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Abstract Submission Guidelines and Specifications

 Abstract must be based on an original work that has not yet been published by any
journal nor presented at any symposium/conference/workshop or forum prior to the ICFA
 The abstract should follow the sample format shown below.
 Receipt of submitted abstracts will be acknowledged via email.
 Email your abstract to


[For multiple authors, please indicate who will present the paper at the conference]

Affiliation/s [institution/s]

Email Address [of paper presentor]


The Abstract must be typed using Times New Roman as the font style with a
font size of 11. The first sentence of each paragraph should be indented by ½ inch. Line
spacing should be 1.5 while page margin is 2.5 cm for top, bottom, left and right. The
Abstract must be written in English and shall be limited to one page [letter size sheet]
containing 300 words only.

Key words: [include at least 3 key words capturing the abstract or study]

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