Technopreneurship - Ethics

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Initial Ethical and Legal Issues Facing a New Firm

1. Establishing a strong ethical culture
2. Choosing an attorney
3. Drafting a founder’s agreement
4. Avoiding legal disputes
5. Obtaining business licenses and permits
6. Choosing a form of business organization

A. Establishing a Strong Ethical Culture

• Lead By Example
- The most important thing that any entrepreneur, or team of entrepreneurs, can do to build a strong ethical
culture in their organization is to lead by example.
• Establish a Code of Conduct
- A code of conduct (or code of ethics) is a formal statement of an organization’s values on certain ethical
and social issues.
• Implement an Ethics Training Program
- Ethics training programs teach business ethics to help employees deal with ethical dilemmas and improve
their overall ethical conduct.
- An ethical dilemma is a situation that involves doing something that is beneficial to oneself or the
organization, but may be unethical.

Potential Payoffs for Establishing a Strong Ethical Culture

B. Choosing an Attorney for a Firm

 Select an Attorney Early
- It is important for an entrepreneur to select an attorney as early as possible when developing a business
- It is critically important that the attorney be familiar with startup issues.
 Intellectual Property
- For issues dealing with intellectual property (patents, trademarks, copyrights, and trade secrets) it is
essential to use an attorney who specializes in this field.

How to Select an Attorney

Contact the local bar association and ask for a list of attorneys who specialize in start-ups in your area.
1. Interview several attorneys.
2. Select an attorney who is familiar with the start-up process.
3. Select an attorney who can assist you in raising money for your new venture.
4. Make sure your attorney has a track record of completing his or her work on time.
5. Talk about fees.
6. Select an attorney that you think understands your business.

C. Draft a Founders’ Agreement

 Founders’ Agreement
- A founder’s agreement (or shareholders’ agreement) is a written document that deals with issues such as
1. the relative split of the equity among the founders of the firm,
2. how individual founders will be compensated for the cash or the “sweat equity” they put into the firm,
3. how long the founders will have to remain with the firm for their shares to fully vest.
- The items to include in the founders agreement are shown on the following slide.

Items to Include in a Founders’ Agreement

1. Nature of the prospective business.
2. A brief business plan.
3. Identity and proposed titles of the founders.
4. Legal form of business ownership.
5. Apportionment of stock.
6. Consideration paid for stock or ownership share of each of the founders.
7. Identification of any intellectual property signed over to the business.
8. Description of the initial operating capital.
9. Buyback clause.

D. Avoiding Legal Disputes

 Avoiding Legal Disputes
- Most legal disputes are the result of misunderstandings, sloppiness, or a simple lack of knowledge of the
law. Getting bogged down in legal disputes is something an entrepreneur should work hard to avoid.
- There are several steps that an entrepreneur can take to avoid legal disputes:
1. Meet all contractual obligations.
2. Avoid undercapitalization.
3. Get everything in writing.
4. Set standards.
- Although it’s tempting to try to show people you trust them by not insisting on written agreements, it’s not
a good practice.
- One of the simplest ways to avoid misunderstandings and ultimately legal disputes is to get everything in

E. Obtaining Business Licenses and Permits

 Business Licenses
- In most communities, a business needs a license to operate.
- If the business will be run out of the founder’s home, a separate home occupation business license is often
- If a business has employees, or is a corporation, limited liability company, or limited partnership, it will
usually need a state business license in addition to its local one.
- A narrow group of companies are required to have a federal business license, including investment
advising, drug manufacturing, and interstate trucking.
 Business Permits
- Along with obtaining the appropriate licenses, some businesses may need to obtain one or more permits.
- The need to obtain a permit depends on the nature and location of the business.
1. If you plan to sell food, you’ll need a city or county health permit.
2. If your business is open to the public, you may need a fire permit.
3. Some communities require businesses to obtain a license to put up a sign.
4. All businesses that plan to use a fictitious name need a fictitious business name permit.

F. Choosing a Form of Business Ownership

 When a business is launched, a form of legal entity must be chosen. The most common legal entities are…
- Sole Proprietorship
- Partnership
- Corporation
- Limited Liability Company

Issues to Consider in Choosing a Legal Form of Business Ownership

- The cost of setting up and maintaining the legal form
- The extent to which personal assets can be shielded from the liabilities of the business
- Tax considerations
- The number and types of investors

1. Sole Proprietorship
 Sole Proprietorship
- The simplest form of business entity is the sole proprietorship.
- A sole proprietorship is a form of business organization involving one person, and the person and the
business are essentially the same.
- A sole proprietorship is not a separate legal entity. The sole proprietor is responsible for all the
liabilities of the business, and this is a significant drawback.
- Advantages of a Sole Proprietorship
1. Creating one is easy and inexpensive.
2. The owner maintains complete control of the business and retains all of the profits.
3. Business losses can be deducted against the sole proprietor’s other sources of income.
4. It is not subject to double taxation (explained later).
5. The business is easy to dissolve.

