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Technical Assistance Consultant’s Report

Project Number: 41598

July 2010

India: Capacity Development of the National Capital

Region Planning Board
(Financed by the TA Special Fund)

Prepared by:
Wilbur Smith Associates, India

For National Capital Region Planning Board

This consultant’s report does not necessarily reflect the views of ADB or the Government concerned, and
ADB and the Government cannot be held liable for its contents.
NCR Planning Board
Asian Development Bank

Capacity Development of the National

Capital Region Planning Board
(NCRPB) – Component B
(TA No. 7055-IND)
Volume VII-A: DPR for Construction of Storm Water Drains in
Main Report

July 2010

oC : Degrees Centigrade
oF : Degrees Fahrenheit
ADB : Asian Development Bank
BOQs : Bill of Quantities
CC : Cement Concrete
CPHEEO : Central Public Health & Environmental Engineering Organization
DFR : Draft Final Report
DPR : Detailed Project Report
GoH : Government of Haryana
GoI : Government of India
IA : Implementing Agencies
IDF : Intensity Duration Frequency
ISBT : Inter State Bus Terminal
NCR : National Capital Region
NCRPB : National Capital Region Planning Board
NCT : National Capital Territory
NH : National Highway
PHED : Public Health Engineering Department
PWD : Public Works Department
RCC : Reinforced Cement Concrete
Rs. : Indian Rupees
SH : State Highway
SM : Sonipat Municipality
SOI : Survey of India
SOR : Schedule of Rates
Sq. km : Square Kilo meter
Sq. m : Square Meter
SWD : Storm Water Drainage
TA : Technical Assistance
TOR : Terms of Reference


1.  INTRODUCTION ....................................................................................................................................... 1 

A.  BACKGROUND ............................................................................................................................................ 1 
B.  OVERVIEW OF THIS ADB TA ..................................................................................................................... 2 
A.  ABOUT THE FINAL REPORT ........................................................................................................................ 3 
C.  STRUCTURE OF THIS VOLUME VI REPORT .................................................................................................. 4 
2.  PROJECT RATIONALE, SCOPE & OBJECTIVES .............................................................................. 5 
A.  PROJECT RATIONALE.................................................................................................................................. 5 
B.  SCOPE......................................................................................................................................................... 5 
C.  OBJECTIVES................................................................................................................................................ 6 
3.  EXISTING DRAINAGE SYSTEM IN SONIPAT .................................................................................... 7 
A.  PROFILE OF SONIPAT TOWN ....................................................................................................................... 7 
1.  General ................................................................................................................................................. 7 
2.  Climate .................................................................................................................................................. 7 
3.  Topography ........................................................................................................................................... 7 
4.  Socio Economic Conditions .................................................................................................................. 9 
B.  EXISTING DRAINAGE SYSTEM .................................................................................................................... 9 
1.  Major Drains......................................................................................................................................... 9 
2.  Flood Prone Areas .............................................................................................................................. 11 
3.  Major Cross Connections to Sewers ................................................................................................... 11 
4.  Institutional Set Up ............................................................................................................................. 11 
4.  STUDY APPROACH ................................................................................................................................ 13 
A.  METHODOLOGY AND APPROACH ............................................................................................................. 13 
5.  PLANNING AND DESIGN CRITERIA ................................................................................................. 18 
A.  PLANNING CAPACITY ............................................................................................................................... 18 
B.  DESIGN PARAMETERS .............................................................................................................................. 18 
C.  DRAINAGE DEVELOPMENT STRATEGY ..................................................................................................... 22 
D.  ADEQUACY OF DRAINS AND DRAINAGE SYSTEM ..................................................................................... 24 
6.  DETAILED DESIGN ................................................................................................................................ 25 
A.  PROPOSED WORKS ................................................................................................................................... 25 
B.  DETAILED INVESTIGATIONS & PRELIMINARY DESIGN ............................................................................. 25 
C.  DESIGN OF DRAIN SECTIONS .................................................................................................................... 30 
7.  COST ESTIMATES & CONTRACT PACKAGES ............................................................................... 33 
A.  COST ESTIMATES ..................................................................................................................................... 33 
B.  CONTRACT PACKAGES ............................................................................................................................. 33 

List of Appendices

Appendix 1: Detailed Drawings

Appendix 2: Detailed Cost Estimates and Bill of Quantities
Appendix 3: Summary Poverty Reduction & Social Strategy
Appendix 4: Social Safeguards Categorization Form

List of Tables

Table 4-1: Runoff Coefficient for time of Concentration and Imperviousness .................................... 13 
Table 4-2: Sorted Rainfall Occurrences ............................................................................................... 15 
Table 4-3: Cascade for 1 year............................................................................................................... 15 
Table 4-4: RMSD for 1 year................................................................................................................. 15 
Table 4-5: Intensity of Rainfall for Duration ....................................................................................... 16 
Table 5-1: Runoff Coefficients “C” ..................................................................................................... 19 
Table 5-2: Guidelines for impervious cover......................................................................................... 20 
Table 5-3: Storm Frequency for Different Areas ................................................................................. 20 
Table 5-4: Standard Drain Size ............................................................................................................ 23 
Table 6-1: Strom water Drain path ....................................................................................................... 25 
Table 6-2: Catchment area for each section of Drain........................................................................... 26 
Table 6-3: Time of concentration for sections of Drain A ................................................................... 27 
Table 6-4: Time of concentration for sections of Drain B ................................................................... 27 
Table 6-5: Time of concentration for sections of Drain C ................................................................... 27 
Table 6-6: Time of concentration for sections of Drain D ................................................................... 28 
Table 6-7: Intensity of rainfall and Runoff Coefficient for each sections of Drain ............................. 28 
Table 6-8: Cumulative Discharge for each sections of Drain .............................................................. 29 
Table 6-9: Type of Drain for each section ........................................................................................... 30 
Table 6-10: Design for size of section for rectangular sections ........................................................... 31 
Table 6-11: Design for size of section for Circular RCC pipe ............................................................. 31 
Table 7-1: Indicative Contract Package ............................................................................................... 33 

List of Figures

Figure 3-1: Location of Sonipat ............................................................................................................. 8 

Figure 3-2: Drainage System of Sonipat & Surroundings ................................................................... 10 
Figure 4-1: T Vs C Graph .................................................................................................................... 14 
Figure 4-2: IDF Curve for One Year.................................................................................................... 16 

Compendium Volumes

Besides this Volume VII-A Main Report, the DPR for Storm Water Drains in Sonipat has
following Volumes appended separately.

Volume VII-B: Economic & Financial Analysis

Volume VII-C: Initial Environmental Examination


A. Background

1. The National Capital Region Planning Board, constituted in 1985 under the provisions of
NCRPB Act, 1985, is a statutory body functioning under the Ministry of Urban
Development, Government of India. NCRPB has a mandate to systematically develop the
National Capital Region (NCR) of India. It is one of the functions of the Board to arrange
and oversee the financing of selected development projects in the NCR through Central
and State Plan funds and other sources of revenue.

2. On Government of India’s request, Asian Development Bank (ADB) has formulated the
technical assistance (TA) to enhance the capacities of National Capital Region Planning
Board and its associated implementing agencies. The TA has been designed in three
components: Component A relates to improving the business processes in NCRPB;
Component B relates to improving the capacity of the implementing agencies in project
identification, feasibility studies and preparing detailed engineering design; and
Component C relates to urban planning and other activities.

3. ADB has appointed M/s Wilbur Smith Associates to perform consultancy services
envisaged under Component B. In the context of this contract, the first deliverable –
Inception Report, was submitted in October 2008. The second deliverable –Interim Report
comprising Master Plan for sewerage in Hapur, Master Plan for Water Supply for Panipat,
Master Plan for Drainage for Hapur, Master Plan for Solid Waste management for
Ghaziabad, Traffic and Transport analysis for Ghaziabad, Socio-Economic base line
survey result in 3 sample project towns and proceedings of workshop 1 was submitted in
January 2009. The four Master Plans as stated above are also made available on NCRPB
web site for use of the implementing agencies.

4. The third deliverable Draft Final Report (DFR) comprising Detailed Project Report (DPR)
for water supply in Panipat, DPR for sewerage in Hapur, DPR for drainage in Hapur, DPR
for drainage in Sonipat, DPR for solid waste management in Ghaziabad, DPR for four
selected transport components (Flyover, Road widening, Multi-level Parking and Bus
Terminal) in Ghaziabad, and a Report on Capacity Building Activities were submitted.

5. Now, this is the Final Report (FR) and is the fourth and final deliverable. The
comments/feedback on Draft Final Report received from ADB, NCRPB and respective
implementing agencies were duly incorporated and final DPRs for components of Water
Supply, Sewerage, Drainage, Solid Waste Management, and Transport are submitted as
part of this Final Report. This is the Detailed Project Report for Drainage System in

B. Overview of this ADB TA

6. Objectives. The objective of this Technical Assistance (TA) is to strengthen the capacity at
NCRPB, state-level NCR cells, and other implementing agencies in the area of planning
for urban infrastructure and to impart necessary skills to conceive, design, develop,
appraise and implement good quality infrastructure projects for planned development of
NCR. The increased institutional capacity of the NCRPB and the implementing agencies
will lead to effective and time scaling-up of urban infrastructure to:

(i) Improve quality of basic urban services in the NCR;

(ii) Develop counter magnet towns;
(iii) Reduce in migration into Delhi and orderly development of NCR; and
(iv) Accelerate economic growth in the NCR.

7. The TA – Capacity Development of the NCRPB, Component B focuses on strengthening

the capacities of NCRPB and implementing agencies relating to project feasibility studies
and preparation, and detailed engineering design in the implementing agencies.
Specifically this component B of the TA will support the project preparation efforts of the
implementing agencies by preparing demonstration feasibility studies that include all due
diligence documentation required for processing of the project in accordance with best
practices, including ADB’s policies and guidelines.

8. Scope of Work. According to the terms of reference of the TA assignment, the following
activities are envisaged in component B of the TA:

(i) Conduct technical, institutional, economic and financial feasibility analysis of

identified subprojects in the six sample implementing agencies;
(ii) Conduct safeguards due diligence on the subprojects, including environmental
assessment report and resettlement plan for all subprojects covered in the sample
implementing agencies;
(iii) Prepare environmental assessment framework and resettlement framework; and
(iv) Develop a capacity building and policy reform program for the implementing
agencies, including governance strengthening, institutional development and
financial management.

9. Besides, this component of the TA will also:

(i) Help in assessing the current practices and procedures of project identification and
preparation of detailed project reports including technical, financial, economic and
social safeguard due diligence;
(ii) Support preparation of standard procedure manuals for project identification and
preparation of detailed project reports including technical, financial, economic and
social safeguard due diligence;
(iii) train the implementing agencies in the preparation of detailed project reports by
using the sample subprojects, reports on deficiency of current practices and standard

protocol manuals; and
(iv) help in developing a user-friendly web-page where different manuals and guidelines
for preparation of DPRs will be made available for the implementing agencies.

A. About the Final Report

10. At Interim Report stage of the TA, the Master Plans for Water Supply in Panipat,
Sewerage system in Hapur, Drainage for Hapur and Municipal Solid Waste Management
for Ghaziabad were prepared. The Master Plans provided 100 percent coverage of
population and the area likely to be in planning horizon year 2031/2041. All works
required up to planning horizon year were conceptualized, broadly designed and block
cost was estimated. The Master Plans also provided phasing of investment such that under
phase 1 works required to cover present spread of city were proposed.

11. At draft final report stage of the TA the Detailed Project Reports (DPRs) were prepared
for Phase 1 works as suggested in the Master Plans. For preparation of DPRs, engineering
surveys and investigations were conducted and various possible and feasible alternatives
evaluated. Finally for the selected options the DPRs prepared with detailed designs, item
wise detailed cost estimate, work specifications, implementation process and proposed
implementation arrangements. Further, according to ADB procedures these DPRs in
addition to technical analysis included institutional, financial and economic feasibility
analysis and environmental and social safeguards due diligence – environmental
assessment and resettlement plans.

12. The DPR's submitted as part of Draft Final Report was reviewed by the implementing
agencies, NCRPB and the ADB. Now this Final Report comprising DPR's modified in
light of comments of IA's is being submitted. The draft DPR for water supply in Panipat
was reviewed by PHED Haryana. Detailed discussions were held with Superintending
Engineer (Urban), Executive Engineer (Urban), Superintending Engineer (Karnal) and
Executive Engineer Panipat. The comments made by PHED have been suitably
incorporated in this Final Report.

13. These DPRs are proposed to be made available to the ULBs and other implementing
agencies of the state governments as model DPRs so that they may replicate the
methodology/approach in the future DPRs prepared by them for obtaining finances from
the NCRPB.

14. Organization of this Final Report. The Final Report of the TA Component B is organized
in following Seven Volumes:

Volume I: Detailed Project Report for Water Supply System in Panipat

Volume II: Detailed Project Report for Rehabilitation and Augmentation of
Sewerage System in Hapur
Volume III: Detailed Project Report for Rehabilitation of Major Drains in Hapur
Volume IV: Detailed Project Report for Improvement of Solid Waste Management

System in Ghaziabad
Volume V: Detailed Project Reports for Four Transport Components in Ghaziabad
Volume VI: Capacity Building Activities
Volume VII: Detailed Project Reports Rehabilitation of Drainage in Sonipat

C. Structure of this Volume VII Report

15. This Volume VI: Detailed Project Report for Construction of Storm Water Drains in
Sonipat is presented in Four sub-volumes (Volumes I-A to I-D) including this Main

Volume VI-A: DPR: Main Report:

• Section 1 Introduction;
• Section 2 defines project rationale, scope and objectives of the DPR;
• Section 3 describes the profile of project town Sonipat and existing Storm Water
Drainage System;
• Section 5 presents the methodology and approach followed for DPR preparation;
• Section 6 establishes planning and design criteria for preparation of DPR for
drainage system in Sonipat Town;
• Section 7 presents the Detailed Design;
• Section 8 presents the project cost estimates and defines contract packages
Appendix1: Detailed Drawings
Appendix 2: Detailed Cost Estimates and Bill of Quantities
Appendix 3: Summary Poverty Reduction & Social Strategy
Appendix 4: Social Safeguards Categorization Form

Volume VI-B: Economic & Financial Analysis

Volume VI-C: Initial Environmental Examination


A. Project Rationale

16. Each city/town has a natural system of drainage and is governed by the physiographic
profile. Over the years, the cities have been getting urbanized and utilizing the available
open space more intensely, which has changed the natural drainage system substantially.
This often results in flooding and water logging causing considerable inconvenience and
economic losses. In most of the cities these are recurring problems for which a suitable
surface drainage system needs to be developed.

17. Due to unplanned growth of population, the major drain flowing through the town have
been encroached upon, thus the rain water overflows on the roads causing flooding of
residential colonies located on the sides of natural drains. Unfortunately due to improper
maintenance of the nallahs, their water carrying capacities have been reduced considerably
and they have also become places of dumping garbage and discharging sewage by people
living nearby. The reduction in channel section, due to dumping of garbage and silting has
reduced the discharge capacity on downstream side. Further, in absence of regular
cleaning and desilting, the drainage channel has been filled up to a considerable depth
rendering acute flooding problem of adjoining areas.

B. Scope

18. The Scope of Work for the Drainage Master Plan includes the following tasks:

(i) Collection and review of existing information as available with the nodal agencies;
(ii) Identification of areas/zones where storm drainage system is cross-connected with
the sewerage system;
(iii) Identification of other local conditions that may impact the ability of the storm
drainage system to avoid flooding;
(iv) Field investigations to verify existing storm drainage system, typical cross-sections
of storm water channels, roadside drains and culverts;
(v) Detail Topographical survey of the existing drain and area proposed for new drain
during master plan.
(v) Collection and analysis of rainfall data and plotting the rainfall intensity duration
curve for the city;
(vi) Calculation of design flows based on the hydraulic analysis;
(vii) Identification of System Deficiencies;
(viii) Based on above preparation of detailed design and estimation for rehabilitation of
existing drain and construction of new drains.

C. Objectives

19. The objectives of this Detailed Project Report for Drainage include:

(i) Providing a comprehensive description and mapping of the Town storm drain
system (trunk and main drains only) including unlined channels and ditches;
(ii) Updating the Town Base Map to show locations of public storm drains and
facilities, including their size, material of construction, and flow directions;
(iii) Analyzing rainfall data collected over a period of 22 years, including development
of intensity duration frequency (IDF) curves for different storm frequency periods;
(iv) Doing a critical evaluation of the storm drainage and channel systems in order to
identify existing and future deficiencies;
(v) Design and estimation for rehabilitation and desilting of existing drains
(v) Detail design and estimates of the new proposed drains


A. Profile of Sonipat Town

1. General

20. Sonipat is an important town of Haryana and is located north of Delhi at a distance of
about 22 km from Azadpur and 30 km from ISBT Kashmiri Gate in Delhi. Geographically
it is situated at 280 59’ N latitude and 770 01’ E Longitude. It is connected to Delhi
through NH 1. The area of town is 18.25 sq. km. Location of Sonipat is shown in Figure

21. It traces its mythological history with Mahabharata. It is said that Sonipat is one of the
prasthas asked by Yudhistara. It is conceived that the five Pandava brothers established
this place called as Suvarnaprastha. As per another opinion, Raja Soni the thirteenth
descendant of Arjuna (one of the Pandava brothers) was responsible for its creation. The
first written and documented mention relates its history with the great Sanskrit
grammarian Panini and his Book Astyadhyayi.

22. The population of Sonipat Town as per census 2001 was 216,213. The District Sonipat
came in to existence on December 22, 1972 .Till then it was a part of Rohtak district.
Sonipat has an average literacy rate of 72%, higher than the national average of 59.5%.

2. Climate

23. Climate of the district is dry with hot summers and cold winters. The weather becomes
comparatively mild during monsoon period. The district experiences high humidity during
the monsoon. Summer starts early April and peaks in May. Winters are from November to
February/March. The average temperature ranges from a minimum of 1.8oC to a maximum
of 44.9oC; occasional extremes may in the ranges of 0.6oC to 47oC. Predominant winds are
from north, northwest and west, followed by east and southeast. Extreme temperatures
have ranged from −0.6 °C (30.9 °F) to 47 °C (116.6 °F). The annual rainfall varies
considerably from year to year. The average annual rainfall of the city is about 624 mm.
Most of the rainfall is received during the monsoon season (July-September); this season
accounts for 75 percent of the annual rainfall. On an average there are 24 rainy days in a
year with rainfall of 25 mm (or more) per day in the town.

3. Topography

24. The average ground level of the town is 225.15 m. The entire district is a part of Punjab
Plains. Soil of the district is sandy. The general slope of the town is toward the south and
west. District may be divided roughly in three Regions namely the Khader, Plain and
sandy region.

4. Socio Economic Conditions

25. Sonipat town falls under National Capita Region and being close to Delhi has great
importance. The town has schools and Government colleges, ITI, civil hospital, stadium
etc. Sonipat town has a substantial economic base. Major industries are located in
municipal ward no 12, 13, 17, 20, 21 & 22. The industries like Atlas cycles, automobile
workshop exist in the town. The Sonipat development plan 2021 also proposes
development of some sectors with industrial use. The present area under industrial use is
6.4% of the municipal area. As per town development plan, the industrial area is proposed
to be 23.88% of the urban area by 2021.

B. Existing Drainage System

26. The storm water of the Sonipat city drains into Drain No 6. The Drain No 6 runs north
south through central portion of town. The storm water from this drain flows to Drain No
8 which flows east west on the south side of town.

27. The drainage system in most parts of the city is non-existent. Only storm water drain pipe
of 1500 mm runs along the Gohana road which ultimately falls into Drain No 6. In
absence of the sewerage system, this drain acts as carrier of waste water.

1. Major Drains

28. Drain No 6. The drain enters the city at the north boundary and flows through Shiv
colony, Rishi colony, Bus stand, Nandwanu Nagar and flows towards south of city
towards Shadipur Kheda. The photograph 1 and 2 shows the condition of Drain No 6.

Photo 1: Drain No 6 Photo 2: Drain No 6

29. Gohana Road Drain Pipe. The RCC storm water drainage pipe of 1500 mm has been laid
on this road to carry the storm water of the part of the city to Drain No 6. The drain pipe
starts from The Police line/ PHED office and passes through the Gohana road. The pipe
crosses the railway line at underpass and carries the storm water of Gain Nagar, Mahabir
colony, Sarang cinema area, Jamalpura, Rishi colony up to the Drain 6 at near the Bus
Stand. The openings at regular interval have been made on the manholes for intake of
storm water. The storm water pipe also carries the sewer of the nearby area. The
photograph shows the condition of Gohana drain.

2. Flood Prone Areas

30. The information about the flood prone area was gathered from public representatives,
Public health engineering department officials and local public and following areas were
identified. The area was physically inspected and problems were discussed with local
residents. Map 04 shows the flood prone areas. The details of the problematic areas are as
(i) Intersection at Shambhu Dayal School
(ii) Railway Crossing at Gohana Road
(iii) Mehlana Road
(iv) Kakroi Road
(v) Rohtak Road
(vi) Area near Atlas Cycle Industry

3. Major Cross Connections to Sewers

31. The sewer of the city is discharged in the Drain No 6. The major drain pipe at Gohana
road also carries the waste water of the nearby colonies.

4. Institutional Set Up

32. The major institution that provides and maintains Storm Water Drainage services in
Sonipat city is Public Health Engineering Department (PHED), Haryana. However, the
main drain i.e. Drain No 6 is under Irrigation department, Haryana.

33. The PHED was renamed from PWD Water supply and sanitation department, Haryana in
2008. The PHED is responsible for following:

(i) Drinking water supply

(ii) Sewerage facilities in towns
(iii) Storm water disposal in towns
(iv) Public health engineering amenities in Government buildings

PHED is lead by the Engineer in Chief with the following staff

Head office
Engineer in Chief 1 No
Chief Engineers 4 Nos
Superintending Engineer 3 Nos
Executive Engineer 9 Nos
Field Offices
Superintending Engineer 13 Nos
Executive Engineer 49 Nos

34. Institutional Arrangement at PHED Sonipat. The Superintending Engineer Public Health
Engineering Circle Sonipat has one Executive Engineer, 4 Sub divisional Engineer and 10
Junior Engineers for execution and supervision of works.


