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Flowback Procedures

Table of Contents
Recommended Flowback Procedures ........................................................................................................3
Minimize Closure Stress .......................................................................................................................3
Forced Closure or Reverse Screenout....................................................................................................3
Conventional Flowback ........................................................................................................................4
Maximize Fluid Recovery.....................................................................................................................4
Rigup of Flowback Manifolds ..................................................................................................................6
Basis for Flowback Guidelines .................................................................................................................7
Choke size............................................................................................................................................7
Well control..........................................................................................................................................7
Anchor line...........................................................................................................................................7
Fire Hazard ..........................................................................................................................................8
Forced Closure Implementation Procedure* ..............................................................................................9
Recommendations for Flowback Where High Closure Stress is a Problem* ............................................. 10

1 Best Practices Series

© 1998, Halliburton Company
Flowback Procedures

2 Best Practices Series

© 1998, Halliburton Company
Flowback Procedures

Recommended Flowback Procedures

A complete review of the reservoir and fracturing treatment needs to be made before developing a
flowback procedure. The most critical parameters to consider are closure stress, water sensitivity
of formation, future production systems, fracture geometry, type of fracturing fluid used and
proppant type used. This is intended to be a quick reference of flowback procedures. For more
detail please consult the indicated references.

Different objectives are required for different formations. Often in gas reservoirs the goal is
maximum removal of liquids. Deeper formations require that the closure stress be minimized.
In some reservoirs it may be best to allow proppant production if it also allows for a path to
produce formation fines or optimizes production. Forced closure is a technique that minimizes
proppant settling. This is critical in formations where the lower part of the fracture is out of
zone. The same process may also minimize proppant flowback. The following contains
information to help develop flowback plans to meet these different objectives.

Minimize Closure Stress

Guidelines for when closure stress may be a problem: *

• Brady sand at closure stresses above 3000 psi.

• Ottawa sand at closure stresses above 4500 psi.

• Intermediate strength proppants at closure above 6500 psi.

• Ceramic and bauxite proppants at closure stresses exceeding 8500 psi.

*If the formation is soft and embedment is a problem then conductivity damage may result at
stresses lower than those indicated above.

Recommendations for flowback where high closure stress is a problem is contained in the
following pages.

Forced Closure or Reverse Screenout

Reservoirs where there is significant downward fracture growth and formations that tend to have
frac sand flowback problems may be candidates for a flowback technique called forced closure.
The goals of this process are to force a closure of the fracture before the sand can fully settle and
to pack more sand is the fracture close to the wellbore.

In some cases frac sand production will result from the sand settling in the fracture which props
open the bottom of the fracture. This leaves an unpropped void along the top of the fracture.
Sand on the top of the settled pack can then flow down the fracture and into the well.

Forced closure can be done on wells that have high closure stress.

Recommendations for flowback using forced closure is contained in the following pages.

3 Best Practices Series

© 1998, Halliburton Company
Flowback Procedures

Conventional Flowback

Conventional Fracturing theory is that most fractures tend to grow upward. This is
because the pressure needed to create a fracture is less in the upward direction. Obviously
there are a number of conditions which would make this untrue. But in the majority of
fracturing treatments this is the case. In this event it is best for the proppant to settle so
that the majority of the sand is in the lower part of the fracture.

Conventional flowback procedures shut in the well after the treatment to allow closure and
settling of the proppant. Once closure has occurred then flowback is started. If closure
stress is not a problem then the well if flowed back as aggressively as can be safely
achieved to place the well back in production as quickly as possible.

Maximum choke sizes to allow for safe flowback are outlined in the following information
entitled “Rigup of Flowback Manifolds”.

Maximize Fluid Recovery

One of the reasons gas wells are often treated with energized fluids is so the fluid will
flowback on its own without swabbing or pumping. Injected fluids must be carried up the
well by the flowing stream of gas. There is a critical flow velocity below which the liquid
will fall down the well and cause the well to load up and die.

This critical velocity is dependent upon a lot of variables. A small amount of active
surfactant can lower the critical velocity to less than 1 ft/sec. Wells without surfactant
show good lift if the velocity is 8 to 10 ft/sec.

Critical flow in a choke occurs with gas when the down stream pressure is less that 60% of
the upstream pressure. Under this condition the velocity in the choke is fixed at the
velocity of sound which is about 1100 ft/sec. This condition allows for a straight forward
calculation of the upstream velocity based upon choke size.

