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Sr. No. Topics Pg. No.

Chapter 1 Introduction

1.1 Selection of the Topic

1.2 Objective of the Study
1.3 Research Methodology
1.4 Scope of the Study
1.5 Limitations of the Study
1.6 Executive Summary

Chapter 2 Profile of the Organization

2.1 History of the Organization
2.2 Services

Chapter 3 Analysis of the Data

3.1 Data Analysis of Pune City.
3.2 Data Analysis of Different Places of Pune City.
3.3 Observations and Findings

Chapter 4 Conclusion

Chapter 5 Suggestions & Questionnaire

5.1 Suggestions
5.2 Questionnaire

Chapter 6 Bibliography
Chapter No. 1
1.1 Introduction

Now a days Digital Marketing outreach is one of the best ways to

form new relationships, increase management, Moving Sales and get more eyes
on our content. Executing a successful outreach can be difficult, tedious and
even frustrating sometimes. But the results you can get from it make your
efforts more than worth it.
The project title “Moving Sales with Trajectory Based Mobile
Advertising” was undertaken at the Digital Identity Architecture, Pune. The
major focus of the project is the process of using social networks like
Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and LinkedIn to raise awareness for our brand,
content or to build new relationships and increasing Sales.
Unfortunately some marketers use Digital Marketing outreach as an opportunity
to spam influencers. Instead of trying to build genuine, mutually beneficial
relationships, they make it transactional. Sending dozens or hundreds of direct
messages to people you’ve never interact with and asking them to share your
blog posts isn’t outreach. Its spam.
Thus, this project helps to show that you have to do trajectory
based mobile advertising outreach without spamming and annoying our
1.2 Company Profile
1.2.1 History of the Organization

We as humans carry a very basic function of desire in order to

satisfy our instincts. One of such is a natural instinct, which makes room for the
desire of feeding yourself. In the modern times, we obviously don't just eat
home cooked food. We like to try all the different tastes other hands can give
birth to. This, in turn, gave rise to the present era where there is an entire
industry catering to these modern desires of being serviced, along with the
inherent desire of feeding oneself.

This industry has been refining its procedures in management of these

instincts, though what is missed is a whole new approach to running a food
service which is brought forward by D I A. And that is because despite having a
great Menu & a well-established brick & Mortar, 60% of food businesses don't
make it through the first year & another 80% of them do not make it through the
first 5 years of operation.

This is a very massive issue which is looked on to and researched

extensively, intensively & comprehensively by D I A. D I A is in the momentum
to inherently change the statistics of how food services can see a whole new
world of optimism in terms of sustaining their operations by streamlining their
customer flow & revenue management through the instruments that are offered.

1. Premium Website Building
We know how people behave online and how to cater their immediate needs.
Thus, introducing an advertising and marketing approach to designing,
creating, updating and maintaining your website that simply matches your
Standards and Brand Identity. With this approach, you get a beautiful &
functional website which drives footfalls, orders, and revenue to name a few.
And you get this set up for free!

2. Crafting your Brand and Corporate Visual Identity

Along with Establishing a Visual Identity, Branding is a very powerful tool to
connect with your customers and turn them into loyal guests. There's so much
more that can be achieved by leveraging on that Branding using online social
platforms and portals to make the most of your brand value and increase
exposure and revenue significantly.

3. Social media management, content marketing, and campaign design.

A comprehensive & tailored Digital Marketing package designed and
developed specifically for Hospitality & Foodservice by Digital Identity
Architect that helps you get a strong and a vast customer base which you can
always rely on for years of your operation.

4. Tailored influencer marketing

Digital Identity Architect creates and establishes a network of all food
bloggers and enthusiasts who maintain their blogs and other social media sites
to spread the word and enhance your brand awareness through these
individuals who are closest to and most loved by the general audience.

1. 57% of users say they won’t recommend a business with a poorly-
designed mobile site.
Because Responsive Websites is our main feature, they have exactly the same
experience across all devices and share the same backend. A responsive
website automatically changes to fit the device you're reading it on.

2. Mobile Responsive
A responsive website automatically changes to fit the device you're reading it
on. In today's world, 70% of your users will be accessing the website through
their smartphone.

3. One Click Reservation

Users are in rush. They should be able to make a reservation in minimum
steps and on the run.

