MIP Student Guidelines 2019

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Management Internship Program 2015

Management Internship Program

Mukesh Patel School of Technology Management &

Management Internship Program 2019

Activity Date
Reporting to the Company 1st May 2019
Last date for submission of Initial Information Report
7th May 2019
Project Proposal Submission 20th May 2019
Interim Report Submission
24th June 2019
Report Submission to Industry Mentor 26th August 2019
Closing date for the Management Internship in the company 7th September 2019
Final Report and Executive Summary Submission 18th September 2019
Final Presentation and Viva To be Announced

Note: Over and above the above Reports, student needs to submit Fortnightly Reports to the Faculty
Mentor by Email.

Management Internship Program 2019

 The Management Internship Program (MIP) forms an integral component of course
curriculum at MPSTME.

 THE MIP Period is 19 weeks (4 ¼ months) during the intervening period of VIII th
& IX th Semester

 Ideally MIP should be done in one organization only. However, the option of
splitting the MIP in 2 parts, 8+11 weeks is also available. The student has to submit
separate reports for each organization.

 The program carries a Weightage of 200 marks and 12 CREDITS


 Student to provide details of the intended MIP.

 Student will be allocated a Faculty Mentor generally before joining the MIP. The student
can consult the mentor about the likely project to be undertaken by him/her and the
overall outlines.

 Introduction Letter: Welcome letter to the host organization by the A s s o c i a t e Dean

will be sent before the students start the MIP. The format for the letter is given in

 All students should join their respective host organizations on 1st May, 2019 for internship. All the
reports duly signed by concerned authority should be submitted on time.

 Students can proceed for MIP-2019 only after they clear all the dues (library/ computer/
casebooks, telephone, others) at MPSTME.

 INITIAL INFORMATION REPORT (IIR): Within the first week of joining the MIP, the student is
expected to send the IIR as per Annexure II. (Latest by 7th May 2019).

 Important: Please ensure correct details of your Industry Mentor and any change in your
contact details including your mobile number, if any.

 IIR must be signed by student as well as the Industry Mentor. This should be sent to the Placement
Co-ordinator and Faculty Mentor.

Management Internship Program 2019



 100% attendance during MIP is compulsory.

 Students should record their attendance as per the procedure of the host organization

 Any absence from the work place should be with the prior written consent of the Industry Mentor,
and as per the company’s rules.

 Student must inform the faculty mentor and the course coordinator about any leaves taken by
him/her. All types of leaves must have the written approval of the Industry Mentor and/or the HR
department of the host organization.

 If the student is sent out of station by the host organization as part of the project, student must
provide a written communication to course coordinator and faculty mentor.

Conduct and Behavior

 As interns, students are placed in the role of ambassadors of MPSTME; the institute
would always expect students to maintain high ethical standards such as being regular,
punctual and obedient at work.

 A no-due certificate should be taken from the host organization by the student at
the close of the internship and submitted to the course coordinator.

 Students are required to maintain a log book (A4 size in bound/spiral form – at least one
page per day, maintained chronologically) in which they may make all their noting
/drawings etc. This log book should be shown to and initialed by the Industry Mentor
periodically and to be shown to the faculty mentor during the visit. The log book should be
retained by the student as it helps for future reference.

 Project Proposal (PP): ( Ref Annexure III): To be submitted latest by 20th May 2019). One
copy to be submitted each to faculty mentor and Industry Mentor. Describe your project in up
to 100 words

 If there are more than one student doing MIP in the same organization, they have to take
separate projects for each one of them. If there is a large project which requires to be taken
up by more than 1 student, the students should submit a communication signed by the
Industry Mentor justifying such requirements

 The title of the project should clearly indicate the part of the project undertaken by the
concerned students.

Management Internship Program 2019
 Fortnightly Report: Students must submit fortnightly reports of the tasks conducted
at the host organization to their respective faculty mentors and the course coordinator.

