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Dawn of War Pro v3.4 Necron Guide by Viparas.

Special thanks: Reeelax, Korbah


Dawn of War Pro v3.4 Necron Guide by Viparas. Special thanks: Reeelax, Korbah

1. Necron Key areas ________________________________________________________________ 2

1.1. Teleporting _________________________________________________________________ 3
1.2. Infantry ____________________________________________________________________ 3
Primary differences between the infantry of other races and the Necron ______________________ 8
1.3. Vehicles and structures _______________________________________________________ 8
1.4. Build Timer ________________________________________________________________ 13
1.5. Economy _________________________________________________________________ 13
2. Research and Abilities ___________________________________________________________ 14
3. Heroes and spells _______________________________________________________________ 22
3.1. The Necron Lord ___________________________________________________________ 23
3.2. The Destroyer Lord _________________________________________________________ 24
4. Necron counters ________________________________________________________________ 26
4.1. "My opponent just massed plasma/flamers/heavy bolters and my army died ridiculously fast!" 27
4.2. "My opponent has too many turrets/2nd Hq/etc and I can't get close without dying!" _______ 27
4.3. "My opponent harasses and decaps my points before I can get my army close enough to stop
them" 28
4.4. "My opponent was using tons of close combat units and nothing I did would stop them!" ____ 28
4.5. "My opponent massed daemons. I couldn't kill them!" _______________________________ 29
5. Bugs _________________________________________________________________________ 29
5.1. Melee bug_________________________________________________________________ 30
5.2. Duplicate Monolith Bug ______________________________________________________ 31
5.3. Duplicate Slag Volcano ______________________________________________________ 31
5.4. Generator build bug _________________________________________________________ 31
5.5. Formation Bug _____________________________________________________________ 31
5.6. Lag Gen Bug ______________________________________________________________ 32
6. Strategies and Build Orders _______________________________________________________ 33
6.1. Build Orders _______________________________________________________________ 33
6.2. Race specific match ups: _____________________________________________________ 33
6.2.1. Orks ___________________________________________________________________ 33
6.2.2. Tau ____________________________________________________________________ 34
6.2.3. SM ____________________________________________________________________ 35
6.2.4. CSM ___________________________________________________________________ 36
6.2.5. IG _____________________________________________________________________ 37
6.2.6. Eldar ___________________________________________________________________ 38
6.2.7. Necron _________________________________________________________________ 39


Dawn of War Pro v3.4 Necron Guide by Viparas. Special thanks: Reeelax, Korbah

The Necron don't so much wage war so much as they raid. Their advanced technology allows them to
teleport over any distance to strike decisive blows to the enemy. In Dawn of War Pro, this is
paramount to doing well with them, as the Necron have no transport vehicles as other races do.
There are 4 key areas of the Necron race that heavily differ them from the other races.
Teleporting, Infantry, build timer and economy.


The ability to teleport shapes the strategy of the whole Necron race. While other races build
transports, or move through buildings, the Necron infantry just zap from point A to point B.
Though Point B isn't just anywhere. They can only teleport to three locations: The Pylon
structure that the Necron Lord can produce, generators, and the Monolith. The ability to
teleport is normally dormant, however, under 4 different circumstances it becomes available:
When enabled by using the abilities "displacement arc" which enable up to 2 squads in
proximity to one another to teleport, "Ascension Grid" which enables teleport for all Necron
infantry, the Veil of Darkness upgrade, which enables teleport for all infantry in proximity to
the Necron lord, and when an infantry squad's morale is broken, which enables teleport for

The teleport ability on infantry takes about 30 seconds to recharge, and the displacement arc
ability on the monolith takes 15 seconds. In this manner you can teleport a small force to your
Necron Lord's position for a short time to harrass and then pull them to a different point,
like jump troops. You can use it to position melee troops within attack range of enemy troops
nigh instantly, and you can gain superior positioning, for example, in a fight where you have
amassed Necron Warriors, which are great at ranged combat but only so-so at close combat,
and you are up against ranged units (lets use Guardsman as an example), with melee troops in
front of them advancing on your troops (Ogryn lets say). You can teleport your army to the
opposite side of the enemy, keeping your troops in prime position for ranged combat, while the
unfortunate Ogryn now have to wade through the guardsman. An important thing to remember
with your troops is pulling out of losing situations before your troops are decimated. Due to
the nature of how the Necron teleport system is designed, it takes multiple actions to
complete the teleport process. Selecting the monolith, clicking the teleport ability, targeting
the units you wish to teleport, selecting the energized unit/units, selecting the teleport
function, and finally targeting the structure you wish to teleport them to. A 6 action process.
Keep in mind how long it takes you to perform this as a battered squad can easily be kill off
before you can complete the teleport.


Consisting of basic Necron Warriors, Flayed Ones, Immortals, scarabs, Wraiths and Pariahs,

Dawn of War Pro v3.4 Necron Guide by Viparas. Special thanks: Reeelax, Korbah

the Necron infantry are not as diverse in function as the armies of other races. There are no
Heavy Weapons, no grenades, etc. Though they may seem quite expensive at first glance, this
is merely a result of energy being more abundant and easily acquired then the requisition
other races need.


Built from: Monolith

Cost: 100 energy
Reinforce: 20 energy
Squad size: T1 3
Armor type: inf low

The basic builder unit of the Necron forces. Though slow moving, they are able to
reinforce their numbers, decreasing the time taken to capture strategic points and
construct buildings. Able to detect infiltrated units.

Pros: Constructs buildings and captures strategic, relic and critical points. Detects
infiltrated units. 4 available from start of game.
Cons: Slow moving and expensive


Built from: Monolith

Cost: 240 energy
Reinforce: 40 energy
Squad size: T1 6/T2 8
Armor type: inf heavy medium
Pop: +3 Inf
Effective against: Light and Heavy Infantry

Necron Warriors are the core unit of a Necron Army, they move at a medium pace, have a
medium firing range, and remain a great tool as anti infantry throughout the game. Though
out shined in damage by immortals in nearly all areas, the larger squad size keeps them
effective in their role. Though they are formidable in both ranged and close combat,
ranged is where they excel.

