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cum tropis


C Unctípot-ens gé-nitor, Dé-us, * omnicre-á-tor, e-

lé-i-son. 2. Fons et o-rí-go bó-ni pí- e, lúxque per-énnis,

e- lé-i-son. 3. Sal-ví-fi-cet pí-e-tas tú-a nos, bó-ne ré-

ctor, e- lé-i-son. 4. Chrí-ste, Dé- i spléndor, vír-tus, Pa-trís-

que sophí- a, e- lé-i-son. 5. Plásma-tis humáni fáctor, lápsi

re-pa-rá-tor, e- lé-i-son. 6. Ne tú-a damné-tur, Iésu, factú-

ra, be-nígne, e- lé-i-son. 7. Ambó-rum sácrum spi-rámen,

néxus amórque, e- lé-i-son. 8. Pro-cé-dens fómes, ví-tae

fons, sanctí-fi-cans vis, e- lé-i-son. 9. Purgá-tor cúlpae,

vé-ni-ae largí-tor óptime, * offénsas dé-le, sácro nos múne-re

réple, ** Spí-ri-tus álme, e-lé-i-son.

A lmighty Father, O God, * Creator of all, have mercy.

2. O merciful fount and source of good, and everlasting light, have mercy.
3. May Thy mercy save us, O good Ruler, have mercy.
4. O Christ, splendour of God, might and wisdom of the Father, have mercy.
5. O Maker of the human figure, O Restorer of the fallen, have mercy.
6. Lest Thy creature be condemned, O benignant Jesus, have mercy.
7. O sacred Breath, Bond and Love of both [the Father and the Son], have mercy.
8. O Kindling issuing forth, fount of life, and sanctifying strength, have mercy.
9. O Purifier from guilt, O kindmost Bestower of favour, * blot out [our] offences,
fill us with the sacred gift, ** O nourishing Spirit, have mercy.

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