4. One-Touch Call
As most of your visitors will be mobile visitors, Call Now button (click-to-
call) will be placed at the bottom of the screen which will only be visible to
your mobile visitors. No more complicated copy-and-pasting or memorizing
the phone number!

5. Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Search Engine Optimization helps your website rank higher in Google, Bing,
and Yahoo. We do hard work at the backend, you see the result in revenue.

6. One-Click Navigation
Just a single click to open Google Maps and navigate to your venue on all
7. Integration with Delivery Partners
One-Touch access to delivery executives through our delivery partners on
receiving an online order.

8. Automatic Open/Close Online Shop

We integrate your shop timings with your online shop. The online shop gets
automatically closed 30 minutes prior to your offline shop. Going on a
holiday? Tell us 3 days in advance and we will keep your shop closed at the
specified time.

9. Online Ordering
Zomato and Swiggy show your shop along with thousands of other
competitors. On your website, you will get your own online ordering system
without any competition.

10.Integration with Partners Payment Gateway

Payment gateways are important to accept orders online. D I A makes it
simple to integrate your website with our partner's payment gateway*. With
payment gateway, users will be able to pay through Credit Cards, Debit Cards,
Net Banking Wallets, and UPI.

11. Newsletter Sign-Up

A newsletter is a powerful tool used for communicating with your customers.
Use of newsletters leads to increase in brand reliability and credibility. Easy
delivery through mail allows your customers to know about your newly
launched offerings and increase sales.

12. Lead Capture

Want to capture your customer's email address to send them personalized
offers? D I A helps you convert a one-time visitor to the loyal customer with
lead capture.

13. Analytics
With Analytics you get to know how many users visited your website, the
traffic source, monthly sales etc. With this information, you can plan your
next move better and earn more revenue. D I A provides analytics inside the
dashboard as well as send you complete analytics every month.

14. Clean Look

Your website is the digital storefront of your business. According to research
published by Blue Corona, 48% of people determine the credibility of a
business by its website design. And the research is clear: Clean and simple
designs are better.

15. Simple Backend Dashboard

No complicated options to play with. The dashboard D I A provide is simple
to use without any complicated options. The backend will have only those
options which are of the most important to you.

16. Clean Gallery

Photos play an important role in attracting new users. On the other hand, too
many images slow down your website. With D I A, you will be able to
showcase your business in a clean way without hampering your website load

17. Gift Cards

D I A also makes it easy for customers to buy and redeem digital gift cards.
Gift cards have been the single most requested item on holiday wish-lists.
Customers get the option to gift the card directly by entering their loved one's
email address. also makes it easy for customers to buy and redeem digital gift
cards. Gift cards have been the single most requested item on holiday wish-
lists. Customers get the option to gift the card directly by entering their loved
one's email address.

18. Digital Discount Coupons

You can issue discount codes to your loyal customers or run an offer for all
your guests on Online Ordering using automates discount coupon codes.

19. Offers Pop-up

Pop-up message capture the attention of users. With D I A, you will be able to
offer coupons to your customer during holidays with a pop-up which will
ultimately increase your sell.

20. Ticketed Events

Planning an event at your restaurant? We make it simple for you to sell tickets
on your website along with your online ordering.

21. Accept Job Applications

You can announce a new job opening on your social media and users can
apply for it through your website. This diminishes the need for a third party
hiring agency.

22. POS Solutions (Coming Soon)

With POS solution, you will be able to manage both your online as well as
offline business from within the website.

23. One Call Team Of Experts

At D I A, we give ultimate importance to customer satisfaction. You will be
assigned a personal assistant who will assist you with your problems.

24. Social Login

We make it very easy for your users to place an order on your website. With
Social Login they will be able to place orders with their social media
credentials without needing to create another new account.

1.3 Problem Statement

As per requirement of Master of Business Administration under
Kolhapur University, it is Mandatory for MBA students to undertake a project
so as to gain the practical exposure to theory learnt and to submit a project in
third semester. I have completed A Project Report on “Moving Sales with
Trajectory Based Mobile Advertising with special reference to Digital
Identity Architecture Pune” which has been completed in time span of two
months. Being MBA student only theoretical knowledge is not enough but
actual exposure to the market and process in the market can be gained by
working in the market, which is gained through summer project being part of

Hence the main object of the project, once you’ve decided why you
want to do outreach, you can move on to putting together a list of people to
connect and try to help enterprises improve their sales.
The project gives the live experience about the various aspects of
the management that is helpful from future point of view. The project provides
the opportunity to understand the trade, consumers or end user’s behavior very
closely and help to understand enterprise expectations as well as getting
knowledge of consumer expectations.