Pros: Soft counter to all infantry types, resilient due to ressurection

Dawn of War Pro v3.4 Necron Guide by Viparas. Special thanks: Reeelax, Korbah

Cons: Slow moving, vulnerable to melee specialists and anti morale attacks


Built from: Monolith

Cost: 270 energy
Reinforce: energy
Squad size: T1 6/T2 8
Armor type: in heavy medium
Pop: +3 Inf

Flayed Ones are the shock troops of the Necron Army. They are effective against
infantry, however they have no ranged combat capabilities, but in close combat are durable,
resistant to antimorale weaponry, and have the capability to knock units down. Further,
they have an aura that lowers the maximum morale of any nearby enemies. Of particular
note is their ability to harrass: They can be loaded into the monolith and be deepstriked to
any visible location on the map, this saves the energy and recharge required of teleporting,
and allows them to be used as a relatively safe unit to harass with, quickly hitting
generator farms and listening posts and then being teleported away. Something to
remember when choosing to deepstrike or teleport. Deepstriking Flayed ones displays a
targeting emblem on the ground where they will appear, and though they can not be
damaged while crawling out of the ground, they are easily maneuvered around during this
period of immobility. In close combat, teleporting them to directly to a pylon in the middle
of enemy squads is always more effective, as they will be able to attack as soon as they

Pros: Durable, aura that causes the morale of enemy units to break more quickly, can
deepstrike any visible location for free, resistent to morale weapons but not immune
Cons: No ranged attack, Morale aura will reduce, but not break enemy morale on it's own


Dawn of War Pro v3.4 Necron Guide by Viparas. Special thanks: Reeelax, Korbah

Built from: Summoning Core

Cost: 300 energy
Reinforce: 100 energy
Squad size: T2 4/T3 6
Armor type: inf heavy high
Pop: + 4 inf

Immortals are the primary anti vehicle and anti building unit of the Necron army. They
move slow, have small squad size, and are very expensive, but have ranged weaponry that is
effective at great distance.

Pros: Excellent attack range, can quickly destroy vehicles and enemy positions
Cons: Slow moving, very expensive, small squad size, vulnerable to melee specialists


Built from: Summoning Core

Cost: 200 energy
Reinforce: 100 energy
Squad size: T1 2/T2 3
Armor type: inf medium
Pop: +3 veh

Wraith are the fastest Necron unit. Though low in health and squad size, they do travel
quickly, and can be upgraded to go even faster than that. They have are highly resistant to
ranged damage, and have a higher chance of sync kill than any other unit. Further, they do
a great deal of damage to most armor types. They can detect infiltrated enemies, and can
decap points on the map, and are considered the Necron counter to terminator armor,
though the amount of wraiths required to counter certain terminator armored units varies.
These are an excellent emergency defense when a distant listening post is being harassed
by a single non-vehicle squad. Teleport them in and go about your business. In larger scale
combat, even though they have a high ranged conceal, they will still fall to ranged damage
quickly due to the low HP. The best ways to use them are being teleported right into the
middle of the enemy forces, or flanking them while they are occupied with your other units.

They have the phase ability as well, which lets them temporarily take very little damage, at
the cost of doing very little themselves. In the event that you need to move wraiths into

Dawn of War Pro v3.4 Necron Guide by Viparas. Special thanks: Reeelax, Korbah

melee range against a mass of enemies, or move them away (teleporting them in or out
should always be done if possible), phase can be effective at keeping them alive.

Pros: Fast moving, can detect infiltrated units, high sync kill rate, can decap points, can
phaseshift to survive lethal attacks, resistant to ranged attacks
Cons: Low HP, high vehicle cap requirement, vulnerable to melee from sturdy units like
Heros and walkers and ranged damage from units that can't be tied up


Built from: Energy Core

Cost: 400 energy
Reinforce: 100 energy
Squad size: T3 6
Armor type: Elite heavy infantry
Pop: +4 inf

Pariahs are the relic unit of the Necron. Though not affected by any of the upgrades the
rest of the army gets, they are quite durable, can teleport freely like the Necron Lord can,
do very good damage to Daemons, and have the same morale shrink aura as Flayed Ones. On
top of that, they can reinforce away from the monolith, and are immune to anti-morale

Pros: Can teleport, has the same anti morale aura as Flayed Ones, very effective vs
Daemons, high HP regeneration rate, can reinforce in the field
Cons: ----


Built from: LP2

Cost: 80 energy
Reinforce: 20 energy
Squad size: T1 6/T2 7/T3 8
Armor type: veh ultra low
Pop: +1 veh

While they are technically vehicles (vehicle low armor), they behave as a fast moving tie up

Dawn of War Pro v3.4 Necron Guide by Viparas. Special thanks: Reeelax, Korbah

and harass unit. They have low HP, so focus fire will kill them quickly early on, but as you
purchase upgrades for you army and tier up, they become considerably more durable for
cost. You can build a maximum of two squads normally, but if you make a Tomb Spyder, you
can use it to produce a third squad. Though not comparable to the Flamers of other races,
Scarabs do excellent morale damage, and can be used in concert with the morale shrink
aura of Flayed Ones and Pariahs to quickly break morale and counter daemons. They also
are one of the best units in the game for tying up enemy units in close combat. On their
own, scarabs make excellent harass units against undefended positions, such as generator
farms or LP1's. They also serve as a soft counter to vehicles. In larger scale combat, they
serve as a buffer between enemy melee units and your ranged ones, as well as a means of
'disabling' the the ranged hard counters of your opponent by dragging them into melee.

Pros: Fast, inexpensive, able to quickly destroy undefended buildings and vehicles when
massed, great for tying up enemies, good anti morale damage
Cons: Fragile, extremely vulnerable to ranged fire, extremely vulnerable to non flamer area
effect attacks



- All Necron infantry save attack scarabs and Pariahs, may teleport to the Pylon,
generators, or the monolith when energized by the Monolith or Necron Lord.

- All Necron infantry save attack scarabs and Pariahs, cannot reinforce unless in proximity
to a Monolith, but reinforce very quickly once there. It is more in your advantage to
teleport away from a battle you might lose, then to take it to extremes, as you can
reinforce your troops and return to combat more quickly then your opponent can recoup
their losses.

- There is an 80% chance that when a Necron Warrior, Flayed One, Immortal or Wraith
dies in battle, they will rebuild themselves and continue fighting.

- Each time a Necron unit comes back to life, it drains the squads morale, if there is no
more morale, the squad's chance of resurrecting is greatly reduced.

