pce, enc ~ and eraser ~ in hand: But hat is al outside Inside the jb is infil comple. ‘Our pon i simply stated: we ftend 1 tke on the tak of eserbing is infty comple interal proces and ae convinced tha this ean oly be achieved through he relntepraion of he dy of transaton within the human sciences ~ parclrly psychology and linguistics ~ a «highly siglcant branch of sped guises ‘What is iavoled is speled out Qy de Benugrande) in ration 10 text-liaps abd apps of seca, to wanton and we would > alongwith propane of york based on the fallowing assump ind approaches" "Probabilistic models are more adequate and realise than ‘derminte ons. Dyna azo of trace uli oer Ht wil be more produce then sate desrpone of the ‘sructuresthamaches. We should work to dicover rari, ‘inte, mation, prem and df rather han roe sd laos: Domina canoer more eli casfeaton than can sri eater. Acti and epprprcinas are more cual Ponpesce o ramon 33 cameyng knowlege in et than re clot the tk since wo ptematie te isis of ts object of to ignore it aru isa." nthe next chap, we shal ea hes ofthe proces an fer sling wad which willbe apanded athe eos ofthe bn «Inde the physical mechan of easation andthe pach eal mechanism of perception and melo the aces the ‘ind sit organizes, comprehend and sores nfermato in meno ‘Ae we doe we realize that we shal be forced to abandon ‘he watitonl contention of ings hat languages an slated Salty. and} define language processes as specaai of more poner process pes Syst would then bes spec ease lin indiener ean pei ae of he ain snd slain of owl and pragatis a special case he onstruction and implementation af plans sa goal sand set out ino virtual uncharted testo Notes 1. We, 189. 2 lh 9 5 Tyr 10, 4 Ni te 178 5 alse 98 an so genet nd Shake (1989 whose tection nbs neh he se Te fof Deron he pa ‘rom, Mao op 2. Cpa So cpt my enh mt dee Tanah sul mera mre 4 pagent state a2 pogo ona pr wh the dicusion of pling None he ess ese Inet nnn nthe atin een at Be pret ee) ‘mat be ake 23 postive sg Dabo, 1973, Haroann an So, 1972, 713. i ining, 1940, 605 bs, 198 10. ma “Te rm fa Hatin, 198618 15. News 198,113. 1. News 1976, ‘ 1, Ben, 1976 29. The quotton Go A.Rich) efersSeiner | (0975, makes cleat the pete pebem af ring Chee | ini ont i Eg and to tanto in gee 1, Soar 199,48 19, Now 1976, i 20 Tyler BI. Tytler pc 7. 2B Tyler op. 79 2B Tyler, pe xg emp. 24 Mecho and ado 1969, 92 25. Jona, 198 Sh a, 187 24 Dees sce Ce, 18 Nos and Bex, Br Stine 195,95, 26 tae, 1971 2. Shana, 90 38, Tr sn Ste op 713, Newmark 198 BE de Bennande, 1978, 26 34. Deane eG, 1980, 37, 34 ai 235 dengan, oe, 15 1. Wi op cy 2 1 Sel 19, 42-4, Cle, 188, 19-48 ar dss. 1 Reb ale se 3, Sete dacion on eso gn ne apo ss eho aes DOE Se 1h tp ing a 4, sists the econ oan cy snd 1990, ah ‘is fron ped login sere et ane Stemi tng shoe 1, Tegan a Kh 972 hr fe ot ag eT, 285, CE, 16 Reus a 185, 15 Vg, 19771 i might bested ae te ase ot a 165s, cy ay ape Inge 42. Sir pc The own aie 44 New 528 Ogos nee ded by ond ken andthe we enced ees oe 4s Jistong tm itr 46 Nowe tit 47, emp ed Dre, 198 igen 40 Bede, oh pl me 2 Translating; modelling the process ' ths capes, we presen adel th wana pee which il be comin feted and explined throughos he book. The “hapter i did lr he eons mt "Ph rst sections deed ox cosas of he oa and stl rege by the waar, a ate a the speieton af tranalator competence If it in any sense ue, ht ‘yal {nxn langage bot aes an teliget pont become 2 ‘fla’! scems important inverse what he eigen’ ‘pe cont of “The second scion shits the foes he prise ad pesens an inert mode of weaning wich devs on the ngs and schol Enoicge we ve touched upon a Chapter and shal {leon saequet chapters pricy, the general pines of texeprocening (ie fc of Chapter). A nme of adel ae ‘Sata he oe pesotd here newtibly ower beta et 0 them. “The final secon i be ey la appjig the mode the trarlon a te ot drt bld up + parr methodloy {the eal no omnes ha ur own aston 2 ses, ‘ee hn my the ot me eae nd sal ay that he theoring ty stay have some val 43 ‘nea of csingstenton onthe nage snd ses ined. Tis tor to deny the need for ‘quali contol intra (wheter ‘erste by reader of tated tens os pa of he mentoring of the process ef by the wens but ope ise aide whi ‘age, parry since so much bas aleny Been ween en The top 2.1 The translator: knowledge and skills “The question we wish to atk now “What that rales need to now and e able fo da oder waralte? We are seeing, nohet 36 Thain nd tig won mpéicaon of ani cmptence "We ay begin by naling the perhaps cious pint at dhe rant rocenes texan, ren thal we eu peat ome tine ining the towicde ed sls equi ped, monolngss) texeprocesing, ne aeedy have fod da othe tawer Or Sueston. The tasltor must, wa commucisto, poner the Knowledge md sis hat ae conten all comet (hs mich ‘by ett bandh ane theo to gps ‘Gcieas What we ned to ak does the tanta’ Enoledge-bse ‘nti? One newer as Been sgt in the flowing ers: ss the profesional (ecnia) tanaoe has aces 0 ve 1, ict Kinds of know are language (TL) knowlege, fexrgpe lnwledge source bnguge (SL) knowledge niet tes (re-wold knowledge and conse Inowedge* ‘Adhd the dciing sil feng ad encoding sls of wring (ohh wil edad in he Chapter 6 Sen 6) and we be + ‘role nial ig of Gi eas come of these which aed be [rclaed in ny pecicatn of he anor competence wl be ted that thi oot upg, very sy that suggested a andoak for wanton and comin cepa bythe tics of Cratos in desging th prorammes nd slg and aeing ther parcpnt’ But belrewe move of atm 0 ely the compete, we ned io mos he at ad din espe of ut Sicuin. , “To begin wih we would argue tha ibe knowledge-base spi cual fall arias, profesional or amateur, ecnil or ‘ened, snpy because wnslaon iain whore doe Chri of coun, by no mane 10 deny he Haethod of the profesional doings beter) nd Beas ‘el word owledge Snot the spec preserve of the ech? tandtr ut he ‘sein of al commons. rer, we'wold quero the extent o which he Sv inde of Anowedge te, nay wll oa nnn the ontay, west subvandal reap partealarty between TL, SL. and tee-ype Iponiedge point which wil r-emege during the acon of \Gxepocatig in Caper 0, What ister, nd ert of ‘ime lnporance in ay objective codon of una, he benbracog lnguiie Inowledge on whch all che depen ‘rect the pc which wl oc os rohan ths book. Ie seem indole hat we speed in Chapter 1, Scion 1.21)thetanstnor mst now @) how poperon re sro Translating: modeling the proces — 37 (Gemanse knowledge), 0) bow cause can be syncs ety ropostional content and analysed to eee the content ened In them (ate knowledge), and ©) how the aus ean eres 2 infrmatin-bering text andthe text decomped inthe lane (Geagmatc lowiedge) {Ecko nwlege or cont in any ofthe tre cases would seas " thatthe trans couldnt translate. Wit) a, even ter ‘meaning wold clade she wanton. Without), meaning would be Tinted to the Meal (mance sense) caied by iteracce hich, ‘hough thy might poser formal cohesion (cag tangible relations of ase), would ck foncdonalcerene and communictie vale ‘That, howser, i ony par of Be specication we need. While we would re-affim ou desire nt wo suberbe to the motion fhe 000 ‘tas’ which has dominated waitin ther or wo centr, se would ot allow our rejection of that positon to led ul Peche the study of the "good translator ar one clement fan Incepratedierdiscpiay, mulimethod and muliesel approve the description ofthe proces “The notion of the od tras i inert in ny dicusion of teansaon, Tatltrtrainers mist ble in sre fit et of ‘rates which pies sich sn ddl ~ thei syabuss td Selection and assesment procodore equ th tobe te ese ~ al ‘tm explicit stement of thir assumed Knowledge and sill wold if fined in operational ere What doce te tznsator need we ke and do inorder to tandnte?), consitte one partie an! vet) "alubl kind of specication of wanton competence, We have, s far, made same beady in watinng, Ia clave Informal wy, sme af the Linde of knowledge we would exes he ttasnor opens and would probaly cree some statement the the flloning asa inital Jfnon ofthe task which faces ws Given the goal of Hngusics to match the nae speakers sarmptene, an applied ings theory of tanshtion should Sim at manching the bial nate speaker onan “This would ncesariy involve seeking an integration Between the logue Inowtedge af she two lngunges wit speci and general Knowledge of the domain and of the world is comparative and ‘oma Inguiste hnowiedge. Some stomp have been ade © ‘roe such contastive information, for French and Eogish and for number of language pie But we ae sll «loop way fom 2 | i | ‘comprehensive database and il hae reclve substations ‘problems before we reach sch a pint? ‘We a need, before we proceed, t state dhe ec faa at hich we are opening. Are we seeking’ to loctetaneltor Competence in (1) some el want ores! biinga Or) he fra hans wansintor Ae we, diferent erm, to work bia “ings de Ta langue’ o nui dea pa? We shal conser bod of these allermaves (2a hind, more soiling sppeac), hit tthe mpcaans cach hat for Anion af tardaion theory and for methodloy, but dcusing ‘the secon, the “expert system in ater renter dei, since me ‘oir tobe bo ieee challenging an pascal ef 2.141 eal bilingual competence ‘One appa would be t focus on the competence ofthe “eal teanor” or “dea bing who would be an abstraction fom scl bilinguals engaged in imperfciy Performing hs af wanton. be (nie them) operating Inder none of the performance linittions that under the Iimpertccns of seal trsaion. In shis we would be flowing exactly Chomsy’s vw of the gosta lingusue theory and hit propos forthe speciation ef the ‘ompetenee ofthe hel Speer care" and woul, therefore, be ket defiian of tanseson theory sch 5 teashaion theory is primary concerned with an ie! lingual reader, who knows both languages petty and i ‘nafected by sch there iecevant condhion 39 memory liniations dsracton, shift af tention or interes, andere Ceandom or characters) in aping this knowledge In Sctual performance In methodological terms, och a vew ofthe goals of tras ‘hea woul ead us to adopt dedetine cathe than an induce ayprasch to the discovery of tanssor competence itospectin, y {he tars, ita iso her own mind in search f the Knowledge {euler the paced hy ten of which he prt rete ‘Dac intresting technique fr wppng such knowlege might bet ave trast Kec dre of thee experiences and tone them about these. Such a method a vestigation is leady widely wed in cogive cence” and. casing in apie ings, parelry ‘he smd of reading and ought to provides pada reveling way ‘ot tapping the contents of the "black bor’ (ee Chapter 1, Secon 133. "This would be to operate just as transformational generate rammarans do, they perceive formal ingsisereadonship he ‘ind, with all that sch an approach mpl. 212 Expertise : An alternative tthe ‘del trnstator’ model would be to adopt less tract apprsch and describe tanaon competence io tems of fneraletons based on inferences drawn from the observation of ‘tasator perfomance. “A study of ths pe suggest a inductive approach: ding eure in he dt of the product which sogest the existence of parol ements and systematic relations in the proces. ‘Sho of any kind of sora erento, ti kind of approach would ot oalyee-stblsh the wadkonal indotve procedere of "Cpliing’Teatres ofthe anlted tet in terms of process carried ‘cut by he randator in producing it but would also have the ele of opertionaizing the, oherise merely anecdotal dscuson of the “Craft of menting ® ‘We might now, ven the renewed interest in conputer-asited seanaon begin © make the atempt 1 sudy. the craft of the human wanslator as an expert Sytem. (Since) tnsars are experts [we ought to beg] Studying the process of wasn frm this pint few ‘Theevpertsystem sa speclzed sofware package whichis tended to allow users wo benef fom the knowledge ofan exert human camsulant. This knowledge & ypially bit into the system ae 2 calleson of ues, held as dat, which may be updated wih we” Esper stems are used to gheadhice to wars, fo communicate Anowledge conned inthe dbase to them and fo oranze tht nowledge in novel ways, Already a number of domains, inldng spect farce banking, engineering, law and medica possess Sich systems! go ‘we mighe confident expect ppleatons 10 ‘canalon ele too log. We shall oun ut what stems of hi ind cnn and then hint at the general shape of ne for tanslaton ‘An exper sytem conti, in essence, to basic components 40 Train nd Tring A knee bik whch cnt combied Lv ad eipeine’ of the donaln or, inore Hel, the sub-domain). In * tee temp ie wos cde aes ‘Ta her asecned peaptons. {An inference mechanism (also known a a ‘inference engin; “Sitwae which can ase thé knowledge Base wo reason or make inferences about tein Contained there. In medicine this mechanism would compare symptoms reported to i with those [ited the database and match symptoms with Hil nesses. In dion, an expert stem would need (3) 2 ae inte which ‘eal allow slope tobe held betwen the sytem andthe ter, (@) lr which would keep ack ofthis dalogue (recording the Even toy de fundanentallements remain () the deabse of owiedge and @ the means of accessing it ‘Cen tenet tsk for anyone who aceps the notion of ansator competences an exert est mould be fo se aboot aempng to ‘model ‘We would envisage a tranator expert sate contsing the Kinds ‘we disused in the prevous caper, ie () a knowledge bas consisting of : (inure langage bromide the syste rule stems of the ‘ade leon ad emetic and ts tea-reating stems 1) ner vl, uae hatin the sous language (0 tat-9pehnolede (ran inference mechan which erie "he dendig of te teadng and comprehending re 1 eget “he ig ft. wenger! lng ee 10 ters oan ten wih he wth he wig efi aay aware of he viglines of his spectaon snd have sab beded ft to show the decion in wich the Guia) ‘mechan fhe proces of nang willed tog and becsie wre are enthuse how the nton ofthe expert este for Both scl nd terete esos Tranting: modeling the pcs ML From the applied perspective, the expert sem prvies a meats of faresig the enormous poten of formation Lech ms ly sa aldo more cleat transating but abo forthe investi of the tantin procese andthe reeeerment of the seins ‘ner translator taining. “From amore theo standpoint, te exertsytem and the more ener sea of sical ineigence have profound tell {npcatons or the tein ot fing tts, particulary hose stich clam pscblolal aby 213 Communicative competence A fina alternative only hinted at cater) would be 10 deny the emmpetence-perfrmance dichotomy which we hare been ici seceping and redefine our abjecve as the speciation of Ialicamponcnt communicate campetence’ which would consis nina, of fou are of knows and sills; grammatal compatene socilngisi competence, discourse competence and srategc competence “These our components cover essential the sae areas o kxowlge suggested etic, though with some shifts of emphasis 1.Grammatcal competence: knowledge ofthe rales of the ene Incuding roesbulary and word-ormation, pronunciation ping and science suture te the Kaowedge and sil requ ‘derstand and exes the Berl mening of werances. 2 Sociolinguire competence: knowledge of and ability to pre ‘and understand traces appropri in context, Le. 35 Stsined by tpi, the satus Of the pata, purposes of the ‘3 Discourse competence: he ait o combine form and meting to achive ond spoken or writen texte llerent gates. Tis ty depends om coeson inform he way a which tence ae Tike sractrlly to factate interpretation of test) and eaberee in meaning (he relationship smong the ferent meanings in {ex ler meanings, communicate functions oso esin 4. Strategic competence te mastery of eommuniatin sales ‘ahich may be sed ope commnizadon of 0 compensa or ‘readown cused by Bini factrs instal communication or toinslfiset competence in one oF more ofthe oe omnes ‘ot commanicatve competence) t 1 Franasato ared ranstating ‘This approach would kad us (adapting Hymes’deinion of! communicative competence st we did Chorsy's dcfnon af linguistic competence) to tet aspect ‘waslator communicate compeeace' the knowledge and ably poncsed by the taster whic permits hither to create communicate acs doar = which are nor ony and nat necessary ranvoaal ut sexily appropriate ‘commit o his poston woul make us ase that he tanto tt poses linguistic ompetence in both guages communi. ‘he competence in bath eultuey, consisting of (0 loll of he ue ofthe code wich goer ge and nowlefe of an ably 10 tine the cmentons ich (nme ofthe pan ll forth een fal tee soins ong en none an 9 tne the ops saa for mang ss eum a eth {20 in ony ih he emmy grow ete ‘luctn and erred fang commen (Ge dscm) fn oder “reste comprehend and use content-free TEXTS asthe means ‘oF parcpation incomes sent (situated) DISCOURSE. 2.14 Summary 4 theft chaper of his Book we made a number of assumptions bot cnation theory, ane of which was that eons pols ‘sere no longer appropriate and tht the Use was pe for = new Stteneat anda sft af paradigm. We indicated there tat the groand-ues for tashaton theory nsec have been li down amor exactly wo hundred yess ago hu canbe eneapsusted ia the ile ofthe Bs chap of what mat sureiy ve been the enlist atempr to Formulate 2 theory af ‘ranation (we make 0 apology for repealing the. quote ese, of «goal tuslian: genera rl wing fm th sescition’ iil abjeton wo hi rian derived, as we a1) fm ‘he ctphasion the desrpion athe taslation he produ), when ee ‘horizon the process and (2 from he normative Impiaons omens ore a a at aero mes ees in pent res Senco nica ane Sets icorin engage Mone scp, eer, woul be a focus onthe descrigion ofthe chara ahora a ae cece emai Pes mea eats SES ie ae oy eaters ec comidr swe ave been nth secon the second of hse = sera ng eb ee eee, we yeaa core tai ao Steen at crate Soca es a a at ee etc eum net oe foe Goad sea Gri nbn Se ea Seren pe naan = ee ump mrie ecete meee sdecitetna tm Sorat corey eT cs oe certs ant “ier npr cieoeenend 22. Translating; the model “This model rests ona number of asumpins abou the nate af the process and the character ie must have i i sto explain the Fhemomcron of falaion snfectry. Tt ders from work in Pesce ann arc nelgence on real-time natal Tro represents an upsted veran of err mode of the 4 Tiamat nd Traaingb> . wanating process el?® and an imalamaton of plement of eher ‘modes whch we shall present! ter, tex-gflopes and tex- procelag (Chapter 6, Figs! GI and 64438 dnfrmaton- proesing (Chapter 7, Blyuree 7.1 dha 7.2). Vs 221 Cargonent il roe 1 is ea with te upd ame the prs of ‘translating pes () is a special cate ofthe more general phensinenon of human Information processing, ) shouldbe modeled in may which recs ix poon within the psychological domain of information procesing, {@) takes pce In both short-term and long-term memory "trough devices for decoding tein he soure language SL) and encoding txt ino the targst language (FL), vs = on-language-specisemantle representation’ 9 operstes at he nguiicerel of cau, iespectve of whether th proces sone ofthe nas of incoming sgl or the sgmibesis of ougong: ones (mowoingl, readag. and/or + witing, of Bllgul, ie. wana); (9) proceeds in boh's Bottom-up and 2 top-down manne in roctting tet and interac bah approaches by means of Fle of operation which is both cascaded and interactive, i ‘nasser hei at oe sage ncod not be completed before the nex stage i activated and revision Is expected and permite (6 Feats there tbe, for bth lngunger (visual word-recogiton sytem and writing systema G4 syntactic processor which handles the opdone ofthe MOOD system and contains ‘i fequen les store (LS), s lexical search mechanison (SM frequent surcture store (FSS) and parser, ‘rough whl Information pest (0 rom) 2 (@)_semantie processor which handles the opdonssralsble je de TRANSTTVEY astm nd ecg itr (0) pragmaccpocésso hich hanes the options aaah "in dhe THEME yen, ind theres ao an Transat: modeling the pres 48 ot known, makes nferenes onthe bas ofthe informa ‘on al) part ofthe stag for eaing ot pins Tar ataaing pone, devised snd stored in the (0) plaance whch te concerned th erating plans (or eeching gol al Knds, Some o hes pan ay vee toe of language sodh as texprocesig, This might Fncodetrasating text ad this decision might well hve oon mad even befor is fist use ad ben pres Wie shall no tke these components, epand the speieaton of whats inaed at each stage and show how the components ineratt, to erene the dyamie process of washing. (Figure 21 ges an une ofthe process) Ft ofall ven atthe rik of repeating what asst een si in the fith of our ssumptions abovt the nature of the proce) we ould be abot clear about te mature of the process sl the model we ae sing to describe i. The process mt 2 inca nein which stage follows stag nse order is anita press “thc, although every sage must be passed Uy the wer Boi sed and hock-racking evn and eanclaon of vin ee ‘Soa re the sor rather tan the exception. Iw Key thi i nd fd the fact that the proces ~ even In ole = some cmples, ‘we can mae disions int stages and steps which wil, we hope, carly the mode for ts 'oyin the ineretsof rater cry, we sal ete proces ito analysis (n Sccdon 222) and syibesis(n Secion 223) aud, ‘ithin them, thee diogushable areas of pert: (}) syntactic, (@) semantic snd @) pragma, which co-scur, rgb th the fixe sage nich wl be presen dig the dest i wring (Chapter 6 Secon 632) ~ (0) poring, @) open anl lesen, iton sd planing. ‘The imation is to work though the mode, simulating the teanaaon ole, 222 Analysis 2221 Synticaape ‘The fist major sage in teasing i, of neces, reading the tex. “This rues threo he vil wort rection sytem which an Aisingush words rom non-words i the soues language ext (ST) ‘We envisage prcesing as begining with sich recopnton concen Ureted awe sugges carier =n ie clus ad comering the { 40 sratealation sand Translating =eoT=) ste bina) nef sae | eee Tae | on Poa Saar | [Cea nae em 2. Trantor oie mode insist a2 whole which peeved a nae sng of ‘ere seals, : : hs i peeing, which we envisage 8 being handed by ih roc ni cainghe dae of lees ands forth (he Ks of processing we stale describing tx CChaper 7), supplies the ipo fr the stele proesing of the lass. We dl provide no more tan 2 skeletal oui of what is Traiaing; moss omc pone 94 involved bere (since Chapter 4 is cacerned with modeling the _Suteme which npn meaning athe eve af he aus), making se ve simple sample: ‘The dog bit the man. . “This taken tothe syntactic proceso fo anal andthe cause i Adzcompored int ytace strocures the use structres eval ‘Opts within the atm of MOOD (ee Chapter 4, Secon 423). "The dat rack hough the procesar woul befor the clase ill inthe fr sig of yb) o pass hough oth he fun eis tore FS) ad the fun race are (FSS) witout reuse 0 ‘her the lsh mechan o he pte. . ‘Apical example of hr wold be the dec rnser ofthe meaning ofthe SL. clase by mets of fed TL case, the Rit use of ‘he Engh eile’ try hue pon ime thee a. rane dicey into Tin a Cera a We shoul this pot emphin he narre ad uncon of thse steps inthe proces. To bela wth, a general pont might be made about the FFLS andthe PSS;-both have the function of releving the short-term ‘memory (STM) af unnecersary storage hy allowing large amounts of ‘mt bypass the parse, in the cae of structure, and the lee ‘search mechanist, inthe case of isan be directed immediately to the semanse level during analsis or the wrt system during ‘yates We would expect bah stores tobe consracted unde the ume kind of constants the notions of changing repertoires and both quanti the and quale diflerences berween Individuals aphing in bth ‘ies ie he specication forthe FSS below). (0) regent lise ‘This ete mental Geyshlingsaie) cordate ofthe physi gs rieminligy daar. a stat Toop’ ely forfeits ‘both word? and “ions, The contents of sucha sore would {nce ems of Bt nd second ode of infermatvy (ee Chapter 5, ‘Seton S13 on ths) ) fe such 8 and ai of tha the, ‘et whlch cost some 20 percent ofthe first 2,000 words in {he average aul vocabulary) and ()oter fequen tems such 8 al, 48 Tramaion od Tronaing 2 so, who Ge Furr 238 weeds which make wp the next 40 pereen). However, gen that most ings woul accep that theres no very sharp ln Between grazuma nd vcabula the ‘cabolry, or les sinply te open-ended sn ost deat ‘spect of the grammar of « language [and] te disincion betneen grammatical and lsc is rely only one of deree™ tnd that 2 pacholingusie model of linguage production (nd, of eee, asaon) mst ental + (6) Frequent sare sire 2 of operations that involves he exploitation of fequenty ‘occuring structures [vbch]undoublely are store a memory ‘in ther enrety as fea esa em like depo ee wih] let access wo phrases and sentence. ney a pid 3 is For india worda>® One of two poins should peshape be made here about the arate ofthe FLS and the FS. ‘We imagine there o be one FLS and one FSS foreach ngage the tnnsntor knows Tels to be expected that, for any langue, the contents ofthe FSS wil contain msjriy af emis which sr the Shared coma propery ofthe pesch community, but iti eguly 0 be expected that each lnguage wer (even monologuals but pres ‘ey bing wil ave # dire coniaraon of tems wich ean change ofr time. An analogy would be the repertoires of musicians hich even for the same instrument, diler qualithely and ‘wand fom each eter ad vary over tine, even fore sane India, " "The PSS fora use of English wil consist of combinations of ‘abject, Predator, Complement, Object and Adjunct which between ‘hem coe the ssjr opto sable inthe MOOD sytem ef the langue, i the unmarked orpaniatins ofthe sx case paterns (seed bon) inthe indeave~ declarative ad introgntve = td imperative form. “At phrase lvl the FSS would ao conti the major aasbe ‘pos from the fondamentl mb q st ee Chapter 4, Secon 422 for an explanation ofthese symbol). We all show the Hinde of frequent structures that occuf a the level of phate Iter and oncetrat here onthe level of aus strctre inthe decane ‘mood (ae Chaper 4 Section 42.1 fr deal). ‘Complex shogh Englah clause nti may appear, reason 2 simple feandston of ae hy clase pes: Transat: modeling he prs 19 se Bey rn sre Tey are er sro They hit Prd SPO0 — Theyame Pel $1,000 SP OC — Theydte Mel Psd SPON —Theypar the placs onthe whe Cleat, Adc can ended to cach of hee =the is nig in Having‘ obliging A= in alos all prone and secure gual, cven in the declarative, there are ssl shi revrrngemets which ae aisle, eg the passive SPA re hitb thm which are ikingpevsely beau they ae marl eee Capes 4, Seon 4.20 theratation) and ar, three, eobabl ot in he FSS. “Te incoming string pase nly to the FSS and shen w te FLS. The ordering porta, sce no aman a ade 0 be ale to parse a clus wihou understanding the mesnigs of the trode a Tt spp, tog, tat he spat sei of he ‘lass nt the othe FS al ps om othe (9 Paver "Thar the sk of abalsng ny cause for which amass appears ecssry. One this has ben done, he clase ean continue trough the pres tthe nex tp ofthe syntactic processing tage sees the FES, helena tes in the clase cae matched wih ems aleady toe in the FS ie he ays wae an ete the semi for futher processing This as we pointed out ca, the dal. rout he eau now analysed ins sync srctre = posing ‘hog he FLS without delay. What cold hod it up woul be a tat extreme, comprehension othe sacra the omen, en suche heal as all the oe sla fr ast hr the SEOM ce rc he ay and em el Trecipland athe Append Section 1 and, a eta in Chapter 4 Secon 42 is onsparety cae as the sequence of phan NP PND FP-and teow rete (rub) (hen) (pe) and ‘Sen the Fr cen th esl Heme 4 ol 