PPP Opposite Adjectives

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LESSON FLOW TOPIC: Opposite Adjectives

1. Greetings and Introduction

2. Warmer/Lead in :
Opposite Game - TPR
Students act the opposite of an adjective.
E.g. (Teacher says sad, students act happy, Teacher says hot, students act cold-
shivering, etc.)
3. Presentation:
The Hen and her Lazy Friends – (Listening/Reading/Writing)

E.g. vocabulary (fat, lazy, beautiful, bright)

Students watch and listen to the video presentation. They list down all the adjectives they
know. Teacher discuss the vocabulary.
Target language: (Q) What is the opposite of lazy? / (A) The opposite of lazy is energetic.
4. Practice:
a. Wheel of Fortune – students are group into two/three. They will be asked to identify the
opposite of some adjectives. (Guided Practice)

b. Opposite Memory Chain – teacher says a phrase or sentence then the students will
provide adjectives that are opposites.
For instance, the teacher says (Q) “I was told the bag was but it was actually
really ”, Students (A) “I was told the bag was luxurious but it was actually really
Teacher says (Q) “I was told the chocolate was but actually it was really
” Students (A) “I was told the chocolate was cheap but actually it was really

5. Production:
Opposite Brainstorming - Students work in pairs to find as many things as possible that are
the opposite between them. (Think, Pair & Share)

E.g. (one of them has straight hair and the other has curly hair. Etc)
6. Wrap Up
Activity: Opposites
Split the class or each group into two teams. Teams take turns “serving” with words which
have opposites and “returning” with the opposite. They continue sending words and opposites
back and forth between the serving and receiving sides until someone says something which
doesn’t have an opposite, doesn’t say the correct opposite or pauses too long.

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