- Disadvantages of a Sole Proprietorship

1. Liability on the owners’ part is unlimited.
2. The business relies on the skills and abilities of a single owner to be successful.
3. Of course, the owner can hire employees who have additional skills and abilities.
4. Raising capital can be difficult.
5. The business ends at the owner’s death or loss of interest in the business.
6. The liquidity of the owner’s investment is low.

2. Partnerships
 Partnerships
- If two or more people start a business, they must organize as a partnership, corporation, or limited
liability company.
- Partnerships are organized as either general or limited liability partnerships.
 General Partnership
- A form of business organization where two or more people pool their skills, abilities, and resources to
run a business. The primary disadvantage is that all partners are liable for all the partnership’s debts
and obligations.
- Advantages of a General Partnership
1. Creating one is relatively easy and inexpensive compared to a corporation or limited liability
2. The skills and abilities of more than one individual are available to the firm.
3. Having more than one owner may make it easier to raise funds.
4. Business losses can be deducted against the partners’ other sources of income.
5. It is not subject to double taxation (explained later).
- Disadvantages of a General Partnership
1. Liability on the part of each general partner is unlimited.
2. The business relies on the skills and abilities of a fixed number of partners. Of course, the owners
can hire employees who have additional skills and abilities.
3. Raising capital can be difficult.
4. Because decision making among the partners is shared, disagreements can occur.
5. The business ends with the death or withdrawal of one partner unless otherwise stated in the
partnership agreement.
6. The liquidity of each partner’s investment is low.
 Limited Partnership
- A modified form of general partnership.
- The major difference between the two is that a limited partnership includes two classes of owners:
general partners and limited partners.
- The general partners are liable for the debts and obligations of the partnership, but the limited
partners are only liable up to the amount of their investment.

3. Corporations
 Corporations
- A corporation is a separate legal entity organized under the authority of a state.
- Corporations are organized as either C corporations or subchapter S corporations.
- C corporations are what most people think of when they hear the word “corporation.” However,
business startups are often organized as subchapter S corporations.

 Corporations
- Is a separate legal entity that, in the eyes of the law, is separate from its owners.
- In most cases a corporation shields its owners, who are called shareholders, from personal liability for
the debts of the corporation.
- A corporation is governed by a board of directors, which is elected by the shareholders.
- A corporation is formed by filing articles of incorporation.
- A corporation is taxed as a separate legal entity.
- A disadvantage of a C corporation is that it is subject to double taxation. This means that a
corporation is taxed on its net income, and when the same income is distributed to shareholders in the
form of dividends, the income is taxed again on the shareholders’ personal tax returns.
- Advantages of a C Corporation
1. Owners are liable only for the debts and obligations of the corporation up the amount of their
2. The mechanics of raising capital is easier.
3. No restrictions exist on the number of shareholders, which differs from
4. Subchapter S corporations.
5. Stock is liquid if traded on a major stock exchange.
6. The ability to share stock with employees through stock options or other incentive plans can be a
powerful form of employee motivation.
- Disadvantages of a C Corporation
1. Setting up and maintaining one is more difficult than for a sole proprietorship or a partnership.
2. Business losses cannot be deducted against the shareholder’s other sources of income.
3. Income is subject to double taxation, meaning that it is taxed at the corporate and the shareholder
4. Small shareholders typically have little voice in the management of the firm.
 Subchapter S Corporation
- Combines the advantages of a partnership and a C corporation.
- Is similar to a partnership in that the income of the business is not subject to double taxation.
- Is similar to a corporation in that the owners are not subject to personal liability for the debts or
behavior of the business.
- A Subchapter S Corporation does not pay taxes. Profits and losses are passed through to the tax
returns of the owners.
- There are strict standards that a business must meet to qualify for status as a subchapter S
corporation. The standards are shown below:
1. The business cannot be a subsidiary of another corporation.
2. The shareholders must be U.S. citizens. Partnerships and C corporations may not own shares in a
subchapter S corporation. Certain types of trusts and estates are eligible to own shares in a
subchapter S corporation.
3. It can only have one class of stock issued and outstanding (either preferred stock or common
4. It can have no more than 100 members. Husbands and wives count as one member, even if they
own separate shares of stock.
5. All shareholders must agree to have the corporation formed as a subchapter S corporation.
4. Limited Liability Company
- Along with the Subchapter S, it is a popular choice for start-up firms.
- The limited liability company combines the limited liability advantage of the corporation with the tax
advantages of a partnership.
- A limited liability company does not pay taxes. Profits and losses are passed through to the tax
returns of the owners.
- Advantages of a Limited Liability Company
1. Members are liable for the debts and obligations of the business only up to the amount of their
2. The number of shareholders is unlimited.
3. An LLC can elect to be taxed as a sole proprietor, partnership, S corporation, or corporation,
providing much flexibility.
4. Because profits are taxed only at the shareholder level, there is no double taxation.
- Disadvantages of a Limited Liability Company
1. Setting up and maintaining one is more difficult and expensive.
2. Tax accounting can be complicated.
3. Some of the regulations governing LLCs vary by state.
4. Because LLCs are a relatively new type of business entity, there is not as much legal precedent
available for owners to anticipate how legal disputes might affect their business.
5. Some states levy a franchise tax on LLCs—which is essentially a fee the LLC pays the state for
the benefit of limited liability.