1 Hp Weisser sublet nr tneting abou he es themes 30 Tustin and Feansdaing ‘nats anil ala are countable, posses the ait of being ‘may and fnble reptile gat are es, ble 0 gall ‘bla cite fora petiod of tine (how lang, me might wonder, Is § ‘ori or some een (eo Beal fa voi, ll hs formation sss fom the readers sate howled ae, wort ll ‘hes tl (hat the faction all the elements rato, Ti exampl) or (@) wat the words thenscs sean For nent the : (2 Leia search mechani ‘Tis fas the ak of probing and atempig to ‘make sense’ of any lesa rem which ano be matched wih tems alee tered inthe Hs. We are all very much nae ofthe fasting Spot the-tongue! iiometon whieh fi afl the anlar he ably fo ad {height word anes ae wordt al vest tar oh be ‘nChapter3 Scion 3.11). The LSM pevies the means fying take sense of an uaknown wori2? It woul! be pst to work rh each ofthe eile io he tex abo the pt ight tea easy made by focusing on one of them: ilar ‘Unis the eaer knows that the dictionary definition fears ‘a ‘arflly ished and wel tingbuling stone’ the Teel em «an pass trough the PLS and must be processed by the LSM, Faced by tis dif, the reader ean adopt oe 4 mune of states () tempo assign a meaning othe cmon the bass ofits ‘hrrounding ot (he wore sound ise Chap 3, Secon 33.1 ‘shi gore the en and pe tha ners information of ‘unex Kid wl provide meaning or (6) seach in memory for similar ems; making ws, tat I of some Kind of intro hares (Gee Chapter 3, Seton 3.2 on this) This thd proach may ead ta ‘enaine meaning: « brid te, Le. 3 exo Betwccn an ach and al pr cf ow hcl suggest a eal or hi, ‘No caning eam be fund for he word «woe bat wba pp tobe is two component les Sem to be made po known werd = ‘ib and the ‘sxond hal af another known won ppl The fick tha isis an cramp of ly segmentation (arid ot vie ot ‘he point Is the esl Wich portant cli pram sel ak polar = lar In this intane, the reader fn «ening Gil, presumably, several mening) fora bat ne fr er However, the ee meaning ‘ah eas on oa suey of the concept ee” ad the finding pple there yan cramp ofthe concep ue eg Avista, the veaer a enfed vo pes ote Bt satin of oer misiog, oes he te of asing {ce sme hind of rein f poplar and te whe ts al ree tind of we Foe ee ae nipic eamly be oped Pv churctersia ofboth the ash andthe poplar and most, therefore be ‘yn an a The procs Gee Append, Scion 2 for a elanaon rable hr) might someting He i ‘eshlar: no enteyin FLS A eerien: ae moe 2 spent ems : Toe (example cD se Leckeawep!s ah "BS Sptead dar beckeocep?: lar |= eign eo) soemee ue Be tee sever feet ler sn tee ‘question™: si lor isn dus? sees enya memory Tricion; ah aa (oample ep alert amplet ee thet hr, Cenme ) ee 12a eee ear ite, ecereears iat dameeneee ie tee eeotra nate SSaenay ees ineaeen trainer wn — a fr egav enemies caecum mre wage area eratge mete Sg i ee eee Pa sphere mcneaieen loves hater ey See cen Tem chal a aan abe mote enna =e maroc “opneic tigteattmaesrn, osetia geet eure tant Za 52 Translation nd Trang ‘welcome inthe context of expsning transition ‘Weare now ready to move ono the next sage in the ans: he semande. But before dl ot nght be wie to recapisste what as happened so fr and indete just what shat ein utp by the stati processor, ‘What entered the synctcanabecr asa sing of symbols sow leaves ita syntacti (MOOD) stucture. The information entering the semante anaser can now be symbolized in tems of SPCA sequeces wih ther phrase suuctutes and thi ese! lr plus, a lest provisional eee meanings stached to thelial em and + ta ndcating wheter the teme are common ones o ot "We hall display the acti information ae atee-dagram ce the Appendix, Section 1 for an ouine ofthe procedure sed he) running from (0) the syntagmatc chain sequence of the dase (GabjeesPrdicor Otjec), through (2) the paaligatc choices which realize each ple Inthe chln (Noun and Verb Phat) (3) the ‘sgniapmate chain ofthe “es” of the cae ot? (he tres of the pirases; moder head main eb) and he pragma chokes hich realize them (determiner, nous, wanstve ver), Sally, () the acta words which ele the etogorie demi, ma os P ° T T ( a le oe om oS te vo © on a aa | I 1 © thedf he them ‘Weld nt wish opre-mp wht willbe sid in Chapter 4 buitscens tefl to state here (vith Haida) thatthe aus the produc of thre simultaneous semandeproceses Isat one snd the same ine repreenaon of experience, an incracive exchange, ad 2 ‘message and ow emers the seman aber wih information of {Bis bead kind (MOOD) Le that toda ad declarative a, in terms of is Wl mamig, x statement. Tati all. Wher it nts asa statment for ethe the sender or the receiver hast abe lscovered and wht comes net isthe sala ofthe lane inxs of is emnt y the seman aaier ands puro by the pragma, Trani modeling he pre $3 22.22 Somamiconass : “The semantic aac has the ak of concep eee ining the TRANSITIVITY sclatons which under the atic ure sf the cla [ota the sats proce Had the tsk of dering sre “onthe near sing of bol ouput the visa word-rection syrem, x0 the semantic processor serves to derive eomtent fr he fynacic sractre supped by the previous stage of ass, I fnlaes out what the clause is about, what i repress; gil ‘elonsipetwscnpartiant and oceses (anda, i they ae prevent, conextealing reumatancs; tie, spe, nes, 6) Heston! meaning semante sens: propostona ona. eto return t oa clause "The dog bi the man, In content rms, what mate dicprred is wat the pce which is being evi out (might well be a rcationsip eather than eine acon, i'n dierent comple fd fe cen), who the arta re and hw thy relate each ther paras Sh proces “The infrmaton from the gytacticanaacr was da he ase sactre consisted of an SPO sing. ‘The somatic anscr Fecngizes an Actor Prcest Gol sere in the propionic ‘ders the clase in which the Subject fs eutted with Act, Price wit Process and Object with Goa! Tn tems of purpose, ii diel infer mc ors, pi, than the def aseasment ha his a semen, We ol be ths ‘pagina the net vers ofthe pemmatal mode we have oon using, somatic analyse provides information about the TRANSTTIVITY otis ‘eich hve fouled strate the pepo wih we the dae in speech act ems, we now have the popotosl cute bu iconay fre the entent bt ot the purpose lh ‘ceded fore We cn tsp he cau t apical seech ‘Now tha we have 4 meceton ofthe lil fr span the clase we cam move ont the atl f the commiestine Finn sor. 22.2.3 Prgmatcanbsis ‘Th otec pocesr has 2: we have ast een, oo tions he A Hruska ad Translating anal of structure ~ MOOD ~ andthe astigig of ei mening) and the semanie + single fncton (he rsteval of conten | TRANSITIVITY). The pragmatic proetor alo has, lke the sym, sks i lado tthe ration ise m the Drevin ges of nahi (1 st ts here, 2) toprovide a rer eas ‘The fist is concerned with THEME (vith the istibuion of Infrmation and wheter ds sn mare or marke ade) The cond is concemed wih rte wth yi harcore inching ‘orp aking i acount he tree slit parmcer of (@) tenor of discourse: the celaionship wih the sesiner which the sender indates trough the choices made nthe Tet Gee Cher §, Section 62.0) (0) moe of discourse: he medam selected ar essing the txt (Gee Chapter 5, Seetion 5.3.2) (6) oaain of discourse: the "el ovr by the text the rol it |s playing the communicative ae, ha the clase or, tthe sender nade 0 coe, mma lee Chapter 5, Section 53.3), Siouancousy, the caus eased (1) Thema smaure which shows thatthe spl las fas the Thedes it the man THEME” RHEME Sine Subject, Actor and ‘Theme are all guste this is an ured ttre (which is why it by-passed the FSS i the fist lee. (2) Register featur. We en apply the tre sie parameters to the cise assuming the gly ally circumstance tht thi ‘est has apparel ut ofthe blue and ot embedded within ‘honk on guste) and i ou sessment, On the basi te evidence we bie: (4) in tens of tenor, fray, plas an inpenonay ot mare! Gwe shall ignore them in oo tagging o the ses at a ges orm wsing ihe dean be marked) but aceliy exremey highs (©) intems of made, there en indication of prtistion af potency (ve hare no way a knowing how ch fot took the writer to produce its probably iota ot but hae ato is bigh rien to be read, and the tex completely pic, (@ im tems of domain, the texts cern eft, by no means emt, orate, hai pote (oles we Know ‘there iho prcaar care comes rom) mating, “The domain provides an indication of purpse (the slacatonary for) snhich, when combined with the existing information on content, Siepeis speech acta the ot of te example me have been wins, ‘Suomi ed tha abe plthe rest of the information passed on to the net stage fo further processing. Tews be ‘dene Kort Macatee Gol Spas nrg “Theinforaton can now be psd on some form Ike the falowing: Thedepbittheman Speechace lnfoiog Thee = marked Tenors + cess Mode: partici 5 Ghanian (writen oe read) + poble Doman 1 ferential (On the bss of hs nfs, he sine ear can make + Sonia sgamet of te ce tec, is se he ‘aus ald up see use exe-yps but wale © ‘iene fo ar Sanne til snthesacmet el be mide "Stl quenon otk wel Wh ind text wood conin a doe ie a, esa ae which onl ima fra Sitauws he ty ibe man te dog wold be and oly ube nd scele tt penis fro parlcyton ad pees Tin ed ee er in “Mebane mat wel hi pit come op ih supine oko elon uss or lo who ce ‘fan or pnphen woud eps peop ed sch rl 56 Trion od Trani sentences? Let us suppote tht tat isthe deen; Bogut” Pilosopy. Two things now bappes |The infrmaton on the elite moves on with the spitic speciicaon given abowe and the tentative label ngs’ ‘Philosopy booWancle” to frm a comple langungefece ‘semantic representation. This consiites the whole of the meslagf Be tow presen th cs aprend y he 2. The analysis is ed the wo remalning stages fanaa to which we ‘ow fra the Kes onpnzer and the plane, Ie is crucial important to recognize the dliference betwsen the Tanguagesce sonanic repreenaton (2 set af abitac nie ‘concepts and raonshipe, which represen the whol fe thot cxpesed in the clus) and. the language-pecic dame eel, loranized trough SPCA relaionshipe selected from the MOOD ‘pes ofa partcular language. Let it what hasbeen apse out rom the original SL. cl. ‘The temanic rpraeain of te exo now contin the allowing yma seman sl pragmatic ifm 1. Clase sate: MOOD snd leit choies inching lesa ‘easing and where any of the ls i uncommon, 2 0 that fe. 2 Poptitinl cen: TRANSITIVITY choles; the loge aaions mapped ont he syste srueture, 3. Thematic simcure’ THEME choices incloting indications of rmahedne 4 Rest fatras tear, made a domain of une. 5c oe dtived fom domain) ich, when combined with ‘brpstionl cio, indicates « (6. Spech at which the clause “eons a; the simplest cise itn ‘where there is one-toone mapping between aus and epcch at {2 not uncoasson but fr from univer state offs, “he semantic representation isthe result ofthe tree-nay ana of. the clase (andthe bass ofthe theesay Sythe of ne lee 28 1 sranlt) and if we ae ven to begin to understand the proces of ‘rasan, we mus ecogie that we donot ante le from language Aino a lus fom lnguege B We break down the A ase Jt is semance representation and use that at the bai forthe ‘nig ofan aterntve clue in ancther language ie. eanion) rin the sane lnpioge Ge parphrase). rating: madling te pros ST ‘A nay analogy is tat ofthe iee-eabe (SLT) which thawed (read a rerozen (uated) ‘Dring the proces of asain the eae is meted Whi Tui utes every molecule changes place; nome eens in i ‘ial sete eters Tem begin the proves Torming the work in» sccnd language Malceuks esp, ecules ate poured into fil the spaces bl He ives of ‘ling al mening are ily ine. Une wok exists in {he sca nage ae Kee ha anparances the sme For most lnguage ser (pasty monaingat reales), omc ‘wo exes ta, ce the ang seo eae on te ‘Ghose and converted Ino ie semante represen, is sci for woul! be dceted fom the working memory he STM) a is rmetsing ale stored Gn the LM, ‘Translators, hover, king that thy il ne tobe aware of themate markedness when the) fame to wile te TLT, have prewimbly to rain some ol the ‘atc information, i any to Be able to sid (or iss on ong Through) the parser atthe sythesis stage Simulacouay, th mbol ana edit de iden organize. “This ie caualent ofthe Cena Exe fe pyeologiea e ‘of human inlormation-peocsig which we sal noe in Chapter 7, Seton 7.13) ha he feton of) stegrtng the analysis wih the develning eral layout ofthe eta me of 3 groin hese 8 the reader works though, returning from inet tne mtr ‘he acum nfrmation and) fevsing sone scinante rye ett otenary on the bat of new infront Stic iswell-asted by thse translators who report hatred Teatrigh tough before atenping to ansate ay of "Thane alo bed bythe planer aa usin any my angen ta at reaching the arent goals ich precede ‘ening; a ae poi tht dessin ae made onthe ae of ntinvng 4 read, ad 9 arth and, erally iportan Ke ou pt of wen, on whether to translate ‘Up to ths it, he tnd weave cn outing opis aly 0 the moog rake atl he ess. deed, up bs oe. the {tanto onolingal eer, The net dedi s whether oF wt totale the som peti fat the ress mn Immediately othe Bpinsing wo start work onthe next lax "The dein anne aes the dea ow stored asthe seman represennon ofthe ewe = rough the reverse proces. We shall aie fo the semantic representation through a itis sues ino omponen of target lnguage ext and se dhe opportaniy present | (in Figure 22) « moe explicit and dled model 223 Synesis We tte up the prose a the pin where dhe SLT clase has been Conve naa seman eeseatin (Be one which ave cy been lied) andthe render bas didlo the opton of tani Trista the intone in he omc nproen sion sufi ta supe tence win which he case gh be ‘eco oear, nthe mos unl evet thatthe reader does ot already know what itis example in pela station suchas 4 Tangage examination, he consrcion af ext which gall or the lected prt of, = te cms ofthese erst ag (ocean ar ‘nese of diy on, imanng the proceso be Une, ch 1 in the pragma proceso the tu lng 2241 Pragmatic nthe, ‘The TL. prac processor receives all the information alae in the seamic representtion and is requied to cope with thee ey probleme (and make to futher decions for each of them: #0 {pusere orca) (6) a to deal withthe pupie of he original. The taste may ish co atempt 10 ‘presen’ tis ot 1 alter it. Ether way, 4 decision has o be made on how to express purpose through the valle content or ~asumig tht the tna plaice "decison to shift any of the parmeter (eg. 0 turn An informative ext ino polemial one), through difent conten. (0) Tow to deal withthe hon rac ofthe orginal. Pree tion" or aleatian ef the orginal theme-rhemeclatonhip ‘ema sn the ease of puro! above dsson on he pat ofthe trasbtor and an avareaess of the opions avaible, (6) lero deal wit the splot the gna. gti, ire ithe chice hemen atemptogw replete onthe ae hand ding to pire pea theo, In ach ofthe thre ete it is within the pragma proessor that ‘supp of sible purposes, thematic stutres and dseoure rameters of mode, tnar and damn have to Be ound. = a =} fe fal] | | cal Se SS So — = i a * ERO a: “LFS our 2.3 Amodeofte run proces 60 Tramaton and Toasting“ 2242 Souasticgybis “Tne TL. semantic processor receives an indication of he illocutonry force (he pup and works 10 eres strvtures to carry the ‘propos content snd produce a sasactory propaston to pss on tothe nent sage of shes, 22.33 Space yt “The TL mace proceso accepts the nput fiom the semantic sage, scans ig PLS for siable eal dns and checks in the FSS fora ‘Sppropriatedauepe wich wil represent the propose. I hee to salle cause structure in the FSS to comey the parle ‘meanings, the propos Is passed through the parser (which i now fnetioning ts yes hele) and, aly the wring stem sctated to realize the cea ng of sos which conse ‘he arget language text. ial the proces concludes in the sane way ait id with he monolingual reader the return tothe original extend th est clase, 224 Summary “The proces of walang an be modelled a ada nd nerve ‘prcor mich conang three major sages sate, vemanic and Pragmatic processing While each of these has Tobe invaed in both {nari and syste, is) possible for some stages vo be passed through very quickly where, fr example, the dats Being proves is repreened in the FSS or the FLS) and) the orn for processing to bers combination of beton-up and top-down, Le. the aap (and Lic syateas) ofthe clare approached tmalancouly by both atte recopaaingprocedorer and by inerencing bared on previous perience and expectations. ‘Weare now ina poi to tackle the trnshation of short French oem and we itt demote the procs in eon 23. Using the process to translate ‘Se a, we hive Been dscsig iano in vey absct manner and ging few specie exampler of taiaton problems of of Cermparave stuctures between languages. This has een intentions. ‘etbve been wing seruploush to operate atthe eve of approach = 1s we poised we would in Chapter I (Seton 1.3.2) ~ raving on linguistic ad copive sence to provide insights which help in Tran; modeling the prc ‘rt fate ke sense fea a res ater than prodect and avoiding producing Ets ransation problems an pes “ow se then he very pre and ees el ‘of methodology and technique which can be found in ecally ‘ale texto ‘Nevertiles, he waldiy af heretical ml ean ony ets cout instal pace sd for thi ease th we tend to De thischaptr ta clos by eximining a sor test which we ave id 10 tesalate in ter ofthe model. The tet a French gil 3 the ttanaition i to Eoglish ‘What fellows is «record of the procedure usd in mong em source to target language tet y one anlar, inthe contest of ‘cons made aboot the orga text andthe Kd of ext he would sel forthe tegetlnguage text and on one parca ocasin “The rose ino se being rogesed athe bet rly ay of tacking the text nor are the tnsatons themscves fered ‘os, Wenn o judgement rl to wok though the proces, Indientng ate do, what Kinds af Jeon need to Be ade a tthat meane we hve a1 oar pal for making and realing vr “econ, “edges ofthe quality of ranted text dof cous, lve 10 te mae by translators and tratlatr-tainere and are alo made by ther readers ute dot wish become engaged, nook whieh tempi an obcetive dessin an explanation of perae inthe debate which nciably arises over quay asesent ad {tandton ecm Thi soto suggest ht, paying» ren tole (ar trasnor sins, cent or bnguge teacher we would be tiling Unde mety blleve tht the Kd of wars the phenomenon which we are seeking wil pride feedback wh wl ave praca appiations of his Bd We tal approach the tain of the ex ash the sags involved were lina and sequential We know pfctl it they freon a hae Tove that th ete ee oa severe ae Nove th es, hve wake ab-isins al peouse rte be of dt on) tec ares of foes: (1) the aaa he source anguge test (2) the oicaton ofthe semantic represenains of the fn Vidal clases of the pcm ito a8 gt shenawhih “ona the nko of the information the Feder has ben abe te accumulate in the course of reading the text, (8) the hr othe ew target language tex 62 Trunlaton and Translating 23 An ysis reading the source language text ‘The testis avery shore poem by Pl Vary which we wanted 1 salt fortwo pacar ressns (0) because is ame seem | ‘eer wind ef behavaue in wick the tans i volved = the ‘wy we sere the database oF our agetere memo wee yt ‘ec! inlrmaton stared there (oe dcsve thr ithe Prous Sexton a wll return to tin Chaper 7, Scion 733) and @) ‘eease, in fom, iis both be and accessible and so appears to aie shan eo which ys mal we ne Bsn 24h Tas "Federer ma it pi) on ma eden ae ‘anew Pon tend uae mat tyme de bre darn ‘Situs at 23.12 Pre ‘We shall del with the tent clase by cuss ashing the relevant ‘ges a eth tage inthe pres and a necessary, reve out Ierpetaons a reasons. Je cher an mot Sac anes We begin by chechng ifthe elawe iin ou personal eral PS and the iid! esa tems in our PS. They ae he wots azecanibin os, the elctins betes the hin the upper range of pba of occurrence ee Chapter 5, Section 51.3 an th) and the clase statue, tbo, 3 very common one Sircre: Subject Pretiaor Object Type ince an dsl Thre therein no need fr paring, so we can nave ineeitly to the net stage Somaie ani: There ate wo posites here, depending on ‘heer weenisage the poet ea) actly searching fora wor a istinary (CE nashlge in Geran (searching for «word ‘Traroiatng; mont ine pros a is own mind (f acer in Geemas; ‘word’ like yo many gsc ‘Phenomena being both ysl and mental ents Covet (ropostons content lel form) (a) cor + Material Process + Goa () Sener + Mental Process + Phenomenon. Pragmatic ana: We see know that this clause comes tron» poem bat hres othing parca poee abouts form or content oar, None theless, we eon ana ats of theme, reer an urate llactonay force; communicate function Theme: womarked Regie ter () accesible 0) unmarked in terms of ober tenor features mode writen be ead) ‘brain referential and lnce ther the reference othe technical gu (and alo every) term mt (word), metlinguisie Prrpo: informative We know, akeady, that tis spat of «poem ~ it was found in « Callecon of poets and have, therefore, no eed 10 infer the tercype fom the eave Tnded, we would indie quite dificult do Soon the evidence of je cherce un mot alone, except recognize tome kind of metanguisti Funcon, ‘semantic represeataon Is shown in Fire 23. — 4 Traton nd Treating In addon to what we have shown in he dpa, the tal ‘configuration ofthe semantic representation cntais the speech at, ‘lie and tex-ype infomation we gre abo andthe whole of the ‘tons of the semantic representation i avalible fo storage ane/e ‘ano, ‘We hal not ke the opin, this poy, of wanting he clause — in realy, me might or might na oso the opprtanty i ther, we wish ae I (shal ant in Sesion 2.3.3) ~ an wl goon Yo the next eae: (ie pot) ‘Shmacic ana: This thneenord clave, presents wih noes than Tour problens (I) we donot how ifeand pot refer tthe sae of difetenrindivduas, @) unlike he fst claus, his PS stots ot "epresentedinthe PS (loos tf lnc, ike an interrogate) and therefore requires separate parsing) the tense of di ambiguous (oreseat or pass the sane representation will require a change fom ody tdey/Bforeo show ths), (hap (pagrese cor babi Paring ges Sirigue Predlestor Subject = Subject Predis Tipe indicative, declaraive ‘andthe information the chai sequence fhe clase ands phases sed ft the sotandeanaeer: Semantic nabs There is no ambiguity about the propesona omens Sayer Verbal Proce However, ow that we hae the information that this second elase ‘the realzton of «propostion whose pres is eral athe han ‘aerial or mena the starr of the it enue change ad becomes Fepored speech. 0 use the somewhat unfortunate TRANSITW- FEY sytem term, verbiage and we shall need alter the semancc representation (ete reading 5 fa) allow or his Pragmatic ens: We need to nae bere a Leep in mid i and ‘when we come 1 transite, thatthe poe fnedon has ined he feferenal andthe metalingustc ad we no = Theme: marked eh: ter sce nd terms of ether Tramating: maeing he pros 68 1 noe pial writen language (wtiten w be red) i referent Pap ialenave Ares semantic cprosntaton cad for (Figure 2a, 00 {9 the net case sn nt ui sit oni, de dela, enean P oF, ern par nant, de rire, tins a Satie "Phe dau i non-ite and ovgh sel speaking ‘otto be in the FSS. Ie length presents no problem (imple process igh-ranching phases) (Gee Appenis, Sccion and | Chapter §, Section §3-0n rights and le-brancing steucures and ‘hc ipteons for teaabiiy) but the parser wold have cw be ‘rob into operation to recopize thatthe oe clase was io sppsiton (are by ithe forma below he pesos Ohi ‘Theanahals would ned a show that the Objet ofthe previo cae Reet room me with oh attr ha hee borate cause wih no fot han rx empl se epi Coordinated wih ot and others implicitly coordinated by sequence iis) ——— i food loge Ge Append on the fel sb-fncion f te TRANSTTIV- TTY sytem and lage by pats 26d ypatss and the bol system wel blo): Sinaune [SP 0 = ONP(aLh aS FCCC -&C $C) Tipe onstite “This ispased an with a note o (the moa ofthe ver Gein the “bite and (#5 modalyyabligaion (ee Chap 4, Seton 42.2.on mods) ~ dhe next Hage of prsessng Somatic als: "The las presents no serous problens “Coens Carer Reltinsl Proce Ata What i slnicant& the atribues and thei elaonship to the ari the met which Valery is loking for ~ aod ta each eter. The range of exter which have to be sated stggering: () "4 () phonology de lene Db, een a P vet ab (3) seman rier enced "ne debriare, dart on the one ih ot sage se Ban a por seat, p> oer ‘Alls ato Be parts. 1 te of ana Proust ans home: somatted agit the clase suppor the previo sas ent eit and ‘expe but the complex stroctring he complemen “theater wll eed to be Maye, Paap nfomatve [New thie semantic eresentation which integrates this infomation ‘vd uhat hat gone before is shown in Figure 25 Shui ansir The fl cause Ga fra surface srr ems & pst) present the same Kinds of parsing problem asthe previous lase IU isbestacen a= non-fnie cute nich by dion, weld, head sepuate rocssng outside the FSS The scr seve” ‘wovkt inte the unreseot iy on Sujeet-Preieser strate Bela the relied Complement and Adjunct which is the case: mae: ($B) CA Tye ior Translating; modeling the proces 67 2s to. 7 wo. doe ti oun 25 Sena repesenion 3 Sena nay" is strighforar Coens xistent, Le. 'sx codons est Praga anahsis Theme masked (68 Train ad Trang Reger: fuer support fore sessment nothing els of Purpose: ernst ‘Thisbrings ws to the lst semantic representation; one which combines all the infrmton we have ft snl, abst univers schema “hich forms the Basi of our omdertanding ofthe text ax readers and ‘ur traaformaton oft at wansaos igure 20). "We now have the information to revere the process shift fom realing and ana 0 sthess, weg and wanting. 