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1. Note from the facilitators  04
2. Letter from the Chairman  06
3. Blue Mine Group History (Our business at a glance) 08
3.1 History  08
4. Blue Mine Business Structure and Overview10
4.1 Overview, strategy and values  10
4.2 Marketplace Review  11
4.3 Business Unit Review  12
4.3.1 Diamonds – De Lagers  12
4.3.2 PGMs  19
4.3.3 Coal  25
4.4 Strategic Priorities  30
4.4.1 People  30
4.4.2 Portfolio  30
4.4.3 Innovation  30
5. Key Performance Indicators  32
6. SWOT analysis  33

2 Connect Case Study

Connect Case Study 3
Things to consider while reading the business case study:

During the conference, you will take Experience has taught us that the
on the role of the Group Management more prepared you are, the more
Committee (GMC), in charge of a successful your team will be in the
simulated globally diversified mining simulation, and the more rewarding
company named ‘Blue Mine Group’ the experience. While reading the
(BMG) over a period of 3 years. business case, keep the following
questions and topics in mind while
As a leader at Anglo American, you reflecting on the similarities and
are responsible for creating and differences between BMG and Anglo
clearly communicating your vision American.
and strategy to guide your teams.
You will be required to set a clear
vision and execute upon it.

4 Connect Case Study

Opportunities and threats 2. How can you effectively manage
1. What macro-level opportunities a diversified mining portfolio
and threats do you foresee in through changing commodity
BMG’s business environment? cycles? What are the short and
2. What similarities do you see long-term trade-offs?
relating to real world trends?
3. How have these trends impacted Strategy and execution
Anglo American in reality? 1. What is your specific strategy at
BMG with regards to portfolio
Strengths and weaknesses management, innovation, people
1. What are the key strengths and and capital allocation? How will
weaknesses of BMG, particularly you execute your strategy on each
relating to the macro-industry of these elements?
trends? Reflect on these
strengths and weaknesses with Leadership
relation to the reality at Anglo 1. What are the critical leadership
American. behaviours required to drive
2. What are the strategic actions future performance in both
that BMG need to take to realise individuals and teams?
opportunities and mitigate risks?
Upon arrival at the connect
Keeping a holistic conference you will be given further
information about BMG which will
perspective help you and your team create a
1. What are the key value drivers clear strategy and make informed
in different business units and decisions.
how is value created across the
mining value chain?

Connect Case Study 5

Dear colleagues,

Welcome to BMG Head Quarters. We, the board of BMG,

are looking forward to meeting and working with you in
the near future.

BMG is one of the great names in instability, the industrial powerhouse

mining. We pride ourselves on having a nation, Yanjing’s, growth has slowed
portfolio of high quality assets, which and political volatility at both local
we are determined to see managed and national levels has placed us in a
responsibly in a productive and value position of uncertainty regarding the
creating way. With a proud history future.
stretching back over a century, we have
weathered many commodity storms and Additionally, the digital revolution,
have grown our global reputation and Internet of Things (IoT) and Industry
influence through an intense focus on 4.0 are lowering the historically high
innovative and sustainable mining. barriers to entry for our competitors,
while threatening the job security of
There are many changes occurring our workforce. All these challenges are
globally which are impacting our set against the backdrop of the recent
business and the mining industry as commodity downturn from which we have
a whole. Climate change, economic only recently emerged. The inevitable

