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I would like to take the privilege of the opportunity to express my gratitude into
project work of “ ONLINE BLOOD MANAGEMENT SYSYTEM“ enabled us express
our special thanks to our honorable principal Sri.NSV Kiran Kumar who has shown keen
interest us and encouraged us by providing all the facilities to completely my project
I am extremely thankful to our co-ordinator Mr.M.Phani Kumar who has been a source
of inspiration for me throughout my project and for their valuable advices in making my
project success.
In my gratitude to our Head of the Department Mr.MVV.Chowdary for assisting us in
completing our project work.I express my sincere thanks to my guide
“KUM.P.N.Malleswari” who has been a source of inspiration for us throughout my project
and for his valuable advices in making my project a success.I wish to express my sincere
thanks to all teaching and non teaching staff of Computer Science Department. I wish to
express my special thanks to all the Faculty members of our College for their concern in
subjects and their throughout my course.I am very thankful to my parents and all my
friends who had given me good co-operation and suggestions throughout this project and
helped me in successful completion.


1.1 Purpose 1
1.2 Scope 1
1.3 Features of Online Blood Management System 2
1.4 Technologies to be used 2
1.5 Overview 3

2.1 Goals of Proposed System 4

2.2 Problems in Existing System 4
2.3 Solutions of those Problems 4
2.4 Analysis Model 7
2.5 Study of the System 10
2.6 Number of Modules 10

2.7 Project Instructions 10

2.8 Project Requirements 11
2.9 Proposed System 11
2.10 Needs of Computerization 12
2.11 Inputs and Outputs 12

3.1 Introduction 13
3.2 Technical Feasibility 13
3.3 Operational Feasibility 13
3.4 Economical Feasibility 13
3.5 Schedule Feasibility 13


5.1 Data base design and implementation 15

5.2 Data base Design 16

5.3 Data Flow Diagrams 17

5.3.1 DFD for Registration 18

5.3.2 DFD for Login 19

5.3.3 DFD for DONOR Request 19


6.1 Description of User Interface 20

6.2 User Interface 21

6.3 HOD Interface 22

6.3 Admin Interface 23

7. REPORTS 24-28

8. CODING 29-36


9.1 Various Types of Testing’s 37

9.2 Levels of Testing 39

9.3 Testing process 40

10 . S Y S T E M S E C U R I T Y

10.1 Introduction 41

10.2 Security in Software 43




This paper presents a high-end system to bridge the gap between the blood donors and
the people in need for blood. Application for Blood Bank Management System is a way to
synchronize Blood banks and Hospitals with the help of Internet. It is a Web Application through
which Registered Hospitals can check the availability of required Blood and can send Request
for blood to the nearest blood bank or donor matching with blood requirement and can be
ordered online as and when required. Blood bank can also send a request to another blood bank
for unavailable blood. Person willing to donate blood can find out nearest blood banks using
Blood Bank Management Android Application. The location of the blood bank can also be
traced using maps. The Android application can be accessed only by the donors to search the
blood donation centers and the requesting blood banks and hospitals to search the nearest blood
banks and donors.
The persons who like to donate blood registers in my site as well as he can modify the
details if necessary, giving the Login Id and Password. The persons in need of blood searches
for the persons having the same blood group and with in the city. If he found a donor in his city
then he gets the total details of the donor, if he doesn’t find any donor then he is given the
contact numbers and addresses of the Life Saving Contact Persons for major cities. If he doesn’t
have any chance to contact them then he will be provided with Mobilink Paging Services in
order to get the blood.


The process of building systems has always been complex with system becoming larger,
the costs and complexities get multiplied. So the need for better methods for developing systems
is widely recognized to be effective and the applied model should meet a few basic requirements.

 The model should be structured and cover the entire system development process
from feasibility study to programming, testing and implementation.

 The model should utilize established methods and techniques like database
designs, normalizations and structured programming techniques.

 The model should consist of building blocks, which define tasks, results and

 The model should separate the logical system from the physical system.

 Documentation should be a direct result of the development work and should be

concise, precise and as non-redundant as possible.

Based on the above requirements of the system model, system study has been made. Various
methodologies have been applied for system study, evolving design documents, data modeling,
input screen design and report design.


The number of persons who are in need of blood are increasing in large number day by
day. In order to help people who are in need of blood, my Online Blood Bank can be used
effectively for getting the details of blood donors having the same blood group and with in the
same city. With the help of my Online Blood Bank people who are having the thought of
donating blood gets registered in my Online Blood Bank giving his total details.

My Online Blood Bank site is available to everyone easily. A person who likes to donate
blood gives his entire details i.e., fill in the registration form and can create a username with a
password by which he can modify his details if at all there are any changes in his information
given before.

