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PSPO 1 - techagilist.


1. When a product grows, it is quite possible that the PO will get help from other Product Managers and
others in the organization who interact regarding the customer facing activities and knowledge of the
product marketplace. Is it a good idea for the PO to proxy or outsource some of their PO Scrum Team
duties to these people (for example, Scrum Team facing duties)?

A. No
B. Yes

Correct is A
When a product grows, it is quite possible that the PO will get help from other Product Managers and
others in the organization who interact regarding the customer facing activities and knowledge of the
product marketplace. While it is fine for the PO to be aided by the aforementioned people, it is NOT
acceptable for the PO to attempt to proxy or outsource their PO Scrum Team duties, especially the Scrum
Team facing duties.

2. Why is it important that there is only one Product Owner per product? (Choose 3 answers)

● It is clear who is accountable for the ultimate success of the product.

● The Development Team always knows who determines priorities.
● It helps the economy by increasing employment.
● It helps avoid barriers to effective communication and rapid decision making.
● The Scrum Master knows who will be his back-up whenever he goes on vacation.

The Product Owner is one person, not a committee. The Product Owner may represent the desires of a
committee in the Product Backlog, but those wanting to change a Product Backlog item’s priority must
address the Product Owner. So one PO per product will have accountability, clarity, effective
communication and fast decision.

3. Which two (2) metrics will help a Product Owner establish that value is being delivered?

● Time to market
● Customer satisfaction
● Velocity
● Productivity
● Budget spent

Customer satisfaction and velocity of scrum team are the two metrics which help a PO to establish the
value that is being delivered.

4. A first Sprint can start before the Product Owner has a complete and exhaustive Product Backlog in

● True
● False

A first Sprint requires no more than a Product Owner, a team, and enough ideas to potentially complete a
full Sprint.

5. The Product Owner’s authority to change and update the Product Backlog is unlimited, except for:

● Decisions by the CFO, the CEO or the board of directors.

● Nothing. The entire organization must respect a Product Owner's decisions.
● Decisions by the chief program manager.
● Technical and architectural work that needs to be done first, as indicated by the chief enterprise
● High impact changes that have not been approved by the change request board.
● Work for which impediments exist that the Scrum Master still needs to resolve.

For the Product Owner to succeed, the entire organization must respect his or her decisions. No one is
allowed to tell the Development Team to work from a different set of requirements, and the Development
Team isn’t allowed to act on what anyone else says.

6. Who identifies the Key Stakeholders for the Product?

● The Scrum Team

● The Development Team
● The Upper Management
● The Scrum Master
● The Product Owner

In order to maximize value, the Product Owner should identify the Key Stakeholders for the Product, and
involve them as necessary throughout the development effort.

7. Every Product Backlog Item should be created by the Product Owner personally and only then the
Development Team can add details to it at the PO’s discretion.

● True
● False

False. The Product Owner is solely responsible and accountable for the decisions in the Product Backlog.
However, the legwork of managing the Product Backlog might be fully delegated to the Development
Team, so it is quite possible that the Product Owner might not ever create or write a User Story or
Product Backlog Item.

8. How is risk managed in Agile? Choose only ONE best answer.

● To manage risks, the Risk management control meeting should be conducted at the end of every
● A Risk audit should be performed mid-release to ensure that a self-organizing team successfully
mitigates risks.
● Agile does not consider risk management because the very nature of short iterations minimizes
risks and exposes any issues to the business stakeholders.
● The risk is monitored and audited on an ongoing basis throughout each iteration and exposed
during iteration planning, execution, review, and retrospective.

The risk is monitored and audited on an ongoing basis throughout each iteration and exposed during
iteration planning, execution, review, and retrospective

9. A Product Backlog is: (Choose 3 answers)

● An inventory of things to be done for the Product.

● Ordered based on priority, value, dependencies, and risk.
● An exhaustive list of upfront approved requirements to be implemented for the system.
● Managed by the Product Owner.
● Only visible to the Product Owner and stakeholders.

The Product Backlog is an ordered list of everything that is known to be needed in the product. It is
ordered based on priority, value, dependencies, and risk and the Product Owner is responsible for the
Product Backlog, including its content, availability, and ordering.

10. Why would you expect a Product Owner to care about the Development Team adhering to its
definition of “Done?” (Choose 2 answers)

● He doesn’t have to care. Other systems aren’t very good either

● To predict the team’s productivity over time
● To control the Total Cost of Ownership of the product
● To be able to reprimand the team when they don’t meet their velocity goal for the Sprint
● To have complete transparency into what has been done at the end of each Sprint

​Scrum Team members must have a shared understanding of what it means for work to be complete
(Definition of done), to ensure transparency. This is the definition of “Done” for the Scrum Team and is
used to assess when work is complete on the product Increment. It also control the total cost of
ownership of the product.