The following tubing and casing configurations require the corresponding choke size to
maintain 10 ft/sec velocity when the choke is in critical flow.

4 Best Practices Series

© 1998, Halliburton Company
Flowback Procedures

Tubing or casing configuration Calculated choke size for 10 ft/sec.

In 64th inch

7 inch casing 40
5 1/2 inch casing 30
4 1/2 inch casing 24
3 1/2 inch tubing 18
2 7/8 inch tubing 15
2 3/8 inch tubing 12
7” casing - 3 1/2 tubing ann 33
7” casing - 2 7/8 tubing ann 35
5 1/2” casing - 2 7/8 tubing ann 25
5 1/2” casing - 2 3/8 tubing ann 27
4 1/2” casing - 2 3/8 tubing ann 20

It is important to note that these choke sizes may cause damage to proppant if the closure
stress is high. Flowing up tubing provides the most efficient lift of liquids. If high closure
stress is a problem then it would be best to flow up tubing.

5 Best Practices Series

© 1998, Halliburton Company
Flowback Procedures

Rigup of Flowback Manifolds

There are many variations in rig up of flowback manifolds and flowback procedures. This
tends to make a set procedure impractical; therefore, general guidelines must be applied to
make all of these possible rig-ups safe. Fluids containing nitrogen and carbon dioxide
have a tremendous amount of energy to dissipate on flowback and therefore close
adherence to guidelines is essential.

These Guidelines are as Follows:

1. All initial flowback must be done through some type of choke.
The maximum initial choke size should not exceed 1/6th the inside diameter of the
surface manifold or the tubing in the well.
3 1/2 tubing - 1/2 inch or number 32 choke
2 7/8 tubing - 13/32 inch or number 26 choke
2 3/8 tubing - 5/16 inch or number 20 choke

During flowback as surface pressure decreases, larger chokes may be used to maintain
flow. The manifold downstream of the choke should be as straight as possible to
minimize erosion.

2. Two stop valves are required between the choke and the well.
These valves must be located upstream of the choke and where they can be closed
safely in the event the choke cuts out.

Always open the upstream valve first, then the downstream valve. Always close the
downstream valve first, then the upstream valve. Lo-Torc and other stop valves are
not to be used as chokes.

3. All manifolds must be staked or anchored to prevent movement

during flowback.
Never use a rubber hose in a flowback line.

4. Always assume the presence of combustible hydrocarbons.

Take extreme care to ensure that vented hydrocarbons do not cause a flash fire hazard.
It is best to have a separator and a flare to burn off any hydrocarbons. No smoking
areas may need to be extended as wind direction changes.

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© 1998, Halliburton Company
Flowback Procedures

Basis for Flowback Guidelines

Choke size

Energized fluids are mostly gas. The velocity of gas in a choke is limited to the
velocity of sound which is about 1100 ft per second. A six to one ratio in diameter
results in an area ratio of thirty six to one. Since fluid velocity is directly related to
area then the upstream velocity will be 1/36th the velocity in the choke. This
results in an upstream velocity of 30 ft/sec which will not result in excessive wear
when sand is produced.
Downstream of the choke the velocity is very high. If sand is produced then there
will be some erosion to this tubing. Inspect this tubing before it is used in another
high pressure application.
The choke also limits the thrust generated by the flow out the flowback line.
Without a choke it may not be possible to tie or anchor the line to keep it from
moving. This choke size lowers the thrust by a factor of thirty six.
Chart: Flow of Water through Chokes
Well control
Chart: Flow of Gas through Chokes
Two valves are needed to ensure well control. Operate in a manner that will
protect the upstream or bottom valve. Valves are damaged when the are opened
or closed while the well is flowing. Therefore open the bottom or upstream valve
first and then open the down downstream valve to start flow. During flowback
close the downstream valve first then the upstream valve.
If a lot of sand is produced then the high velocity downstream of the choke may
damage the flowline. Locate the choke such that if the line were to fail then the
valves could be safely accessed to stop the flow.

Anchor line

Thrust forces in the line can be approximated by multiplying the area of the choke
by the upstream pressure. Impulse forces may be greater than this due to slugs of
gas and liquid flowing through the manifold. Design the flowback manifold such
that the ends are anchored so they will not move.
Rubber hoses can fail when slug flow occurs. Slugs of liquid make the hose want
to whip. This whipping action has caused the end connectors on the hose to

7 Best Practices Series

© 1998, Halliburton Company
Flowback Procedures

Fire Hazard

If a flare is not used then constant care must be taken to observe wind direction and
velocity. Ignition sources should be very carefully controlled.

