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Breckland Crematorium - Chimney Height Calculation

Breckland Crematorium
Norwich Road

Chimney Height Calculation

Supporting information document
February 2019

Environmental Health Resource Centre Limited, 41 Elsiedene Road, London N21 2RN
eMail: iPhone: 07802 349 581 eFax: 0871 66 11 321
Page | 2

1.0 Introduction 3
2.0 Input data 4
2.1 Cremation equipment 4
2.2 Emissions data 5
2.3 Local environmental data 7
2.4 Building information 8
3.0 Chimney height 8


Appendix 1: Air quality maps
Appendix 2: Site plan
Appendix 2: Chimney height calculations

Breckland Crematorium - Chimney Height Calculation
Page | 3

1.0 Introduction
ehrc were engaged to undertake a chimney height calculation for the proposed Breckland
Breckland Crematorium will be a new crematorium housing two FTIII cremators. Exhaust gasses
will pass though one abatement plant and process chimney. The purpose of this report is to
determine the chimney height for the proposed installation.
The methodology used in to calculate chimney height this assessment is the HMIP Technical
Guidance Note D1 “Guidelines on Discharge Stack Heights for Polluting Emissions”, which takes
into account a number of factors, including:
 Stack diameter
 Emission release rates at reference conditions
 Emissions volume flow and efflux velocity and temperature at stack conditions
 The effect of nearby buildings
 Local background air quality data
 Guideline concentrations for protecting the environment

The D1 assessment is widely accepted by Regulators for the calculation of chimney heights for

Surrogate data from other crematoria operating identical equipment will be used in this
assessment because the proposed installation is not yet operational.

Breckland Crematorium - Chimney Height Calculation
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2.0 Input data

2.1 Cremation equipment
Perth Crematorium opening in 2018 and operates two FTIII cremators via single abatement plant is
likely to be the influencing factor on emissions. The following data was obtained from the
commissioning test report undertaken in June 2018
Perth Crematorium average of all runs:
Parameter Units
Stack inside diameter (all) 0.35 m
Exhaust gas flow rate (actual) 4514 m3/hr
Exhaust gas flow rate (reference) 1799 m3/hr
Emission temperature 144 (417) °C (°K)
Efflux velocity 8.6 m/s

Perth Crematorium Run H1:

Parameter Units
Exhaust gas flow rate (actual) 4514 m3/hr
Exhaust gas flow rate (reference) 1799 m3/hr
Emission temperature 144 (417) °C (°K)
Efflux velocity 8.6 m/s

Perth Crematorium Run H2:

Parameter Units
Exhaust gas flow rate (actual) 4514 m3/hr
Exhaust gas flow rate (reference) 1799 m3/hr
Emission temperature 144 (417) °C (°K)
Efflux velocity 8.6 m/s

Perth Crematorium Run Hg1:

Parameter Units
Exhaust gas flow rate (actual) 4514 m3/hr
Exhaust gas flow rate (reference) 1799 m3/hr
Emission temperature 144 (417) °C (°K)
Efflux velocity 8.6 m/s

Perth Crematorium Run Hg2:

Parameter Units
Exhaust gas flow rate (actual) 4514 m3/hr
Exhaust gas flow rate (reference) 1799 m3/hr
Emission temperature 144 (417) °C (°K)
Efflux velocity 8.6 m/s

Breckland Crematorium - Chimney Height Calculation
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Perth Crematorium Run D&F:

Parameter Units
Exhaust gas flow rate (actual) 4514 m3/hr
Exhaust gas flow rate (reference) 1799 m3/hr
Emission temperature 144 (417) °C (°K)
Efflux velocity 8.6 m/s

The full emissions test report used in this assessment is available as Appendix 2 to
the permit application.