11. Why would you expect a Product Owner to care about the Development Team adhering to its
definition of “Done?” (Choose 2 answers)

● He doesn’t have to care. Other systems aren’t very good either

● To predict the team’s productivity over time
● To control the Total Cost of Ownership of the product
● To be able to reprimand the team when they don’t meet their velocity goal for the Sprint
● To have complete transparency into what has been done at the end of each Sprint

​Scrum Team members must have a shared understanding of what it means for work to be complete
(Definition of done), to ensure transparency. This is the definition of “Done” for the Scrum Team and is
used to assess when work is complete on the product Increment. It also control the total cost of
ownership of the product.

12. What might indicate to a Product Owner that she needs to work more with the Scrum Team?

● She isn’t working full time with the Scrum team

● The increment presented at the Sprint Review does not reflect what she thought she had asked
● Developers leave the Team
● The acceptance tests don’t appear to be complete

A Sprint Review is held at the end of the Sprint to inspect the Increment and adapt the Product Backlog if
needed. During the Sprint Review, the Scrum Team and stakeholders collaborate about what was done in
the Sprint. If PO finds the increment is not as per her expectation then she has to work more closely with
scrum team and ensure that the Product Backlog is visible, transparent, clear to all and Development
Team understands items in the Product Backlog to the level needed.

13. What is Product Owner work that a Product Owner might delegate?

● Write User Stories

● Order the Product Backlog
● Represent stakeholders to the Scrum team
● Attend the Sprint Review

The Product Owner is the sole person responsible for the Product Backlog. However, he or she can
delegate some work related to product backlog management to the Development Team. . Product
Backlog management includes:

● Clearly expressing Product Backlog items;

● Ordering the items in the Product Backlog to best achieve goals and missions;
● Optimizing the value of the work the Development Team performs;
● Ensuring that the Product Backlog is visible, transparent, and clear to all, and shows
what the Scrum Team will work on next; and,
● Ensuring the Development Team understands items in the Product Backlog to the level

14. Which of the following practices might help the Product Owner minimize waste in developing and
sustaining the Product Backlog? (Choose 2 answers)

A. Let others manage the Product Backlog

B. Only fully describe Product Backlog items when it seems sure that they are likely to be
C. Write or cause Product Backlog items to be written clearly, and with as little ambiguity as possible
D. Always write the Product Backlog items as computer code that will later just be tested by

B, C: Minimize waste in product backlog can be done by non-ambiguous and fully described stories in
Product Backlog.

15. When is a Product Backlog item considered complete?

A. When all work in the Sprint Backlog that is related to it is complete

B. The items has no work remaining that must still be done before it can be used by its end user
C. At the end of the Sprint
D. When QA reports that it passes all acceptance criteria


A Product Backlog is never complete but an item in Product Backlog can be considered complete if the
items has no work remaining that must still be done before it can be used by its end user.

16. Select In Agile, planning should be at:

A. The level of features because customers get no value from activities

B. The level of features because features are not independent
C. The level of activities because activities are independent
D. The level of activities because customers get no value from features

Correct is A

In Agile, planning should be at the level of features because customers get no value from activities.

17. Learning turns into ‘validated learning’ when assumptions and goals can be assessed through results.
What is a key way for a Product Owner to apply validated learning?

A. Release an Increment to the market to learn about the business assumptions built into the
B. Accept an Increment at the Sprint review to learn about the forecast of functionality that was
C. Set the Sprint Goal before selecting Product Backlog items at Sprint Planning to learn about a
Development Team's productivity.

Correct is A

The Product Owner manages Product Backlog against the assumption that value will be generated. This
assumption remains invalidated when not checked against users and market.
18. When should the Product Backlog be refined? (Choose 2 answers)

A. The Product Owner and the Development Team do it in the 1-2 preceding Sprints.
B. The Product Owner takes the time between the Sprints to do it.
C. The Produce Owner must do this as essential work in Sprint 0.
D. The Product Owner and the Development Team do it in the actual Sprint if they haven’t been able
to do it in preceding Sprints.
E. Business analysts in the organizations should do this work for the Scrum Team 1-2 Sprints head
of the development Sprints.

The correct answer is B and D

Product Backlog refinement is the act of adding detail, estimates, and order to items in the Product
Backlog. This is an ongoing process in which the Product Owner and the Development Team collaborate
on the details of Product Backlog items. During Product Backlog refinement, items are reviewed and
revised. The Scrum Team decides how and when refinement is done. So it can be during sprint or in
between sprints.

19. Product Backlog Refinement practice focuses on Items for upcoming Sprints, not the current Sprint in
progress. True or false?

A. True
B. False


True. Product Backlog refinement is the act of adding detail, estimates, and order to items in the Product
Backlog. ​The Items in the current Sprint are no longer on the Product Backlog, because they are now on
the Sprint Backlog​. However, it is certainly fine for the Product Owner to add detail and clarification to the
current Sprint’s work as well.