232 Preparing to translate ‘Lets suppose) hat we decide to trandate (coud of ous, just tad the tex) aod (2) Ut we tend wo produce por thee are ‘eny of eter alterates aod he state options rable the Iierary ‘anton. pariculr are congiderable. They can be prevented atthe extremes of fv cota (0) to reproduce either the forms (yt alesis) othe ian (he semantic conten) ofthe rg, (2) to retin the spl ofthe orig o adopt ferent spe ce {Chapter 5, Secon 5:3 on the sli parameter fr, le and dons of dicouse retin or aban the source ngage tax-frm ce Chapter 6, Sean 613 on textes, texforms td ten-sampe) for example, to rant poem a 3 poem or 2 pos (2) fo retain the Kita spe dinersion of the iia orto ‘ender it in contemporary fom to tanlate Dante into Middle English or into modern Eaglh (ce Chapter 5, scion 5.309 diner and register, (0) tproduce seat which ead ike an gina roe wich reads ‘ear (6) to old or amit words, phrases, case... oF 0 atemp 10 traeer everything fom source target. our purpose were to promulgate commandments othe cretion ofthe perfect transom we would comm oursees on each af ‘hese parameters and posi (ut ot probably), jsf our dessins This fs not our purpose not i ie the purpose ofthe vast majriny wong in the eld of tanto sides; pola we made at the Ueonog of te book Gee Chapter 1 Section 1.1.3). "Telit doce pve us some ination of he id of decson-making Tralting: modeling te pros 69 | i) + I Ty 3 rol 4! that is inoed even tthe begining ofthe ranston of tex. We shal be very cautious led arco this occas, ry to bess “tid as posible out coneption of he rg ie. opr ‘fra al mening, syed empl chaacteticn brett heh ses he am rg at ple, eer ls or ‘eketes coment vig made the decison to rant the way we hve we should beaware ofthe methodological apo wich are now aalable to ws, ‘he mean aoa ipl fo achieving the kind of waster we ee ‘Soveral method txonanies ae ave, sane Bg Uncles um dichotomes of contrasting metho oftheir 4) dloeMter/semanic rasan (2) fee/paraphranie/commanitive tration nd suggesting coneaons betmcen methods of one srt and Parca exp, whe wher retain» sinar wo-wsy distin i ste within ew specify» ite numer a chnigs ‘This three below, ate subdisons 0 (1) ra! the remaining foro (2) fie ration (0) Boring (emp): The cany-over of le items fram the source ngage ote wget lnguage, normally without formal ‘semantic molifeation for expe the Eagish econ French or the French spallation amin Enplh. Laan Tramation Gul) The ee sbsiason of ements of ‘melange by elements ofthe other formal wun phe) Tor cna, the Engh fot do appearing in Spanish pore ‘alone 0) Lica! Trion (naduton lal "he replacement of Source anggesytace srctare by target ngage sucare (oormaly at chuse Ive) which i ismorphie or near ‘omorbie in team of member and hype of ei em sod ‘Syonymous in terms of content, fir example, the Feech ase sans die appearing i English a ta er it saying (9) Tronpmion: The reneting of source language cement by target language elemens which are semantically, but ot formally egutalent (ecsee of, for carpe, word-clise hanes; for example the English no ating trnsoned ito the Prone deme de fer (6) Maino: Shing ‘he poi of view of the speaker, fr ‘ample, th Preach sgn pl and the Engh ne seen (©) Equal The replacement of 3 seth of source language Garey Moms, ches, proverbs andthe Tike) by fs Fincional equsalet (geting for example, English hi by Tin in Emgsh ello (on telephone) by Ilan proms (Geral "eay) (@ Abtagtacion: Compensation for cultural differences between the two languages, for example, the French san as nena quilt inthe English chr but none for So spi the English equivalents sem, sce! Wile isnot being suggested ht these techniques onstote x su toc ote prom of aectg + modo tote transiting or tht the categorize waterght afd inambigous, Tsing does, at least oc ur atenton onthe Lnds of ways we can ‘convert semantic epeseattons it text] We shal ear them in mind {me work on oor tanlaon ofthe Valery text. 2133 Synthesis wring the target language text We begin o wane wilh the fll resources of the semancie represents ofthe claus avalabe and with she uniy of he text ‘rgnied ae chem ready in memory. This Schema willbe sila © ‘he one ne shal be suggestg for an event in Chapter 7 (igre 7.) ‘Ler reap what we have: (0) The schema (Figure 26) in which sll the propoionl reltionships are displayed and interconnected. (2) A ising of spies tex-ype and sie Infomation about ‘ach cure and about he text a whole. Forename we now now that every clase i idcatne ad declarative in ters of fs MOOD and tht exch is esenally informatie ~ with Steady lnrease in the metlinguitic and poetic asthe text devo = in terms of fpction and th! provides us with © elu path through the processes which do ot aed tobe ‘esaed and, therfore, do not take our atention vay frm ‘ru decison points. (ur deton was oy to repbae ‘he orignal a possible “The pragmate synthesier i accewed and the nonsemanc lngcmacon matched there, i, we have to fd sh eglaen text-Form {in the age nguage which meets te same speech at, thematic and sii eres the erga Net, he configuration converted bythe Sinan yhesie into ‘seman sre speech act with these popostonal content ‘nd ilocuonary fre (arpse a he eign At this poi, there ‘eto residual problems; he ck obo tense and aspect marking in much ofthe form and coment af TL Tramlation and Tanating ‘he French ergnal and the uncertain ove the tars of the process, ‘material or mental: 7 1. The time reference i the French text was unmated for bath tense and spect itis nce ato whether is present post tense and thre i no indenon wheter the proce i bl ‘ne or progresive one In some language single fre can have ‘hen more dine referent. Consider theft nes of he falling ‘ble Pushlinpoom, where fab hat six pose wanton ino English Yael: abe ye bi mac W dah aye gu essen “The seman sese of this any one of he flowing a) ea se ne te »(Es | ‘model, What euch bly to recogni ie acres Ua ‘real he orga the ches that an Be found in the arget Tangunge andthe relation har chazes foveclose other. 2. may be necessary to decide, one way or the oer, whether we Teacating: malig the pes 73 ae cacemed with material or 2 mental proses In some Fanpages, the paraence (lhe muliple meaning) expense ty dere cra not be eave ithe language posse two ves, ‘ne fr looking fr something conrad the wher fo looking for fomething era, Prtnaey, ia English, ln for can seve ah 1 perma, ‘The static synthesizer accepts bth props Actor Mate Poses Goa! Senser Mental Proce Phenomenon and, sce thre fs an salable stretre ithe FSS, by-pass the ase ad op gp ° Tamir 4 word it he ing syste ad we moon tthe nex represent “hi eld forthe seman epesentaon, cpl al ta aed theme’ whch the sli hen pss ru {ht senate ese ehh ete le poston ote) ‘Sesymntesyhsrah he requ isle sa marked syst. The parser ot he FSS, nce ne peed tthe Sis age, tht he mare rer na ed) Wl ‘sie Fa set rte Fro eal wi ‘opens he cle ros aid he pt a cdo che wg ystems, ‘Te net presentation fo problemas 2 i sth pragma and seman stapes of syed are concerned. Wha ie the Selection of the ee frm 0 cay the ody sd, pa ih icy fed en. "Te PM em a fa i a | with the previous semantic reresntain, There ae sic | seman problems with th ease the sntacieuracurs wil be | mapped ono the semantic bythe parr a the remaining des | ibe lei TL Traltion ond Train the French original and the uncerany over the stars of the proces, ‘mae o¢ eta: 1. The time reference in the French text was unmatked for bath tense and spect Le. ti uncle aso whether iis peesent Ps tense and ther sno indicadon wheter the process i abiual ‘one ors propresive one In sme language singe form can ave ‘fen more dine referents. Consider theft nes of the following {wie Pushkin poem, where Hail has sx pose tention ito English: Yoshi: ihn yes it mez V dah mae age ese ‘The semantic sense of his is any one of the ellowing oe tt | te sth (sr hs aga etn ed re Bl svt are awtrey 4 model, Whats ruc is the abit recognize we aternauves at ‘xcaaliblein the eriginal, the choices that ean be found in the arget language and the realation hatches loeloe eters. 2Itmay be necessary to decide, one way ofthe other, whether we Tolting: wndlig the pros 73 | are concemed with = material or 2 ment prices. tn some languages, the polalenee (ihe auliple meaning) ered by dere could not be resned ihe langage poets wa ets: ‘ne for looking for something conte the othe or king or tomething shire Fortunately, im Engh, lt for ca serv hh | peposs: ‘The smc syhesze accepts bth propositions: ‘Actor Material Process Goal Senser Men Process Phenomenon And, since there is an arable sroctre inthe FSS, by-pass the ser and ouput sp ° 1 amboingfor a vod ino the wsting system nd we move on oth next represen, ‘This sealed from the seman rapresetaton,cenpeeih tag ‘marked theme” which the sisi ater psc on th the seman sythesiae (eich rere the proposal conten, ‘he mate gnesier wth the regimen tha itso be say naked ssl. "The parser (ot the SS, ince we aged tthe tals sa ht the marked order was nt sored thee) bis» ‘sible Pig siti eqaalent the Prem inal appes oe sytactily en Pos ail the pot sa pase on othe wing system ‘The next epesetton ft probleme 2 ar as se pega snd seman ses of syns are encore. Wha eu Seletion of the ver form amy the tdi a pth Ais he fee en. ‘BA ie ed we ae ra le | wih the presous semantic representation, ‘There are sie oe j semande problems with the clase; the seacic race ll be { mapped ono the seman bythe prey andthe ening de kre | sl be lee \ | This gies ws the overall whem forthe poem and a complete semantic representation. eae ems which elie the ates the mr have nowt be found inthe intra eicon ‘hich fave frammatesl gender and is therfore + meainguie term, There neveteles, no leat tat we cam thik of lbs: abo a meting term but more coon than Pant Par Fatuon meting lsh who no the spb renee iteraly) bt in this content, clearly, again a meting nc erm; writen Jeter which mot prone, mute tl. me the onboraphie "fs not pronounced in the ton fom (5 on in etary) ofthe word. Among the posses eludes ltr hs before theese, nological consideration ght well erry th dy tus hold Uses ont unt mae ofthe tex is eompet ‘peop sje fro her might for ‘which sere appa o be na plunble single ter aterm; we ‘il the Inger ail te tame meaning of enue rise: re oad; deve fom Bre hic hs ot oly phi ‘but media and emotional ennoations to brak rok beada/ eat io laagtion, weathering an), brig diac ‘art: tema sly, edie fart aval, eto ‘niin eatin, rion, rps, eti et omen tony of We eae an his basi, proce a tematvetraation ofthe whole text Dra rasan mii fein tthe noi one wich split to lenges | olf once = ' ‘What we now heveis the in of play hat might be expected ‘ conputer-asited wenlaton package. The ground har ben broken forurbot hers remains goad may, cuca import, detsons for us 0 make; on sound paras ~ whether me wth to repicste allesms for example ~ on lnyout ands fr, even after we have ‘aes selection from the salable eel ems. We donated 10 tke dese fal deesions. We have decded (o use de Beauprande's ‘eminlog) tht thi or ws, 4 tral of trina a ae therefore, sbou op. 234 Summary We have attempted (end were possibly fothandy 10 dos) in his Section o pur our teasing into prac by ranting a shor poem, ‘not because i was 2 poem but beeuse twas short and seemed good ul What emerged can badly be led a Ierary masterpiece we Ad, afer al sop before making most of the decision where there ‘were sll options svalable. Tas was intenonal the whole objec of the eercse wast show what quesions needed tobe asked and st ‘what pos Iwas never ou Intention hough the temptation was, Vie lost ress) to provide Bal anaver hate quesons "The nea sage would be sean, pve the Kindo tat we ave been dealing with Iterary and the declons we would reach would Aepend very och on peronal ste Tn any cae the ranlaton can never rely be finished: Even atone ‘completes the aversion one exh yin woes Hangen nin; rept reat 24 Conclusion “Tis chapters provided « mode of the trnsaon proces nd iis the modeling of that process which we Bele tobe the gal which transnton theory should now seta, indeed, we hae FACULDADE De LETRAS / UPMO 16 Train a Tramlaing We have tickled three parculr ies in this chapter: (I) the specicaan of rsa mpi (he knowledge ad sil eguired Up the wanstr in order to be cpable of trating @) the resesaion fa paling made OF the proces, (¢ medel which rw is inprton rom recent work in cogae sine, ex- procesing and Sytem guises; al ares of knowledge which will ‘ete sujet of considerable dicuson in inte chapters and () he ive fom A (sn 6) wo compreend whats implicit a in 1) to make ssumpions about the normal cotet ofthe wee of st aterance (08. 6. emus B, ie if he wrote book an linguist flo, neces that he wee a book. The converse is not necessary thecase Le Bdoes not etal A. He may well Rave writen x book Sti could ave been on any subject, not jot ngustis, 1. The incon of Bis tha the speaker uncer about the lope ofthe book A. Thespeaker presuppose thatthe hearer hs copy f the book, thatthe heer willbe wing lend shat ashing o borrow al at ge ofece, In shor, he eight examples provide us with cg distin! Minds of sentence eelationahie™ 1. Ana seence 2 Symes enence 3. Contraction ‘C Ambguiy 5. Anomaly nonsense 6 Entainent Tiplcare 8 Presppostion 332. Uterance, sentence and proposition ‘We must now rerun the dsoeton beween trance, serene sd propestin; tree lees of absiracton ad ieation which spy vo any suet of ngage we may ws vo tans "There isa type-token relationship betwee the three, such hat we can evsige the mos abstract (he proposition) as being an eal Snderbing type of which there ate 2 number of tokens or Iniferation 3 range of sentences whic share the same propsl= thom content. Eau, he same relationship ols berween sentence td uiterance Each sentence can be wd san ideal ype which 8 be raze by x range ofsetualuterances; takes of We reall svare of tis dincton between the Meal and the atl nour every experence @ point wich wll be fase i our Ascssion of the erent of conceptual eategces in Chapter 7 Section 7.2.1) in which examples abound the writen score and the, eral perfomance of pee of musi the writen ext of 2 play and ‘he praction on the night; a recipe and the cooked dish. Msi res, iterestngly fom eur point of ew, eet performances' of Piece of musie a5 “secount,“nerpretaions” 2nd "elation, Ping the same pio 5 we ae In ings, he disinson ecru and en be exemplified by de ‘Samsun lanqve-parle and the sella, though not ident, ‘iio Berean competence and performance in Chomsy. "The taonllsues in renin of the relationship between ‘Gel’ and reedon andthe choice beween “tera and ‘ree! (or “semantic and “communietie) semt resale dhemshes int te simple question: “Are we uanlaing propositions, sentence rf ‘ureranced” and, che relued question, “What s the implication of ‘hooing one ether than he eher This beings, ts esenl tobe ‘ear in dtngishing the thre concep ‘Specifically, the arterance cn be pied a being concrete and conert-aenive. Ir the siterane and not the sentence that i ‘ecurded on paper or an audiotape and ie sed to a spcifabl ine, plac and paricipuns eis judged in tems of appropriateness rater than gamma, e. wheter md to whatextent iis constaned by cial convention; whether, im tems of normal expectations of emauniave behavior, is acpale ‘The sentence In cons, fs sbsract and cone‘. Unie toerances, sentence ast (Fal) only in the mind. When a sentence [sd or writen down, we sill iendwefertoitas sentence. This fn unnecessary confron, Te would be wiser to recognize the fiference between the substantial writen-down Sentence and the sheared sentnce af which is a ean, Le. the writen fcotence i beter thought of a uerance or atx Think of what appens when we remember what smeane sid or wot. We tend © ‘omerber itn an edited” and ead form; atthe acl werance th its pause um’ and er lpg of the tongue, et, but the Tleaoed sentence of which the uterance we hed heard was but one ance. Again cota wih the aterance, the sentence i ott in time or spice nor ted to any parol partpans speakers, eae: wits readers It homer, lane spe since i idged in terms of grammatealy, Le. wheheiteonforms othe ries tf the parle lnguitic code and wheter, in those terms, ose "The proposition seven more abaract than the sentence. Kis he unit of meaning wich conse he aj-mater ofa sentence (an, ‘once reiaed i ae us, that ofthe uterance a wel) It hasbeen ‘defi stat part ofthe meaning ofthe wnerance of a decaratie Sentence whch desertes sme ate of akin and, bene, in tatering a declare sentence, speaker sasering a proposition an import plat which wil be taken up again inthe dcusion of specth ac in Chapter 5, Secon 52). 108 Translation end Tamla Being even more abstract than the sentence, the propesion i not only contet-free but tbo language inthe see that cannot be ‘Salt any spec angage. An uterance can be sald writen ny Tangunge and secogized as a reazaon of « sqteoce of tht para lnguage butte proposdonal meaning underpining the ‘erace (andthe sentence sunersl ether than languages. Inthe anabsis of the propstoa, we find tha te gammateal categories Sabet, Object ee which served at sentence level donot ‘ply and par of fundamental lgilrlaaships required the predicate (sae or acon) andthe argument (be ent or efes Feleed to bythe predicate) In ite more deal, these expand oto the proceases (predates) and roles (Le. argument) which are ‘he focus of tention nthe next chapter (pecially in Secon 4.) eps a comparison of wterance, sentence and proposon with ‘an ample wl be usefal here; ean sy (or wit) the trance (ot ten the distnson seems rather sve) a miss number of ways “Abit B wis 3 hance oe AMD mith «hammer ot AhieB with «hammer ‘ox whatever, realising ~ malig substan ~ a scatence wih SPOA Strctrein which the setae ‘dot! (SPOA) are filed by parte lesa Heme ily By mith hammer ahr han obese each of ‘hese ie 4 reantion a the sme sentence (however wet). ‘We might por hss ie deren; saying the uterances (andthe sentence they eae) all una eying 1 declare i to be the case hat At B witha hamsnee aun ding his, Tam malig statement, asserting the existence of three Ents ~ A, Band the hammer ~ and rebbonsips beencen them and «proces ting: ‘A (aon it proces) B (Gos with a hammer (sues) ‘The eqenisl point here is tat the AcerPrcs-Coal-turment reathip ofthe proposition i enti fr all aug, no mor Iipnt ls emessed saci. Tt we express the ame propsiion ia «,number of languages (Ghoorng stable personal names for A and B), begining with French, we get the writen text Ande a fappé Berard avec un marten Word nd rsec-mening 108 Poli Andra wernt Bogs mskiem oc Hind/Usde _ Bae nek ko tore 36m. or opanese At ws hum wa Bevo kano Puchi de vehinasita or Latin Antonius Datum mac ege or Camere ‘Aa jung chu dai Baba Artie dara Abad Bsa tages What crucial her is the popaitonalstrctre, a te syietie o the ls Aldhugh the syntactic and eal varatons twcen the lngungee xesingly arg, only of secondary importance ta the rc Structures (Chie from the MOOD sytem) se SPOA in Englch, French and Posh SOAP in Hind/Urdo, Japanese and Latin SAPO in Cantonese 'SOAn Artie “The sigfcance ofthis for the tana fundamental. The fat hat the proposion i unnersl (oot ted to a spec langue bet ‘dering all lnguages) gest tcl positon in communication and provides ws with ar clin our tempts at making sem of the proces of taro, As we sar inthe presentation ofthe model ‘of the proces, the rears ial tsk (andthe fanaa) ‘ecompre the lnguge-mpecif clases othe men tet i thi tunel propesitonl content. Until tis Jane tend atime Information aed tit eee the seman representation the slause,nciher comprehension no (ecstasy te Tn shor, we are suggesting that any utterance is token of a sentence pe wich la tolen of» propos pe Ta ater wows, the teminlogy me we eas ais has ‘he dessin of meaning postulates, option nchades tne and lutea, and tne ince itera, te. there i elaonship of yponyy erween he superodinate propio and he subordinate sentence an wean ‘vr consideration of meaning has now ache the point whee we ed i mone beyond the descpin fhe feral aspects of te eo an appeal ouside the lingusie structure ia cases of anbiguty, sen, impzatre and presupposition, This wll ee tt inoue tree lvls of lacton for any communica seth of ange Lethe sein” ofthe seraction witht communietie Fines raze by the gui forms of he coe 333 Simation, contextand universe af discourse We made the point at he begining ofthis caper that ‘meaning shims depends on te context of use and woul taser ths ‘ere ang tat comprehension Isl? cons of recasting the ne fm the wy of efx "he mportan sing is to eae lhe won ofthe frgnll feat and see the pure clay, Hiving see the pie the ‘eanator must write down what he ees the pit English {eis een a the picture hat has be comarca mo scualents the ae words Wt hough mean by conten? Tne es of ase can be ‘urged: the immediate situation of wterane the eonent of titerance andthe universe of discourse, We sal ose chin ‘um bt eface or emake with the coment that etsy ‘thc in tani ly ne “ita omni the comes an he comer ithe uc oF sco Th 333: dmedate sation of uerace Ding an act of communication individuals interact, knowledge i onveyed (ce sense) through seedons made frm he resources (he ‘meaning poten ofthe code (and other sens) 2 cnn ens te refered toby the Hnguse fore nes ‘ios eo nd ny, nog ier ne wey ‘whieh they organise the transfer of information. "Theres leat diference between efersingo ete which ate scunly present athe ne of peaing and those which are not and, For our present purpose, the mos sige implication o this hat Some mestings ae tally dependent on this immediate station of tierance (he oly ofthe cremsancs in which the erance was ised "A surprising numberof expressions (nd even grammatical tense) ruin oo be stunon-bound (© pronouns refer 0 print in the cmmuniae even a Fina sed Udy for erampl, tbe tard pean sing ‘pronoun eons, Lee ie 5) ayn xeon fr trent ines depending © in nen thy ar utr; ny, you. have aay Sortie Hina/ rau equlen” of th ema (ope expression af say tans; hw- er, hithet Terecmpk Sone Englsh dale hve tce-wsy sem he te yy os sever ogg an a "cl, gull (oS on often py ng tke. 28 {© tees came he resin ese elo ie heeand- 20 ‘Seaver, hops wesw he sino he ‘ate por Othe peo caper in secon 2.0) ~ the cil om an nd ambi je dre is nepal ‘reference the atom of een [Everyone ofthese canbe subsumed within the general exegory of Ace, 2 “pang expression’ which refers to ets and rear tionships precet in the suaon in which cuter. 3332 Comat of pene “The cone af uterice comes nein onder of increasing abstraction tnd gency, "The resdonship,beween the station snd the Ciertnce can be demonsrated by ebsrvng what happens when We 112 Train ond Trani temp to plac an uterance (I) ins situation and 2 in is conte Consider the uernce ass me the orepn0 we were 0 askin what creunstances tis unerance wa issued sadfactory answers would be very diferent, depending on wheter the question was about the stuaton othe context "To provide an adequate answer in terms of the sina in which this occured, we would need, ven is uniqueness to specify the paar paricpens and their behaviour, the time, place of the Frere and aryhing ele tht came 1 mind. Such a description ‘woul provide a ising of the components of the arate which, ‘woot «generalizing ela dension to them, des noted 02 ‘pescaton ofthe stuaon a5 a wll (ee the discussion on these terms in Chapter I, Seetoa 1.21). Dy way of contract an adequate anower in tems ofthe conten night beat aconie Cooking (a spaghett bologese) “The to ypes of fcton which the description rest are of dierent order fom each oter. The tua canbe deserted ners of rae ss hich can be observed and reported by an uncomprehending ‘oud but the mtr can oly be recognized by the knowing laser ‘rho can bring the Brae fs topeter ail fe” and recone he alr uy in he pyseal diversity, Le that series of sitions ~ Aferen fom each cer as they undoubredy must bec a he ‘ame; er, an een which can be baled cooing in gener ers The immediate stuaon of wterance reuies the epi spling ‘ut ofthe physical deals. The speication ofthe context of wterance ‘an unt the description ofthe maior ~ be much mae inp, since itasumes the ly ofthe shared knowedge possessed by the ‘arepants in the communica st “This sared knowledge’ has two aspects: inguin soca, What swe are efrig to here the diction becweenlingicompetene on he one hand and sil ompeoe on the ober, he two coming ree emer opal manor of speech commu (9 Lee & 1 inclined hoowlege ofthe rule systems vse Uj laces in parle, tal olde ‘wich low. communietor to refer back and forth rough SBeunfldc, ise i thi knd of knowledge hatallow he Won ond senee-mening 13 tro bid afrmaton no the seacure ofthe tat by marking “Rew infomatnand itgaishing i rom formation wich “Git or ‘geo and he reader to recognize the sutures and eve fran from he text () Seta non teraz noe af the mentions which * consain and rept he plain othe shared rounds forcommuricton in operation va speech communi) nc, {in parla, cntrl Kee which alms the conmanice teYeognize hat che sation of erance a try eatin of 2 stanton pe which ate at 4 pide to paiaton (ore ‘Ghaper 7 on the role f schemas in cron and ation), Bath f hte ind of ole of enroute tana ‘Witt he et te ator would be ane 0 epi he vay infront buted rs et and) sent the istomatn Toa In abo, campeon (hoe, ont geo ach ee Neale ora wy ty oe ero, Fay sy, teatime the Sinton between ge and nw ic Seftenes and to mark by irodcing ew norton th 2 ‘eine sie hand al sucquentoctrences ih nde Wot the cote rato might wel bs ate prose sie kre of non sore bt woud shar pre sn onic vac sce ht pues contelaion wich, {ns wr, prppores cueing krowlege I th id af ‘oct kewego or cam llowe hee oc et ‘belonging ws parc ene sce, then at enon done, tration) hinges no ony anew Bu Geese nice mel BBS Unie of done The universe f dsc the tid ost abstract and ost ee tthese seins. reas f teste ea be mid abut» pricular Set and ines by fino, so ony wha the pats kn tao what thy donot know and oes do al the props oul be eonsrcted Felton to tha sul tat can be fered on one tope-ate wil be ret ea + schisproperin anther though there maybe degrees of ava. We { Santpme ovedspbetacen texts na newspaper pring (3) t ccc, (ry, () riches and () cinema wit progressively less ‘etapa we mone fom ( 1 () Fu. me gee i ified caulute 10 culore” We might well imagine that soecer, rugby nd ‘ticket willbe uated ahr snl in Beas and Indian newspapers =e the wen of coun fr ack wl Be ach te he ‘ales of the game are afer al, Mena! ~ bu eect stingy seen setment of crs; the western im an the Hin ie, Spite ofthe shared ecology of production cons strongly thee "The notion bf pacar significance fo the amber, since nese af discourse anna bute catre-spect ad th extent tha erence crc ih arc hngsgs, ed A cri erm fr sucess commanicion mast be forthe cmunitr to be optting within the sme universe of discourse fn therefr, the qdeton tone which mst be conan inthe ‘nid ofthe want who 8 required mediate areca cules an news 33.4 Summary In thc sction we ve oo se ff women snuene-mcing ad hae made ese the way dts (Q) benucen terme, sentence and prs and 2) between the immediate sation of uterine, the e. ofan and the tninese of scours. We shall ned... st of ditions inerensingly in sutsaguent chaps 34 Conclusion Ia hs caper we ve Ben ll he mar fal aps 3 ‘mang Spicy, we hve ben conse semantic sense in ‘at onl an eee meng Inst ve irae tre appraches 0 te maing of wetter () cil feet toys eon Sosa gic ig, @) se ton sag clique of ompnetl sna wl provides into for st to the nea he son and te opdown tte of mesing rt ch grup ore land meting) ef hare ‘lemens of mane pony, nny. try). ‘Net we (prove say often te dsr of mening ‘nhich owed words (nd thee meanings) be grouped it lea Tor sean) fede, (2) disingushed the dentave and connote Ineanings of words and (2) oulined 1 technique ~ the semanic ‘llerenia for doplying connote meaning in te-dimensona semanse space ‘Then, we moved on fom ward-eaning to ntoduce the topic of seatence-meaning and the merningtlanshis which hal withir fn berween sonences (Contasing co-tealy defined ans, Syathene contador, smbigus and anomalous sentence. yes ‘Tih cnx derived dsinctons rch 8 enamen,impetire nd pesupesiton). : This shit leds te make evo important dincions which erate take beeen his ehaper andthe next the distinction beeen the titerance the sentence andthe propaion and three lees of sting” (brumernce and for discourse (wan and context of uence and terse of cours) "These dsinctions permit wt w move the feu progressively away ‘oom te content-free fomaleharacterissoflnguage 2 an aberart de towards the contst-sensvefoneonal vw of lnguage 28 Sse of resources aval woth communicator forthe expression hd comprehension of meaning Gf the broadest sense ofthe tm) Thin wl email teropang fo deserbe what the resources af the langue are which eable wrt speak and wt bout the phenomena of the envoament: the things, ccuures, bjt, ston, events quale, sates and rlains of the ‘world td of on own coasiowsnes,feuig the phenomenon tanguage ela alo the metphenomen’ the things that fre already encoded at Gets and repos” We now ru to the specification ofthis ‘meaning poten. Notes 1. de Suse, 1916 2 Nota we hag hat ia Bl, 1976 1206 Gooden 1955 4 Thee cml ae form Raia, 1958, 126, Newmark (1964, 14-22) Ciscoe component saya oe ep vow of be Sexe fing oo say cede) abd tbe pricing ana ape {nthe aniston proces 5. Lng fr fom aed on how many er what ope Line (977, {Ee etampley make ay al ind er exe) heey 116 Trt ond Trani sion n hh te tem ama wedi pareve see, while Lees (19x, 99-109), onthe cher and, les x Silat pes feos. 6, Se Lyons, ids Leech 2. Roop i Rope op ae Roget py rial emphasis 10. Roge op. The ceo ther “ewe i parity ren atu een bella of wortmeasng i Warren fwd Aion 1957, 7 1. Rope, id 1. Chomay, 16s Wades 1967 11. Tis supe oars: [-Fiomal th esl em taken a te fc of ergo and ‘ann ar cena sd contd wih ecard ye rt of the leon. Thereof ssh an pac ner atone ‘erwcen tome in he code ead the lingo kel els 0, hint, th seca ofthe ot ec of the bg 2 Faia cncepe sr teh he fru of esigaion sad 2 eng gen oft lest ich despa hon Te ea of ‘cha empl o rela novee eds te modeling ‘Semen aber hn lal ele ad lm,» aud o ‘tency Ge ory of now). 