A. Methodology and Approach

35. Collection of Secondary Data. The project team collected the secondary data available
from different nodal agencies. The available reports, as-built records, and O & M practices
were reviewed. Town Land Use Plan prepared from the Town Development Plan 2003
was collected. Historical rainfall information, existing drainage information, flood prone
areas were collected. For information about the city and drainage conditions, interaction
was made with Superintending Engineer, PHED, Executive Engineer, PHED, Sub
Divisional Engineer, PHED, Junior Engineer, PHE, Local Staff of PHED and local

36. Preliminary Field Investigations. The Project Team conducted field investigations to
verify existing storm drainage system, details of existing storm water system, roadside
drains & culverts and flow directions of drains. The information about the flood prone
areas were collected and details of the flood frequency, history of past floods in these
areas were collected from the residents/ users of the area.

37. Detail Survey and Topographical Mapping. Detailed Topographical survey (Map 5) was
done with Total Station with Geo referencing of the roads on which the storm system has
been proposed in PHED DPR. All main physical features such as roads, trees, drains,
property line, road line, built up areas etc. all main roads, water courses and important
buildings (i.e. schools, mosques etc.) were marked on the map for reference.

38. Computation of Coefficient of Runoff. The values for “C” have been followed as listed in
the “Table ” of Manual for Sewerage and Sewage Treatment, CPHEEO. Finally adopted
values are as described below. The values are somewhat conservative because they assume
maximum build-out in the associated zone. Some portions of rural and low-density areas
may or may not develop to full potential. Because the costs of storm water drainage
systems are expensive, it is generally preferable to size the system for the maximum
development rather than upsizing later at additional cost as upsizing always requires some
unnecessary expenditures. It may be better to plan for 80% development rather than for
maximum development, as this would have a relatively minor effect in overall storm flow.

Table 4-1: Runoff Coefficient for time of Concentration and Imperviousness

Run-off Coeff. C for imperviousness
Duration T (Min.)
20% 60%
10 0.125 0.365
20 0.185 0.427
30 0.23 0.477
45 0.277 0.531
60 0.312 0.569
75 0.33 0.598
90 0.362 0.622

100 0.382 0.641
120 0.399 0.656
135 0.414 0.67
150 0.429 0.682
180 0.454 0.701

39. The town area is mainly residential with high density to low density, imperviousness cover
of 60% has been considered at master plan stage. For 60% imperviousness, the
corresponding runoff coefficient for respective time of concentration has been plotted

Figure 4-1: T Vs C Graph

40. Analysis of Rainfall Data. As indicated, the best possible estimation of peak run off rate is
possible where the gauge records of rainfall are available from automatic rain gauge
recorder. As such the nearest rain gauge station with short duration rainfall data is Delhi.
As such rainfall data of New Delhi (30 km from Sonipat) for year 1984 to 2006, as
available, were used for rainfall data analysis.

41. The amount of precipitation obtained from the rainfall data for 15, 30, 45, 60, 75 and 90
minutes are sorted in number of occurrences with 10mm, 15mm, 20mm, 25mm, 30mm, 35
mm, 40mm, 45mm, 50mm, 55mm, 60mm, 75mm, 100mm, 125mm.. Table 4-2 presents
the total counts of such occurrences over a period of 24 years obtained by summation of
the corresponding values.

Table 4-2: Sorted Rainfall Occurrences
Precipitation 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 50 60 75 100 125
mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm
15 min 346 346 344 319 265 229 177 162 79 72 66 63 46
30 min 256 252 206 151 73 44 44 37 18 17 10 10 7
45 min 128 95 37 24 24 18 12 8 4 2 2 2 0
60 min 58 31 16 15 13 13 12 8 7 7 3 3 2
75 min 38 13 13 12 11 9 6 5 0 0 0 0 0
90 min 12 4 3 3 2 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0
Source: Report on rainfall data of New Delhi (Year 1984-2006), UPJN

42. From the sorted rainfall occurrences, the cascades for 1 year (24 occurrences) and storm
frequency for different return period were developed by interpolating the higher and lower
numbers of occurrences with corresponding maximum and minimum amount of
precipitation, the precipitation along the cascade line is obtained. Following Table 4-3
presents the cascade for 1 year storm frequency.

Table 4-3: Cascade for 1 year

Intensity (mm/hr) Intensity (mm/hr)
Duration Higher No. Lower No. Intensity
Corresponding to Corresponding to
(t) of of (i)
Higher No. of Lower No. of
(min.) Occurrences Occurrences (mm/hr)
Occurrence Occurrence
15 46 17 75 100 79.31
30 37 18 40 45 41.05
45 37 24 15 20 14.23
60 31 16 10 15 12.00
75 38 13 5 10 6.80

43. Sample calculation of intensity corresponding to rainfall duration of 30 minutes:

40 + (45-40)*(22-18) / (37-18) = 41.05 mm/hr
Once the intensity of rainfall were obtained, Root Mean Square Deviation (RMSD)
calculation for the respective storm return period was carried out to obtain the
values of the constants of the empirical expression given by Metcalf and Eddy.

Table 4-4: RMSD for 1 year

X =log t Y =log i X^2 XY I = a/t^m
(t) (min)
15 1.176 1.981 1.383 2.330 m =1.50564 110.054
30 1.477 1.643 2.182 2.427 Log a = 3.812 38.758
45 1.653 1.426 2.733 2.357 a =6492 21.049
60 1.778 1.114 3.162 1.981 13.650
75 1.875 0.914 3.516 1.713 9.755
∑X= ∑Y ∑ X2 ∑ XY
7.95964 =7.07752 =12.9759 =10.8081

44. Based on above, Intensity Duration Frequency curve has been plotted as below:

Figure 4-2: IDF Curve for One Year

Based on the curve, the equation for IDF curves is:

I = 6492/(t )1.5
Where I = intensity of rainfall in mm/hr; and t = Duration of rainfall

Table 4-5: Intensity of Rainfall for Duration

Duration (t) in min Intensity (i) in mm/hour (For 1 year freq)
2 2286
3 1242
4 805
5 575
10 203
15 110
20 71
25 51
30 39
35 31
40 25
45 21
50 18
55 16
60 14
70 11
80 9
90 7
100 6
110 5
120 5
150 3
180 3
Source: Rainfall Data and Analysis

45. Identification of System Deficiencies. Hydraulic structures are sized to convey the
maximum anticipated runoff of an area, which occurs when the building density of
upstream areas reaches its saturation i.e. the maximum development allowable within the
zoning under consideration. In this study, the design flow calculations are based upon the
assumption that the upstream drainage area has reached maximum allowable development.

46. The town at present is not having proper drainage system. Most of the roads do not have
storm water drainage system. Only the Gohana road has 1500 mm storm water pipe to
carry the storm water to Drain No 6. As the pipe is connected to sewer system and much
area inflows into the pipe, the size is not sufficient to handle the design storm water of the
town. Further, the Drain No 6 also carries the sewer water and is not channelized.


A. Planning Capacity

47. The need for future drainage infrastructure improvement and the expansion of the Town
depends on actual Town development, rainfall intensity, and storm recurrence period
(storm frequency). Planning Capacity refers to maintaining proper infrastructure of the
Town for projected loadings. Development planning for the town serves three purposes:

(i) It allows the system to remain effective over the required period to implement
capital improvement projects (typically 2 to 5 years). Planning gives the town a
mechanism to initiate master planning updates and staged improvements over the
planning horizon. This should allow the Town to stay ahead of system needs.

(ii) It allows the system to accommodate unplanned or unforeseen developments and

consequent storm water loads over short time periods without unduly overtaxing the
system, thereby allowing the town to adjust infrastructure upgrade schedules to
encounter the deviations.

(iii) It is necessary to address flow variations. Storm water flow can vary considerably
from projected flows depending on actual land uses, growth trends and seasonal

B. Design Parameters

48. The guidelines of CPHEEO manual on Sewerage have been followed for drainage system
design. Based on the guidelines, the discharge that the system will require to drain off has
been calculated. The discharge is dependent upon intensity and duration of precipitation
characteristic of the area and the time required for such flow to reach the drain. The storm
water flow for this purpose has been determined by using the rational method.

49. As part of planning, design and project formulation process, the basic design parameters
have to be predetermined so as to analyze the carrying capacity of existing drains and also
for the design of new drains. These parameters are as follows:

(i) Frequency of storm / return period

(ii) Depth –duration of storm
(iii) Time of concentration
(iv) Run off coefficient for the project area
(v) Method of computing flow in the channels

50. Based on the above parameters, the pattern of rainfall, runoff and time of concentration for
the flood to occur, time acceptable to allow for draining have been decided. This is
particularly essential as the rate of urbanization is very high. Analysis of the existing
drains carrying capacity has been arrived at based on the finalized design parameters.

51. Computation of Design Flow. The entire storm water would not reach the Storm Water
Drainage (SWD). Fraction of it would flow to SWD, which depends on the
imperviousness, topography, shape of the drainage basin and duration of the storm. This
imperviousness is quantified by a coefficient of runoff, which needs to be determined for
each sub-catchment of the drain. The peak runoff at any given point is calculated using
the following rational formula.

Qp = Cs CIA/360

Qp - peak flow in m3 /sec
C – Runoff coefficient
I – design rainfall intensity mm/hr
A – Contributory area in hectares
Cs – storage coefficient

52. Coefficient of Runoff. Because runoff is directly proportional to the value assigned to “C”,
the proper selection of this value is critical for storm water runoff calculations. Care has to
be exercised in selecting this value as it incorporates all of the hydrological extractions,
surface imperviousness and antecedent conditions. As development increases, the amount
of runoff also increases. Runoff coefficient “C” values are based on the land use pattern,
and are listed in Table 5-1 below.

53. The land use zoning used in this study is assumed to be the most dense that could occur in
the future under the Development Plan. It is important that during the actual design stage,
the then current land use zoning for the specific site in question be evaluated.

Table 5-1: Runoff Coefficients “C”

10 20 30 45 60 75 90 100 120 135 150 180
t, minutes
Weighted Average Coefficients
1) Sector concentrating in stated time
0.525 0.588 0.642 0.7 0.74 0.771 0.795 0.813 0.828 0.84 0.85 0.865
(b) 60%
0.365 0.427 0.477 0.531 0.569 0.598 0.622 0.641 0.656 0.67 0.682 0.701
(c) 40%
0.285 0.346 0.395 0.446 0.482 0.512 0.535 0.554 0.571 0.585 0.597 0.618
0.125 0.185 0.23 0.277 0.312 0.33 0.362 0.382 0.399 0.414 0.429 0.454
2) Rectangle (length = 4 x width) concentrating in stated time

10 20 30 45 60 75 90 100 120 135 150 180
t, minutes
0.55 0.648 0.711 0.768 0.808 0.837 0.856 0.869 0.879 0.887 0.892 0.903
(b) 50%
0.35 0.442 0.499 0.551 0.59 0.618 0.639 0.657 0.671 0.683 0.694 0.713
(c) 30%
0.269 0.36 0.414 0.464 0.502 0.53 0.552 0.572 0.588 0.601 0.614 0.636
0.149 0.236 0.287 0.334 0.371 0.398 0.422 0.445 0.463 0.479 0.495 0.522
Note: Values obtained from interpolation

54. Imperviousness. The impervious cover percentage of the drainage area can generally be
obtained from the records of a particular district. In the absence of such data, Table 5-1,
adopted from CPHEEO Manual on Sewerage and Sewage Treatment serves as the guide.

Table 5-2: Guidelines for impervious cover

Sl. No. Type of area % of impervious cover
1 Commercial & Industrial area 70 to 90
2 Residential area
i) High Density 60 to 75
ii) Low Density 35 to 60
3 Parks & Underdeveloped areas 10 to 20
Source: CPHEEO Manual on Sewerage

55. Rainfall Intensity and Duration. It has been observed that shorter the duration of critical
rainfall, the greater would be the expected average intensity during the period. The critical
duration of rainfall will be which produces maximum runoff. The duration will be equal to
the time of concentration.

56. Return period or frequency of storm for which the storm drains are designed depends on
the importance of the area to be drained. Storm Frequency criterion has been adopted as
per CPHEEO Manual for Sewerage and sewage Treatment, and the same in presented in
Table 5-3 below:

Table 5-3: Storm Frequency for Different Areas

Sl No. Type of area Storm frequency
1 Residential areas
i) Peripheral area Twice a year
ii) Central and comparatively high priced area Once a year
2 Commercial and high priced area Once in two years
Source: CPHEEO Manual on Sewerage

57. For determining the appropriate rainfall intensity, historical rainfall data have to be
collected and accordingly the rainfall intensity duration curve have to be developed. The
best possible estimation of peak run off rate is possible where the gauge records of rainfall

are available from automatic rain gauge recorder. If only maximum day rainfall is
available, the intensity of rainfall can be calculated as follows (IRC:SP-13-2004)

Ic = F/T (T+1/t+1)
Where; F= Total precipitation ; T= duration of rainfall and t= time of concentration

58. Rainfall Data Analysis. As indicated, the best possible estimation of peak run off rate is
possible where the gauge records of rainfall are available from automatic rain gauge
recorder. As such the nearest rain gauge station with short duration rainfall data is Delhi.
As such rainfall data of New Delhi (30 Km from Sonipat) for year 1984 to 2006, as
available, were used for rainfall data analysis. The isohytel map of the NCR indicates that
the rainfall analysis of Delhi may be used for Sonipat.

59. Rainfall Intensity from Occurrences. From the sorted rainfall occurrences, the cascades for
1 year (24 occurrences), 2 year (12 occurrences) and storm frequency for different return
period may be developed by interpolating the higher and lower numbers of occurrences
with corresponding maximum and minimum amount of precipitation, the precipitation
along the cascade line is obtained. Once the intensity of rainfall is obtained, Root Mean
Square Deviation (RMSD) calculation for the respective storm return period is carried out
to obtain the values of the constants of the empirical expression given by Metcalf and

i = a/ tm
Where :
i = Intensity of rainfall (mm/hr)
a,m = Constant
t = Duration (min.)
60. Based on calculation, Intensity Duration Frequency (IDF) curve is plotted.

61. Time of Concentration. Time of concentration is the longest time required for a particle to
travel from the watershed divide to the watershed outlet. The remotest point in each zone
is found out and then the level difference between the remote point and the point of
discharge is calculated. As per Kirpich Time of Concentration (in minutes) Equations:

L= the distance from the critical point to the point at which discharge is to be estimated in
S = Slope of the catchment area.

59. Inlet time for improved areas can vary widely and accurate values are difficult to obtain.
Values between 5 and 30 minutes are used for developed areas with steep slopes or closely
spaced inlets.

C. Drainage Development Strategy

62. Flood Zones. There are areas like Shambu Dayal School centre, Railway Crossing at
Gohana Road, and Rohtak Road within the town that are subject to flooding during severe
storm events. Due to no proper drainage system, flat topography and construction
surrounding them does not give way to over land flow and lead to water accumulation

63. Design Criteria. The design of the storm water facilities is planned to withstand a 1-year
design storm while maintaining full flow in the channels. A 1-year design storm means
with recurrence interval of one year. This design criterion has been used throughout the
Drainage Master Plan.

64. Hydrology Model. The hydrology model predicts the volume of flow generated at any
point of the catchment basin based on the approved rainfall data. Nodes were located at
critical drainage facilities. A node represents a location where runoff rates are calculated.
All nodes are designated based on the drainage sub-basins contributing to them. Each
drainage basin in the study area was divided at nodes into sub-basins.

65. The purpose of the hydraulic analysis was to evaluate the adequacy of the existing storm
drainage system (major drains only) and to determine design options for inadequately
sized channels. Channels and storm drains were simulated using the flow data generated in
the hydrology model. Storm drains were simulated using Manning’s equation as below:

V = 1/n x R2/3 x S1/2

V = Velocity (m/s); n = Friction Factor; R = Hydraulic Radius (m); and S = Channel Slope

66. Hydraulic Analysis Methods. The hydraulic models utilize Manning’s equation to relate
depth of flow in the channel to the flow rate (Q), cross sectional area of the channel (A),
slope of the channel (S), and roughness of the structure (Manning’s roughness coefficient,

67. Flow Rates. In the hydrology model, runoff flow rates were computed at each node for the
appropriate design storms. Runoff is assumed to enter the drainage channels at node
locations. Within the hydraulic model, the flow that enters at each node location is
assumed to be flowing through the entire upstream length of the channel.

68. For this study, the following Manning’s roughness coefficients were used (Manual on
Sewerage and Sewage Treatment, CPHEEO):

Cement Concrete with Good finish = 0.013

Concrete channel, wood troweled = 0.015
Earth channel, ordinary condition = 0.025
Earth channel, poor condition = 0.035
Earth channel, partially obstructed with debris or weeds = 0.050

69. Methodology for Hydraulic Modeling. The channels to be modeled were assigned node
numbers based on the sub-catchment basins (one node for each sub-basin). Using the
hydrologic information of catchment basin, such as surface permeability, designed rainfall
intensity and coefficient of run-off; and other relevant design parameters, such as time of
concentration, catchment area and run-off discharges were estimated. These estimated
discharges were compared with the carrying capacity of the existing drains. In case the
existing sections were found inadequate, sections were adopted from the Standard Table
5-4 for the particular discharge. In a similar manner, the sections of the proposed new
drains are also adopted.

Table 5-4: Standard Drain Size

Size (m x m) Manning's Wetted Wetted Hydraulic Slope Velocity Capacity
Coefficient X- Perimeter Radius
Section (m) 'R' (m)
Width Depth 1 in m (m/s) (cum/sec)
1 0.5 0.013 0.5 2 0.25 0.0003 0.557 0.279
1.5 0.75 0.013 1.125 3 0.375 0.0003 0.730 0.822
2 1 1.013 2 4 0.5 0.0003 0.011 0.023
2.5 1.25 0.013 3.125 5 0.625 0.0003 1.027 3.208
3 1.5 0.013 4.5 6 0.75 0.0003 1.159 5.217
3.5 1.75 0.013 6.125 7 0.875 0.0003 1.285 7.869
4 2 0.013 8 8 1 0.0003 1.404 11.235
4.5 2.25 0.013 10.125 9 1.125 0.0003 1.519 15.381
5 2.5 0.013 12.5 10 1.25 0.0003 1.630 20.371
5.5 2.75 0.013 15.125 11 1.375 0.0003 1.737 26.266
6 3 0.013 18 12 1.5 0.0003 1.840 33.126
6.5 3.25 0.013 21.125 13 1.625 0.0003 1.941 41.007
7 3.5 0.013 24.5 14 1.75 0.0003 2.039 49.967
7.5 3.75 0.013 28.125 15 1.875 0.0003 2.135 60.061
8 4 0.013 32 16 2 0.0003 2.229 71.340
8.5 4.25 0.013 36.125 17 2.125 0.0003 2.321 83.858
9 4.5 0.013 40.5 18 2.25 0.0003 2.411 97.665
9.5 4.75 0.013 45.125 19 2.375 0.0003 2.500 112.812
10 5 0.013 50 20 2.5 0.0003 2.587 129.348
10.5 5.25 0.013 55.125 21 2.625 0.0003 2.672 147.321

11 5.5 0.013 60.5 22 2.75 0.0003 2.757 166.778
11.5 5.75 0.013 66.125 23 2.875 0.0003 2.840 187.767
12 6 0.013 72 24 3 0.0003 2.921 210.334
12.5 6.25 0.013 78.125 25 3.125 0.0003 3.002 234.523
13 6.5 0.013 84.5 26 3.25 0.0003 3.081 260.380
13.5 6.75 0.013 91.125 27 3.375 0.0003 3.160 287.949
14 7 0.013 98 28 3.5 0.0003 3.237 317.274
14.5 7.25 0.013 105.125 29 3.625 0.0003 3.314 348.397
15 7.5 0.013 112.5 30 3.75 0.0003 3.390 381.361
Source: Analysis

D. Adequacy of Drains and Drainage System

70. According to the basin characteristics, coefficient of runoff, intensity of rainfall

corresponding to the time of concentration, the discharge at each section has been
calculated. Accordingly, the adequacies of the size of existing drains have been


A. Proposed Works

71. Mehlana Road, Kakroi Road, Rohtak Road and Gohana road are the important roads of the
town. The storm water system along this road has been considered for detail designing.
The improvements required for Drain No. 6 is not considered in this DPR, as the same is
under the purview of Irrigation Department. The works which fall under the scope of
Public Works Department – Water and Sanitation Division, the Implementing Agency for
this project, are only considered. The works proposed in Sonipat are as follows:

(i) Construction of rectangular drain (1 m wide) with covers on both sides of the road at
Kakroi Road, Rohtak Road and Mehlana road;
(i) Providing and laying of RCC drain pipe for storm water from Shambhu Dayal
school intersection to Drain No 6 via Jatwara Mohalla road- Road from Kami ;
(iii) Providing and laying of RCC drain pipe for storm water along Railway Colony road
and PWD guest house road;
(iv) Construction of rectangular drain (1 m wide) with covers on both sides of Atlas
cycle industry road and Blind Center road.

72. In this report the major drains of the city have been covered. The drainage system of the
colonies and nearby areas has to be planned in view of the alignment of these drains. The
priority has given to develop major drains focusing on the areas which are flood prone.

73. All the maps/drawings are appended at Appendix 1. Layout of proposed drainage system
in presented in NCRPB/SONIPATH/DR-01 in Appendix 1

B. Detailed Investigations & Preliminary Design

74. The detail investigation of the roads and levels has been done. According to levels the path
of the storm water drain was determined. The path is in Drg No NCRPB-SPT-DR-01. The
details of the path are shown in Table 6-1.

Table 6-1: Strom water Drain path

Drain No Path Route
A A2-A3-A4-A5-A6-A-7 Shambhu Dayal School intersection – Railway
under bridge- Jatwara Mohalla road- Road from
Kami- Drain No 6
A1-A2 Kakroi Road - Shambhu Dayal School intersection
A’21-A2 Rohtak Road - Shambhu Dayal School intersection
A22-A21-A2 Mehlana road - Shambhu Dayal School

Drain No Path Route
B B1-B2-B3-B4 Gohana Road-Railway under bridge- Gohana road
market- Bus stand intersection – Drain No 6
C C1-C2-C3- C4 Railway Colony road – Post & telephone office
road- Gohana road market- Drain No 6
C22-C21-C2 PWD rest house road- Gohana road market
C31-C3 Road Near Bus Stand
D D1-D2-D3-D4 Atlas cycle industry road- Blind Center road-
Drain No 6

75. Design Discharge and Contributory Area. For calculation of contributory area for each
drain, the area of 200m on each side of road has been considered. The area of sub-
catchment area is as in Table 6-2.