2.2 Emissions data

Crematoria are regulated under Environmental Permits, which require specific emission limits to
be met. The emission limits for England, Scotland and Wales are well established in Process
Guidance Note PG5/2(12) September 2012 as Best Available Techniques Emission Limits.
Used in conjunction with the exhaust gas flow at reference conditions from the each Crematorium
report, the maximum allowable emission rates in g/sec from the proposed crematorium can be
calculated as follows:
(Gas flowREF x 3600) x Emission Limit / 1000 = Emission rate g/sec

As can be seen from the emissions report, actual emissions from crematoria are much lower
(better) than the permitted emission limits, but worst case emission limits are used in this
assessment. Emission rates from the proposed chimney as used in the D1 assessment are as
Perth Crematorium average of all runs:
Exhaust gas
Max mass
Emission limit flow rate
Parameter emission rate
(mg/m3) (reference)
Particulate Matter 20.00 0.73 0.014692
Hydrogen Chloride 30.00 0.73 0.022038
Mercury 0.05 0.73 0.000037
VOC 20.00 0.73 0.014692
Carbon Monoxide 100.00 0.73 0.073461

Perth Crematorium Run H1:

Exhaust gas
Max mass
Emission limit flow rate
Parameter emission rate
(mg/m3) (reference)
Particulate Matter 20.00 0.76 0.015256
Hydrogen Chloride 30.00 0.76 0.022883
Mercury 0.05 0.76 0.000038
VOC 20.00 0.76 0.015256
Carbon Monoxide 100.00 0.76 0.076278

Breckland Crematorium - Chimney Height Calculation
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Perth Crematorium Run H2:

Exhaust gas
Max mass
Emission limit flow rate
Parameter emission rate
(mg/m3) (reference)
Particulate Matter 20.00 0.72 0.014372
Hydrogen Chloride 30.00 0.72 0.021558
Mercury 0.05 0.72 0.000036
VOC 20.00 0.72 0.014372
Carbon Monoxide 100.00 0.72 0.071861

Perth Crematorium Run Hg1:

Exhaust gas
Max mass
Emission limit flow rate
Parameter emission rate
(mg/m3) (reference)
Particulate Matter 20.00 0.60 0.012039
Hydrogen Chloride 30.00 0.60 0.018058
Mercury 0.05 0.60 0.000030
VOC 20.00 0.60 0.012039
Carbon Monoxide 100.00 0.60 0.060194

Perth Crematorium Run Hg2:

Exhaust gas
Max mass
Emission limit flow rate
Parameter emission rate
(mg/m3) (reference)
Particulate Matter 20.00 0.83 0.016656
Hydrogen Chloride 30.00 0.83 0.024983
Mercury 0.05 0.83 0.000042
VOC 20.00 0.83 0.016656
Carbon Monoxide 100.00 0.83 0.083278

Perth Crematorium Run D&F:

Exhaust gas
Max mass
Emission limit flow rate
Parameter emission rate
(mg/m3) (reference)
Particulate Matter 20.00 0.76 0.015139
Hydrogen Chloride 30.00 0.76 0.022708
Mercury 0.05 0.76 0.000038
VOC 20.00 0.76 0.015139
Carbon Monoxide 100.00 0.76 0.075694

Breckland Crematorium - Chimney Height Calculation
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2.3 Local environmental data

In addition to emissions and technical data, the D1 model uses Guideline concentration (Gd) data
and Background concentration (Bc) data in the determination of chimney height. It is noted that
Gd and Bc data in the D1 Document are out of date, and this section confirms that original D1 data
has not been used in this assessment.
For Gd, the current statutory short-term Air Quality objectives have been used, and Gd data used
in the D1 model is as follows:
Guideline Concentrations: mg/m3 Notes
Particulate Matter 0.05 50µg/m3 Air Quality objective (
Hydrogen Chloride 0.750 750µg/m3 Hourly limit (
Mercury 0.0075 7.5µg/m3 Hourly limit (
VOC 0.195 195µg/m3 Hourly limit as Benzene (
Carbon Monoxide 10.0 10mg/m3 Air Quality objective (

For Background concentration (Bc), data was derived as follows:

 defra UK ambient air quality map for background air quality (where background data has
been modelled for each UK kilometre grid square into a range of pollution concentrations)
which is the resource generally used for D1 calculation, and
 Air Pollution in the UK 2015, (defra)

Bc data used in the D1 model is as follows:

Background Concentrations: mg/m3 Notes
Particulate Matter 0.017 13-17µg/m3 – UK Ambient Air Quality Interactive Map.
Hydrogen Chloride 0.00 Assumed zero.
Mercury 0.000003 3ng/m3 - Air Pollution in the UK 2015.
VOC (as if benzene) 0.00005 <0.5µg/m3 - UK Ambient Air Quality Interactive Map.
Carbon Monoxide 0.4 0.2-0.4 mg/m3 - UK Ambient Air Quality Interactive Map.