1.4 Scope of the Study and Objectives

Project is “Moving Sales with Trajectory Based Mobile
Advertising with Special Reference of Digital Identity Architect Pune.” of
the target market. It also consists of understanding of consumer behavior while
providing the services and monitoring for clients of DIA. This project aimed at
obtaining a better market share for clients of DIA who provide various services
in various departments to community.

It is a marketing research project to study the usage and attitude of

consumers towards their social presence and using their social presence to
improve enterprise sales. The project was conducted in Pune and in the form of
survey. Under this project the researcher had tried to find out both the consumer
preferences for various services.

The project is a very important tool to know about a consumer’s

attitude towards quality, easy availability, performance, technical support and
most important price. In services it is also important that whose influence is
very important while in a providing service decision.

The project also provides the essential information regarding the

consumers or end users area of their dissatisfaction and the area to focus, so as
to achieve the good market share. The project will enable the company in
improving the promotional activities to capture the good and huge market share.

While implementing promotional schemes it is very important that

to take proper feedback of these services end users and also other things. This
can be done by this project.

Objectives of the Study

1) To find out Digital marketing & branding & satisfaction of Digital
Identity Architect among their clients.

To find out acceptance level of clients of DIA among the consumers with
reference to competitors.

2) To know the demand of the services and identification of market


3) Analysis of Technical Support Awareness among the consumers.

4) Collecting suggestions to promote brand awareness.

5) To improve percentage of return visitors.

6) To improve conversion rate.

7) To increase organic traffic volume.

1.5 Significance of Study

In today’s technology driven world, a new fast paced digital

economy is emerging. In the near future, it wouldn’t be surprising to
see that there are companies that exist only inside computer networks.
Most business transactions will be made electronically, directly from
the producer to the consumer, bypassing the supply chain. In the
digital marketing environment, the consumer becomes an integral
player in the development of the product. It is e-commerce that is
changing the way products and services are conceived, manufactured,
promoted, priced, distributed and sold. There was a time when
Television was the most popular medium for Marketer to promote,
spread awareness and generate leads for their products but now the
trend has changed and Digital media has taken its place. Main reason
for this change was
 Traditional methods are expensive. Compared to digital
marketing channels, you could end up spending thousands of
dollars more.
 Traditional marketing channels fail to provide instant feedback
and reports about who saw or heard an ad, and acted. This data
is collected long after the initial ad impression is made (and still
then, the statistics are far from exact numbers).
 Digital marketing, on the other hand, refers to marketing
methods that allow organizations to see how a campaign is
performing in real-time, such as what is being viewed, how
often, how long, as well as other statistics such as sales

1.6 Conceptual Framework

Integrated Marketing Communication
“It is the coordination and integration of all marketing communication
tools, avenues, and sources within a company into a seamless program that
maximizes the impact on consumer and other end users at a minimal cost.”
Generally marketing starts from “Marketing Mix”. Promotion is one element of
Marketing Mix. Promotional activities include Advertising (by using different
medium), sales promotion (sales and trades promotion), and personal selling
activities. It also includes internet marketing, sponsorship marketing, direct
marketing, database marketing and public relations. And integration of all these
promotional tools along with other components of marketing mix to gain edge
over competitor is called Integrated Marketing Communication. There are other
levels of integration such as Horizontal, Vertical, Internal, External and Data
integration. Here is how they help to strengthen Integrated Communication.

Forms of online marketing

 Display advertising
Display advertising conveys its advertising message visually using text, logos,
animations, videos, photographs, or other graphics. Display advertisers
frequently target users with particular traits to increase the ads' effect. Online
advertisers (typically, through their ad servers) often use cookies, which are
unique identifiers of specific computers, to decide which ads to serve to a
particular consumer.
Cookies can track whether a user left a page without buying anything, so the
advertiser can later retarget the user with ads from the site the user visited.