6 Connect Case Study

downswing of the cyclical commodity our portfolio while improving upon
markets are a reality in our industry, of our operations by producing greater
which we should always be aware. volumes from an optimised mix of
assets. With people representing the
Despite these formidable challenges, heart and soul of our business, our
BMG has not survived for over a goal is to increase their effectiveness
century by luck or shrinking back from through creating an inclusive and
the realities of our changing industry. diverse culture which will inspire
Our continued emphasis on disciplined innovative thinking and promote high
capital allocation and mineral assets performance. In this way, our people will
of high growth and superior quality, give us the competitive edge and help us
continues to be the foundation of our achieve our commercial ambitions.
business. Being customer centric
has always been a priority on paper, As a member of the new GMC, you will
however, we plan to make this a play a vital role in building the future of
reality through our renewed focus BMG. The following pages provide more
on innovation and sustainability. This detail and describe both the markets in
should position us to thrive, not just which we operate as well as an overview
survive, in the years to come. of our portfolio and existing operations.
Once again, welcome to the GMC of BMG!
However, a strong past is not a
guarantee for a successful future. Chairman
We need to continue to strengthen Craig Henderson

Connect Case Study 7

3.1 History
BMG was originally founded in 1906 more recently the acquisition of Ndlovu
by Simon Fitzroy. Originally a small Coal in 1982. Originally only operating
time cattle farmer near the town of in Emergia (an emerging economy),
Smithsfield, Fitzroy discovered the BMG now owns and operates a number
first diamonds in the local Stosen of assets across a range of different
River while watering his cattle. geographies. Whilst the majority of
Unknown to Fitzroy at the time was BMG’s assets, operations and people
the fact that he had stumbled upon still residing in Emergia, BMG has
one of the world’s richest diamond solidified itself as a global mining
deposits. Pre-empting the inevitable brand which is known for its superior
“diamond fever”, Fitzroy bought quality commodities across the
up much of the surrounding land markets within which it operates.
and started mining for diamonds in
earnest. The origins of the BMG’s BMG is one of the top five largest
name are derived from the blue-hued mining companies in the world and has
rock, called kimberlite, from within been a Global Fortune 100 company for
which the diamonds were found. the past 27 years. As one of the largest
producers of the platinum group
Since these humble beginnings, metals (PGM’s) in the industry and
BMG has grown tremendously both for consistently supplying high quality
organically and inorganically, with diamonds for over a century, BMG is
a large acquisition in 1935 of the now a familiar name associated with
Platinum General Minerals Group and quality and consistency.

8 Connect Case Study



Connect Case Study 9

4.1 Overview, strategy While having an engaging purpose
and values is vital, it needs to be supported by a
clear strategic plan. BMG’s strategy
BMG’s purpose is simple. Re- is aimed at strengthening their asset
imagining mining to improve people’s portfolio through allocating capital
lives. BMG aims to make a lasting in a value-focused approach. This is
contribution to society through done across three strategic priorities:
providing the raw materials on which portfolio, innovation and people.
both developing and maturing nations
depend. An intense focus on smart Both the purpose and strategy will
innovation allows BMG to be more only be achieved by sticking to BMG’s
precise when extracting minerals values. The company values look to
which in turn minimises the impact guide everything BMG do by providing
on the environment through reducing a strategic ‘compass’ when difficult
energy usage, water consumption and choices need to be made.
carbon emissions.

10 Connect Case Study

They are safety, care & respect, Average market prices across the
integrity, accountability, collaboration respective commodities have started
and innovation. to rise with the exception of diamonds
which has experienced a slight decline
Billions of people rely on BMG’s due to changing consumer trends.
products every day. BMG’s aim is
to continue to provide these raw Yanjing Returns to Growth
materials to help nations develop While Yanjing is no longer experiencing
to ultimately improve people’s lives the incredible double-digit growth
across the globe. seen in recent years, it continues to
develop and consume a substantial
amount of the world’s minerals and
4.2 Marketplace Review raw materials. This demand for
minerals is predominantly driven by
A Cautious Recovery the expansion of national transport
Almost a decade after the global links such as airports, ports and
financial crisis, the world economy has rail networks while the increased
continued its gradual recovery. Amidst population growth in Yanjing’s smaller
this backdrop, the mining industry is only cities is requiring a substantial
just beginning to emerge from a recent amount of residential and commercial
downturn in the commodity cycle. This construction. Growth has picked
recent commodity crash forced many of up again slightly this year and is
the big mining houses to aggressively forecasted to remain steady around
divest their non-essential assets in 6.5% over the next 5 years.
order to strengthen their balance sheets
and improve overall productivity levels.