The maps containing the air quality data from the UK Ambient Air Quality Interactive Map are
provided in Appendix 1.

Breckland Crematorium - Chimney Height Calculation
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2.4 Building information

Chimney height calculation is also a function of building height, which means that the height of the
building to which the proposed chimney is attached is a significant determining factor, as is the
height of any building within 5U of the proposed chimney.
U = the calculated uncorrected chimney height (Um) derived by the D1 calculation.

For Breckland Crematorium:

The smallest value for Um is 2.22m
The greatest value for Um is 2.39m
The smallest value for 5U is 11.09m
The greatest value for 5U is 11.93m

This means that the height of all buildings/structures with an area of more than 1% of the total
roof area within a radius 11.93m of the release point must be considered in the chimney height
Distance from release Significant building
Building or structure Height
point for D1
Crematory Roof 0.00m Yes 7.80m
Clock tower 14m No, <1% N/A

The site plan with elevations is provided in Appendix 2.

Breckland Crematorium - Chimney Height Calculation
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3.0 Chimney height

The D1 calculated chimney height is 10.0m.
The D1 calculation Run output can be found in Appendix 1 to this report.
The overriding minimum chimney height requirements do not apply in this case because there are
no areas within 3 metres pf the stack terminal point to which there is general access (for example:
ground level, roof areas or adjacent openable windows).
Calculated chimney heights are then normally rounded up to the nearest whole metre.
The minimum recommended chimney height is therefore 10m above ground level.

Process Guidance Note PG5/2(12), Crematoria

Air Pollution in the UK 2015 Report

UK Guideline air quality data

UK Background air quality data

Breckland Crematorium - Chimney Height Calculation
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Appendix 1: Air quality maps
Appendix 2: Site plan
Appendix 2: Chimney height calculations

Breckland Crematorium - Chimney Height Calculation
Appendix 1:
Air Quality Maps
Site Breckland Crematorium

Project D1 Stack Height Calculation


PM10 Background

10th February 2019


Drawn by
Appendix 1a

Fay Rushby
Site Breckland Crematorium

Project D1 Stack Height Calculation


VOC (as Benzene)

10th February 2019


Drawn by
Appendix 1b

Fay Rushby
Site Breckland Crematorium

Project D1 Stack Height Calculation


Carbon Monoxide

10th February 2019


Drawn by
Appendix 1c

Fay Rushby
Appendix 2:
Site plan


9.8m 10m

Site Breckland Crematorium

Project D1 Stack Height Calculation


Site Plan

12th February 2019


Drawn by
Appendix 2

Fay Rushby
Appendix 3:
Chimney height calculations
Breckland Crematorium

Physical Parameters
At stack conditions
Parameter Value Notes
Exhaust Gas Volume Flow Rate, @T (m3/s) 1.22
Stack Inside Diameter, D (m) 0.35 Flow data from Perth Crematorium (H1
Gas Discharge Velocity, V (m/s) 12.70 Run).
Discharge Gas Temperature, T (K) 406

Pollutant Data Emission Guideline Backgrd Pollution

At reference conditions Rate Concs Concs Index
Compound (g/s) (mg/m3) (mg/m3) (m3/s) Guideline Concentration Notes Background Concentration Notes
Particulate Matter 0.01526 0.05 0.017 462 50µg/m3 Air Quality objective ( 13-17µg/m3 - UK Ambient Air Quality Interactive Map.
Hydrogen Chloride 0.02288 0.750 0.00 31 750µg/m3 Hourly limit ( Assumed zero.
Mercury 0.00004 0.0075 0.0000003 5 7.5µg/m3 Hourly limit ( 3ng/m3 Air Pollution in the UK 2015.
VOC 0.01526 0.195 0.00005 78 195µg/m3 Hourly limit as Benzene ( <0.5 µg/m3 - UK Ambient Air Quality Interactive Map.
Carbon Monoxide 0.07628 10.0 0.4 8 10mg/m3 Air Quality objective ( 0.2-0.4 mg/m3 - UK Ambient Air Quality Interactive Map.