 Web banner advertising

Web banners or banner ads typically are graphical ads displayed within a web
page. Many banner ads are delivered by a central ad server. Banner ads can use
rich media to incorporate video, audio, animations, buttons, forms, or other
interactive elements using Java applets, HTML5, Adobe Flash, and other

 Frame ad (traditional banner)

Frame ads were the first form of web banners. The colloquial usage of "banner
ads" often refers to traditional frame ads. Website publishers incorporate frame
ads by setting aside a particular space on the web page. The Interactive
Advertising Bureau's Ad Unit Guidelines proposes standardized pixel
dimensions for ad units.

 Pop-ups/pop-under
A pop-up ad is displayed in a new web browser window that opens above a
website visitor's initial browser window. A pop-under ad opens a new browser
window under a website visitor's initial browser window.

 Floating ad
A floating ad, or overlay ad, is a type of rich media advertisement that appears
superimposed over the requested website's content. Floating ads may disappear
or become less obtrusive after a preset time period.

 Expanding ad
An expanding ad is a rich media frame ad that changes dimensions upon a
predefined condition, such as a preset amount of time a visitor spends on a
webpage, the user's click on the ad, or the user's mouse movement over the ad.
Expanding ads allow advertisers to fit more information into a restricted ad

 Trick banners
A trick banner is a banner ad where the ad copy imitates some screen element
users commonly encounter, such as an operating system message or popular
application message, to induce ad clicks. Trick banners typically do not mention
the advertiser in the initial ad, and thus they are a form of bait-and-switch. Trick
banners commonly attract a higher-than-average click-through rate, but tricked
users may resent the advertiser for deceiving them.

 Interstitial ads
An interstitial ad displays before a user can access requested content, sometimes
while the user is waiting for the content to load. Interstitial ads are a form of
interruption marketing.

 Text ads
A text ad displays text-based hyperlinks. Text-based ads may display separately
from a web page's primary content, or they can be embedded by hyperlink
individual words or phrases to advertiser's websites. Text ads may also be
delivered through email marketing or text message marketing. Text-based ads
often render faster than graphical ads and can be harder for ad-blocking
software to block.

 Search Engine Marketing (SEM)

Search Engine Marketing, or SEM, is designed to increase a website's visibility
in search engine results pages (SERPs). Search engines provide sponsored
results and organic (non-sponsored) results based on a web searcher's query.
Search engines often employ visual cues to differentiate sponsored results from
organic results. Search engine marketing includes all of an advertiser's actions
to make a website's listing more prominent for topical keywords.

 Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Search Engine Optimization, or SEO, attempts to improve a website's organic
search rankings in SERPs by increasing the website content's relevance to
search terms. Search engines regularly update their algorithms to penalize poor
quality sites that try to game their rankings, making optimization a moving
target for advertisers. Many vendors offer SEO services.

 Sponsored search
Sponsored search (also called sponsored links, search ads, sponsored listings
based on a combination of bid price, expected click-through
rate, keyword relevancy and site quality.

 Social media marketing

Social media marketing is commercial promotion conducted through social
media websites. Many companies promote their products by posting frequent
updates and providing special offers through their social media profiles.

 Mobile Advertising
Mobile advertising is ad copy delivered through wireless mobile devices such as
smartphones, feature phones, or tablet computers. Mobile advertising may take
the form of static or rich media display ads, SMS (Short Message Service) or
MMS (Multimedia Messaging Service) ads, mobile search ads, advertising
within mobile websites, or ads within mobile applications or games (such as
interstitial ads, “advergaming,” or application sponsorship). Industry groups
such as the Mobile Marketing Association have attempted to standardize mobile
ad unit specifications, similar to the IAB's efforts for general online advertising.
Mobile advertising is growing rapidly for several reasons. There are more
mobile devices in the field, connectivity speeds have improved (which, among
other things, allows for richer media ads to be served quickly), screen
resolutions have advanced, mobile publishers are becoming more sophisticated
about incorporating ads, and consumers are using mobile devices more
extensively. The Interactive Advertising Bureau predicts continued growth in
mobile advertising with the adoption of location-based targeting and other
technological features not available or relevant on personal computers. In July
2014 Facebook reported advertising revenue for the June 2014 quarter of $2.68
billion, an increase of 67 per cent over
the second quarter of 2013. Of that, mobile advertising revenue accounted for
around 62 per cent, an increase of 41 per cent on the previous year.