Table 6-2: Catchment area for each section of Drain

Drain No Section Chainage Catchment Area in Ha

A Mehlana road A22-A2 16.2

Rohtak Road A'21-A2 64.2
Kakroi Road A1-A2 25.2
A4-A5-A6-A7 24
A7-A9 20
B Gohana Road B1-A3 20
Gohana Road Market A3-B2-B3-B4 30
B21-B2 10
C C1-C2-B3 8
C22-C21-C2 18
C31-C3 6
D D1-D2-D3-D4 40
D31-D3 30

76. Time of concentration. The time of concentration has been calculated based on Kirpich
Time of Concentration (in minutes) Equations:

L= the distance from the critical point to the point at which discharge is to be estimated in
S = Slope of the catchment area.

77. The time of concentration for each section of Drain A, Drain B, Drain C and Drain D is
shown in Table 6-3, Table 6-4, Table 6-5, and Table 6-6 respectively.

Table 6-3: Time of concentration for sections of Drain A

Section Chainage Catchmen Length for Differenc Slope of Time of
t Area Time of e in RL catchmen concentratio
(Ha) concentratio at u/s and t (S) n (tc) in
n (L) (m) d/s of minutes
t (m)
Mehlana A22-A2 16.2 823.772 0.856 0.00104 25.000
Rohtak Road A'21-A2 64.2 3213.503 0.157 0.00050 60.000

Kakroi Road A1-A2 25.2 1268.897 0.157 0.00012 60.000

A4-A5-A6- 24 1209.339 0.727 0.00060 31.853

A7-A9 20 1011.187 0.157 0.00015 46.673

Table 6-4: Time of concentration for sections of Drain B

Section Chainage Catchment Length for Difference Slope of Time of
Area (Ha) Time of in RL at catchment concentration
concentration u/s and (S) (tc) in minutes
(L) (m) d/s of
Gohana B1-A3 20 1011.187 0.157 0.00015 46.673
B21-B2 10 522.015 0.157 0.000 25.000

Gohana A3-B2- 30 1507.481 0.157 0.000 60.000

road B3-B4

Table 6-5: Time of concentration for sections of Drain C

Chainage Catchme Length for Difference in RL at Slope of Time of
nt Area Time of u/s and d/s of catchmen concentration
(Ha) concentration catchment (m) t (S) (tc) in minutes
(L) (m)
C22-C21- 18.6 930 1.0555 0.00112 25
C31-C3 6.6 330 0.893 0.002463 25

Table 6-6: Time of concentration for sections of Drain D
Chainage Catchme Length for Time Difference in RL at Slope of Time of
nt Area of concentration u/s and d/s of catchmen concentration
(Ha) (L) (m) catchment (m) t (S) (tc) in minutes
D1-D2- 40 2000 0.157 0.00008 60
D31-D3 31.8 1590 0.157 0.00010 60

78. For economical viability and flood acceptability, minimum time of concentration of 25
minutes and maximum time of concentration of 60 minutes have been considered.

79. Design intensity of rainfall and coefficient of roughness. The design intensity of rainfall
and coefficient of roughness is based on the time of concentration. The intensity of rainfall
is calculated by interpolating values from Table 4-5 and coefficient of roughness from
Table 5-1 . The values as interpolated are presented in the following Table 6-7.

Table 6-7: Intensity of rainfall and Runoff Coefficient for each sections of Drain
Drain Chainage Time of Intensity of Runoff
Concentration rainfall (I) Coefficient (C)
(Tc) in minutes corresponding corresponding to
from Kirpich’s to Tc in mm/hr Tc
A A22-A2 25.000 51 0.452
A'21-A2 60.000 14 0.569
A1-A2 60.000 14 0.569
A4-A5-A6-A7 31.853 36.03 0.484
A7-A9 46.673 19.99 0.535
B B1-A3 46.673 19.99 0.535
B21-B2 25.000 51 0.452
A3-B2-B3-B4 60.000 14 0.569
C C22-C21-C2 18.6 51 0.452
C31-C3 6.6 51 0.452
D D1-D2-D3-D4 60.000 14 0.569
D31-D3 60.000 14 0.569

80. Design Discharge. The discharge has been calculated based on rational formula given
below. Table 6-8 shows the discharge for which drain has to be designed

Qp = CIA/360
Qp - peak flow in m3 /sec
C – Runoff coefficient
I – design rainfall intensity mm/hr
A – Contributory area in hectares

Table 6-8: Cumulative Discharge for each sections of Drain
Drai Chainage Catchment Area Intensity of rainfall (I) in Runoff Discharge Cumulative Remarks
n (Ha) mm/hr Coefficient (C) (Q) in Discharge in
Cum/Sec Cum/sec
A A22-A2 16.2 51.000 0.452 0.961
A A'21-A2 64.2 14.000 0.569 1.106
A A1-A2 25.2 14.000 0.569 0.558
B B1-A3 20 19.996 0.535 0.595
Discharge at A3 3.22 Total of 1, 2 , 3 & 4
B A3-B2-B3- 30 14.000 0.569 0.664 2.23 The discharge is the capacity
B4 of 1.5m dia existing pipe
A A4-A5-A6- 24 36.035 0.484 1.162
Discharge at A7 2.152 Discharge
C C22-C21- 18.6 51 0.452 1.19102
C C31-C2 6.6 51 0.452 0.42262 1.613
C C2-C3 8.4 51 0.452 0.53788
Discharge at C3 2.151
D D1D2-D3- 40 14.000 0.569 0.885
D D31-D3 31.8 14.000 0.569 0.704
Discharge at D3 1.589

C. Design of Drain Sections

81. Technical options. The option of rectangular drain with covers and RCC pipe was
considered. In view of easy maintenance and depth of the invert, the rectangular drain with
covers is preferred. However, in the congested area, where the space for drain is not
available, the RCC pipe with manholes at 30 m interval has been considered. The drain
wise section considered is shown in Table 6-9.

Table 6-9: Type of Drain for each section

S.No. Drain Chainage Length Type of Drain
1 A A22-A2 810 CC Rectangular drain with covers on both
sides of road
2 A A'21-A2 1,410 CC Rectangular drain with covers on both
sides of road
3 A A1-A2 1,260 CC Rectangular drain with covers on both
sides of road
4 A A211-A21 720 CC Rectangular drain with covers on both
sides of road
5 A A2-A9 2,730 RCC pipe on one side of road
6 C C22-C21-C2 2,070 RCC pipe on one side of road
7 C C31-C2 330 RCC pipe on one side of road
8 C C1-C2-C3-C4 960 RCC pipe on one side of road
9 D D1-D2-D3-D4 2,070 CC Rectangular drain with covers on both
sides of road
10 D D31-D3 1,580 CC Rectangular drain with covers

82. Proposed Sections. The sections have been proposed in view of the levels of the drain. The
level at the downstream has to be maintained in accordance to the existing level.
Accordingly the slope corrections have been made in the drain. The drain has been
designed with proper slope. The options of the slopes were considered and finally the
slope to maintain the downstream flow and for adequacy of drain to take care of the design
discharge has been considered. The section required for carrying the storm water discharge
has been calculated and is in Table 6-10 (rectangular) and Table 6-11 (circular). The
capacity of the drain has been calculated from Manning’s formula

V = 1/n x R2/3 x S1/2

V = Velocity (m/s); n = Friction Factor; R = Hydraulic Radius (m); and S = Channel Slope

Table 6-10: Design for size of section for rectangular sections
Chainage Cumulative Width Depth Coefficient of CS Area Perimeter R=A/P S (1 in ) Velocity Capacity Adequacy
Discharge (m) (m) Roughness of Drain of Drain (V) in of Drain
from rainfall (n) (A) (P) m/sec

A22-A2 1.037 1 1 0.013 1 3 0.333 0.001 1.169 1.169 OK

A'21-A2 1.195 1 1 0.013 1 3 0.333 0.001 1.169 1.169 OK
A1-A2 0.558 1 1 0.013 1 3 0.333 0.001 1.169 1.169 OK
D1D2-D3 0.885 1 1 0.013 1 3 0.333 0.001 1.169 1.169 OK
D31-D3 0.704 1 1 0.013 1 3 0.333 0.001 1.169 1.169 OK

Table 6-11: Design for size of section for Circular RCC pipe
Chainage Cumulative Dia (m) Coefficient of CS Area of R=A/P S (1 in ) Velocity Capacity Adequacy
Discharge from Roughness (n) Drain (A) (V) in of Drain
rainfall m/sec

A4-A5-A6-A7 2.152 1.5 0.013 1.766 0.375 0.001 1.264 2.233 OK

C22-C21-C2 1.191 1.2 0.013 1.130 0.3 0.001 1.089 1.231 OK
C31-C2 0.422 0.9 0.013 0.635 0.225 0.001 0.899 0.572 OK
C2-C3 2.151 1.5 0.013 1.766 0.375 0.001 1.264 2.233 OK

83. All the drawings are appended at Appendix 1. Drg No NCRPB-SPT-DR-02 shows the
typical detail of manholes. Drg No NCRPB-SPT-DR-03 shows the typical detail of the
rectangular channel. At crossing of the road, box girders have been proposed. Drg No
NCRPB-SPT-DR-04 shows the box girder for 1m width section.

84. Drg No NCRPB-SPT-DR-05, Drg No NCRPB-SPT-DR-06 and Drg No NCRPB-SPT-

DR-07 shows the L section of Drain A, C & D respectively.


A. Cost Estimates

85. Based on the designs Bill of Quantities (BOQ) for works has been worked. Costs are
based on “CPWD Schedule of Rates 2007”. The BOQ and quantity sheet is at Volume III

86. The price contingency at 6% per year has been considered to bring the cost estimates
applied to current market rate. Additional provision for 5% for DSC+TPI, IEC activities
1%, Physical contingency 5%, Environmental mitigation 1%, Social intervention 1%,
Institutional development and capacity building 1% has been considered.

87. The Bill of Quantities (BOQs) along with the quantity sheet for different works under this
package has been given in Appendix 2. The total base cost of the subproject is estimates
as INR 141.2 million and landed cost is 161.05 including contingencies and other

B. Contract Packages

88. The works involved in construction of new open and closed drains in Sonipat has been
identified. As the work is of similar nature, only one package has been considered.

Table 7-1: Indicative Contract Package

S. Contract Package Contract Value Suggested
No Package No Method
INR mn US $ mn
1 Construction of New Storm SPT-SWD/01 161.05 3.58 NCB
Water Drains in Sonipat
NCB – National Competitive Bidding

Appendix 1
Table 1: Abstract Cost Estimates
S.No. Description Cost
1 Civil Works as per BOQ 141,273,508
Contingency for
2 Design and Supervision consultancy and Tender premium (5%) 7,063,675
3 IEC activity (1%) 1,412,735
4 Physical Contingency (5%) 7,063,675
5 Environmental mitigation (1%) 1,412,735
6 Social Intervention (1%) 1,412,735
7 Insttitutional Development (1%) 1,412,735
Total 161,051,799

Table 2: Bill of Quantities for Storm Water Drainage Work at Sonipath
S. No. Description of Item Reference Unit Rate (Rs) Quantity Amount
1 Earth work in excavation by 2.8.1 pg 65 cum 115.81 36487.00 4,225,486
mechanical means (Hydraulic
excavator)/ manual means in
foundation trenches or drains (not
exceeding 1.5 m in width or 10 sqm on
plan) including dressing of sides and
ramming of bottoms, lift upto 1.5 m,
including getting out the excavated soil
and disposal of surplus excavated soil
as directed, within a lead of 50m
All Kinds of Soil

2 Earth work in excavation by 2.11 pg 65 cum 154.00 32419.00 4,992,526

mechanical means (Hydraulic
excavator)/ manual means in
foundation trenches or drains (not
exceeding 1.5 m in width or 10 sqm on
plan) including dressing of sides and
ramming of bottoms, depth exceeding
1.5 m, but not exceeding 3m, including
getting out the excavated soil and
disposal of surplus excavated soil as
directed, within a lead of 50m
All Kinds of soil

3 Carriage of excavated surplus earth 1.1.2 pg 54 cum 85.66 41343.60 3,541,394

(Lead of 5 Km) by mechanical
transport including loading and
unloading as directed
4 Filling available excavated earth 2.25 pg 67 cum 51.18 27562.40 1,410,754
(excluding rock) in trenches, plinth,
sides of foundations etc in layers not
exwatering, lead upto 50 m and lift up
to ceeding 20 cm depth, consolidating
each deposited layer by ramming and
watering, lead upto 50m and lift up to
1.5 m.
4a Extra for every additional lift of 1.5 m 2.26 pg 67 cum 21.17 525 11,113
or part thereof in all kinds of soil
5 Providing and laying in position 4.1.5 pg 79 cum ###### 3860.00 12,066,267
cement concrete of specified grade
excluding the cost of centering and
shuttering- All work up to plinth level
1:3:6 (1 cement : 3 course sand : 6
graded stone aggregate 20 mm nominal

S. No. Description of Item Reference Unit Rate (Rs) Quantity Amount
6 Providing and laying in position 5.1.2 pg 88 cum ###### 10900 45,560,256
specified grade of reinforced cement
concrete excluding the cost of
centering, shuttering, finishing and
reinforcment- All work up to plinth
1:1.5:3 (1 cement : 1.5 course sand : 3
graded stone aggregate 20 mm nominal
7 Reinforcement for RCC work including 5.22 Pg 92 Kg 47.82 13050.00 624,103
straightening, cutting, bending, placing
in position and binding all complete
Hot rolled deformed bars

8 Structural steel work riveted, bolted or 10.2 Pg 163 Kg 46.35 27510.00 1,275,089
welded in built up sections, trusses and
framed work, including cutting,
hoisting, fixing in position and
applying a priming coat of approved
steel primer all complete
9 Providing and placing in position 5.36 Pg 94 cum ###### 1700 18,436,718
precast reinforced cement concrete
waffle units square or rectangular as
per design and shape for floors and
roofs in 1:1.5:3 (1 Cement:1.5 coarse
sand: 3 graded stone aggregate 10 mm
nominal size) including flush or deep
ruled pointing at joints in cement
mortar 1:2 (1 cement: 2 fine sand),
making necessary holes of required
sizes for carrying through service lines
etc., providing steel hooks for lifting
etc, form work in precasting, handling,
hoisting, centering and erection
complete for all floor levels but
excluding the cost of reinforcement

10 Providing precast cement concrete jali 5.18 pg 91 Sqm 402.30 100 40,230
1:2:4 (1 cement : 2 course sand : 4
graded stone aggregate 6 mm nominal
size) reinforced with 1.6 mm diamild
steel wire including centering and
shuttering, roughening cleaning, fixing
and finishing in cement mortar 1:3 (1
cement : 3 course sand) etc. complete
excluding plastering of the jambs, sills
and soffits
50 mm thick

S. No. Description of Item Reference Unit Rate (Rs) Quantity Amount
11 Supplying, conveying to site, lowering -
in trenches, aligning, laying & jointing
of ISI marked Precast Concrete Pipes
NP-3 pipes (with s/s ends) as per IS:
458 - 2003 with Rubber gaskets as per
IS: 5382-1985 (with latest
ammendments till date) (including cost
of Rubber gaskets, lubricants etc.) as
per drawing, testing the laid pipe line
as per specifications (including
conveyance of water to site) etc.,
complete and/or as directed by
Engineer. The pipe shall be ISI

a 900 mm dia RCC pipe Non SOR meter ###### 726 3,078,448
b 1200 mm dia RCC pipe Non SOR meter ###### 1221 7,603,619
c 1500 mm dia RCC pipe Non SOR meter ###### 3234 27,385,512
12 Construction brick masonry circular Pg 318 each ###### 25 138,138
type manhole 0.91 m internal dia at
bottom and 0.56 m dia at top in cement
mortar 1:4 (1 cement :4 course sand),
in side cement plaster 12 mm thick
with cement mortar 1:3 (1 cement : 3
course sand) finished with floating coat
of neat cement, foundation concrete
1:3:6 mix (1 cement : 3 course sand: 6
graded stone aggregate 40 mm nominal
size), and making necessary channel in
cement concrete 1:2:4 (1 cement : 2
course sand: 4 graded stone aggregate
20 mm nominal size) finished with a
floating coat of neat cement all
complete as per standard design:
0.91 m deep with SFRC cover and
frame (heavy duty, HD 20 grade
designation) 560 mm internal diameter
conforming to IS 12592, total weight of
cover and frame to be not less than 182
Kg., fixed in cement concrete 1:2:4 (1
cement : 2 course sand: 4 graded stone
aggregate 20 mm nominal size)
including centering shuttering all
complete (excavation, foot rests and 12
mm thick cement plaster at the external
surface shall be paid for seperately)

S. No. Description of Item Reference Unit Rate (Rs) Quantity Amount
13 Construction brick masonry circular Pg 318 each ###### 125 1,252,475
type manhole 1.22 m internal dia at
bottom and 0.56 m dia at top in cement
mortar 1:4 (1 cement :4 course sand),
in side cement plaster 12 mm thick
with cement mortar 1:3 (1 cement : 3
course sand) finished with floating coat
of neat cement, foundation concrete
1:3:6 mix (1 cement : 3 course sand: 6
graded stone aggregate 40 mm nominal
size), and making necessary channel in
cement concrete 1:2:4 (1 cement : 2
course sand: 4 graded stone aggregate
20 mm nominal size) finished with a
floating coat of neat cement all
complete as per standard design:
1.68 m deep with SFRC cover and
frame (heavy duty, HD 20 grade
designation) 560 mm internal diameter
conforming to IS 12592, total weight of
cover and frame to be not less than 182
Kg., fixed in cement concrete 1:2:4 (1
cement : 2 course sand: 4 graded stone
aggregate 20 mm nominal size)
including centering shuttering all
complete (excavation, foot rests and 12
mm thick cement plaster at the external
surface shall be paid for seperately)

S. No. Description of Item Reference Unit Rate (Rs) Quantity Amount
14 Construction brick masonry circular Pg 318 each ###### 120 2,457,047
type manhole 1.52 m internal dia at
bottom and 0.56 m dia at top in cement
mortar 1:4 (1 cement :4 course sand),
in side cement plaster 12 mm thick
with cement mortar 1:3 (1 cement : 3
course sand) finished with floating coat
of neat cement, foundation concrete
1:3:6 mix (1 cement : 3 course sand: 6
graded stone aggregate 40 mm nominal
size), and making necessary channel in
cement concrete 1:2:4 (1 cement : 2
course sand: 4 graded stone aggregate
20 mm nominal size) finished with a
floating coat of neat cement all
complete as per standard design:
2.30 m deep with SFRC cover and
frame (heavy duty, HD 20 grade
designation) 560 mm internal diameter
conforming to IS 12592, total weight of
cover and frame to be not less than 182
Kg., fixed in cement concrete 1:2:4 (1
cement : 2 course sand: 4 graded stone
aggregate 20 mm nominal size)
including centering shuttering all
complete (excavation, foot rests and 12
mm thick cement plaster at the external
surface shall be paid for seperately)
15 Providing orange colour safety foot rest 19.16 each 204.29 1225 250,253
of minimum 6 mm thick plastic
encapsulated as per IS:10910 on 12
mm dia steel bar conforming to
IS:1786 having minimum cross section
as 23mm x 25mm and over all
minimum length 263 mm and width as
165 mm with minimum 112 mm space
between protruded legs having 2 mm
tread on top surface by ribbing or
chequering besides necessary and
adequate anchoring projections on tail
length on 138 mm as standard drawing
and suitable to with stand the bend test
and chemical resistance test as per
specifications and having
manufacturer’s permanent
identification mark to be visible even
after fixing, including fixing in
manholes with 30x20x15 cm cement
concrete block 1:3:6 (1 cement:3
coarse sand: 6 graded stone aggregate
20 mm nominal size) complete as per

S. No. Description of Item Reference Unit Rate (Rs) Quantity Amount
16 Restoration of road including cutting of Non SOR Sqm ###### 6200 6,200,000
road and making good the same
including supply of extra quantities of
materials i.e aggregate, moorum
screening, red bajri, bitumen and
labour required
17 Erection of barricades consisting of Non SOR Per RM 56.00 12930.00 724,080
two rows of horizontal wooden ballies
8 cm dia at 45 cm center to center and
vertical posts of 8 cm x 10 cm size
wooden bargas or 10 cm dia ballies
2.10 meter center to center 1 meter to
1.25 meter projection above ground
level and 0.45 m embedded below
ground level, securely tightened with
superior quality of fine narial rope,
inculding supply of all materials,
labour, tools & plants etc required for
prper completion of work as directed
by Engineer in charge including its
removal, levelling and dressing of the
site when done with.