Building Information - All Buildings Within Distance of 5Um. 5Um= 11.29 m

Buildings further away than 5Um not included in this assessment
Building Height Width `K' `T'
(m) (m) (m) (m)
Crematory Building 7.80 30.00 7.8 19.5
0.0 0.0
0.0 0.0
0.0 0.0
0.0 0.0
0.0 0.0
0.0 0.0
0.0 0.0
Hm: 7.8 Tm: 19.50

Pollution Index (m3/s) 462
Heat Released at Discharge Stack (MW) 0.13
Coefficient `a' -0.940
Coefficient `b' 0.486
Uncorrected Discharge Stack Height for Bouyancy, Ub (m) 2.26
Minimum Value of Ub (m) 1.32
Selected Value of Ub (m) 2.26
Discharge Momentum, M 10.82
Coefficient `x' -2.67
Coefficient `y' 5.25
Coefficient `z' -4.30
log10Um 0.45
Uncorrected Discharge Stack Height for Momentum, Um (m) 2.79
Minimum Value of Um (m) 1.76
Selected Value of Um (m) 2.79
Uncorrected Chimney Height, U (m) 2.26
Coefficient `A' 1.237
Final Discharge Height (m) 9.8

Calculation procedure taken from `Technical Guidance Note D1 - Guidelines on Discharge Stack Heights
for Polluting Emissions' June 1993, issued by the Environment Agency.
Breckland Crematorium

Physical Parameters
At stack conditions
Parameter Value Notes
Exhaust Gas Volume Flow Rate, @T (m3/s) 1.19
Stack Inside Diameter, D (m) 0.35 Flow data from Perth Crematorium (Dioxin
Gas Discharge Velocity, V (m/s) 12.39 & Furan Run).
Discharge Gas Temperature, T (K) 398

Pollutant Data Emission Guideline Backgrd Pollution

At reference conditions Rate Concs Concs Index
Compound (g/s) (mg/m3) (mg/m3) (m3/s) Guideline Concentration Notes Background Concentration Notes
Particulate Matter 0.01514 0.05 0.017 459 50µg/m3 Air Quality objective ( 13-17µg/m3 - UK Ambient Air Quality Interactive Map.
Hydrogen Chloride 0.02271 0.750 0.00 30 750µg/m3 Hourly limit ( Assumed zero.
Mercury 0.00004 0.0075 0.0000003 5 7.5µg/m3 Hourly limit ( 3ng/m3 Air Pollution in the UK 2015.
VOC 0.01514 0.195 0.00005 78 195µg/m3 Hourly limit as Benzene ( <0.5 µg/m3 - UK Ambient Air Quality Interactive Map.
Carbon Monoxide 0.07569 10.0 0.4 8 10mg/m3 Air Quality objective ( 0.2-0.4 mg/m3 - UK Ambient Air Quality Interactive Map.