 Industry Visit by the Faculty Mentor: The Faculty Mentor would be visiting the student at his
workplace during the 9th to 12th weeks (End June – early July).

 During the visit by faculty mentor, an internal seminar can be organized as a part of
evaluation where a presentation by the student would be made in front of the Industry
Mentor, other senior officials of the MIP organization including HR personals.
 Interim Report (IR)
This report is a mid-term evaluation report.

By this time the student would have done substantial work on the project. This report is an
attempt to document the work done so far by the student and how he expects to proceed further.

For the format of the cover-page, see Annexure-V

The structure of the Interim Report is as follows


About the company (not more than 100 words)

Work profile of department in the MIP organization (not more than 200 words)

Project Description

 Description of the tasks conducted at the MIP organization

 Outcome/learning of the tasks undertaken by student (also

include partially completed tasks till date of the submission)

 Description of the tasks to be undertaken in the remaining

period of the internship

The interim report must be between 4000 to 5000 words

 Report Submission to Industry Mentor (To be done in 17th week – latest by 26th August

This is the report to Industry Mentor about the outcomes of the project undertaken, and should be
done as per the Format requirement of the Industry. In case, no specific format is provided, use
guidelines given in Annexure VIII.

 Final Project Report

One copy to be submitted each to faculty mentor and Industry Mentor latest by 18th September

The final project report must be submitted in hard copy as well as in soft copy in “MS Word
Document” file. PDF file will not be accepted.

The Project Reports are to be prepared based on the guidelines given in Annexure VIII.
Management Internship Program 2019

Two Copies to be submitted to the coordinator’s office

The students must retain a copy with them for further use

Institute copy will not be returned but may be made available on loan to the student in future
for any purpose

For evaluation criteria of final report and executive summary report, refer Annexure IX

Executive Summary

Executive summary is summary of MIP report in 5-6 pages required to be submitted by the
student along with final project report. Format in Annexure – XVI.

This report should contain all important aspects which the student desires that the evaluators
should know.
This report would be used along with Resume of student for placement Purpose.

Presentation and Viva – (Dates to be announced)

Students will be asked to make individual presentations of their respective projects. Upon
completion of MIP, VIVA-VOCE of individual students will be conducted at MPSTME.
For evaluation criteria for presentation and VIVA-VOCE, please see Annexure-X.

Points to be kept in mind while making the final presentation

Total time allotted for the presentation and VIVA is 20 minutes.

If a student has done more than one project, he/she will still get only 20 minutes to present
all the projects. Students must not consider 20 minutes as the time allotted for each project.

Presentation should contain the matter and data which is readable by the evaluators. The
content should not be placed in the presentation only for the sake of increasing the number
of slides. For example, company balance sheets need not be included in the presentation

The guidelines for VIVA and presentations preparations are given in Annexure

Any content that has no bearing on the project must not be included in the presentation. For
example, students must refrain from including videos and pictures providing generic
information about the host organization.

Students must use appropriate formatting of the presentations.

Students must avoid glamorous and jazzy backgrounds.

Management Internship Program 2019

MIP Evaluation Details

Activity Evaluator Marks

Initial Information Report MPSTME Placement
Coordinator and Faculty Mentor
Project Proposal MPSTME Faculty 10
Interim Report & Industry Visit MPSTME Faculty Mentor 40

Report Submission to Industry Industry Mentor 50

Final Report & Executive MPSTME Faculty Mentor 40
Final Presentation MPSTME Faculty Mentor/ 20
External Examiners
(panel** of 3 members)
**Average to be taken
Viva MPSTME Faculty Mentor/ External 40
Examiners ( panel** of
3 members)
**Average to be taken

 For submission of reports and evaluation, extension will be given to students who are
unable to join the MIP organization.

 In special circumstances, additional time will be considered for submissions of project

proposals by the students and for the evaluation dates of the students who are given
extension of time to join the MIP organization.

 This extension cannot be more than a week.

