01 Types of Primary Research

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Primary Research

Please find below a summary of the main points of different types of primary research.

Research method Advantages Disadvantages

Interviews May be conducted face to face or over the May be expensive. Open to
telephone. Interviewer can ask follow-up researcher bias. Unless standard
questions. Useful for obtaining in-depth or questions are asked it is difficult
qualitative information. to analyse or compare responses.
Questionnaires Can be used in conjunction with interviews or Postal questionnaires are cheap
sent through the post. Standard questions are but may get low response.
easier to analyse and compare. Can avoid
questioner bias.
Observation Suitable for surveying people’s behavior Can be expensive. Open to bias if
the observation is carried out at
an unrepresentative time.
Experiments Suitable for testing public opinion or trying a Expensive. Experiment must be
new product carried out on a sample
representative of the target
Focus Group Can be used for obtaining valuable feedback Panel may not be representative
on a business’s products and customer of all target consumers.
service. Usually inexpensive.

The following products require some primary research. Decide which type of research would be the
most appropriate to use and why.

a) The possible success of a new chocolate bar


b) Whether to introduce a new style of watch which uses fashionable bright colours


c) Whether to extend an existing taxi service to cover a new town


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