Total 141,273,508
Note: The price contingency at 6% per year has been considered to bring the cost estimates applied to current

Table 3: Measurement Sheet for Strom Water Drainage Works at Sonipath

S.No Description Units No's Length Breadth Depth Quantity Remarks

1 Excavation
0 to 1.5 m cum 36487.00 Table 4
1.5 m to 3 m cum 32419.00
2 Barricading m 12930.00
3 Carriage cum 41343.60
4 Refilling 27562.40
5 CC M 10 Table 5
cum 3801.03
say 3860.00
6 CC M20 Table 6
cum 10850.079
say 10900
7 Drain Cover cum 7860 1.3 0.15 1685.97
say 1700
8 Box culvert Table 7
9 Reinforcement (1.2 Qtl/ Cum) Qtl 13020.09 1.2 x (item
5+Item 6))
say 13050.00
10 Steel work Kg 35 3930 0.20 27510.00 35 Kg/Sqm
11 NP2 pipe Table 8
a 900 mm dia RCC pipe m 726
b 1200 mm dia RCC pipe m 1221
c 1500 mm dia RCC pipe m 3234
12 Manhole Table 9
a Type 1 each 25
b Type 2 each 125
c Type 3 each 120
13 Footrest 1225
14 Road restoration Sqm 6200 Table 10

Table 4: Detailed Quantity Estimates for Excavation
A211-A21 Drain with cover
Chainage Existing Road Length Proposed Diff in Proposed Propsed bed Average Excavation Excavation for Excavation
Level in m (A) in m slope bed lev width (m) level in m (B) excavation in cum 0 to 1.5m in greater than
1 in depth in m cum 1.5m in cum
- 222.75 30 1,000 0.03 1.00 221.85 0.90 43.20 43.20 -
30 222.82 30 1,000 0.03 1.00 221.82 1.00 48.00 48.00 -
60 222.73 30 1,000 0.03 1.00 221.79 0.94 45.07 45.07 -
90 222.64 30 1,000 0.03 1.00 221.76 0.88 42.14 42.14 -
120 222.55 30 1,000 0.03 1.00 221.73 0.82 39.26 39.26 -
150 222.50 30 1,000 0.03 1.00 221.70 0.80 38.50 38.50 -
180 222.46 30 1,000 0.03 1.00 221.67 0.79 37.73 37.73 -
210 222.41 30 1,000 0.03 1.00 221.64 0.77 36.96 36.96 -
240 222.37 30 1,000 0.03 1.00 221.61 0.75 36.19 36.19 -
270 222.32 30 1,000 0.03 1.00 221.58 0.74 35.42 35.42 -
300 222.23 30 1,000 0.03 1.00 221.55 0.68 32.45 32.45 -
330 222.14 30 1,000 0.03 1.00 221.52 0.61 29.47 29.47 -
360 222.04 30 1,000 0.03 1.00 221.49 0.55 26.50 26.50 -
390 222.17 30 1,000 0.03 1.00 221.46 0.71 33.89 33.89 -
420 222.29 30 1,000 0.03 1.00 221.43 0.86 41.28 41.28 -
450 222.42 30 1,000 0.03 1.00 221.40 1.02 48.72 48.72 -
480 222.44 30 1,000 0.03 1.00 221.37 1.07 51.46 51.46 -
510 222.47 30 1,000 0.03 1.00 221.34 1.13 54.24 54.24 -
540 222.50 30 1,000 0.03 1.00 221.31 1.19 57.02 57.02 -
570 222.56 30 1,000 0.03 1.00 221.28 1.27 61.15 61.15 -
600 222.61 30 1,000 0.03 1.00 221.25 1.36 65.33 65.33 -
630 222.50 30 1,000 0.03 1.00 221.22 1.28 61.49 61.49 -
660 222.39 30 1,000 0.03 1.00 221.19 1.20 57.70 57.70 -
690 222.29 30 1,000 0.03 1.00 221.16 1.12 53.90 53.90 -
720 222.18 30 1,000 0.03 1.00 221.13 1.05 50.26 50.26 -
Total for both sides 2,254.66

A22-A21-A2 Drain with cover
Chainage Existing Road Length Proposed Diff in Proposed Propsed bed Average Excavation Excavation for Excavation
Level in m (A) in m slope bed lev width (m) level in m (B) excavation in cum 0 to 1.5m in greater than
1 in depth in m cum 1.5m in cum
- 223.51 30 500 0.06 1.00 222.61 0.90 43.20 43.20
30 223.49 30 500 0.06 1.00 222.55 0.94 45.12 45.12
60 223.48 30 500 0.06 1.00 222.49 0.99 47.71 47.71
90 223.48 30 500 0.06 1.00 222.43 1.05 50.35 50.35
120 223.45 30 500 0.06 1.00 222.37 1.08 51.89 51.89
150 223.42 30 500 0.06 1.00 222.31 1.12 53.52 53.52
180 223.40 30 500 0.06 1.00 222.25 1.15 55.15 55.15
210 223.31 30 500 0.06 1.00 222.19 1.12 53.62 53.62
240 223.21 30 500 0.06 1.00 222.13 1.09 52.08 52.08
270 223.20 30 500 0.06 1.00 222.07 1.13 54.24 54.24
300 223.19 30 500 0.06 1.00 222.01 1.18 56.45 56.45
330 223.11 30 500 0.06 1.00 221.95 1.16 55.63 55.63
360 223.03 30 500 0.06 1.00 221.89 1.14 54.82 54.82
390 222.95 30 500 0.06 1.00 221.83 1.12 53.66 53.66
420 222.86 30 500 0.06 1.00 221.77 1.09 52.37 52.37
450 222.78 30 500 0.06 1.00 221.71 1.07 51.41 51.41
480 222.73 30 500 0.06 1.00 221.65 1.08 51.70 51.70
510 222.67 30 500 0.06 1.00 221.59 1.08 51.98 51.98
540 222.63 30 500 0.06 1.00 221.53 1.10 52.94 52.94
570 222.59 30 500 0.06 1.00 221.47 1.12 53.90 53.90
600 222.45 30 500 0.06 1.00 221.41 1.05 50.16 50.16
630 222.32 30 500 0.06 1.00 221.35 0.97 46.42 46.42
660 222.18 30 500 0.06 1.00 221.29 0.89 42.72 42.72
690 221.99 30 500 0.06 1.00 221.23 0.77 36.72 36.72
720 221.81 30 500 0.06 1.00 221.17 0.64 30.77 30.77
750 221.84 30 500 0.06 1.00 221.11 0.73 34.85 34.85
780 221.85 30 500 0.06 1.00 221.05 0.80 38.59 38.59
810 221.80 30 500 0.06 1.00 220.99 0.81 38.78 38.78
Total for both sides 2,721.50

A' 21-A2 Drain with cover
Chainage Existing Road Length Proposed Diff in Proposed Propsed bed Average Excavation Excavation for Excavation
Level in m (A) in m slope bed lev width (m) level in m (B) excavation in cum 0 to 1.5m in greater than
1 in depth in m cum 1.5m in cum
- 223.54 30 1,000 0.03 1.00 222.64 0.90 43.20 43.20
30 223.53 30 1,000 0.03 1.00 222.61 0.92 44.21 44.21
60 223.54 30 1,000 0.03 1.00 222.58 0.96 46.13 46.13
90 223.54 30 1,000 0.03 1.00 222.55 0.99 47.47 47.47
120 223.54 30 1,000 0.03 1.00 222.52 1.02 48.82 48.82
150 223.53 30 1,000 0.03 1.00 222.49 1.05 50.16 50.16
180 223.41 30 1,000 0.03 1.00 222.46 0.95 45.41 45.41
210 223.28 30 1,000 0.03 1.00 222.43 0.85 40.70 40.70
240 223.26 30 1,000 0.03 1.00 222.40 0.86 41.18 41.18
270 223.23 30 1,000 0.03 1.00 222.37 0.86 41.33 41.33
300 223.22 30 1,000 0.03 1.00 222.34 0.88 42.14 42.14
330 223.20 30 1,000 0.03 1.00 222.31 0.89 42.67 42.67
360 223.08 30 1,000 0.03 1.00 222.28 0.80 38.59 38.59
390 222.97 30 1,000 0.03 1.00 222.25 0.72 34.56 34.56
420 222.95 30 1,000 0.03 1.00 222.22 0.73 35.04 35.04
450 223.02 30 1,000 0.03 1.00 222.19 0.83 40.03 40.03
480 223.10 30 1,000 0.03 1.00 222.16 0.94 45.07 45.07
510 223.09 30 1,000 0.03 1.00 222.13 0.96 46.13 46.13
540 222.99 30 1,000 0.03 1.00 222.10 0.89 42.77 42.77
570 222.95 30 1,000 0.03 1.00 222.07 0.88 42.10 42.10
600 222.89 30 1,000 0.03 1.00 222.04 0.85 40.85 40.85
630 222.85 30 1,000 0.03 1.00 222.01 0.84 40.18 40.18
660 222.96 30 1,000 0.03 1.00 221.98 0.98 46.94 46.94
690 223.07 30 1,000 0.03 1.00 221.95 1.12 53.76 53.76
720 223.18 30 1,000 0.03 1.00 221.92 1.26 60.53 60.53
750 223.29 30 1,000 0.03 1.00 221.89 1.40 67.34 67.34

780 223.40 30 1,000 0.03 1.00 221.86 1.55 74.16 -
810 223.17 30 1,000 0.03 1.00 221.83 1.34 64.37 64.37
840 222.94 30 1,000 0.03 1.00 221.80 1.14 54.91 54.91
870 222.71 30 1,000 0.03 1.00 221.77 0.94 45.17 45.17
900 222.48 30 1,000 0.03 1.00 221.74 0.74 35.66 35.66
930 222.48 30 1,000 0.03 1.00 221.71 0.77 37.06 37.06
960 222.48 30 1,000 0.03 1.00 221.68 0.80 38.45 38.45
990 222.51 30 1,000 0.03 1.00 221.65 0.86 41.23 41.23
1,020 222.54 30 1,000 0.03 1.00 221.62 0.92 44.02 44.02
1,050 222.49 30 1,000 0.03 1.00 221.59 0.90 43.39 43.39
1,080 222.45 30 1,000 0.03 1.00 221.56 0.89 42.77 42.77
1,110 222.36 30 1,000 0.03 1.00 221.53 0.83 39.89 39.89
1,140 222.29 30 1,000 0.03 1.00 221.50 0.79 37.82 37.82
1,170 222.21 30 1,000 0.03 1.00 221.47 0.74 35.38 35.38
1,200 222.08 30 1,000 0.03 1.00 221.44 0.64 30.77 30.77
1,230 221.97 30 1,000 0.03 1.00 221.41 0.56 26.88 26.88
1,260 221.92 30 1,000 0.03 1.00 221.38 0.55 26.16 26.16
1,290 221.88 30 1,000 0.03 1.00 221.35 0.53 25.49 25.49
1,320 221.84 30 1,000 0.03 1.00 221.32 0.52 24.77 24.77
1,350 221.79 30 1,000 0.03 1.00 221.29 0.50 24.10 24.10
1,380 221.75 30 1,000 0.03 1.00 221.26 0.49 23.42 23.42
1 410 221
80 30 11,000
000 00.03
03 11.00
00 221.23
221 23 0.57
0 57 27.26
27 26 27.26
27 26
Total for both sides 18,801.02

A1-A2 Drain with cover
Chainage Existing Road Length Proposed Diff in Proposed Propsed bed Average Excavation Excavation for Excavation
Level in m (A) in m slope bed lev width (m) level in m (B) excavation in cum 0 to 1.5m in greater than
1 in depth in m cum 1.5m in cum
- 223.17 30 1,500 0.02 1.00 222.27 0.90 43.20 43.20 43.20
30 223.34 30 1,500 0.02 1.00 222.25 1.08 51.94 51.94 51.94
60 223.44 30 1,500 0.02 1.00 222.23 1.21 57.94 57.94 57.94
90 223.55 30 1,500 0.02 1.00 222.21 1.33 63.94 63.94 63.94
120 223.65 30 1,500 0.02 1.00 222.19 1.46 69.94 69.94 69.94
150 223.61 30 1,500 0.02 1.00 222.17 1.44 68.98 68.98 68.98
180 223.58 30 1,500 0.02 1.00 222.15 1.42 68.26 68.26 68.26
210 223.65 30 1,500 0.02 1.00 222.13 1.52 73.01 - 73.01
240 223.55 30 1,500 0.02 1.00 222.11 1.44 69.12 69.12 69.12
270 223.57 30 1,500 0.02 1.00 222.09 1.47 70.70 70.70 70.70
300 223.58 30 1,500 0.02 1.00 222.07 1.51 72.34 - 72.34
330 223.54 30 1,500 0.02 1.00 222.05 1.49 71.52 71.52 71.52
360 223.50 30 1,500 0.02 1.00 222.03 1.47 70.61 70.61 70.61
390 223.49 30 1,500 0.02 1.00 222.01 1.48 70.90 70.90 70.90
420 223.48 30 1,500 0.02 1.00 221.99 1.48 71.18 71.18 71.18
450 223.46 30 1,500 0.02 1.00 221.97 1.49 71.42 71.42 71.42
480 223.46 30 1,500 0.02 1.00 221.95 1.51 72.24 - 72.24
510 223.46 30 500 0.06 1.00 221.89 1.56 75.02 - 75.02
540 223.52 30 500 0.06 1.00 221.83 1.69 80.88 - 80.88
570 223.39 30 500 0.06 1.00 221.77 1.62 77.71 - 77.71
600 223.28 30 500 0.06 1.00 221.71 1.56 74.98 - 74.98
630 223.16 30 500 0.06 1.00 221.65 1.51 72.24 - 72.24
660 223.13 30 500 0.06 1.00 221.59 1.54 73.97 - 73.97
690 223.04 30 500 0.06 1.00 221.53 1.50 72.14 - 72.14
720 222.97 30 500 0.06 1.00 221.47 1.50 71.95 71.95 -
750 222.91 30 500 0.06 1.00 221.41 1.50 71.76 71.76 -
780 222.81 30 500 0.06 1.00 221.35 1.45 69.79 69.79 -
810 222.90 30 500 0.06 1.00 221.29 1.60 76.90 - 76.90
840 222.89 30 500 0.06 1.00 221.23 1.66 79.73 - 79.73
870 222.91 30 500 0.06 1.00 221.17 1.74 83.47 - 83.47
900 222.84 30 500 0.06 1.00 221.11 1.73 82.90 - 82.90
930 222.77 30 500 0.06 1.00 221.05 1.72 82.32 - 82.32

960 222.50 30 500 0.06 1.00 220.99 1.51 72.38 - 72.38
990 222.54 30 500 0.06 1.00 221.64 0.90 43.20 43.20 -
1,020 222.50 30 500 0.06 1.00 221.58 0.92 44.11 44.11 -
1,050 222.47 30 500 0.06 1.00 221.52 0.95 45.55 45.55 -
1,080 222.44 30 500 0.06 1.00 221.46 0.98 47.04 47.04 -
1,110 222.34 30 500 0.06 1.00 221.40 0.93 44.83 44.83 -
1,140 222.23 30 500 0.06 1.00 221.34 0.89 42.67 42.67 -
1,170 222.13 30 500 0.06 1.00 221.28 0.84 40.51 40.51 -
1,200 221.99 30 500 0.06 1.00 221.22 0.76 36.67 36.67 -
1,230 221.89 30 500 0.06 1.00 221.16 0.73 35.04 35.04 -
1,260 221.80 30 500 0.06 1.00 221.10 0.70 33.41 33.41 -
Total for both sides 3,092.35 4,283.71

D31-D3 Drain with cover
Chainage Existing Road Length Proposed Diff in Proposed Propsed bed Average Excavation Excavation for Excavation
Level in m (A) slope bed lev width level in m (B) excavation Excavatio in cum 0 to 1.5m in greater than
depth in m n for wall cum 1.5m in cum
in cum
- 221.24 30 400 0.08 1.00 220.34 0.90 3.06 43.20 43.20 -
30 221.21 30 400 0.08 1.00 220.27 0.94 3.21 45.26 45.26 -
60 221.18 30 400 0.08 1.00 220.19 0.98 3.35 47.28 47.28 -
90 221.15 30 400 0.08 1.00 220.12 1.03 3.50 49.34 49.34 -
120 221.10 30 400 0.08 1.00 220.04 1.06 3.61 50.93 50.93 -
150 221.06 30 400 0.08 1.00 219.97 1.09 3.72 52.46 52.46 -
180 220.97 30 400 0.08 1.00 219.89 1.07 3.65 51.50 51.50 -
210 220.87 30 400 0.08 1.00 219.82 1.05 3.58 50.50 50.50 -
240 220.78 30 400 0.08 1.00 219.74 1.03 3.51 49.54 49.54 -
270 220.63 30 400 0.08 1.00 219.67 0.96 3.27 46.13 46.13 -
300 220.62 30 400 0.08 1.00 219.59 1.03 3.50 49.34 49.34 -
330 220.61 30 400 0.08 1.00 219.52 1.09 3.72 52.51 52.51 -
360 220.52 30 400 0.08 1.00 219.44 1.07 3.64 51.46 51.46 -
390 220.42 30 400 0.08 1.00 219.37 1.05 3.57 50.40 50.40 -
420 220.32 30 400 0.08 1.00 219.29 1.03 3.50 49.34 49.34 -
450 220.22 30 400 0.08 1.00 219.22 1.01 3.42 48.29 48.29 -
480 220.13 30 400 0.08 1.00 219.14 0.98 3.35 47.23 47.23 -
510 219.97 30 400 0.08 1.00 219.07 0.90 3.07 43.34 43.34 -
540 219.81 30 400 0.08 1.00 218.99 0.82 2.79 39.41 39.41 -
570 219.66 30 400 0.08 1.00 218.76 0.90 3.06 43.20 43.20 -
600 219.50 30 400 0.08 1.00 218.68 0.82 2.78 39.26 39.26 -
630 219.40 30 400 0.08 1.00 218.61 0.79 2.68 37.87 37.87 -
660 219.29 30 400 0.08 1.00 218.53 0.76 2.58 36.43 36.43 -
690 219.19 30 400 0.08 1.00 218.46 0.73 2.48 35.04 35.04 -
720 219.04 30 400 0.08 1.00 218.14 0.90 3.06 43.20 43.20 -
750 218.90 30 400 0.08 1.00 218.07 0.83 2.83 39.89 39.89 -
780 218.82 30 400 0.08 1.00 217.99 0.83 2.82 39.74 39.74 -
810 218.74 30 400 0.08 1.00 217.92 0.82 2.80 39.60 39.60 -
840 218.67 30 400 0.08 1.00 217.84 0.82 2.80 39.50 39.50 -
870 218.59 30 400 0.08 1.00 217.77 0.82 2.79 39.36 39.36 -
900 218.51 30 400 0.08 1.00 217.69 0.82 2.78 39.22 39.22 -

930 218.43 30 400 0.08 1.00 217.62 0.81 2.77 39.07 39.07 -
960 218.38 30 400 0.08 1.00 217.54 0.84 2.85 40.27 40.27 -
990 218.33 30 400 0.08 1.00 217.47 0.86 2.93 41.42 41.42 -
1,020 218.28 30 400 0.08 1.00 217.39 0.89 3.02 42.62 42.62 -
1,050 218.28 30 400 0.08 1.00 217.32 0.96 3.26 45.98 45.98 -
1,080 218.27 30 400 0.08 1.00 217.24 1.03 3.50 49.34 49.34 -
1,110 218.17 30 400 0.08 1.00 217.17 1.00 3.41 48.10 48.10 -
1,140 218.07 30 400 0.08 1.00 217.09 0.98 3.32 46.85 46.85 -
1,170 218.02 30 400 0.08 1.00 217.02 1.00 3.40 48.05 48.05 -
1,200 217.97 30 400 0.08 1.00 216.94 1.03 3.49 49.30 49.30 -
1,230 217.92 30 400 0.08 1.00 216.87 1.05 3.58 50.50 50.50 -
1,260 217.87 30 400 0.08 1.00 216.79 1.08 3.67 51.74 51.74 -
1,290 217.82 30 400 0.08 1.00 216.92 0.90 3.06 43.20 43.20 -
1,320 217.79 30 400 0.08 1.00 216.85 0.94 3.19 45.07 45.07 -
1,350 217.75 30 400 0.08 1.00 216.77 0.98 3.32 46.90 46.90 -
1,380 217.67 30 400 0.08 1.00 216.70 0.97 3.30 46.61 46.61 -
1,410 217.59 30 400 0.08 1.00 216.62 0.97 3.28 46.37 46.37 -
1,440 217.51 30 400 0.08 1.00 216.55 0.96 3.26 46.08 46.08
1,470 217.47 30 400 0.08 1.00 216.47 1.00 3.40 48.05 48.05 -
1,500 217.44 30 400 0.08 1.00 216.40 1.04 3.54 50.02 50.02 -
1,530 217.41 30 400 0.08 1.00 216.32 1.08 3.68 51.98 51.98 -
1 560
1,560 217 34
217.34 30 400 0 08
0.08 1 00
1.00 216 25
216.25 1 09
1.09 3 70
3.70 52 22
52.22 52 22
52.22 -
1,590 217.30 30 400 0.08 1.00 216.17 1.13 3.83 54.05 54.05 -
Total 2,473.58

D1-D2-D3-D4 Drain with cover
Chainage Existing Road Length Proposed Diff in Proposed Propsed bed Average Excavation Excavation for Excavation
Level in m (A) slope bed lev width level in m (B) excavation Excavatio in cum 0 to 1.5m in greater than
depth in m n for wall cum 1.5m in cum
in cum
- 222.81 30 400 0.08 1.00 221.91 0.90 3.06 43.20 43.20 -
30 222.63 30 400 0.08 1.00 221.84 0.79 2.70 38.16 38.16 -
60 222.45 30 400 0.08 1.00 221.76 0.69 2.34 33.07 33.07 -
90 222.27 30 400 0.08 1.00 221.69 0.58 1.99 28.03 28.03 -
120 222.22 30 400 0.08 1.00 221.61 0.60 2.05 28.90 28.90 -
150 222.16 30 400 0.08 1.00 221.54 0.62 2.11 29.81 29.81 -
180 222.10 30 400 0.08 1.00 221.46 0.64 2.17 30.67 30.67 -
210 222.05 30 400 0.08 1.00 221.39 0.66 2.23 31.54 31.54 -
240 221.99 30 400 0.08 1.00 221.31 0.68 2.30 32.45 32.45 -
270 221.93 30 400 0.08 1.00 221.24 0.69 2.36 33.31 33.31 -
300 221.85 30 400 0.08 1.00 221.16 0.68 2.32 32.78 32.78 -
330 221.76 30 400 0.08 1.00 221.09 0.67 2.29 32.30 32.30 -
360 221.68 30 400 0.08 1.00 221.01 0.66 2.25 31.78 31.78 -
390 221.59 30 400 0.08 1.00 220.94 0.65 2.21 31.25 31.25 -
420 221.53 30 400 0.08 1.00 220.86 0.66 2.25 31.78 31.78 -
450 221.46 30 400 0.08 1.00 220.79 0.67 2.29 32.35 32.35 -
480 221.40 30 400 0.08 1.00 220.71 0.68 2.33 32.88 32.88 -
510 221.34 30 400 0.08 1.00 220.64 0.70 2.37 33.41 33.41 -
540 221.17 30 400 0.08 1.00 220.56 0.60 2.05 28.90 28.90 -
570 221.00 30 400 0.08 1.00 220.10 0.90 3.06 43.20 43.20 -
600 220.83 30 400 0.08 1.00 220.02 0.81 2.74 38.69 38.69 -
630 220.58 30 400 0.08 1.00 219.95 0.63 2.14 30.24 30.24 -
660 220.33 30 400 0.08 1.00 219.87 0.45 1.54 21.74 21.74 -
690 220.12 30 400 0.08 1.00 219.80 0.32 1.09 15.36 15.36 -
720 219.91 30 400 0.08 1.00 219.01 0.90 3.06 43.20 43.20 -
750 219.91 30 400 0.08 1.00 218.94 0.97 3.31 46.80 46.80 -
780 219.70 30 400 0.08 1.00 218.86 0.84 2.86 40.42 40.42 -
810 219.54 30 400 0.08 1.00 218.79 0.75 2.56 36.10 36.10 -
840 219.37 30 400 0.08 1.00 218.71 0.66 2.25 31.78 31.78 -
870 219.21 30 400 0.08 1.00 218.64 0.57 1.94 27.46 27.46 -
900 219.04 30 400 0.08 1.00 218.56 0.48 1.64 23.14 23.14 -