My site also helps people who are in need of blood by giving the details of the donors by
searching, if at all there are no donors having the same group and with in their own city they will
be given the addresses with phone numbers of some contact persons in major cities who
represent a club or an organization with free of cost. If at all the people find any difficulty in
getting blood from the contact persons we will give them a MobiLink i.e., India’s Largest Paging
Service number through which they can give the message on every ones pagers with the blood
group and city they are living in, such that the donors who view the messages in their pagers
having the same blood group and the in the same city, he contacts the person on phone who are
in need of a blood. Such that the person gets help from us which saves his life.

The present project elucidates the following features.

 Registering the Donors

 Modification of Donor Information

 Searching a Donor

 Life Saving Contacts (in major cities)

 Mobilink Paging Services

1.4 Technologies to be used:

This project will be a desktop application to be developed in PHP having My-SQL as backend.
Database Design(My-SQL)
 Form Design(PHP and HTML)
 Coding(PHP and HTML)
 Testing(PHP)


The main objective of the Blood Bank Management System is to manage the details of
Blood ,Donor,Blood Group,Blood Bank,Stock. It manages all the information about Blood ,
Blood Cell, Stock, Blood . The project is totally built at administrative end and thus only the
administrator is guaranteed the access. The purpose of the project is to build an application
program to reduce the manual work for managing the Blood , Donor, Blood Cell, Blood Group.
It tracks all the details about the Blood Group,Blood Bank,Stock. If you need this project then
you call or whatsapp me on +91-8376986802. You can also write email us on For Project Details, Demo, Screens and buying the project
kindly visit the below URL:
The proposed system, Online Blood Bank site overcomes the drawbacks of the present
system. The Blood Bank helps the people who are in need of a blood by giving them overall
details regarding the donors with the same blood group and with in their city.

The advantages of the proposed system are listed below.

 The people in need of blood can search for the donors by giving their blood
group and city name.

 It is very flexible and user friendly.

 The person’s time and work is reduced very much which prevails in the present

 Easy and Helpful.

 The people are not limited to receive or provide services in working hours of the
branch only; he is serviced 24 hours a day, 7 days of week and 365 days of the


 In this project the searching can be done for donors for majority of cities but
not for every city.

 In this project the contact person’s details are given for the limited cities only.
2.2.Problem in the existing system:
 The current system is a manual one where in the company maintains all the information
in the form of record there by collecting necessary information with require a manual
search in the records
 Transfer of information between different section of the enterprise is in the form of
document or letters drafting letters will take time
 Selection of a person for a task is done by manually approaching the person and
confirming the availability of the person
 Due to mismanagement the work is delayed to later data then the due data
 Unavailability of proper information to different levels of employees within the from

2.3.Solution of these problems:

The information of the entire firm will be maintained at a centralized database any
changes made by the other departs are known to the higher or lower deprtments instantly
provide interactive interface through which a user can interact with different areas of the
application easily deploy the application on a single system and make is available on all the
system with in the network there by reducing the maintainance cost of software

Scope of the project:

This project is aimed at developing a web based leave management tool which is of
importance to either an organization or a college this is an internet based application that can be
accessed throughout the organisation or a specified group/dept this system can be used automate
the workflow of leave applications and their approvals periodic creaditing of leave is also
automate the workflow of leave applications and their approvals periodic creaditing of leave is
also automated there are features like email notifications, cancellation of leave, generators etc in
this tool
Functional components of the project:
There are registered people in the system some are approves an approver can also be a
requestor in an organization the hierarchy could be engineers/managers/business
managers/managing director etc in a collage, it could be lechurer /professor/head of the
department/dean principal etc
Following is a list functionalties of the system:
A person should be able to

Login to the system through the first page of the application

Change the password after logging into the system
See his/her eligibility details (like how many days of leave he/she is eligible for etc)
Query the leave balance
See his/her leave history since the time he/her joined the company/college
Apply for leave, specifying the form and to dates, reasoning for taking leave, add
ress for communication while leave and his/her superious
See his/her current leave applications and the leave applications that are submitted to his/her for
approval or concellation
Appriove/reject the leave applications that are submitted to his/her
Withdraw his/her leave application/which has not been approved yet)
Cancel his/her leave (which has been already approved) this will need topic approved by his/her
Get help about the leave system on how to use the different features of the system

Role of SRS:
According to IEEE, srs should have following properties
It should accurately reflect product functionality and specification at any point of time
There should not any confusion regarding in interpretation of the requirement
It should contain all features requested by a client
Some abbreviation and convertious must be followed through the document
Ranked for importance and/or stability:
Every requirement has its own importance some are urgent and could be an the critical
path and must be fulfilled prior to other some could be delayed it is better to rank every
requirement according to this importance and stability so it can be easily identifies later, avoid
redundancy, use change control to manage modifications