8 Best Practices Series

© 1998, Halliburton Company
Flowback Procedures

Forced Closure Implementation Procedure*

1. Be sure that the wellhead and flowback manifold system are installed and tested so the
well can be flowed back within 30 seconds of completing flush. Figure 12 illustrates a
typical surface layout for forced closure implementation.

2. If a liquid fracturing fluid is used, install a flow meter capable of monitoring rates
from 10 to 100 gallons per minute down stream of a variable choke. If a foam
fracturing fluid is used, no flow meter is needed. The flowback rate of gas can be
calculated from the pressure drop across the orifice.

3. Isolate the choke and flowmeter with a block valve during the treatment.

4. Insure that the choke is fully closed and isolated prior to starting the fracture

5. Within 30 seconds after completing the flush, open the block valve with the choke still
closed. If the choke fails, the block valve can be used as a backup to regulate flow

6. Open the choke slowly. Initially, do not exceed a flowback rate of 10-15 gallons per
minute for liquids or an equivalent, rate for gases.

7. Monitor pressure vs. time to detect fracture closure.

8. Continue to flow at a low rate for 30 minutes after near wellbore fracture closure has
been detected.

9. The flowback rate can then be increased to 20-25 gallons per minute for liquids or
equivalent rates for gases.

10. Continue flowing for an additional 30 minutes. For normal pressured or energized
wells, the flowback rate can eventually be increased to 1-2 BPM. Always monitor the
produced fluids to measure sand content.

11. Choke back the well as necessary when gas or oil flow rates become large

12. Flow the well for several days or weeks using choke sizes no larger than 10-12/64

13. Monitor and record all data concerning flowing pressures and oil, gas and water flow

* J.W. Ely, S.A. Holditch & Assocs. Inc.; W.T. Arnold lll, Phillips Petroleum Co.; and
S.A. Holditch, Texas A&M U.: “New Techniques and Quality Control Find Success in
Enhancing Productivity and Minimizing Proppant Flowback” paper SPE 20708 presented
at the 65th Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition, in New Orleans, La. Sept. 23-26,

9 Best Practices Series

© 1998, Halliburton Company
Flowback Procedures

Recommendations for Flowback Where High Closure

Stress is a Problem*
1. An estimate or measurement of closure stress should be obtained before the fracture
treatment is pumped. This value will form the basis for the selection of proppant and
for flowback of the well.

2. The time required for the fracture to close should be monitored closely after the
treatment. If pressure-decline data do not indicate that the fracture is going to close
before the gel is scheduled to break, then pressure in the fracture should be reduced by
flowing the well on a 2/64- to 4/64-in. [0. 8- to 1. 6-mm]. choke at a rate of 5 to 10
gal/min [0.019 to 0.038 M3/min]. Once fracture closure is achieved, the well can be
shut in to allow the gel to break. Note, however, that some proppant is likely to be
produced back into the wellbore if this procedure is performed.

3. If the well has the capacity to flow on its own after the treatment, then it should be
kept on small chokes (6/64 to 8/64 in. [2.4 to 3.2 mm]) during the initial cleanup.
Backpressure against the formation should be maximized (i.e., the pressure drawdown
near the wellbore should be minimized).

4. A shut-in or producing well should never be opened on a large choke instantaneously.

Gradual choke increases in 2/64-in. [0.8mm] increments are recommended. If
necessary, these increases should be spread out over several days or weeks.

5. BHFP's should be measured or calculated on a routine basis during production. If

flowing pressures are declining steadily or if the net closure stress is near the
maximum allowable stress for the particular proppant used, the choke should not be
increased unless absolutely necessary.

*B.M. Robinson, W.S. Whitehead, both of S.A. Holditch & Assocs. Inc and S.A.
Holditch, Texas A&M U. “Minimizing Damage to a Propped Fracture by Controlled
Flowback Procedures” Journal of Petroleum Technology, June 1988

Note that it is not the choke size that is important. It is the bottom hole closure stress. Closure stress is fracturing
closure pressure minus the bottom hole pressure. Estimating the bottom hole pressure must be done based on an
estimate of the density of the fluids in the wellbore. If the primary production is gas then the hydrostatic will
change SIGNIFICANTLY during flowback.

10 Best Practices Series

© 1998, Halliburton Company

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