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Sachet Culture in Indonesia

- Fictor Ferdinand -

Office| Jl. Batik Uwit No.1, Kelurahan Sukaluyu, Kota Bandung |Phone | 08112237900 |Email ||
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Some Backgrounds
● MNCs expansion to Asia
● Saturated Middle-Up Market, expansion to Middle-Low Class
● 1997/98 Economic Crises in Asia and decreasing purchasing power
● Previously: shampoo and detergent. Now: various product
○ 95% shampoo in India
○ 70% detergent in Indonesia
○ 68-70% shampoo in Philippine
Sachet Target Segments (Dubey & Patel, 2004)
Target Segment Large/ Medium Package Sachet Size
Geographic Coverage Urban dan Semi -Urban Urban, Semi-Urban, Rural
Income Group High, Middle Class Higher, Middle, Low Class
User Frequency Medium to High Medium, High,
Retail Store Requirements Large/Medium size -- Even Small Shop/ Kiosk
reasonable storage space (Warung)
Critical Factors for “Sachet-Success” (Singh et. al,
1. Retail structure
2. Consumer’s Perceived Value (i.e economic-class marker) & Affordability
3. Other Socio-Cultural Factors (i.e old habits)

Lower economic class is a prerequisite to sachet culture

Indonesia’s Retail Structure

(Dyck et al, 2012 in Poggenpohl, 2018)

Price Structure (PnG case)
Pantene (Procter and Gamble) Price Index
Product Brand Producer Price Index Sachet/ Bottle Market Share
Rinso Anti Noda
(powder) Unilever 1.00
Rinso Anti Noda (liquid) Unilever 0.88
Rinso + molto pink 33%
(powder) Unilever 0.88
Rinso + molto pink
(liquid) Unilever 0.96
Attack (Jaz 1) 1.11
Easy Attack 1.15 10-11%
Easy Attack + softener 0.88
Daia Lemon Wings 1.00
So Klin Cair Wings 1.00 52%
So Klin Wings 1.18
Product Brand Producer Price Index
So Klin Softergent Wings 1.18
Daia Softener Wings 1.13
Downy Mystique (Hitam) PnG 1.15
Downy Passion (Merah) PnG 1.25
Fabric Softener/
Conditioner Molto Pelembut & Pewangi
Pakaian Ref All In 1 Pink Unilever 1.47
Molto Hygyne (Hijau) Unilever 1.43
Molto Ultra Biru Unilever 1.52
Molto Pelembut All In 1 Unilever 1.47
1. Indonesia is (on its way to) Sachet - Culturized ?
2. Escalation of Waste

(Sachet is most likely to escape from waste management operation; has no economic
value (high cost to collect and recycle) → Residue)
Why Consumer Loves Sachet?
● Affordable (in price per unit)
● Measured Usage
● Easy to bring while traveling
● Trialability
● More hygienic (compared to refilled product)
Why Producer Loves Sachet ?
● Market Expansion (to lower income class & challenging geographies)
● Competitor (Grimes-Casey et al, 2006)
● Policy Environment (no EPR effective yet)
Why Retailer Loves Sachet?
● Consumer loves it!
○ In case of refill: no need to bring empty bottles
● Higher Product Turnover
● Less space needed
○ No need to store empty bottles + wait for the distributor to come and exchange it
Some Ideas (so far) for Refill/ ADS
● Work with small retailer (warung/ kiosk)
● Product Competitor (v.s. brand attachments)
● New consumer-experience (50%)


● Work with producer to try ADS

● Push for policy (EPR)

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