930 218.94 30 400 0.08 1.00 218.49 0.46 1.55 21.89 21.89 -
960 218.84 30 400 0.08 1.00 218.41 0.43 1.46 20.64 20.64 -
990 218.74 30 400 0.08 1.00 218.34 0.40 1.37 19.34 19.34 -
1,020 218.64 30 400 0.08 1.00 218.26 0.38 1.28 18.10 18.10 -
1,050 218.54 30 400 0.08 1.00 218.19 0.35 1.19 16.85 16.85 -
1,080 218.32 30 400 0.08 1.00 218.11 0.21 0.72 10.22 10.22 -
1,110 218.11 30 400 0.08 1.00 218.04 0.07 0.25 3.60 3.60 -
1,140 218.09 30 400 0.08 1.00 217.96 0.13 0.44 6.14 6.14 -
1,170 218.07 30 400 0.08 1.00 217.89 0.18 0.62 8.69 8.69 -
1,200 218.04 30 400 0.08 1.00 217.81 0.23 0.80 11.23 11.23 -
1,230 218.02 30 400 0.08 1.00 217.74 0.29 0.98 13.78 13.78 -
1,260 218.00 30 400 0.08 1.00 217.66 0.34 1.16 16.32 16.32 -
1,290 217.98 30 400 0.08 1.00 217.59 0.39 1.34 18.86 18.86 -
1,320 217.97 30 400 0.08 1.00 217.51 0.46 1.56 21.98 21.98 -
1,350 217.96 30 400 0.08 1.00 217.44 0.52 1.78 25.10 25.10 -
1,380 217.96 30 400 0.08 1.00 217.36 0.60 2.03 28.66 28.66 -
1,410 217.94 30 400 0.08 1.00 217.29 0.65 2.22 31.30 31.30 -
1,440 217.75 30 400 0.08 1.00 217.21 0.53 1.82 25.68 25.68
1,470 217.55 30 400 0.08 1.00 217.14 0.42 1.42 20.02 20.02 -
1,500 217.43 30 400 0.08 1.00 217.06 0.37 1.25 17.62 17.62 -
(D3) 1530 217.30 30 400 0.08 1.00 216.99 0.32 1.08 15.22 15.22 -
1 560
1,560 217 18
217.18 30 400 0 08
0.08 1 00
1.00 216 91
216.91 0 27
0.27 0 90
0.90 12 77
12.77 12 77
12.77 -
1,590 217.05 30 400 0.08 1.00 216.84 0.22 0.73 10.37 10.37 -
1,620 217.07 30 400 0.08 1.00 216.17 0.90 3.06 43.20 43.20 -
1,650 217.08 30 400 0.08 1.00 216.10 0.99 3.35 47.28 47.28 -
1,680 217.11 30 400 0.08 1.00 216.02 1.09 3.70 52.27 52.27 -
1,710 217.12 30 400 0.08 1.00 215.95 1.17 3.99 56.40 56.40 -
1,740 217.15 30 400 0.08 1.00 215.87 1.28 4.35 61.34 61.34 -
1,770 217.21 30 400 0.08 1.00 215.80 1.41 4.80 67.73 67.73 -
1,800 217.26 30 400 0.08 1.00 215.72 1.54 5.25 74.11 - 74.11
1,830 217.22 30 400 0.08 1.00 215.65 1.57 5.35 75.55 - 75.55
1,860 217.18 30 400 0.08 1.00 215.57 1.60 5.46 77.04 - 77.04
1,890 217.13 30 400 0.08 1.00 215.50 1.63 5.56 78.48 - 78.48
1,920 217.09 30 400 0.08 1.00 215.42 1.67 5.66 79.97 - 79.97
1,950 217.04 30 400 0.08 1.00 215.35 1.70 5.77 81.46 - 81.46
1,980 217.05 30 400 0.08 1.00 215.27 1.78 6.05 85.44 - 85.44

2,010 217.08 30 400 0.08 1.00 215.20 1.88 6.39 90.24 - 90.24
2,040 217.09 30 400 0.08 1.00 215.12 1.97 6.69 94.46 - 94.46
2,070 217.10 30 400 0.08 1.00 215.05 2.05 6.99 98.64 - 98.64
Total for both sides 3,474.53 1,670.78

A2 to A9
Chainage Existing Road Length Proposed Diff in Proposed Propsed Pipe Average Width of Total Trench Trench
Level in m (A) (in M) slope bed lev Pipe Dia. (m) bed level in m Trench Pipe Trench Excavation for Excavation
1 in (B) excavation Trench Excavation 0 to 1.5m (in greater than
depth (in m) (m) (in cum) cum) 1.5m depth( in
- 221.80 30 800 0.04 1.50 219.20 2.60 2.10 163.80 - 163.80
30.00 222.07 30 800 0.04 1.50 219.16 2.91 2.10 183.17 - 183.17
60.00 222.07 30 800 0.04 1.50 219.12 2.94 2.10 185.47 - 185.47
90.00 222.07 30 800 0.04 1.50 219.08 2.98 2.10 187.77 - 187.77
120.00 222.06 30 800 0.04 1.50 219.05 3.02 2.10 190.07 - 190.07
150.00 221.97 30 800 0.04 1.50 219.01 2.96 2.10 186.76 - 186.76
180.00 221.89 30 800 0.04 1.50 218.97 2.91 2.10 183.52 - 183.52
210.00 221.83 30 800 0.04 1.50 218.93 2.90 2.10 182.54 - 182.54
240.00 221.78 30 800 0.04 1.50 218.90 2.88 2.10 181.57 - 181.57
270.00 221.66 30 800 0.04 1.50 218.86 2.80 2.10 176.68 - 176.68
300.00 221.55 30 800 0.04 1.50 218.82 2.73 2.10 171.86 - 171.86
330.00 221.44 30 800 0.04 1.50 218.78 2.65 2.10 167.04 - 167.04
360.00 221.32 30 800 0.04 1.50 218.75 2.57 2.10 162.22 - 162.22
390.00 221.28 30 800 0.04 1.50 218.71 2.57 2.10 161.94 - 161.94
420.00 221.24 30 800 0.04 1.50 218.67 2.57 2.10 161.66 - 161.66
450.00 221.20 30 800 0.04 1.50 218.63 2.56 2.10 161.37 - 161.37
480.00 221.16 30 800 0.04 1.50 218.60 2.56 2.10 161.15 - 161.15
510.00 221.03 30 800 0.04 1.50 218.56 2.47 2.10 155.83 - 155.83
540.00 220.91 30 800 0.04 1.50 218.52 2.39 2.10 150.57 - 150.57
570.00 221.11 30 800 0.04 1.50 218.48 2.63 2.10 165.41 - 165.41
600.00 221.16 30 800 0.04 1.50 218.45 2.71 2.10 170.92 - 170.92
630.00 221.23 30 800 0.04 1.50 218.41 2.82 2.10 177.69 - 177.69
660.00 221.36 30 3,000 0.01 1.50 218.40 2.96 2.10 186.51 - 186.51
690.00 221.42 30 3,000 0.01 1.50 218.39 3.03 2.10 190.92 - 190.92
720.00 221.46 30 3,000 0.01 1.50 218.38 3.08 2.10 194.07 - 194.07
750.00 221.50 30 3,000 0.01 1.50 218.37 3.13 2.10 197.10 - 197.10
780.00 221.51 30 3,000 0.01 1.50 218.36 3.15 2.10 198.17 - 198.17
810.00 221.55 30 3,000 0.01 1.50 218.35 3.20 2.10 201.51 - 201.51
840.00 221.59 30 3,000 0.01 1.50 218.34 3.25 2.10 204.84 - 204.84
870.00 221.57 30 3,000 0.01 1.50 218.33 3.24 2.10 204.28 - 204.28

900.00 221.55 30 3,000 0.01 1.50 218.32 3.23 2.10 203.65 - 203.65
930.00 221.53 30 3,000 0.01 1.50 218.31 3.22 2.10 203.08 - 203.08
960.00 221.51 30 3,000 0.01 1.50 218.30 3.21 2.10 202.45 - 202.45
990.00 221.49 30 3,000 0.01 1.50 218.29 3.20 2.10 201.88 - 201.88
1,020.00 221.37 30 3,000 0.01 1.50 218.28 3.09 2.10 194.51 - 194.51
1,050.00 221.36 30 3,000 0.01 1.50 218.27 3.09 2.10 194.70 - 194.70
1,080.00 221.35 30 3,000 0.01 1.50 218.26 3.09 2.10 194.83 - 194.83
1,110.00 221.35 30 3,000 0.01 1.50 218.25 3.10 2.10 195.02 - 195.02
1,140.00 221.34 30 3,000 0.01 1.50 218.24 3.10 2.10 195.14 - 195.14
1,170.00 221.33 30 3,000 0.01 1.50 218.23 3.10 2.10 195.33 - 195.33
1,200.00 221.33 30 3,000 0.01 1.50 218.22 3.11 2.10 196.02 - 196.02
1,230.00 221.33 30 3,000 0.01 1.50 218.21 3.12 2.10 196.65 - 196.65
1,260.00 221.33 30 3,000 0.01 1.50 218.20 3.13 2.10 197.35 - 197.35
1,290.00 221.14 30 3,000 0.01 1.50 218.19 2.95 2.10 186.13 - 186.13
1,320.00 220.90 30 3,000 0.01 1.50 218.18 2.72 2.10 171.08 - 171.08
1,350.00 221.04 30 3,000 0.01 1.50 218.17 2.87 2.10 180.78 - 180.78
1,380.00 220.96 30 3,000 0.01 1.50 218.16 2.80 2.10 176.12 - 176.12
1,410.00 220.87 30 3,000 0.01 1.50 218.15 2.72 2.10 171.39 - 171.39
1,440.00 220.79 30 3,000 0.01 1.50 218.14 2.65 2.10 166.73 - 166.73
1,470.00 221.12 30 3,000 0.01 1.50 218.13 2.99 2.10 188.40 - 188.40
1,500.00 221.45 30 3,000 0.01 1.50 218.12 3.33 2.10 210.07 - 210.07
1 530 00
1,530.00 221 79
221.79 30 3 000
3,000 0 01
0.01 1 50
1.50 218 11
218.11 3 68
3.68 2 10
2.10 231 81
231.81 - 231 81
1,560.00 222.12 30 3,000 0.01 1.50 218.10 4.02 2.10 253.48 - 253.48
1,590.00 222.26 30 3,000 0.01 1.50 218.09 4.17 2.10 262.55 - 262.55
1,620.00 221.69 30 3,000 0.01 1.50 218.08 3.61 2.10 227.52 - 227.52
1,650.00 220.93 30 3,000 0.01 1.50 218.07 2.86 2.10 179.96 - 179.96
1,680.00 220.16 30 800 0.04 1.50 218.03 2.13 2.10 134.06 - 134.06
1,710.00 220.12 30 800 0.04 1.50 217.99 2.13 2.10 134.03 - 134.03
1,740.00 220.09 30 800 0.04 1.50 217.96 2.13 2.10 134.06 - 134.06
1,770.00 220.05 30 800 0.04 1.50 217.92 2.13 2.10 134.03 - 134.03
1,800.00 220.01 30 800 0.04 1.50 217.88 2.13 2.10 134.00 - 134.00
1,830.00 219.86 30 800 0.04 1.50 217.84 2.01 2.10 126.85 - 126.85
1,860.00 219.71 30 800 0.04 1.50 217.81 1.90 2.10 119.70 - 119.70
1,890.00 219.56 30 800 0.04 1.50 217.77 1.79 2.10 112.55 - 112.55
1,920.00 219.52 30 800 0.04 1.50 217.73 1.79 2.10 112.77 - 112.77
1,950.00 219.50 30 800 0.04 1.50 217.69 1.80 2.10 113.56 - 113.56

1,980.00 219.51 30 800 0.04 1.50 217.66 1.85 2.10 116.80 - 116.80
2,010.00 219.53 30 800 0.04 1.50 217.62 1.91 2.10 120.05 - 120.05
2,040.00 219.54 30 800 0.04 1.50 217.58 1.96 2.10 123.29 - 123.29
2,070.00 219.49 30 800 0.04 1.50 217.54 1.95 2.10 122.57 - 122.57
2,100.00 219.44 30 800 0.04 1.50 217.51 1.93 2.10 121.90 - 121.90
2,130.00 219.39 30 800 0.04 1.50 217.47 1.92 2.10 121.18 - 121.18
2,160.00 219.34 30 800 0.04 1.50 217.43 1.91 2.10 120.46 - 120.46
2,190.00 219.33 30 800 0.04 1.50 217.39 1.93 2.10 121.87 - 121.87
2,220.00 219.31 30 800 0.04 1.50 217.36 1.96 2.10 123.29 - 123.29
2,250.00 219.29 30 800 0.04 1.50 217.32 1.97 2.10 124.08 - 124.08
2,280.00 219.26 30 800 0.04 1.50 217.28 1.98 2.10 124.80 - 124.80
2,310.00 219.24 30 800 0.04 1.50 217.24 1.99 2.10 125.59 - 125.59
2,340.00 219.21 30 800 0.04 1.50 217.21 2.00 2.10 126.31 - 126.31
2,370.00 219.19 30 800 0.04 1.50 217.17 2.02 2.10 127.10 - 127.10
2,400.00 218.99 30 800 0.04 1.50 217.13 1.86 2.10 117.05 - 117.05
2,430.00 218.79 30 800 0.04 1.50 217.09 1.70 2.10 107.07 - 107.07
2,460.00 218.60 30 800 0.04 1.50 217.06 1.54 2.10 97.02 - 97.02
2,490.00 218.65 30 800 0.04 1.50 217.02 1.63 2.10 102.53 - 102.53
2,520.00 218.70 30 800 0.04 1.50 216.98 1.71 2.10 108.04 - 108.04
2,550.00 218.75 30 800 0.04 1.50 216.94 1.80 2.10 113.56 - 113.56
2,580.00 218.80 30 800 0.04 1.50 216.91 1.89 2.10 119.07 - 119.07
2 610 00
2,610.00 219 04
219.04 30 800 0 04
0.04 1 50
1.50 216 87
216.87 2 17
2.17 2 10
2.10 136 43
136.43 - 136 43
2,640.00 219.27 30 800 0.04 1.50 216.83 2.44 2.10 153.72 - 153.72
2,670.00 219.29 30 800 0.04 1.50 216.79 2.49 2.10 156.90 - 156.90
2,700.00 219.30 30 800 0.04 1.50 216.76 2.54 2.10 160.02 - 160.02
2,730.00 219.31 30 800 0.04 1.50 216.72 2.59 2.10 163.20 - 163.20
Total 15,052.62

Chainage Existing Road Length Proposed Diff in Proposed Propsed Pipe Average Width of Total Trench Trench
Level in m (A) (in M) slope bed lev Pipe Dia. bed level in m Trench Pipe Trench Excavation for Excavation
(B) excavation Trench Excavation 0 to 1.5m (in greater than
depth (in m) (in cum) cum) 1.5m depth( in
- 222.99 30 500 0.06 1.20 220.89 2.10 1.80 113.40 - 113.40
30 222.99 30 500 0.06 1.20 220.83 2.16 1.80 116.42 - 116.42
60 222.99 30 500 0.06 1.20 220.77 2.21 1.80 119.39 - 119.39
90 222.98 30 500 0.06 1.20 220.71 2.27 1.80 122.42 - 122.42
120 222.98 30 500 0.06 1.20 220.65 2.32 1.80 125.39 - 125.39
150 222.97 30 500 0.06 1.20 220.59 2.38 1.80 128.41 - 128.41
180 222.97 30 500 0.06 1.20 220.53 2.44 1.80 131.54 - 131.54
210 222.97 30 500 0.06 1.20 220.47 2.49 1.80 134.62 - 134.62
240 222.97 30 500 0.06 1.20 220.41 2.55 1.80 137.75 - 137.75
270 222.96 30 500 0.06 1.20 220.35 2.61 1.80 140.83 - 140.83
300 222.96 30 500 0.06 1.20 220.29 2.67 1.80 143.96 - 143.96
330 222.78 30 500 0.06 1.20 220.23 2.54 1.80 137.38 - 137.38
360 222.60 30 500 0.06 1.20 220.17 2.42 1.80 130.73 - 130.73
390 222.55 30 500 0.06 1.20 220.11 2.44 1.80 131.71 - 131.71
420 222.51 30 500 0.06 1.20 220.05 2.46 1.80 132.68 - 132.68
450 222.62 30 500 0.06 1.20 219.99 2.62 1.80 141.64 - 141.64
480 222.72 30 500 0.06 1.20 219.93 2.79 1.80 150.55 - 150.55
510 222.83 30 500 0.06 1.20 219.87 2.95 1.80 159.52 - 159.52
540 222.93 30 500 0.06 1.20 219.81 3.12 1.80 168.43 - 168.43
570 222.76 30 500 0.06 1.20 219.75 3.00 1.80 162.16 - 162.16
600 222.61 30 500 0.06 1.20 219.69 2.91 1.80 157.25 - 157.25
630 222.46 30 500 0.06 1.20 219.63 2.82 1.80 152.33 - 152.33
660 222.33 30 500 0.06 1.20 219.57 2.75 1.80 148.66 - 148.66
690 222.20 30 500 0.06 1.20 219.51 2.69 1.80 144.99 - 144.99
720 222.22 30 500 0.06 1.20 219.45 2.77 1.80 149.58 - 149.58
750 221.91 30 500 0.06 1.20 219.39 2.52 1.80 135.86 - 135.86
780 221.60 30 500 0.06 1.20 219.33 2.26 1.80 122.09 - 122.09

810 221.32 30 500 0.06 1.20 219.27 2.04 1.80 110.38 - 110.38
840 221.04 30 500 0.06 1.20 219.21 1.83 1.80 98.71 - 98.71
870 220.77 30 500 0.06 1.20 219.15 1.61 1.80 86.99 - 86.99
900 220.82 30 500 0.06 1.20 219.09 1.73 1.80 93.42 - 93.42
930 220.88 30 500 0.06 1.20 219.03 1.85 1.80 99.85 - 99.85
960 220.88 30 2,000 0.02 1.20 218.78 2.10 2.10 132.30 - 132.30
990 220.82 30 2,000 0.02 1.20 218.76 2.05 2.10 129.46 - 129.46
1,020 220.81 30 2,000 0.02 1.20 218.75 2.06 2.10 130.03 - 130.03
1,050 220.81 30 2,000 0.02 1.20 218.73 2.07 2.10 130.66 - 130.66
1,080 220.81 30 2,000 0.02 1.20 218.72 2.09 2.10 131.61 - 131.61
1,110 220.80 30 2,000 0.02 1.20 218.70 2.10 2.10 132.24 - 132.24
Total 5,015.37
Chainage Existing Road Length Proposed Diff in Proposed Propsed Pipe Average Width of Total Trench Trench
Level in m (A) (in M) slope bed lev Pipe Dia. bed level in m Trench Pipe Trench Excavation for Excavation
(B) excavation Trench Excavation 0 to 1.5m (in greater than
depth (in m) (in cum) cum) 1.5m depth( in
- 221.57 30 500 0.06 0.90 219.57 2.00 1.50 90.00 - 90.00
30 221.56 30 500 0.06 0.90 219.51 2.06 1.50 92.52 - 92.52
60 221.56 30 500 0.06 0.90 219.45 2.11 1.50 95.04 - 95.04
90 221.47 30 500 0.06 0.90 219.39 2.09 1.50 93.87 - 93.87
120 221.38 30 500 0.06 0.90 219.33 2.06 1.50 92.65 - 92.65
150 221.39 30 500 0.06 0.90 219.27 2.12 1.50 95.58 - 95.58
180 221.39 30 500 0.06 0.90 219.21 2.19 1.50 98.51 - 98.51
210 221.27 30 500 0.06 0.90 219.15 2.12 1.50 95.40 - 95.40
240 221.14 30 500 0.06 0.90 219.09 2.05 1.50 92.30 - 92.30
270 220.97 30 500 0.06 0.90 219.03 1.94 1.50 87.44 - 87.44
300 220.80 30 500 0.06 0.90 218.97 1.83 1.50 82.53 - 82.53
330 220.88 30 500 0.06 0.90 218.91 1.97 1.50 88.70 - 88.70
Total 1,104.53

Chainage Existing Road Length Proposed Diff in Proposed Propsed Pipe Average Width of Total Trench Trench
Level in m (A) (in M) slope bed lev Pipe Dia. bed level in m Trench Pipe Trench Excavation for Excavation
(B) excavation Trench Excavation 0 to 1.5m (in greater than
depth (in m) (in cum) cum) 1.5m depth( in
- 221.14 30 200 0.15 0.90 219.14 2.00 1.50 90.00 - 90.00
30 221.08 30 200 0.15 0.90 218.99 2.09 1.50 93.92 - 93.92
60 221.02 30 200 0.15 0.90 218.84 2.18 1.50 98.10 - 98.10
90 220.96 30 200 0.15 0.90 218.69 2.27 1.50 102.20 - 102.20
120 220.72 30 200 0.15 0.90 218.54 2.18 1.50 98.10 - 98.10
150 220.48 30 200 0.15 0.90 218.39 2.09 1.50 93.92 - 93.92
180 220.24 30 200 0.15 0.90 218.24 2.00 1.50 90.00 - 90.00
210 220.00 30 200 0.15 0.90 218.09 1.91 1.50 85.95 - 85.95
240 219.84 30 200 0.15 0.90 217.94 1.90 1.50 85.41 - 85.41
270 219.68 30 200 0.15 0.90 217.79 1.89 1.50 84.92 - 84.92
300 219.52 30 200 0.15 0.90 217.64 1.88 1.50 84.38 - 84.38
330 219.36 30 200 0.15 0.90 217.49 1.86 1.50 83.88 - 83.88
Total 1,090.76