1S. hall rw owl wen we apn the concep nies Chapter 7, Scion 722 16 Laber, 197, 17. Open a, 1967 16 Hae, 1965 W.Lyon, 1970, 165. 20 Berwick 1970, 17 2, Noe hat we a sing hin he cote wc ee ater han the Tague See Caper 7, Sen 722 0 is 2. See te ne caper etn fon res, rece and rcamstanect 21 Ingest wit he lea enter ample, Cara Jer 24. See Hrd and Heats op. parry ei 16, 9-11 and 26 fe (ter dacs, 25 Herd aed Hea op, 2 Teno, 1958, 3; rg epics. Br See 196 Bat, 875, 86 mate tee sins in the cate of + sci ppchlagel mode ef conmnieion. 2. Thse ies wih ean up dei in the net chap Ge Scion 43) in Caper Sand Caper 8 20.Fiy, 1978, 112. 4 Logic, grammar and rhetoric Jn the previous chpter, we asked the question ‘What ds sis word/sentence msan and encentated on answerog ity reference, Jn'the main ote code self the eemeats of whch it composed fn the arangemene of hoa ements ich pis inthis chapter wear # dierent though ested queso “What ‘esoures doc the ee pases forthe wansision al recs of tatcalr kinds of meaning? te a queson about he Tanta of yen rm lange el nai at cent a happening, We might reesei ths vet by asl ao snd remind ours that no language or, moe corey, no sch erm ciste whch ck he eure treo what gin “Truth languages ofthe world and the speakers o thse langues woul expres what they 39 ia enormously reat ays but the ‘piaue would remain and, gen thatthe translator's Task Gs we {pected iat te endothe previous capt fen sete ptr ‘Tey ic i the dea or pstre at hasta be nine sd ot the quale ofthe etal word’ there an ena rept of st Picture hich canot be rerepoed in anther language, ie tran, Ts more formal rms we ae saying that, for any eulture an ay language the imme station resented bythe picture bm mesg unusual and therefore can be accomodated win the tives of discourse, ie it canbe spoken abut or wit aba i ‘the guage has ben reduced wo wrt). We bal re the event we ‘Bzcsed the previous copter Gn Seton 3.3.2, reset ity Figue 41 ‘Any port of his event which wes langage wll be a ex (ude op ‘fone oF mare wean). Ke might take the fom, a Englis of ooMe 44 Pete ofan ent A! i Ba wih ame ‘What might be aed about hs, any ote, eI ae been songs har bere sere ce quests we mit a SWEAT i sb wha sh rope ote, that i Suing eps wat dos Hf One feof lange ito cane ens ores perceptions nd cops (see Section 4.1). prcenire 2 IWIN se Le what ite venation ofthe sender ~ speaker or weer tothe exchange in wich eo he cnsge? Antes fectn of ngage Bite intacon between atmos ey echnge Me aed and-and-ees ‘Wecan. thei, 6) wt tn of entece siole ee Section 12) ad) wat ind fecha acs to a8 ee Ghat 5, Seton 52) HOW iting transite? e howitheiafraton organized? Ana fncon and thee te cn ae nt be ought onan of exer of importa) of engage eo ares ‘does the nermaton conten of ene wey ake tha sul frinclion sehr fcr He he "soto re"What airman nts teen sates, ‘ow ar hey dated, Which pars are eed “Wh ac new a whch drm es Secon 4.3), we rece the een 0 singe we mip sate area revs (wheeled Aft wh ng Gras) sor Person (ve hve elim Bi) wih wha peas obs hammer, ‘There i, in even mone gener terms, an ain (iting 0 indus who are pardeipatig in that acon ~ the do ofthe action fd the gala which i rected i reier~ pls the sent sed in the seon. This i in Informal terma the proportion which dere the ptr and an answer question: ‘Actor Process Goal Instrument ' ‘Those elatonhip were resize, nour et, by the words Ae, it, ‘Bil ad with a hamoer. In convendonal arate tes (nd In fanewer to quesion 2), the comet of the propsiion has been Crpnized osx clase with «suture in which tee Is x one-t-one ‘mapping beoven te elements which make wp the proposion snd ‘hore which consi the ease Svbjes Predictor Object Adjunct Other reaiotons ar, of course, possible. We could have decided to fects on the slferer ofthe ation (he Gol ot Recipient Bil) and reduced stent with illerent clase structure in wich the hi of the Goal Subject postion draws parr atenon ro hin: Subject Pediatr Adjunct. Adjunct a sebieby Alfred witha hammer “histnd of aber achinedby manips te tse mang ‘ones ef he email r py down asi psf {Be lnoonton pressed a ef we ow have an ewe © neste 3 : In short, we have outlined the structure in terms of (1) logic, rum) sr and ay now be fren he some ‘Tipteers neta ree he soil ae nee te wn te ed tasers on which Ger ck 0 {ily ongecased pace, ce ely pare ato te neil Tevom the wndepadaefomdron couse a he Mie ge), pammar and htse® Inte of be motel ofthe proc (Chape 2, we are ew about wo tuto oe pean f he cngonets of the sane age, rote on fr he mace age sod roo aut pr oe ‘pecan forthe papi In oer war, we tend inept 120 Trion and Tramlating and expand the noon of proposton sentence and wterance with nich we closed the last chaprer by relating them tthe binds of Ieaing they organize: copie, speech funcional and dscousal teapectve » “The Ungisie model we shall be folowing rests on a nuner of sumptions (1) thatthe grammar of language i system of options which are avalible to the usr forthe exresion of meaning; @ that any stretch of language mus, fi ist be commuicave, ‘onan all he ofthe tes of meaning jst Ise and (8) thaeach of theses orgeited by is own macrofuncton; a sees of neowors of stem which contin the ops Indeed ts precy because language i designed in the wa itis tht the macrofunetons exit. The purpose of linguage is 1 create ‘communicative texts which comey the three pes of meaning We he Usted and, thereby, provide ststactry answers tothe wee questions ~ what? why? and ow? ~ we posed shout teat at the Cegonng ofthis chaps. "Ths chapters, therefore, concerned withthe presentation of these pins and wih thelr organzaon snd, altbough ech of the three Scions of the chapter & dedicated to + dierent macofenction (ideational, interpersonal and textual), we sal focus mainly on the firs; the Meson Clog’ in the medieval sens), which organizes ‘cognkine meaning as proostons ‘We have a number of reason for this. Fe, the role of the roposion as we have sen, central othe procenng of tent since [is the propos which underlies the dvr of sentences which an express meusing ina paricular language or in language in fener and propositions which are the major const of tie “universal ‘emanterepreseaton® into which ten an be decom posed al rom which ets an be created the proces which ety ‘enon, central to any understanding of transtaion* ‘Thee i if there needs tobe one, second juscaton forging less space here to the interpersonal and textual macrfunetone (gma and ‘theo. The fists exremely well documented already andthe second form the bas of the next to chapters (Chapters 5 and where i wil be dealt wit in dea. ‘Let ue begin by Tsing the mactofuncton the meanings ‘they onanize, the ystems they use for this and the forms which Ue ‘options take The ee macrofonctons ar Lap rammar ander 2 (1) The ideational, which exposes cognitive meaning he & damental ides-oneig fncton of tngage. Tis rs the systems and networks of TRANSITIVITY: to crete proposi~ ‘one which cone te uses experience ofthe extra word of ‘he ess apd hefner word the nnd (his del wih in «ore dtl in Seca 4.) (@) The interpersonal, which exrsscs speech funciona mesing by dawing onthe systems and nemworks of MOOD to crete sentences which cay the cigune. and logical content of Propositons and pay she speers elaoshp wth oes to ‘wham the mesages ate bag adres; speaker 2 qs, espoen, ete (Usb taken op below in Section 42 and io hance 5) (6) The textsl, which expresses discouraa meaning by deaing 08 the sjtems and neworks of THEME to creue and resize ttternnces (or teats) in atl communicate events and to loranze these terancs in way wich are ot onl able ey Propositional conent but are ako. ordered lity ~ the Uiraces connect with each other to cate «Tnginicaly Tako tnt = sd oe the commnieative act cles te ‘atonal ke nd appropri he contest of ne is {ken up again in Secon 4.3 and also a Chapter 5) We shall deal with cach in tum in this chapter bu wll beg ty presenting «geet, wel mode ofthe network and system ich nize the opine and speci what ti hat angusge mast be ae tn onder to onc ae adequate cermunicaton sen Temi he wine, this poi, mk lear th stat ofthe dl Tei intended a ingle made! uf the eration ofthe eons ‘provided bythe ngage and not neces papehologil mel of {para language processing Imay be that thee are parle between Ao hess the egies a the chological process by which relent are male from them — nd thereat, 0 much he btter bat we ae note making tha ea Equally we shold not be mid bythe necessity af prestige elements the model sequence (an igure 42 nt inking it {Bsns spardelar nrg I pot ook let he ‘eginning, thatthe three macofuntons are thought of 2 beng cated sinlonony rather than segue. Indeed, the whe rangement is best conctved of posesing he Kn ead a imucticeacitore we propa for he nlf tation {Chaper2s shall we in in pesemtng a mods of fformaion | rocesing (ia Caper 7, Section 7.) ' | | i po poets ah —ONETWORKS — -PSSTENS noun: 44 Neto and apo Lagi, promo vies tmtatm —69 41. Cognitive meaning, the ideational function and SPRANSITIVITY © “ 1 may appear tobe sing the obvious to say that text fxnot be trasied until has Been “apderstod? and indeed, the mere ‘sco of th fact ary emp. However, impleaions ae far fiom being sa, We have to a8 ounces just what it means 0 derstand tea; What sin text which has to be ‘undertone ‘wha the tet meant ad how the reader gains acess 10 "This require 4 mulleel approach which teas the text asthe proc oft east thre pes af cole which express diferent kinds ff meaning. reflected in the content, purpose and oranizaon ofthe Tn this section, we shall fcus on the st f these: he engine conten; wha he texts about 411 Pantcipanes and processes Consider tet ke the following: 1 When the Treaty of Rome wat signed on bel of th Si in 1950 i gave Europes long-term goat sm a wn. 2rd hrfors of the ma, he tans of Europe hoped for ese and belived hat t oad be ensued bya united Barone. 3. The USA, the USSR and China wee all single ola! unis snd beld major postions in he word. 4 Therewere ofcourse, opposition groups but hey mere no sid the Europeans, sgcant What does he reader or trans know about his te? A grea de ‘Tobegin with (1) appears tobe an exact from an aril or schol vexback on the esy yar ofthe EEC snd (2) writen simple file with few nual worde er complex granmateal srucres. ‘The frst ofthese oberon concerns the text-ype (tpi ied in (Chaper6 andthe second signal ecogion of yl onrenon ~ the matching of lesa choie and state suctre woth ~ and ‘solos of acces fo the reader (eres which were raised exer but willbe det wih in detain Chapter 8). Let ae te, forthe moment, the content. Let ws atk, a ‘simple terms, mo is doing mat to lor and when and whee and how and nshr, ler ws work out the propositions which under the ‘extand revel the logeal relations which ink paripans, processes 124 Tremlaton nd Troslatng sand cecumstances together to create messing poporions. "There ae four sentences inthis passage but, as we have already suggested, we shall find it more appropriate to work at the level of ‘Gaus, Noe the le, we ean examin each satenee viding thet ~ ‘there necenay~ in the componen uses Each sentence beaks down itp to distinct propssions with ‘Act, Proves and Goal relatonships an, in some cases, Circus ances a8 well which ean be dled in the flowing wy 1 When the Treaty of Rome was signed on thal ofthe Six in 1950, i gave Europe Tanger goa sma: ny. LI Actor lromeone] signed) [ie Treaty of Rome] fon behalf of he Sia} fin 1950) (the Trea of Rene] lee) [Esrope) . [song gal wo sim a oy) 2 ‘Aer the horrors of the war the mains of Europe hoped for peace and believed that it ‘old be ensare bys wnited Europe 2L1 lrcumaance_ [afer the horas ofthe war] (Gin) Actor {the naoas of Europe] Process hoped for} Goal pes 22 Acwt [the naons of Europe] Process [helered) Gal [a unted Europe could emare pace] 3 ‘The USA, the USSR and China were ll single ’ poll wns and eld mor postions inte ‘ol. 31 Acwe [the USA, the USSR and China} Process [were], Goa [loge piel unis) Lap grammar aed ere 128 32 Acwe the USA, the USSR and China Process [had Goat [sso poston CGreumsance fn the wel) ‘oho + "There were, of cous, opposton groups but they were not, aid the Eopens, spit. AY Aewr lewponisen grouped Process ental) 42 Acwr [the Europeans Process [sid Gua [opposon groups werent sigan These anaes ae nt, haweve, entirely stficiony. We nce rae + mune of micaon ote Actor Process Goal eaters (Gad wil discuss Creunstances in dtl in Secin 4.1.2) “The Processes in 1 and 12 are cleay material onc (ting ‘he wana defn of vez a 4'ng word) andthe Acs ud Galt Hach f thc pcm for xp, Incline fer coerce imagen sem rtiy even ‘rear, bjt, institution or absracton).” Doh pipes ass tan in alton tthe Gel, Go to Spal) secondary "oa the ‘Glen fr wom the Proces cated ut (1) ad the Denetiiary ‘elem the eal of the Process ctl (12). In 21 and 22, however, the ‘processes are aot mater tall but mental they ae concerned with the sts ofthe mi rather Uh thse ofthe by and with seman Gina broad sess perce iMfecon and cogion) rates han aioe. This rake te relish beeen ctor and Yo deren ton. Mare stacey ter hee would he Sener and for wba sense, Phenomenon. “The nest pl of propasions (1. and 3.2) abn contin fret types of paripant and ailerent ype of “pce » psy felational onc; equating one patant wih aother~ Hdeier ‘ih dented = tn the ia ease and showing the posse 98 ‘Ararbute by 4 Cavier in the second aly, th st pai of proportions exempli (I) "oc which ‘snot process tis existential) and fer treason cs gol ll, Shas indicated bythe propo s that a parila enti exists he Existen) and @) pacar hil of proces ~ the verbal in which ‘he parcgatrlaoshis are, once again, ferent 2 Sayer who ‘ce the yng. Verb (what fe sue some unfortanae i 124 Tranaltion ond Train and crcumstances gether to crete meaningful propositions. “There ae four sentences i thi partage but at we have already suggested, we shall di mare appropiate to work atthe level of ‘Ghose: None the les, we can examin each satence ding them ~ ‘there neceeay~ into tek component uses ch sentence beaks down into to dint propasidons with ‘Actor, Proves and Goal relaonships an, in some eases, Crus ances at well which can be dplyed in the flowing ways 1 When the Treaty of Rome was signed on tell ofthe Six in 1950, i ave Europe anger gal am a: iy. LI Aor someone} Process [Spied] Gal {the Treay of Rome] (Cent fom bchalf ofthe Sis) CGacumstance [i 1950) ine) 12 Aer {the Treaty of Rome] Process, Ign Beneficiary (Europe) Goal {a longterm gal sa a wi) Re ‘After the horrors of the rope hoped for peace ld be ensured bya unted Europe 2.1 Circumstance [fier the horos ofthe wt) (me) Actor the nations of Europe) Process hoped fer} Goa Ipexe] 22 Acwe [ibe naons of Europe) Process i Goat [sunted Europe could ensure peace], 3 “The USA, the USSR and China were al single we poli wis and held major postions inthe woe 3M Acwr the USA, the USSR and Chien} Process [ere] Goal [single poical unis) Legis rammar and rie 5 32 Acwr [the USA, the USSR and China} Process tad Goat {a mor positon} Greumstance [nthe wold] (otc 4 ‘There were, of core, oppoiion grup bat they werent sa the European, sigan A howe leppetion gros) Process fensted), 42 Acwr [ihe Europeans Process fd) Gal Teppason groups were ot sites “These anaes ar no, however, ently satsfcior. We nee snake a nuns of madicaon ote Actor Pocee Gul eteiee, (and wil icons Crewnstance dealin Seton 412). "The Processes in Land 1.2 ae dea material ones (ellcting ‘he tata defiton of 2 ve a "ing we) a the Acer tan Gone thing’ Hac of tha as phonemic of one epee Inching. sine experence o magna some ety (ere, creature, objet, nsiuton or abstraction)” Both prpotons as ‘tan, ination tothe Gel, (to spa secondary ‘ol the ‘Ghent fr whom the Proce icra nt (1) a he Beneficiary teva the Goal o he Pree fr ctl (1.2). Te 21 and 22, weve, the processes ae not material a al but mental, ie thy ae concerac wth he stv of he mid her ‘han thse ofthe Boy and with sain (na Bnd sense; preeton, affecion and coon) rather than acto. Thirst feaionship teswen tr’ sa ou dierent on, More saan fem hee ‘ould be Sensr a, fr whats ened, Phenomenon. The newt pai of poprston (1 and 3.2) abo contins dierent types of parkipaat and dileeat ype of “proces; 2 prey Felational on; equating one paricgant with anther ~ Mente ‘ih Kdenied =n he Brat ene ad showing the sews a [tube by + Carer in the second inal, the tp of proostions exci (1) pees" which Ismet proces ti existential an fora rato ake al that sinhated by the proporon shat» parla emiy ess he sitet) and 2) 2 parla Bind of proces ~ the verbal ~ i which the parcpant relationships ar, once agin, ferent; a Sayer eho ‘hoor the ing. Verbige (what fe ah smc yaa 126 Tronsltion and Translating ‘eran, though not realize inthis parla propio, some my tons which the "saying is ected, Target. Ths rather simple and, mst be admited, wnrcog) et | iar ivf the posse fourteen base TRANSITTVITY apins: | the lage Process ratonships which provile dhe unersal ‘ergnznion of propeiane and, ene, of cognitive mesniog ea ~ f= in: =o: ate {777 a oot 43 TRANSITTVITY tems roe andes “The ‘snp’ we Bnd in the et clas, pany, 10 te ack of. ‘iat empleny in the realntion ofthe propastons ba oto the nied ume of proces pes andthe small amber of Lagi, grammar aud rieorie 127 ireumsances surrounding them. We sal examine circumstances 412 Gircumstinces + + In he previous section, we introduced the dscusion of paripats and processes by means of shot text. We intend fo adopt the ame procedure with ereumstances: “The School of Languages i stuted only two hundred yards fom Warren Stet Underground Stason. Classes normaly st 10 four and ae stale ach weekday in ermine." ‘Mast learing i chcved by means of role-play and sla, ‘These ae en very serio by al and stents who Bp the rmetod more Hke actual communication then formal lanpsge- stndy was [Asa result ofthe Single European Act and fr the sake of ou “student we have epanded ou programme inorder to provide 3 tly Communiy-wie range of guages. We beter that leering (I) involves the teacher working with the learner andthe lene wih the teacher, is sbout eoopeaion and) rules bth tobe equal partners in the process, “These four short paragraphs lusrate all fourteen ofthe eons svaabe in the TRANSITIVITY nework of systems under the ‘eading‘ccumsiance’, Whi, roughly speaking, Prcpant Roles provide the answer to such questions as wha? Cicumstances wer sony rch thet mle fa? ha ih ho il my, ey filling in the deta of the immediate ition of werance In ‘hich the Process occurs and of which the teat I epesentaon, "They ar, att sense ot exsental forthe creation of oily, satsfcior proposition but they are crucial in providing "background sand ‘deta! without which the propostions (end the elses which realize them) would be very tare and unimteresing. ‘We shall not concer oases with the ret ofthe proposonal -sructre in this et but concentrate onthe creumstances "The cieumstanees signaled in paragraph 1 are all (withthe exception of the fst and lst, which are locaton; in space and ine respecte) concered with extent (© spl snowing the question “how fr? with an expression of 128 Tonle ond Trani inane, ono ded yards fromm Waren Street Underground Stato () temporal: answering the question how Jong” with an expresion of ation of ie "oo hour and "how olen with one ogee, “each weekday’ The circumstances usted by paragraph 2 ae of manner: (0) mea: swig the quo how” with enresons of ee; ‘Ry mca of rae-psy and simulation (0 uli: ko soswerng the queso how? but with an expression quay of hehe er seriou’ (compat anseriog the question ‘he wha” with expression of Slur ~ tore Ie acl cosuunicton’~ andere — ‘an Tol Iangage wy Paragraph 3, however, provides examples of enuse: (0 reso: answering te queion why? wth an expression sting the ‘ue of the procese: becuse of he Single Earopean Act (8 Hef snsweing he querton who fr? by sung or esse the process beingcaied ou or the sake of ou ston (© pure. answering the ueton "vat for? with an expression of Intention in order to provide. Final, paragraph 4 supplies examples ofthe three remaining ps of ‘Sreunstance: accompaniment (0) comtato:answeing the question who wth?” wit an exresson ‘ich ideas that the proses ison a nhch wo paripais represented a equal dmoed wih he earner ad. .vih ti teacher in contrast with (adit: where the questo ‘who wit? would be answered i a sty ich gave one of the parlpants precede “The sade a Trl a the teacher mayer newerng the qoeron “what about? with an expression of. ‘nent abou operation : role: snewerng the queson ‘what as” witha satement ofthe role ‘eng plagd: "sega pares igre 44 displays the opons in ram Lagi rammar and hrc 29 -An: Manet ——J— utiy Ton 413. Lopieand the teseator The source tat on which te tanlator works tx mater eben whlch the TRANSITIVITY choices hve ley been mae el ave teen relied though the sytactic and eves oth lenge in wich itis witen. The let consis, therefore of deer which ae exp rest and popoins which ae ony preset plot Th adiion, sthough there e+ maping of propa stracare tind ating oo clause strc there iso nscestry one-to-one match between Aco, Processes, Goals and Circumstances on the one hand and Subjects, Predators, Complements and Adjanets o the othe. Sach “sath oth win ad Brween guages, ar of consist crs to the tana, since A by reciing thm any for ample inlerrngunderhing proposiinal score whee ements ‘incising the stave syntactic ret tha the ant “nhs sense a he sure tex the pre prerequisite for translating Languages ier considerably in the exten wich Parisian and Process tltinshipe are actually ead in thir sya and hi ‘ies a mst peblem fore tnt This ght be lasted by taking Relational and Existential Processes as an example nd comparing th elation in number oF angags, basing or lscesion onthe Flowing Sh sentences: 1 A ei anal 1 eee 24 Tiere ng Bb Thee are igs in Bega Se The ate ae ter 3b Tig hee rier amps 1-3 imine the tec mar pes of retinal pres nun circuses and posses The distinction ree hem is easly stated ems of the reaanship between the partpats the process 0: iatemsves isa ) circumstana xis a2 (8) possasive, x has an, wii each, mo pes of partipant reaonsip, (0) ideiying: dened + tee, where ands ae reversible, ‘inc the reltnshp between them ir oe of eatin and (0) atebuive: mer +a, where and! te ot ever ‘We can comment on each ofthe sx expen we 1. tensive tesa he equation fig and anna! allows 40 Legis pammar ad herie 31 reazatons of the relationship in terms of eer (0 cas-membership:'s ger ian animal nics ina ot (example: tat is gr (an example oa ge) 1 A teri fee; te ck of equation beeween ie? and “Bere? {eda hat isthe ates chances of teeny a ate being refered to 2. Gireumstantial ‘The crustal ders from the tensive anda we shale the poses) in tat the elasonhip isnt betwen he eny and ober nies bot Between the enty ands sting 2a Ta ge ed at pa po in pce and identified by being there. ae 25 The gm Dg on se, tt ot + dei hacer og be lated Ben 3. Possestve ‘i Therrien the racks nd idenifable 2 ae the a, a) yw ang made 5 Tiger have sips the possesion of ses is epected of igs but they ae nota defining characterise any mare than being located in Beng ‘There i, of course, a final ype of process we need to consider exemple bya sentence like ‘Thee are ig: which’ vive ia that it doesn ore than stee the existence of tigers. It should no, ofcourse, be confused wih + aoe which also ses "hr (t example 2 bow) bat + dite rather thin, sels here, 2 "any Ie wl have been noted ht in English, fe can be we to expres all three se of eltinsips (or, mare corety, fe of the sk realzaons of them) although thre is git a range of akeraties ‘able In English which Fall similar functions quatives such 32 cul ren sand for abies sh lok, eo, snd, 192 Trlatio ond Translating Cer languages tend to make we of forms of be aswel. Some can show the equate iteshe radoneip ~ at Russan can inthe present ene = by mere juxapsiton of the wo rls. oa saldat i.e. Jol is a sole. indu/Uedu uses forms of ona (eg. ha inthe elton process ina vay which cozy parallels Engh wsge: Ia ltensive ening: for both () cass-memberhip and (i) (ther fnwar hai: the ier isbn animal gers are animal (@ mother ha that is er * 1 intensive abu: ‘her Bin a: he ge i sick 2 crcumeanl dentin: ahd her ha theres ager 2 creunstanalaubute: ‘Shr Beng md ha tere 2 Sper/there te dies in Bengal 44 posrssive ensing: : Dag she ha he wick is pers 3 posesieatibue ‘Shr dha ha the ger as sipesigers have stipes ae the existent: ser a: heir exists. “There appears, onthe face of to be ite problem in wanting these eltonchipe between HindV/Urdu and Faglh, There however, hidden dias Th Hind/Urd and in eeveral other languages Gluing Arabic, Hetvew,apanee, Rasan, Turkish andthe Clie language) of eis wed forthe pores reladonsip as wel as we have sen in ‘eample a and 30 above, tera translation of ther Ui dard hat = tiger +t sipes ae: to the tiger are pes Fier, Hind/Urdu maker dition berveen femanant and Tresty attes by adding bt in thet ce ba wing hu alone in the second (9 ther janlh hais_the geri ferce ger are Bree Loge grammer and rhe 138 (0 she pri ais the tiger ok In her languages (Potuguese and Spanish for example) thre ae Also wo forme of Be but Uc we is iferent fo the Itunes me fave Bc conssting i Span he Kr ae 1. ser forthe tensive: Juan epi Jean Sans Jomshere 2 ter fie cecum Hower, the wo frm ean also be wed to dings ~ ain the ind Urdu cae wid Git) hoe the degree of permanence of the rbaee 1 se J simp Jani fen (permanent) 2 eer Jan a spain Suan endl emporiy) We ae ef then, with ie unease about the aninerslity of the procesespioposed by the model. Thre seem to be a degre af Fenainess between sme of them, particle circumstantial sd possess; priap te forint is more ppatcat tan ral and 2 Fanetion of Inguage-secesjtacte ad eile ~ telecon fiom the MOOD systems ~ rather than a lw ia the nation ofthe ier props the proc of ist ein the sp TRANSHTINITY, TIVITY system i dat pt of dhe grapinar which roves opis ~ fume, roles an processes stl cmst= nce ~ forthe earession af cine coment 8 equted By He ‘eaonal macofuntion. “Thirecton hasbeen concemed wth providing n cine ofthe ‘stm of TRANSITIVITY eps and Cxamples of fin actin in other lnguapes, asa Get sep towards «filer specifi a the ‘ver grammatical tem. ‘What fll nex, an cauitalent eatin ofthe MOOD systems which conser repasion into case, 1s Tr ato an