 However, the dates decided for submission of interim report, final report, and
presentation viva will not be changed under any circumstances.

 The student must obtain the prior permission for an extension.

 The extension would be total number of days that are delayed to start the project but not
exceeding by more than one week.

 The panel will comprise of MPSTME faculty and industry domain experts as well as
 HR managers.


On successful completion of 19-week MIP project, students must collect a relieving letter
and no dues certificate from the MIP organization and should be submitted at MPSTME
coordinator office.
Management Internship Program 2019

After completion of MIP, students should report to the institute along with completion
certificate from MIP organization on the letterhead of the MIP organization.

The completion certificate must have the signature of the Industry Mentor and the seal
of the company


In an effort to strengthen and improve the MIP project, the Placements department will
collect feedback on the entire program from the students.

All students must submit the duly filled – up feedback form provided as Annexure –XIII


Faculty Guidance

Every student is assigned a faculty mentor at the beginning of the MIP.

The role of the faculty mentor during the MIP is to facilitate the student to undertake a
meaningful project, provide the necessary academic guidance, and to facilitate evaluation,
with the aid of the company executives, while MIP is in progress.

Management Internship Program 2019
Annexure I:
Introduction Letter
Date: …………………


We thank your organization for kindly allowing our student to undergo his/her
Management Internship with you.

Management Internship Programme

Management Internship is an integral part of MBA (Tech) Programme at NMIMS’s MPSTME that
enables them to get 2 degrees B. Tech and MBA (Technology Management) . Thus, it is of vital
importance that the student is subjected to the rigor expected from any MBA (Tech.) student
joining any organization. This will help the student hone his skills better and be better prepared
for a career in Management.

The student comes to your organization after completing fourth year of the MBA (Tech.)
programme by then he would have finished his engineering curriculum and has been exposed to
the basics of management related subjects. The MIP project is expected to build on the theoretical
learning with practical experience. Additionally, the internship also helps students identify gaps
in their learning which they can attempt to fill in their fifth year of the MBA (Tech.) programme.
Moreover, students also discover certain areas of interest and future career options.
We request your kind contribution in this process of creating an effective manager.

Duration of Internship

The duration of internship should be for a period of 19 weeks between 1st May 2019 to
7th September 2019. The academic session for the final year MBA (Tech) begins on 9th
September 2019.

Evaluation of the Management Internship

Every student is assigned one faculty mentor and one industry mentor. The student’s performance in the
Management Internship program will be evaluated by both the company mentor and a faculty mentor.
Industry mentor is requested to send the evaluation sheet directly to faculty mentor without sharing it to
the student.

In case of any queries please do not hesitate to contact the undersigned.

Looking forward to a long and fruitful association.

Associate Dean, MPSTME

Attachments: a) Details of Student and faculty mentor

b) Evaluation Sheet
c) feedback Form

Management Internship Program 2019

Annexure II
Mukesh Patel School of Technology Management & Engineering
Management Internship Program Initial Information Report (IIR)

Name of the Student Dikshant Lal

Roll No. & SAP No. J027, 70431015040
Contact Details -----
Residence Goregaon (e), Mumbai
Mobile +91 9820155609
For outstation MIP student
Local cell number
Email ID (nmims) dikshantlal.nmims@gmail.com

MIP Organization details

Name Ernst & Young

Address The Ruby,29, Senapati Bapat Marg, Dadar (West)

City Mumbai
Pin 400028
Name of HR
Address of HR
Contact number of HR (office)
Contact number of HR (mobile)
Department of the MIP
EY International Tax and
organization where the student Transaction Services Team
is working (including location)
Details of the Industry Mentor
Name Mr. Rajiv Narayanan
Contact number (office)
Contact number (mobile)
MIP reporting date


Management Internship Program 2019

MIP Period
From 2nd July 2019 to 6th September 2019
Office timings at the MIP
9:30 AM to 6:00 PM
Amount of stipend expected NIL
Project Title