- A slight boon to the morale broken squad: once broken, the teleport ability becomes free


Dawn of War Pro v3.4 Necron Guide by Viparas. Special thanks: Reeelax, Korbah


Built from: Greater Summoning Core

Cost: 220 energy
Armor type: veh low
Pop: +2 veh

A Light anti-infantry hover tank. Can jump. Has excellent ranged damage, and is a decent
base basher in melee

Pros: Fast, can jump, effective vs all infantry armor types and a soft counter to daemons
and buildings in melee stance
Cons: Low HP, ineffective against melee specialists until upgraded


Built from: Greater Summoning Core

Cost: 220 energy
Armor type: veh high
Pop: +3 veh

Almost twice the cost of Destroyers, they are primarily used as anti vehicle and anti-
building, and are VERY effective in those areas.

Pros: Fast, can jump, sturdy, effective vs all vehicle, daemon and building armors, soft
counters all infantry armor types in melee stance
Cons: Expensive


Dawn of War Pro v3.4 Necron Guide by Viparas. Special thanks: Reeelax, Korbah

Built from: Greater Summoning Core

Cost: 380 energy
Armor type: veh high
Pop: +4 veh

Slow and powerful, they do massive melee damage, can produce Attack Scarab squads at
the cost of losing a portion of their HP, and can be upgraded to use a long range particle
beam that is a soft counter to buildings and Daemon armor, and a hard counter to air units.
Their most interesting use however, is harvesting the bodies of fallen Necron units. After
it has gathered enough, you can produce brand new Necron units free of charge directly
from the Spyder. This plus the Particle Beam upgrade allows them to optionally function as
a support unit that replenishes your army rather then a close combat tank type unit.

Pros: Effective against all infantry armor types, when upgraded to particle beam, effective
against buildings at ranged. Can produce scarabs and recycle Necron corpses
Cons: Expensive, high vehicle pop requirement


Built from: Monolith

Cost: 1500 energy
Armor type: veh high

The only artillery unit available to the Necron, despite being their super unit, it plays more
of a support roll ultimately. It deals moderate damage to all armor types, can knock enemy
units down with its Particle Whip, and can teleport, providing a mobile defensive position
where you can reinforce, and build units.

Pros: Excellent damage and disruption. Provides a mobile teleport and reinforce point, can
Cons: Incredibly demanding in cost, and very slow moving.


Dawn of War Pro v3.4 Necron Guide by Viparas. Special thanks: Reeelax, Korbah

Cost: 200/550 energy

The Necron HQ structure. You can build Necron Warriors and Flayed Ones here, as well as
access the teleport enabling abilities 'Displacement Arc' and 'Ascension Grid', and the
upgrades to Awakened and Restored Monolith.


Cost: 200 energy

The Hero building. Here you can produce the Necron Lord, the Destroyer Lord, research
Phase Shifter and Chronometron, and buy Relic Armor.


Cost: 150 energy

Support building. You can produce Wraiths, and Immortals here, as well as research the
Solar Pulse, Lightning Field, Disruption Field, Enhanced Disruption Field and Wraithflight


Dawn of War Pro v3.4 Necron Guide by Viparas. Special thanks: Reeelax, Korbah

Cost: 250 energy

Requires: Awakened Monolith

The vehicle bay. Here you can produce Destroyers, Heavy Destroyers and Tomb Spyders.
You can also research the Phylactery and Veil of Darkness abilities, as well as upgrade the
health and melee capabilities of Destroyers.


Cost: 200
Requires: Engaged Monolith

Relic Building, here you can produce Pariahs, as well as research Resurrection Orb and
Nightmare Shroud.


Listening Post. After an upgrade, it can produce Attack scarabs, as well as use Wailing
Terror, a short range artillery blast that deals decent HP and Morale damage as well as
temporarily disabling jump and teleport abilities.

Final upgrade puts a gauss turret on top which does good damage to all armor types.


Dawn of War Pro v3.4 Necron Guide by Viparas. Special thanks: Reeelax, Korbah

Only source of income for the Necron, as well as a teleport point. Though low in HP initially,
after purchasing upgrades to the power grid, their HP increases and their energy output is

Upgrades available at Awakened Monolith and Engaged Monolith.


These are always a huge boon to the Necron, as unlike other races, Energy isn't a
secondary income, but rather the primary one.


Nothing special, just a turret. Upgrades to a Heavy Gauss Turret. Upgrading it slightly
decreases its effectiveness against infantry, heavy infantry, commanders and Daemons,
but greatly increases effectiveness against vehicles, buildings, and Monster armor.


Near the top left of the screen is the build timer percentage, which starts at 00%. Unique to
the Necron, is the ability build their units and buildings faster as they gain map control, which
further supports their thin tech tree against the more complex options available to other
races. Each strategic point you capture nets you a 3% build speed increase, as well as a
further 3% speed increase for building a listening post, and for each upgrade to a listening
post. Capturing a relic or critical location nets you 6%. The build timer percentage maxes out
at 66%.


Dawn of War Pro v3.4 Necron Guide by Viparas. Special thanks: Reeelax, Korbah

The Necron economy is very simple compared to other races. You still need a similar amount of
buildings to progress from tier to tier, however, the options opened from tiering up are quite
small by comparison. The advantage gained from this is that they can tech more quickly then
other races. Upgrading the Monolith to tier 2 takes half the time it does for other races
HQ's. Further helping along this line of a simple, faster developing economy is the fact that
the Necron obtain all of their energy from generators. It's important to note, that spamming
generators is not the boon it was in DC vanilla. I've found that it's better to make a set
amount and only build more generators every so often as your energy supply allows. Another
large difference between the generators of DC and DoWpro, is the placement of them.
Before you can make a generator, you must first create a slag volcano using an ability on a
builder scarab. These slag volcanoes can only be raised within a certain distance of each
other, forcing the player to spread their economy as it grows.


