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Seed Longevity and


Irfan Afzal, PhD

Seed Deterioration
Factors Affecting Seed Longevity

The period for which seeds can remain viable is greatly

affected by:
• Species
• Quality at the time of collection
• Conditions between collection and storage
• Conditions of storage
• Temperature
• Moisture content
• Oxygen
Thumb Rules for Seed Storage

James’ Rule:
Temp (ºF) + RH (%) < 100
Temp (ºC) + RH (%) < 60

Harrington’s Rule:
Seed longevity decreases by one-
half for every 1% increase in
moisture content or every 10ºF
(6ºC) increase in temperature.

Bradford’s Metronome Rule:

The “clock” starts running as soon as the seeds are
mature and they have a total number of ticks before
death. The rate at which the metronome ticks depends
upon the temperature and moisture content.
Seed Moisture Content vs. Relative Humidity

Seed type Relative Humidity (%)

15 30 45 60 75

Seed moisture content, fresh weight basis (%)

Snap bean 5.0 6.5 8.5 11.0 14.0

Pea 5.0 7.0 8.5 11.0 14.0
Sweet corn 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0 12.5
Spinach 7.0 8.0 9.5 11.0 13.0
Onion 6.0 7.0 8.5 10.0 12.0
Carrot 5.0 6.0 7.0 9.0 11.5
Tomato 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 11.0
Lettuce 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 9.0
Turnip 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 9.0

J. Harrington
Seed Moisture Isotherms

The relationship b/w

seed MC and ambient
RH at a given
temperature is called a
moisture isotherm
Spinach Seed composition,
particularly oil content,
results in different
seed MCs at the same
Seed Moisture Isotherms and Oil Content

The higher the seed oil

content, the lower the
seed MC at a given RH.

Volume in the seed

occupied by lipids
excludes water, so seed
MC decreases as lipid
content increases.

Seeds of different oil content will

have different MC at the same RH.
Courtesy of Fiona Hay
Relative Humidity and Seed Longevity

Seed longevity is dramatically affected by RH (MC), particularly

as RH increases above about 40%.
Relative Humidity and Seed Longevity

RH in tropical regions is often in the range where seed

deterioration is rapid.
Relative Humidity and Seed Longevity

Very similar relations hold for horticultural seeds as well.
Loss of Viability Shows a Threshold Pattern

In many cases, seeds tend to survive well during storage for a

period of time, then die over a relatively shorter period, but the
relationships with MC are the same.
Walters et al. (2010) Plant Science 179: 565-573.
Seed Moisture Content and Seed Longevity

niger mustard pea

lettuce oilseed rape mung bean

The relationship between lower MC and increased longevity holds for

many seeds down to between 2 and 6% MC, depending upon species.

Ellis, Hong & Roberts (1989) Annals of Botany 63: 601-611.

Prediction of seed deterioration
Probit transformation of seed aging curves

Fig. Viability loss curves on the basis of normal seedlings or radicle emergence. The region
between the two curves represents the abnormal seedlings at any time. B. Data of panel A
plotted on a probit rather than a percentage scale. After transformation, the sigmoid curves in
panel A become parallel lines.
Seed Lots Differ in Initial Quality

v = Ki - p / σ

Fig. Viability loss curves for different lots of the same species. The lots vary in longevity, but once viability starts
to decline, the patterns are the same.
B. When plotted on a probit scale, the curves of panel A result in parallel lines characterized by a common
slope (s) and different intercepts (Ki). The Ki values provide an index of initial seed quality.
Storage environment affects the rate of seed deterioration

Fig. Viability loss curves for seeds of the same lot stored under three different storage conditions.
Increasing seed moisture content or temperature would shorten the storage life. B. Plotting the
curves of panel A on a probit scale results in lines with a common intercept (Ki), but with different
slopes (s) which are dependent upon the temperature and seed moisture content.
Storage environment affects the rate of seed deterioration

