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Dance of the Chakra’s

Dance of the Chakra’s – Intro

Male Vocal
We ask you to journey, with us to a place.
Deep through time, and far beyond space,
That we have come together to share,
A journey within, beyond all despair,
to the pulsating heart, of absolute truth,
to glimpse a sight of, the ultimate proof ,
A journey past, the universal edge,
To blisslight cosmos, we now pledge,

As we rise through worlds, all seven planes,

Like flickering fire, the dance of the flames,
Ascendin’ the ladder of consciousness now,
And right here in time, we’ll show you how,
To climb to the highest, of the high,
Beyond the earth, and beyond the sky,
To the planes of bliss and light,
To the space of transcendent flight...

Sounds of the universe come in here.

Singing bowl and gong ring out...

Male Voice
We ask you now, to journey with us,
To join us in, a dance of trust,
Add your own energy to the play,
The lila in the here right now, this day,

The time has arrived, the moment is now,
It’s the Dance of the Chakra’s, we’ll show you

Muladhara Chakra - The Root Chakra - Earth

Then the crescendo is drowned out by the drummers.

A TRIBAL RHYTHM BEGINS, and picks up pace.
Sound effects of rainforest, tribal voices, and other ‘earthy’

Male Voice
Let us descend, go deeper, to the earths depths,
As we journey downwards, seek to connect,
Journey back to roots, to the beginning,
and find that foundation, in which your sinking,
The rooted stability grounded secure,
Connection to the, earth mother pure.
As we awaken that connection, Here right now.
As we breathe the earth & we breathe the tao...

You are the earth...
You have begun,
You are the earth...
We are the one
You are the earth...
You have begun
You are the earth...
We are the One
(rpt this once)

The music now takes over...

Male Voice
Contact Connection Rootedness

Centred within deep awareness,
On this earth, On this plane,
Here right now, and fully sane,
As we stomp stamp, dance and rise,
Moving grooving, in shifts o’ time.
Spiral syncopated, to the beat,
Feel the rhythm pulse dancing in your feet...

You are the earth...
You have begun,
You are the earth...
We are the one
You are the earth...
You have begun
You are the earth...
We are the One
(rpt this once)
Become the trees, sink deep into earth,
Grown into rock, to the grains of our birth,
Burrow through layers, to the molten core...
To the pulsing centre, the mother’s roar,
Let’s dance the roots, out of which we grown
Dance our part in the play, mother nature has

You are the earth...
You have begun,
You are the earth...

We are the one
You are the earth...
You have begun
You are the earth...
We are the One
(rpt this once)

You’re the grass the ivy, the moss and the trees,
Plants and flowers, all varieties,
Sounds of the desert, rainforests of mind
Buddha fields silent, in the valleys of time,
Mountain stretching, reaching for sky,
Rooted to the earth, as you dream to fly,
You glimpse and see, the beauty of earth,
That sacred mother from who you birthed,

You are the earth...
You have begun,
You are the earth...
And we are the one
You are the earth...
You have begun
You are the earth...
We are the one....
(rpt this once)

Svadhisthana Chakra - The Sacral Chakra - Water

Sounds of water flowing, streams, rivers and oceans. Waves

crashing againt the shore.

That truth within, it is no sin

We touch and go beyond the skin
That truth within, here we begin,
Just touch and go beyond the skin

Male Voice

Wash upon the shore, of sensual being,

That truth within, that you are seeing,
That space within, that you are sensing,
To the centre creative, we are commencing,
That sacred space where we nurture the child,
The birth of a vision, the call of the wild.
Desire to create, you are now expressing,
Your body speaks, your truth undressing,

Awash in the glow, of sacred sensuality
Release your Goddess, say ‘This is Me’,
Release your God, say ‘I am He’...
Let GodGoddess know this I be,

Male Vocal Female Vocal

May it wash over you The tears and the

May it wash over you Laughter in the
May it wash over you The joy and the
May it wash over you Sacred lovers kiss...

Solo Vocal
The inner beauty needs no introduction,
Dancing within, pure and endless seduction,
Asking for truth, to be shared and expressed.
Tease out the real, to be slowly undressed,
In the turning lila, the play of form,
Within the flow, we dance new dawns,
As we’re flowing sensual, in silver seas,
In sacred waters, of reality...

Connect within, to that sacred lover

That lives in all, we here now discover
Sense it right now, you need no more proof,
Of that highest vision, of your own truth
Become the Goddess, of the shimmer moon...
Become the maiden, and dance her tune,
As we merge now with, the silver ghost...
We become the moon, our silent host....

Awash in the glow, of sacred sensuality
Release your Goddess, say ‘This is Me’,
Release your God, say ‘I am He’,
Let GodGoddess know this I be....