Dawn of War Pro v3.4 Necron Guide by Viparas. Special thanks: Reeelax, Korbah


Effect: Increases the health of Necron generators and increases global energy production.
Costs: 250 energy
Get from: Generator
Requires: Awakened Monolith
Effects: Generators


Effect: Further increases the health and energy production of Necron generators.
Costs: 350 energy
Get from: Generator
Requires: Engaged Monolith
Effects: Generators


Effect: Wraiths and the Necron Lord gain the Phaseshift ability, which grants them a
massive ranged and melee damage reduction bonus for a short time, but also greatly
reduces the damage dealt by them as well
Costs: 100 energy to research
Get from: Forbidden Archives
Effects: Necron Lord/Wraith


Dawn of War Pro v3.4 Necron Guide by Viparas. Special thanks: Reeelax, Korbah

Effect: The Necron Lord gains the ability to slow the speed of nearby enemies for a short
Costs: 180 energy to research
Get from: Forbidden Archives
Requires: Awakened Monolith
Effects: Necron Lord


Effect: Equips the Necron Lord and Destroyer Lord with upgraded weaponry
Costs: 100 energy to research
Get from: Forbidden Archives
Requires: Relic/Awakened Monolith
Effects: Necron Lord/Destroyer Lord


Effect: Equips the Necron Lord and Destroyer Lord with further upgraded weaponry
Costs: 150 to research
Get from: Forbidden Archives
Requires: Relic/Awakened Monolith/Hero Wargear: Skinning Blades & Necrontyr Sigils
Effects: The Necron Lord/Destroyer Lord


Effect: +15 detection range, +10 line of sight range, +100 hp, +10 power rebuild cost
Costs: 80 power to research
Get from: Forbidden Archives
Requires: Relic

Dawn of War Pro v3.4 Necron Guide by Viparas. Special thanks: Reeelax, Korbah

Effects: Necron Lord


Effect: Grants +100 morale aura to the Necron Lord, +10 power rebuild cost
Costs: 100 to research
Get from: Forbidden Archives
Requires: Relic
Effects: Necron Lord


Effect: +25% to the melee and ranged dmg of the Necron Lord, +20 power to rebuild cost,
+200 hp
Costs: 100 to research
Get from: Forbidden Archives
Requires: Relic/Awakened Monolith
Effects: Necron Lord


Effect: +15% melee reduction bonus, +20 power to rebuild cost, +300hp
Costs: 150 to research
Get from: Forbidden Archives
Requires: Relic/Awakened Monolith
Effects: Necron Lord


Dawn of War Pro v3.4 Necron Guide by Viparas. Special thanks: Reeelax, Korbah

Effect: Grants +100 morale aura to the Necron Lord, +20% ranged damage reduction, +20%
movement speed, +30 power to rebuild cost
Costs: 180 to research
Get from: Forbidden Archives
Requires: Relic/Engaged Monolith
Effects: Necron Lord


Effect: Makes the Necron Lord heavier, and thus more resistant knockdown attacks
Enables Essense of the Night Bringer [Nightbringer does not lose HP or morale], +400 hp,
+1 hp/sec regeneration, +40 power to rebuild cost
Costs: 500 to research
Get from: Forbidden Archives
Requires: Relic/T3
Effects: Necron Lord


Effect: Targeted infantry unit and next nearest infantry unit are energized to teleport for
a short time. 30 second cool down time.
Costs: 80 to use
Get from: Monolith
Requires: nothing
Effects: NW/FO/IM/Wraith


Dawn of War Pro v3.4 Necron Guide by Viparas. Special thanks: Reeelax, Korbah

Effect: For a short time, all Necron infantry is energized for teleport. Long cool down
Costs: 320 to use
Get from: Monolith
Requires: Awakened Monolith
Effects: NW/FO/IM/Wraith


Effect: Buffs HP and DPS of NW/FO/IM

Costs: 250
Available from: Summoning Core
Requires: Summoning Core
Effects: NW/FO/IM


Effect: Further buffs HP and DPS of NW/FO/IM

Costs: 350
Available from: Summoning Core
Requires: Greater Summoning Core, Disruption Field
Effects: NW/FO/Im


Effect: For a short time all enemy units, buildings included, receive a 100% line of sight
debuff while in the effected area
Costs: 150
Available from: Summoning Core

Dawn of War Pro v3.4 Necron Guide by Viparas. Special thanks: Reeelax, Korbah

Requires: Greater Summoning Core/Awakened Monolith

Effects: Destroyer Lord


Effect: A small portion of Damage dealt to the destroyer lord in melee is reflected back to
the units that dealt it, and the ability charges as the Destroyer Lord takes melee damage.
The more charge it has the more damage it does when activated. When activated it deals
all the stored damage to units within the targeted area.
Costs: 200
Available from: Summoning Core
Requires: Greater Summoning Core/Awakened Monolith
Effects: Destroyer Lord


Effect: Buffs Wraith speed and damage reduction bonuses

Costs: 150
Available from: Summoning Core
Requires: Summoning Core
Effects: Wraiths


Effect: Deals damage and a large amount of morale damage to targeted units, and disables
jump and teleport abilities for 10 seconds.
Costs: 75 per use
Available from: Fortified Obelisk
Requires: Fortified Obelisk/Awakened Monolith


Dawn of War Pro v3.4 Necron Guide by Viparas. Special thanks: Reeelax, Korbah

Effect: The Necron Lord gains an aura that allows nearby infantry to teleport
Costs: 250
Available from: Greater Summoning Core
Requires: Engaged Monolith
Effects: Necron Lord


Effect: The Destroyer Lords HP regeneration is buffed and he gains a melee reduction
Costs: 250
Available from: Greater Summoning Core
Requires: Engaged Monolith
Effects: Destroyer Lord


Effect: The Necron Lord gains the ability to resurrect nearby fallen Necron infantry. This
cannot break your maximum infantry pop, however it can break unit limits, for example you
can usually only have 3 FO squads max, but if they die all scattered around, or more then 3
squads have died where you activated it, you will end up with more then 3 FO squads,
though likely in need of reinforcing. The resurrected infantry comes back at ½ of their HP.
Costs: 350
Available from: Energy Core
Requires: Energy Core
Effects: Necron Lord


Dawn of War Pro v3.4 Necron Guide by Viparas. Special thanks: Reeelax, Korbah

Effect: Halves enemy morale recovery and reduces their line of sight
Costs: 150
Available from: Energy Core
Requires: Energy Core
Effects: Destroyer Lord

*Note that at each tier, 2 pieces of war gear are available, however purchasing one
disables access to the other until a second HQ and Forbidden Archives are built. Also,
wargear is tied to the structure you researched it from, so if that building is destroyed,
your hero will lose the wargear gained from that building.