raat 42 Interactional meaning, interpersonal function and MOOD a In the seen deus ofthe TRANSITIVETY syste, it became ‘ear hat oe of the wana’ jr problems wast analyse the Sle syatan fet wth its eal clase stators ia ws wich fermi sens to pt, undeing ives meaning aril by ‘he rapstns Clery, en tha we so aw tht here single ‘eon tls between syntactic and proposonal ature ‘ny theory of rasan worthy f the nae wl ae oot the ‘pineal nthe syn (ore erect, i the MOOD sem) "pric language and refer, compara and cites 0 es Thai the goal ofthis section. ist ofall ened to becearabout he rola the MOOD system, The TRANSITIVITY system as we sow) is concemed. with ging the ont of propos. Kis nt oncemed with he way thar conten is presented! Thats the purpse ofthe MOOD system ‘whase aoa preset the realonship orgeizd 3 propsitons by the TRANSITIVITY system and conse the ano parle Tange Fare the MOOD stem i, ia contrast wi the unersal IRANSTHIVITY syste, langage rpc an thr, obs, > sy that the whale ch apse ea Be reseed i ne id a ‘Sle cape and tha nacht wl be atemped ere? What cn, Tawexcr, be dane sto show the catnip Benecn corinne ‘aches sd sytem a, this Wa, le the ator to the methanisms whe Hak the highly abstract and universal propos ‘io eth th totally phil and ent dependent (an, thereto, geen) ernie a et Tnteratinnal meaning (or, aermaiely, speech fanctonl mean- lng) the active aspect of the cognitive since it consis! of the ledge wsed by the communicator absurd ito the speech sitaton in cnt with communicator as sheer of sions ‘Gogokive mening involves the representation, in propio form af the cites and evens, Interactions mening, in conta, consis of the “role rstonships asociated with the station, Incling shove that are dene by language isl, ecatonship af "qestone-responden,inlrmer-doobter andthe fie” a anguage ‘sed paricpate inate than merely bse, evens. nth he Faneion of the MOOD stem isto Stuctre sentences (ore cotecty, "ches the wo Wil be distinguished ina mowgen) shih ‘Coun a! speech acts which facta soil exchanges Leg grammar an vostone 133 Let us consider the following tet ‘The eotmensuts reached Maren 2023 ‘They were representatives ofthe United Nadons. Tey tested the mosphere nd sent Ground Con ' {he histor sg We have pot ‘Man on the Red Plane? Then they lected the youngest member of the fre lender of the exploration par. In terms of TRANSITIVITY, the txt contains a mie of Actor, Materal Process, Goal and Tented, Equa, Kener choles pls seater of Cirumstines(acaon nde nd in space) bat whit [sremarable is tha these proposiians ae encoded int the sax af English by representatives of all six of the unmarked postive decarate clase crores ofthe lnguag. They are nmarked in the Sense of being “unrenarabe’ and ihe Linds of wanlaion we provide when asked (ut of context) such queson 2s ‘How do you sy sw awit horse? in French Vs wun che Bane’ rather than “Creat mol qa in cheva lane te. Ge 43.3 ont "Natural ther opins could have ben selected 0 represent each ofthe propostons and thee that have been selected ead ave been rmanpusted, reordered, expanded, conracte ia an enormous umber of way, shifting the focus of stenon frm one part he ‘opesion to another (pons which wil Be tak up later in this {hap} Tomever, what we hve the text canbe thought of as the “andamentl cause stracres of English which of neces, frm part ofthe Lnowledge-base ofthe nate and the translator and conta (as we sopgesied in Chapter 2) thei personal Frequent Suture Store forthe lngsae Te hardly needs sapng thar dierent languages organize (and reorganize) shir awa cause structures diferent from English and that knowledge ofthese eomrasting MOOD systems must e part of the wenltors knowledge-base "We might canine how these structures are realized inthe txt, sing the recogni Sytem nottn: 5 [Subject P [Predictor © [Complement 0 [Objet and A [Adjunct or Adverbil] revealing, 8 1% dos, the ‘eh of else ‘sot which have Been filed by words {nd phrases, We can provide a quik ana ofthe flowing Kd 136 Translation ed Traslating s Boo 4 {The coments Mar fn 2028) so i sires of he Fe vee coentuines eel s oP ° {The eed] he amspher) « ° ad et (Grond Con, ° the historic signal: sor OA {Wel thane pa (Mail fn te Red Pant Poa oro. {hn} hey] (eed ie youngest member of hem) © ede ofthe eploraon pry ‘This anal naturally fr from complete ~ the tutu of he pte which Goto speal) "A the stuctrl cause so remains 0 bepecied = and nny cae the text sis ted in the opis it cremplifes, since everyone of the clauses & 2 single, postine ‘ecarae the rane of options, ofcourse, fr ager than hat (ne rovie an oui of the model me sessing athe Appendix and shall ‘ea wth he specication ofthe cnre opsas inthe next section, ‘hese pon in 42.2 and focus on aspects of both, with partult {eleence tothe probleme ofthe tana, la 4.2.3) ‘There i good reton to begin with the cause, sage it is the fundamental unit of coowuiestion andthe eared lous of ‘opention of the MOOD system, exch of whowe sts of options Corns the nul coding of diferent Kind of ‘xchange’ and Serves the eral Tucton of aking human interacon (and, hence ‘icity a we know i possible “The case, (1) encoder the universal contexte propos into 2 Lnguage-epecic cotest tenaldve form, 2) possess Nexble “sructre which allow the communicator to dtrbute he information ‘contained inthe propstion through a range of ae’ ve sequences find to fous the atenion ofthe receiver nto i” arto and oF india G) sci the abseact ype for the ‘tert sensve uterances and ex. Logis amma an hewie 137 42.1 Communicative exchanges and eause options 1k can be argued! tat, ia esence, communication inves the tachange of eer (I) go and-ervces or (2 information nd hat the commaricator he speaeror writs) can adept neo wo roles in Felton tothe mtr Sing exchanged ether (I) geo (2) 0 sand it Granted dt these ae many diferent was fgg 20d leaning and 2 hage range of goods and-srvces and nfrmation which can be cachanged ut, Hf we acepe thew parncere Fondament, communion resolves ilo 28 atractne, spl foul tsonony which can orm the bao model wich ca be abated ler Giring + goods-ant-senizes Gog + information Demanding + good Demanding + Information Witout pre-emping the dscusion in Chaper 6, we can assign speech as 1 cach of hese by aig: "What would we call what he Speaker wa ding exc of thee ene” Pe ser wld Goong cies) be (0) Making an afer: “Would you ke 2 coffee?” (0) Making satement “Tre made the eter (@ essing s command: “Gre me» eller? (@) Asking» questions “Have you made he ctr?” So far so god, hut the quesion which rss nostri he cent {issue of th ston; the option aan the MOOD syste othe ‘apreson ofthese speech ats We ask ‘What Kinds of sentences a oun atthe above? The anew we all sein the net ch tums out tbe very compex.‘No single one-to-one cmeation between sylate svuctre and communicate auc ext nr shld snc espect ition, Enea so, we cn show how the our pes of exchange (Gd the speech acts we have dred from hen) ca Be eid hy tomate cies fom the MOOD options ihe ype of seenee or ‘dase which wale Hl to co-ceer wih sem (he very des we ctu cose in our examples) Intertogtve, @) Declarative, 0) Imperative and (Int gntve respective, "This snot to Suge for example al declare signaling Information’ eth" an morphism Between commune I 138 Trantaion wud rating ‘ale ad spate stare, Whats being sgt i (0) dha there ae wnmaedrlatonships between sci aloe and syntactic strc al communicate vale jot there are Between sate steuctre algal reaonhips and @) those restonsips are ‘nce int yam posible clauses hough embinsione of three fndamenat ebuse sracures ~ Subject, Predicator and stinling for both eomplonnr and obit, Complement ~ which "ough he sequences hey ofr, provide the option ofthe system a MooD: ‘We can give comple (umbered below) ofthe sk bs combina \insinashort muted dalogve ad dspsy the sytem in Figure 4S (ihe same sumbers so rofer to possible outcomes of stetons spleen the Sige), A We ned a gromst o Whats gmat a What do or mean ‘gramee? ita ind oboe washer?) A Yes. That’ itt, 1 Lets jon wwe alating (5) A ass me the ol-book 6 ‘he mune sentences exemplify MI setons whih re (0) Indenive declarative, @y(),()_- iaterrogative Squ and ‘eS an closed interrogate resp and two mperae tives: G) inclusive and (6) exclusive 4 CS -——_{ noone 45 MOOD sya Some comments might be made sbout he system shown as Figure 45 Fit fl how ie that we are able wo make these dsinesons? ‘What we ae in fat, dog is recognising he patering ofthe SPC. ements and atahing stat labels to them rather than responding to th seman sense othe communicative value ofthe cases “Tos the order Spl inde in contrast with he ck of , which sign the sinpebe. Simla, SP gal dirt while, ‘comers, PS sul he tira ‘l "There i alo the important dsdncdo, in camps 3-4 berween “ope? interogrves in wbch he" word (hown Sin Figure 415ycan te citer the Subject or ot and ‘closed nterognvey which tre signaled by some form of d Gi the case of lee es) or by Inversion fhe Subject snd the aur the eas of ais verbs; rod, hav de) Finals in and 6,90 pes of merase canbe distinguished: he fiat (he ince) marked by et? and the second (be exh) Imarked bythe inal Predictor and no Subject ‘What marks the dislogue as somewhat arial isthe bios of the statements, questions, ete What ising s sore of {he pears sessment of what is being sid. eV 2r)-< ame ‘qalifeaton ofthe statement, some mor te ngthe ‘ueston, some soning of the Inge ic ate Aizen in or bu he sme a the {Les agin lig dere: simulated and with sumbers which fer © Figure # DB Here's # romet © AA Ie could be one a probably ie o Yes must be one o 1 Te never ted ne before o “Though Sve sometimes does and o Iain weal doce o A Lalas ws them ® You hive wo use them for job ike this) BOK, OK Tiletyoul 4, “The crucial fn of hie dialogue i he appearance (in sentences 2-4) of sme fd of modal clement, signalled by 2 moda eb ‘mld and mat) o 4 modal adverb (ere, proba). The tem of ‘today kan ememely ippornt ne since este camimunia- 140 Toitin and Taming tor the opie of expressing an opinion about the extent to which he “sseron i @)probsble and sual nthe fit clase, there loo ateautnent of er hind the speaker oes ot ae the Isue. Inthe Second, third and fourth clases, Couicion andthe satement of that concton grows trough ‘esl, probly, ro ering. In 5-8, aessment tke place but in terms of ‘suniy™ rather than probabil, moving fam tty unusual (woe) through the lnceaingly wl ttl usual ls (ve stall be dicusing the Implestons of molt forthe tase ln Secon 423). Tn 9 and 10, we hive examples of ligation and incinaion; sysem of modo rather than madi, since Is eoncered with pal aes than proprio Inte fist instance, juste the use ofthe rometty reference wo sme (unstated sey regulation or code ot god pact In he second, B expresses the degre of willingness the fl in acepting A's insistence om the use ofthe rome a fe omy co = osesn oun 6 Nellind moda {To conc we might make the pont that we have caeflly soided saying that for example, the. open interrogate sexhs Informations is answered by the provision of that information and that this const wih the closed lnteroative which ees conioma- tion ad i popely answered by ‘yes or "oor some equivalent ‘ream, Tse ae aters which are moe comely dealt with 2s Lagi ranma ad howe 14 part ofa discussion of spessh ace (ce Chapter 6 tater than ere “There we at intentional lining oases a uta pectation Uther resoces hens: he opine whi esa the communist forthe encoding of positon ad as or se We lo tke av asa tat 1) the stotres we have bee sessing canbe ested an gonsnas nue ways by the ‘expansion of thelr in each“ by the embeling of frher ‘tance witha the min case, by the coordination of adorn ‘eorex anor rates, by he wo of Ants f= ‘hat @) thi Knowledge, to, forms par of the langue ors competence. Since the casei he carer ofthe totality ofthe cote of the ropostion we have been concern on an outline othe pins at Chat level We recap, ofcourse, tht grammar prods pts allo is els mop teogh a sentence ~ (a ena "trctring beyond rntence eve) and tht eomprensine nol of the pranmar (eich would be of enormous an beyond the Soe ‘fits bro) would amp o cover them ll exhaust [Nove th lens, cnet tough rented no such comprehesive tectment, wel fst obliged 1 give same attention wo the sole ‘hls, parley hepa Prraes certainly possess systems of thei own (umier, «se cade inthe hea f the NP fo xsl) and though these ae fess general are than those of Ube dase, they can ad ten da ‘ry important infomation, particulary atthe level af specie et Tris tthe pane and he important potion of cha al line tv which we etm, 422. Chain and choice: ene opt In our outiae ofthe MOOD utems of Fgh we Hane teen encentating om dave rata, What as sm sok Gena) ‘ly consideration eter of stuctare above a blow the eel of te {lawse orf th clement which ft into that suc, Sone of hese ‘masons canbe ected now. We shod Begin by eeconicing 2 crit dstnction in the ramoaical model we are ing tht of cin sere choice (alternatively, fan versus firs vers ile, amass paradigatiy Satie sre versus the for which ele thst "The analogy of the “rt-machine’ might ly here. The et ‘nachna for the mechanization ofa ame of es he payer gambles on paricular sing of yobs occuring i sequence The machine contig tre drums, each of hich eae st 2 aiflerent speed spd caries 8 numberof symbols: bl, cherries, srpes, mans, orange, pats, ete Thee af thes, wo ake (6) the gmgnaticais faethe tee pons twice deus ‘an stp evolng the equivalent of the options ofthe MOOD system inthe grammar and (0) the pragma at fc, the of syns which can apeae in hive pesto he eyutalet f the eps vale he lesion ands a pases, ‘The MOOD ster ofthe grammar proves chan o sacred Sequence of fanetonalposons or tlons wich are real! ot “filed by formal tere) a te level the clase by pases ad) atthe lel af he phate by mods Jus atthe cure has ts SPCA Strctre, sto phrases hive dee awa scr or the Moment nie a), ed 8, aie) ‘The cin in the late ply cons fanctons sn for sch Sab (9), Obj (0) and Compleat (C), spy “ead! by Firma tems sch as noun alam (NP) “Bling, O ahd Coe Prairie by ser phaser (VP) ing’ Psa Ali (8), eazed by adel poner (AGE) and proptonal ls: (PP) ing” Ao or example: The crew ested the atmosphere cael SINT] PVE] INF AlAdy?) Equal, phrases alo conan chains and choices, ei the NP, AP and’ AUP; modifier fm, head (8), qualifier (filed by Sema tems (oop words arin the eagle tlow, by skscrmine, an ajc, vo muses and» prepostonal phase ‘The eed space scents fom Ean a a) ‘ar? ADR a dct wet e we ass 8 miliary onan verb extender snd yt na at an - ri ee lee et, ia Sere a ects cite With this information we can specify the contents of the FSS at phrase level for English 2.2.1 Preguent structure store; phrase level . . ‘Av phrase-level we should expect modifier~head~qualiier stuc~ a ell Ie ea aes NER resale ition preg ‘completer'® with, in principle, an unlimited ro ge ce eas eo) ole sings os wre mom (SSE) a area a ° ep ye, ome an Fs 144 Treation nd Trang We were crf tafe point shot hinted munbe of il a vas pt he rey lg nc a ‘ts posing ed eat Sewn ee neo may Der ieenn fm orp or tect a ren ees ‘noe’ and ‘gue? re etme oi oe cheat cco vee ne oe of tb prs he oer Hp modal thave + be+ mv may have been going No psn rede of fx, ough eed pan of the series can be typified by oes “ dkesminer ordimtor epithet sominal head the let huey Sumese eat, “it ie i pork od i io recs te sae eee aporeun wa ee 4222 One of moon in NP ‘One way of dscorering the unmarked order for moder in «noun rs yo ey ming angen ote ven os Fer example, taking the herdword ct and «small sunber of modifiers: hla, Siam, small young, we oily ave a he ‘marked order small oun hcl Sime and recopie the sng of formal ems 2 a determiner lowed by to lesstan four ihe deceeh ‘The question sl remit: Why tht order ether thin athe? The sawer seems to Ke i the nature of the epithets temscies. They refer, in order, to: se, og, colour and eign. To sit heorder would result in varying depress of maredness (ibe. deteriner ‘curing in any but ini orton, fr enample wuld be ungramma- ‘eal one suspects) and (aeons in (ya change of ening Lagi rammar andre WS from a refernce to colour (a pe of Siamese ct wich has Chorolt coloured point) 0 one which i made ou of coeds "ih «june small chelate Ste ot smal yng Simos choot {Bs tne Sime sal yg ce + pune rte sal Seo and a0 for, "Nor ace we fished if we merely say that he determiner st come fastn testing, What onder do the flowing lof which proce the thes) come inal ther, ter. The ate-se of Engl comes instal othe decisions a hi the oa on the bass of ledge which suggests hat determines ca fe Ibvaet nw ot kes) fede dee and psec (ve Enwodaced the nation of des ey x Chapter 3, Seton 3.1.3 5 taf the serio om fmm matin of ere). ly ad» grt dsl rei orn by the eompetent wer of Engl: gos wou! sying that such Knowledge must aso be (lb to the rasa and tito 3 consideration of ome aspects of MOOD, hich maybe of parts releanc to the asso. hat me 423 Grammarand the translator In this seton we shal take upto soo wick ate Ben ess Cig ination to MOOD in Ens (0 th nding of pies ‘ahr Languages and (2) the expression of mol wih price reference fo German 423.) Trcenkeing pits Wie han aleady mgt that art of he infrmaton sed inthe ss woul ince he ypc wna onder Kr pet hat hs {Sones the sme frm ngage to language Cpe, or ‘ample the same eaten in English, German ad Pree ‘ © con : ft fal cae en shnles ates Auto sn a rasan 4 . ee ne voiture rouge rapide ‘We might eave htc by making the possibly bv pon tha the git dr, ase, ceva unmarked but what the epee ae itch 7 tar seems psi though srk Can this ees in German and roel the me ay? sin sels res Auto ne wie rape ge 42.42 Mody We sweater (in Seton 42.1) dat prt ofthe MOOD system vies epios for expesing opinions on the pokey of 3 Propestion ing ie and is equeney (eo reli heater and bow wal what sete), ‘We isolated ight levels of asesamet: four foreach, In actualy, thee ate pins oma coninuut rang Kom pile nd prabale ts ce aa rane thngh someting ‘Geary, i eset for the raster beable ego the ssensh wth which the wera the SIT bls a pion alto be able to render that na appropriate manner in the TT Fgh reas these throogh modal es but als through range ‘nl ans and 30 does Geemtan, but German ls bat stn number of ml price fr which thee are no aac ‘qualents in English sal word ike dr in Geran sates jst how compte tration js By using dock the sper (or weiter usa response in a fewet and its connotation ie of ‘cmpacent sopra lenge: the wy yo ako at) one would hak yu td Kom (or vere gran of be fc) ave you been the eaititon atthe Repl Acs? ee go Landon 1h file dc ie mac sa [Nove iat we are reduced lig the newer Engin beers ‘Bere does ot appeat toe a suable lal Rem, Le inspec the ‘nolty mould be sipalled by ftanasn: a ise Indeed, even There is possbleto find Tes equivalents they are raely Ic ras or crap och ar ight by ranted 8 bin «Dut nuber epion would be... you git 19 know th, the: chokes ‘ependigon th suroundng co-textand context. No, wemightadd, {sdk unigu, Thee are over a dozen mor: : (1) al and het show that he speaker is impressed foul oF ‘four ‘Das mal (oe eine Uhr dis ° "Thats & daapolaoment or you (2) son an ac wits he same fneion in exlaations: Warder Ker ach hon fr Einfalle atl Wha range es hi fle as! () jain stamens indict tat the speaker/wterbebves thatthe fenrenteader i aware ofthe facts being stated Dw inj you'eimping coro expet ony or sas: Du vents ie dav ~ ot ou ka sou wold e paleo cnn day wes fed he, ar, pa, nk Sean» Bt he Phas sey ben made 424 Summary L De In this ection, we ive shown how interactional meanings ar the interpersonal macofunction of language dreving wp he pions alae th ptm of MOOD. The essential point was mae ht Sera a be MOOD sem tpi he ens x acing the sbsct, univer, oberer-orentedepresenaon of rates nd events inthe form of propostons into equlyabsiract but 148 Trt ond Tamang lunguage-pecif,commuicatr-ofented causes which undelethe shit epress meanings and wo parca in communicative acts. ‘Wie have outined the options salable inthe yt aod ted balls dozen clase-ypes which we beve o be ypilof English and, therefore, pat of the competence ofthe tatlatr working fren of Ito the Language and, hence, included in any speciation of that conmpetene. ‘What follows isan exminaion of the enabling options of the ‘THEME systems which comet causes (lu ther comesponding Propositions ino uterances and texts which are actly iued in the ‘ours of commanicaton~ spoken or writen and srctred 35 0 ‘present information in marked or unmarked manner 43. Discoursal meaning, the textual function and the ‘THEME system Discoursal meaning consis of what we know sbou the structuring of uteranes (or tee). This includes rach gui Knowledge aricaltion and the use of woidng systems and lec semanic nowledge involved inthe creation of cose text eas ices nowledge which allows the speaker to orate spesth sts into ‘coherent communicative dscounes;inguste knowedge combined with suc socal Inowledge as knowing when t speak o wit to ‘thom, whit about and bow Gl hs stored, presumably, athe logcal ‘nd encyopeic entries ofthe LTM databse ace Chapter on this) 1s the role ofthe exual macrofunion of lnuage to ognize such dcoural ening be ning bo roger Ang ara oe aa hee! Bae say latince of Brags sae a eee ems) a united wnole'§# “The oientaton of the textual mscrofunction in contr wih the Weatinal andthe interaedonal towards the concrete and physical ‘While the ideasonl macrfuncion is concemed wih context-free propositions (ihe propositional coment af the speech 2), andthe Interpersonal wi he contentsfee sentence type with nguisic Lag rma od hrc 9 nie nlp suc he ol cer wit he CAS hen i et ern ee thems te cnn ere an be pa iene gh sey een mate Fer wt moe Scour a st stor md essen Sorc adage = paces of epi. “a sangeet yee be sich arene wi int nro unit i be 0 SECIS ind ping te nei show ie sre eld oat nn seer proninene SISTEM herman cone te ce The nen ae 1, THEMATIZATION: this organizes the into ofthe ls is emfnnicatv pot of depart) and at to dec the ate tie roccier ofthe message tothe parts the sens wisest» ses The hey clement fae hi are theme a heme. INFORMATION: thi organizes the completion of he clase Gs infomatin fcis) and, ke THEMATIZATION, also dress ‘tention to part of the message The Key elements iol ae infomation distribution and information focus 43.1 Organizing information; ext structure fs hen and ila degree of contin in Hgts ver soften ic 0 Our mm wage ings tbe Ae gael ai pati ro, canonimsine is) amngih ‘encarta ‘iscourse-at-proess.7 We eae ht hss somewhat conse fhe pono to adopt Ic does, however, atleast have he sei of tllowing wrt concentrate here on txt = produto he linus ‘stem and eaveuntl the net chapter clement wich ate pinks ‘tal the communion systems arable to human beings 0 tts pit) nn Soon 2) an) yeh acta Perm wan Sean $3) 8 7 Ty the, eens dgued fom non-text? Three joss he engl Freedom ee bt) mnt un gee ti sag 2 ciate ero ep bunt we salle op ap it hash a sae meet ea ot rhe EME ens heed rt sn "Tc nt ote chance ~ gee rca ~ tens con nt tpi and ne Smut eof cnmastn i ent bey se “ih coon of cone: ‘The seine tee ne city mone vat eg ce ‘Sci ewe onc hn sky thy re web a ea THEME an ore ety nes iat len op inh espe eso Sul sue Cty va en eset etn of eeces kd yh ce sot mets so ag ale inet a emeton Toran antes ic rem etic so pummatal ls wich bl gee We oe co mae ah fe Une ad speed Ih he heme tl ifrmnion aa eee iain he heme aye hgh le pmsl sae Imei de a etre pt pea 4312 Thematizaton ‘The tw THEME stems provide options forthe expression of incl meaning © eth the fetal motneton Spl the clase 10 be sun ou mig the pss io Ena malig the ‘oa ae ton te Aer Seo he es hs ing and ging prominence othe Gol fhe Pes aes hen ee Thee il consis rw. sub-sems: themaizon and inrmation, each of which, i wil be nocd, at ined ta " «tied Loewen the tan eran bin i wT rte ZAR dtbton of normaton i te Cue td, spec, oe Tite ete ee alata pnd mater ote maegre eye te ee a ae moor ni eae a esl i te bn a ec See um eal mee sure Se gene pe ow oe rig gat ne poner ey Pare and Pots ee ane SRY outa be prac opm hw eh Nt magma os ain mies soe ds ..rti“‘i*iéis~—C—s~—s—O Fae cept he m0, Sat Site aac es ee cee od em eerste Them tetas nd Sec temine ier ty net se: viene ome -.hLlUrtété—<‘—Cs™OCS a Lrrr—C Sift ene ugh te : rane ‘options available in thematiztion are displayed in Figure 4.7 soy anol the nares IaH eresponding 0 thos of the amples we ae about 0 ge. 432.1 Vani theme : ‘The ‘expected ‘unmatled? and ‘unremaabl’ theme of « sain Clause shown in aes = laseated by any one ofthe fllowing: 1) He bought anew at ©) Did be buy a now ea (6) Whar did he bay? (9 Baya new eat In em of pace soc thee ar reso (a) Sobict in an ce declarative case (8) Ataris closed lxeropsine ™ aes : on? ee: Salers rouse 47 THEME tone emanton (©) Wh clement in open incerogaive (@ Predisor nan inperatve Any deviation fom this (apart fom the exes we nated ete) ‘consiutes marked theme which canbe realed by means of frotng and/or prediaton and/or prepoting (ce blow). 4.322 Marked she 5 at emis pei ry rs ta ait Saar per ees Sp Seer a ene Sal tat pe aoe ime Sina (1) The dg bi the man Leg, amour an rate AS (2) The dog bit the man, it did {@) The one hat bt the man was the dog (4 Tews the dog that bit the man (©) The one that ithe mn was the dog it was (6) teva the dog that i the man tid (@) Thema wae bite by the dog (8) ‘The man was bite by the dog, he was (©) The one hat was bien by the dg was he ran (G0) ea the man that was ten bythe da (U1) The ane datas ten bythe dog was the an, eas (42) Teas the mn that was ten by the do. vs We may commento ech f these ptins snes will have been vice the sisi eet ~ the appropriateness for parol ommubiatne conten ~ diflrs quite considerably fom example to ‘example (1) The the “neta” amare elton. The atenton of reader (or hearer ot caught in any way by the order in which the ‘hue ir orfanned. There in fat, + onet-ate corespandenee beoecen he ements ofthe propa conten (Uh selectins fo the TRANSITIVITY. system) the sjtacte unis Glee from MOOD) and the Theme Rbome ordering (elced fromthe ‘THEME sem) which specs why the cas, realied inthis form, is shed Aer Process Gaal Sehjst Predator Cpe Theme home Thedog Bit the man ) Here the theme has been prepose by repeating i ‘Thee are, of ours aerate mays of dong this (@) The deg, i ithe man (8) Ie bi the man, the dog id (9) Here the some has been predicated by selecting ot lth sentence’ satire (te () Blow) but "ocodo-lft with the So NP= mha f= rate case (4 nhs instance, predating the theme ha agin been slot ‘nim contrast withthe example we bave jst sen, taking vp the ‘pin ofthe ‘et sentence’ whee the theme ge the str (6) This example combins predicted wih preps theme andy win the predieting options, the ‘peudo-lt (@) ere the selections ate the same at inthe example shove = dating and peposing = but withthe ‘let Semence (This example irodaces the third major epion: he theme has cen Fonte ato termed thematntion,"tisliato’ a ing) This hs been achieved by devtng fom the ware order, 5 by pating, Inthe erample we have pen, te Goal in Subject ton. Again ser te alternatives depending on which pat of the Propostion sth focus. We eau a) focus tn the Goal in the Sample, 0 () the Pres bic the ma, she dog dl (8) Frosting wih preposing. 1) rami with petting ad the cia? sled (Gi) Asatoveexxp fr the eo the "ce (It) Here marking hs been achieved by ail te sts of pons: Fntng, predicting and prepsing of the theme, withthe “pc