 Email Advertising
Email advertising is ad copy comprising an entire email or a portion of an email
message. Email marketing may be unsolicited, in which case the sender may
give the recipient an option to opt-out of future emails, or it may be sent with
the recipient's prior consent (opt-in).

 Chat advertising
As opposed to static messaging, chat advertising refers to real time messages
dropped to users on certain sites. This is done by the usage of live chat software
or tracking applications installed within certain websites with the operating
personnel behind the site often dropping adverts on the traffic surfing around
the sites. In reality this is a subset of the email advertising but different because
of its time window.
 Online classified advertising
Online classified advertising is advertising posted online in a categorical listing
of specific products or services. Examples include online job boards, online real
estate listings, automotive listings, online yellow pages, and online auction-
based listings. Craigslist and eBay are two prominent providers of online
classified listings.

 Adware
Adware is software that, once installed, automatically displays advertisements
on a user's computer. The ads may appear in the software itself, integrated into
web pages visited by the user, or in pop-ups/pop-unders. Adware installed
without the user's permission is a type of malware.
 Affiliate Marketing
Affiliate marketing (sometimes called lead generation) occurs when advertisers
organize third parties to generate potential customers for them. Third-party
affiliates receive payment based on sales generated through their promotion.
Chapter No. 2

The massive Indian market is changing fast. Internet access is mainstreaming

among professionals and the use of mobile is intensifying. The pace of change
continues to be rapid with digital channels constantly growing in volume and
strength. More people spend more time online in India every year, and the
digital tools and sites they use play an ever-growing role in their lives. Smart
marketers keep on top of the scale of change and ensure their marketing
strategies and touch points mirror where the consumer is spending their time.
These notes give a sense of the scale of change we’ve seen so far and implies
the scale of what is coming.

The massive Indian market is changing fast. Internet access is mainstreaming

among professionals and the use of mobile is intensifying. The pace of change
continues to be rapid with digital channels constantly growing in volume and
strength. More people spend more time online in India every year, and the
digital tools and sites they use play an ever-growing role in their lives. Now
Indian consumer is spending more time on social media and internet surfing.
Thus the visibility of any product is more through digital medium than
traditional marketing techniques. Digital marketing main growth comes from
social media, people nowadays spend their time on social media and that is a
plus point for marketing, there are more than 82 million monthly active users
for Facebook and in India it is expected that the nation will have the world‟s
largest Facebook population by 2017. Day by day growing Digital Market in
India is an evident that the Digitization is taking place with a high speed. E-
commerce website are providing all the goods and services through online
portals online today. The increasing number of ecommerce websites. This paper
is an attempt to study the growth trend of digital marketing in India.

-Growth of Online Marketing in India- A Study

(IJRMBS 2017)

In the past few years, the internet and e-commerce business activities have
become one of the fastest growing technologies that playing a significant role in
the daily life of human being. Today, E- marketing is one of the most emerging
technology in IT and E-Commerce sector. E-marketing is also referred to as
Internet marketing (IM), online marketing or web-marketing, means using the
internet to market and sell goods and services. E- Marketing helps to find out
the right audience to whom goods and services are to be provided by the
business organizations. It consists of all processes and activities with the
purposes of attracting, finding, winning and retaining customers. The scope of
E- Marketing is deemed to be broad in scope it does not only use to promote
marketing over the internet but also helps in marketing as well through e-mail
and wireless media. Here we analyzed to find out the opportunities and
challenges of Internet marketing in India.


(IJSTM 2015)

Online Marketing is quickly evolving in front of our eyes and it is almost

impossible to reject and hide from this new form of media. “This shift in
consumer influence indicates a need and an opportunity for companies to
reprioritize the mix of communication channels they use to reach their
consumers”. The study discusses the attitude of teens towards brand selection
due to Online Marketing comprising apparel market in India. The study is
exploratory in nature. The research uses content analysis to conduct the
This research is divided in three parts to understand The Impact of Online
Marketing on Brand Selection by Teenagers.
1) Strategy behind Online Marketing to Teenagers.
2) Role of Online Marketing on Teenagers in Brand Selection.
3) Benefits and worries of Online Marketing on Teenagers


