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BLOOM'S Afiamework o assist classroom teachers prepare learning tiperiences which will encourage the children to develop sills inthe higher levels of thinking ‘This ancl is from a daft document by Joan Dalton, and David Smith, fled Children Across the Curieulum, Research and Development, Education Department of Vieworia, 1982 One aspect ofthe teacher’ tsk so plan learning experiences related tore level of the taxonomy, the ober aspect is how the teacher might ‘manage the classroom procedures to provide the most suitable ‘environment. ‘The arrangements the teacher makes with the class to make provision for he learing activites are ext ‘Whatever approach is used it need 1 be one which suits she: (}) personality and style of the teacher; (i) prefered learning syle ofthe chil AXONOMY Some possible approaches with a cass could be to have: 1. allchildren work though the knowledge and comprelinsion| Sage, then slect atleast one activity fm each other levels all childeen work through the knowledge and comprehension Sage, then select ativities from anyother level some children work theough knowledge an comprehension Jevels, thcr children work st higher level: all children select activites fom any level some activites sre tagged essential, others 3s options; thinking process seleted out for panicolar attention ex Analysis, where the focus is training in that process, This may one wit either al children, 0 ei Se hilden oF a ivi ‘Some children work through the knowledge and comprehensios ‘question, then site their own ati ata preferred level, some children write thee own ative fom the wwonomy, Bloom's Taxonomy of Cognit i KNOWLEDGE ofthe things Goictoeks ois Te ahow an | inderstanding of Infomation ive Processes ea [Finda plows ot jamaminal anc say why you think somal — GPPLIEATION Toure some —]itaaieasi vane eslet pairs] | learned 2nd solve an animals. Arran ition we | Bila sine | Seatan stem [Bam Stepehite [SPAS SGC shel arerscer” | mamma’ ana Soutisicn® | Pgh has’ "|Sa'hperinan [ronment fe 8 sure TRADES ro seak commas Information into paris (0 exore i Enderstandings sngreistonesipe could net nave Goisioass and ‘Fro Tiwee Sears | decimal system, oman numeral. | mammals with preter win re Tepuliogather | How might ie ideasin anew | Bory nave ayia sees 2 | See Rew orunioua | Gol: product | Seen te [vourown fd I | EVALUATION | Tojudga the _[Oayou mine So you thine your ‘valle of materiale| Goioexe was cresture would | Srigeas on the | good 9° baa? Seneipitor | Basis ofset™ | you | Mant Rarmtul fo | enter | vine a? 5 society? Why? ‘When planning stivtes hase on Bloons taxonomy, the teacher cought to bo aware hat: ‘higher number of questions and activities only set by teachers reflect an emphasis on une xnowiedge and comprehension levels; therefore a conscious effort to explore the higher levels and the ‘careful traning needed to assist children to develop skill nthe higher loves is need the basis fom which the devieopment of higher ordc thinking, ‘skills ean occur therefore 1 set activites inthe upper levels: presumes levels of cormpetence at preceding levels; question or an aetivty designed tei higher onder thinking ee Aes o develop an abit to syntesie thoughts may Tehlt ina knowledge comprehension level answer he mei ‘Sobtained from ancter sous, sch asa book therefore the taxonomy needs to be wed a fol to make use of, Ba oe Scena ers ‘here as been researc to suggest that evaluation isnot necessarily comely placed in the hierarchy, therefore the concept ofthe ‘exonomy aya useful tol athe than an abosolute statement, needs ‘oberecopniseds the first three levels ofthe taxonomy usually result in more convergent thinking type processes to bo used, the upper tte levels more divergent thinking-type processes; therlore ‘mplasizinga need to provide varey in the questions and activities being se, to develop diferent ways of thinking is wosthile, clldren of high ability may be able vo make use ofthe framework themselves, ‘The taxonomy, when uilised with understanding, can provide & useful means t asit teachers to differen experiences 1 bet For the taxonotny to bea useful framework For the class teacher, the teacher needs 10 be abl to use it confidently and easily; hovieve, Some ere about the placement of atvtes in the higher onder levels isecessary. Consistent incoret placement of activities athe higher levels may lead the teacher ino thinking that the appropriate challenges o cognitive abilities is being provided for, when i fet thar may not be 5. With chat in mid, de decision a5 to what evel a question or an seivty ought 10 be placed car be open to different interpretations, isimmpentan forthe eass teacher to make their own interpretation ‘quickly, and then make judgements about the sppropriteness by Naihing the way in which children respond. “To elp decide onthe level is suggested that, if unsure then (0 apply the criteria ofthe lowe evel ofthe taxonomy fist if i inet andor ’ {Gms a nitive