between ‘eommuniatr, ee) and features of the ch make tule thesereltonsip: tenor, made + of dscouise ‘What we have sid fe abost «hs hapter ols ack to eater pare of the book a make lea that the hap has a setond purpose inking back wid wha hs one before Ie spécies mer vomledge the communicator ust posesim order bes» sees leis (whether as ender or rect the focus of Ct. and therefore provides & farther {seen clement ef thes olde process of tasaton which we tind in Chapter 2.0 5.1 Standards of textuality Ins secon we halle presenting seven dening characteris of {Say the set of ands wh apenas a poet ‘Srimusicain le fneton iy anda, coe acho the ‘cron is inal and Care to comply with anyone of them onsite fare oral; the “ex? whch ks any one of these ‘Sarasa ant text butmerely an aggept fords undo ieee “Th ‘andr have bon popoedin order'o answers mune of ey quero pick he adr and anita wired tok about 1, How doth clases hold together? (abo) 164 Traut ond Trang 2, How do the propositions hold together? (herent) 5. Why did the speate/witer produce hi? (toalin) 44 Hom dos the render ake (acpi) ‘5. What does itll us? Gigommain) “ {. What is the et for (rls) 7. What other tes docs his one resemble? (inert) ‘Lets begin with a widely accepted defn of text: 42 COMMUNICATIVE OCCURRENCE which meets Seyen tandards of TEXTUALITY. I any of hese standards sidered not to have bee atid, the text wil not be | Femuniave Hee, non-communcaive ex are weed as We hal base he secon on och definition -recopizng, a we to hat extends the ation of text we have been ung int ht of ‘lacourse~ and work tough ech of the seen standards. It may be noted, before we begin, Ut these sundaes are the constiutve ‘rnciples which dfn tal eomduncation apd Dat they ae all ‘iainl in character, concémed with how occurences are Connected to eter: via gramme dependences 00 the ‘race (Coheson; vis eaaeepual dependencies in the textual world (coherence) wis the aides ofthe parcipans toward {he test atenonlty and acetal) via the incorporation of the new and the unerpested Gavormatins vi the setag (uation; and via the mutual relerance of separate texts Gtr) Furcer, we ust be avare of the need to disinguish such defining ‘charset rom other atts which onl text eormunio= fon once it har came ino belng.eficlency, efecvencs. and “pprorntenes have been ropgesed (on conse and regulate S.Li Cohesion and coberence “The fist wo standards chai nd coerce distin from each other bt share one eral characteris; thoy | ave he fancion binding the text together by cresting soqec” = meaning Bat Tat and dine 168 isin the mane in which they do thi andthe nate ofthe "meaning Involved hat they dle ‘Cahesion, the fst of the seven staan, hat lealy been esrb inthe preiosehapte(n Secon 4.3.) where we that fahesion const of the mataal conection of components of SURFACE "TEXT within s aeguence of avre/enences the ‘proces bing ial by lors mean ce Fite 40 and Subsequent session). Cobesion iy then, concer with the ‘anipalaion of sli fen the epins ave inthe MOOD) ‘ue Sublet, Predator, Complement, Alt, (ce Caer Scion 423). Cberence const, consets ofthe confusion an seuene- ing of the CONCEPTS and RELATIONS of the TEXTUAL, WORLD ‘which undeie and ae razed by the arace tet the proposional suuctures (Actor, Pros, Gol, Creummances, se) Which ate e creation of the systems of TRANSITIVITY (ee {Chapter 4, Secon 41 “he dinincon berwcen cohesion and coherence can be veily seen ia the flowing expe 1. Lad a ep of eles pot op. I woke op 2 Barn the paper in the incinerator 3: Genera back fon. 4. He found era efficent pis. "The fis prety cosine but lc, 28 We kw frm ou a or noe oernce people nora wake pele they get {pand havea cup of colle, tis possible, of couse to have cee a ted and i is abo pssible, though less ‘eomsmen fi elle slecp ain o wake up afer ving areas gop and ha 3 calle; the Slate fine bot the acts ae ot of der, “The remaining tice ate syacily sbiguous wit 0 mpenty equal appre laters 2 () Predae Objet () Predictor Objet Adjunct 3-6) SubietPriestr Adjunct (as) (Subject Predator Adjnet (manne) 4) SubjetPreiator Object (ee) Complement (8 Subject Preicatr Object (ire) Objet Gere) Wa on satis Tati ‘The cale-tlatons slne~ the cohesive Hnkages provide bythe lexis and syntax canta resolve hese ambigues; elerence wo tbe co-text 1s islfiient. Dsambigution, in these istanes, can only be ‘ebive ty Feference taf he code 10 the caret othe we ofthe ile. by ting to ce-word. bowls by making infers oth bas f tat Laos, We need to know the propetion structure wnecying the sgt struct, the demir (2) is leary arelzation of an anplier-to reltionship (ee Appendix, Secon 2 on isn and ‘ppie-to rlsiorahip) ba apple wha othe paper gu) ‘tte the bring (creunatace pce? ath fk ou in 3), wibout dou, a Citconstance But i ‘utr (pee) Bn (manner)? And 4 be inept ) Actor Process Carer Abu (Le He found her Bea effet 1) oF (Astor Process Client Goal Ge He found an ficient pt ree? ‘Were stl unable a decide, ual we ak the quest “What ind af wr dw think ween Not shou be ted "What kind af ‘wr do think re ng ove in We may ers haw ings ae {in may ata to change tem but we fae engage the 29 ‘matching the woe presented us bythe text he Yew wor) wih the wold as we know it he Tea wor Is pape, cea vein an incinerate rey to be burned? ‘ose commonsense kad teu that tno and ht, witout Ther ilarmation abot the apie ston of rane Gee (Chapter 3, Seton 3.33 on ths) wear le with he sig. ‘Do generals iy backwards? Not, we would spose, ithe al wor he text mast mean ta the generals wee ing back tothe tne OF cour, tis posible to imagine aerate wil a ith sonra dn swap aoa the aly facing the recon fom ih hey have ome bt tha led "fiction ty” pei becaane t is not a representation ofthe “known, "ea word nally db we ine ina weld wherea ‘bos (male) parma employs an effet pit fr someone else emule) or one where pists ae eal Tema and expected ro be fund 0 be efit? The rst ‘con implusle and we would be more Ukely oacep the second “This appeal tour knowledge of the world ard the atept to get th. tent wo'make sna’ tema of ec a eumber of questions which ‘cof eomiderabesgicance forthe waste: mich world are ‘wating o match wih the tex en the subj of personal "percne, the een tht diferent cures perce (at st ‘ne the word dierent, how can we act yp thereon ‘the high ieracive ate f ex? and) haw en we ome any principled understanding of text-procesing, unless we fad ways of Feaing eal world” and text werd! toeter in «way which ‘makes ‘ese for ws? 1 7 “The next two par of this econ wil bepin to answer these ‘gestae and the sus wil ery over ito Chapter 6 a well. S12 entyeeceptny = i Warencinnprcoer aemaltn Rreeererreerepemerecer rat serene seeewerieee cen ete tr Se reetene neem eae Seeemuueses fe a serteince eee cea meoriemih se motet tcc: Seen ee iat ae ch we tly sane Sera ees et etree po le ce oo Br a creeper etn ee a et te 513 Informativity, relevance and inertextualty 5 “The te remsnng sand of telly arid ih ina sr he rome ofthe tof aon of roe sd he eosin he te ote tes: We hare ‘nped the ogi! term fn he scind ce rane repcing Simul at ein the oa ion "Tena cnain nor sds mes of hat ithe infra iy of be te Hwee the clcnion ent pl oe et ‘pends on entra of ead prov Att sense ‘limon of les made fo anny os pn. Three Thott wbee chicane fe sel cherie re, rng fim The ow pee sd predele cee e 168 Trani ond Translating ‘nor informative and intefesing ib, Conversely, choices which re ‘wholly predictable are unlaformatve iad uninteresting However, to much lformation (be deal of occurrence ofthe npredcable exceeding tome upper Umi) render the text unread se, while te cooese'~ te’ te information (ihe. density of ‘orcrrence ofthe unpredictable filing to reach + thesbld)~ renders ‘readable but ot work reading Just what the Hs ae ls an sue ich wil be raised tri ths chaptr Gn Secon 53.1. Type, ‘ens wll contain the highly preicble, the Hkely and the unpreit- thle and ii the balance ofthese wich makes set readable snd also Inereing (te Chapter 6, scion 63.2 on the regulate pencpes ‘thc relte otha “Thre orders of informa have been suggested, based onthe assesment ofa chole as lng within 4 range of probably: () ‘pper, (2 lower and) side he range We ean duet this by ‘examining short ex" in which coe at al tree level cecr (each fentence has ben numbered for ease of reference) (Q) Friar Spark sat wedged between the wall nd the razr (@), He wat motionless except for his oeinger and is ej. (3) Ero de tote is finger tapped apy onthe key wpe the desk, and now ad then hs ines ry-bloe as his aie Tesh hy, swelled wo lok ough the open door ofthe lila In which he exoaced, the ite shanty onthe poopdeck, In sesence (1) we have mally second-order choices unl we reach the at words razr: We ny Eno tr things aout rez) ‘ha it something whch “eazy something. This we know by aly with ual, efx owed which webring it play the tag of ttc aah she lec search mechan comet ino pay ee Chapter 2, Secon 222) and) tht seated man can Ue wedged between iad a wal, Sengace @) also seond- rd, hugh fgg sod and does noting reso he problem of he eae “Aga ia Sentence), econd-order choices donate, though ky ‘ig hed-order, awl which posed wide shanty anon lndnently and pode since we cern donot empet 3 al term ela a sling-ships. “There allow, nthe orga txt own paragraph rm hich ve nfer tht the monk ison the Seta Maria and sling with Cabins eos the Alun onthe erage which sins the Alsconery of Ameria We sl however, do ot ow nats ele? Tat ad done 168 '& What follows (ne shall number a6 if we had reprodoced the ‘srarph jst refered to) gives us sore cues by providing more ‘cond order information anthers, bing Carer fone Ter the reader to proces (@) The single ero Slsmeot bull shove the monks tonsare showed 2 face lost it and in concentration. () The Tumiferour ether raced and heed tonight, but the phnes ‘ange err hi eae cated, long with em the stay dae land dashes sent by the operator at the Las Pals station on he Grant Canary. ‘Sentence () begins wth s choice which inthe contest of wat has sone before isos the se f probable opin atv lao ul, ‘thee we might apt gate eae the Hike. The phe fle Sn ft and nents ice expe of svg (he gn als en fond f ta). ‘Seance increases the desi of inprobable~ and, shertors, high inormane ~ chces; eter, plore, doo aad date, opera sion. We now know what 3 "raze is but atthe expen of sccepig sn agin weld (he extn in which leery ad ‘ali a bce covered an wer inure in 1492 and (ish) ons sted as ratio operators, recehing messages ia Mase eo senders at {Panis om sch lar athe Cana (Crand Canary being te an rather than sane mythic potest of eget). ‘Weare now ina postion to provide defo ofthe three level af format 1, int ond: hs vel always present in a et and sped by ices which ne obligatory wr almost Tne wards ar god ‘example, since they consi Hide acta omen e noted evo Chaper 2, Section 23, the le of a enylopedc entry for suc ‘tam, their ole being logical and sacral. So low ie thie inforatvgy that they ae frequently omited in such tes as tclegrme and nemsppcr beans apd her fneion coh infered fom te surrounding co-text and cote 2 Saond ane this level represents the mide ground between fist nd rd ad aes when fret-orderemetatons ar ot alll jee where anespeced but ot ule haces are made. Fores, fren a tet whch conns Cafe and es are ——, a coe fling Wiha the upper range of prabsility woold be pla ens (and serl other possbiltes which we have sted in monn). This ‘wel be wet very uineesting wes know that effets ad Translating sepopr inks, However, ithe sentence were completed dangrons EDR oi: eel © wae by ee wich a oie the espe sc wl te pied By dct, whee infurmation apes. Seen sted, and/or discrepancies hese ‘what being psc nthe tn fet math wi our owed, [Oe ea mitch Bewec the textworkl and he rel wordy ‘here tia the test we hve ft een onidring. The case ps ‘atple Dylan Thoma ie a Tiss thes of he andar of etsy: relevance. Tents not only contain information, they possess a depee of relevance ot ttialiy i 30 far 8 they et for parila ‘smunitve purpose an ink commana acs sour) tthe Siration in which they ecu. Tdee is crucial nora for the :Newonen ofthe appoptnea ofest brow where Hocoured ‘nd what is funtion wa that stan, Far etal, what ae We to stake of th tes (CHINESE TAKE AWAY FOOD Unis me bow she situation in which occu, we cannot work ou whe wi: Pound in 3 newspaper above an item of news theta i ‘teary shen, Conversely the ets seem use a sop, tis, ‘sly lea si fora fs-ond ones, Taiyo sna his way deeing om te station o vecurence 5 of neces, dened rom ‘eal word hnavlege™ nowy of eens ofatermees, schemas, lames, ete. and i rite by our persona goa, vals and aud. Indeed it ‘hs been auc hat the accep” text i que oad natin rms ofthe cotectns oft “efrence” wo the el word” bv rthe see andrea to the pasta oxo regrig the ita. : "The pssage me consiered above ‘acceptable! in a slence fon story Bu not las hitory textbook part of our assesment of “aeceptbiiy relates oar knowlege of simile. There then, 2 nee for «standard which recognizes thi fa. The fl stand ~ iatertextualy ~ refers tothe relonship Deoween pub text and ter tet which share caraceres ‘wh ig the factor which allie tex proceso recom, feet fenree nf ter tee they ave encountered. What iva Wi a en inept ba Ym oe oe noun Deadly tng See hegea Pelee bt Seen oe ee |. ié= ay ee ‘STOP CHILDREN CROSSING 8 diecon wo road-users and not asa poitalslogay if we counter writen ona cat baud being cried on» Bak and ‘white ole by + man or woman wearing white coat whol stepPDg Ingo she road flowed by schou-age children (all stuadonliy relevance), becuse we have come sros sch ts before. They ‘belong tthe gene ‘ond sigs and for tht reason, we know bo 0 ‘respond thm; we come thal before the ine of ilren rather ‘ha rsh aroast'them and yo prevent them fom eosin he roa 5.14 Summary ‘Tis seston has been concerned with specifing standards of ‘erly (he seven parameters: eabelon, coherence nendonaliy, tcexpabiy, nforatviy,relennce and itenexualy) to provide ar of the’ foundation for the nest chapter, which dels with tert processing. Indeed what we hve done inthis secion, io revel the elements which willbe combined together tert make a panic ‘model ofthe way readers and wners proces tex. "AI seven ofthe standards of textualiy hve een impli i the mode ofthe process of tatsaon and in the knowledge ad shils he tandator possesses which alow him to wansae. This section has made them ep nthe next secon we shall continue to move amy from the ‘micrlinguistis of code ans othe macrolinguistcs of code lysis eyed the sentence" and the pgs of cod use: Not ‘ds would, in Searle's words, be af uncatisictry a formal ud Seal’ poon feat sated and of profound sipieance fr 2 ‘tear of weston and, indeed for Unguisie ws nebo): speaking sanguage i performing speech at [whch are] made posible by and performed in cordance with certain ules for the use of ngs eements ‘The ni of nguisie communication {snot the symbol, word or sentence seatece inte perfarmance ofthe ‘Spech ack... Speech at are the asl or minimal ui of nga ennmunication [and therefore) an Adequate stulyof speech acts 2 study of enue For these restons we witht examine the speech act next. 5.2 Speech acts and the co-operative principle Wie can ask wo comrasing question about language: (1) “What languge ie? Ge. what are is frmal aracerisis a2 centre code); Uhe itera asec of language 2) What is language for? Le, what are is functions as + cter-easive communication system); the eternal aspect of langue. ‘Un we reached thi chapter, our focus hasbeen essentially onthe fit of these quesons ar we conserd the internal aspects of the ‘ode ~ proposition, aemences and tes ~ and che psychological bess which scat them "The approach we adoped in the previous chapter marked the ‘beginning ofthe sit of empha by presenting lnguage a5 «system ‘of corucaton andthe code eel ss «network of options for the ‘expres of meaning. This brings us loser to responding tothe feemnd queson trough the deserpdon a the spech ac, eances Tat ad done 173 tnd discourse which ae the units of te externa spect of language ind to the speciation of the knowledge equted by the sled ‘onmusistor nd, therfore by the wana). ‘Specialy, and to begin with we shall tum our tention to the sgeech ac, ie we need {0 show the tlaonshis. between _geramunicaie event fr spetch events or Scouse) snd spech ss "nich are ealzed though aersnces- ‘We hve sed) diinguthed (3.3.2) proposition, sentence and serace and ave ined Gn 43) athe sare ofthe txt and (nthe previous sectin) have begun to Build up 2 fst of specification [exo Webi yaiton, made + datnton, within the pera ‘concept of ‘eaing, betwen seman sense and conmuncave Valu (Chapters 3 and 4) “The next step isto describe and ex the nation ofthe pec at which since i contains both pes of meaning, consuts (5 we sam in Chapter 2, Sexton 22) one of the major ips to the sonaic ‘pretation eto which the lai decompose ae fom which the ew case contracted in the proses tanlaton, ‘The term ‘speech ac” dees rm workin phlbsohy!* on “ordinary language Gated in the 1930s by Wiens in which the attempt te made to adduce lia ues which woud show the ‘satonhlp betwen the wterance and the behaviour of speaker () End heare (i) andthe at (A) and event (E experienced ty them inthe couse of terperroalcommanizatn.” Specialy the question anoneredby the concepts What oes this partaarutrace outa? eg 8 mamber af sentences which all ‘Sire the grammata character of being formal paiva ‘howd have dierent fonctong, count = diferent spec Give me that book [ORDER] Pas the jo IREQUEST] “Tarn right athe corner [INSTRUCTION] Try the smoked salman [SUGGESTION] Com roend en Sundsy [INVITATION] ‘One answer” was to propose tha there ae fie types of pcch amie commits S to seme A, eg, thea/ promise eae changes ste of afar inthe word, e, weg omen rnc HN erlom A, eet sg” reste S express felng and aides to something, spology/eoplain orotic describes states event in the Work, 6. cla Feporvsserion A numberof queions which hae pric sigiiance fr the ‘rater naw ae: @) How do we male wanes oun at Pater spec cs?) How doe copie wand of pesch des prea wane 6) Te hres fest fons vate spech sc) Whether tee are rot how ae we pe ihe ttf ferns neato these eh fn Ings tng? share ete ree er oS Imgge-peite) wich ve sw on 0S sm VP Seg TS sestrm ech act Bo engge in 2 le-goveml mn Eee. ae Aight camo ight be apopise hre W,e miht syn ak tibet ars promise? and when we ‘hy dour hearers ae nigh? obs at pe 6 Zope wre, asain wos be 3 deal ener an ts Unfors, some termes seem ose fnteded to eaun rane spec as bt apse’ intent ad beers nee. Sono th int alt exci. We sal yt ese frblen apart afadscson te ech acs Scan 3.22) Skit ec fe spent aan he hh a ponents and rales Seal he spe acon of wo pacts (0) Popitnlconte: he conceptual conten; the miles what the tis about; what is refereed to; the ideation macrofinetion ‘eal 4 proposing the Ira meaning (abo oeatonay sevesning) the semantic seme af thes (0) Motu oce the comaicate vl the peer intends the to have the function sinned Sere the itatonaly of ‘he tet Miroring ths there i, inevitably, te vale the heater puso te ae he feiney fp oe eeptabyaf he ropsiton (he news) is converted into a speh at which contin parc locaony fre by the acon fm pero ‘See fattening Jove) fcdng Gn Engst sss 0 @ ao o © oo aries Engh feu he it 0 in heat 208 * ‘We might take three speech acts with which we shall be concerned dary he Scion of a-pecning eet pe — Lo aol mney a he cne os witch GS TT ate ndetng ees for fe: ( Defning “FR coment ise he orm rte interaction (Word order: X (sought of a) ¥ X consis of ¥ ‘Wie tink of X a Y Mood in verbs: We may define X28 Y a sig ‘ould | ‘iy Performatve” verbs: We dine X a8 oy The contest elf the norms for the iteration Oat a ore: For example Xin Yisan eam of X An expe of Kis (Mood in vrs; We ean exerpliyX by ¥ ir Peformaive’ vrs: exemplify (iyThe contest tel the arms fo the aeration (6 Commenting (Word order, Xs Y FACULDADE DE LETRAS / UMS LIOTECA, 176 Trot ond Tring (Mood in verte: We might comment that. (Gy Periamasv’ verb: ment (0) The coment self the noms forthe interaction For the tanto, the problem iso match the operators by fining qualents beoweea the languages inaved. We have plead seen Gn ‘Chaper 4, Section 4.3.3) how crucial he fourth ofthese = moval sand throughout the bok, have been roping he fandame tl sigicance ofthe st contest and norms ‘Searle suggest tht this proces of conversion i repulsed by two Sandamentaly diferent types of rule (cosiuve and relative), both cofwhich we have met inthe previous section ding the dcesion of ‘extualiyan, carr (at ast imply) inte ouine of the modelo the uanlaton process Gn Chapter 2, Section 2). Consiatv us which defoe behaviour mich ie tere brought imo existence, eg the rules of« game define bers chaotic behavior as tht game and without the rues the beavouright cccur but would not be so named. Also, the consul rule nile the second type of rae; the replatve ~ essential ® oomalty ean be marhedin suber of ways. Engh paiculey "ich esi aerate which hough sharing denoane meaning, ‘ier emote and ae tae ale to tse maris of maby (uch pss a, for expe abti-ge, lone) whee, no ne, uci the orm tem of Romance or Grek eign and te “informa native Germanic Tei ofcourse, hee tat ‘fe fen Junk in age name (orb batalion?) paral forte Romance ange amt : There ar, cull, syuctc choices Parent (or let ‘ranching statues marking forma, contest wth infer marking progressive (rng branching) sractures. Contest * measure af the aemton the writer (or ‘ng of the message Gresterateon his marks the text a posses 4 Sia moe distant relionship hing, between writer and 1. Lefer ‘ing Caracas coun’ ads nose-pomderng wh the powder onthe nn ofthe aes te coun og Coa ; ere sd pg etn fhe eng ad mare io Sn ht her ger Eco ado ‘Soden street steton ob geno Ob SS sender snd te fee the se mer ec tdi te wef fiat hy ae stamping pcs We Sat cep ue of pong pn Go Cape Fens ts he sail ane inthe arene reltosip {hee ede nd eet. ln ewe ca dines SS fv ih men due been oc [oop nd te ic ec pwer eset come Sin'sum Seay, auton. Gay the ener te iene — ‘tna teen pap ere dee ‘patente may ann the ops ken ae ei in ee genes poten too sears ens sty une te ech Geman he Soca whee em de ncapnrbeween il ge) ‘ivlomentes ic Brahvna Come Se pe Sh opengl afr epee andl SCORSESE nde te sch enn Stories acm eg Envah brn ws panes no ‘Spud ty wr fie, te "ier rane pases in Engh (ich wil be ply sored oe npg Sa btn athe may See at ‘et yang pes tolmpre by soci them enor and he he 5313 Ingeonaiy ‘peony os tsi of te eat which th produc of text Ipeaker ef wer = wold reeene a Rivhenll oi the jected. Such ove far erie in writen han in ‘cle ered wid rien exe bnew he mesoge— cnn cen" iow be of pee pares an he rape lathe eng : Pepe cnmpe an be cc in seadenie,braucrd ad gl 188 Tremlasioe nd Traslating ng wr ipl te pul ty emg Tih fequen ufos: fier abr pe ones, ‘Sat ran when ey ne cepacia emer snd ca as ean he S314 Acc ‘Wile formal relecs the atention the sender has given tothe structuring ofthe text, acesiily shows the sumption the ener ‘has made sbout the knowledge be or she shares withthe rece assumptions about the universe of douse (se Chapter 3: Secon 333 onthis- The more the wir sue shard the es need to ‘be made expt In the rurftce sweture of the text and more iacesible the text becomes to the reader who lacks the assumed shared knowledge In the min access is faneton of as, Al pein have their own technic terminology which he newcomer tthe Bel so lear ut the problem I ot spy one of vray Iaccvly ‘nay wel depend ot so och on the words bt onthe concept which ‘they realize inthe et, concepts which may be prepnted topeter wih ‘novel method of argumentation. To comprehend a phys tet one as oben to think ea physics. 532 Mode ‘The four parameters we have just cused were all concersed with the reflection of relaonship between the produce ofthe et and the tex isl or the recher of the tex In what flows, we shall be ‘aig etre nich signal the choice of chanae wich eats the signal We sal see that in ech ofthe four cles wha i eing smeasred derives fom the nature of he medium beng used aod ot {fom anpcharacerisies ofthe prtpants inthe act of comune ton ‘A nthe case of tenor, fur scales need tobe considered within the seneral ater of mode ofcourse: chanel linia, sponte, thon and privtenest. 