Connect Case Study 11

4.3 Business Unit Review
To be successful you will need to manage your portfolio, innovation and people
across the value chain. The following sections outlines the key details that will set
you up for success.

4.3.1 Diamonds – De Lagers

BMG operates and influences the entire diamond value chain. It is critical
to understand the different parts of this value chain in order to optimise
production, maximise value generation and outcompete the competition.


Recovery & Purchase of

On-Mine Processing Cleaning, 3rd party rough
Extraction & Sorting and diamonds
Production Valuing

Discovery &
Resource Rough
Evaluation Diamond Sales
& auction sales)

12 Connect Case Study


Polished diamond sourcing

(Purchase of polished

3rd Party Jewellery

Cutting and Sales (Retail
Polishing stores and

Connect Case Study 13

BMG owns and operates 3 main
diamond mines across Emergia, as
well as a collection of smaller diamond
mines which supplements the supply
of diamonds from the 3 main mines.

Kukhanya Mine Perryson Mine

Life of mine (years) 17 Life of mine (years) 22

Estimated reserves Estimated reserves

82 96
(Mt) (Mt)

Grade (cpht) 88 Grade (cpht) 64

Price ($/ct) 157 Price ($/ct) 149

Diamonds extracted Diamonds extracted

13.1 8.8
(Mct) (Mct)

Kukhanya Mine is the original diamond Perryson Mine is a mid-sized diamond

mine of BMG’s diamond portfolio which mine which has historically provided
has been in operation since the company’s high volumes of low carat diamonds.
inception in the early 1900’s. Kukhanya While a couple of large diamonds have
has consistently produced the highest been found, typically the diamonds are
grade kimberlite ore out of any diamond small and evenly dispersed throughout
mine in Emergia over the last century. the kimberlite pipe. This mine is still
Cost of extracting the diamond ore has relatively young and so the cost for
continued to climb in recent years asore is extracting the diamond ore is still low
extracted from deeper in the mine . compared with BMG’s other mines in

14 Connect Case Study

Mines and Production
Sityebi Mine
Of the 3 larger diamond mines BMG
owns and operates across Emergia,
Life of mine (years) 28 the original diamond mine, Kukhanya,
has been in production for almost a
century since the first diamonds were
Estimated reserves (Mt) 110 found and Fitzroy’s sons formally started
Blue Mine Group. While the mining and
diamond extraction process remains
Grade (cpht) 57
virtually the same, the mines themselves
are very different and possess varying
Price ($/ct) 180 grades, production rates and life-spans.
It is crucial that the value of each mine
Diamonds extracted is optimised given the mine’s current
3.5 life-span, grade and production output.
Whilst the total movement of earth
Sityebi Mine is the youngest mine that increased slightly, the total production
BMG operates and hence has been of carats achieved remained constant
estimated to have the longest life-span. compared to last year.
Although the overall grade is the lowest
out of BMG’s mines, large diamonds have Dense Medium Separation (DMS) is
consistently been found on the site which
the most commonly used recovery
provides the hope that more large stones
method throughout BMG’s mines,
will continue to be uncovered. However,
the Sityebi kimberlite pipe is particularly whereby a large centrifuge separates
narrow which makes it more difficult and out the heavy diamond concentrate
expensive to extract the diamond ore. from the lighter waste materials. This
diamond concentrate still contains a

Connect Case Study 15

lot of rock and waste material which
needs to be removed before diamonds
are recovered. Diamonds possess the
physical properties of being hydrophobic
(water repellent) and shine under UV
light (fluoresce) which allows for further
recovery using black light sorters and
grease tables. The black light sorters
shine UV rays on the concentrate to
expose most of the diamonds and grease
tables remove the rest of the waste
material while leaving the smallest
diamonds behind, stuck to the grease.
Even with all these processes it is near
impossible to achieve 100% recovery.
The closer each mine gets to achieving
100% recovery, the more value that mine
is deriving for every tonne of ore that is

