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An omnivore is an animal that eats both plants and animals, which may include eggs, insects, fungi, and
algae. Many omnivores evolved to their current state after many years, and are opportunistic feeders.
They rely on both vegetation and animal protein to remain healthy. Let's enjoy some (occasionally
surprising) examples of omnivores.

Omnivorous Birds
 Cassowaries
 Chickens
 Corvids: choughs, treepies, magpies, jays, Stresemann's bushcrows, nutcrackers, crows, ravens,
jackdaws, rooks
 Crows
 Emus
 Hummingbirds
 Keas
 Orioles
 Ostriches
 Rheas
 Robins
 Rooks
 Seagulls: Pacific gulls, black-tailed gulls, common gulls, American herring gulls, Mediterranean
gulls, dolphin gulls, red-billed gulls, Saunders's gulls, black-legged Kittiwakes, ivory gulls, Sabine's
gulls, swallow-tailed gulls
 Starlings
 Woodpeckers
 Cranes: brolgas, black crowned cranes, grey crowned cranes, common cranes, sandhill cranes,
whooping cranes, sarus cranes, Siberian cranes, white-naped cranes, hooded cranes, black-necked
cranes, red-crowned cranes, blue cranes, demoiselle cranes, wattled cranes
 Ducks
 Flamingos
 Rallidae: coots, crakes, gallinules
 Swans

Mammals That Are Omnivores

 Aardvarks
 Badgers
 Bears (excluding giant pandas and polar bears) - American black bears, Asiatic black bears, brown
bears, sloth bears, sun bears, ursid hybrids, grizzly bears, spectacled bears
 Chipmunks
 Coatis
 Foxes: Arctic foxes, bat-eared foxes, Cozumel foxes, crab-eating foxes, Ethopian foxes, Falkland
Islands foxes, island foxes, gray foxes, red foxes, Tibetan sand foxes
 Hedgehogs
 Mice
 Opossums
 Pigs: bearded pigs, warty pigs, wild boars, domestic pigs
 Raccoons
 Rats
 Rhinoceroses
 Skunks
 Sloths
 Squirrels: Oriental giant squirrels, tree squirrels, true flying squirrels, Asian ornate squirrels, palm
squirrels, neotropical pygmy squirrels, ground squirrels, marmots, prairie dogs, spiny squirrels

Primates Are Omnivores

 Aye-ayes
 Lemurs: dwarf lemurs, mouse lemurs, ring-tailed lemurs, sportive lemurs, woolly lemurs
 Galagos (bush babies)
 Tarsiers
 Monkeys: capuchins, howler monkeys, marmosets, night or owl monkeys, sakis, spider monkeys,
squirrel monkeys, tamarins, titis, uakaris, woolly monkeys, woolly spider monkeys
 Gibbons (lesser apes)
 Great apes: bonobos, chimpanzees, gorillas, humans, orangutans

Other Omnivores
Here are omnivores that belong to other branches of the animal kingdom, including insects, fish, and
 American spider beetles
 Ants
 Box turtles
 Catfish
 Cockroaches
 Crickets
 Flies
 Opaleyes (fish)
 Pygmy grasshoppers
 Piranhas
 Wasps
 Western yellow jackets

Herbivores are animals that eat plants. Herbivory is a form of consumption in which
a heterotrophic organism consumes other organisms, principally autotrophs such as plants, algae and
photosynthesizing bacteria. More generally, organisms that feed on autotrophs in general are known
as 1st level consumers.

Mammals (formally Mammalia) are a class of vertebrate, air-breathing animals whose females are
characterized by the possession of mammary glands while both males and females are characterized
by hair and/or fur, three middle ear bonesused in hearing, and a neocortex region in the brain. Some
mammals have sweat glands, but most do not. Some mammals are herbivorous, and some are not.
Herbivorous mammals include:

 American bison
 European bison
 African buffalo
 Cattle
 Tamaraw
 Saola
 Wisent
 Yak
 Kouprey
 Giant eland
 Gazelles
 Mountain goat
 Goats
 Sheep
 Chinkara
 Deer

 Giraffe
 Okapi
 Deer

 Caribou
 Deer
 Elk
 Moose
 Chevrotain

 Koala
 Kangaroos

 Horse
 Zebra
 Donkey

 Rabbits
 Hares
 Pikas

 Rhinoceroses
 Elephants
 Hippopotamus
 Llama
 Camels

 Capybara
 Chinchilla
 Beaver
 Mice
 Octodontids
 Guinea pig
 Platypus

 Dugong
 Manatees
Squamata (lizards, snakes, and worm lizards)

 Uromastyx (spiny-tailed lizards) (primarily herbivorous, but occasionally eat insects and other small
animals, especially young lizards)
 Solomon Islands skink
 Iguanas (mostly herbivorous)
 Lesser Antillean Iguana
 Green iguana
Testudines (turtles, terrapins and tortoises)

 Tortoises (most land-based species)


 Dinosaurs

 Sauropoda
 Ornithischia
 Ceratopsia[2]


 Goose
 Hoatzin
 Parrots
 Cockatoos
 True parrots
 New Zealand parrots

Some extant Lissamphibians display semi-herbivorous habits:

 Sirens[3]
 Several tadpoles


 Butterflies
 Katydids
 Treehoppers
 Leafhoppers
 Ants
 Moths
 Grasshoppers
 Caterpillars
Other invertebrates

 Garden snails and slugs

 Earthworms are detrivores

A carnivore, meaning 'meat eater' (Latin carne meaning 'flesh' and vorare meaning 'to devour'), is
an animal that eats a diet consisting mainly of meat, whether it comes from live animals or dead ones
( scavenging). Some animals are considered carnivores even if their diets contain very little meat (e.g.,
predatory arthropods such as spiders or mantids that may rarely consume small vertebrate prey)

List of carnivores

 Felines, ranging from domestic cats to lions, tigers, and other large predators.

 Some canines, such the Gray Wolf but not the Red Wolf or coyote. Domestic dogs are broadly considered
carnivorous but the classification is often debated.
 Hyenas
 Some mustelids, including ferrets

 Polar Bears
 Pinnipeds ( seals, sea lions, walruses, etc.)

 Birds of prey, including hawks, eagles, falcons and owls

 Scavenger birds, like vultures

 Several species of waterfowl including gulls, penguins, pelicans, storks, and herons

 Anurans (frogs and toads)

 Snakes

 Some lizards, such as the Gila Monster

 Crocodilians
 Sharks and many other species of fish
 Toothed whales

 Octopuses and squid

 Spiders, scorpions, and many other arachnids
 Mantids, Giant water bugs, and many other insects

 Cnidarians

 Carnivorous Marsupials

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