Chainage Existing Road Length Proposed Diff in Proposed Propsed Pipe Average Width of Total Trench Trench
Level in m (A) (in M) slope bed lev Pipe Dia. bed level in m Trench Pipe Trench Excavation for Excavation
(B) excavation Trench Excavation 0 to 1.5m (in greater than
depth (in m) (in cum) cum) 1.5m depth( in
( C1 ) 0 221.97 30 350 0.09 0.90 219.97 2.00 1.60 96.00 - 96.00
30 221.83 30 350 0.09 0.90 219.89 1.94 1.60 93.06 - 93.06
60 221.68 30 350 0.09 0.90 219.80 1.88 1.60 90.12 - 90.12
90 221.53 30 350 0.09 0.90 219.72 1.81 1.60 87.08 - 87.08
120 221.39 30 350 0.09 0.90 219.63 1.76 1.60 84.28 - 84.28
150 221.24 30 350 0.09 0.90 219.54 1.69 1.60 81.34 - 81.34
180 221.09 30 350 0.09 0.90 219.46 1.63 1.60 78.45 - 78.45
210 221.77 30 350 0.09 0.90 219.37 2.39 1.60 114.82 - 114.82
240 221.61 30 350 0.09 0.90 219.29 2.32 1.60 111.39 - 111.39
270 221.55 30 350 0.09 0.90 219.20 2.35 1.60 112.63 - 112.63
300 221.49 30 350 0.09 0.90 219.12 2.37 1.60 113.91 - 113.91
330 221.15 30 350 0.09 0.90 219.03 2.12 1.60 101.85 - 101.85
360 220.80 30 350 0.09 0.90 218.94 1.86 1.60 89.07 - 89.07
390 219.36 30 300 0.10 1.50 218.84 0.51 2.10 32.29 32.29 -
420 219.36 30 300 0.10 1.50 218.74 0.62 2.10 38.78 38.78 -
450 219.37 30 300 0.10 1.50 218.64 0.72 2.10 45.59 45.59 -
480 219.37 30 300 0.10 1.50 218.54 0.83 2.10 52.01 52.01 -
510 219.38 30 300 0.10 1.50 218.44 0.93 2.10 58.88 58.88 -
540 219.31 30 300 0.10 1.50 218.34 0.97 2.10 61.08 61.08 -
570 219.25 30 300 0.10 1.50 218.24 1.01 2.10 63.35 63.35 -
Total 351.98 1,253.99
Total Quantity of Excavation for All Drains 33,169.63 29,471.75
Grand Total (add 10 % to total) 36,486.59 32,418.93

Table 5: Detailed Quantity Estimates for M10 CC Base
Chainage Proposed Length Depth of M 10 Width of Base Quantity
width concrete

- 1.00 30.00 0.10 1.60 4.80
30 1.00 30.00 0.10 1.60 4.80
60 1.00 30.00 0.10 1.60 4.80
90 1.00 30.00 0.10 1.60 4.80
120 1.00 30.00 0.10 1.60 4.80
150 1.00 30.00 0.10 1.60 4.80
180 1.00 30.00 0.10 1.60 4.80
210 1.00 30.00 0.10 1.60 4.80
240 1.00 30.00 0.10 1.60 4.80
270 1.00 30.00 0.10 1.60 4.80
300 1.00 30.00 0.10 1.60 4.80
330 1.00 30.00 0.10 1.60 4.80
360 1.00 30.00 0.10 1.60 4.80
390 1.00 30.00 0.10 1.60 4.80
420 1.00 30.00 0.10 1.60 4.80
450 1.00 30.00 0.10 1.60 4.80
480 1.00 30.00 0.10 1.60 4.80
510 1.00 30.00 0.10 1.60 4.80
540 1.00 30.00 0.10 1.60 4.80
570 1.00 30.00 0.10 1.60 4.80
600 1.00 30.00 0.10 1.60 4.80
630 1 00
1.00 30 00
30.00 0 10
0.10 1 60
1.60 4 80
660 1.00 30.00 0.10 1.60 4.80
690 1.00 30.00 0.10 1.60 4.80
720 1.00 30.00 0.10 1.60 4.80
- 1.00 30.00 0.10 1.60 4.80
30 1.00 30.00 0.10 1.60 4.80
60 1.00 30.00 0.10 1.60 4.80
90 1.00 30.00 0.10 1.60 4.80
120 1.00 30.00 0.10 1.60 4.80
150 1.00 30.00 0.10 1.60 4.80
180 1.00 30.00 0.10 1.60 4.80
210 1.00 30.00 0.10 1.60 4.80
240 1.00 30.00 0.10 1.60 4.80
270 1.00 30.00 0.10 1.60 4.80
300 1.00 30.00 0.10 1.60 4.80
330 1.00 30.00 0.10 1.60 4.80
360 1.00 30.00 0.10 1.60 4.80
390 1.00 30.00 0.10 1.60 4.80
420 1.00 30.00 0.10 1.60 4.80
450 1.00 30.00 0.10 1.60 4.80
480 1.00 30.00 0.10 1.60 4.80

Chainage Proposed Length Depth of M 10 Width of Base Quantity
width concrete

510 1.00 30.00 0.10 1.60 4.80

540 1.00 30.00 0.10 1.60 4.80
570 1.00 30.00 0.10 1.60 4.80
600 1.00 30.00 0.10 1.60 4.80
630 1.00 30.00 0.10 1.60 4.80
660 1.00 30.00 0.10 1.60 4.80
690 1.00 30.00 0.10 1.60 4.80
720 1.00 30.00 0.10 1.60 4.80
750 1.00 30.00 0.10 1.60 4.80
780 1.00 30.00 0.10 1.60 4.80
810 1.00 30.00 0.10 1.60 4.80
A' 21-A2
- 1.00 30.00 0.10 1.60 4.80
30 1.00 30.00 0.10 1.60 4.80
60 1.00 30.00 0.10 1.60 4.80
90 1.00 30.00 0.10 1.60 4.80
120 1.00 30.00 0.10 1.60 4.80
150 1.00 30.00 0.10 1.60 4.80
180 1.00 30.00 0.10 1.60 4.80
210 1.00 30.00 0.10 1.60 4.80
240 1.00 30.00 0.10 1.60 4.80
270 1.00 30.00 0.10 1.60 4.80
300 1.00 30.00 0.10 1.60 4.80
330 1 00
1.00 30 00
30.00 0 10
0.10 1 60
1.60 4 80
360 1.00 30.00 0.10 1.60 4.80
390 1.00 30.00 0.10 1.60 4.80
420 1.00 30.00 0.10 1.60 4.80
450 1.00 30.00 0.10 1.60 4.80
480 1.00 30.00 0.10 1.60 4.80
510 1.00 30.00 0.10 1.60 4.80
540 1.00 30.00 0.10 1.60 4.80
570 1.00 30.00 0.10 1.60 4.80
600 1.00 30.00 0.10 1.60 4.80
630 1.00 30.00 0.10 1.60 4.80
660 1.00 30.00 0.10 1.60 4.80
690 1.00 30.00 0.10 1.60 4.80
720 1.00 30.00 0.10 1.60 4.80
750 1.00 30.00 0.10 1.60 4.80
780 1.00 30.00 0.10 1.60 4.80
810 1.00 30.00 0.10 1.60 4.80
840 1.00 30.00 0.10 1.60 4.80
870 1.00 30.00 0.10 1.60 4.80
900 1.00 30.00 0.10 1.60 4.80
930 1.00 30.00 0.10 1.60 4.80
960 1.00 30.00 0.10 1.60 4.80

Chainage Proposed Length Depth of M 10 Width of Base Quantity
width concrete

990 1.00 30.00 0.10 1.60 4.80

1,020 1.00 30.00 0.10 1.60 4.80
1,050 1.00 30.00 0.10 1.60 4.80
1,080 1.00 30.00 0.10 1.60 4.80
1,110 1.00 30.00 0.10 1.60 4.80
1,140 1.00 30.00 0.10 1.60 4.80
1,170 1.00 30.00 0.10 1.60 4.80
1,200 1.00 30.00 0.10 1.60 4.80
1,230 1.00 30.00 0.10 1.60 4.80
1,260 1.00 30.00 0.10 1.60 4.80
1,290 1.00 30.00 0.10 1.60 4.80
1,320 1.00 30.00 0.10 1.60 4.80
1,350 1.00 30.00 0.10 1.60 4.80
1,380 1.00 30.00 0.10 1.60 4.80
1,410 1.00 30.00 0.10 1.60 4.80
- 1.00 30.00 0.10 1.60 4.80
30 1.00 30.00 0.10 1.60 4.80
60 1.00 30.00 0.10 1.60 4.80
90 1.00 30.00 0.10 1.60 4.80
120 1.00 30.00 0.10 1.60 4.80
150 1.00 30.00 0.10 1.60 4.80
180 1.00 30.00 0.10 1.60 4.80
210 1 00
1.00 30 00
30.00 0 10
0.10 1 60
1.60 4 80
240 1.00 30.00 0.10 1.60 4.80
270 1.00 30.00 0.10 1.60 4.80
300 1.00 30.00 0.10 1.60 4.80
330 1.00 30.00 0.10 1.60 4.80
360 1.00 30.00 0.10 1.60 4.80
390 1.00 30.00 0.10 1.60 4.80
420 1.00 30.00 0.10 1.60 4.80
450 1.00 30.00 0.10 1.60 4.80
480 1.00 30.00 0.10 1.60 4.80
510 1.00 30.00 0.10 1.60 4.80
540 1.00 30.00 0.10 1.60 4.80
570 1.00 30.00 0.10 1.60 4.80
600 1.00 30.00 0.10 1.60 4.80
630 1.00 30.00 0.10 1.60 4.80
660 1.00 30.00 0.10 1.60 4.80
690 1.00 30.00 0.10 1.60 4.80
720 1.00 30.00 0.10 1.60 4.80
750 1.00 30.00 0.10 1.60 4.80
780 1.00 30.00 0.10 1.60 4.80
810 1.00 30.00 0.10 1.60 4.80
840 1.00 30.00 0.10 1.60 4.80

Chainage Proposed Length Depth of M 10 Width of Base Quantity
width concrete

870 1.00 30.00 0.10 1.60 4.80

900 1.00 30.00 0.10 1.60 4.80
930 1.00 30.00 0.10 1.60 4.80
960 1.00 30.00 0.10 1.60 4.80
990 1.00 30.00 0.10 1.60 4.80
1,020 1.00 30.00 0.10 1.60 4.80
1,050 1.00 30.00 0.10 1.60 4.80
1,080 1.00 30.00 0.10 1.60 4.80
1,110 1.00 30.00 0.10 1.60 4.80
1,140 1.00 30.00 0.10 1.60 4.80
1,170 1.00 30.00 0.10 1.60 4.80
1,200 1.00 30.00 0.10 1.60 4.80
1,230 1.00 30.00 0.10 1.60 4.80
1,260 1.00 30.00 0.10 1.60 4.80
- 1.00 30.00 0.10 1.60 4.80
30 1.00 30.00 0.10 1.60 4.80
60 1.00 30.00 0.10 1.60 4.80
90 1.00 30.00 0.10 1.60 4.80
120 1.00 30.00 0.10 1.60 4.80
150 1.00 30.00 0.10 1.60 4.80
180 1.00 30.00 0.10 1.60 4.80
210 1.00 30.00 0.10 1.60 4.80
240 1 00
1.00 30 00
30.00 0 10
0.10 1 60
1.60 4 80
270 1.00 30.00 0.10 1.60 4.80
300 1.00 30.00 0.10 1.60 4.80
330 1.00 30.00 0.10 1.60 4.80
360 1.00 30.00 0.10 1.60 4.80
390 1.00 30.00 0.10 1.60 4.80
420 1.00 30.00 0.10 1.60 4.80
450 1.00 30.00 0.10 1.60 4.80
480 1.00 30.00 0.10 1.60 4.80
510 1.00 30.00 0.10 1.60 4.80
540 1.00 30.00 0.10 1.60 4.80
570 1.00 30.00 0.10 1.60 4.80
600 1.00 30.00 0.10 1.60 4.80
630 1.00 30.00 0.10 1.60 4.80
660 1.00 30.00 0.10 1.60 4.80
690 1.00 30.00 0.10 1.60 4.80
720 1.00 30.00 0.10 1.60 4.80
750 1.00 30.00 0.10 1.60 4.80
780 1.00 30.00 0.10 1.60 4.80
810 1.00 30.00 0.10 1.60 4.80
840 1.00 30.00 0.10 1.60 4.80
870 1.00 30.00 0.10 1.60 4.80

Chainage Proposed Length Depth of M 10 Width of Base Quantity
width concrete

900 1.00 30.00 0.10 1.60 4.80

930 1.00 30.00 0.10 1.60 4.80
960 1.00 30.00 0.10 1.60 4.80
990 1.00 30.00 0.10 1.60 4.80
1,020 1.00 30.00 0.10 1.60 4.80
1,050 1.00 30.00 0.10 1.60 4.80
1,080 1.00 30.00 0.10 1.60 4.80
1,110 1.00 30.00 0.10 1.60 4.80
1,140 1.00 30.00 0.10 1.60 4.80
1,170 1.00 30.00 0.10 1.60 4.80
1,200 1.00 30.00 0.10 1.60 4.80
1,230 1.00 30.00 0.10 1.60 4.80
1,260 1.00 30.00 0.10 1.60 4.80
1,290 1.00 30.00 0.10 1.60 4.80
1,320 1.00 30.00 0.10 1.60 4.80
1,350 1.00 30.00 0.10 1.60 4.80
1,380 1.00 30.00 0.10 1.60 4.80
1,410 1.00 30.00 0.10 1.60 4.80
1,440 1.00 30.00 0.10 1.60 4.80
1,470 1.00 30.00 0.10 1.60 4.80
1,500 1.00 30.00 0.10 1.60 4.80
1,530 1.00 30.00 0.10 1.60 4.80
1,560 1.00 30.00 0.10 1.60 4.80
1 590
1,590 1 00
1.00 30 00
30.00 0 10
0.10 1 60
1.60 4 80
- 1.00 30.00 0.10 1.60 4.80
30 1.00 30.00 0.10 1.60 4.80
60 1.00 30.00 0.10 1.60 4.80
90 1.00 30.00 0.10 1.60 4.80
120 1.00 30.00 0.10 1.60 4.80
150 1.00 30.00 0.10 1.60 4.80
180 1.00 30.00 0.10 1.60 4.80
210 1.00 30.00 0.10 1.60 4.80
240 1.00 30.00 0.10 1.60 4.80
270 1.00 30.00 0.10 1.60 4.80
300 1.00 30.00 0.10 1.60 4.80
330 1.00 30.00 0.10 1.60 4.80
360 1.00 30.00 0.10 1.60 4.80
390 1.00 30.00 0.10 1.60 4.80
420 1.00 30.00 0.10 1.60 4.80
450 1.00 30.00 0.10 1.60 4.80
480 1.00 30.00 0.10 1.60 4.80
510 1.00 30.00 0.10 1.60 4.80
540 1.00 30.00 0.10 1.60 4.80
570 1.00 30.00 0.10 1.60 4.80

Chainage Proposed Length Depth of M 10 Width of Base Quantity
width concrete

600 1.00 30.00 0.10 1.60 4.80

630 1.00 30.00 0.10 1.60 4.80
660 1.00 30.00 0.10 1.60 4.80
690 1.00 30.00 0.10 1.60 4.80
720 1.00 30.00 0.10 1.60 4.80
750 1.00 30.00 0.10 1.60 4.80
780 1.00 30.00 0.10 1.60 4.80
810 1.00 30.00 0.10 1.60 4.80
840 1.00 30.00 0.10 1.60 4.80
870 1.00 30.00 0.10 1.60 4.80
900 1.00 30.00 0.10 1.60 4.80
930 1.00 30.00 0.10 1.60 4.80
960 1.00 30.00 0.10 1.60 4.80
990 1.00 30.00 0.10 1.60 4.80
1,020 1.00 30.00 0.10 1.60 4.80
1,050 1.00 30.00 0.10 1.60 4.80
1,080 1.00 30.00 0.10 1.60 4.80
1,110 1.00 30.00 0.10 1.60 4.80
1,140 1.00 30.00 0.10 1.60 4.80
1,170 1.00 30.00 0.10 1.60 4.80
1,200 1.00 30.00 0.10 1.60 4.80
1,230 1.00 30.00 0.10 1.60 4.80
1,260 1.00 30.00 0.10 1.60 4.80
1 290
1,290 1 00
1.00 30 00
30.00 0 10
0.10 1 60
1.60 4 80
1,320 1.00 30.00 0.10 1.60 4.80
1,350 1.00 30.00 0.10 1.60 4.80
1,380 1.00 30.00 0.10 1.60 4.80
1,410 1.00 30.00 0.10 1.60 4.80
1,440 1.00 30.00 0.10 1.60 4.80
1,470 1.00 30.00 0.10 1.60 4.80
1,500 1.00 30.00 0.10 1.60 4.80
(D3) 1530 1.00 30.00 0.10 1.60 4.80
1,560 1.00 30.00 0.10 1.60 4.80
1,590 1.00 30.00 0.10 1.60 4.80
1,620 1.00 30.00 0.10 1.60 4.80
1,650 1.00 30.00 0.10 1.60 4.80
1,680 1.00 30.00 0.10 1.60 4.80
1,710 1.00 30.00 0.10 1.60 4.80
1,740 1.00 30.00 0.10 1.60 4.80
1,770 1.00 30.00 0.10 1.60 4.80
1,800 1.00 30.00 0.10 1.60 4.80
1,830 1.00 30.00 0.10 1.60 4.80
1,860 1.00 30.00 0.10 1.60 4.80
1,890 1.00 30.00 0.10 1.60 4.80
1,920 1.00 30.00 0.10 1.60 4.80

Chainage Proposed Length Depth of M 10 Width of Base Quantity
width concrete

1,950 1.00 30.00 0.10 1.60 4.80

1,980 1.00 30.00 0.10 1.60 4.80
2,010 1.00 30.00 0.10 1.60 4.80
2,040 1.00 30.00 0.10 1.60 4.80
2,070 1.00 30.00 0.10 1.60 4.80
Total 1,286.40
Total Qty. 2,892.21

A2 to A9
Chainage Proposed Length (in Width of Base Depth of M 10 Quantity
Pipe Dia. M) concrete
0.0 1.50 30.00 1.800 0.1 5.40
30 1.50 30.00 1.800 0.1 5.40
60 1.50 30.00 1.800 0.1 5.40
90 1.50 30.00 1.800 0.1 5.40
120 1.50 30.00 1.800 0.1 5.40
150 1.50 30.00 1.800 0.1 5.40
180 1.50 30.00 1.800 0.1 5.40
210 1.50 30.00 1.800 0.1 5.40
240 1.50 30.00 1.800 0.1 5.40
270 1.50 30.00 1.800 0.1 5.40
300 1.50
1 50 30
00 11.800
800 0.1
01 5.40
330 1.50 30.00 1.800 0.1 5.40
360 1.50 30.00 1.800 0.1 5.40
390 1.50 30.00 1.800 0.1 5.40
420 1.50 30.00 1.800 0.1 5.40
450 1.50 30.00 1.800 0.1 5.40
480 1.50 30.00 1.800 0.1 5.40
510 1.50 30.00 1.800 0.1 5.40
540 1.50 30.00 1.800 0.1 5.40
570 1.50 30.00 1.800 0.1 5.40
600 1.50 30.00 1.800 0.1 5.40
630 1.50 30.00 1.800 0.1 5.40
660 1.50 30.00 1.800 0.1 5.40
690 1.50 30.00 1.800 0.1 5.40
720 1.50 30.00 1.800 0.1 5.40
750 1.50 30.00 1.800 0.1 5.40
780 1.50 30.00 1.800 0.1 5.40
810 1.50 30.00 1.800 0.1 5.40
840 1.50 30.00 1.800 0.1 5.40
870 1.50 30.00 1.800 0.1 5.40
900 1.50 30.00 1.800 0.1 5.40
930 1.50 30.00 1.800 0.1 5.40

Chainage Proposed Length Depth of M 10 Width of Base Quantity
width concrete

960 1.50 30.00 1.800 0.1 5.40

990 1.50 30.00 1.800 0.1 5.40
1020 1.50 30.00 1.800 0.1 5.40
1050 1.50 30.00 1.800 0.1 5.40
1080 1.50 30.00 1.800 0.1 5.40
1110 1.50 30.00 1.800 0.1 5.40
1140 1.50 30.00 1.800 0.1 5.40
1170 1.50 30.00 1.800 0.1 5.40
1200 1.50 30.00 1.800 0.1 5.40
1230 1.50 30.00 1.800 0.1 5.40
1260 1.50 30.00 1.800 0.1 5.40
1290 1.50 30.00 1.800 0.1 5.40
1320 1.50 30.00 1.800 0.1 5.40
1350 1.50 30.00 1.800 0.1 5.40
1380 1.50 30.00 1.800 0.1 5.40
1410 1.50 30.00 1.800 0.1 5.40
1440 1.50 30.00 1.800 0.1 5.40
1470 1.50 30.00 1.800 0.1 5.40
1500 1.50 30.00 1.800 0.1 5.40
1530 1.50 30.00 1.800 0.1 5.40
1560 1.50 30.00 1.800 0.1 5.40
1590 1.50 30.00 1.800 0.1 5.40
1620 1.50 30.00 1.800 0.1 5.40
1650 1 50
1.50 30 00
30.00 1 800
1.800 01
0.1 5 40
1680 1.50 30.00 1.800 0.1 5.40
1710 1.50 30.00 1.800 0.1 5.40
1740 1.50 30.00 1.800 0.1 5.40
1770 1.50 30.00 1.800 0.1 5.40
1800 1.50 30.00 1.800 0.1 5.40
1830 1.50 30.00 1.800 0.1 5.40
1860 1.50 30.00 1.800 0.1 5.40
1890 1.50 30.00 1.800 0.1 5.40
1920 1.50 30.00 1.800 0.1 5.40
1950 1.50 30.00 1.800 0.1 5.40
1980 1.50 30.00 1.800 0.1 5.40
2010 1.50 30.00 1.800 0.1 5.40
2040 1.50 30.00 1.800 0.1 5.40
2070 1.50 30.00 1.800 0.1 5.40
2100 1.50 30.00 1.800 0.1 5.40
2130 1.50 30.00 1.800 0.1 5.40
2160 1.50 30.00 1.800 0.1 5.40
2190 1.50 30.00 1.800 0.1 5.40
2220 1.50 30.00 1.800 0.1 5.40
2250 1.50 30.00 1.800 0.1 5.40
2280 1.50 30.00 1.800 0.1 5.40

Chainage Proposed Length Depth of M 10 Width of Base Quantity
width concrete

2310 1.50 30.00 1.800 0.1 5.40

2340 1.50 30.00 1.800 0.1 5.40
2370 1.50 30.00 1.800 0.1 5.40
2400 1.50 30.00 1.800 0.1 5.40
2430 1.50 30.00 1.800 0.1 5.40
2460 1.50 30.00 1.800 0.1 5.40
2490 1.50 30.00 1.800 0.1 5.40
2520 1.50 30.00 1.800 0.1 5.40
2550 1.50 30.00 1.800 0.1 5.40
2580 1.50 30.00 1.800 0.1 5.40
2610 1.50 30.00 1.800 0.1 5.40
2640 1.50 30.00 1.800 0.1 5.40
2670 1.50 30.00 1.800 0.1 5.40
2700 1.50 30.00 1.800 0.1 5.40
2730 1.50 30.00 1.800 0.1 5.40

