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Assembly Joint Resolution

Introduced by Members Representing the

Weingart Urban Center YMCA

February 18, 1993

Referred to the Siskiyou Committee

Assembly Joint Resolution No. 103--Relative to the Selective Service


AJR 101 urges Congress to include women in mandatory selective service registration

WHEREAS, The Constitution of the United States states that all men are created
equal and presently Americans now concur that it is "all men and women are created
equal", and
WHEREAS, There have been laws and policies regarding the equality of the sexes to
provide equal opportunity and access to all rights, and
WHEREAS, Women have proven capable in many jobs and occupations once
exclusively held by men and shown to be equal if not better than their male counterparts in
certain positions, and
WHEREAS, Women have equally served our country in the Armed Forces, therefore, be
Resolved by the Assembly and the Senate of the State of California, jointly, that the
Legislature of the State of California respectfully memorializes the Congress of the United States
to propose regulations for mandatory selective service registration for both males and females
once they reach the age of 18 years; and be it further
Resolved, That the Chief Clerk of the Assembly transmit copies of this resolution to the
Speaker of the House of Representatives, the President Pro-Tempore of the United States Senate,
and to each Senator and Repre- sentative from California in the Congress of the United States,
and to the Chief Clerk of the Legislature in each of the other forty-nine states.


Assembly Joint Resolution

Introduced by Members Representing the

Albany Branch of the Albany-Berkeley YMCA

February 18, 1993

Referred to the Plumas Committee

Assembly Joint Resolution No. 108--Relative to women’s rights

AJR 108 urges Congress to propose the XXVII Amendment to the United States
Constitution providing for equal rights for women.

Resolved by the Assembly and Senate of the State of California, jointly, That
the Legislature of the State of California respectfully memorializes the
Congress of the United States to propose Amendment 27 to the United States
Constitution, to read:
SECTION 1. Equality of rights and responsibilities under the law shall not be
denied or abridged by the United States or any State on the basis of gender.
SEC. 2. The Congress shall have the power to enforce, by appropriate
legislation, the provisions of this article.
SEC. 3. This amendment shall take effect two years after the date of
ratification; and, be it further
Resolved, That the Chief Clerk of the Assembly transmit copies of this resolution to the
President and Vice-President of the United States, to the Speaker of the House of
Representatives, and to each Senator and Representative from California in the Congress of the
United States, and to the Chief Clerk of the Legislature in each of the other forty-nine states.



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