Trace of any requirement up to its origin add reference to high level document from
where any particular requirement started
Srs developed at intial stage first requirements gathering and second requirements
analysis are prerequests for its generation srs should be not contain any design requirement or
design detail another document name s/f design document should be create for this purpose
spend around 20% of your project time in requirement grathering keep references to other related
documents with their
Spiral Model is not so well-known as other SDLC (Software Development Life Cycle)
models such as Scrum or Kanban, for example. And here’s the reason. Spiral Model can be
pretty costly to use and doesn’t work well for small projects.

It’s a risk-driven model which means that the overall success of a project highly depends
on the risks analysis phase. Risk analysis requires specific expertise on every iteration. Thus, to
review and analyze the project from time to time, special skills are needed.

At a first sight, it may seem like this model is complicated and clumsy, and there are no
reasons to consider this approach as one of your options. But, like any other SDLC models, this
one, besides its disadvantages, has its unique strong sides.

For example, there’s a possibility to add some additional functionality at the last stages of
product development. Since risk monitoring and regular expertise are core characteristics of this
approach, the overall project becomes more transparent.

In a few words, Spiral Model can be characterized by repeatedly iterating a set of

elemental development processes and eliminating risk, so it is actively being reduced.
To understand how you can get your goals using Spiral Model, let’s take a look at this

As you can see, Spiral Model consists of four main software development life cycle
phases. The whole development process repeatedly passes trough these stages. Each iteration is
called Spiral.

Planning Phase: Requirements are gathered during the planning phase. Requirements like
‘BRS’ that is ‘Bussiness Requirement Specifications’ and ‘SRS’ that is ‘System Requirement

Risk Analysis: In the risk analysis phase, a process is undertaken to identify risk and alternate
solutions. A prototype is produced at the end of the risk analysis phase. If any risk is found
during the risk analysis then alternate solutions are suggested and implemented.
Engineering Phase: In this phase software is developed, along with testing at the end of the
phase. Hence in this phase the development and testing is done.

Evaluation phase: This phase allows the customer to evaluate the output of the project to
date before the project continues to the next spiral.

Spiral Model Pros and Cons

Each software development model has its own weak and strong sides. Spiral Model is not an
exclusion from this rule.


 Risk monitoring is one of the core parts which makes it pretty attractive, especially when
you manage large and expensive projects. Moreover, such approach makes your project
more transparent because, by design, each spiral must be reviewed and analyzed
 Customer can see the working product at the early stages of software development life
 Different changes can be added at the late life cycle stages
 Project can be separated into several parts, and more risky of them can be developed
earlier which decreases management difficulties
 Project estimates in terms of schedule, costs become more and more realistic as the
project moves forward, and loops in spiral get completed
 Strong documentation control


 Since risk monitoring requires additional resources, this model can be pretty costly to
use. Each spiral requires specific expertise, which makes the management process more
complex. That’s why this SDLC model is not suitable for small projects
 A large number of intermediate stages. As a result, a vast amount of documentation
 Time management may be difficult. Usually, the end date of a project is not known at the
first stages
2.5 System Study:

Present system:
There are certain features limiting the process of the present system.

The drawbacks of the present system are listed below.

 The increase in number of vehicles now a days.

 The increase in number of accidents now a easily.days.

 The patients cannot get the information of donors

Detailed Description:

My project Online Blood Bank is to provide services for the people who are in need of
blood by getting help from the donors who are interested in donating blood for the people. This
project mainly elucidates the modules such as:

 Donor Registration

 Modifying Donor Information

 Donor Search

 Life Saving Contacts (in major cities)

 Mobilink Paging Services

These modules can be explained in detail as follows:

Donor Registration:

In this module, people who are interested in donating blood get registered in my site and
give his overall details related to him, i.e. he fills in a registration form by giving the total details
such as name, address, city, sex, wt, dob, blood group, telephone numbers, e-mail address, etc.
He was also given two fields’ username and password to fill such that he was a registered donor
and he can enter the login form with his username and password and can modify his details if

Modifying Donor Information:

The registered donor only is able to modify his details; no other person can modify his
details as there was a login form which restricts others from entering the username and password
providing high security for the details given by the donor. If at all the donor wants to modify his
details, he was forced to give his username and password to enter in. After giving the username
and password it checks for the donor whether he is an existing donor or not and if the username
and password matches, he can then able to modify his total details. If the username and
password do not exist then he gets a message as ‘Wrong ID and Password Entered, Try Again’.