(IJSSM 2016)

This paper deals the conceptual knowledge of online marketing or ecommerce,

literature review, current and future aspects of e-commerce in Indian context.
This paper discussed about the top motivator factors of shopping online. The
present development would be a valuable addition to researcher and
academicians; and useful theory for practitioners, advertisers, and


(AIJMSSR 2016)

Digital marketing is the avenue of electronic communication which is used by

the marketers to endorse the goods and the services towards the marketplace.
The supreme purpose of the digital marketing is concerned with consumers and
allows the customers to intermingle with the product by virtue of digital media.
This editorial concentrates on the magnitude of digital promotion for both
customers and marketers. We scrutinize the result of digital marketing on the
base of firm’s sales. 100 respondents opinion are collected to get the clear
picture about the present study.
-A Study on Digital Marketing and its Impact

The web is now established in India as a mass market media channel for the
wealthy. Email has become a mass market media channel for office workers and
professional classes, but the use is more fractured than in Europe. The main
changes in internet access both at home and at work have happened in the last
five years and have seen the internet has become an essential part of office life.
The number of people with access continues to rise, but it is still only 5% of the
country. The time they spend online is rising too and the frequency of use is
rising: people who have access use it a lot and continue to use it more and more.

-Digital Strategy Consulting


This era of business is about innovative and technology-based products and

services, here technology and systems consist of one way and reverse journey,
which is visible when a bank launches a mobile app and at the same time other
company is involved in inventing new apps for banks and other simplified ways
of living life. The business world has witnessed the popularity of online
shopping industry and has also seen the emergence of e commerce in other areas
which has ultimately given rise to Digital Marketing. Digital is touching the
urban India in lot many aspects and still holds tremendous potential which can
multiply the opportunities for business enterprises. This paper is an attempt to
examine the aspect of Digital Marketing and tries to quantify the value and
space of need identification habit of a company, in order to examine the future
shape of the Digital Marketing in business world we have analyzed the trend
with which the Digital Marketing is occupying the space in market, this study
concludes two major industry specific Marketing Strategies with special
reference to Digital Marketing.
-Study of Trend in Digital Marketing and Evolution
of Digital Marketing Strategies
(IJESC 2016)

It cannot be denied that the world is rapidly shifting from analogue to digital.
People are consuming more and more digital content on a daily basis and
companies that have not yet recognized this in their marketing strategies need to
adapt fast. More people spend more time online in India every year, and the
digital tools and sites they use play an ever-growing role in their lives. Smart
marketers keep on top of the scale of change and ensure their marketing
strategies and their touch point mirrors where the consumer is spending their
time. This paper begins with an introduction about Digital Marketing and it
further highlights the present trends in Digital Marketing in India and discusses
the necessity of using this strategy of marketing for the marketing of the product
and services.

-Digital Marketing: Necessity & Key Strategies

To Succeed in Current Era
(ICE 2014)

Digital marketing is the use of electronic media by the marketers to promote the
products or services into the market. It is now in a growing phase all over the
world. Digital Marketing is showing no signs of slowing down, currently
growing at an annual CAGR of 40 percent. Talking in relation to growth, as
businesses are increasingly becoming online in India, Digital Marketing is
poised for a brighter future. Digital Marketing has emerged as a more
economical and powerful medium of brand promotion. The objective of this
paper to study the future and scope of digital marketing.

-A Study on Future and Scope of Digital Marketing

(FGCN 2017)
Chapter No. 3

2.1 Research Design

Research design is nothing but the master plan for actual research.
It comprises a series of prior decisions. Master plan for a research is as follows
1) Questionnaire designing with the help of marketing manager
2) A discussion of the Questionnaire with the regional manager.
3) Allotting different area to different days for a research.
4) Conclusion.

2.2 Research Methodology

Method of Data Collection

1) Primary Data
2) Secondary Data

Primary Data

Data from primary sources collected through direct personal

interview of the consumers & Questionnaire fill up from the consumers. This
data has been collected on the basis of hit and trial method. All information of
the primary data is collected from the consumers.

Primary data helps in

I. To know consumers awareness about the services/brand.
II. To know about consumers perception about the
III. To know customers perception towards Digital Marketing
IV. To know how they are spending their platform while they
being online.