Sorting, Valuing & Sales

The recovered diamonds must then be
collected before being sold as rough
diamonds to different customer groups
which can range from industrial buyers
to cutting and polishing houses. All
diamonds are sold as rough diamonds
while the purchasing of polished stones
occurs as a separate venture to supply

16 Connect Case Study

De Lagers Jewellers with quality Rough (Trading)
diamonds for their retail stores. De The sale of rough diamonds occurs
Lagers Jewellers only has a small global across two main channels, Global
retail presence within the diamond Sightholder Sales (GSS) and auction
jewellery market. They purchase polished sales. De Lagers sells over 90%
stones directly from third parties before of its rough diamonds by value
selling these stones in their retail stores. through GSS which allows accredited
diamond buying companies, known
Sales (Commodity review) as sightholders, to visit Emergia and
The global demand for diamonds has purchase rough diamond allocations
remained steady compared to previous once they have inspected them. The
years. However, this hides the fact that current list of sightholders is less
De Lagers’ market share has been than 100 companies with the list of
dropping steadily for the past 20 years. sightholders is updated on an annual
Predominantly this has been caused basis with there being between 8
by more diamond players entering the and 12 sight visits planned every
market. Additionally, there are changes year. Additional rough diamonds can
occurring in the sale of both polished be purchased from third parties, to
and rough diamonds. optimise the overall product mix,
and then resold to customers if sales
targets are higher than inhouse

Auction sales account for the remaining

10% of rough diamond sales by value
but perform the important task of
defining the markets appetite for
De Lagers rough diamonds and the
relevant price point. These auction
sales therefore play a large role in
‘price discovery’ of diamonds on the
market. The majority of these sales now
occur online with registered customers
able to purchase rough diamonds at
competitive auction prices. The ability

Connect Case Study 17

to sell third party rough diamonds via who consistently purchase the highest
De Lagers’ online auction platform is an volumes of diamond jewellery.
idea that is being proposed and tested.
Changing consumer trends are a cause
Polished (Sourcing) for concern, but of equal importance are
Sales in diamond jewellery have declined the rise of synthetic diamonds infiltrating
year-on-year in Western markets the market. Although only accounting
predominantly caused by reduced for 1% - 2% of global rough diamond
spending on luxury items. In particular, sales, their share is expected to expand
millennials do not value diamond to between 10% and 15% over the next
engagement rings as much as their five years. Of even greater concern is
parents or grand-parents’ generation and the rise of synthetics being found in
are spending their discretionary income natural diamond jewellery. While De
on experiences over luxury assets. Of Lagers has not suffered any public
the sales generated through diamond issues around the legitimacy of their
jewellery, greater portions of sales have diamonds, ethics and money conscious
come from lower carat jewellery and less millennials are questioning the overall
expensive luxury pieces which suggests integrity of natural diamonds not wanting
consumers are less willing to pay for to support so-called “conflict diamonds”.
larger polished stones. Competitors have even started marketing
the lab-grown gems as “created and
Diamond jewellery, and bridal jewellery clean diamonds” in order to appeal to
in particular, have historically been this demographic. De Lagers relies
associated with love and commitment heavily upon its brand of high quality,
but are now suffering a decline. Diamond natural diamonds which is being placed
retailers will need to focus their increasingly at risk as more synthetic
marketing efforts and reinvent the buying stones enter the market.
experience to be more fun, inclusive
and self-gratifying in order to appeal Huge investments have been made in
to the growing number of women who innovations to detect synthetic diamonds
are purchasing diamond jewellery for both in the markets of rough and polished
themselves. This will mean an increased diamonds. From machines used to detect
focused on the number, location and small synthetics weighing less than 0.5
layout of jewellery stores as well as the carats through to developing a digital
marketing efforts surrounding them. De platform to tag diamonds via blockchain
Lagers spent more on marketing this technology. This will provide a secure
year than previous years but will need and transparent record of all-natural
to ensure that these marketing efforts diamonds and will reduce the risk of
are focused on the right areas. A simple synthetics being passed off as natural.
example would be to focus on women
aged between 35 to 55 across all markets