Donor Search:

The people who are in need of blood can search in our site for getting the details of
donors having the same blood group and with in the same city. They can directly click on the
link search a donor and can select a city name as well as the blood group which he needs. He
then gets the details of the donors who exist with in the city and the same blood group that he has
selected. If no match was are found for the city and group selected by him he gets a message

Life Saving Contacts:

If at all the people in search of a donor doesn’t get any match for their area and group
then they will be provided a service i.e. he will be given a Contact Person details for their near
by cities who have the details of many other donors with him. The people in search can call him
and can get the details of the donors and can be provided services in this manner. But this life
saving contact persons can be available only for a limited number of cities but not for all. These
contact persons are the authorized persons of my blood bank.

Mobilink Paging Services:

If at all the person in search of blood has found any problem in contacting the life saving
contacts i.e. the contact persons, he was provided with a service called ‘Mobilink Paging
Service’. The person in search of blood was given a ‘Mobilink’ India’s Largest Paging Service
number such that the person who was searching can call the paging service number and can tell
them the blood group needed and the total details from where they are contacting. Then the
‘Mobilink’ will broadcast a message on the pagers of their Subscribers displaying the Blood
Group required, the Name of the Hospital, Contact Number, Patients Name, etc.

version numbers and generation dates indlude pictures ,table, charts(bar, worn, etc……) its
The feasibility study is performed to determine whether the proposed system is viable
considering the Technical, Operational and Economical factors. After going through feasibility
study we can have a clear-cut view of the system’s benefits and drawbacks.

Technical Feasibility:

The proposed system is developed using Active Server Page, VB Script and HTML as
front-end tool and Oracle 8 as the back end. The proposed system needs a Personal Web Server
to serve the requests submitted by the users. The Web browser is used to view the web page that
is available within the Windows operating system itself. The proposed system will run under
Win9x, NT, and win2000 environment. As Windows is very user friendly and GUI OS it is very
easy to use. All the required hardware and software are readily available in the market. Hence the
system is technically feasible.

Operational Feasibility:

The proposed system is operationally feasible because of the following reasons.

 The customer is benefited more as most of his time is saved. The customer is
serviced at his place of work.

 The cost of the proposed system is almost negligible when compared to the
benefits gained.

Economical Feasibility:

As the necessary hardware and software are available in the market at a low cost, the
initial investment is the only cost incurred and does not need any further enhancements. Hence it
is economically feasible.The system is feasible in all respects and hence it encourages taking up
the system design.

Hardware Configuration:
Processor : P III 700 MHz.
Hard Disk Drive : 20 GB HDD
Keyboard : 104 keys
Mouse : Logitech Mouse
Monitor : 15” digital color monitor
Display Type : VGA

Software Configuration:

Operating System : Windows 98

Web server : APACHE TOMCAT
Web Browser : Internet Explorer5.0
Designing Tool : HTML
Server Side Scripting : PHP
Client Side Scripting : PHP
Backend : MY SQL

Data - Flow Diagrams:

Context Level - DFD:

Blood Blood Blood

Donors Ba n k Seekers

I Level – DFD:


Life Saving

Ba n k


II Level – DFD:


Life Saving

Ba n k



Register Table:
Used to Register the donor information and helpful for the people in need of blood to get
details regarding the person with matching blood group and ci

Field Name Field Type Field Length

Name Varchar2 20
Addr Varchar2 30
City Varchar2 20
Sex Varchar2 6
Wei Number 5,3
Dob Date
Bgrp Varchar2 10
Telo Number 14
Telr Number 14
Mobi Number 14
Email Varchar2 30
Lname Varchar2 20
Pass Varchar2 15

Field Name Field Type Field Length

Donor_name Varchar2 20
Donor_id Varchar2 30
Donor_address Varchar2 20
Mobile number Number 10
Blood_group Varchar2 5 PI
Gender Varchar2 5 TA
Email Varchar2 20
Password Varchar2 20 BL
Confirm_password Varchar2 20 E

Field Name Field Type Field Length

hospital_name Varchar2 20
hospital_id Varchar2 30
hospital_address Varchar2 20
hospital number Number 10
Hospital email Varchar2 5

Field Name Field Type Field Length

Donor_name Varchar2 20
Donor_address Varchar2 20
Mobile number Number 10
Blood_group Varchar2 5

Field Name Field Type Field Length

Request id Varchar2 20
Hospital id Varchar2 30
Bloodgroup name Varchar2 5
Request data Varchar2 10
Request sentdata Varchar2 10
Request sentmail Varchar2 20
Email Varchar2 20
Password Varchar2 20
Confirm_password Varchar2 20

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