 A system of moral principles relating benefits and harms of particular actions to rightness and wrongness of
motives and ends of them.

Ethics and Society

 Computer ethics are the moral guidelines that govern the use of computers and information systems.
 Information accuracy is a concern.
- Not all information on the Web is correct
- Fake News
 Intellectual property rights are the rights to which creators are entitled for their work.
- A copyright protects any tangible form of expression.
- An IT code of conduct is a written guideline that helps determine whether a specific computer action is
ethical or unethical.
- Intellectual property refers to unique and original works such as ideas, inventions, art, writings, processes,
company and product names, and logos.
- Intellectual property rights are the rights to which creators are entitled to their work
- A copyright protects any tangible form of expression.
- Digital rights management (DRM) is a strategy designed to prevent illegal distribution of movies, music,
and other digital content.

 Intellectual Property Issue

- Intellectual Property
1. intangible asset that consists of human knowledge and ideas
2. legal protection is against infringement
- Types:
1. Copyright
- It is a right granted by a government to the author or creator of literacy or artistic work.
 books, music, artworks, recordings, computer software etc.
- It expires after death of the copyright holder.
2. Patents
- It is an exclusive right granted by the government to an individual to make, use and sell an invention.
 business process, web-related software
- It expires for a specific period of time.
3. Trademark
- It is a distinctive mark, device, motto, or implement that a company affixes to the goods.
 service mark
- It is used for identification purposes.

Ethics and Society

 A code of conduct is a written guideline that helps determine whether a specification is ethical/unethical or
allowed/not allowed
 Green computing involves reducing the electricity and environmental waste while using a computer

 Information privacy refers to the right of individuals and companies to deny or restrict the collection and use of
information about them
 Huge databases store data online
 It is important to safeguard your information
 When you fill out a form, the merchant that receives the form usually enters it into a database
 Many companies today allow people to specify whether they want their personal information distributed
 The concern about privacy has led to the enactment of federal and state laws regarding the storage and disclosure
of personal data
 The 1970 Fair Credit Reporting Act limits the rights of others viewing a credit report to only those with a
legitimate business need
 DATA PRIVACY LAW in the Phil
 Republic Act (RA) 10173 – Data Privacy Act of 2012
 Otherwise known as the Data Privacy Act is a law that seeks to protect all forms of information, be it private,
personal, or sensitive. It is meant to cover both natural and juridical persons involved in the processing of
personal information.
 Under Sec. 3(g) of the Data Privacy Act, “[p]ersonal information refers to any information whether recorded in a
material form or not, from which the identity of an individual is apparent or can be reasonably and directly
ascertained by the entity holding the information, or when put together with other information would directly and
certainly identify an individual.”
 In other words, personal information is any information which can be linked to your identity, thus making you
readily identifiable.
 Under Sec. 3(k) of the Data Privacy Act, “[p]rivileged information refers to any and all forms of data which under
the Rules of Court and other pertinent laws constitute privileged communication.” One such example would be
any information given by a client to his lawyer. Such information would fall under attorney-client privilege and
would, therefore, be considered privileged information.
 Social engineering is defined as gaining unauthorized access or obtaining confidential information by taking
advantage of trust and naivety
 Social engineering is defined as gaining unauthorized access to or obtaining confidential information by taking
advantage of the trusting human nature of some victims and the naivety of others
 Employee monitoring involves the use of computers to observe, record, and review an employee’s use of a
 Employee monitoring involves the use of computers, mobile devices, or cameras to observe, record, and review
an employee’s use of a technology, including communications such as email messages, keyboard activity (used to
measure productivity), and websites visited
 Many programs exist that easily allow employers to monitor employees. Further, it is legal for employers to use
these programs
 Content filtering is the process of restricting access to certain material on the Web
 Many businesses use content filtering
 Internet Content Rating Association (ICRA)
 Web filtering software restricts access to specified Web sites
Security Tools
• A personal firewall is a security tool that detects and protects a personal computer and its data from unauthorized

 An antivirus program protects a computer against viruses by identifying and removing any computer viruses
found in memory, on storage media, or on incoming files
 Spyware is a program placed on a computer or mobile device without the user’s knowledge that secretly collects
information about the user and then communicates the information it collects to some outside source while the
user is online
 A spyware remover is a program that detects and deletes spyware and similar programs
 Adware is a program that displays an online advertisement in a banner or pop-up window on webpages, email
messages, or other Internet services
 An adware remover is a program that detects and deletes adware
 Internet filters
 Anti – spam programs
 Web filters
 Phishing filters
 Pop – up blockers

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