0.0 0.90 30.00 1.200 0.1 3.60
30 0.90 30.00 1.200 0.1 3.60
60 0.90 30.00 1.200 0.1 3.60
90 0.90 30.00 1.200 0.1 3.60
120 0.90 30.00 1.200 0.1 3.60
150 0.90 30.00 1.200 0.1 3.60
180 0 90
0.90 30 00
30.00 1 200
1.200 01
0.1 3 60
210 0.90 30.00 1.200 0.1 3.60
240 0.90 30.00 1.200 0.1 3.60
270 0.90 30.00 1.200 0.1 3.60
300 0.90 30.00 1.200 0.1 3.60
330 0.90 30.00 1.200 0.1 3.60
360 0.90 30.00 1.200 0.1 3.60
390 0.90 30.00 1.200 0.1 3.60
420 0.90 30.00 1.200 0.1 3.60
450 0.90 30.00 1.200 0.1 3.60
480 0.90 30.00 1.200 0.1 3.60
510 0.90 30.00 1.200 0.1 3.60
540 0.90 30.00 1.200 0.1 3.60
570 0.90 30.00 1.200 0.1 3.60

0.0 1.20 30.00 1.500 0.1 4.50
30 1.20 30.00 1.500 0.1 4.50
60 1.20 30.00 1.500 0.1 4.50
90 1.20 30.00 1.500 0.1 4.50
120 1.20 30.00 1.500 0.1 4.50
150 1.20 30.00 1.500 0.1 4.50

Chainage Proposed Length Depth of M 10 Width of Base Quantity
width concrete

180 1.20 30.00 1.500 0.1 4.50

210 1.20 30.00 1.500 0.1 4.50
240 1.20 30.00 1.500 0.1 4.50
270 1.20 30.00 1.500 0.1 4.50
300 1.20 30.00 1.500 0.1 4.50
330 1.20 30.00 1.500 0.1 4.50
360 1.20 30.00 1.500 0.1 4.50
390 1.20 30.00 1.500 0.1 4.50
420 1.20 30.00 1.500 0.1 4.50
450 1.20 30.00 1.500 0.1 4.50
480 1.20 30.00 1.500 0.1 4.50
510 1.20 30.00 1.500 0.1 4.50
540 1.20 30.00 1.500 0.1 4.50
570 1.20 30.00 1.500 0.1 4.50
600 1.20 30.00 1.500 0.1 4.50
630 1.20 30.00 1.500 0.1 4.50
660 1.20 30.00 1.500 0.1 4.50
690 1.20 30.00 1.500 0.1 4.50
720 1.20 30.00 1.500 0.1 4.50
750 1.20 30.00 1.500 0.1 4.50
780 1.20 30.00 1.500 0.1 4.50
810 1.20 30.00 1.500 0.1 4.50
840 1.20 30.00 1.500 0.1 4.50
870 1 20
1.20 30 00
30.00 1 500
1.500 01
0.1 4 50
900 1.20 30.00 1.500 0.1 4.50
930 1.20 30.00 1.500 0.1 4.50

0.0 0.900 30.00 1.200 0.1 3.60
30 0.900 30.00 1.200 0.1 3.60
60 0.900 30.00 1.200 0.1 3.60
90 0.900 30.00 1.200 0.1 3.60
120 0.900 30.00 1.200 0.1 3.60
150 0.900 30.00 1.200 0.1 3.60
180 0.900 30.00 1.200 0.1 3.60
210 0.900 30.00 1.200 0.1 3.60
240 0.900 30.00 1.200 0.1 3.60
270 0.900 30.00 1.200 0.1 3.60
300 0.900 30.00 1.200 0.1 3.60
330 0.900 30.00 1.200 0.1 3.60
0.0 1.200 30.00 1.500 0.1 4.50
30 1.200 30.00 1.500 0.1 4.50
60 1.200 30.00 1.500 0.1 4.50
90 1.200 30.00 1.500 0.1 4.50
120 1.200 30.00 1.500 0.1 4.50

Chainage Proposed Length Depth of M 10 Width of Base Quantity
width concrete

150 1.200 30.00 1.500 0.1 4.50

0.0 0.900 30.00 1.200 0.1 3.60
30 0.900 30.00 1.200 0.1 3.60
60 0.900 30.00 1.200 0.1 3.60
90 0.900 30.00 1.200 0.1 3.60
120 0.900 30.00 1.200 0.1 3.60
150 0.900 30.00 1.200 0.1 3.60
180 0.900 30.00 1.200 0.1 3.60
210 0.900 30.00 1.200 0.1 3.60
240 0.900 30.00 1.200 0.1 3.60
270 0.900 30.00 1.200 0.1 3.60
300 0.900 30.00 1.200 0.1 3.60
330 0.900 30.00 1.200 0.1 3.60
Sub Total 908.82
Total 3801.03

Table 6: Detailed Quantity Estimates for M20 RCC Drain

Chainage Length (L) Depth of drain (D) M 20 wall

m m m3
0.0 30 0.900 15.60
30 30 1.000 16.80
60 30 0.939 16.07
90 30 0.878 15.34
120 30 0.818 14.62
150 30 0.802 14.42
180 30 0.786 14.23
210 30 0.770 14.04
240 30 0.754 13.85
270 30 0.738 13.66
300 30 0.676 12.91
330 30 0.614 12.17
360 30 0.552 11.42
390 30 0.706 13.27
420 30 0.860 15.12
450 30 1.015 16.98
480 30 1.072 17.66
510 30 1.130 18.36
540 30 1.188 19.06
570 30 1.274 20.09
600 30 1 361
1.361 21 13
630 30 1.281 20.17
660 30 1.202 19.22
690 30 1.123 18.28
720 30 1.047 17.36
A22-A21-A2 Sub Total 401.83
0.0 30 0.900 15.60
30 30 0.940 16.08
60 30 0.994 16.73
90 30 1.049 17.39
120 30 1.081 17.77
150 30 1.115 18.18
180 30 1.149 18.59
210 30 1.117 18.20
240 30 1.085 17.82
270 30 1.130 18.36
300 30 1.176 18.91
330 30 1.159 18.71
360 30 1.142 18.50
390 30 1.118 18.22
420 30 1.091 17.89
450 30 1.071 17.65

Chainage Length (L) Depth of drain (D) M 20 wall
m m m3
480 30 1.077 17.72
510 30 1.083 17.80
540 30 1.103 18.04
570 30 1.123 18.28
600 30 1.045 17.34
630 30 0.967 16.40
660 30 0.89 15.48
690 30 0.765 13.98
720 30 0.641 12.49
750 30 0.726 13.51
780 30 0.804 14.45
810 30 0.808 14.50
A' 21-A2 Sub Total 474.59
0 30 0.9 15.60
30 30 0.921 15.85
60 30 0.961 16.33
90 30 0.989 16.67
120 30 1.017 17.00
150 30 1.045 17.34
180 30 0.946 16.15
210 30 0.848 14.98
240 30 0.858 15.10
270 30 0.861 15.13
300 30 0 878
0.878 15 34
330 30 0.889 15.47
360 30 0.804 14.45
390 30 0.72 13.44
420 30 0.73 13.56
450 30 0.834 14.81
480 30 0.939 16.07
510 30 0.9 15.60
540 30 0.83 14.76
570 30 0.816 14.59
600 30 0.79 14.28
630 30 0.776 14.11
660 30 0.917 15.80
690 30 1.059 17.51
720 30 1.2 19.20
750 30 1.342 20.90
780 30 1.484 22.61
810 30 1.28 20.16
840 30 1.083 17.80
870 30 0.88 15.36
900 30 0.682 12.98
930 30 0.711 13.33

Chainage Length (L) Depth of drain (D) M 20 wall
m m m3
960 30 0.74 13.68
990 30 0.798 14.38
1020 30 0.856 15.07
1050 30 0.843 14.92
1080 30 0.83 14.76
1110 30 0.77 14.04
1140 30 0.727 13.52
1170 30 0.676 12.91
1200 30 0.58 11.76
1230 30 0.499 10.79
1260 30 0.484 10.61
1290 30 0.47 10.44
1320 30 0.455 10.26
1350 30 0.441 10.09
1380 30 0.427 9.92
1410 30 0.507 10.88
A1-A2 Sub Total 710.32
0.0 30 0.9 15.60
30 30 1.082 17.78
60 30 1.207 19.28
90 30 1.332 20.78
120 30 1.457 22.28
150 30 1.437 22.04
180 30 1 422
1.422 21 86
210 30 1.521 23.05
240 30 1.44 22.08
270 30 1.473 22.48
300 30 1.507 22.88
330 30 1.49 22.68
360 30 1.471 22.45
390 30 1.477 22.52
420 30 1.483 22.60
450 30 1.488 22.66
480 30 1.505 22.86
510 30 0.9 15.60
540 30 1.022 17.06
570 30 0.956 16.27
600 30 0.899 15.59
630 30 0.842 14.90
660 30 0.878 15.34
690 30 0.84 14.88
720 30 0.836 14.83
750 30 0.832 14.78
780 30 0.791 14.29
810 30 0.939 16.07

Chainage Length (L) Depth of drain (D) M 20 wall
m m m3
840 30 0.998 16.78
870 30 1.076 17.71
900 30 1.064 17.57
930 30 1.052 17.42
960 30 0.845 14.94
990 30 0.9 15.60
1020 30 0.919 15.83
1050 30 0.949 16.19
1080 30 0.98 16.56
1110 30 0.934 16.01
1140 30 0.889 15.47
1170 30 0.844 14.93
1200 30 0.764 13.97
1230 30 0.73 13.56
1260 30 0.696 13.15
D31-D3 Sub Total 771.20
0.0 30 0.9 15.60
30 30 0.943 16.12
60 30 0.985 16.62
90 30 1.028 17.14
120 30 1.061 17.53
150 30 1.093 17.92
180 30 1.073 17.68
210 30 1 052
1.052 17 42
240 30 1.032 17.18
270 30 0.961 16.33
300 30 1.028 17.14
330 30 1.094 17.93
360 30 1.072 17.66
390 30 1.05 17.40
420 30 1.028 17.14
450 30 1.006 16.87
480 30 0.984 16.61
510 30 0.9 15.60
540 30 0.818 14.62
570 30 0.9 15.60
600 30 0.818 14.62
630 30 0.789 14.27
660 30 0.759 13.91
690 30 0.73 13.56
720 30 0.9 15.60
750 30 0.831 14.77
780 30 0.828 14.74
810 30 0.825 14.70
840 30 0.823 14.68

Chainage Length (L) Depth of drain (D) M 20 wall
m m m3
870 30 0.82 14.64
900 30 0.817 14.60
930 30 0.814 14.57
960 30 0.839 14.87
990 30 0.863 15.16
1020 30 0.888 15.46
1050 30 0.958 16.30
1080 30 1.028 17.14
1110 30 1.002 16.82
1140 30 0.976 16.51
1170 30 1.001 16.81
1200 30 1.027 17.12
1230 30 0.9 15.60
1260 30 0.926 15.91
1290 30 0.9 15.60
1320 30 0.939 16.07
1350 30 0.977 16.52
1380 30 0.971 16.45
1410 30 0.966 16.39
1440 30 0.96 16.32
1470 30 1.001 16.81
1500 30 1.042 17.30
1530 30 1.083 17.80
1560 30 1 088
1.088 17 86
1590 30 0.9 15.60
D1-D2-D3-D4 Sub Total 871.16
0.0 30 0.9 15.60
30 30 0.795 14.34
60 30 0.689 13.07
90 30 0.584 11.81
120 30 0.602 12.02
150 30 0.621 12.25
180 30 0.639 12.47
210 30 0.657 12.68
240 30 0.676 12.91
270 30 0.694 13.13
300 30 0.683 13.00
330 30 0.673 12.88
360 30 0.662 12.74
390 30 0.651 12.61
420 30 0.662 12.74
450 30 0.674 12.89
480 30 0.685 13.02
510 30 0.9 15.60
540 30 0.806 14.47

Chainage Length (L) Depth of drain (D) M 20 wall
m m m3
570 30 0.9 15.60
600 30 0.806 14.47
630 30 0.63 12.36
660 30 0.453 10.24
690 30 0.32 8.64
720 30 0.9 15.60
750 30 0.975 16.50
780 30 0.842 14.90
810 30 0.752 13.82
840 30 0.662 12.74
870 30 0.572 11.66
900 30 0.482 10.58
930 30 0.456 10.27
960 30 0.43 9.96
990 30 0.403 9.64
1020 30 0.377 9.32
1050 30 0.351 9.01
1080 30 0.213 7.36
1110 30 0.075 5.70
1140 30 0.128 6.34
1170 30 0.181 6.97
1200 30 0.234 7.61
1230 30 0.9 15.60
1260 30 0 953
0.953 16 24
1290 30 0.9 15.60
1320 30 0.965 16.38
1350 30 1.03 17.16
1380 30 1.104 18.05
1410 30 1.159 18.71
1440 30 1.042 17.30
1470 30 0.924 15.89
1500 30 0.874 15.29
(D3) 1530 30 0.824 14.69
1560 30 0.773 14.08
1590 30 0.9 15.60
1620 30 0.9 15.60
1650 30 0.985 16.62
1680 30 1.089 17.87
1710 30 1.175 18.90
1740 30 1.278 20.14
1770 30 1.411 21.73
1800 30 1.544 23.33
1830 30 1.574 23.69
1860 30 1.605 24.06
1890 30 1.635 24.42

Chainage Length (L) Depth of drain (D) M 20 wall
m m m3
1920 30 1.666 24.79
1950 30 1.697 25.16
1980 30 1.78 26.16
2010 30 1.88 27.36
2040 30 1.968 28.42
2070 30 2.055 29.46
Sub Total 1067.82
Total (for one-side of road) 4296.92
Total (for both sides of road) 8593.848
Add 10% extra for wastage, etc 1476.231
Grand Total 10070.079

Table 7: Detailed Quantity Estimates for M20 RCC for Box Culverts
Section No. of crossings
A1-A2 32
A'21-A2 44
A22-A2 12
A211-A21 12
D1-D4 12
D31-D4 29
Total 141.00
Say 150.00
Quantity of M 20 for 1 box culvert 4.68
For 150 culverts 702.00
10% contingency 70.20
Total 772.20
Say 780.00

Table 8: Detailed Quantity Estimates for RCC Pipes
Section Dia of pipe in mm Length in m
A2-A9 1,500.00 2,730.00
C3-C4 1,500.00 210.00
Total for 1500 mm 2,940.00
C22-C21-C2 1,200.00 1,110.00
Total for 1200 mm 1,110.00
C31-C2 900.00 330.00
C31-C3 900.00 330.00
Total for 900 mm 660.00

Table 9: Estimate for Number of Manholes
A2 to A9
Chainage Propse Depth (in Type of Manhole
d Pipe m)
0.0 219.20 2.600 TYPE III
30 219.16 2.908 TYPE III
60 219.12 2.944 TYPE III
90 219.08 2.980 TYPE III
120 219.05 3.017 TYPE III
150 219.01 2.964 TYPE III
180 218.97 2.913 TYPE III
210 218.93 2.897 TYPE III
240 218.90 2.882 TYPE III
270 218.86 2.804 TYPE III
300 218.82 2.728 TYPE III
330 218.78 2.651 TYPE III
360 218.75 2.575 TYPE III
390 218.71 2.570 TYPE III
420 218.67 2.566 TYPE III
450 218.63 2.561 TYPE III
480 218.60 2.558 TYPE III
510 218.56 2.473 TYPE III
540 218.52 2.390 TYPE III
570 218.48 2.625 TYPE III
600 218.45 2.713 TYPE III
630 218.41 2.820 TYPE III
660 218.40
218 40 2 960 TYPE III
690 218.39 3.030 TYPE III
720 218.38 3.080 TYPE III
750 218.37 3.128 TYPE III
780 218.36 3.145 TYPE III
810 218.35 3.198 TYPE III
840 218.34 3.251 TYPE III
870 218.33 3.242 TYPE III
900 218.32 3.232 TYPE III
930 218.31 3.223 TYPE III
960 218.30 3.213 TYPE III
990 218.29 3.204 TYPE III
1020 218.28 3.087 TYPE III
1050 218.27 3.090 TYPE III
1080 218.26 3.092 TYPE III
1110 218.25 3.095 TYPE III
1140 218.24 3.097 TYPE III
1170 218.23 3.100 TYPE III
1200 218.22 3.111 TYPE III
1230 218.21 3.121 TYPE III
1260 218.20 3.132 TYPE III
1290 218.19 2.954 TYPE III
1320 218.18 2.715 TYPE III
1350 218.17 2.869 TYPE III
1380 218.16 2.795 TYPE III
1410 218.15 2.720 TYPE III

Chainage Propse Depth (in Type of Manhole
d Pipe m)
1440 218.14 2.646 TYPE III
1470 218.13 2.990 TYPE III
1500 218.12 3.334 TYPE III
1530 218.11 3.679 TYPE III
1560 218.10 4.023 TYPE III
1590 218.09 4.167 TYPE III
1620 218.08 3.611 TYPE III
1650 218.07 2.856 TYPE III
1680 218.03 2.128 TYPE II
1710 217.99 2.127 TYPE II
1740 217.96 2.128 TYPE II
1770 217.92 2.127 TYPE II
1800 217.88 2.127 TYPE II
1830 217.84 2.013 TYPE II
1860 217.81 1.900 TYPE II
1890 217.77 1.786 TYPE II
1920 217.73 1.790 TYPE II
1950 217.69 1.802 TYPE II
1980 217.66 1.854 TYPE II
2010 217.62 1.905 TYPE II
2040 217.58 1.957 TYPE II
2070 217.54 1.945 TYPE II
2100 217.51 1.935 TYPE II
2130 217.47 1.923 TYPE II
2160 217.43 1.912 TYPE II
2190 217 39
217.39 1 934 TYPE II
2220 217.36 1.957 TYPE II
2250 217.32 1.969 TYPE II
2280 217.28 1.981 TYPE II
2310 217.24 1.993 TYPE II
2340 217.21 2.005 TYPE II
2370 217.17 2.017 TYPE II
2400 217.13 1.858 TYPE II
2430 217.09 1.699 TYPE II
2460 217.06 1.540 TYPE II
2490 217.02 1.627 TYPE II
2520 216.98 1.715 TYPE II
2550 216.94 1.802 TYPE II
2580 216.91 1.890 TYPE II
2610 216.87 2.165 TYPE II
2640 216.83 2.440 TYPE III
2670 216.79 2.490 TYPE III
2700 216.76 2.540 TYPE III
2730 216.72 2.590 TYPE III
0.0 220.98 1.900 TYPE II
30 220.88 2.193 TYPE II
60 220.78 2.485 TYPE III
90 220.68 2.778 TYPE III
120 220.58 3.070 TYPE III
150 220.48 2.807 TYPE III

Chainage Propse Depth (in Type of Manhole
d Pipe m)
180 220.38 2.544 TYPE III
210 220.28 2.281 TYPE II
240 220.18 2.195 TYPE II
270 220.08 2.109 TYPE II
300 219.98 2.022 TYPE II
330 219.88 1.936 TYPE II
360 219.78 1.814 TYPE II
390 219.68 1.691 TYPE II
420 219.58 1.645 TYPE II
450 219.48 1.598 TYPE II
480 219.38 1.552 TYPE II
510 219.28 1.616 TYPE II
540 219.18 1.681 TYPE II
570 219.08 1.745 TYPE II

0.0 220.89 2.100 TYPE II
30 220.83 2.156 TYPE II
60 220.77 2.211 TYPE II
90 220.71 2.267 TYPE II
120 220.65 2.322 TYPE III
150 220.59 2.378 TYPE III
180 220.53 2.436 TYPE III
210 220.47 2.493 TYPE III
240 220.41 2.551 TYPE III
270 220 35
220.35 2 608
2.608 TYPE III
300 220.29 2.666 TYPE III
330 220.23 2.544 TYPE III
360 220.17 2.421 TYPE III
390 220.11 2.439 TYPE III
420 220.05 2.457 TYPE III
450 219.99 2.623 TYPE III
480 219.93 2.788 TYPE III
510 219.87 2.954 TYPE III
540 219.81 3.119 TYPE III
570 219.75 3.003 TYPE III
600 219.69 2.912 TYPE III
630 219.63 2.821 TYPE III
660 219.57 2.753 TYPE III
690 219.51 2.685 TYPE III
720 219.45 2.770 TYPE III
750 219.39 2.516 TYPE III
780 219.33 2.261 TYPE II
810 219.27 2.044 TYPE II
840 219.21 1.828 TYPE II
870 219.15 1.611 TYPE II
900 219.09 1.730 TYPE II
930 219.03 1.849 TYPE II

Chainage Propse Depth (in Type of Manhole
d Pipe m)
0.0 219.57 2.000 TYPE II
30 219.51 2.056 TYPE II
60 219.45 2.112 TYPE II
90 219.39 2.086 TYPE II
120 219.33 2.059 TYPE II
150 219.27 2.124 TYPE II
180 219.21 2.189 TYPE II
210 219.15 2.120 TYPE II
240 219.09 2.051 TYPE II
270 219.03 1.943 TYPE II
300 218.97 1.834 TYPE II
330 218.91 1.971 TYPE II
M - C2
0.0 218.78 2.100 TYPE II
30 218.76 2.055 TYPE II
60 218.75 2.064 TYPE II
90 218.73 2.074 TYPE II
120 218.72 2.089 TYPE II
150 218.70 2.099 TYPE II

0.0 219.14 2.000 TYPE II
30 218.99 2.087 TYPE II
60 218 84
218.84 2 180
2.180 TYPE II
90 218.69 2.271 TYPE II
120 218.54 2.180 TYPE II
150 218.39 2.087 TYPE II
180 218.24 2.000 TYPE II
210 218.09 1.910 TYPE II
240 217.94 1.898 TYPE II
270 217.79 1.887 TYPE II
300 217.64 1.875 TYPE II
330 217.49 1.864 TYPE II

Chainage Propse Depth (in Type of Manhole
d Pipe m)
(B2) 0 219.37 2.600 TYPE III
30 219.27 2.553 TYPE III
60 219.17 2.506 TYPE III
90 219.07 2.457 TYPE III
120 218.97 2.413 TYPE III
150 218.87 2.366 TYPE III
180 218.77 2.320 TYPE III
210 218.67 2.273 TYPE II
240 218.57 2.227 TYPE II
270 218.47 2.231 TYPE II
300 218.37 2.235 TYPE II
(B3) 330 218.27 2.239 TYPE II
360 218.17 1.970 TYPE II
390 218.07 1.946 TYPE II
420 217.97 1.917 TYPE II
450 217.87 1.897 TYPE II
480 217.77 1.867 TYPE II
510 217.67 1.851 TYPE II
540 217.57 1.867 TYPE II
(C3) 570 217.47 1.884 TYPE II
600 217.37 1.987 TYPE II
630 217.27 2.095 TYPE II
660 217.17 2.197 TYPE II
690 217.07 2.306 TYPE III
720 216 97
216.97 2 341
2.341 TYPE III
750 216.87 2.377 TYPE III
Type II 103 123.6 125
Type III 97 116.4 120

Table 10: Quantity Estimate for Road restoration
Section No. Length in m width in m Quantity in Sq m
For crossings 300 3.00 1.50 1,350.00
A2-A5 1 960.00 2.00 1,920.00
C1-C5 1 510.00 2.00 1,020.00
C31-C4 1 660.00 2.00 1,320.00
Total 5,610.00
10% contingency 6,171.00
Say 6,200.00

Table 11: Rate Analysis for RCC NP-3 Pipes

Supplying, conveying to site, lowering in trenches, aligning, laying & jointing of ISI
marked Precast Concrete Pipes NP-3 pipes (with s/s ends) as per IS: 458 - 2003 with
Rubber gaskets as per IS: 5382-1985 (with latest ammendments till date) (including cost of
Rubber gaskets, lubricants etc.) as per drawing, testing the laid pipe line as per
specifications (including conveyance of water to site) etc., complete and/or as directed by
Engineer. The pipe shall be ISI marked.

