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UNSW. Global PAPER F iS —z International Competitions ee BCs A , SCIENCE Sack Educational Assessment Australia emo t 4. Kis measure Ns height on his bithday every yoar or tan years. Which graph best represents his resus? mE ro 7 2. Pepsinicacigostve enayme hat beaks down proteins in th stomach Asclnce das was investigating the eet of soins of diferent pH onthe eactonct pepsin wt the proton in har-boed ag whe, ‘They placed a cube o harold 699 whit no ach of test bes. Thay added 10m of pepsin soluion to ach et ube and kept al st bes at 37°C for 24 hours “This table shows the reuls of thor vestigation, 05 0 02 03 oa o7 ‘nat waste pH of bw soto hat was mos fective in breaking down the egg whe? woo @ 2 © 4 o 6 mocsecaerereea 2 i. _Allmato fl into one of three categorie: ements, compounds of murs. Each eagram represents the pert found in mater inside each of fur coisinos 2e Pe, &® “Ge &, Wien statements tue? (8). Anelement anda compound have a ed composition (8). Amiture an a compound have a fred composition {fe} compound aways contains a mist. {0} Armature always contains a compound 4. Foralever tobe balanced, “The moment ofa fore ating ona fver aris defines by Me neged + M = moment of ach foc (Nm) + m= mass oto objet ea) “+= acceleration du to Earth's gravy (98 ms") += distance of tho object om the urn (m). ‘nat must he vaio of Xe fr hislevero be balancad? wy 25 ® 10 © » moments ofthe ors acting on gach am must be equa and opps emia m4 ‘5. _ The perontage of sh tht reach maximum size depends onthe water emperaluce. The opimum water temperature fora type of fish se temperatsro at which th largest porcenage otha fat cache ‘mazmum sz, ‘The arp shows the ofc of water temperate onthe growth of Wo types of eshuatr sh, Effect oftomporature on fish growth 100. a 8 10 i i a 60: \ : : fF : Ce ee Witor temperature (*) Wich statements tue? (®) The optimum water temperature forthe ype fish 20°C (8) Atte opimam water temperate forthe ype 2th, none ofthe type 1 fish each maxim size, (©) Any cop in water temperature rosuts i fewor of te Wp 2 ish reaching masta coe (©) _Anyricenwater temperature above 27°C resus na azeae nthe growth at Te 2 oh 8 _Abiomass pyramid shows theft! mass of xgarisme at each sage ofan ecosystems food chain, ‘The diagram shows the relative biomass of roducors (lane, hares and camer in an ecceytam, ‘Biomass pyramid The amount of avaiable enerny at each evel decreases a you go up the Bima pyrai ‘ity does the biomass pyri show a greater mass of plants han anos? (A) Ponts have many leaves which reste greater mask. (8) Plants must provide enough energy to support al eves above thom (6) Plant growth covers an are larger than the area in whieh animals ve, (©) Mest snimaisinan ecosystem are smalo thy do nat have a aig ass, yesh rota 4 Sports rinks are suppose to provide m balance felch (ea), fui and sugprs need bythe body ding andar exercise | ‘Scielts vestigated the floc ofthe eecrlyleconconiaton n sports ks one volume of une produced by tho atte dining thom, Some sites were gien sports diks wih varying electro concentrations, Each aot drank only one ‘Spoof spore dink Aer performing tho some exes, fe vole of urine proucad by each ate over 28 hors was recorded. ‘ii viable shou hve been kop constant in hisinvestigation? lectole concetratin inthe spots de (A) conoantation ofthe une pesucod @ {0} Sotume ofthe specs eink provided {6} Volume ofthe wine producod orem is ineestd inthe way os replicate the DNA. ONA replication involves te separation ofthe DNA ‘molec Ini two singlo sands whi form the bass for Wo new Kencal DNA moses “The DNA molecule contains four bases, quanine (), eosin (C), adenine (A) antrymin (7) ‘These bes aways par vp the sare way inthe DNA molec: + guanine pare up wih eiosine + adenine pars up with hyine “Te aogram shows a section of DNA ‘Stating tom the ef ich she corec sequence of bases that wil sucess pr up wth the secton of BNA shown? (a) CAGTGTACT —@)_—-GTCACATGA (©) GAGACATGA—(O)_GTCTGACTA 8. Thomating point of substance isthe temperature at wich changes fom a sold oa qld The boing oint of substance is the temperature at wich changes em a hg toa gos. ‘The folowing abo ts he meting pnt ne oling pont of our compounds, ‘metiane 183 104 ethane “83 29 ropene 190) 2 ane 98 25 | Wich compound is NOT aqui at 170°C? () methane ©) ethane (©) propane (©) butane 10, Accuracy ees to the doseness ofa measurement toa target value. Precslon refers othe doseness of {wo or more repeated measurements under the same condone. Four archer, represented by ©, @, © and &, competed in fur games shooting a the sare angel. Each archer ha one shot inaach gare, ‘The rests ar shown nthe grams. ©OO©®@ game 1 ‘game2 games game 4 ‘Wich