Project Description (in 20 words)


Signature of the student



Signature of Industry Mentor

Management Internship Program 2019

Annexure III
Mukesh Patel School of Technology Management & Engineering
Management Internship Program Project Proposal

Preliminary Details
Name of the Student
Roll No. & SAP No.
Name of the MIP Organization
Project Title
Project Description (100

Important Aspects
Important Aspects Details Remark

Scope of Project (SoW) 1)




Methodology/ Approach to
be Adopted

Outcomes & Learnings 1)

from the Project



Management Internship Program 2019

Project Activity Plan (With Key Milestones Covering Scope of Project)

Wk Plan Task Description (Outcome) Status Action Required /
No Date Remark
1 Submission of IIR

3 Submission of Project Proposal (10


9 Submission of Interim Report &

Industry Visit (40 marks)
Submission of Report to Industry
Mentor (50 marks)
Submission of Final Report
(40 marks)
TBA Presentation & Viva (60 marks)


Signature of the Student

…………………………………………………. ………………………………………………….
Name and signature of Industry Mentor Name and signature of faculty mentor
Date: Date:

Management Internship Program 2019

Annexure IV
Mukesh Patel School of Technology Management & Engineering
Evaluation Sheet for Project Proposal

Name of the MIP

Evaluation Criteria
Project Title
Detailing of
Description & Total (10
Roll No. SAP No. Student Name Project Plan (5
Scope (5 Marks)

Name & Signature of Faculty Mentor

*This sheet to be used by each Evaluator to record the marks independently awarded under each criteria of evaluation. This sheet may
be retained at the MPSTME Center.

Management Internship Program 2019

Annexure V
An interim report must follow the format given below

 Cover and title page: This is the first page of the report. It should contain the title of
the report, name of the student, name of the organization, name of the Industry
Mentor, and name of the faculty mentor. The format of this page is given below and
should be adhered to.

Mukesh Patel School of Technology Management and

(Title of the Project in CAPITAL LETTERS)
(Name of the student)
Roll Number:
SAP Number:

Faculty Mentor
(Name of the MPSTME faculty mentor)

Industry Mentor
(Name of the Industry Mentor)
Management Internship Program 2019

Mukesh Patel School of Technology Management
& Engineering


Name of the MIP

Evaluation Criteria
Project Title

Interpersonal Skills &

Use of Contemporary
Key Findings & Value

of Weekly Reports (5
Schedule (10 marks)

On-time Submission
Communication (10

Total (40 Marks)

Progress as per the

Methods (5 marks)
Contribution (10

Addition /
Roll No. SAP No. Student Name



Name & Signature of Faculty Mentor

*This sheet is to be retained at the MPSTME Coordination Office.

Management Internship Program 2019
Mukesh Patel School of Technology Management
& Engineering


Name of the MIP Evaluation Criteria

Ernst &Young

Approach to Project
Progress / outcome
as per Schedule (20

Contribution (20
Value Addition /

Skills (5 marks)

(50 Marks)
Project Title Automation of TDS Receivable Process

Key Findings &



(5 marks)

Roll No. SAP No. Student Name

J027 70431015040 Dikshant Lal

Name and Signature of Industry Mentor

* This sheet is to be used by Industry Mentor to record the marks independently awarded under each criteria of evaluation.
Management Internship Program 2019
Management Internship Program 2019

Annexure VIII


A project Report is a written presentation of the work done by the students on a project
undertaken. It is important to bear in mind that even though the project report is submitted
only at the completion of the project, in reality it is a culmination of continuous efforts on
the part of the students.

Writing a Project Report

The MIP requires submission of project report to MPSTME. These are general guideline on
writing a project report.

In a generalized sense an ideal project report should cover the following elements. The final
project report depends on the project undertaken by the student, the type of MIP
organization, and the work undertaken by the student as part of MIP.