Dawn of War Pro v3.4 Necron Guide by Viparas. Special thanks: Reeelax, Korbah


Built from: Forbidden Archives

Base cost: 270 energy

He is the primary hero unit of the Necron race. He can teleport, create a pylon, which not
only provides a point your forces can teleport to, but provides a damage reduction bonus at
tier 1 and a regeneration bonus at tier 2. You can research the following abilities for him:


Cost: 80 energy
Effect: The Necron Lord creates a Pylon which at tier 1 grants a small ranged damage
reduction aura, and at tier 2, a small regeneration buff aura, as well as being a structure
that Necron infantry can teleport to.


Cost: 40
Effect: The Necron Lord and nearby units gain a huge ranged and melee damage reduction
bonus temporarily, but also do considerably less damage for the duration.


Cost: 80
Effect: All enemy units in proximity to the Necron Lord are slowed down considerably for a
short time.


Dawn of War Pro v3.4 Necron Guide by Viparas. Special thanks: Reeelax, Korbah

Cost: Free
Effect: Nearby Necron corpses reanimate, but with only 1/2 of their HP.


Cost: Free
Effect: The Necron Lord transforms into the Nightbringer for a short time. While in this
form, he does not take damage, cannot be morale broken, and does massive damage to all
armor types.


After researching this, all Necron infantry within range of the NL will always have teleport


Built from: Forbidden Archives

Base cost: 270 energy

He is more mobile and durable then the Necron Lord, but in exchange, does not receive
upgrades from relic armor. He can jump like a destroyer, and learns the following abilities:


Dawn of War Pro v3.4 Necron Guide by Viparas. Special thanks: Reeelax, Korbah

Cost: 40 energy
Effect: A targeted enemy unit becomes frozen in place for a short time. While in this
state, they cannot deal or be dealt damage. However, they can be targeted by...


Cost: Free

Effect: The Destroyer Lord attempts to possess an enemy vehicle. It takes a long time to
complete the ability, and if the opponent knows they will lose the vehicle, they can delete it
rather then letting you take it.

But if you succeed, you will gain control of the targeted vehicle permanently, though you
will not have the Destroyer Lord so long as you have it. Pressing delete will destroy the
vehicle and restore your Destroyer Lord.

It is important to note that the Destroy Lord will reappear where ever he was in the field
when he completed the possess ability. Beware deleting the stolen unit only to have your
Destroyer Lord appear in a swarm of enemies.


Cost: 80 energy
Effect: For a short time, all enemies within range of the spell become blind, and will not be
able to use ranged weaponry.


Dawn of War Pro v3.4 Necron Guide by Viparas. Special thanks: Reeelax, Korbah

Cost: Free
Effect: Enemies that deal melee damage to the Destroyer Lord have a portion of it
returned to them. In addition, as the Destroy Lord takes damage, the ability stores a
charge that can be used as a powerful area effect damage spell.


After researching this, the Destroyer Lord regenerates HP at a faster rate, and recieves
less damage from melee.


Researching this gives the Destroyer Lord an aura that halves the morale recovery of
nearby enemies and reduces their line of sight.


Dawn of War Pro v3.4 Necron Guide by Viparas. Special thanks: Reeelax, Korbah

The hardest aspect of using the Necron in Dawn of War Pro is using the tools available to match
counters opponents bring against you.

Infantry heavy weapons, plasma, flamers, and rockets primarily, can be devastating to your troops,
breaking their morale and destroying your vehicles very quickly.

Attempting to attack a base with ranged weaponry such as the IG HQ can result in total failure
without the right units.

Jump troops can utterly ruin a seemingly even or superior force. Though the Necron don't have
their own modular upgrades to deal with such things, they do have the mobility to take care of them
in a more direct way.

Here are some tips for dealing with these and other problems that are likely to arise:



The first available solution to this is teleporting your Necron Lord into the midst of the squad
most dangerous to your troops and engaging them in close combat.

This will effectively disable their weapon upgrades, leaving your army in a better position to
attack. As you progress through a match, better options become available in Attack scarabs,
Flayed Ones, the Destroyer Lord, and Destroyers set to melee stance, which can tie up a
squad for a great deal of time, sometimes, indefinitely in the case of units that have little
close combat ability such as much of the Tau army.



Unfortunately, these obstacles require Immortals or Heavy Destroyers to deal with

effectively (save mines, but even then, they can completely halt your army). The best solution
to this is to utilize your ability to teleport to attack a different place.

If they have too many permanent defenses, attack where they have less or none and make
them regret not investing their resources in portable forces.

If you absolutely must assault a fortified position, it's better to take your time doing it.
Bottle the opponent in and build a Tomb Spyder or tech to Essence of the Nightbringer.

Dawn of War Pro v3.4 Necron Guide by Viparas. Special thanks: Reeelax, Korbah

Tomb spyders can harvest any fallen units you accrue during your siege to keep your army
strong, and their particle beam upgrade is more effective at anti building then their melee is.

Not to mention very long ranged. If you are tier 3 while in this situation, Essence of the Night
Bringer is the absolute best base basher, as it deals massive damage and receives none back.
Also of note, is that the Destroyer Lord's Solar Pulse ability affects building weapons, which
can give you the time you need to destroy turrets or listening posts without taking damage.



The ability to teleport to their generators is the solution to this. Whenever you capture a
point on the map, if possible, you should build a generator near it, allowing you to teleport
forces directly to it as they become targeted.

(Wraith are ideal for stopping individual infantry squads like scouts, or jump troops, and can
detect invisible decappers like Pathfinders.)

This can be used aggressively as well, though they do not infiltrate like Eldar Webway Gates,
they can still function similarly if you can built one across the map without the enemy noticing.

Allowing you a permanent access point to harassing their economy without the need of a Pylon.


A common problem against melee focused races such as Orks and Chaos is the fact that
Necron Warriors and Immortals, do not fair well in prolonged close combat.

To deal with this you can use Flayed Ones, which, while expensive, can knock enemies down,
giving you reprieves from mass close combat.

Attack scarabs, while not so hardy as Flayed Ones, are incredibly inexpensive, and in
combination with Flayed Ones, can quickly break enemy morale.

The Necron Lord spell, Chronometron, slows down all enemy units within range of the Necron
Lord for it's duration, greatly helping in this situation, and also providing ample time to
teleport in your own close combat units.

Destroyers and Heavy Destroyers, while better at ranged combat, can also effectively fight in
close range in a pinch. Use Wraiths cautiously.

Dawn of War Pro v3.4 Necron Guide by Viparas. Special thanks: Reeelax, Korbah

They may do a lot of damage, but if targeted by focused enemy fire.


