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ufrlk gede)&t. fuuc*t*n*rt

"4484jti,r& Ar atinnal. frEp
l+ * Sacietae rupufilime €.e fit, ,AAawifianaa + \Fo
"|,*rc.ri,:& frfuirie and, rt afunat,
lfu*emmf at ff e W&qtd
tva*fuaeat fi.rn*rem I Afa,*fiilreic aixu I Alelrft $nuxica l' g&, .rtiwrrt W
* ^' Senpb a$ tfu ,ifl,run and. Sur"* *
AfiaxiqirrsL *td Jndigtnrrur Atqtuz*(.9*ptn at tfre &ann
ffre 5,u*, an^d.9e fur.,& At'ahl,&l Oeapka * Iki,pt 6t tfrz Aand

fi. &mufuan ea&o u^&qfe
AroU*e O{ ffufirlk, {teruda epucct;on
5 rctcnnafinnal frarument
l8 tlhu al-Hij.iah 1438 MCy
ll8 Decmbe r 2018 CCYI

For the lleeord" To Be Read Into The Rscord

Notice to Agent is Notiee to Principle - Notice to Principle is Notice ro Agent.

This Internatronal C]orrespondeuce and Public Notice is hereb.v presented and fbrwarded
to -,-ott relative to the correctecJ appellation and proclairned Nationality. rvhich alfirrns tfie
poiitical status itnd allegiance to rny Ancestral Hstate ancl Ancient Princ:ipals olCjovernment, in
fiarrnonv rvith tlre Arnerican Constitution I 79 L

l'cru are hereLry given honorable Notice,'l'lris correction is made in accord rvith the Irive
Ilrinci;:als ol Love, Truth, Peace. !-reedom and Justice" c.rercising my natural Substantive
Rights and Religious Heritage: is sell--executing.

i'his deciaratii:in and proclantation also stancis as ,-crillcation that I Raymond Walters [Jev
has serrl verification of ury status correction to the i'vloorisit Arnerican Consulate and the
registration file number is MACK000000006"

Anaclrcd is the Law t-ul Notrce Name Declararron Correction- Proclamation and
Publication and the lnternationai .ludicial Notice and Proclamation.

ln l.lonor Ahv
J Arn:
lntiralr Anror [1e\,. Regional I l-lead
Nloh*m medan Yieir [Judge] o Canaanland
Moorish American Consulates
Moo rish Worldw ide Consulates
Flesh and Slood Being, Omnia Iaya Reseyvantis
Without Rscourse. Witli PrcjLrdice. N


r\bt,ti!.irrtl md L:diger*as Peopics' D**ortrts: N$fllrlrefl Amexenr i i\iorthli.esl Aiiirs,'!"th Afi$im I 'l hc
I elxple !)l'llc Moor urd Scn': Non - l)onlcstt(. N.u - H.'sdetil. Nrrt - Sui:riect llerng tlrr iiigirtlll l1

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