Building Information - All Buildings Within Distance of 5Um. 5Um= 11.39 m

Buildings further away than 5Um not included in this assessment
Building Height Width `K' `T'
(m) (m) (m) (m)
Crematory Building 7.80 30.00 7.8 19.5
0.0 0.0
0.0 0.0
0.0 0.0
0.0 0.0
0.0 0.0
0.0 0.0
0.0 0.0
Hm: 7.8 Tm: 19.50

Pollution Index (m3/s) 459
Heat Released at Discharge Stack (MW) 0.12
Coefficient `a' -0.934
Coefficient `b' 0.485
Uncorrected Discharge Stack Height for Bouyancy, Ub (m) 2.28
Minimum Value of Ub (m) 1.30
Selected Value of Ub (m) 2.28
Discharge Momentum, M 10.50
Coefficient `x' -2.68
Coefficient `y' 5.26
Coefficient `z' -4.21
log10Um 0.45
Uncorrected Discharge Stack Height for Momentum, Um (m) 2.82
Minimum Value of Um (m) 1.74
Selected Value of Um (m) 2.82
Uncorrected Chimney Height, U (m) 2.28
Coefficient `A' 1.236
Final Discharge Height (m) 9.8

Calculation procedure taken from `Technical Guidance Note D1 - Guidelines on Discharge Stack Heights
for Polluting Emissions' June 1993, issued by the Environment Agency.
Breckland Crematorium

Physical Parameters
At stack conditions
Parameter Value Notes
Exhaust Gas Volume Flow Rate, @T (m3/s) 1.14
Stack Inside Diameter, D (m) 0.35 Flow data from Perth Crematorium
Gas Discharge Velocity, V (m/s) 11.89 (average flows and temperature).
Discharge Gas Temperature, T (K) 394

Pollutant Data Emission Guideline Backgrd Pollution

At reference conditions Rate Concs Concs Index
Compound (g/s) (mg/m3) (mg/m3) (m3/s) Guideline Concentration Notes Background Concentration Notes
Particulate Matter 0.01469 0.05 0.017 445 50µg/m3 Air Quality objective ( 13-17µg/m3 - UK Ambient Air Quality Interactive Map.
Hydrogen Chloride 0.02204 0.750 0.00 29 750µg/m3 Hourly limit ( Assumed zero.
Mercury 0.00004 0.0075 0.0000003 5 7.5µg/m3 Hourly limit ( 3ng/m3 Air Pollution in the UK 2015.
VOC 0.01469 0.195 0.00005 75 195µg/m3 Hourly limit as Benzene ( <0.5 µg/m3 - UK Ambient Air Quality Interactive Map.
Carbon Monoxide 0.07346 10.0 0.4 8 10mg/m3 Air Quality objective ( 0.2-0.4 mg/m3 - UK Ambient Air Quality Interactive Map.

Building Information - All Buildings Within Distance of 5Um. 5Um= 11.36 m

Buildings further away than 5Um not included in this assessment
Building Height Width `K' `T'
(m) (m) (m) (m)
Crematory Building 7.80 30.00 7.8 19.5
0.0 0.0
0.0 0.0
0.0 0.0
0.0 0.0
0.0 0.0
0.0 0.0
0.0 0.0
Hm: 7.8 Tm: 19.50

Pollution Index (m3/s) 445
Heat Released at Discharge Stack (MW) 0.11
Coefficient `a' -0.929
Coefficient `b' 0.485
Uncorrected Discharge Stack Height for Bouyancy, Ub (m) 2.27
Minimum Value of Ub (m) 1.28
Selected Value of Ub (m) 2.27
Discharge Momentum, M 9.77
Coefficient `x' -2.71
Coefficient `y' 5.28
Coefficient `z' -3.99
log10Um 0.45
Uncorrected Discharge Stack Height for Momentum, Um (m) 2.84
Minimum Value of Um (m) 1.70
Selected Value of Um (m) 2.84
Uncorrected Chimney Height, U (m) 2.27
Coefficient `A' 1.250
Final Discharge Height (m) 9.8

Calculation procedure taken from `Technical Guidance Note D1 - Guidelines on Discharge Stack Heights
for Polluting Emissions' June 1993, issued by the Environment Agency.
Breckland Crematorium

Physical Parameters
At stack conditions
Parameter Value Notes
Exhaust Gas Volume Flow Rate, @T (m3/s) 1.29
Stack Inside Diameter, D (m) 0.35 Flow data from Perth Crematorium (Hg 2
Gas Discharge Velocity, V (m/s) 13.37 Run).
Discharge Gas Temperature, T (K) 387