Countering Daemons with Necron ranges from ridiculously easy to very difficult. If you see a
lot of Horrors, the best solution is dragging them into close combat using Attack Scarabs,
Wraiths, destroyers, Flayed Ones, heroes or even Necron Warriors in an emergency.

The only thing they can do is run away. Possessed Space Marines present a greater challenge
since they excel in close combat.

Your best damage dealers against PSM are destroyers, heroes and Pariahs. Flayed Ones and
Scarabs don't do much damage to them in the long run, but if you can break their morale, they
will become much more manageable.

For the stronger daemon armor of the Daemon Prince and Bloodthirster, your options become
much more limited, as they can kill scarabs instantly, and make short work of destroyers and
flayed Ones.

Your best and only options are Pariahs and the Essence of the Nightbringer ability of the
Necron Lord. If you know you're fighting DP or BT, they are an absolute necessity.


Dawn of War Pro v3.4 Necron Guide by Viparas. Special thanks: Reeelax, Korbah

Unfortunately, there are bugs in the Necron race that have as of yet been unfixable due to
limitations in the dev tools available to the community.

It's important to know what they are and how to avoid them though, so here I've listed them:


Sometimes When a unit is being attacked in melee, and you give them commands while one is
standing up, when it rejoins the squad a bug may occur which causes the unit to become
permanently stuck in red stance melee mode.

If you can see an enemy anywhere on the map, they will start walking towards it and attempt
to melee it. The only known way to correct it once it has happened is to kill the enemy that
was hitting the squad when it happened.

Fortunately this doesn't affect Flayed Ones or Wraiths too badly since they only melee to
begin with. With Immortals and NW's it can very frustrating though.

To avoid this, try not to spam commands to your squad or rapidly change it's stance while they
are being melee'd, if you need to move them away, try to teleport them if possible, only walk
away if no other options are available (this is never a very good idea anyway considering they
walk relatively slowly and will probably just get shot to death)

This bug has two forms, one of which purely involves the unit trying to run into melee, but still
following your commands to move or attack specific targets.

The other, nastier version can have effects including unit twitching, in which case it will just
stand in place and inch towards enemies, and completely ignoring your commands all together.

To completely avoid triggering this bug you must NOT issue an attack command to a squad
which has just had a unit resurrect. Instead RESELECT the squad so the resurrected unit is
selected along with the rest of the squad THEN issue an attack command as normal. This
solution has been extensively labbed and has been shown to avoid triggering the bug.
Essentially just reselect your squads when in combat prior to issuing attack commands.

Dawn of War Pro v3.4 Necron Guide by Viparas. Special thanks: Reeelax, Korbah


No one has been able to figure out what causes it yet, but it's pretty rare. Occasionally when
you upgrade to restored Monolith, the monolith will not disappear and you'll get a duplicate.


Even rarer than the monolith bug, randomly when making a slag volcano. two of the scarabs in
the squad will make a slag volcano simultaneously overlapping each other. If you build a
generator on one of these, the game will crash.


This one's pretty common, but easy to remedy. Some times when you build a generator in a
place that's too close to wall or corner, the drones will start the generator, but then will just
sit there, not building.

To fix this, just move them to the other side of the generator and then have them resume
building it, they should start up just fine. If not, you can also have a different scarab work on


When trying to melee large structures, like HQ buildings or Vehicle bays, NW, Immortals and
FO's will stop moving and do nothing as soon as the closest one to the base gets within
attacking range.

You can click the base repeatedly and they'll inch forward it gradually until they're within
attack range and then start hitting it, but it takes a long time and is a bit random.

In the case of NW and Immortals, they do better damage to buildings on ranged stance
anyway, so it's not a concern, with FO however, your best bet is to just have them attack
units and other smaller structures.

Dawn of War Pro v3.4 Necron Guide by Viparas. Special thanks: Reeelax, Korbah


When the game is lagged out, and the "waiting for player" message appears. You can activate
the slag volcano ability on all builder scarabs simultaneously without waiting for the ability to
cool down.

This will also cause scarabs to ignore the proximity build limitations of slag volcanoes. If this
is used to make two slag volcanoes that overlap, then building generators on them will crash
the program entirely.

(See Duplicate slag volcano bug) Barring that circumstance though, this can actually be very

Dawn of War Pro v3.4 Necron Guide by Viparas. Special thanks: Reeelax, Korbah



There are a few ways you can start the game with Necron that will differ how your early army
interacts with your opponent. Here are the some common varieties:

- A Typical build: Necron warrior or Flayed One -> Forbidden Archives -> Necron Lord ->
Necron Warrior or Flayed Ones
- A Wraith build: Necron Warrior or Flayed One -> Summoning Core -> Wraith -> Necron
Warrior or Flayed Ones
- A no hero build: Necron Warrior or Flayed one -> Necron Warrior or Flayed one -> 4-5 gens
3-4 Lps -> Necron Warrior or Flayed one
- A no inf build: Summoning Core -> Forbidden Archives -> Necron Lord -> Wraith -> wraith

You usually will want 3-5 generators, 2-4 infantry squads and the Necron Lord before you
upgrade to tier 2, but it's all personal prefference really.


6.2.1. ORKS

Primary strengths vs Necron: Lots of melee equates to Necron Warriors and Immortals
being easily tied up. Abundance of rokkits late game can easily negate Necron vehicle

Mass building guns can make it difficult to attack Ork bases. Can easily out squad Necron.

Key units: Big Mek, Tankbustas, Nobz, units equipped with multiple heavy weapons.

FO aren't necessary, but they help alot against an early Slugga rush. Going 1x FO, 1x NW,
NL, or 2x NW, 1x Attack scarabs, NL, or 2xNW, 1x Wraith, NL are all good setups for
dealing with orks early on. Keep in mind that Necron Warriors can beat sluggas in melee 1
squad vs 1 squad in Tier 1, but after T2 or later they cannot.

Late game success vs Orks requires analysis of their army. Any squad that has a high
volume of Heavy weapons, in particular Flamers or Rokkits, should take priority for being
tied up in melee.

Dawn of War Pro v3.4 Necron Guide by Viparas. Special thanks: Reeelax, Korbah

The Big Mek is very effective in against Flayed Ones and Attack scarabs due to it's high
sync kill rate and powerful area effect special attacks.

Using heroes and spells to keep the Big Mek at bey while your infantry singles out the most
dangerous units in the Ork army is key.