18 Connect Case Study

4.3.2 PGMs
BMG operates across the entire PGMs value chain. It is crucial that value is
driven by balancing several important factors across the entire value chain.
Overall ore grade, which includes both 4E metals (platinum, palladium,
rhodium and gold) and base metals, recovery and capital expenditure need to
be considered across a bottlenecked value chain.


Purchase of
Sale of Base
On-Mine Concentration
Excavation Smelting
(open-pit and
Resource Sale of platinum,
palladium and
other 4E metals

Connect Case Study 19

BMG is one of the leading primary
producers of platinum group metals
(PGMs). BMG owns and operates
3 large platinum mines whose
high-level details are displayed
in the tables below. BMG also
operates a collection of smaller
platinum mines which supplements
the supply of platinum, other 4E
metals and base metals from the
3 main mines. BMG extracts and
processes a large amount of newly
mined platinum globally. In addition
to the extraction and production
of platinum, BMG also produces a
significant portion of the world’s Edmondton Mine
‘4E’ metals, which typically occur
alongside platinum in the ore
deposits. Life of mine (years) 26

BMG owns and operates its Estimated reserves

collection of platinum mines which (4E Moz)
all reside in the remote area of
North West Emergia. Each of Grade (4E metal g/t) 4.8
these mines operates at different
production rates. It is crucial that Platinum extracted
the value of each mine is optimised 520
given the mine’s current life,
grade and production output. For Edmundton Mine is BMG’s core platinum
each mine, BMG has the option to mine which has been in operation for over
increase, maintain or decrease two decades. It has consistently provided
production. It will be important to high grades of platinum, palladium and
other 4E metals during this time and is
keep the current commodity prices
expected to continue to be a core part of
and macro-economic trends in mind
BMG’s platinum operations going forward.
when planning the production of
each mine.

20 Connect Case Study

Clarkson Mine Ubuninzi Mine

Life of mine (years) 18 Life of mine (years) 32

Estimated reserves Estimated reserves

25.2 21.8
(4E Moz) (4E Moz)

Grade (4E metal g/t) 5.6 6.3
(4E metal g/t)

Platinum extracted Platinum extracted

490 450
(koz) (koz)

Clarkson Mine is located closest to the Ubuninzi Mine was acquired only a few
smelting and refining plant. Although not years ago from a rival mining company
producing volumes of platinum as high during the commodity downturn and is
as Edmundton, it produces a high overall the smallest of BMG’s 3 platinum mines.
grade of 4E metals. Clarkson Mine has It currently produces the highest grade
also made significant gains in reducing of 4E metals and has the longest life-
its energy and water usage. It is the span based on current reserve estimates.
ambition to be BMG’s first mines Ubuninzi Mine actually produces the
to achieve the title of being a fully lowest amount of pure platinum per
waterless mine. tonne compared to BMG’s other mines
but its output of palladium, rhodium,
gold and base metals is higher than the
other mines.