Secondary Data

Secondary data analysis of information that is already in existence,

have been collected for another purpose. It prior research report was collected
from DIA Pune through internet for reference. The secondary was mainly
collected through internet method is adopted for actual facts about the history of
the organization. The most of the secondary sources of information were from
the official website of DIA and other websites related with services.

2.3 Type of Research

The type of research used in this project study is “Descriptive

research”. Descriptive research aims at fact findings and more often is based on
surveys. The purpose is to describe the present state of affairs of the topic of
study. Here I have tried to find out the current status of clients of DIA Services
into the Pune market.
2.4 Type of Research

The type of research used in this project study is “Descriptive

research”. Descriptive research aims at fact findings and more often is based on
surveys. The purpose is to describe the present state of affairs of the topic of
study. Here I have tried to find out the current status of clients of DIA Services
into the Pune market.
Data Analysis and Interpretation of the Data

4.1 Data Analysis.

The word Analysis means the process of breaking down a complex

set of facts into simple element while interpretation stands for the explanations
which analyzed the statements and also make out or bring out the meaning of
creative work.

We thought to change your weekend after have restless weekdays

calls us to book an appointment with us our team will be there to provide you
the services

4.2 Digital Marketing

Digital Marketing (also Online Marketing, Internet Marketing or
Web Marketing) is a collective name for marketing activity carried out online,
as opposed to traditional marketing through print media, live promotions, tv and
radio advertisement.
The rapid growth of Digital Marketing Industry is a direct consequence of the
global phenomenon that is the Internet, and effectiveness of Digital Marketing
channels in generating revenue and awareness. Compared to traditional
methods of advertising, Digital Marketing offers rather realistic costs
(particularly important for small- and medium-size businesses and start-ups),
accurate targeting and excellent report

1. SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

Search engine optimization (SEO) is the process of affecting the

visibility of a website or a web page in a search engine's "natural" or un-
paid ("organic") search results. SEO may target different kinds of search,
including image search, local search, video search, academic search,
news search and industry-specific vertical search engines.
As an Internet marketing strategy, SEO considers how search engines
work, what people search for, the actual search terms or keywords typed
into search engines and which search engines are preferred by their
targeted audience. Optimizing a website may involve editing its content,
HTML and associated coding to both increase its relevance to specific
keywords and to remove barriers to the indexing activities of search
engines. Promoting a site to increase the number of back links, or
inbound links, social book marking, directory submission is another SEO
2. SEM (Search Engine Marketing)

Search engine marketing (SEM) is a form of Internet marketing that

involves the promotion of websites by increasing their visibility in search
engine results pages (SERPs) through optimization and advertising.] SEM
may use search engine optimization (SEO), which adjusts or rewrites
website content to achieve a higher ranking in search engine results pages,
or use pay per click listings.

3. SMM (Social Media Marketing)

Social media marketing is the process of gaining website traffic or

attention through social media sites.
Social media marketing programs usually center on efforts to create
content that attracts attention and encourages readers to share it across
their social networks. The resulting electronic word of mouth refers to
any statement consumers share via the Internet (e.g., web sites, social
networks, instant messages, news feeds) about an event, product, service,
brand or company. When the underlying message spreads from user to
user and presumably resonates because it appears to come from a trusted,
third-party source, as opposed to the brand or company itself, this form of
marketing results in earned media rather than paid media.

Facebook Marketing
Facebook is the world's most popular social network for both
businesses and individuals. With over one billion users, your friends and
fans are likely already using the platform -- and you should be too!
In fact, people are 51% more likely to make a purchase after "liking" a
brand on Facebook. Face book marketing requires a good intellects and
unique thinking to make the campaign effective.
Instagram, the new revolutionary photo-sharing program, making it
easier than ever to share your best pictures with the world. The social media
program allows you to upload, add digital filters, and then post your pictures on
your Instagram-feed, as well as other social networking sites. You can connect
your Instagram account with Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, Flickr, Foursquare and
your email account. This makes it easy to share your pictures on multiple
platforms all at once.
Twitter marketing (A game of 140 characters)

Twitter’s flexible, real-time platform allows you to get creative and drive
results at the same time. Whether you’re looking to drive sales, increase brand
awareness or launch a product. Twitter marketing is not much popular than face
book but still it has an impact on audience.