Male Vocal Female Vocal
May it wash over you The tears and the
May it wash over you Laughter in the
May it wash over you The joy and the
May it wash over you The sacred lovers

Male voice
Connect on in to the moon up high,
Silver goddess in the darkest sky,
Aglow in a sea, endless shadows black
Feel every cell, may there be no lack,
Open up to every sense you may feel
Hold it up look deep, glimpse the truly real,
If you feel joy, with that joy may you dance,
Feeling sadness release, tears in your trance...
Awash in the glow, of sacred sensuality
Release your Goddess, say ‘This is Me’,
Release your God, say ‘I am He’...
Let GodGoddess know this I be,

Male and Female Vocal

You are sacred sexuality
You are sacred sensuality
You are sacred sexuality
You are sacred sensuality
You are sacred sexuality

You are sacred sensuality....
(Singing repeats over and over)

That truth within, it is no sin

We touch and go beyond the skin
That truth within, here we begin,
Just touch and go beyond the skin

Manipura Chakra - Third Chakra – Solar Plexus – Fire

Solar glow through, the vastness of space,

The blazing jewel in her dwelling place,
Ascending the steps, to the skies of light,
Rise into the fire, flames dancing flight,
The home of a jewel of burning fire,
Your nature to rise, climb higher ‘n’ higher
Ruled by the sun, your power solarity,
The dance of flames, your true reality,
Ever shifting rising, in burnin’ radiance,
Pour the fire of life, right into this dance,

You are the light, you are the fire,
You rise n climb, growin higher and higher
You are the light, you are the fire,
You rise n climb, you are here to inspire...


Purify new life, with your cracklin burns,

Nourish in warmth, and spread joy in turns,
You are the dance, of vast destruction,
Bearing life, new dreams of reconstruction,
As you burn and you crackle, and you transmute
Cast into the fire, all that doesn’t compute,
All which no longer, serves you on your path,
All the old baggage, may it burn to the last,
All the memories who you used to be,
Let them burn on the altar fire and see

The altar in the chambers, in the depths of mind,
The wings of the phoenix, as they unwind,
You are vast power, in a body of light,
Through belief you manifest, and you incite
You acheive right now, right here you become,
A fire of love, you are the One
As you raise within you, the wisdom ancestral,
Rise in the now, to planes celestial.


You are the light, you are the fire,

You rise n climb, growin higher and higher
You are the light, you are the fire,
You rise n climb, you are here to inspire...

Male Voice
Right now you are, the desire for respect,
The need for authority, will to connect,
The anger spitting, flames of passion,
The boiling cauldron, of life’s rich fashion,
Burn away old masks, shadows of our self.
Purify and go beyond, the prisons of our wealth,
Step into the shimmer light, of dancing truth,
To the highest solar tone, past every known roof,

As right here now we rise

And right here now we riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiise
We riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiise



You are the light, you are the fire,

You rise n climb, growin higher and higher
You are the light, you are the fire,
You rise n climb, you are here to inspire...

As we call, in this second, with focused intent,

Solar mantra, to the universe, shall now be sent:


Anahata – Fourth Chakra – Heart - Air

Female Vocal

Male voice

Enter Anahata, the heart centre you have found,

The cave of love compassion, the unstruck sound,
In the pure potential, infinite resonance
Your element is air, your nature is to dance,
Expand into all space, you are that spaciousness,
You breathe, drawing life, from the oxygen caress
And as we now meet, in first contact,
Between spirit and matter, may your soul react...

Just trust, let your heart open wide,

Let love pour out like an endless tide,
Just trust, let your heart open wide,
Let love pour out like an endless tide,

The true living centre, of the chakra tree,

Breathe deep, feel the rise, trust this is me
Air flows into lungs, you open up your chest,
Stretch and expand, live now this ain’t a test,
Opening the heart, allow your beauty to outshine,
Through every cell of yours, is refracted Buddha

Open now the path of love, within you,
Immerse yourself in what, you know to be true...

Just trust, let your heart open wide,
Let love pour out like an endless tide,
Just trust, let your heart open wide,
Let love pour out like an endless tide,

As you feel the love spread, as it washes over

Feel the love now, being breathed right through
That boundless pure flow of rapture-bliss
Feel it pour out, know it is this,
Send it out to those you are with,
Know all you need do is simply give,
To the beautiful beings, you’re surrounded by,
Upon this earth, and beyond these skies...

Drop the mind, touch your heart,

Out of this centre, may we now start,
Not the mind, but the heart,
Know this space is where it all starts....

Like air you expand into all spaces,

Shift in all directions, glide in to all places
You are the breath inside the breath,
The loving touch of the goddess,
Heart of the universe, devotion divine,
Enchantment drunk, on the highest of wine,
You’re the here now jewel in the lotus leaf,

Just opening your heart, in true belief...

Just trust, let your heart open wide,
Let love pour out like an endless tide,
Just trust, let your heart open wide,
Let love pour out like an endless tide,

Drop the mind, touch your heart,

Out of this centre, may we now start,
Not the mind, but the heart,
Know this space is where it all starts....