20. What is true regarding Grooming Horizon on large Scrum Projects?

A. Grooming horizon increases

B. Grooming horizon decreases
C. Grooming horizon doesn't change
D. No Grooming is performed on large Scrum projects

Correct is A
Product backlog items are still decomposed and refined just in time on large Scrum projects. But the
grooming horizon changes. Rather than focusing on the subsequent sprint, large projects look ahead to
the next two to three sprints when preparing the product backlog.

21. What are advantages of Product Owner with a solid product vision? (Choose 3 answers)

A. It gives a good overall direction so Sprints will feel less like isolated pieces of work.
B. It is easier to inspect incremental progress at the Sprint Review.
C. It’s not mandatory in Scrum. There’s no real advantage.
D. It helps the Scrum Team keep focus and they can check any decision against it, even within a
E. It helps the Scrum Team to keep focus on when the complete Product Backlog should be


An effective product vision guides the Scrum team and aligns stakeholders and customers. It provides
future direction, helps in sprint review and keep the scrum team focused.

22. ​What two things should be done if the Product Owner is unavailable?

● Within the Sprint, the Development Team makes the best decisions possible to assure progress
toward the Sprint Goal, re-aligning with the Product Owner once he/she is available again.
● There should be a Product Owner team to allow a different person from that team to instantly
take over the role of Product Owner.
● In a permanent state of unavailability, a new Product Owner needs to be appointed.
Development efforts without a Product Owner are not employing Scrum.
● Development of functional requirements stops until the Product Owner is available again.

The Scrum framework consists of Scrum Teams and their associated roles, events, artifacts, and rules.
Each component within the framework serves a specific purpose and is essential to Scrum’s success and
usage. The Scrum Team consists of a Product Owner, the Development Team, and a Scrum Master. The
Product Owner is responsible for maximizing the value of the product and the work of the Development
Team. In the absence of a Product Owner, the latter accountability is not performed.

23. ​My job as a Product Owner focuses on the following: (Choose 2 answers)

● Writing clear, transparent User Stories

● Working with customers and stakeholders to identify the most important product requirements
● Being with the Scrum team all the time, just in case they need me to clarify a requirement
● Clearly communicating project or release status and strategies to customers and stakeholders

24. ​What is the primary advantage of calculating and utilizing the Payback Period when comparing and
prioritizing user stories? Choose only ONE best answer.

● The calculations and interpretation are straightforward

● It measures the amount and duration of financial risk taken on by the organization
● Both of the above
● None of the above

Net present value, internal rate of return, and payback period are three major factors to consider when
ordering the product backlog on financial factors. Payback period, the time when the organization will start
earning positively from the investment. Payback Period calculation is straightforward and it measures the
amount and duration of financial risk taken on by the organization.

25. ​Which of the following are valid promises made by the product owner to the team and vice versa?

● PO promises not to change the scope in the middle of the sprint, the team commits to deliver
what is mentioned on the sprint goal.
● PO promises to be available for any questions the development team might have, the team
commits to implement any changes introduced in the middle of the sprint.
● PO promises to bring in a prioritized list of backlog, the team promises to bring in their list of risks
and technical tasks that compete in priority over the business requirements.
● PO promises to deliver a world class product, the team commits to use the most sophisticated
technologies available at the market.

When the values of commitment, courage, focus, openness and respect are embodied and lived by the
Scrum Team, the Scrum pillars of transparency, inspection, and adaptation come to life and build trust for
everyone. In a scrum team PO promises not to change the scope in the middle of the sprint, the team
commits to deliver what is mentioned on the sprint goal.

26. ​To what extent does technical debt limit the value a Product Owner can get from a product? Select
two answers.

● Technical debt causes a greater percentage of the product's budget to be spent on maintenance
of the product.
● Technical debt is not a Product Owner concern, because technical debt is only an issue for the
Development Team.
● Technical debt does not influence the delivery of value.
● The velocity at which new functionality can be created is reduced when you have technical debt.


27. ​Select the three best options to finish the sentence below. Technical debt …

● is a real risk which can genuinely be incurred

● belongs entirely to the Development Team. No one else should know about it.
● compromises long-term quality of the Product
● reflects some extra development work
● is a lack of technical supplies

Technical debt is a concept in programming that reflects the extra development work that arises when
code that is easy to implement in the short run is used instead of applying the best overall solution. In
other words it can be defined as the longer term consequences of poor design decisions. Technical debt
is a real risk which can genuinely be incurred. It compromises long-term quality of the Product.

One of the ways of handling technical debt is recording it on the Product Backlog. So, it becomes visible
to the Scrum Team.