(i)Cover, (ii) Title Page, (iii)certificate of completion (iv)Acknowledgments,(v) Table of

Illustrations, (vi) Abstract, (vii) Introduction, (viii) Main Text, (ix) Conclusions and/or
Recommendations, (x) Appendices (if necessary), (xi) References, (xii) Glossary (if
necessary). The formats of the above are given below:

(i) Cover: This is the first page of the report. It should contain the title of the report, name(s)
of the author(s), name of the organization and the date on which it is submitted. The format
of this page is given below and should be adhered to.

SVKM’s Narsee Monjee Institute of Management Studies

Mukesh Patel School of Technology Management and Engineering

(Title of the Project in CAPITAL LETTERS)
(Name of the student)
Roll Number:
SAP Number:

Faculty Mentor
(Name of the MPSTME faculty mentor)

Industry Mentor
(Name of the
Industry Mentor)
Management Internship Program 2019

(ii) Title Page

(Title of the Project in CAPITAL LETTERS)

(The name of the student)
Roll Number:
SAP Number:

A report submitted in partial fulfillment of the

requirements of 5 years Integrated MBA (Tech.) Program
of Mukesh Patel School of Technology Management &
Engineering, Narsee Monjee Institute of Management
Studies (NMIMS) (Deemed to be University), Mumbai
Management Internship Program 2019

(iii) Certificate of completion: As per the following format.

SVKM’s NMIMS (Deemed to be University)

Mukesh Patel School of Technology Management & Engineering

Vile Parle (W), Mumbai 400 056


Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for Management Project/Training for Semester IX
MBA (Tech)

Name of the Student: - _______________________________________________

Roll No & Batch: - _______________

Academic Year: -

Name of the Discipline: - ________________________________

Name and Address of the Company: - ______________________________________________


Training Period: From ________________ 2018 to _________________, 2018



Mr. /Ms. _________________________________________________has Satisfactorily Completed her Training/Project Work,

submitted the training report and appeared for the Presentation & VIVA as required.

External Examiner Internal Examiner Faculty Mentor

Seal of University:
Management Internship Program 2019

(To be given on Company Letter Head)

Completion Certificate

This is to certify that

Mr. /Ms. …………………………………………………………………………………………..

Has completed the training and project as a part of Management Internship in our
company as mentioned below and has also submitted the report

(i) Project Title ……………………………………………………………….

(ii) Date of Joining ………………………………………. (DD/MM/YYYY)

(ii) Date of Completion ………………………………………. (DD/MM/YYYY)

In partial fulfillment of 9th semester Management Internship for MBA (Tech.)

program of Mukesh Patel School of Technology Management and Engineering,
Narsee Monjee Institute of Management Studies (NMIMS) (Deemed to be University),

Industry Mentor’s Signature



Company Seal
Management Internship Program 2019

(iv) Acknowledgements: There are many persons who have helped student during the
course of student’s project. It is student’s duty to acknowledge and thank them for their
help. Customarily, thanks are due to the following persons in the given order. (i)Head of the
MIP organization, (ii) Industry Mentor, (iii) Faculty mentor, (iv) Others.

(v) Table of Contents: The main function of this element is to give the reader an overall
view of the report. The main divisions as well as the subdivisions should be listed with the
number of page on which they first appear. It helps the reader locate a particular topic or sub-
topic easily. While preparing the table of contents student has to bear in mind the following
points about its layout:

 Leave a 1” margin on the left and a 1” margin on the right, the top and the bottom.
 Write the phrase “Table of Contents” on the top center in CAPITALS.
 Write the number of the item to indicate the sequence of items. After the number
leave three or four space and then type the first heading.
 Indent second – order headings three or four space.
 Leave two spaces between main headings and one space between sub-headings.
An example of a table of contents is given below. Observe that for numbering pages up to
abstract lower case Roman numerals have been used and from introduction
onwards Arabic numerals have been used.