Connect Case Study 21

Processing inefficiencies can result in these
Concentration potential recovery gains being lost.
The concentration process occurs
on-mine and involves the crushing and To supplement primary production,
milling of the primary ore followed purchase of concentrate (POC) from
by a process known as flotation to associates or third-party suppliers is
achieve a standard PGM grade known used to achieve the overall production
as ‘concentrate’. During the flotation targets. A minimum amount of POC
process, tailings are separated from is required by the local government
the valuable minerals and are stored in in order maintain a healthy mining
large tailing dams near the processing industry and to avoid anti-competitive
site. In recent years, an effort has behaviour. Above this minimum amount,
been made to reduce the amount of mining companies are permitted
water used during this process and to purchase additional concentrate
achieve the desired result of having at their own discretion. BMG’s POC
‘dry’ tailings dams. So far, these increased moderately from last year
efforts have achieved minimal success, in order to meet the required demand
with the traditional water-intensive of total concentrate to be sent to the
tailings dams still being used. There smelter. This was due to an unforeseen
are concerns over the environmental production issue which has since been
impact of these tailings dams as resolved.
well as the risk of contaminating
downstream water sources. Large Smelting
recovery gains can be made during The concentrate is transported and
this stage of the value chain. However, stockpiled at the main smelting
poor performance and production and refining plant. This is the main

22 Connect Case Study

bottleneck in the process and in
recent years, growing inflows of The Magnetic Converter Process
concentrate have resulted in a surplus (MCP) separates the Base Metals from
being stockpiled at the plant. The the precious metals (PGMs, gold and
stockpiled concentrate now sits above silver). Base Metal Refining (BMR)
the current processing capacity of is then used for further refinement,
the plant. To remove the bottleneck whereby the base metals (nickel
constraint, plant managers have and copper) are separated from one
expressed the need increase the another. Although platinum, palladium
capacity of the plant through capital and other PGMs are the elements in
expenditure. While having too large focus, the base metal by products are
a stockpile of concentrate is not still valuable and are sold to respective
efficient, there is always the risk buyers at market spot prices.
that an unexpected closure of one By the end of this process, pure
the mines could suddenly cause the platinum at a grade of over 99.99%
inflow of concentrate to drop, resulting is achieved. This refining process
in underutilisation of the smelter. has stayed relatively the same at
Optimisation of this plant will be a key BMG for many years and there is a
differentiator between BMG and its growing opinion of plant managers
competition. that additional capital could be used
to help improve the recovery rates and
The concentrate goes through a efficiency of the current process.
series of smelting phases such as the
Converting Process (CP) in order to Sales (Commodity review)
produce matte. Processes such as the TThis pure platinum is now ready
Slag Cleaning Process (SCP) remove to be sold to customers in the
much of the waste material. market. This either occurs through

Connect Case Study 23

fixed contract sales or through PGMs have three main uses and
spot pricing. Fixed contracts allow customer segments which include:
for greater certainty of how much 1. catalytic convertors in automobiles
production needs to occur. Spot 2. industrial applications in
pricing or ‘trading’ is inherently electronics, chemicals and
riskier, but has the potential for petroleum companies
higher profit margins if prices rise. A 3. jewellery
mix of both types of sales is critical to
achieving high profits and managing The current market share for each
risk amidst the changing market of these is 60%, 22% and 18%
conditions and pricing landscape. respectively.

PGM sales by customer segment


The consistent sale of diesel and petroleum fuelled motor vehicles forms the
foundation of the demand for PGMs. While this demand for PGMs from the
automotive sector has remained strong, climate change, increasingly strict
emissions legislation and the rise of electric vehicles pose new threats to this
demand. However, there is still uncertainty as to how big a threat these are as
global automotive platinum demand has continued to increase year on year.

Industrial applications and platinum jewellery make up the remainder of the

platinum demand which are predicted to remain stable. The chemical sector
is leading the consumption of platinum while electrical applications form the
basis of demand for palladium. Steady growth of platinum jewellery in emerging
markets has helped maintain the positive momentum in this segment.

24 Connect Case Study

4.3.3 Coal
BMG operates across the entire coal value chain from extraction through to
sale. It is critical to understand how the different parts of this value chain,
global trends and changing customer preferences influence productivity and
final sales.