28. ​Which statement of the following is a best description for sprint? Mark one answer:

● A sprint is a condensed amount of time where a development works as many hours as they need
to in order to finish the work assigned to them.
● A sprint is a pre-specified amount of time in which the development team works at sustain pace
to complete a chosen set of work.
● A sprint is a fixed amount of time set aside for team to run tests and fix any outstanding bugs
right before the products ships
● A sprint is a pre-specified period of time during which team members choose individual items
from the product backlog to work on. As each item is completed. A new item is brought into the

The heart of Scrum is a Sprint, a time-box of one month or less during which a “Done”, useable, and
potentially releasable product Increment is created. Sprints have consistent durations throughout a
development effort. When a Sprint’s horizon is too long the definition of what is being built may change,
complexity may rise, and risk may increase. Sprints enable predictability by ensuring inspection and
adaptation of progress toward a Sprint Goal at least every calendar month. Sprints also limit risk to one
calendar month of cost.
29. ​The definition of “Done” is used to: (Choose 3 answers)

● Increase transparency.
● Create a shared understanding of when work is complete.
● Describe the work that must be done before the Sprint can end.
● Describe the purpose, objective, and timebox of each Scrum event.
● Guide the Development Team on how many Product Backlog items to do in a Sprint.

When a Product Backlog item or an Increment is described as “Done”, everyone must understand what
“Done” means. Although this may vary significantly per Scrum Team, members must have a shared
understanding of what it means for work to be complete, to ensure transparency. This is the definition of
“Done” for the Scrum Team and is used to assess when work is complete on the product Increment.

30. ​The individual, detailed pieces of work that are needed to convert a product backlog item into a
working software component or solution are called:

● User Stories
● Use cases
● Line items
● Tasks

The individual, detailed pieces of work that are needed to convert a product backlog item into a working
software component or solution are called Task.

31. ​What typically happens if Product Backlog is not sufficiently clear at Sprint Planning?

● The Development Team has difficulties creating a forecast of work for the Sprint
● Nothing in particular
● It is compensated if the Product Owner gives the team a clear Sprint Goal instead
● The meeting is canceled so refinement can be done first
● The Scrum Master shouldn’t allow this to happen. Look for a new Scrum Master and re-start the

During sprint planning the Development Team works to forecast the functionality that will be developed
during the Sprint. So if the Product Backlog is not sufficiently clear at Sprint Planning then Development
Team has difficulties creating a forecast of work for the Sprint
32. ​What One of your stakeholder wants more detail than the vision statement provides, but not the
overwhelming detail of the release and iteration plans. Which of the following progress report will you
share with this stakeholder?

● Roadmap
● Status email
● Iteration plan
● Productivity chart
● Burn down chart

Some stakeholders may want more detail than the vision statement provides, but not the overwhelming
detail of the release and iteration plans. For these stakeholders, consider maintaining a document or slide
deck that summarizes planned releases and the significant features in each one.

33. ​Multiple Scrum Teams working on the same project must have the same start date.

● True
● False

Same start date will ensure sprint timebox are identical and increments can be merged/synced.

34. ​When should the Product Owner update the project plan?

● The Product Backlog is the plan in Scrum. It is updated as new information and insights emerge.
● Before the Sprint Planning to know how much work will have to be done in the Sprint.
● After the Daily Scrum to ensure an accurate daily overview of project progress.
● Scrum forbids having a project plan.
● The Product Owner shouldn’t be occupied by that. It is work for the Project Manager.

The Product Backlog evolves as the product and the environment in which it will be used evolves. The
Product Backlog is dynamic; it constantly changes to identify what the product needs to be appropriate,
competitive, and useful.
35. ​Which questions are asked in the Daily Scrum Call? Select all that apply.

● What was done yesterday?

● What will be done today?
● Are there any impediments?
● None of them

Explanation: There are no questions asked in the Daily Scrum Call, the participants simply
informs/explains the team what was done yesterday, what is planned to be done that day, and if there are
any issues/impediments that the participant may be facing.

36. ​How important is it for a Product Owner to order Product Backlog items by value points?

● Using value points is the ultimate way for a Product Owner to predict the value that the product
will provide.
● It is a good practice, keeping in mind that market reception is the best measure of value.
● Calculating value points is an upfront approach that conflicts with the empiricism of Scrum, and is
therefore not acceptable.

Indications of value on Product Backlog are useful but are only a prediction until validated against users
and market.

37. ​Who is the leader in terms of getting feedback from the Key Stakeholders in the Sprint Review?

● The Scrum Master

● The Product Owner
● The Scrum Team
● The Development Team

The Product Owner is a vital leader in terms of getting feedback from the key stakeholders in the Sprint

38. ​Which two statements explain why the definition of “Done” is important to the Product Owner?

● It assures the Increment reviewed at the Sprint review is usable so the Product Owner may
choose to release it.
● It helps the Product Owner track the open work during a Sprint.
● It creates transparency regarding progress within the Scrum Team.
● It identifies undone work that can be addressed in a separate Sprint.

All Scrum Team members must have a shared understanding of what it means for work to be complete,
to ensure transparency. This is the definition of “Done” for the Scrum Team and is used to assess when
work is complete on the product Increment. The Increment reviewed at the Sprint Review must be
useable, so a Product Owner may choose to immediately release it.

39. ​We are going to start the first Sprint. What’s the first step?