(vi) List of Illustrations: A separate list of illustrations is given immediately after the table
of contents in case of a large number of (more than ten) tables and figures. Its layout is the
same as that of the table of contents and it gives information about the number, title and
page reference of each illustration. If the number of illustrations is very large, divide it into
two parts, namely, List of Tables, and List of Figures.

(vii)Abstract: The abstract tells in concentrated form what the report is about. The
purpose of this element is to enable the reader, to gather important information quickly
without having to go through the whole report. An abstract should be self-sufficient and
intelligible, without reference to any other part of the report. It is never intended as a
substitute for the original document. But it must contain sufficient information to allow the
reader to ascertain his/her interest.

(viii)Introduction: In this element the problem is introduced. It should contain the purpose
of the report, limitations, scope of study, specifying its limitations, methods of collecting
data and their sources sufficient background material including literature survey to
present the reader a clear picture of the work. An outline of the work should also form a
part of the introduction.

(ix) Main Text: This section discusses or describes the main business of the report. The
main function of this part is to present data in an organized form, discuss its significance
and analysis and the results that flow there from. Usually it has several sections grouped
under different headings and sub-headings. It contains the experimental work / data
collection, the survey done, a description of activities, the results obtained / illustrations,
the discussion and interpretations, etc.
Management Internship Program 2019

Table of Contents

Acknowledgements ii

List of illustrations iii


1. Introduction 1

1.1 Purpose, Scope and Limitations 1

1.2 Sources and Methods 2

2. Industrial analysis 5


Significance discrepancies in results should be called to the reader’s attention, even

when it is admitted t h a t no reasonable explanation can be offered.

(x) Conclusions And / Or Recommendation (if any): The conclusions and / or

recommendations are based on the discussions and interpretations of the results
obtained. It would be helpful to the reader if other possibilities pertaining to the
stated conclusions and / or recommendations are discussed.

(xi) Appendices (if necessary): The contents of an appendix are essentially those
which support or elaborate the matter in the main text. The matter, which is
essential but which unnecessarily, diverts the attention of the reader from the
main problem, is generally put into the Appendix. We give below some items which
normally form part of the appendix. These are:
(i) Calculation sheets, (ii) supplementary details of instructions, ( iii) fl o w cha rt s,
(iv) computer programs, (v) the questionnaire, (vi) large maps, (vii) samples of the
work done, etc.

If the project itself is to make a computer program for some problem, then the flow
chart and the computer program have to be in the main body of the report. You should
decide the sequencing according to your own needs.

(xii) References: All references should be given in this section. List references
alphabetically by the author’s last name or, when the author is unknown, by the title
of the reference. We cite below two examples of writing references:
Management Internship Program 2019

i) Ages, W a r r e n K ., P h i l i p H . Ault, a n d E d w i n E m e r y . Perspective o n

Communication, 2nd Ed. New Y o r k : Harper & Row, 1992 (for books).

ii) “Time to Call in the Boss” Business Week” 27 July 1999, 32-36. (For

(xiii) Glossary (if necessary): A glossary is a list of technical words used in the
report and their explanation. If, however, the number of such words is small, they
are generally explained in the footnotes.

Whether you should include a glossary in your report will depend upon who is going
to read your report. If the reader’s field of expertise is the one to which your report
relates, there is no need for a glossary. But if the audience is drawn from other
areas, it is advisable to give a glossary.
Management Internship Program 2019

Annexure IX
Mukesh Patel School of Technology Management & Engineering
Evaluation sheet for Final Report*

Name of the MIP

Organization Evaluation Criteria Remarks
Project Title
Objective Findings and Suggestions and Total
Roll No. SAP No. Student Name (10 observations recommendations (40
marks) (15 marks) (10 marks) marks)

Name and Signature of Faculty Mentor

* This sheet is to be used by evaluator to record the marks independently awarded under each criteria of evaluation.
This sheet may be retained at the MPSTME Center.
Management Internship Program 2019