In the event mass flamers are employed, try not to clump your army together to minimize
the morale damage from the area effect flamers.

Teleporting half your army behind the enemy and flanking with heroes will keep the the
damage to a minimum.

6.2.2. TAU

Primary strengths vs Necron: High travel speed and long ranged attacks make it easy for
Tau to dance Necron squads, excellent soft counter damage to all armor types can quickly
kill both vehicles and armor without the need to specialize.

Key Units: Fire Warriors, Tau Commander, Vespid Stingwings.

The units that will create the largest issues for Necron in this match up are the fast
moving long ranged units, Fire Warriors and Tau commander, due to high damage output and
excellent survivability, and the Vespid Stingwings, due to their incredible damage vs
Necron Warriors, Flayed Ones and Immortals. Fortunately, Fire warriors and the Tau
commander are both all but lacking in the ability to fight melee opponents, and Vespid
Stingwings have low HP.

The use of Attack Scarabs and wraiths can keep them running from your army indefinately
while you deny the opponent map control.

Wraith are also key units in fighting the Pathfinders and Stealth suits due to their high
damage out put and ability to detect infiltrated units.

Be wary of Snare traps set by the Tau commander. If the opponent takes a Kroot focused
build order, keep in mind that Necron corpses do not drop the meat that Kroot require to
increase their HP.

By keeping an eye on map locations where the Tau army has lost battles, you can keep the
Kroot from eating almost entirely.

When elites show up, segregating them with Hero tie up and the Destroyer Lord's stasis
field spell can greatly swing the battle in your favor, as Tau's strength is in it's core units
being backed up by elites.

If you remove the core units from the equation, the elites aren't too big a problem.

Dawn of War Pro v3.4 Necron Guide by Viparas. Special thanks: Reeelax, Korbah

6.2.3. SM

Primary strengths vs Necron: Well rounded units that can fight evenly with Necron units
unupgraded, and beat them outright once upgrade with heavy weapons.

Key Units: Tactical Space Marines, heavy weapons upgrades, Assault Space Marines, Grey

While the Space marine army starts on reasonably equal footing with Necron in terms of
combat potential, once they start upgrading to Flamers and then Plasma, the battle can
quickly swing in their favor due to the shear damage output achieved by this. Making this
worse, Assault Space Marines can tie up and kill Necron Warriors very effectively, and use
their Melta Bombs to destroy generators and Destroyers very efficiently.

In order to fight this, you need to have each Tactical space marine squad tied up in
combat, while a ranged unit supports.

Early game this can be done with a mix of Flayed ones, wraiths and Necron Warriors.
Attack scarabs can tie up effectively for a short time, but ultimately have a very low
survivability against the Space Marine army.

Later in the game, you must keep the Space Marines distracted or devided in keeping map
control by attacking multiple points at once with your main army and scarabs. Utilize mobile
heroes to harrass multiple points as well.

The enemy is at it's strongest when en mass, so fighting them while devided is the best
way get results in combat.

If the SM player builds Assault Space marines, your best bet for keeping them at bay is
via Wraiths. Building a generator near critical points and relics will give you an teleport
point to send Wraith to if the point is attacked by ASM.

Grey Knights present a problem early game in that they can defeat the Necron Lord,
Necron warriors, Flayed ones and Attack scarabs very quickly. They have the same armor
as terminators and a high damage output.

To counter them, 2 or more squads of wraith are required.

If you see Grey Knights, plan to have a tier 2 force of at least 2 squads, with the wraith
flight upgrade and Phaseshift spell researched.

In the event mass flamers are employed, try not to clump your army together to minimize
the morale damage from the area effect flamers.

Teleporting half your army behind the enemy and flanking with heroes will keep the the
damage to a minimum.

Dawn of War Pro v3.4 Necron Guide by Viparas. Special thanks: Reeelax, Korbah

6.2.4. CSM

Primary strengths vs Necron: The damage potential of Space marines with greater melee
capability and more armor types (daemons), but fewer squads to work with

Key Units: Tactical Space marines, Chaos Lord, Possessed Space marines, Raptors

While the Chaos Tactical marines can infiltrate at tier 2, they can be treated just as the
Space Marine tacticals. Watch for heavy weapons upgrades and tie up with heroes,
Wraiths, Flayed Ones or Destroyers as necessary.

While most heroes in dowpro will beat infantry one on one, the Chaos Lord is especially
dangerous to your squads. Tie him up with units if you must, but do not do so for long or you
will risk losing the squad.

Tier 1 fights will depend largely on how you handle the Chaos Lord.

Once the Destroyer Lord becomes available, teaming up your heroes on the Chaos lord will
help tremendously. Raptors are also present a serious threat to your army due to the fact
that they can destroy any opposing necron squad and quickly escape when teamed up on.

If it's only one squad, you can focus fire them to to keep them at bay, however if the
opponent goes for an earlier 2x Raptor build, you will need to trick them into using all their
jumps before they can be dealt with. Keep in mind that the Wailing Terror blast that
upgraded Obelisks can fire temporarily disables the ability to jump.

A very strong tactic against raptors is to combine Wailing Terror, with the necron lord's
Chronometron, and wraiths.

It's a bit difficult to manage, but if handled carefully you can kill entire squads of raptors.

Once you have access to Destroyers your options are much better, since Destroyers move
very quickly, and can jump themselves. Daemons present the last obstacle for Necron when
fighting Chaos.

Horrors don't pose much of a threat on their own due to low HP and inferior melee ability,
as a support unit however they can quickly destroy your infantry with their high ranged
damage output.

These should be targeted by a melee squad immediately such as Attack Scarabs or


Possessed Space Marines are debatably the most powerful daemon unit against Necron due
to their high HP, squad size and melee damage.

If massed, the only units that can counter them outright are Essense of the Nightbringer
and Pariahs. While it's not as effective, if PSM show up before you have access to either
of those, focus firing them while employing Flayed Ones and Scarabs to break their morale
is good short term solution.

Dawn of War Pro v3.4 Necron Guide by Viparas. Special thanks: Reeelax, Korbah

Again if you cannot handle them, you can either use the Destroyer Lord's stasis field on
them so you can attack supporting troops before dealing with them, or just run away.

The Destroyer Lord's lightning field can also help a great deal once fully charged.

Try filling it up by having him melee the Tactical Marines and Cultists, as they won't sap his
HP like other Chaos units will.