● Finalizing the Product Backlog items estimations

● Sprint Initiation
● Sprint Startup
● Sprint Planning
● Daily Scrum

The first step is Sprint Planning. Backlog maintenance should be continuously done throughout the
project, and isn’t considered a step.

40. ​During the Sprint Review it is up to the stakeholders to reorder the Product Backlog.

● True
● False

The result of the Sprint Review is a revised Product Backlog that defines the probable Product Backlog
items for the next Sprint. As the Product Owner is responsible for the Product Backlog, including its
content, availability, and ordering so stakeholders are not allowed to reorder Product Backlog.

41. ​What pre-conditions must be fulfilled in order to allow Sprint Planning to begin?

● A fully refined Product Backlog

● Formal budget approval to conduct another Sprint
● A clear and non-negotiable Sprint Goal
● A clear but negotiable business objective for the Sprint
● Enough "Ready" Product Backlog to fill the Sprint
● There are no such pre-conditions
Sprint Planning serves to plan the work to be performed in the Sprint. This plan is created by the
collaborative work of the entire Scrum Team. Sprint Planning is time-boxed to a maximum of eight hours
for a one-month Sprint. What can be achieved in this time-box may be influenced by additional practices
that are however not prescribed by Scrum.

42. ​In order to make investment decisions, the Product Owner is likely to look at the Total Cost of
Ownership (TCO) of the product being built. What costs will a Product Owner take into account?

● The money spent on development of the product, often a fixed cost per Sprint multiplied by the
Sprints required
● All investments required to conceive, develop, operate and maintain the product
● The accumulated cost over the earned value of the product

The owner of a product is not only accountable for development and release of a product, but also the
cost of maintaining and operating the product. If a person ‘owns’ the product, he/she can be expected to
be responsible for the complete lifecycle of a product.

43. ​What is typical work for a Product Owner in a Sprint? (Choose 2 answers)

● Attend every Daily Scrum to answer functional questions on the discussed Sprint Backlog items
● Update the work plan for the Development Team on a daily basis
● Work with the Development Team on Product Backlog refinement
● Create financial reporting upon the spent hours reported by the Development Team
● Collaborate with stakeholders, user communities and product managers

Typical work for a PO in a sprint is Product Backlog refinement and collaboration with stakeholders, user
communities and product managers.

Product Backlog refinement is the act of adding detail, estimates, and order to items in the Product
Backlog. This is an ongoing process in which the Product Owner and the Development Team collaborate
on the details of Product Backlog items.

The Product Owner tracks this total work remaining at least every Sprint Review. The Product Owner
compares this amount with work remaining at previous Sprint Reviews to assess progress toward
completing projected work by the desired time for the goal. This information is made transparent to all

44. ​In order to maximize the value of the product, a Product Owner needs awareness of the following:
● Competitive research
● Customer feedback
● Product vision
● Forecasting & feasibility
● All of the above

As a product is used and gains value, and the marketplace provides feedback, the Product Backlog
becomes a larger and more exhaustive list. Requirements never stop changing, so a Product Backlog is a
living artifact. Changes in business requirements, market conditions, or technology may cause changes in
the Product Backlog. To maximize the value of the product the PO should be aware of all of these.

45​. ​What is the essence of Scrum? Select the most appropriate option.

● The Development Team

● The Scrum Guide
● A small team of people that is highly flexible and adaptive
● The Scrum Master and the Product Owner

The essence of Scrum is a small team of people. The individual team is highly flexible and adaptive.
These strengths continue operating in single, several, many, and networks of teams that develop,
release, operate and sustain the work and work products of thousands of people. They collaborate and
interoperate through sophisticated development architectures and target release environments.

46. Under what circumstances should separate Product Backlogs be maintained?

● There are several Product Owners for one product. Each Product Owner should have their own
Product Backlog
● There are multiple teams working on independent products. Each unique combination of team
and product should have an independent Product Backlog
● There are multiple product features being developed by the same team.
● There are multiple teams working on the components of the same product. Each team should an
independent Product Backlog

Multiple Scrum Teams often work together on the same product. One Product Backlog is used to describe
the upcoming work on the product. But this option talks about multiple teams working on independent
47. Select the two focus areas that are not considered in executing Value Driven Development by the
Product Owner.

● Remover of impediments to the Development Team’s progress

● Lead Facilitator of Key Stakeholder Involvement
● Coach of the Development Team in self-organization and cross-function
● Product Release Decision Maker
● Product Value Maximizer

In executing Value Driven Development, the Product Owner must consider the focus areas of:
i. Product Value Maximizer
ii. Product Visionary
iii. Product Marketplace Expert
iv. Product Release Decision Maker
v. Lead Facilitator of Key Stakeholder Involvement
vi. Other Product Owner role Considerations

48. ​How can a Product Owner use time-boxed Sprints to obtain feedback from users and the market?