Annexure X

Mukesh Patel School of Technology Management & Engineering

Evaluation sheet for Presentation and VIVA*
(Evaluation to be completed by /2019)

Evaluation – Final Presentation and Viva - Voce:

Name of the MIP

Organization Evaluation Criteria
Project Title
Basic concerning Remarks
Learning Knowledge
Presentation knowledge of the other
from the concerning Total (40
Roll No. SAP No. Student Name Skills(12 the project project -
Projects the project marks)
marks) and concepts related
(12 marks) (12 marks)
(12 marks) domains (12

Name & Signature of the Evaluator

Management Internship Program 2019

Annexure XI
Mukesh Patel School of Technology Management & Engineering

Roll SAP No. Student Name Name of the MIP Organization Project Title

Evaluation Reports
Report -IV
Project Industry Visit & Interim Report Final Report Total
Final Report Presentation Viva
Proposal (Faculty Mentor) (Industry Mentor)

10 40 50 40 20 40 200

Name and Signature of the MPSTME –Faculty mentor

** The master sheet should report the averages of the aggregate marks awarded by different evaluators (including MPSTME Faculty) to
each student under each evaluation instrument.

This sheet covering marks is to be sent to MPSTME

Management Internship Program 2019
Annexure XIII

Mukesh Patel School of Technology Management

& Engineering
Student Feedback Form to be sent to the Placement department post
completion of Internship
(To be completed by the student)

Name of the Student:

Roll No:
Student contact number (Mobile)
Student email
Faculty mentor name
Name of the MIP Organization
Address of the MIP Organization
Industry Mentor name
Head of the Organization
Functional Heads
Information Technology
Project Details
Project Name
Project Duration From …………………… To ………………………
Functional Area/s under which the project
was conducted
Brief description of the Project

2. Did the term contribution to your personal growth, learning and knowledge enrichment?
Please tick ( ).
( ) To a very large extent ( ) Large extent ( ) to a certain extent ( ) No, did not contribute

3. Did your MIP project contribute directly/indirectly towards the growth, value addition of
the organization?
Management Internship Program 2019

( ) To a very large extent ( ) Large extent ( ) To a certain extent ( ) No, did not contribute

4. How would you rate your term of 12-weeks at the MIP organization?
( ) Excellent ( ) Very Good ( ) Good ( ) Fair

5. On what aspects did your Mentor encourage/advise/suggest for personal improvement

from your side?





6. On what aspects did your Supervisor encourage/advise/suggest for personal

improvement from your side?





7. Can your MIP Project be enhanced by your immediate junior(s) in anyway?

( ) Possible ( ) May be, possible ( ) Can try ( ) not possible

8. If yes, what projects would you suggest/advise for the same?




9. How much would you rate chances of getting a MIP (Management Internship Program) in
the MIP Organization?
( ) Very Good ( ) Good ( ) Fair ( ) No
Management Internship Program 2019

10. How much would you rate your chances of getting a Final Placement in the MIP
( ) Very Good ( ) Good ( ) Fair ( ) No

Student name and signature Date

Management Internship Program 2019

Guidelines for preparing for VIVA presentations

Description Minimum Number of Maximum Number

Slides of Slides
Title Slide -- 1
Introduction of the -- 2
Introduction of the -- 2
Project work carried 5 --
out exclusively by
the student
Analysis/reports 3 --
to the
Industry Mentor by the
Findings and 2 --
Outcome and 2 --
Learning from MIP 1 --

 Total number of slides shall not exceed 20
 Videos (if any) shall not exceed 4 minutes in total
Management Internship Program 2019

Mukesh Patel School of Technology Management &
Executive Summary
Preliminary Details
Name of the Student

Roll No. & SAP No.

Name of the MIP


Project Title

Project Description
(100 words)

Important Aspects

Important Aspects Details Remark


Project Undertaken


Approach Adopted


Outcomes from the
Project 3)


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