5221, Cat initia” ‘Gonmaicaion may ile single or mull channel. Speech, for ‘ample operas in bh the val ad he ui chaone andthe Ta and dicmne 189 parcipants re chose enough to cach oter the tc a well but ‘Thine edt te single, vital cane etn cl ite eg aioe eal mucin cl of meanings thn shen es Soin ech, einen fee con be shied ty ens of ‘triton nina sd the speaker's eto he loatny Tce ofthe speech act ead he trance) more fen han teint ty meso wich eo sey spa, Hue Ioan get fc expression Sine hee aon channels enti ning, he writer therfore ced Tapa {Tt wh adverbs nent ow hy a be ead Stroy tobe fan? 5322 Sonar ‘Atone cao tis coninuum the completely montncras wterace spoken a wien = nich i produced onthe spor of te moment Si ay premeatn e pag er M t i Touiedby te praca of Linge producto) anda the ter the Coterance which ie the result of 2 long ped of deletion, Preplnning and efig of successive version. The cota aire Of ths scale i imporant to ste Whe the chanel Fiiaton tenomens. me bare jst been dicing ae eelately eat 10 ompreend in all-or-none tems (Ge channel is ether unity or ‘mull, spontanciy ir clearly far more a mater of degree ony ext ‘in be te prodct of mre, oles planing pin we shal ake up Spain n Chane 8, ‘Speech ply unplanned and, for this reson, nlclly onisent wih puss, un and es fae start and init ‘Uranes ar indetons of this Weine language doesnot dsl such features Ifa writer were t0 dicover at 2 sentence as, Tncrmpte the ine (een the whole page) canbe reweten and te {cade wl eer know what had happened Teceue the planing of item tens ean extend oer logins cof tine daring which evsons ea ake place, wring ends 10 be ot only mre feat than rpech bat also suc more comps, tenting 4 wider ange of choees Geom the MOOD systems and rangements of them fom the THEME stems. Indecd, the Compleniy extends othe less aswel ince many writers consciously {old epttons ofthe same Rem and sek out replacment synonyms then te feat they re repeating theses WEL ranstton and rumba 5.323 Partisan ‘Again he continuum str of hice needs to be srs A one end her the pure monologue and at the ter he sccingy chao Tumble ofthe genine rend dialogue. What i at ake here is the ‘ei which feedback i permite bereem sender and recs In facet-fce communication, feedback normaly coninani ad, or ‘he mos part non-verbal. In wring, here no Feeback i here is emay me months or ears tr nthe form of review eter tobe aber, ‘None the ks, the writen text may well contin fst which sialateprtepaian by simulating at he prt of he render, samples would Include ecesions where the wir anticpated rubles te reader might have nd acme ores therm belre they ares ‘at this point an example maybe elf the gra on ge Tigray his te of where the wre, ssuning thet fear might wis for aoa discussion on point or cto ‘ther athaites, roids fotote and reference 5324 Privtenas his ast made eatery concerns he mbt of rcpt nnd fora pair ext the move adresces the les rate. Naturally, ‘he rvateness ese erp considera with see of those othe ‘ategny of tenor in parc, aceiy and fe gnlled by the ‘Sime ks of ere This sald come so siping; me made the om tthe shin th etn sts er and we be ‘Reni al slong tat parla eleten of the linguist ‘ane selected and perf mop fanctns, Final, it woud be tidy ispeech and wring meres opposite ends ‘of 2 neat continuum where peech was pied by no, chanel lation, by being imprampt, log and pte, caries wh shanel-tinted, prepared, monologue, pub wring This i af ‘urs, fr fom he ath, AS Figure 5.2 shows, the cotinai i ery ‘much iore-or-es and the apparel claret distinction betneen the two modes tums gut to be much mare fry thin might have ‘nhily teen expected ™ 53.3 Domain he domain af deourse reveled by ccs of etre ofthe one sich inate the rle the text playing in the actiy of which i forms par. We hive already seen Ga Chapter 2, Sections 2.2 and — A a ea SS ie sour 53 Typetof mem elastin rec open ri ine Sm ree eee ie gabmincentnrioas tetas eee Sein hc a a eam eh en srepmnnemeen comments Sanne canes soeien me aremenid Teak in deine amines ae a sw oe cee ae inns oe $35.1 Theraitonal mda “The aditonal model of language fancons sugested that nguage py te majors ive emesing concep, eas tou: commonly sen + Pinan? fncdon of Bnguage the ous of meson i plilorophy and linguistics. Fe ma st pec anne ee ee 192 Trl ond Tamang 3 Ais evening ent icing ho oir be ‘secondary funtion the fos of veto in pycolgy and (enna Here cm, veer Recognizing the dangers of orecapinheret in the atonal model, an alemative approach would be to begin withthe proctss of ‘ommuniation (a outined in Chapter 1) and derive fancions fo the component ofthat. We tim o rach « model next S32 Jalon’ is foncon model “This model dene fesion contzned in square brackets in Figure 5,3) inten ofthe aspect ofthe cotmuncave cient own in oper «ase on which the language i focused and to st his win «fener ‘model of human commanicaton™ in comps, gen OSI essace + avons iene! i owe oes aunt 53 Domino score: gegen ‘The notion of cuss vey helpful. Adult uterances (in contrst wid hase of preschool! chides) are ypialy ambiguous Ge. ‘mule spd to thik In terms of he measig rfocton oa twterance (oF tt) sme. The problem i to discover the pinay ‘meaning, ie foes) and this resohes itself into asking "whose ‘neanng the meaning focus intended by the adresse (he sender) (that decoded fom the txt by the addressee (he receives)? Fortuna, we donot need to adres this question yet we shall in the eat chp) and ean continue wih an explanation ofthe model a sie ofthe ambiguy of reference Reet fenton. Here the foo on the denote conten ofthe smesage; the subject mater. As ie name sent, thi uncon ‘winted towards refering to ene, sts, vets and reatonlps Ta and dcoune 98 which constte the ‘Teal war” of our experiences and are Teprecotol in th propostons which under texts We have mes Fanci sready inthe discon fie meaning andthe eatin ‘maryfinaon of language (ia Chapter 4, Secon 4.1). Since ti once wih te fce-vaue, semande sense of trans this faction bes, a8 we noted eater, tended to be thought of a the function of language by the Hngssely unsophisicate ut en that language ts ypealy lumenal, difiealt ¢o fd 30 ‘cpl of ngage nue ich fof ferenl Thebest we an ‘do, for thi an the remaining fe Foneiny, fs 0 give an cae whch emily ferent: Here’ the Ma Sai inthe bo ques, ths has referent fein, tind the presence of an iy, 4 number 14a bux. But even ti i pet Functonalycamples The semantic sense (or loetionary foe lt hase car gt la he eer ine (he locations fore} The inten could bo warn herent othe queue tha the usw coming ta thy eal be ready oa i then stoned cont unetin). Foy gen tha the et the people he queue can also see the bs, the actual ging ofthe Information i edd the Fein might he slim ‘ne (pate fncin) and soon Ena fenton. Whe focus of atetion i th ender, the meaning ‘hich & ing Rghighted connote rather than dentine {ete rather than objet personal rer than pul. Reer> nce tosses of min, Fesings, bea and the fie al hove ths 2 thet pinay function. Por example Tm tied Emotive bt ako acaba warning an apo, an excuse Conan fansion, Where language is bing weed to ifuence oes, sre haves contin fanetion. Vey cea expla imperatives and Aeestnes bath of which have te expt tenon of aering. he tevons of another, it ony By stopping them and arcing thelr ‘tetion, Examples ight be ‘Alex! Cone here ite! t Now tha we shoul sively assume that there i a one-to-one ‘url erwee he ings form imperative and he delney of spesch act which counts at 2 drecive, The coma fonction & Freee cated by fetes from the coe which apes to be Inne mly sigalg something quite diene Persson ashe san dba ts mes succensfl when nrg 38 Sich bythe recip; no wonder the sdhrisng indy in ap sevises finds necessary to publish a code of cont forthe epuliion fis member Phat anton. We Nave del with Gancions which dxve fom 3 fics onthe content of the message, on the sender and onthe recive) and nm, wth the phe fant, come toc on the lunnl on the Get that patipants ae in coat, "The role af Language of isp ita igalhat one cull commana gectigs snd chae-lestagsigvle ocho lon he leon) sf that one forthe momen, no willing to dics any parle ‘opin Dri, at ast the weather and the usta ature of pubic transport see a suale phate tp may appt ta the phate ern ut hs ony run the seca Sense thats dieu to commit fn ngage witht ‘fering to somthing. Conse the allowing sip recting ital A Het, How ae you? 1B Fine tans, Hw ae yom? A Pie Se ot ater, Th Yes. OF, Seep, “The ‘tow are you! laos ies nine ry aout B's physical and ‘eal sat of ea andl competent users of Eglsh now hat he ny acespible anes te "questa one which prc dos not provides kind of ntrmation; a etal of one's tes dps ‘ends generate anoyance rather han aya. Bc what of he eonte? What A were B's dost and hey ge tis sneer? Cea, the emerson would be nappa td he shor wou be gly annajed tht was wasting hii ad hat erp. I the we eect ta pty th Psa mao heat, the retains ova the message and the selection of elements om the code which drew atention to hems an, ene, to he tet The pocie we of lnguage has trainaly, made-ase of expected allocations an marked Teas ana discourse 192 ‘emai structures and patemning ~ at both the sytcic ud. the ‘Phonological level ~ wich Issuing through is repdvenes oF Though, the breaking of epecaions of repetition. Rhyme snd Fiythmschemes ate a clear example of ths consider the sit Comenions of the Kmerick or the Petachan and Shakespearin Sonnet forms "There ae it should be recognie, ‘pic’ wes of language whith are an even occurence, genre such as story-tling and joe {cling hres tyme, foul shows. The pot function i not "he preserve ofthe poet lone. ee ed ci a mine bre ee worms coh een ato pete ita eecope pane Tee reer pee es oe ee ea roe a sa eeepc nreher reas ochpe we shold lok into opporaies foe arf... No that’ not it Tre fst the woud, What do you cat Inhena ompany gio + dent money 10 Uo vescurch? Spomanip. Thats i. Yes Sponsasip 534 Summary : In his section we ve been yng to mae epi kage beeen, the one band, sectons of opto eabe rom wihn the ‘Seems of he ade (be TRANSITIVITY, MOOD and THEME ‘Jaene ound in Chaper which re eed in TEXT anon or nnd ten iene be 0) of te {inc and bth py and soil space ad @) wo wich ex ate ur difennes nave rasa medi dfn) To Thc he ruled he sting op fener between hat the code iol snd the pittion of hs wer he level of DisCouRsE” UsAUH DK LETRAS / UM 196 Tremlation and Trosatng Wihin dicouse, we noted the disioctin betneen user-based rite of langage ~ dlet — and concentrated on use-based ‘asian = reper ~ within which we examined the three major parameters and thei subdisons: (1) tenor of dicoline: formality, poles, impersonain cess, (2) mode of discourse channel Tniuion spony, perp, pees, @) domain of Et td gnu eo BE 4. Sep DE fone Di [6] BL Cl C2 ELS. $A tte sence hese oder ain Le } nad Tes ‘ ach ech acts hog of crag air cme Oe propoitonal content= hat red x whar it sbot~ and . {© ae ilocutonary fore: be Steaming teats tended covey rth copa rent he he simple orm, 2 {Pr comsn oft conten + he ‘ ‘iennon ofthe spener oat ret and these ogeter ge he ‘pect acti socal mening For Samples ea eft, compleey ently, to 2p ston fy ay bared font hs ig “Thin os a apech at one of spe Telecast the De i tnt andy ade ‘eat erly at fa report. However could ake the sme content Indy Ti sor bared the ta hs moring THs, cle, sore than neal sepotg of he ret “heer of Egat ‘cogs despite the sha Cement someting ce: an ploy” 632 Syhein wring ; A the bering of his eos Gn 63, we proposed 4 ode ttt procening wh conse fe ages aside ver ‘Gtecpn id incprentn ean rin (ri. ‘We ae rgd Go Seton 61) hat uneriing be acy of repre were shredssmptns = ponds owt he (Wyre wer oben nd terete pecan forme 220 Tramlaon and Traating sd plane for dealing with he new by analogy with the od. We shall ‘only there noGoas ote emesis of tex. Lecus remind ourseles, oben with txt we imagine the process toe one which is . (1) both Aeton-ap and top-down in which ‘..ore work out the ‘meanings ofthe word abd sractre of he sentence. and athe tame time, we are predicting, on the bai of context pls the onmpote mening ofthe sentences aveady processed what the fea centence is mos kel to men’ (2) ade ete poarible tmove fom one stage othe net before the caer sage has completed is work, Le. we are ble 10 ‘coninve to proces on te bass of incomplete ans (or ‘thes, come w tha) and (8) inuracio, e.constrcied with feck lps which allow the ‘evson of carter decisions ‘onthe basis of the ress of ter processing Wiking, in terme of the model we presented eater Figure 6), vole the maverent fom pls sod goals and high-level sstrac~ ‘one to pasng ta thereat ofertas ane sing o symbols "Some have plated ot tht the actual wing is preceded by 2 precwling sige dediesed 10 background reading, discussion, ‘hough and general planing of ba to write ate than hw wo do it sd flowed by + r-weing stage (or sings) daring which eisions fe made othe oheriee completed work Natural, the anoant of ‘le ven to each sage is uber 10 2 thesia of termination (ee £63. therm) the writer wl top when (ke els that the flo 10 ote ouwelghe the advantages be gained. This brings ws to 2 Dnt which shoul be made; the wter has much mre te o make ‘plc judgement of eat quali, owe might tke this opportnity to ote thy wa in which the production of texts are regulated "ie ight bein by recognising Un, where inthe previous chapter (im Sexton Sl) we were i eeting out the defining ‘actin fe he te ae by hich ee out Into ting we are now about to fur othe second typeof rae (he ‘eblato) bymeane of which te ae conwalled and their quay ined : “The rave pinpes for yes have een seated” (0) iia: the minima expenditure of effort is required ofthe paticpans, Tat prcsing 221 (©) efetvne: sso in exeting the conitins fr ating a goal = (© apprise: providing & bance erveen (9) and), ie ‘between the comeadonl andthe unconvestina!. Aapropriteness i, of cours, difelt to achieve. Efiency and ‘ffetnens tend be in confit pin ngage and ite content ave ‘ficient bt naff sine such 2 et is boring Equally reaine langue and bizare content are elective since they make a powell impact and are memorable bu they ae inet Snce the take 2 td del of procersing. Even, the knowledge on which the sill Fender dram ~ the nguage ues communienve competence (se {Chapter 2, Seaon 21 on ts) suggests suatees and ats fo ‘coping wit appropriate wring, a we shal se ‘Ween now bein work trough the proces stge-by-stage fom planning to scual weting Stage 1 plonning~involes the weer in goa-seing at planing toattam tha pol Atti pot the wir ring my he et ito be ‘woten~to peru renders oyu ew of taiatin theory {or more mundanely, to Increase he weer reputation, to get 4 ‘roman, to make money...) ~ and wht the tex shold ae: on rik,» monogrni 2 book? ‘Stage 2 enti ~ concerns decions onthe main ideas which il further the plan ander mapping onc the plan the main ess might ‘be hat anion shoul be tied a eocess ater than pct ‘nd that adel of hat proces should be developed which avs ‘oa hate krawn nines ad eogaive science about hua Inforation-processing. Stage 3 dope thes the ideas, organizes the ino a coherent famework (hapers and secon: within chips, or ‘rampl) whch shows ther ntrlatonbie with each ker aad ‘hres them oreaed towards the tainment of the goa tsbold be ‘eae dha we ae ill mot atthe point where any of IS i in Tanpung tll We ae sil rling oer dessa skiing them about ‘in our mins. Developing the atewor fo this book began in 1994 tnd continsed right upto the eoment of wrt when changes ‘rr layot andthe mephings sage to pareulr sections were tmade, The bok a, nat, rather formal strctre. There are hee Par with seven chapters dvd beween them +3 + 2)and ech spt const af hee sets each af which dvd it three fbsecon The ttl ade up t 63 sub-ecions and the mame : m at and Srusaing eal lft of the threes and sevens (7x 3.3) i her sing, ‘tcl since there a inal, single, ov paragraph, ght sentence Enno: How intentional the aangemet was ily of couse, ‘ite another mater. ‘Stage 4 ~ apron ~ takes the Meas and pus them Jono on-languge-spece peoposiana frm; Actor Process Gol (Gee Chapter 4 Secon 4) which Seres a5 the ass ft the Production of language-speciecvses "Some of ht age co eure wih stage and ome imme oor tge 5 fur indication, i any were sll needed that these stages and tps ae by fo means near and recursion and back-rsng Yo ere tage in ‘hecouse constant revision are be aan rahe than he exception, ‘Stage 5 ~ using ~ maps the propositional content ono the sync ‘through sletions frm the MOOD systems fee 4.2) and aang lise ina suitably cammuniesine manner trough sclecons fem the THEME systems (ee 43) an, finaly rele them a writen ten characters on (emipemanent meio. Cleat ~ ress many confusions of this proces as there a rer meno partir purpose 10 ty terete ase of “apc fe Saying bere se that his proces sem rire an 1h “wer we have sumed itwhen we bull The mae fans tr “Thi bring st the teat (ending rater than the whole proceso evson pe voces the ashi of existing vi, noing before we So that tal sled reading ™ 633 Analysis: reading Reading, scoring othe model we ae sng, const of eset the same processing stages a wg ba with he drecton revered, Letom sutic text to plane and gals, parsing, concept recovey, ‘implifenion, idea recovery (ging the 8) and, fal plan recovery (aig how 0 ake the message af het). ‘Wermight ad tha, a any pig, te reer may have wo elnerpet cai’ clauses ihe light of now information. ‘The well-known * "aren-pth sentences area good example of thi? ‘The sing the Arche inarited hie soporte (ue nti reading of ths is very probably that dhe Archduke was ssnated an that his suppers were dsayed and angered by the cen Thi ned sl neta eb af et Sra Gn ney cor Se 914 SESSA, sneer ote ‘Sp Ste weiner Seneas hte Anite ‘Rinne’ be rpc ' Let ws suppose that, nstead of continuing, “Two days of tng illowed . te net las in the wets “They ha bet large sums hat he would win the competion. We would ned eeeret te st le wis he way the ‘rc sot tht fred hi porter, ot at he ws shot "Hing nde rt pol soothe ed for reson, we sou begin ot dacesion whe src text ann area, with ec. “Ihe camden eset mg thy rer Sap ng stn ate penta dre tain Rieed our ovo tae! ofthe tami proce has been {tained on is someon. Ti to be ejected, for Boh frelon ling eon, tht the ce shoul phy ih ‘at le sce he cls : ie (tends obe aout height eng tbe entered on the vso-spi Seratch pad in the working memory (ae Chapter 7, sezion 7.1.2. ‘the sorter memory and role in informaion-procesing) a z (4) ithe focal point of al vee macrofunctons of language (=e CChaper 4) end "the produc ‘of three simolancoossemansc froceses itis atone and the same time a representation of apriene, a terse exchange and 2 mesg Sag in he process pang th ana of ea ting of sels (he leer he pgs) ito clases. ay we be 38 we ‘Raped in Chap 2 png can eb. psaed ithe score ibe caus 8s quem oe ntned in Freqene Sucre St) andthe ners puedo medial othe nes gE onaperecoe Bt suming a pring neds ake place, he 224 Tremlation and Traslting fim question o asks the botom-up "isthe aus grammatical”. Ii i, the nen stage is acivated and, fmt, she reader wll tempt top-dowa, staring fom peor Lnowledge and expectation to nd 2 Puable’suueture in the data by adding, deleting changing ‘emptng to ei the teat it he Form the rene sues the wt tended; precisely the ably which has taldonly ben eld ino play inthe apled linguist procedure of eroraabeis where the Aoahat eqn called wpon produces ‘plasbl interpreta! of a smpleof desea speech ar wring ‘An mpotatpolat here i that fr reader grammatcaliy i 2 ful tometting assumed in "the absence of contrary speciation’ ‘Consider tes ie ‘They ran vp abl They ran bl op ‘They a top ‘They a up here the lst ets ot a grammataaleratine othe one before it ‘The reader wold assume, onthe bass ofthe heal interpreation Principle, tat referred toil and therefore was intended t be "ty ran op What though, of text ike the nex? WATT WHILE LIGHTS FLASH Inerpeted tery, thsi a genera instucon no © move when here ae lights lasing bt the reader wl assume x context and insert eis sucha her’ and ‘these’ to ge a rere et (he reader's ‘ex the seman presentation) which now reals WAIT HERE WHILE THESE LIGHTS FLASH ‘When his text was met fr the ist time (a the mid-60s)onthe sde lay tack the reader mas presented with» problem; how wat the tat to be interpreted? The staon makes the major conbtion ‘orang sense of theta by pacing he et tere -crsing and presenting i in parla wa, the writer mates ta sign and, by Analogy with her road signs, the road-user can infer Dati 8 an Insuetin o wala the cresting while the ght ce Hashing Tat pcsing 225 We would sugest that the teat i '2 mature of faniiar and nfnar onent wih the ul of aia and hat we cope wih ‘new’ teas by teting the wnfanllar as Tanlar, by analising Unfors dh tnt aso a wamsparet es avin the \witer presumably intended it be. The ea? reader way, J, anced ofa speaker of sauther Enis bat the ew eosin ‘ere pled in the northwest, where whe means Uni How lng, we might ska this point, i before we Kr what 2 text abou? How mich dat do we acd to process before we hive ‘he ‘gt ofthe tea? This ruil question adn pact, for the wasator. "The answer seems to be tall depends Ia may ess the Bat case suit sometimes, of eoure, here ail ich ‘may be les than a clase but never, cus the topic Even witout tile and in the cootat of an vnclar inal pagel the reader his number f poems stele salable (1) to work euly rough the clases in the ole in which hey ae resented inthe tat boldinganressived problems for ler sun (a brendt-stapreach) or (2) to read right through at high speed (imming), exacting what, appear to be the main points (dept apevach, oF to combine the evo and thereby avoiding Te slowness of the ‘cutews fit approach and the danger of misundentandng = ting hl f the wrong end f the wrong stick ~o the second ‘Anindiaton othe sil which caer oss ca be cen in the fi ‘hatin and again native readers of Eli resented wie text" fone word a time and without thea, wee al yee oe frst cus (othe Bist sentence; ome ony needed the fist leven words to esas dat ‘rei’ was beng wsed 35+ metaphor rae than as. tem in economies banking and tha he source was 00 [dof "quali pubieaton to sae: Newspaper elton a "oa Engl newspaper Le the Tome the Guard, the Duin, pomibhy the Tera I i ie daly ot the Sony Time o the ‘Obeneiit ia wee; assessment ofthe achievement ofthe Ia commision of enquiry ino the massacres inthe relugee caps fouth Lebanon” One clase war sufiint opin down tenor, le tnd domain Isr the fre sentence of he teat togetier wth the heal ‘The Verdict of Kahan, ad the Context “Much cei ows tthe State of ae for he vigor ofthe Kahan commission's ‘guy and theegour of ke conclesins 634 Semmary In ths cto, we have shown the Kind of problem-sling ils he texepocessor ses in coping with teat and have introduced fneatage model of tet-procesing which It ntsned to. work ‘kepending am the ction af operation, a2 mode fbi reading (als rm surface texto brat configurtons of concep) and ‘witing Games; fom plans and goa, through ies to writen sertace tx), “These ac by vite of theft hat the trnsao fa tex- proceso, rectly the sme sis re employed in ranlaton a ior ha fess tht we have spent ie sn this section speling ot what Inte 64 Conclusion This chaper has been concerned with the esenal activity of tex poesing which underes human cotunaton~ monalingal writen or spoken~ and, of necessity, ra the roto he ‘We dak with re ois in his chapter (1) expla (2) che Snowledge-bate ofthe ext prcesae and) the sill the reader and ter ws in processing te The problem ofthe tex-qpesisa paral sgsfcat on othe ‘wonslar. As Fltin sas (relation to teasing from English 0 Aric bt, kay, of universal ahr than pric eeane rerving the Hocutnary Force ofthe entre tex 5 well 2th forse the elements king {pte text, ate base prcpee in expcating texte in Egiah, negoatingsircturs and oimtly Fecostrating context, recon for efficient wanting int Arabic?" Jn order to emplin the relonship betmeen individual ras nd shsrect ideal “ypes’ of which they ate thought tbe, tea’ realtone presented Meitchlcal model of the relaiohship berwen @) acta text ‘samples’ ) tex-fons’ and (0) avery ited romber of "text-type? which reales the problem by pope's set ‘elitonthip ofthe same Rnd as olds between erence, sentence nd ‘ropon, i. () nladd in ) and (0) is included in) "The second ope knowge brought ws back to formulation ofthe tree distinction intoduced in Chapter 4 say, enines find sheton. Stott Haliay sayy the cae i the silabeous Product ofall thee aysteme of options, and since was ae ead Through cases, ineviable tnt uch knowledge should form the ‘ba ofthe ailed scons which crete isourse Ic equly clear, tha Knowledge of thi kid ~ and in two langungss~ must no only Ferm ajo partof rancor competence he topic of Seton 2.1 in Choper 2) butte clase elf most be the major focus‘ the Proce of tansation sell Reading and wring hae lo been dak with t sme length since they to every obo sled seties which form asin pr ofthe proces of transiting, We presented resding znd weg as Tain the sme fve-sage process - they ae conecived of a3 mor Images ofeach oher~ and therefore the de Benogrande's assertion ‘ich llows to lately have messages fr wring a wells reading Toowhich i expiilyeles: On the rang pres omen pured the po ‘she theitpreaton manly ; Donated by xsl infor ‘ana try objec raion be due, that ea wansaton wich ‘ally represents the preptal penal of ©» the orignal ‘ “The reference here ofp poten provides he jostifation for the Binal chapter of this book man information prcesing. ‘Teaprocetng and wanting are pect eases of tis arger process ~The manipulation and tore of infrmason in the mind ~ a model ‘ofwhich, we Ble, cannot flo provide ws wih substan sights fn the lack bow in wich waning takes place. 228 Tramlaion and Tramating j | i Notes - . 1, de Dela a Dre, opt 18. | i 2. Cyst and Dany, 1968. . ' SA ag i i 4 Rely 96h: Nore | | 7 Information, knowledge and 6 memory t i } Q I . * . i Wen we ut te ode of tetra races in Chop, we i n ideo on dc as of nb of anumpns hich weve ted the i 2 Aine, Foro thse spon wich a oar sian 1 Bi, forte per repented bee tt ‘We assumed thatthe process of translating : i (0) sec ae fe more nel Phenomenon of oman 16, Brown and Yale, 1983, 67. Information processing 17, Bel, 1981, 7 () shou be modeled in 3 way which refs its postion within the 1, Brow and Yale, opi, 234, peycholgical domain of information rocsing i 19, Eg 1984, 616 . (9) takes place in bash horeterm and Tong-term memory dhrough i 20, de Bebuprande and Dressler, op city 1. devies for decoding tex in the source language (SL) aed 21 ‘encoding text ino the target language (TL), vis non langage- i: Specie semantie representation 4) proceeds in both s bottom-up and 2 top-down manner in Sage 2. i 22 Hayes ea (1987 provide sopisiated mode of the activity of rocesing teat ad intgats oth approaches by means of 2 i ‘evson andthe conte processes invaed ‘aseaded and interactives of operation sna a sntess I 23. Elis, opt, 3 Stone sage need not be completed before the new Hage It 24, Hani and Coltbear, 1986, 180-1, {ctated and ein is possible 25, Hal 1985, section 53.4, 26, Bel, 198i, ‘Such a model asumcs tink between traning and linge 27 de Meaugrande and Dreier, of ct, 34. Structre~"oeanng' inl is arpecs—on te one hand and model of 28, Steinberg, 1982, 131 ‘human conmutistion on the ther Since thi book has eoncetaed 29, de Desogrande and Dresler, op ty 37-38 onthe gate sspecs of tanlaton~ nit ns ery bra ome 50. Teg om Hin, 197 "he balance needs to be redesaed~ homer brify = toward the 1. Hat op ity 148. ‘Pollo nd the modeling of human ifoation-prcesng ne Began 17 ca emp ‘Osea i easy tated We sal ae exp in hie copter te moe of hun tnformton-processing which has Been inp ‘rouphout the hook and within which eur model of transla i loca. | Insimol ems, weal agree that wart inves reading he BU Tramshatwon and Tramsating sd wring the TIT and beween thet, sifing from one ade othe ter. We might foci ths chapter by speling ut what Involved inning what has aleady een sessed in caer chapers and outing what ee be done Roulng cote of proceaing, txt by rclercce 1 exiting nowlege and spying ana sills which permit the render 16 ‘tac infomation comtsined lathe to. ‘Wrting coasts of cranking essing knowledge and applying synthe ils that Lnowledge which peemit the wee wo Fae ‘itermation inte Trmultin combines the two the model tus consider, though, jst wha i inplied Wy these dein Viel sl ofthe terms sedi them re problemi pring, ‘xing be ome, tra, ifort, rong hte i ed, omunstely, most of them have becn the subject of conerabe siscusin in ear chapters, s0 we en concent on those which Ise been dei wih carson o otal ‘What we ate Ff wih az all ations frm pit rime: (1) the suture of human information proesing, (2) the stracture of owledge and (@) the storage Of knowledge and the meats af sccesng it "Ths recy wha ti fal ehpter i abour the pesenaon of 4 patois! model of buna infrmatonroceeing wich fps how itis that we ate able vo take in dat from the seas, tote iio ening formation inthe and, store ta long-term memory and reuieve i, a5 requied, fr lner use; all oe which the sain process erly depends the way we have demenstate in 7.1 Human information-processing ‘A model of human intra procesing! must, misinaly, beable ‘econ the lowing 1 ‘That sensory tinal resned bythe senses and transite tothe” train for processing ae cao rather than oraized. 2 That the procesing system able to covert an iaput which sists of eantinsus imal nt ere units of data 3. That een degraded or ambiguous stimuli an be (only with partial succes) processed 4 Tat ieeny mea: can, ome rected be camerted lito meaning e28. 5, Thurenonma gunn. infmaon canbe proceed, re reived and re-used wih apparent eae and accuracy." TAA Taree stages “ “Tae lear stages, cach asscinedwith specif norage pute, can be dings in the proces: 1, Reception, fering, storage and ina processing of nfrmationby the sensory information sytem (he SIS). , 2 Final anal, shoreterm storage and second ering o the daa by the short-term memory system (de STM). 