● Through the assurance that a Development Team finishes all work on the Sprint Backlog.
● Through frequent delivery of Increments of the product into the market.
● By making sure a Sprint does not stop until all testing is done, and the work is verified by the
Product Owner.
● At the end of each Sprint, a detailed report with all test cases and test results is available.
● A business analyst represents the Product Owner to make decisions on his behalf during the
Sprint. This way the Product Owner can accept the work at the Sprint Review without further

The Product Owner manages Product Backlog against the assumption that value will be generated. This
assumption remains invalidated when not checked against users and market. When a Sprint’s horizon is
too long, you increase the risk that what is being developed may no longer be desired. Sprints limit risk to
one calendar month or less of work.

49. ​A product’s success is measured by: (Choose 3 answers)

● The impact on customer satisfaction

● The delivery of upfront defined scope compared to the upfront planned time
● The impact on revenue
● The impact on cost
● The impact on my performance rating

Product success measured in terms of customer/end user satisfaction, revenue and cost.

50. ​Which of the following is a characteristic of an Agile leader?

● Task focused
● Process oriented
● Supportive
● Directive

Agile leaders are supportive so that they can lead through the transformation journey.

51. ​Which is the most important stakeholder Product Owners must satisfy?

● The company owner or shareholders

● Executive staff
● The Chief Product Owner
● The product’s users


52. ​Sprint Reviews are an opportune time to collect customer feedback.

● True
● False

A Sprint Review is held at the end of the Sprint to inspect the Increment and adapt the Product Backlog if
needed. During the Sprint Review, the Scrum Team and stakeholders collaborate about what was done in
the Sprint. If PO finds the increment is not as per her expectation then she has to work more closely with
scrum team and ensure that the Product Backlog is visible, transparent, clear to all and Development
Team understands items in the Product Backlog to the level needed.

53. ​A property functioning Scrum Team will have at least one Release Sprint and may well have several.
● True
● False

The purpose of each Sprint is to deliver Increments of potentially releasable functionality that adhere to
the Scrum Team’s current definition of “Done”.

Development Teams deliver an Increment of product functionality every Sprint. This Increment
is useable, so a Product Owner may choose to immediately release it but to release or not its
dependent on POs discretion. The increment must be in useable condition regardless of
whether the Product Owner decides to release it.

54. ​The Product Owner must use: (Choose all that apply)

● Release burndown diagram

● Burndown chart
● Feature burn-up
● Critical Path Analysis
● None of the above

None of the above tools are must for a PO.

55. ​In the middle of the Sprint, the customer decides that there are 2 new features she wants.
The Product Owner could:

● Have the Development Team add these features to the current Sprint
● Have the Scrum Master add these features to the current Sprint
● Introduce these features at the next Sprint Planning meeting
● Introduce these features at the next Daily Scrum

During the Sprint:

● No changes are made that would endanger the Sprint Goal;

● Quality goals do not decrease; and,
●Scope may be clarified and re-negotiated between the Product Owner and
Development Team as more is learned.
As the adding new features will endanger the sprint goal so it should be introduced in next sprint
planning meeting so that it will get proper planning and execution.

56. ​Who is the chief product visionary?

● The Scrum Master

● The Chief Marketing Officer (CMO)
● The Chief Executive Officer (CEO)
● The Product Owner

The Product Owner is the chief product visionary. The PO should be able to clearly articulate the product
vision to the Scrum Team and key stakeholders, and how that vision aims to maximize the value of the
product and of the work the Scrum Team performs.

57. ​How frequently product releases should occur?

● Every Sprint
● By the end of Product development
● At least every 6 months
● Frequently enough to eliminate the risk that the product’s value will get out of line with the
● Every 3 months

While Scrum doesn’t require a release to occur every Sprint, it should be noted that the more elapsed
time that accumulates since the last release, the higher the risk that the product’s value will get out of line
with the marketplace. Product Owners should keep this risk in the forefront of their mind. Looking at it
another way, the sooner you release, the sooner you can start capturing the value created by the product.

58. ​Who is allowed to make changes in the Product Backlog?

● The Product Owner

● The Development Team, but with permission of the Product Owner
● The Key Stakeholders
● Anyone

The Product Owner is the sole person responsible for the Product Backlog. However, he or she can
delegate some work related to product backlog management to the Development Team.

59. ​What are the advantages of maintaining consistent iteration (timebox) length throughout the project?

● It helps to establish a consistent pattern of delivery

● It helps the team to objectively measure progress
● It provides a consistent means of measuring team velocity
● All of the above

Sprints are limited to one calendar month. When a Sprint’s horizon is too long the definition of
what is being built may change, complexity may rise, and risk may increase. Sprints enable
predictability by ensuring inspection and adaptation of progress toward a Sprint Goal at least
every calendar month. Sprints also limit risk to one calendar month of cost.

60. ​Agile Principle “Our highest priority is to satisfy the customer through early and continuous
delivery of valuable software.” Which scrum practice helps the most in achieving this?

