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Words for essay writing

1. Battlefield : battleground; a place or situation of strife or conflict

2. Quagmire: swamp; an awkward, complex, or hazardous situation
3. Morale: confidence
4. Inculcate: instil (an idea, attitude, or habit) by persistent instruction
5. Esprit de corps: the common spirit existing in the members of a group and inspiring
enthusiasm, devotion, and strong regard for the honor of the group
6. Eulogise: praise highly in speech or writing
7. Proselytise: convert or attempt to convert (someone) from one religion, belief, or opinion
to another
8. Suffice: be enough or adequate.
9. Alacrity: brisk and cheerful readiness
10. Walking on thin ice: doing something risky which may have serious or unpleasant
11. A hornets’ nest: A situation fraught with difficulties or complications
12. Harness: Control and make use of (natural resources), especially to produce energy.
13. Impunity: Exemption from punishment or freedom from the injurious consequences of an
14. Embolden: to instill with boldness and courage
15. Desecration: to damage or show a lack of respect toward something holy or respected
16. Ferocious: savagely fierce, cruel, or violent
17. Raison d'être: the most important reason or purpose for someone or something's existence
18. Indigence: a state of extreme poverty; destitution
19. Squalor: the state of being extremely dirty and unpleasant, especially as a result of
poverty or neglect
20. Malignant: evil in nature or effect; malevolent.
21. Spawn: (of a fish, frog,crustacean, etc.) release or deposit eggs.
22. Ballooning effect: when attempts at dealing with a problem in one area simply moves that
problem to another area
23. Mushroom growth: a sudden development or expansion
24. Fashion into: to make, form, or convert something into something else
25. Champion the cause of: vigorously support or defend the cause of.
26. Lacuna: missing part
27. Grappling with: unsuccessful struggle with something
28. Highly likely: Such as well might happen or be true; probable
29. Closing in: Inching towards
30. Centripetal force: tending toward centralization
31. Wreak havoc: to cause great damage
32. Moderate: make or become less extreme, intense, rigorous, or violent
33. Multifaceted: having many different aspects or features
34. Hallmark: a distinctive feature
35. Melancholy: sad and pensive
36. Ambivalent: having mixed feelings or contradictory ideas about something or someone.
37. Veracity: conformity to facts; accuracy
38. Renounce: formally declare one's abandonment of (a claim, right, or possession)
39. Vanity: conceit
40. Conundrum: a confusing and difficult problem or question
41. Devour: destroy completely
42. Precarious: uncertain
43. Callous: cruel & unfeeling
44. Candid: truthful; straight forward; free from prejudice
45. Capricious: whimsical; changeable
46. Jeopardize: put at risk; endanger
47. Judicious: fair; wise
48. Manipulative: deceptive; skillful at handling people
49. Marred: spoiled; ruined
50. Coerce: compel; force
51. Dearth: shortage; lacking
52. Disparaging: critical
53. Virulent: extremely severe or harmful in its effects
54. Recalcitrant: not obedient
55. Redress: remedy or set right (an undesirable or unfair situation)
56. Ossify: cease developing; stagnate
57. Parley: discussions
58. Opine: express
59. Bleak: not hopeful or encouraging
60. Nefarious: infamous; very wicked
61. Obsequious: slavish; fawning
62. Pathos: sadness; stirring the emotions; gloomy
63. Paucity: scarcity; shortage
64. Overhaul: renovate; examine
65. Pragmatism: practicality
66. Encroach: trespass; violate
67. Exacerbate: make worse
68. Accentuate: make more noticeable or prominent
69. Flabbergast: shock; make speechless
70. Regressive: moving backwards
71. Scrutinize: examine carefully
72. Glutton: greedy
73. Holistic: whole; entire
74. Thwarted: prevented
75. Vulnerable: open to attack; susceptible
76. Wrath: anger
77. Indulgent: pampering; satisfying desires
78. Parity: equality
79. Profound: having deep meaning
80. Servile: overly submissive; groveling
81. Usurp: take someone's position (usually by force)
82. Fervor: passion; enthusiasm; zeal
83. Inept: incompetent; unskilled; useless
84. Inevitable: cannot be avoided
85. Meager: in short supply
86. Partisan: biased; one-sided; committed to one group
87. Elucidate: make clear
88. Red tape: formalities; paperwork; official procedure
89. Embezzle: defraud; steal
90. Jingoistic: extremely patriotic; nationalistic
91. At the helm: in control or incharge of organization

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