judgement, then match it gaint he piven Astniton a ‘The following table has been prepared to provide key words, ‘question stems an possible aries bullt around the levels of ‘looms taxonomy. ‘The material is writen to assist the classroom teacher to prepare fearning experiences at specifi levels ofthe taxonomy. LEVEL OF — USEFUL VERBS THINKING 1. Knowledge ‘el ‘SAMP ‘What happened a 2 QUESTION STEMS AND) POTENTIAL ACTIVITIE PRODUCTS. ‘Make a ist ofthe main evens ofthe story ‘Make aime line of evens ti How many.) seseribe Wh wees ta? Make facts chart. rae Name the? Writs a ist of any pieces informsnon yo tecate Describe wis happen a? can temember vente 0 spoke to. {a aoa in he story. Find Tall whys? ¢ Make a chant showing ste Find the caning of. {Mate in acstie ame What is. Rect poem. Whit ite or fe? 2. Comprehension expsin (Can you writen your ow words. * Caton, oF draw picwres to shows snr Can ou writs & tre vine? yarieular even tine Wht do you tink could have happened nex? + Mists what yo think the min is ws. iscuss : * Makes canooa sp showing the =n ‘singish nai ie..? Stevens pret Who was he key charge. + Wate and perorm ply based o rosa Can you distinguish between sory translate Wht erences exist between..2 + Rect he sry in your ove wards compare Can you provide an example of wa you mean.” be. ° escnbe Can ou provide adie fore? +n picture of some aspect oft ses youll Wie stimary repos of the ovest * Propare a low chart lusts se of event. + Make coloring book 3. Application vole Do you know anoter instance wher. * Const amadet to demonsnse hw i ve Show Cold this have happened in? will wor use Group by characteris sch as. 4 Make diorama to state an ingest Mase Which factors would you change i. «lh cones sterhecnrans ‘slelte Cin youapply The method ned to scime experience of} Make scrapbook about the areas of sly const your own? Nake apr ace nap ine on comple Wa questions woud you ask o..7 Information abot an eve eae From the information gwen, can you developaset of * “Take aellecton of pop to sity insinetions about? lemonsatea parca pm ‘Semon Iethis nfortion CaF you ad a7 4 Make upa parle ns sin des Fe ‘Write a biography ofa person you have LEVEL OF USEFUL VERNS SAMPLE: QUESTION STEMS POTENTIAL ACTIVITIES AND THINKING PRopUCTS 3. (conned) the sty are, + Makes tay odel ofan item inthe study fate, + Design marker stacey for your pret i ting Known sane asa eel : «rows dll in ator cote ¢ Pantanal ning sme mses | {Wes ebook sou focaers nays analyse «Design quesionnire gar your aisnguish Its happened, what mig ie ening have been? information. } xamine How wae this simian? + Waites commercial to sell anew product ! ‘compare ‘What was the underlying theme of ..? + Conduct an investigation 1 produce own | contrast ‘What do you see as other possible outcomes? ‘information to support a view. | Snvesigae Why ds changes out? + Make low eat fo show the ea i Eaten Compare jour wid that presented in. ates ‘testy Cin'you epiin what mst have happencé when. Ctucta graph lsat informsion | explain Flow fs arto? 1 Makes esa pusie ] sare ‘What ar ome ofthe problems of .? 1 Makes fay te showing relations | svenee Diningich berween 5 Pion a ply aot stay es : What were some of he motives behind .? : 5. Symhesis ‘What was the turning point in the game? ‘What was he problem with? (Can you design a 0.2 ‘Why not compose & song about. (Can you see a possible soition(.? yo had access vo all resources, how would you deal with ‘Wiy don’ you devise your own way 10... ‘What would happen if.” How many ways ean you .? (Can you create new ad untisual uses for. studied Prepare a report about the area ‘Arrange a party. Make all the arangements, and record the steps Review a work of a interns of color nd texture Invent machine to doa pectic job Design a building to house your tu Create a new produ and plan a marking sregy, ‘Write about your felings in relation to Waite about & conversation bint two objects meh have ‘Write a TV show, play, puppet show, song or pantomime about BYEL OF THINKING USEFUL VERBS TION STEMS POTENTIAL ACTIVITIES AND. PRODUCTS, 5. ceominsed) propose am yu write anew resi fra yh? Design recon, bok ormapavine over love Can yd propor wich wou? foe ferme + Male wp a nw tnguage cde a write mail sng * Sell an idea, 7 & Bovise vty 0 + Compose’ his or pu new wo frown mci. © Fvahaion ———_—jodge Ts there a ber soln * Prepare a st feria and would ww ise Souge the vale of jugs show: Indicate pints hse {Can you dtend yor positon abot.” faigs you would iv tee Dovjon think ea good a had thing? + Candies debt shou an isu of si isuty ow would ya have handled? iret fae ‘hav changes tos would you commend? + Mae booklet about five ules you ses wealy Doyo trives 7 Why ory wt? tyrant, Convince oer. wee Arey pio + looms pine to dicus ews on ood Faw wo You et i? Lenina Schoo ines How eerie 2 Wea eer. advising on changes diecuss ‘Wha doy , reded a me + Rake eid to wnt isnt so oe oo Eine oe | Hin List sof common statements ab which people often make, Are tey