Purchase of 3rd
On-Mine Rail Transportation party coal
Extraction to Port
(Mix of high and
low quality coal) Stockpile at

Sale and
Distribution to
and Resource
(Product mix)

Connect Case Study 25


BMG owns and operates 3 main

coal mines whose high-level details
are displayed in the tables below.
BMG also operates a collection
of smaller coal mines which
supplements the supply of coal
from the 3 main mines.

Ngwevu Mine Wilston Mine

Life of mine (years) 15 Life of mine (years) 21

Estimated reserves Estimated reserves

64 78
(Mt) (Mt)

Quality (kcal/kg) 4500 Quality (kcal/kg) 5620

Coal extracted (Mt) 4.2 Coal extracted (Mt) 3.8

Ngwevu Mine is the heart of BMG’s coal Wilston Mine produces a high quality of
mining operations and has been its thermal coal in comparison to BMG’s
primary coal mine since the acquisition other mines. The physical structure of
of Ndlovu Coal in the early 1980’s. The the mine means that extensive longwall
quality of coal is slightly lower than mining is required to extract the coal
BMG’s other coal mines but the close which increases cost. Past safety
proximity to the local train station, the incidents have resulted on an increased
open cut structure of the mine and focus on innovation to improve safety
steady output of coal over the years has and production.
made it a core asset in BMG’s portfolio.

26 Connect Case Study

Mines and Production
BMG obtained its coal mines through the
Amandla Mine acquisition of Ndlovu coal in the early
1980’s. While these mines all have varying
life-spans and reserve estimates, current
Life of mine (years) 17 estimates of saleable reserves are above
300 million tonnes. All these mines
Estimated reserves are run to service two main markets,
(Mt) Atlantica and Pacifica, which each have
specific mix of high and low-quality coal
Quality (kcal/kg) 5400 that they look to purchase from BMG
and other coal producers. While there
is a broad range of thermal output for
Coal extracted (Mt) 3.4
coal, it can be classed into one of the two
categories. High quality coal has a higher
Amandla Mine is BMG’s smallest coal level of thermal output per unit volume
mine based on reserve estimates and and emits lower levels of carbon dioxide,
annual coal extraction. It currently ash and particulate matter when burned.
produces a high-quality mix of coal Low quality coal on the other hand has
but an increasing percentage of lower a lower energy density and emits more
quality of coal has been extracted over pollutants when burned.
the last couple of years. Amandla Mine
is the forefront of BMG’s coal mines in Each of BMG’s mines has a different
reducing harmful particulate matter grade profile. Currently, the combined
and carbon emissions. Considerable output of all these mines contains more
progress has been made in minimising high-quality coal than low quality. In
the amount of dust and ash emitted the day-to-day running of the mines,
during extraction and production. prioritising where time is spent between

Connect Case Study 27

reducing operating costs, boosting coal
production and optimising value is key.

Sales and Distribution

(Commodity review)
The rail network connecting BMG’s
mines to the main port on the
East coast of Emergia is the main
bottleneck across the coal value chain.
The rail network is nationalised and
BMG pay a significant monthly fee
to the government of Emergia for a
set capacity. BMG have the option to
purchase additional rail capacity if it is
believed that the demand for coal and
price is expected to increase.
Coal is predominantly used by large
power utilities companies to produce
electricity and hence the reliable the warehouse space is leased from
timing of coal deliveries is critical. the port officials and due to the
With the timing of coal delivery being space being limited, it can become
a crucial element of the sale price, very expensive if too much coal is
transporting the large amounts of stockpiled.
coal to the port at the rights times
is crucial. However, the cost of The global demand for coal is largely
purchasing additional rail capacity is dictated by the seasons with more
fixed regardless of how much coal is energy required by the northern
actually transported. hemisphere during winter months to
power and heat buildings. Unforeseen
The coal is transported across weather can cause spikes in the
the country to the port where it is demand for coal which may make it
stockpiled in giant coal warehouses viable for BMG to purchase additional
before being shipped across to coal from 3rd parties at the port. There
Atlantica or Pacifica on tankers. These is thus a fine balance between storing
tankers leave at regular intervals to large amounts of coal and paying
both markets from this port. Currently