● Daily Scrum
● Sprint : Short Sprint Cycles
● Release Planning
● Sprint Planning

Sprint : Short Sprint Cycles. Having shorter sprint would enable teams to deliver early and cycle
of such deliveries would make it continuous delivery to the customer. Sprint planning is there
irrespective of the sprint period. 2 weeks is early against 8 weeks

61.​ How small should a “ready” Product Backlog item be?

● Small enough to build in the Sprint

● No longer than one day
● Small enough for a single team member to complete in a Sprint
● No bigger than 8 story points

Each sprint should be deliver a potentially releasable Increment of “Done” product. So to
achieve this product backlog item selected for a sprint should be small enough to build in a

62. ​A Development Team is waiting for a specific software component that they need to
integrate and use. The component should be ready in two months. The Backlog Items with
highest priorities depend on this specific component. What should the Product Owner do?

○ Nothing. The existing order in the Product Backlog already reflects values of
specific Items. The most valuable items are on the top.
○ Re-order the Product Backlog to maximize utilization of the Development Team
and deliver at least some Increment of product functionality in the next Sprint
○ Remove the dependent Items from the Product Backlog and put them in a
special wait list. When the dependency is resolved, the Items should be returned
○ Transfer the dependent Items to the Integration Team


The ordering of the Product Backlog is a key mechanism for reducing and eliminating
dependencies. Usually Items with external dependencies are not considered “Ready” for
selection unless the other team is at the Sprint Planning to make their commitment.
Development Teams should deliver an Increment of product functionality every Sprint.

63. ​What are the characteristics of a Product Backlog Item that is “Ready” for selection in a
Sprint Planning? Select three.

● Well refined
● Can be implemented within one Sprint and tested in the next Sprint
● Can be "Done" within one Sprint
● Somewhere at the bottom of the Product Backlog
● Somewhere at the top of the Product Backlog

Higher ordered Product Backlog items are usually clearer and more detailed than lower ordered
ones. More precise estimates are made based on the greater clarity and increased detail; the
lower the order, the less detail. Product Backlog items that will occupy the Development Team
for the upcoming Sprint are refined so that any one item can reasonably be “Done” within the
Sprint time-box. Product Backlog items that can be “Done” by the Development Team within
one Sprint are deemed “Ready” for selection in a Sprint Planning.

64. ​What two attributes are optional for a Product Backlog Item?

● Description
● Estimate
● Test descriptions that will prove PB Item completeness when "Done"
● Value
● Dependencies

Product Backlog items have the attributes of a description, order, estimate, and value. Product Backlog
items often include test descriptions that will prove its completeness when “Done”.

65. ​By use of which methods, the development team can identify the relationship between user stories
and release plans.

● Hierarchical trees
● Tree Mapping
● Story Mapping
● Stakeholders

Story mapping consists of ordering user stories along two independent dimensions. The “map” arranges
user activities along the horizontal axis in rough order of priority (or “the order in which you would
describe activities to explain the behavior of the system”). Down the vertical axis, it represents increasing
sophistication of the implementation.

66. ​How does an organization know that a product built through Scrum is successful?
● By measuring that velocity has increased since the last release
● By releasing often, and updating key performance indicators (KPIs) on value after every release
and feeding this information back into work on the Product Backlog
● By measuring the actual time spent on development versus the time estimated for development
● By the Product Owner and stakeholders accepting the Increment at the Sprint Review

Scrum Teams deliver products iteratively and incrementally, maximizing opportunities for feedback. If a
product isn’t released, the opportunity to capture user and market feedback is lost.

67. ​Why is it important to trust the team? Mark one answer:

● High trust teams do not have to be accountable to each other

● High trust teams do not require a user representative
● The Project Manager does not then have to keep a project schedule
● The presence of trust is positively correlated with the team performance

When the values of commitment, courage, focus, openness and respect are embodied and lived by the
Scrum Team, the Scrum pillars of transparency, inspection, and adaptation come to life and build trust for
everyone. The Scrum Team members learn and explore those values as they work with the Scrum
events, roles and artifacts. So trust is directly connected to performance of Scrum team.

68. ​Define the term “Selected Product log” in sprint planning meeting. Mark one answer:

● Product backlog at the beginning of the session.

● Sprint review meeting at end of sprint.
● Product backlog at the end of second session.
● Impediments impact to resolve them.

Having set the Sprint Goal in first session, the Development Team decides how it will build this
functionality into a “Done” product Increment during the Sprint. The Product Backlog items selected for
this Sprint plus the plan for delivering them is called the Sprint Backlog.
69. ​Who is responsible for analyzing the project performance and identifying the corrective and preventive

● Scrum Master
● Product Owner
● Scrum Team
● Project Sponsor

The first responsibility of doing this work goes to the scrum team, since the team is self managed and
manager role should be played by team itself. The team does this in retrospective meeting. Measuring the
release or project performance is the Product Owner’s responsibility. Measuring the Sprint performance is
the Development Team’s responsibility. But analyzing, identifying and formulating preventive action is
scrum team’s responsibility.