Fig. Viability loss curves predicted by the seed viability equation for onion (left) and lettuce (right) seeds when stored
at 20 (top) or 30°C (bottom) at a range of equilibrium relative humidities (indicated on the curves). Onion seeds store
relatively poorly, while lettuce seeds are longer lived. Note the difference in time scales at the two temperatures, and
the more rapid deterioration of onion seeds relative to lettuce seeds under the same RH and temperature conditions.
These curves assume an initial viability of 98%; all of the curves would shift to shorter times for seed lots having
lower initial viability.
v = Ki - p / σ

This equation states that the probit of percent viability after any storage period (v)
is equal to the initial viability (Ki) decreased by the seed deaths that could be
expected in that time period (p) according to the σ determined by the storage
This equation can be used with controlled deterioration tests to estimate Ki, which
is a potential longevity or seed quality index.
log σ = KE - CW log m - CH T - CQ T2

• σ = Slope of the probit viability loss line

• KE = species constant
• Cw = constant relating to mositure content
• m = seed moisture content (fresh wt basis)
• CH = linear temperature constant
• CQ = quadratic temperature constant
• T = storage temperature

Ellis RH, Roberts EH (1980) Ann. Bot. 45: 13-30.

Seed Viability Utility
• Seed Viability Equation: Viability Utility
• (Ellis & Roberts, 1980)
• The viability equations were developed from the 1960s onwards and underpin all seed conservation practices.
They predict the proportion of seeds in a population that are viable after any period of storage in a wide range of
environments and are of use to both seed bank managers and researchers investigating seed longevity.
• You can learn more about the seed viability equations here or start using them right away....
• Predict storage time
• Predict final viability
• Estimate moisture content to give viability at known temperature
• Estimate temperature to give viability at known moisture content
• Useful Tools and Conversions
• Calculate seed equilibrium moisture content from known environmental conditions and oil content
• Calculate equilibrium relative humidity from known temperature, seed fresh weight and known oil content
• Convert between probits, NEDS and percentages
• Convert dry weight to fresh weight
• Predict days to lose 1 probit Predict required storage temperature Estimate the species viability constant KE from
the "universal" temperature constants CH and CQ in the case of single temperature Cw estimates Estimate log σ at
different temperatures using the "universal" temperature constants CH and CQ and a known test temperature
Applications of Seed Viability Equations
• The seed viability equation can be used to predict the time it will take for percent
viability to fall to any given level for a specific storage condition.

• The results of controlled deterioration tests in the laboratory can be converted into
predicted storage life under warehouse conditions. This is useful in anticipating which
seed lots may lose marketable viability during a particular sales period, even though all
lots may currently have acceptable viability.

• The controlled deterioration test can be used as a vigor index once it is confirmed that
the species behaves in a consistent manner across the range of temperatures and
moisture contents experienced. This is useful not only for predicting storability of
harvested lots, but also in comparing the effects of genotypes, production
environments, seed maturity, and harvesting methods on initial seed quality

• The effects of conditions during transport can be predicted. If a shipment must go

through regions with high temperatures or RH, the consequences for subsequent seed
quality can be estimated and appropriate steps taken to minimize its loss.

• Using the viability equation, it is possible to do cost/benefit analyses for alternative

drying, packaging, or cooling scenarios for seed storage. The effects of such variables
on seed storage life can be easily calculated to determine whether they are cost-
Physiology of seed deterioration

• Old Consensus
• DNA degraded leading to impaired transcription causing faulty translation of enzymes

• Possible degradation of long-lived mRNA programmed for enzymes responsible for first
stages of germination

• Membrane degradation leading to cellular leakage of essential substances for normal

• growth

New Consensus

• Free radicals profound cellular damage
• Greatest free radical sink is mitochondrion . Most mitochonria found in meristematic
• Cells
• mtDNA replication is hindered
• Fewer mitochondria
• Less ATP
• Slower seedling growth
• mtDNA is more susceptible to free radicals assault than nuclear DNA
Mechanism of seed deterioration

Fig. A scheme to illustrate the variety of causes that may be involved in the loss of
viability in stored seeds. (Based on Osborne, 1980).
Fig. Possible roles of free radicals and lipid peroxidation in seed deterioration.
Oxidative damage to various cellular components could lead to loss of viability. (From
McDonald, 1999).
ROS in storage and Germination
Oxidative Signalling and Damage

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