Pollutant Data Emission Guideline Backgrd Pollution

At reference conditions Rate Concs Concs Index
Compound (g/s) (mg/m3) (mg/m3) (m3/s) Guideline Concentration Notes Background Concentration Notes
Particulate Matter 0.01666 0.05 0.017 505 50µg/m3 Air Quality objective ( 13-17µg/m3 - UK Ambient Air Quality Interactive Map.
Hydrogen Chloride 0.02498 0.750 0.00 33 750µg/m3 Hourly limit ( Assumed zero.
Mercury 0.00004 0.0075 0.0000003 6 7.5µg/m3 Hourly limit ( 3ng/m3 Air Pollution in the UK 2015.
VOC 0.01666 0.195 0.00005 85 195µg/m3 Hourly limit as Benzene ( <0.5 µg/m3 - UK Ambient Air Quality Interactive Map.
Carbon Monoxide 0.08328 10.0 0.4 9 10mg/m3 Air Quality objective ( 0.2-0.4 mg/m3 - UK Ambient Air Quality Interactive Map.

Building Information - All Buildings Within Distance of 5Um. 5Um= 11.93 m

Buildings further away than 5Um not included in this assessment
Building Height Width `K' `T'
(m) (m) (m) (m)
Crematory Building 7.80 30.00 7.8 19.5
0.0 0.0
0.0 0.0
0.0 0.0
0.0 0.0
0.0 0.0
0.0 0.0
0.0 0.0
Hm: 7.8 Tm: 19.50

Pollution Index (m3/s) 505
Heat Released at Discharge Stack (MW) 0.12
Coefficient `a' -0.934
Coefficient `b' 0.485
Uncorrected Discharge Stack Height for Bouyancy, Ub (m) 2.39
Minimum Value of Ub (m) 1.30
Selected Value of Ub (m) 2.39
Discharge Momentum, M 12.58
Coefficient `x' -2.61
Coefficient `y' 5.21
Coefficient `z' -4.74
log10Um 0.45
Uncorrected Discharge Stack Height for Momentum, Um (m) 2.80
Minimum Value of Um (m) 1.84
Selected Value of Um (m) 2.80
Uncorrected Chimney Height, U (m) 2.39
Coefficient `A' 1.174
Final Discharge Height (m) 9.7

Calculation procedure taken from `Technical Guidance Note D1 - Guidelines on Discharge Stack Heights
for Polluting Emissions' June 1993, issued by the Environment Agency.
Breckland Crematorium

Physical Parameters
At stack conditions
Parameter Value Notes
Exhaust Gas Volume Flow Rate, @T (m3/s) 0.87
Stack Inside Diameter, D (m) 0.35 Flow data from Perth Crematorium (Hg
Gas Discharge Velocity, V (m/s) 9.06 Run).
Discharge Gas Temperature, T (K) 375

Pollutant Data Emission Guideline Backgrd Pollution

At reference conditions Rate Concs Concs Index
Compound (g/s) (mg/m3) (mg/m3) (m3/s) Guideline Concentration Notes Background Concentration Notes
Particulate Matter 0.01204 0.05 0.017 365 50µg/m3 Air Quality objective ( 13-17µg/m3 - UK Ambient Air Quality Interactive Map.
Hydrogen Chloride 0.01806 0.750 0.00 24 750µg/m3 Hourly limit ( Assumed zero.
Mercury 0.00003 0.0075 0.0000003 4 7.5µg/m3 Hourly limit ( 3ng/m3 Air Pollution in the UK 2015.
VOC 0.01204 0.195 0.00005 62 195µg/m3 Hourly limit as Benzene ( <0.5 µg/m3 - UK Ambient Air Quality Interactive Map.
Carbon Monoxide 0.06019 10.0 0.4 6 10mg/m3 Air Quality objective ( 0.2-0.4 mg/m3 - UK Ambient Air Quality Interactive Map.