secure? evaluate | diary television a | ts Ey moh) Cobgrce tell escover | seach ‘deny | canal fnew Cem ae een YEE locate | experiment record cbseve aciades | fet skech simul suney questionnaire onclision| Synthesis ‘value ‘elfevaluaton recommendations group discussions commercial fen combine invent compose hypatbesize edie roleplay estat infer reduce crete imagine verte clei report dagam chan product pantomine S007 song poem caroon _adverisement news aicle _ new game Sete invention puppetshow _ new calor recipe smell te machine "TV. radio show game ‘magazine ‘The wheel was developed by Barry Ziff, and a class of teachers ofthe gifted. They ound it very useful in curriculum building, wn: Growing up Gifted - Barbara Clark Chares Merrill Pub. Co & —) BLOOM'S TAXONOMY Area. of Taxonomy Definition What Teacher Does What Student Does Process Verbs Knowledge Recall of recognition of Direes Responds etine ‘memonie spoifeiforaton ‘ells, ‘Absorhs repeat record Shows Remembers fst reall Examines Recognizes rune relate Understanding of information Demonstrates Explains restate discuss ven Listens Translates describe recognise Questo ermonstates explain express Compares Inmerprets identity fee Contrasts report review Examines tel Application Using methods, concepts, Shows Solves problems twanslate intent Principles and thearies Facies Consticis amply flerenstste {new situations ‘Obwerves ‘Demonstrates tas Cries tse of knowledge ius per Shale Analysis Breaking information down Probes Diseusses distinguish appraise imo its Consent elements Guies Uncovers feoulae differentiate Observes test ‘experiment ets a resource eoavact compare ci agra setae inspect ‘question examine salve rele Synthesis Putting together constituent eflecs| Diseusses ‘compose phe clements or parts fora Extends Generalizes propose design ‘whole regaining orginal, ‘Analyzes Relates formule arrange reaive thinking valates Compares ‘semble callet Gonirass fconsiruet_ erate Abstracts setup organise mange prepare Evaluation Tudging the values of ideas, Caves Tudges ieee appre materials and mesbods by ‘Accepts Dispates vale ‘eveoping and applying Iarmonizes Develops citeria ‘compare Standards and eer Gaui pre E © BLOOM'S. TAXONOMY Area of Taxonomy Definition What Teacher Dues What Student Does Process Verbs Kiowiedge «Recall errecogntion of Dinos Responds define “Dm imemnize ay Speci information Tells © Abcoros @ rpeat ne record ~ Shows 1 Remembers nist in scall Eanes © Recognins > mime Stele Understanding of information Demonsuaes = Explains > reste seuss ven Linens Translates ssete ——fecopnse Questions CoB § Demonsvates explain caress Compares Imerpres iSinity Inte Contasts report review Examines ‘a Using methods, coneeps, Shows 1 Sovespbionss ‘wnslte———itepet pnclpes and teers Fists Const Soply ‘emote Frew situations Observes (§ Demented cipoy dramatize Cries © wef kaowiotee wwe ssa Practise Operate = Sop sthadule Analysis Breaking infomation down Probes $ Discusses isingish——apprae fotos consent elemens Guides E Uncovers Caleute diferente Observes © Lise re cxperment Rewasaresouce Disses enact compare Suis dag setae Srspest ‘ve ae Synthesis Puning oper constuent ——_‘Reicas Discusses compose pan elements orparsio forma Extends P Generates propere ——Sosign ‘whole equinng ginal, Atalyaes 5, Reines Foomite —amange alates 6 Compares assemble cole M Gontase censure fh Absets setup ‘rpanise eanage repre Evaluation Taping the values of eas, Claifes S Iadges inde cae tnaterls and methods by ‘Accs = Disputes rluale te developing snd applying Harmonizes IA. Develops teria Sompare value Sandan od enters Guides : ver est ask | ist match] construct iscover | teach paint ‘identify | manipulate Interview Tisten | interview ustation experiment record pot sketch scinulate questionnaire commercial predict roleplay estimate infer ‘produce create imagine Story poem caroon _adversement news nicle new game ‘verre inveation ihow new eolee Smell Bite machine "TV. radio show game magazine ‘The wheel was developed by Bary Zit, nda clas of teachers of the ied. They {ond it very uefa a cuca balding. from: Growing up Gif - Barbara Clark Charles. Merril Pub. Co. s 8 Jeg ‘THE_SEA 1. List 2] Nane the continents bosdering each ocean. 3 in any one of the oceans. a eof an explorer eho 3 ‘oting islands - NALYSIS T. Arrange & debete on “God nade big sever” 2, Can you explein ris ng and the problens it 3. Make a good chein of 1 reef. 4] Stuay a work of ere by Turner and examine his use of colour, texture and light Te "D wasn't dead. I could breathe undervater....." What happened next? Anawer sais question a. rice & perform a play Bl Zell the story on 2 cep €) Nake a car ip showing a sequence of events. 2. Design or oF to sail across the dian Oceen. 3. rite a sisiogue between a whale and the harpoonist, prugaatie [> fo ° [8 igdedevel shia 2 3 > ft? }> > [8 [cites ie To o 2 [3 s [assis] Sotho] aasion sa] s acl as a} “8 Hse askssoue eeres Jsve or fies ast sends

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