S.No. Description Unit Qty. Rate Amount

1 Nominal pipe dia.900 mm.

(i) 900 mm dia Cement Concrete
pipe of class N.P.-3, with Socket and
m 25.00 3,200.00 80,000.00
Spigot ends including Rubber Rings
with all taxes.
(ii) Carriage of pipes at 13% m 25.00 416.00 10,400.00
(iii) Add 1.5% allowance for
breakage on "i" & "ii"
Rubber Rings
No. 12.50 Nil

Cost of Material 91,756.00

Fitter No. 6.00 250.00 1,500.00
Beldars No. 9.00 150.00 1,350.00
Bhi ti No.
N 22.25
25 160.00
160 00 360.00
360 00
Cost of Labour 3,210.00
Cost of Material and Labour 94,966.00
Add for water charges @ 1 1/2% 0.02 1,404.15
Add for contractor's profit @10% 0.10 9,637.02
Cost of 25 metres 106,007.17
Cost per metre 4,240.29
Cost of 900mm Dia. Pipeline 4,240.29

2 Nominal pipe dia.1200 mm.

(i) 1200 mm dia Cement Concrete
pipe of class N.P.-3, with Socket and
m 25.00 4,750.00 118,750.00
Spigot ends including Rubber Rings
with all taxes.
(ii) Carriage of pipes at 13% m 25.00 617.50 15,437.50
(iii) Add 1% allowance for breakage
on "i" & "ii"
Rubber Rings
No. 12.50 Nil

Cost of Material and Labour 135,529.38
Fitter No. 7.50 250.00 1,875.00
Beldars No. 10.50 150.00 1,575.00
Bhisties No. 3.00 160.00 480.00
Cost of Labour 3,930.00
Cost of Material and Labour 139,459.38
Add for water charges @ 1 1/2% 0.02 2,071.76
Add for contractor's profit @10% 0.10 14,153.11
Cost of 25 metres 155,684.25
Cost per metre 6,227.37
Cost of 1200mm Dia. Pipeline 6,227.37

3 Nominal pipe dia.1500 mm.

(i) 1500 mm dia Cement Concrete
pipe of class N.P.-3, with Socket and
m 25.00 6,500.00 162,500.00
Spigot ends including Rubber Rings
with all taxes.
(ii) Carriage of pipes at 13% m 25.00 845.00 21,125.00
(iii) Add 1% allowance for breakage
on "i" & "ii"
Rubber Rings
No. 12.50 Nil

Cost of Material and Labour 185,461.25

Fitter No. 8.00 250.00 2,000.00
Beldars No. 11.00 150.00 1,650.00
Bhisties No. 3.25 160.00 520.00
Cost of Labour 4,170.00
Cost of Material and Labour 189,631.25
Add for water charges @ 1 1/2% 0.02 2,816.93
Add for contractor's profit @10% 0.10 19,244.82
Cost of 25 metres 211,692.99
Cost per metre 8,467.72
Cost of 1500mm Dia. Pipeline 8,468.00

Table 12: Rate Analysis for Construction of BT road of 1 Km long and 5 m carriage way width
Ref. S.No. No. L B H qty Unit Rate Amount
Code 1 Earth work in excavation by mechanical 1.00 1,000.00 9.00 0.47 4,230.00 cum 101.85 430,825.50
2.6.1 means (hydraulic excavator )/ by mechanical
DSR means over areas (exceeding 30 cm in depth
2007 1.5 m width and 10 sqm in plan) including
disposal of excavated earth,lead up to 50 m
and lift up to 1.5 m, disposed earth to be
levelled neatly and neatly dressed for all
kinds of soil as per MoRT&H specifications.

Code 2 Banking excavated earth in layers not 1.00 1,000.00 9.00 0.50 4,500.00 cum 99.45 447,525.00
2.3.1 exceeding 20 cm in depth, breaking
DSR clods,watering,rolling each layer with 1/2
2007 tonne roller or wooden or steel rammers and
rolling every 3rd and top most layer with
power roller of minimum 8 tonnes and
dressing up, in embankments for road,flood
bamks, marginal banks and guide banks etc
lead up to 50 m and lift up to 1.5
1 5 m as per
MoRT&H specifications for all kinds of soil.

Code 3 Supplying and laying water bound macadam

16.5.1 & sub base (GSB) with brick aggregate and
16.3.10 binding material, earth etc including
of DSR screening,sorting and spreading to tempelate
2007 and consolidation with light power road
roller etc complete including cost of moorum
Carriage way 1.00 1,000.00 7.00 0.20 1,400.00 cum
Shoulders 1.00 1,000.00 2.00 0.20 400.00 cum

Ref. S.No. No. L B H qty Unit Rate Amount
Total 1,800.00 cum 558.05 1,004,490.00

Ref. S.No. No. L B H qty Unit Rate Amount
Code 4 Providing, laying ,spreading and compacting
16.4 of stone aggregate of specified sizes to WBM
DSR specifications including spreading in uniform
2007 thickness, hand picking, rolling with 3
wheeled road/vibratory roller 8-10 tonne in
stages to proper grade and camber, applying
and brooming requisite type of
screening/binding material to fill up
interstices of coarse aggregate watering and
compacting to the required density. wooden
or steel rammers and rolling over 3rd and top
most layer with power roller of minimum 8
tonnes and dressing up, in embankments for
roads, flood banks, marginalbanks and guide
banks etc lead upto 50 m and lift upto 1.5 m
as per table 400-7 of MoRT&H
specifications for all kinds of soil.

Code Hand broken - Grade-I (90-45mm) 1.00 1,000.00 7.00 0.10 700.00 cum 934.85 654,395.00
16.3.1 of
Code 16.3.2 Hand broken - Grade-II (63-45mm) 1.00 1,000.00 7.00 0.08 525.00 cum 961.00 504,525.00
Code 16.3.3 Crusher broken - Grade-III (53-22.4mm) 1.00 1,000.00 7.00 0.08 525.00 cum 1,003.10 526,627.50

Ref. S.No. No. L B H qty Unit Rate Amount
Code 5 Providing and applying tack coat using hot 1.00 1,000.00 7.00 7,000.00 sqm 23.90 167,300.00
16.30 of straight run bitumen of grade 80/100
DSR including heating the bitumen, spraying the
2007 bitumen with mechanically operated spray
unit fitted on bitumen boiler,cleaning and
preparing the existing road surface as per
MoRT&H specifications on WBM new
surface @ 0.75 kg/sqm

Code 6 2 cm premix xarpet surfacing with 1.8 cum 1.00 1,000.00 7.00 5,000.00 sqm 81.95 409,750.00
16.32.1 and 0.9 cum of stone chippings of 13.2 mm
of DSR size and 11.2 mm size respectively per 100
2007 sqm and 52 kg and 56 kg of hot bitumen per
cum of stone chippings of 13.2 mm and 11.2
mm size respectively including a tack coat
with hot straight run bitumen including
consolidation with road roller of 6-9 tonne
capacity etc. complete (tack coat to be paid
separately) with paving asphalt 80/100
heated and then mixed with solvent at the
rate of 70 gms per kg of asphalt.

Ref. S.No. No. L B H qty Unit Rate Amount
Code 7 Providing and laying seal coat over prepared 1.00 1,000.00 7.00 5,000.00 sqm 50.00 250,000.00
16.41 of surface of road with bitumen heated in
DSR bitumen boiler fitted with the spray set
2007 spraying using 98 kg of bitumen of grade
80/100 and binding surface with 0.90 cum of
stone aggregate of 6.7 mm size (passing 11.2
mm sieve and retained on 2.36 mm sieve) per
100 sqm of road surface including rolling
and finishing with power road roller all
Code 8 Painting road surface marking with adequate 2.00 1,000.00 0.10 200.00 sqm 58.10 11,620.00
16.48 (1) number of coats to give uniform finish with
of DSR ready mixed road marking paint confirmimg
2007 to IS: 164,on bituminuous surface in
white/yellow shade including cleaning the
surface of all dirt,scales,oil,grease and
foreign material etc. complete. New work
(two or more coats)

Total 4,407,058.00
Add 10 % above for increase of cost index 440,705.80
over DSR 2007
Grand total (Rs) 4,847,763.80

Say Rs 49 lakh
Per Sq m 969.55
or Rs 1000/sqm

Summary Poverty Reduction and Social Strategy

Country/Project Title: (TA No. 7055-IND)-Capacity Development of the National Capital Region
Planning Board (NCRPB) – Component B
Sub-Project: Drainage for Sonipat : Sonipat City

Lending/Financing Department/
Modality: Division:


A. Linkages to the National Poverty Reduction Strategy and Country Partnership Strategy

The Program is primarily designed to improve the urban infrastructure and services in the Municipal Area
of Sonipat city. Sonipat is an important industrial and commercial centre of Haryana sub region of NCR.
It is an important town in NCR area, which is being developed to decongest National Capital Delhi by
improving infrastructure in NCR towns with the aim of shifting some of the offices and establishments of
Government of India. Potential growth in NCR will reduce stress over existing urban services. The
population of Sonipath Town as per census 2001 was 216,213. The present area under industrial use is
6.4% of the municipal area. As per town development plan, the industrial area is proposed to be 23.88%
of the urban area by 2021.
The drainage system in most parts of the city is non-existent. Only storm water drain pipe of 1500 mm
runs along the Gohana road which ultimately falls into Drain No 6. In absence of the sewerage system,
this drain acts as carrier of waste water.
Improvement in health status for all is part of the national poverty reduction strategy. The project, when
implemented, will reduce the risk of diseases caused by the defecation by open drain and continuously
flowing untreated sewage through the drainage system. Modern and planned development of Sonipat is
necessary in view of the commercial and industrial importance and planned development of NCR.
Besides, better urban living, services will lead to a better urban life, thus fulfilling the objective of
decongestion of Delhi and planned healthy urban living in NCR towns. The general hygienic condition of
the city will improve which will have an indirect impact on the poor.

B. Poverty Analysis Targeting Classification: General intervention (GI)

1. Key Issues
Although direct poverty alleviation is not envisaged the project will provide an essential urban service to
improve considerably the urban environment and public health. Besides, unskilled labour available in the
locality will be engaged during implementation of the project providing employment opportunity to the
poor families.
Investments in urban infrastructure have positive spin-offs in terms of economic growth and poverty
reduction. The proposed project of NCRPB for canal based water supply system is expected to boost the
healthy living through the provision of improved drainage system. Indirect benefits will be improved
living conditions and improved health status of the population.
Although direct poverty alleviation is not envisaged, the project will provide an essential urban service to
improve considerably the urban environment and public health. Besides, unskilled labour available in the
locality will be engaged during implementation of the project providing employment opportunity to the
poor families.

2. Design Features
There is no specific pro poor design for this project. But as mentioned above the poor /underemployed
families stand to gain from implementation of the sub project.

C. Poverty Impact Analysis for Policy-Based Lending

Not Applicable

A. Findings of Social Analysis

Key Issues

The people of Panipat Municipal Area as well as Haryana urban Development Authority will be the
primary beneficiaries of the sub project who will enjoy the benefit of a improved drainage and disposal
system as proposed in the project. The benefit will accrue to present and future population of Sonipat
town. Better urban services will facilitate overall socio-economic development. Growth of the city as a
major educational and industrial city will provide better job opportunities for the local people, particularly
the low income families.

There is no requirement of land acquisition from the private sources as the drain will follow the existing
road alignment. There is sufficient ROW available to accommodate the drainage system .As per the DPR
the proposed drainage system is transform the current underground storm water drain located with in the
There are no other likely impacts on non titled commercial population for displacement due to
construction/improvement of drainage system of Sonipat.
B. Consultation and Participation
1. In the course of social assessment informal participatory discussion was held with the project
beneficiaries with the help of structured questionnaires. All the persons consulted expressed satisfaction
regarding proposed drainage system. Separate focus group discussions were held with the residents
around the sites. These discussion and consultations were held with a view to share information and to
obtain people’s opinion regarding a new system of drainage.
2. What level of consultation and participation (C&P) is envisaged during the project implementation and
Information sharing Consultation Collaborative decision making

3. Was a C&P plan prepared? Yes No

To make the project effective public awareness & participation are essential. It is envisaged that after the
sub project is approved, the details of the project design and requirement will be disclosed to the people
before commencement of implementation through community consultation.
C. Gender and Development
1. Key Issues

The sub-project will not cause any specific gender issue and is neither focused particularly on women.
However, execution of project will have indirect positive impact on women’s health. The overall
improvement in general hygiene and a clean urban environment are envisaged outcome of the proposed
drainage improvement system. Diseases related to untreated sewerage disposed into the drains will also
be reduced substantially. As a result, impact of a general healthy life will be manifested among average

urban household. The women will be a part of that healthy family. The women among the slum
settlements have also responded positively to the project. According to them the improved system will
facilitate a clean environment and risk of diseases will be minimized which will enable them utilize their
time and leisure more effectively.

2. Key Actions. Measures included in the design to promote gender equality and women’s
empowerment—access to and use of relevant services, resources, assets, or opportunities and
participation in decision-making process:

Gender plan Other actions/measures No action/measure


Issue Significant Strategy to Address Issue Plan or Other
/Limited/ Measures
No Impact Included in Design
There is no requirement of land acquisition
Involuntary No impact from the private sources as well as transfer Full Plan
Resettlement of land from Government sources. No Short Plan
impact on non titled people has been found Resettlement
due to proposed project Framework
No Action
There are no indigenous people residing in
Indigenous Other Action
the project area that will either be required
Peoples No impact Indigenous
for acquisition or will be displaced.
No Action
There will be opportunity of employment
Employment Limited
generation during construction of the
opportunities Plan
project component.
Other Action
No Action
No loss of job or other form waged labor is
Labor No impact
Core labor
standards No impact
No user fees/tax exists as of today.
Affordability No impact Awareness campaign and public Action
consultation may be needed to encourage No Action
people to take house connections to the
road side sewer chambers.
Other Risks
Vulnerabilities Plan
HIV/AIDS No impact Other Action
Human No impact No Action
trafficking -

No impact

instability, etc),
please specify


Are social indicators included in the design and monitoring framework to facilitate monitoring of social
development activities and/or social impacts during project implementation? Yes No

(TA No. 7055-IND)-Capacity Development of the National Capital Region Planning Board
(NCRPB) – Component B – Sub Project Drainage System in Sonipat Town

Involuntary Resettlement Categorization

A. Introduction

Projects1 are assigned an involuntary resettlement category depending on the significance of the probable
involuntary resettlement impacts. “Significant” means 200 or more people will experience major impacts.
Major impacts are (i) being physically displaced from housing, or (ii) losing 10% or more of productive
assets or both.

Initial screening for involuntary resettlement is to be conducted as early as possible in the project cycle, at
the project concept stage where feasible, and no later than project or program preparatory technical
assistance, project preparatory note fact-finding, or due diligence.
B. Instructions

1. (i) The checklist and categorization form is to be completed by the Project Team Leader (PTL)
with the assistance of a Resettlement Specialist or Social Development Specialist in the Operations
Department. This form, endorsed by the Sector Division Director, is then submitted by the PTL to the
Environment and Social Safeguard Division (RSES) for endorsement by RSES Director, and for approval
by the Chief Compliance Officer (CCO) of the Regional and Sustainable Development Department

(ii) The involuntary resettlement categorization of a project is a continuing process. If there is a change
in a project that may result in category change, the Sector Division should resubmit a categorization form
for endorsement by RSES Director and approval by the CCO. The previous checklist should be attached
to the revised checklist for reference.

ADB projects include (i) public sector project loans, program loans, sector loans, sector development
program loans, financial intermediation loans, private sector loans or equity investments, and
guarantees for funding of specific projects or subprojects; (ii) all project components regardless of the
source of financing.

D. Screening Questions for Resettlement Categorization

Probable Involuntary Resettlement Effects* Yes No Not Possible Remarks

Will the project include any physical √
construction work?
Does the project include upgrading or √
rehabilitation of existing physical facilities?
Are any project effects likely lead to loss of √
housing, other assets, resource use or
Is land acquisition likely to be necessary? √
Is the site for land acquisition known? Not Applicable
Is the ownership status and current usage of Not Applicable
the land known?
Will easements be utilized within an existing √
Right of Way?
Are there any non-titled people who live or √ T
earn their livelihood at the site or within the
Right of Way?
Will there be loss of housing? √
Will there be loss of agricultural plots? √
Will there be losses of crops, trees, and fixed √
Will there be loss of businesses or enterprises? √
Will there be loss of incomes and livelihoods? √
Will people lose access to facilities, services, √
or natural resources?
Will any social or economic activities be √
affected by land use-related changes?
If involuntary resettlement impacts are

• Are local laws and regulations compatible


with ADB’s Involuntary Resettlement

• Will coordination between government


agencies be required to deal with land

• Are there sufficient skilled staff in the


Executing Agency for resettlement

• Are training and capacity-building

planning and implementation?

interventions required prior to resettlement

planning and implementation?
*Whenever possible, consider also any future subprojects or investments.

Information on Affected Persons:

Any estimate of the likely number of households that will be affected by the Project?

[√] No [ ] Yes If yes, approximately how many? There will be 32 affected Households/APs.

Are any of them poor, female-heads of households, or vulnerable to poverty risks?

[√ ] No [ ] Yes If yes, please briefly describe their situation:

Are any APs from indigenous or ethnic minority groups? [√ ] No [ ] YesIf yes, please explain?

Additional Information Requirements for Private Sector projects:

[ ] Resettlement and land acquisition completed [ ] PSOD is lending to a Financial
[ ] Resettlement to be completed [ ] The project is an Equity Investment
[ ] Project entails risk by association (e.g associated [ ] The project is a Partial Credit /Political
Risk Guarantee
facilities are part of the project but not funded [ ] Others, please
by the proponent)

E. Involuntary Resettlement Category [✓] New [ ] Re-categorization

After reviewing the answers above, the Project Team Leader and Social Development/ Resettlement
Specialist agree subject to confirmation, that the project:

1. Project Categorization and Resettlement Planning Requirements

[ ] Category A, Significant IR impact, a full Resettlement Plan is required.
[] Category B, Non-significant IR impact, a short Resettlement Plan is required.
[√ ] Category C, No IR impact, no resettlement report is required.
[ ] Additional information is needed for categorization and is to be gathered by the Project Team
Leader. In the interim, the project is classified as:
[ ] Category A/B
[C] Category B/C
[ ] Social Development/ Resettlement Specialist to participate in Fact Finding
[ ] Consultant support is required to prepare Resettlement Plan/Resettlement Framework
(RP/RF), therefore the TOR for a Social Development/ Resettlement Specialist should be
included in TA Report

2. Additional Requirements for Sector, Sector Development Program/Project Loans, Emergency

Loans and Hybrid Loans

[] Resettlement Framework
[ ] Core Subproject Resettlement Plans

A draft RP/RF disclosed to APs and endorsed by the Executing Agency is required before Management
Review Meeting (MRM).
A summary RP/RF should be included as a core appendix in the draft RRP for MRM.
A satisfactory RF/RP is required before Appraisal.

2. Indigenous Peoples Impact Categorization Form

B. Identification of indigenous peoples in project area

Impact on indigenous peoples (IPs)/ Not Yes No Remarks or identified

ethnic minority(EM) known problems, if any
Are there IPs or EM groups present in project 9

Do they maintain distinctive customs or 9

economic activities that may make them
vulnerable to hardship?

Will the project restrict their economic and social 9

activity and make them particularly vulnerable in
the context of project?

Will the project change their socioeconomic and 9

cultural integrity?

Will the project disrupt their community life? 9

Will the project positively affect their health, 9

education, livelihood or social security status?

Will the project negatively affect their health, 9

education, livelihood or social security status?

Will the project alter or undermine the 9

recognition of their knowledge, preclude
customary behaviors or undermine customary

In case no disruption of indigenous community 9

life as a whole, will there be loss of housing,
strip of land, crops, trees and other fixed assets
owned or controlled by individual indigenous

C. Anticipated project impacts on indigenous peoples

Project activity and output Anticipated positive effect Anticipated negative effect
Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable

D. Decision on Categorization

After reviewing the answer above, the Mission Leader and Social Development Specialist agree that the

Should be categorized as an A project, an Indigenous Peoples Development Plan (IPDP) is required or, for
sector/FI projects, an Indigenous Peoples Development Framework (IPDF) is required

Should be categorized as a B project, a specific action favorable to indigenous peoples/ethnic minority is

required and addressed through a specific provision in RRP and in related plans such as a Resettlement
Action Plan, a Gender Action Plan or a general Community Participatory Plan

√ Should be categorized as a C project, no IPDP/IPDF or specific action required

Project Team Comments:

There is no requirement of land acquisition from the private sources as well as transfer of land.
There are no other likely impacts for displacement due to construction/improvement of drainage
system of Sonipat.
If there is any change in sub project design the proposed RP needs to be updated before
RSES Comments:

Arup Khan Narendra Singh Shekhawat

Social Development & TA Team Leader- TA No.
Resettlement Specialist-ADB 7055-IND
TA No. 7055-IND


#8, Second Floor, 80 Feet Road,

RT Nagar Bangalore Karnataka - 560 032. India
w +91.80. 3918.7500 f +91.80. 2363.4097

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