Male Voice Female

And the sound to resound to open the heart is...

Male Vocal
Dwelling in the heart, in the centre place,
Resting into love, within embrace
To share your being, your self with another
That space of bliss, we here now discover...

We now move into a dance of male and female vocal,

riffing on ‘Anahata’, ‘Yang’, ‘Ananda Kanda’ and ‘space of
Female Vocal


Vishuddha Chakra - The Throat Chakra – Akash/Ether

Male Voice
May i salute in truth the voice,
From which my spirit speaks choice...
Yes i salute in truth the voice,
With which my spirit speaks choice...

Every idea, I conjure into being,

You know already, witness the seeing,
Giving truth voice, we translate and speak,
Ancient wisdom whispers, to all who seek,
We are the ancestors, in new disguises,
Behind every mask, One Light surprises,
Through powers of speech, your truth unfurls...
You’re the all singing hymn of the world...

Manifest your truth, on this earth plane,

State faith in words, incite world change
Thoughts grow and shape, in vistas of mind,
Words become belief, through which we find,
Belief transforming action, into effect,
Shape create reality, in every respect,
Every word you speak, & the silence
Is knowledge from the ancients, your past lives
are no dream...

May I salute in truth the voice,
From which my spirit speaks choice...

Yes i salute in truth the voice,
With which my spirit speaks choice...
May we salute in truth the voice,
From which our spirit speaks choice...
Yes we salute in truth the voice,
With which our spirit speaks choice...

Speak confident truth, at peace with your being
Thought turns to concept, mind perceiving,
Words that we share, with fellow souls,
From which the wisdom of the universe unfolds,
Reflected once more, back upon ourself,
Words become mirrors, of human wealth
Mirrors of each other, and all knowledge,
We die to be reborn, with a new pledge...

The realization point of One word,

We improvise, from what we heard,
In verbal grooves, of the freest form,
In sonic spirals, we dance the storm,
Of the chakra’s, we intuit, we re-mind,
We speak truth now, no longer back in time...
Riff on knowledge of the ancients,
Mix in our inner voice, to make new sense
May I salute in truth the voice,
From which my spirit speaks choice...
Yes i salute in truth the voice,
With which my spirit speaks choice...
May we salute in truth the voice,

From which our spirit speaks choice...
Yes we salute in truth the voice,
With which our spirit speaks choice...

The Ajna Chakra – Third Eye Chakra – The Supreme

Eye salute the higher consciousness states,

The transcendent, lightning mindjazz create
Symphonic synergies of blisses singing,
Third eye dials the universe, eternally ringing
As the call spirals us, way up sky high,
Into the Bliss fields, where we just fly,
Into the Buddha lounge, the place bar none,
That space where you encounter The One…

Now we ascend the spine towards divinity,

Yes we rise in time towards our sanctity,
As you shift and merge in melting union
Know your composed of a starlight profusion,
Players in the symphony, of our earth,
The ones whose dreams, become new births,
Are you ready now, for the moment of truth,
Transcension rising far, beyond this roof...

As we drift now into, the planes of blisslight,
The silver-gold planes, of bliss beyond sight.
As you pierce deep into the eye of three,
And state with knowing That Bliss Is Me...

From within we sense, the energy rising,

Just breathe on in, to third eye horizons,
Reign in the focus, to the eye of three,
In wisdom prisms, see refractions of thee,

Right on in through planes of mind,
Right on in until treasure you find,
Untouched by habits, unbound of all form,
Just floating free, this is the norm.

As we drift now into, the planes of blisslight,
The silver-gold planes, of bliss beyond sight.
As you pierce deep into the eye of three,
And state with knowing That Bliss Is Me...

You glimpse all time – past, present, future,

You’re a transdimensional time commuter,
Plugged into the info, super highway,
Online beyond time, on the galatic freeway,
Rising through the planes of blisslight,
Ascend into tran-scendent heights,
Know you are god, and the goddess,
Your true realised self, in universe caress,

Tripping skipping in movement-time

Casting aside all that me and mine…
As we come to rest, in the eyebrow space,
Sing the AUM that, takes us to the place,
Through the spiral wheels, that lead to samadhi,
To the realized state, of non-duality...
You are eternal sunshine, a mind divine,
You are enlightened, beyond all time

You are Ananda – Bliss, the cosmic kiss.

You are Ananda – Bliss, the cosmic kiss.

As you pierce deep into the eye of three,
And state with knowing That Bliss Is Me,
As you pierce deep into the eye of three,
And state with knowing That Bliss Is Me,

That is he
That is me
Don’t you see?
You are he
He is she
All is thee
In reality
He is Me
Me is she
And so you see
Who are we?
& what we be...
The bliss
What we be
The bliss


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