LinkedIn is the world's largest social network for professionals. With over
161 million registered users in more than 200 countries, more than two million
companies have created LinkedIn Company Pages to vie for their attention. If
you are in B2B business this platform is very useful for you to connect with
companies’ directors and marketing person.

4.3 Trajectories for creating customer engagement for Improving Sales

A hashtag is any word beginning with the # sign. People use hashtags to
organize conversations around a specific topic. Clicking on a hashtag takes you
to search results for that term.

Sometimes you want to bring a Tweet to someone’s attention, but you still
want all of your followers to see the message. So instead of a reply, use a
mention. Include the @username of whomever you want to mention in your
Tweet, and it will appear in the Mentions section (in the Connect tab). All
@username mentions are clickable and link back to the mentioned individual’s

You can respond to a Tweet by hitting the reply button. When you reply,
your response is public, and will show up in your home timeline and the
timeline of the person to whom you are responding. The reply will also be
visible in the home timelines of people who follow both you and the person
to whom you sent the reply. Meaning, someone not in the conversation has
to follow both of the people replying to be able to read both sides of the

You can pass along someone’s Tweet by retweeting it. Just hit the retweet
button to send the original message to all of your followers.

Twitter’s link- shortening feature allows you to paste a link of any length
into the Tweet box and it will automatically be shortened to 19 characters. This
makes it easier to fit long URLs into the 140-character limit.

You can favorite the tweet for future reference. This is just like an
archiving something that’s really interesting to you.

7. DM (direct message)
You can send private messages to someone, just like an email. For DM,
sender and receiver should be following each other.
4.4 Conclusion
 It is evident from the study that Social Networking Sites
benefits the growth of hotels in Pune based on the responses
the benefits include that it increases the product/service
awareness among customers.
 Through Social Networking Sites the hotel awareness has
identified that it improves customer relation, built more
business connection and social networking sites since act as
connection between business owners and consumers.
 Through research it is found that marketing strategy through
Social Networking Sites is relatively efficient and it reduce
money spend on advisements i. e. it is cost effective also.
 Hotel using Social Networking Sites for advertisements and
promotion have a competitive advantage over other unions
traditional methods of marketing as the Social Networking
Sites is cost effective way and it also help them to capture
large customers.
 The most common marketing tool used by Social
Networking Sites for Hotel growth includes wall posting &
photo gallery of Hotel displayed on the Social Networking
 It is evident from the result Social Networking Sites trigger
the Hotel industry growth in Pune region.
 Customers demographic significantly impacts the benefits of
Social networking Sites for Hotel business.
 Hotel Industries uses promotional tools like video, Photo and
Gallery for enhancing visibility in Social Networking Sites.
4.5 Recommendations
 It would be wise not to underestimate the costs associated with
marketing on social media. Though the potential to reach a wide
audience is both immediate and as simple as opening a
Facebook account it should not be undertaken lightly.
 A serious point to be remembered is the potential for damage to
the brand going viral across the internet. Repairing this damage
could cost considerable money and effort.
 Sufficiently qualified staff would need to be hired plus the costs
associated with training other staff using the company accounts
would need to be factored in. These costs are beyond the
purview of this report and further research in this area is highly

4.6 Limitations of the Project

1) Time Duration
The time duration for conducting the research was very short
Due to this one could not do justice to the Market Survey.

2) Reliability of the Data

The data collected from the consumers through survey may not be
100% reliable and accurate. Sometime consumers provide fake information like
gives services regularly. You found out some fake information from consumers
by checking their services personally.

3) Response from interviewer

Some of the respondents were hesitant to provide proper
information or to entertain such personal activity. Consumers especially from
industrial area were hesitant because of company’s policy not to provide
confidential information to the outsider.
Chapter No. 6
1. Reference Books
a. Digital Marketing: Strategy, Implementation & Practice
-Dave Chaffey & Fiona Ellis Chadwick
b. The Social Media Bible: Tactics, Tools and Strategies for Business
-Leo Safko
c. Marketing Management
- Philips Kotler & Kevin Lane Keller
d. Marketing Research
- Richard Berry.
2. Journals & brochures
i. International Journal in Research and Marketing
ii. Digital Marketing Services by HCL

1. Websites.

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