In the event mass flamers are employed, try not to clump your army together to minimize
the morale damage from the area effect flamers.

Teleporting half your army behind the enemy and flanking with heroes will keep the the
damage to a minimum.

6.2.5. IG

Primary strengths vs Necron: Shear numbers, mass heavy weapons, base guns,

Key Units: Ogryn, Inquisitor, Guardsman, Heavy weapons team, Hellhound

Individually, guardsman pose no threat to Necron squads, however in multiples of two or

greater, the amount of guns being fired causes damage to stack up quickly. The Command
squad is relatively weak by hero standards, and can be tied up and/or killed by Flayed Ones
+ any other unit.

Guardsman need to be tied up by scarabs, the Necron Lord, Wraiths, Flayed Ones or
Destroyers or focus fired by mass ranged.

They die quickly to focus fire, and once they're gone the supporting units aren't nearly as
threatening. Be sure to target the individual soldiers with heavy weapons first, so damage
received in combat is minimized.

Heavy weapons teams should be targeted by any melee unit quickly, as they die quickly to
close combat attacks and can't move quick enough to escape. Be especially mindful of
upgraded HWTs, as the autocannons can decimate your army.

Ogryn defeat Necron Warriors and Flayed Ones handily, and even give the Necron Lord
trouble due to their powerful knockdown attacks.

Paired with a minihero and backed by guardsman they can ruin your army in seconds.
Though powerful in melee, they are big and path poorly through a crowd, a good trick is
waiting until the ogryn are about to enter melee range of your army, then teleporting your
army to the other side of the supporting guardsman via the Necron Lord's Pylon.

In this way, you avoid the Ogyrn for a few seconds longer while they path back through
their own army, and they lose that much more of the supporting guardsman.

Dawn of War Pro v3.4 Necron Guide by Viparas. Special thanks: Reeelax, Korbah

Once separated they can be focus fired to death.

Once the Destroyer Lord is available they can be further slowed down by use of the Stasis
field spell. In the event mass flamers are employed, try not to clump your army together to
minimize the morale damage from the area effect flamers.

Teleporting half your army behind the enemy and flanking with heroes will keep the the
damage to a minimum. Mid to late game, your heroes are at risk to the Inquisitor, which has
powerful anti commander damage and spells.

With upgraded weapons, both heroes can team up on him to make short work of it, but it's
much safer to kill him with your army rather than risk losing an expensive Necron Lord of
Destroy Lord to him.

One last thing to watch out for is Hellhounds. When Necron units revive, they come back
with 1/2 health, so prolonged or repeated battles can leave your army low in HP.

While the Hellhound doesn't do large amounts of damage to individual units, it does damage
to many units at a time. This can result in massive death of low HP units and morale break.

1 Hellhound can be focus fired, or somewhat ignored, but 2 or more require multiple
Immortals, or Heavy Destroyers.

6.2.6. ELDAR

Primary strengths vs Necron: Mobility due to Fleet of Foot, and powerful dedicated hard
counters combined with Hero spells

Key Units: Farseer, Banshees, Rangers, Dark Reapers, Fire Dragons

There are a few different paths Eldar are likely to take against Necron. The most likely
one you will encounter is Farseer, in combination with Guardians, Rangers and Dark Reapers.

To be honest you can ignore the guardians. They don't pose much of a threat compared to
the other units.

Rangers, while fragile, have long range and do excellent morale damage. 2 squads of rangers
can quickly break your army forcing you to retreat.

The Farseer can also cause morale break very quickly with her spells and special attacks.
Worst of all however are Dark reapers, which do massive damage to Necron warriors and
Flayed Ones, even in inferior numbers.

Against this build you need fast chase units, namely, Wraiths, Attack Scarabs, and later on
the Destroy Lord and Destroyers. Early on, actually catching the eldar is likely impossible
due to Fleet of Foot.

Dawn of War Pro v3.4 Necron Guide by Viparas. Special thanks: Reeelax, Korbah

Until you have access to multiple destroyers, or the Necron Lord's Chronometron spell, the
best you can hope to accomplish is forcing them to run indefinitely while your army
destroys their LPs, and decaps.

The Farseer, while strong vs infantry can be killed by the Necron Lord. The other build
which you may encounter is the combination of massed Rangers and Banshees.

At Tier 1, the Banshees can tie up until the rangers break morale, forcing a retreat.

Tier 2, the Banshees gain a powerful anti morale scream attack which contributes to
breaking your squads even faster.

This is also very effective against your heroes as well. To counter this, you will need to
build a turret or two at points you can retreat to, and make heavier use of wraiths.

2 or 3 squads, with the Wraith flight upgrade, and Phaseshift. If your army is broken,
immediately retreat to your turrets. You will also want to get the Chronometron ability to
maximize the effectiveness of your wraiths.

Finally, late game vs the Eldar beward Fire Dragons attacking your generators while your
army is away. They can tear them down very quickly, especially if supported by a
Brightlance equipped Falcon.

If you have wraiths, teleporting them to generators under attack is one solution, another is
sending in destroyers in melee stance, as Fire Dragons do not do anti vehicle damage in

6.2.7. NECRON

Primary strengths vs Necron: The ability to cover Slag volcanoes, and harvest Necron
corpses. High mobility.

Key Units: Flayed Ones, Attack Scarabs, Tomb Spyders

In this match up, Take and hold victory is key, as both players have economy that isn't tied
to map control.

Really, regardless of whether your opponent goes for Necron Warriors of Flayed Ones, you
are going to want to get Flayed Ones and Attack Scarabs, as anti morale is the chief
counter to those units.

As you destroy enemy generators, be sure to build your own generators on the slag
volcanoes to deny the opponent access to rebuild on them.

Also, Tomb Spyders can harvest the corpses of enemy Necron units, so you can turn the
enemies losses into free units for your army. The Tomb spyder is also very effective in in
dealing damage to Necron Infantry, so it's not a bad way to go. Late game, mass wraith can
further assist your army if the opposing Necrons have gone with mass infantry, they also

Dawn of War Pro v3.4 Necron Guide by Viparas. Special thanks: Reeelax, Korbah

provide defense against take and hold victory.

Destroyers with the Destroyer Maul upgrade are another option since they can switch
between ranged stance to deal with infantry and melee stance to quickly destroy

Ultimately this will come down to keeping your opponent’s economy lower than yours,
denying them access to their Slag volcanoes, and getting Take and hold victory countdown


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