70. ​What The minimum plan necessary to start a Scrum project consists of:

● A Release Plan and a Product Backlog

● A Vision and a Product Backlog
● A Team and a Product Backlog
● A Release Plan and a Sprint Plan

The minimum plan necessary to start a Scrum project consists of a Vision and a Product Backlog. The
vision describes why the project is being undertaken and what the desired end state is.

71. ​In the context of Scrum, what is meant by “Staging” requirements? Choose only ONE best answer.

● Non-functional requirements for scaling

● Showing 'done' requirements to stakeholders
● Organizing requirements into different stages
● Functional requirements for demonstration

The process of defining and prioritizing the nonfunctional requirements for scaling is called staging.
Staging occurs prior to the start of the first Sprint and takes just one day. During this day, the
nonfunctional scaling requirements for this particular project are determined and placed in the Product

72. ​How Which of the following statements best describes Product Backlog items

● Undefined or poorly defined Product Backlog items should be placed on the Product Backlog
with a low priority
● All Product Backlog items are the result of a(n) analysis, requirements and/or design phase(s
● Undefined or poorly defined Product Backlog items should be kept out from the Product Backlog
until sufficient detail is known.
● Every Product Backlog item, whether low priority or high priority, should possess sufficient detail
for the Team to complete in a Sprint.

Higher ordered Product Backlog items are usually clearer and more detailed than lower ordered ones. So
Undefined or poorly defined Product Backlog items should be placed on the Product Backlog with a low

73. ​When the Scrum Team is allowed to interact with the Key Stakeholders (select the most applicable

● Any time where it’s valuable to have the Stakeholder input

● The Sprint Retrospective
● The Sprint Review
● The Daily Scrum

The Product Owner is responsible for making sure that the Key Stakeholders attend and interact in the
Sprint Reviews, but really the Stakeholders can be involved with the Scrum Team any time where it’s
valuable to have the Stakeholder input.

74. ​When something about Scrum frustrates the Product Owner, the PO can delegate some
responsibilities to the Scrum Master.
● True
● False

It is NOT acceptable for the PO to attempt to proxy or outsource their PO Scrum Team duties.

The Product Owner will work in concert with the Scrum Master to utilize Scrum correctly and
advantageously, and try to never been seen as subverting or disrespecting the Scrum framework. When
something about Scrum frustrates a Product Owner, she should consult the Scrum Master for ways to
implement the Scrum framework in a way that is effective.

75. ​What is the Product Owner accountable for in Scrum?

● Describing an Increment at the Sprint Planning and make sure that the Development Team
delivers it by the end of the Sprint
● Creating and sustaining a Product Backlog that maximizes value and represents the needs of the
● Refining the top level Product Backlog items until they are ready to be handed over to the
Development Team
● Writing the User Stories so they are understandable to stakeholders

The Product Owner is responsible for maximizing the value of the product and the work of the
Development Team. The primary tool to do so is the Product Backlog.

76. ​What factors should be considered by the Product Owner in the release decision (select four)?

● The amount of work remaining toward the Sprint Goal

● The risk that the product’s value can get out of line with the marketplace
● The costs and benefits of the upgrade
● The customers that will be constrained by the new release
● Can customers actually absorb the new release?
● Does the Increment meet the Definition of “Done”?

While Scrum doesn’t require a release to occur every Sprint, it should be noted that the more elapsed
time that accumulates since the last release, the higher the risk that the product’s value will get out of line
with the marketplace. Product Owners should keep this risk in the forefront of their mind.

Another factor in the release decision is whether your customers can actually absorb your frequent
releases. Most customers approach this upgrade decision using a common sense method of weighing the
costs and benefits of the upgrade(new increment). This is all the more reason to make sure that your
releases are of the utmost value, and offer relatively low absorption costs. Regardless of the benefits and
costs, some customers will still be constrained, so this constraint should be a consideration when
deciding how often or whether to release.

The PO is the one and only person who can decide whether to release the latest increment of the
product. The Increment is “Done” by its definition.

77. ​The Agile Manifesto value “customer collaboration over contract negotiation” means that:
A. Agile approaches encourage you not to focus too much on negotiating contracts, since most
vendors are just out for themselves anyway.
B. Agile approaches focus on what we are trying to build with our vendors, rather than
debating the details of contract terms.
C. Agile approaches prefer not to use contracts, unless absolutely necessary, because they
hamper the ability to respond to change requests.
D. Agile approaches recommend that you only collaborate with vendors who are using Agile
processes themselves.

Correct is B

The Agile Manifesto value “customer collaboration over contract negotiation” means that Agile
approaches focus on what we are trying to build with our vendors, rather than on debating the details
of contract terms. Not to focus too much on negotiating contracts, not to use contracts , and only
collaborate with vendors are all wrong.

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