28 Connect Case Study

an increasing storage fee versus in the past has relaxed its stringent
purchasing coal from 3rd parties at environmental regulations.
the port.
Pacifica is a more developing,
Atlantica and Pacifica are the two deregulated market where maintaining
predominant markets that import high volumes of coal at affordable
BMG’s thermal coal. Pacifica is prices is their chief concern. Pacifica
currently driving the majority of this does not have strict regulations in
demand. Although a composition place regarding carbon emissions
of high and low-quality coal is sold as its primary focus is to increase
to both markets, Atlantica has industrial development and providing
historically demanded higher quality. a continuous supply of electricity to its
Atlantica is a highly regulated market growing cities.
which has strict laws around carbon
emissions, ash and other particulate
matter released when burning coal.
However, during times of crises,
such as a very long winter, Atlantica

Connect Case Study 29

4.4 Strategic Priorities occurring both locally and globally
BMG has a set of strategic priorities means that innovation is now more
that fit under three broad pillars: critical than ever before. Achieving a
Portfolio, Innovation and People. ‘Zero Harm’ safety record, water and
While each of these three pillars has carbon neutral mining and decreasing
a specific focus across all of BMG’s capital and operational costs are
business units and individual mines, goals that will only occur through
there are some corporate wide opportunities delivered by innovation.
mandates that have an impact across Innovation is an iterative process. This
the business as a whole. will mean that co-creating solutions
An exploration and discovery budget is alongside different stakeholders will
set at the beginning of each year which be critical in delivering value across
determines how much of a focus BMG the entire mining value chain.
is placing on driving the discovery of
new mining sites as well as expanding 4.4.3 People
the reserves of existing mine sites. This People are at the centre of BMG’s
spend can be focused across the three business. Creating a safe working
business units depending on the new environment is the number one
GMC’s strategy. priority as every employee should
have the guarantee of returning home
4.4.1 Portfolio safely at the end of the day. Employee
BMG’s portfolio of high quality, development is of critical importance to
diversified assets is the foundation of the sustainability of BMG. The amount
its business. Maintaining and operating of time spent acquiring and retaining
a diverse and healthy number of these top talent is vital and this time will
assets allows BMG to focus on the need to be prioritised across different
long-term value creation in the face areas of the business. Creating and
of the short term macro-economic promoting an inclusive and diverse
environment and commodity cycles. culture will allow people to speak up
BMG has recently reduced the size of its and voice their opinions while helping
portfolio off the back of the commodity to breakdown silos. Ensuring the right
downturn and is now in a position to people are in the right roles will help
grow. Throughout your tenure as the drive efficiency as everyone does
new management team, you will have value-adding work. Finally, people also
the opportunity to influence the size and include BMG’s external commitments
composition of BMG’s portfolio. to local communities, government
and society at large. An open and
4.4.2 Innovation transparent approach is critical while
An intense focus on innovation has partnering with local communities and
been the prominent reason for BMG’s governments to ensure mutual benefit
success and evolution over the past across all our operations.
century. The rapid pace of change

30 Connect Case Study

Connect Case Study 31
5. KEY
There are many metrics that need to be tracked to ensure operational success at
both a BU and corporate level. The diagram below shows the key metrics that will be
used to calculate the ‘share price’.


Free Cash Net Debt Change in

ROCE Dividend Brand Score
Flow Ratio Production




32 Connect Case Study

Using the information provided, conduct a SWOT analysis on BMG in order to
gauge the present state of the company. By understanding the key internal
strengths and weaknesses as well as the main external opportunities and threats,
you are in a better position to define your strategy.

Strength Weaknesses

Opportunities Threats

Connect Case Study 33

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