Building Information - All Buildings Within Distance of 5Um. 5Um= 11.09 m

Buildings further away than 5Um not included in this assessment
Building Height Width `K' `T'
(m) (m) (m) (m)
Crematory Building 7.80 30.00 7.8 19.5
0.0 0.0
0.0 0.0
0.0 0.0
0.0 0.0
0.0 0.0
0.0 0.0
0.0 0.0
Hm: 7.8 Tm: 19.50

Pollution Index (m3/s) 365
Heat Released at Discharge Stack (MW) 0.07
Coefficient `a' -0.895
Coefficient `b' 0.484
Uncorrected Discharge Stack Height for Bouyancy, Ub (m) 2.22
Minimum Value of Ub (m) 1.19
Selected Value of Ub (m) 2.22
Discharge Momentum, M 5.96
Coefficient `x' -2.90
Coefficient `y' 5.42
Coefficient `z' -2.43
log10Um 0.48
Uncorrected Discharge Stack Height for Momentum, Um (m) 3.01
Minimum Value of Um (m) 1.45
Selected Value of Um (m) 3.01
Uncorrected Chimney Height, U (m) 2.22
Coefficient `A' 1.357
Final Discharge Height (m) 10.0

Calculation procedure taken from `Technical Guidance Note D1 - Guidelines on Discharge Stack Heights
for Polluting Emissions' June 1993, issued by the Environment Agency.
Breckland Crematorium

Physical Parameters
At stack conditions
Parameter Value Notes
Exhaust Gas Volume Flow Rate, @T (m3/s) 1.15
Stack Inside Diameter, D (m) 0.35 Flow data from Perth Crematorium (H2
Gas Discharge Velocity, V (m/s) 11.93 Run).
Discharge Gas Temperature, T (K) 404

Pollutant Data Emission Guideline Backgrd Pollution

At reference conditions Rate Concs Concs Index
Compound (g/s) (mg/m3) (mg/m3) (m3/s) Guideline Concentration Notes Background Concentration Notes
Particulate Matter 0.01437 0.05 0.017 436 50µg/m3 Air Quality objective ( 13-17µg/m3 - UK Ambient Air Quality Interactive Map.
Hydrogen Chloride 0.02156 0.750 0.00 29 750µg/m3 Hourly limit ( Assumed zero.
Mercury 0.00004 0.0075 0.0000003 5 7.5µg/m3 Hourly limit ( 3ng/m3 Air Pollution in the UK 2015.
VOC 0.01437 0.195 0.00005 74 195µg/m3 Hourly limit as Benzene ( <0.5 µg/m3 - UK Ambient Air Quality Interactive Map.
Carbon Monoxide 0.07186 10.0 0.4 7 10mg/m3 Air Quality objective ( 0.2-0.4 mg/m3 - UK Ambient Air Quality Interactive Map.

Building Information - All Buildings Within Distance of 5Um. 5Um= 11.11 m

Buildings further away than 5Um not included in this assessment
Building Height Width `K' `T'
(m) (m) (m) (m)
Crematory Building 7.80 30.00 7.8 19.5
0.0 0.0
0.0 0.0
0.0 0.0
0.0 0.0
0.0 0.0
0.0 0.0
0.0 0.0
Hm: 7.8 Tm: 19.50

Pollution Index (m3/s) 436
Heat Released at Discharge Stack (MW) 0.12
Coefficient `a' -0.934
Coefficient `b' 0.485
Uncorrected Discharge Stack Height for Bouyancy, Ub (m) 2.22
Minimum Value of Ub (m) 1.30
Selected Value of Ub (m) 2.22
Discharge Momentum, M 9.59
Coefficient `x' -2.72
Coefficient `y' 5.29
Coefficient `z' -3.93
log10Um 0.45
Uncorrected Discharge Stack Height for Momentum, Um (m) 2.81
Minimum Value of Um (m) 1.69
Selected Value of Um (m) 2.81
Uncorrected Chimney Height, U (m) 2.22
Coefficient `A' 1.265
Final Discharge Height (m) 9.8

Calculation procedure taken from `Technical Guidance Note D1 - Guidelines on Discharge Stack Heights
for Polluting Emissions' June 1993, issued by the Environment Agency.

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