1 Receaing the long-term memory-syster and integrating new information within the LTM database. Within the mode, anenon needs fist of al to be directed wo an understanding ofthe processes of decoding or analysis (reading) and coding or synthesis (wring, with» paricular emphasis on ‘zcoding, since ~ as wesw in the model ofthe transaton process — fone essen viral the mor mae ofthe oh. Figure 7.1 Provides an oun f the process. seri Se i ==. account noun 71 Information procsng an xtine model ; ‘The ouling model suggests tat there are tree major swage systems imohd in the processing of Information Be dnt but Interconnected tems the seqpry Informuion store (SS), the shorter ste (STS) and the long-term store (LTS), We shall 232 Tralaon nd Traslating-» -sumamarle the reltionships betwen them here, provide an expacsion ‘the model and then dese the feud aod thd =the wo main ‘memory tema ~ ia greater deal ‘The fst stage in the proces is handled bythe sensory lnformatin tem ich mae cre eat rm ‘hchn i hog enna ron fb ‘earn, taste, ouch, smell ~ reeves ast quanies of information alte tie and, as tudes af sensory deprivation hve show appears t0.ned such inputs inorder to work adequate. Starved of dt, he tala quel begin Invent fa own by hallcting = ‘However, the ran cannot cope with he incoming sulin thei nce Such «ast surge of information would overload the tem — probably fly — and hs means that there must be asthe fit tage Of the processing system, Bler which can eject all but the {infomation to which the sytem i payngateadon at any gen ive at we sll tke up again athe nex eon) “This elected information i according the model as presented so fa, eat stored, very belly (experimental evidence suggests about hal ond; hence the bal-econd ‘reaction dela hun blag) na Sensory information store ~ "sesoy reper which proves 4 ‘omplete apd dtd record ofthe simul. Tiss ler returned to the fler fr disposal or pased onto the fst of the processing systems for recording as an mage rather than the aggregate its rectvd a fom the tenses, ‘The role oft sage is rl, ince it ‘comers sensory simul, which are esenalychande and conauous, Into uni ofnfrsation which amenable futher pocesting. this polat dha sensaon becomes pecepon and we have mored From avarenessslane tothe fst stp in the proces which leads To copies. ‘Nex, is image is passed on to the STS ~ the short-term of working pemory = where itis) analysed in terms of is diese ‘inset features and) i oranized into x coherent pater which, together with is feature coding. s()pased on wo be dsambiguted (tnecescay) and, foal, eneed ino the LTS, the longterm store rom the point of vew of the reader (and translator) the key leet ofthe madel ae the second and third memory syste the [STM and the LTM ~ which we abl now describe, ‘Th second trae ssn ST) sunt recendy, fered ts shor-iem memory (STM) and was eaviged as x purely passe formation tore, ited in capaci (7 2 ‘chunks of information; “chunk being eit such ae name, eter, «word, nthe tne +r ! Ihfomation, trove and money 233 "information can be hel (some 30 seconds, assuming no new nonin das obiterats ic or that tis hep in store fora longer period by ‘ehearsa and Hlened 10 leaky bucket, 3 pacurte pos-down ‘late-store or an in-ray in a busy offic, contandy being led wit | acument, some of which are pot Inthe wastepaper hake (oe ‘fered our, others are anrweredinsmedaey(pased tthe encoding system) and yt aber ae pase on fring (ord in the {Ur Cre thinking in copii scence suggest atthe STM i ots simple sore bt posteses ave character aswel emsting thee, psy tur componcrts, whi at ay et sore but aso a2 ind of woribench~ hence the fem working ‘memory which is now more commonly uscd thin th caer Shorr menor ~ here data ea be be instal quanti ad for 2 shor ine, while itis rcheased and aed in tems of bth Fentares and inuledge" (1) arian lobed of nner oc” which can old and repeat Senet second’ worth felis. ) stupas pd: the visual equalent of the nticulatoy Hoop an ine ee which xa hold small mount of oneal dite quialent a amount the lables inthe aut log) for processing (®) cen exo: the console ofthe sty mich) coordinates the ans, () keeps attention Fcused on what leant Ge eles the anasto the gal Bing pore atthe tne and we the filter to rejetnontlesnt materia) and) hans bth the retrealof information fom te LTM ae required forthe arse od he np of hforantion tote dase The third sytem ~ the LTS — has, ihe the STS, both ase and passive aspects which together const the longterm meny (crm: (0) an accessing system which allows new dats to be pot ito the Storage ssc and exstng stored dat be aes ad. (2) 2 databare in which information ie sored in'» manner which faster aces, {An analogy might be she bray exslogu and sheng system. The [stlogue pons asamark for each ubation and he aout of [he Hoary tel emsures that pobltons on related topes ~ wih, t \ | | 2H Tia Train therefore, similar clsarks ~ are shed wopethe. ‘We tal age in Section 7.) thatthe Har nag ipower ‘one, sine ie models for us not nly the naan ofthe ceding ‘ncoing ics and tet storage but ao the loge bnkages which est between. weve, two respects the LTM fers signify rm the inary. Hs, ees emportany, he storage apy of he tbe 50 Gr a we can tll, iless snd, second at thi makes 3 ‘altaine rater tian a quanitatve dlerence tho cag Spsem of the LM can reorganize self so a0 maine fvincy in accesing and organiing data someding 20 system ean hope to do ™ 11.2 Three processes ‘This nial ml presents us with 2 enideconel tatom-op roves, eah sage ting to be compte efor the net ean be ‘gun andthe whole acaed purl bythe data seppied by the sensory stems. This handy Fetion must aow be: modied by ecrgisng that proesing can and does operate inthe oppose hrc at the fame time, Le, top-Jow, by drawing on exing lvoe type! nahh cop rie tps weampe® 212.1 Ratomeapprecsing osiom-upproesing i dat-drven nthe sense that begs wih npr ra Sensory Sil and anaes hs continu fk of thaote sensory simul nto dtrete meaning its f informatie, ‘These are proceed, cumulatively, into progresiey more sph cated patterns which themsches bud oto generalizations. 2122 Topo prcing “Top-down processing in conta wih botom-ap, x conesp-driven nd begins with assumption or hypotbeses abot the nature of the ‘ha a seks regulars it whthconfion thse sssumpions Thar i ay ed fr de proseing sien which we ore lerested operate in bth directions at ance eveng simulans rorlel processing whichis Both Boton-up (t-drven and eon ‘ered with patra eecognton) and abo top-down (conept-dren nd conceed wi the wzaton of rar Knowl). 2123 Inerciveprcesing Inerctive proceming combines Banam-up, with tp-dow which permits processing to take place smaenoaay in both decdons wih ich proces feeding” the ater with information and, evenly, tring wan apeedeoncusio, ures the dua woo degenerate 10 ‘proces or too ambiguow, ete. We hae sen examples of merce procesing sendy (eg. inthe modelo he wandaon proces and lp Inthe examples concemed with tex-procasing in he previos chap). How, though, do the processes actly operat? 113 Five demons Inecping wih she requicement for model to beer, we hall fake to ode in wich the process of sa shown in Fire 7 ac rahe charming med demon ae nr Cope deson snd perso = reerey® Pap, tH ‘rou Be we fortes he pit we made shot "er and “ode ite fs cape (Chae Secon 133 "tho swe ned carr, an explanation of phenameon, wiles node ss phys embodiment fcr. tl ungble Sbjct fo he ery and ree he ue herein the phenomenon by. alos sopesing tat as AP the esumenon ner 8 : ‘There is, again, no requirement for a mode! to be ‘eal’ in the sense shri be tout of soul pling a be feares of he henamenon ei ay nore tun Ob woul eect t model erord seal yi te speed of sound orca Sy paseo lex ci and dang hapa Eau, we hope ht no one tink hat we genuine Beleve that there eden ine or heads Wha he model eis st tse pretend tat tee ech demons (ed they ve # Ye) ‘pec nage, being rer dscendens of Mawel famous {ai inenth-centy Sena in ps) each caged wid spec inormaton-procesing ts and we te shed odo her tan ture nb-psems or mean” (bh, we might 9, a0 trang) nny bose aay bean aig and meme way of {Rly ato te poss mo more an a Tht sl, we Can “The model suggest Sve ype of demon are required 1 cry cate flovng operons) convert he tesa infrmaon 236 Trenton nd Treating fn am nag, © ama mags int of th componest ‘features, (3) to gather bundles of features into coherent patterns, (4) 10 ‘atguze pts and ssgn them + no-emblgnu eerencs od {to cordnate thee operons and line ey dein on "lo tte ale fel ok atthe la ech demon am engin, we Aidatve ht te mode ger egreswte hk he ress 1 unleconl or botone-op, On he cna, by teeing at Shen”. ey] oy na | | seme’ f+ seat ovit 3 Huma ftniin rstsing 4. Iafomation, noe and memo 287 ‘ech dean wes it ove anahis on rome central Backboard; we ‘in allow for casceded processing where difleent tage fans ‘an enero the gthring of etres it Buns whi conte ptr for example can bein whe the analysis int etre eae. 713.1 Imope denon ‘The image demon is chard withthe ask of coment tinal rectved from the sentry sees ~ ight, ear, auc, ast, sel Tat ages. This denn aes te incoming areata eves Icio 4 whol; an image. records he ig and tases 10 Oe nem grup of demons fr free anal "Ate point or description i flioring rather closely she physi acts involved in el pecepon the physical stil ered by {height wanes to he eye ate focused onthe fen inthe foro an image and it thi lage, rather than the Hight waves themes, ‘which passed slong the otc nerve tthe b "The image demon hae 2p shri that of» very nie Hoary stat who unpacks Boks and does no more hae record the tile of ‘ch bok in 4 stokeconol edger: He as assuming tht the fob limited sole tthe sty, no need a aodentand the meaning oe {i ofthe by ery feed hat hae seed nl be ht ie ‘Next that norman is passed on o more sear tain acesions ‘who wll cslogve and arrange frit be shelved appropiate and ‘made aaibe to renders. 74.32 Pear dono Thane rece inages fom the iage demon, scan them inode Asceiai the features thy poste and, the ven that a iage ‘onsins the etre assigned oa parte denon, the precrce of the feature sg by that dese. Each demon i tought of 5 ‘og responsible for and responding 10 sng Teatue and nly ‘eaponing that fear is present ‘Once again, there is philic and scurolgial evidene 10 support the oon of fatre Tecoprsing mechan (comple, etecor el), Hoesed in the Wain the visual cots) which “recog lines, gs sts, cues ct, nd such cel appear oe in th veal cortex of sinpe organo than haan being OG oF ceample? "A ths pnt becomes somewhat dicl 10 sustin the Hhaey analogy unless we acept~ merely 10 Beep the analogy gong = st cach worker 1. 1 of conibuting single element tothe lesscaton which the bok wl al bea and that ech were, epors hat tem toa mre senior libaan who has the responsibly of deciding on the cores ear the cope demons of ut 71.33 Copii donos Jus sth este demons were ach espns forthe econ af and response to + singe fest, soto he copie densely ‘tonite and respond oa Sing pater, ea cllsion of eure, ach ‘cognitive: demon i enaged oe reching am nape aad sian, 2 record ofthe extn of fetus and colog [ances rereeting tose fears fom the fete demons ‘What te copa demon fa od to cempate he mage sn ara aah hat ale pnccs he tage te whan extn pana be sta oh ba ‘Poco he decom demon ™ {es cesr tom newooges! evidence that thre ae spdied econo sin the val carer lich ave the sk pater Tengon, so there one sin, physica spp fre tnt were peeing bere sod sen evo to ao ‘ogi pues, ops tecagnae pate af sel and ees ‘ognize paters of dance and act spon tem inti earch at fect. We mention hs for to reasons, Fst to make he pol hat ‘many iby no mene unig ni iy sca et sagen piecing nl need ronal the sts; here eptember tan ips peat an we shoud ot ose sight of th ac, if our omits iain ong. me turn tothe ary aalogy, ne se the cpu demons as ‘ay senor Hay sll who chek he coated he cataloguing by therfore d stme oa dehon fo whe Stowe appre fers pasar te Aer them sad aril nthe eave ofa dpte between thee ser cauloucs thre rene oh Duy sin nor mall eon F184 Desi demon The decison demon has the responsi of abitaing between ampetng lms fr pats suggested bythe ngive demon. He ‘sa kind of ery senior ara, depury who would normal rn he Library but would, never, report to the chief brain; the saperor demon in our model. vena LS Soperior demon a " UIE Sere Stn tong th dente iil te er ea oo eo mek de pe ‘StS meson mang whch sete the demons. : aca se Seek cers at ieee Gla coc seen a ee a an we enc fa Ser rors enna at ent nce Eee ah, clatter e a teat tt et Be tt wee re eer ee ete chee ceee tent nore re Sitges oui iraspemetnry Ste Eo Selene arb iceengopee meee sre a ee a abt recy cat de cee ea incase madeleines ee Soa eet mee oS Ts pk ete ce : a i eer tra rece tay ci el ceo setae eeiecneet cre tersbaee en Steg omen wae eae 114 Summary Tn this section we ave been coining arly stp model of ‘human informatio processing: an integrated cascaded mechanism SIMEN operates Bott bottomsop and top-down co make sense of 240 Thastion and Tracating Ingo so prepare i fo srg and rec “Ts fat we hae ancentated on the deep of he apt ‘pvene whore santo ower lee tery reese {sin “ighe nel once erseaoy wk el theme format eps ofthe sey may om whch hy Sete? Lethe coding upped with te lage ee eae ‘pen hough the orginal sual maybe ets om leet sete ‘Ths i crcl impor for what flows; wie is common ‘ting it would be ings forte cent eso cmpar and tet ohh mie fe a oh che ta Tet fh chape oask teas sour () Wa ind ef ge br 3€ How is kaowleige i a?) What thee ae ere feng accent Knowledge) Ih the pet secon we tall eximine the way concepts a censivced nd nage esd berreen then whch per he ‘lig of orale pachape of ang depen of bacon and _renerality. In other words, we are'about to change the focus of our ip fom be oa emt rinn ap cas the cel pl tad serpedricn Kepwn poceings? : 72, Knowledge ‘We bgt up caer Ga Chapter 1, Sein 1:21) the dsicon 'erween ro ds flowed! () ctl knowledge which we ne avae of nd which a come to hough our sensu apt) ‘rocedural Lnowledge wich ouside conse. The dine ‘iecan alo be emprened items o() novi ha seeing the cave a aust @) Inowng how to do some. Alera he ‘se dsinon canbe epesed inte of (1) Knowcdge which we ‘Snake declan about csc knoledge), "ties ‘Stor char isthe wanion of “et in French a nals () Kaowlede of «prc! opesional Lind wich we fod hard See et cy dente iit. it woud sem hat ding ration cleanly upon procedural laplsg ie he wnat ‘ert abou bing cl) ‘aw or wy. The whole am of ht roy te have eqn ‘ted pvide x means of xmverng th asters inde, Pat, procera! aouee no pnt ple fac Lnowlege {et enteral the ical te by modeling “The fndanenal queon we tow have fc hs; How i Informatie, noe a eary 241 Anowledge (of cer ype) represented in the mind? We have | atempt to deserbe the “nglite architecture of memon;, the Ioreage-ore on wich all ee depends ee he tee mr tis Font a (ier “anole sep sw he elation ten the ee Cake we hive of an eyo vet and he ence) hi eset inte mind 2 to lest the nate ofthe concept xis the daubse les, al and enjelopeie~ and, gic oot pare interes concentrate 08 the encod and) nde ‘psn which concepts eam be related farm aches of ang Tee comply and dere fac which alow menor wc ‘isa vena Ue stored event a ces forte uoderson= Ing and acon. 7221 Conceptual etegories and entries The proeses of perception, etre assignment, pattern reupion, Caving and storage which we have been considering al depend on Sig to ame images and to do isin a progresses abstract TAhowgh it might n pin, be posible to store cach image independently athe datas, sets a more plas nd ein to suggest that the rage unite of longterm sbemory ae in a form mbes geet deal more abstact thn the ind imape (he “Checking igo an pattern aginst thse already in stor ings thi the concept ‘However eey sing a erm He “ancep does m,n isl constant the een peblem which faces anyone who ‘Stems oes i ddl instnes of experience cm come 0 te grouped tpeher nso an rested 8 tough they were the same. The paradox ofthe Greek pisopher who cbimed tht one ‘ld otis int te sme rer tice pies tis sue. et coer an apparently simple eas: eats. Tn an abo senoe, ren eat difleent fromm every ther at ad my om ‘xpticnc feats diferent from the exprines of anyone ce. ‘hen that hres auto apeerent on what and what ot 1a? Notice that we arent aking the elated bu diferent qvesion ‘what does the word “cx” mean; we aeady considered word ‘mean in Chapter 3 (in Seton 32) Language and thought ae Inmate connected the nature of the elaonshp ila mater of ‘cue = bor we intend, here, to datnguish he two and coeentat on the pica cies eh we eperence troup ur semen and he j | star presentation of ose expen andes in he mind The cali af ths cca dy be ert. Wit he abi aepriee and to bold concep whch 2 et ‘ertenatons of cence me wld nt be wrt ‘opis ei ih were tal paras he same but we ‘lt anatew dec war do hh ttc eet ‘roi eperence wold be oo apptet alto ad we wuld fn tiny mp o emer, sce me wel he omnon ground Yor sharing or expences wi oer On hat ‘thy do we coy ous epeaton? ‘Gegraton depends onthe posts of shared fares o susbten some of wih esa ding oper deh ‘Mitoal on-scdal ba xpected uae: For came 0b {truest th eniy bet an b wn rer eight Sd weigh ring, hae fora etal a est ot a stl ves prc dain tes parses ess fone clr ke ee, wold oe nde a hei ope Sch sing of characte wich an tay be seed 25 «in is cna memersp ad stuts ul op y epee ‘a ump shes ben teed stereo ad ihe paes of coping an cy as beget" Pada ‘seg cn ane of aching neo eal ‘hesored sereoype auch we mie the cones eon ‘demons doing in our data-processing model). a “Ths rings ws wo a send ie Spey, Gin tat ens an be gape by mea of rene, re il emai et ht soe meabets of he gouging re hap of bmg more pea than an. Some Ur orange ae ought af hore tke the hers therein theories he ie Bid han doen pegs ons Te ton fh pe ea ‘pe = prope ed in meer ut fe erate ‘red wth enc ger bmw Tore ane Be elem of les fey here he una ay ae na Armed ith the atin of the conepil cay wi i conten tcl and prt infomation en oo tos emierion ote wa in whch sch cpr se word ‘Wehine aleady sugges the sof ech ene harng sel ‘lira tached oH which lows th sexrce nd ep in ‘nm at which tne Tee thw tt dee cence fet secon of cape econ 7.3 Wt 2 SESE ee pty ob nth ee se min som cn fr ile Be 0) propia frm ad carci : 2 Fagin ad non nd Geis menor che 1 evi fr mos concepts wll onan Kin of ir TESS tet sume hth oe, ps oF te sae alte nse oder (sod bat ot) ren big ander a4 (1) bat a 2d Lgl ei “clog me i ich he cone coin tend of Ta) weds a se ad te ie free srenent En ek ANALYTIC mts, Chater 5, Sesion Sc ame nell ccs in sp of Be ers ect a fe tte gence ee oe oe Orhan ngage top as. rei ae eaanaaaa ort ich eee as slereeg cet Tatami oe se ranean tone ene Fe ce rman: ih Hy be rel se Pe ce ecm onthe hp ae seh at nd ar whch cee or ppl rca arene fo mt SERN ple sept oy “The address TIGER would give access to a lexical entry se coi th awa np erin 72.1.3 Bagel enti ‘These would conn, foreach cep, sere of assumptions and generation based on experiences oft which, though gubered in time and space, ve become fontes-fre. Each would provide infomation about theca of ens to which the concept belong, the characters ie poseses, the objector events which exempt and steeogpes and sssumpsons aout the word needed to dal with ‘ew information, eg that PET includes CATS, DOGS, RADDITS ‘butte TIGERS, ELEPHANTS... Soch ene are, pial, arable aco india and ime and ‘open-ended in that they can be added to and are never complete, ‘elted to conte, concerned wit synthetic wuhs (oue by vue of ‘he mature of the world) snd values and the represeataion of ceaperence © Tagehe, they enaate our enéyopedic knowledge ‘an oyerll model ofthe properis of the word.” "The addtess TIGER would give aces an eneycapedie entry ‘which would conta, er alia, the lowing semantic informaton + Aina tier > met a addon, and most sigicantly fom out point of vew, the cencgopedic tay would include the knowledge we have of the linguist stems we have acquire, incoding our Knowledge ofthe sound and writing ystems the ues feta, te meanings of words fod sentences and the convendone forthe appropriate tse of hie Knowledge. ‘Our omn interest isin the encyclopedic and eva enres bu snce CChaper"3. was speccally concemed with wrxd-meaning (and semence-meanin) and the paral fous +e lexical entry i on the formal charters of word, we the! =. the rest of ht Infomation, noe and monary 248 | sein to an caminnon of the escslpedic spets of memory Initily the encyclopedic sel, whch contin ll the salen Semantic fears ofa concept (he cls oF clases o which i belongs, its characeises ~ defining properties and expected ques ~ and instances dawn fom personal experience which provide example of ‘and, nly, to the mays in wich eneyapedc cates ean be combined toeiber to create compleaes of meaning and represent ‘ions of memory, incldng the Kings nowledge required fr the (reaton of seucured text and doors 1722 Encjlopediceatres So far we have been atempting to understand the nature of the Indl concept but we ms, of secs, copie that cones treo seed lated re ch fer but ede et prone Paar nays and nereonneced sont, leough cas of kas ach concep ulna cannered to every other concep For this rpasizaton to work, eth concept must be coded and assigned its proper place by reference to tne pies of infomation, tee coda Parameters clas, charstrsic and example Hens, llewing sy feseay secre vw inept” we set te ene (9) Ie blogs ta las of concepts eg. TIGER since in she Lager dase concepts ANIMAL, ic bere i 2m bareaicnsip emeeen the twor ‘A ger i animal the concep TIGER. ‘lade wii the genetic concept ANIMAL. (© Ieposseses evs ehaaeterstis, ome shred wit he larger dase of wich Ris a member and some which dsingih fom “ther members of hat clas Properties which ae defining characteris cenainprop- tee it mart poses, A tip mast have a poet ais take-up, lps te. tere a haeae-parte relationship Ueoven the concept TIGER andthe encept LEGS, We sy gers eg’ and indeed tis necessary forthe iger to te lege inorder tobe ter. Legs ike ter proper, are inalienable andthe property reliionship a polar ae; a-oe- tone the animal certo ot got pe Ti 200 2 mater of degree (i) Qualies wich, im contast with properties, ate epeted itibte ofa concep but are not deg characterises Ceo the quien we oie mi tigers eens there 246 Tramalanion and Tramsating Se sates bet ee en cee Boar cal wien cam er oe anime cee caving aeeriomes Ni erent teh hn i ahah heen Rea egg pee a Eee tiy aad eee Wecan std hip (Glos thas (Pepe TIGER + in0s (Qty aTIGERe— FIERCE, (Example ate————"___ ricer (and (0 the dren of the arrow is sgica 6) ae (entero the cls) ————» TIGER iss (6 that (ample teas TIGER. Jn the date, we enisge the cone information ot big ‘sored in some manner analogous to the illustration below: * ‘We fre imagine the conceal ets tobe stored the TM io vay which not only provides Unkages beeween them and their rps and Characters bot lo erst nkapes no nly uch 8 ‘hose of ncn hei eladonsip we have jst exempliigd! with [TIGER and ANIMAL) bt als vers or partial ynonony (arico- tnt problemate ses which have already been disused in Chapter 5 'Secion 313 in our treatment of word-metsing. Aras i kind of flower and omer s Lind of plant, Le. the conepe PLANT ines the concept FLOWER which iself inde the ‘concept ROSE. eye [Nether SHARE nor DIVIDE subrmeth other. While we could sy "Grose isa ind af owe, we canna ay lower ia ind of os bet sr ea and mst yo care AN” and to dvi sar’ Teomy sem thet there an inberetccalaryin al thi; oneeps ae Jebned terme of each oer and, vlmately, in tems of ‘hems Equally, there sa substantial degre of overly berween ‘concep and i to suggest an unfortunate vagunes in the model ‘We woud counter bot ofthese elms by pointing to the fact that we ae expe yeking to show this kindof fterconnectedness 48 Thostion nd Triating berween concep andthe wp in which concep ca ad do share some i characteris wah eer concer indeed isi very ‘aes and every which alow it td new concep fo te drabas, to re-clasiy easing ones, o mabe nove comectons bere cs saad be eae tought ate examples we ave Been ging ae ahr Ainited and tral let ws take sootber aad more complet concept [BEER ~and begin showin Figure 73 how it might be represented in meno : CT ttt | #——— einen i ge oun 7A sche for BEER Tesch fr this ch wi ek ide more than the expansion ofthe ‘eltionship markers (howa in bold in the fiat) to convert sch» lp int oe whch record acu evnts. Thi preset we ‘opie de Seton 123. nas ase We made the point 2s we summarized ihe data-processing mode at the end ofthe previous Seton, that etre and pattern recognition + Information Aneel and memory 249 need to be constantly enced by reference 10 tele prioe oowledge and experince athe organism atemps to make sens af the incoming information. The ine has now come t make exc ‘whats ony bcm hinted athe nature ofthis ir hao 2 ts sirvctriog in meray. "Te begin with, we shoul! realize tht tere is arp evidence that ‘niman beings and anal poses oe develop plans fr coping with ecuriog sequences of retons (edn, monng abou, et) and Bat these plan ate 1 fesponse fo the recon thet the aces, though "lenin an sbolte nse ram ay ick vege ble a for practical purpose, "the tame” and can, therefore, be weated cseently the same a. The plans, which ae the outre ofthis fealzato, co-ordinate the fforman provided by the sem ‘stems wit the appropriate mitr movement nd these develop ito ensary motor plane or sebemss- What we intend tod naw i 10 ‘tend hs notion fom the sensory-motor tothe domains ati nd in perdu, the copie demanding ares of cing with i eperenes, "The bey notion in thie ae sche, sop, fame, allo which conus metaphors forthe deseipion of ow hnowledge ofthe ‘ordi opinion man memory, apd aso haw it acted in the prcet of dacourse understanding and, we thereby no Imeane unites] apreement onthe way the forms are 1 be ws, there esta agrecmcat that ll ze ieled in the song of Infomadon, data stuctores represening stereoped situations ol patterns of brows" or geneazed create sed Ih Sion memon:* They can be scen 8s citer sic dita sorage sutures cach ‘anating information about sgl stereoyped topic oF 36 more seive mechan which faite "the proceses of retro and inference which manipulate the red representations bt however hey reinterpreted thy have crcl ei relaing ew experince Sand knowledge to old i ways which reveal peuple’s knowledge of ‘eeuting event in which meanings ar elated each ther though Arpendencynetwors (ve shall asuate tis in Figures 74 and 73), the firemen hl of sein sinarty in versity (ne have areal sen ths in ston when we due teat processing i the pesos ‘Sapte. ‘We shall us schema as generic erm representing the range of onpantzatons wich coset of sete of mental representation. wich Incorporate al he knowlege of gien type of objet event hat we hve need fom pst experence™” and operate n a to-do Arua Prandin ction ip intr at pw of ination fom ‘the world’ e ae Sehemss hae been desebed as posessing five parule characteristics” Schemas ott na agi and complex va nd neler ogg teeeapes tant sone 2) ae oem mate up af soley, mis specie, ub-schemas — Sevipts "whieh conta acon ercoppes and pride Pr Ssalihed routines for hong prev Linds 6 ent. {ihing a cheque in bat alg eco 6) an be Inked to frm Lge uit mem organization frckets: MODs» whch bag pee common ature twee ‘Semin dspunte evens, heh themes depend ea en higher uns = thematic organization points TOPs - wich

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