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 Sports can encourage a child to focus so intently on becoming a star

that the child neglects other essential areas of life.

 Sports offer the most common avenue to adolescent acclaim, a

fleeting journey that will end soon — and often abruptly.

 Sports can cause a child to fall into a pattern of rationalizing

unacceptable behavior. A good example is the athlete who becomes so
competitive that he/she will do anything to win, convincing
himself/herself that the ends justify the means.

 A few sports foster a culture of violence. Such a misguided culture

too often spills over into barbaric acts in and out of competition, and
also produces a copycat reaction among some impressionable young

 Sports can produce an unhealthy level of stress in a child, particularly

a child who is pushed to excel and who feels a failure with every loss.

 Sports can produce irrational, boorish behavior among parents and


 Sports can produce many athletes who are negative role models.

 Sports can produce many coaches who are negative role models.

 Sports can produce many parents who are negative role models,
especially those who overvalue athletic achievement.

 Sports, even team sports, can promote selfish behavior.

 Dreams of sports glory can induce some parents to completely lose
perspective of the really important things in their child’s life, especially
that the athlete is a child.

 Sports can chip away at a child’s self-esteem. A child who falls short
of athletic goals or who perceives that one is valued only for athletic
ability may lack a sense of value and self-worth off the field.

 The desire to win can lead some young athletes to turn to harmful,
illegal substances.

 Sports can be so time-consuming that it leaves some athletes with

little time for studies or social life.

 Sports can be a distraction from serious academic pursuit. At the

highest level of intercollegiate competition, colleges are producing
magnificent athletes who, in many cases, are ill-equipped to engage in
any meaningful life’s work.

 From blaming referees for poor calls to listening to those who say,
“you are being treated unfairly,” sports can be a haven for excuses.

 Sports can allow many who are physically gifted to behave like
arrogant bullies.

 Sports can allow many who are physically gifted to underestimate the
real meaning of hard work.

 The link between sports stardom and arrested development is far too

 The “trample the opponent” philosophy espoused by some coaches

and parents sends the wrong message about the core value of empathy.
 When sports are more important to the parent than the child, it can
create distance and resentment, particularly when a child’s
performance does not live up to parental hopes and expectations.

 Burnout or injuries from sports can lead to neglect of physical fitness.

 Finally, sports can teach a child that it is acceptable to cheat or take

short cuts to win, especially if coaches and parents turn a blind eye
toward such practices

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