archer shot te arrows with the restos prison? w © @® @ © © © & 11. High salinity isan enteral sue in many regions tis often caused byte wate table sng, tinging sata tho sia, Key em saty water freshwater | ‘The diagram shows he water table of wo environments. ative eee watertable Wie of the folowing isan ebsorvation rm the agra? (8) Farm crops donot uso 2s mich water as nave res {8} Planting farm cops has eased he water abot is, {6} Theroote of native oss kaop the wate tbl ower than the roots of farm cps. {0} The water tate higher ia aroas wth fam crops tanin areas with nave tes, 12, The acy of asl cohtion i determined by the typeof acd andthe ype of base which resto produce the sat “Thi table shows there determining the acidity of sas ‘peut sat Lead chlorides an ai sat tis a product formed when hydrechlrc ac and la yond react ‘opether: ‘Based on ti infomation, what typeof substance must ad hydroxide be? (A) strong aid (8) stongtaso (0) woakacid (0) woaktase 7 ‘mers teehaw FOO For questions 18 and 14 use the Information below, ‘Agiss booker was placed ono an lactone balance, Some marble chips and hydrochov eld were then ‘added oth Beaker andthe lolal mate waa measued avery 20 secon, ‘The graph shows he resus, 55 “otal mas () “Time (minutes) 19. _Inuhich tne range i th acten go the fastast? (8) daring the fest inate (©) dung the socend mina (6) dring th td mit (0) during te four mince "4, Whi statomont is an intorenc base onthe eats? (8) Tho change nota mas ring th reaction was 526 g. (8) Thototalmass ofthe eacants was 55 q, (©) Thetemporature ofthe reaction sopped wth ine, (0) Thereacton produced a gas. 15, Amicrometre (um) is one month of a mete). Ti is wien as 0000 004 m. Ananometo (om) 1000 times smatr han a miciomte. The average sfameter ofa red blood calls 8 um. The average dameter ofan influenza vrs fs 130m, ‘Asproximatly how many whole influenza viuses woud along the damelerof one red blood ct? woe ® 6 © >) 1040 sisson @ 16. “The hfe ofa radioactive elemant tha ie takes for haf of th acioactve atoms i sample o the E-@-0—o-@L eu For quostons 36 and 37 se the information below. ‘When an earthquake occurs, several ypes of shock wanes are formed, Two of these shock waves are called Pavaves and S-vaves, These waves aval at diferent spd, “Tho graphs used o determine the distance rom a recording salon to he epeent he pont on Earths surface docly above whore an earhquake occurs) ofan earthquake. Pawave and Save travel tie m 2 18 6 “4. 2. Travel time (minutes) oy es 4667 8 8 w Epieentre distance (100 km) 38. An earthquake recording station detected the aval ofa P-wave 6:35 am, The ert quake occured {4000 kn rom he recording ston, ‘Alwhat ime did the earthquake occur? (garam () Sizam (C) §28am ©) 87am 37. Adiforont earthquake’ frst P-wave arived a 3:16am. cording station a 3:10 am, The fs: Save anved \Watis he apreximat distance rom he recording station othe epicente ofthe earthquake? (®) 16004 ®) 00km (©) 4500km (©) e400Km cesar Foes 18 ‘38. Duin a baseball game some students used a ata gun fo measure the speed of theball ate it had been pchod and he sped a he ip of the at us bar itt tho bal ‘They measured the speed ofthe ball o be 120 kmh and the soeed of thet ofthe bal to be 45 kh [A what speed i the bal and bat approach each other? (®) 48k (©) 75kmm (©) 120kmm (©) 185K 39, Jack was investigating hor ang it takes him o wak laren stances. He walked soya sri ne frawn on te ground. Wiha stopwatch and tape moasure he recorded his positon ene be a ferent times “The posontime graph summarises his measurements 10: Position (m) 5 0 5 Time(s) How long ick stan fl ring hi investigation? (®) Seconds (©) 8 seconds (6) 18 seconds (0) t8seconds For quostons 40 and 41 use te information below. Kel pestered tre inestgations using a pendulum. Sho esod tee variables durng her vestigatons. ‘The prod ofa pendulum ste te in saconds (st takes to compete one fl ng Pendulum setup fl eving “The esis of her invesigaions are shown in these abos. 20 13 135 24 80 12 7 13 08 24 70 12 6 13 98 20 0 12 8 13 o 7 20 12 0 13 4 13 1 12 5 13 20 12 02 12 40, What was the dependent variable Kelly moasured in investigation 1? (8) perio (8) ange otrolease (6) length of sing (0) mass of bat 44, What was the eng of he sting used in investigation 37 (®) 1350 (tole () sem ©) 20m setae rot 20 42. choca formula can be use to show the number and types of atoms ta compote ‘Anumber of compounds nd ther fomulae ar sted ta flowing abe a a | ner atuninion on AO, Asm ‘calcium carbonate Caco, = at s ©, Goorme ‘=i ate ca80, ne fen “sodum carbonate NaC, oe ‘Tas angra show our sets of shapes, Eau shave epee ea nd wach se represents the camposiion af ne compound ithe ate above, w x Y z A o ||m°o * A ® O° Bo of/o 0° ° oO a * ® O};}O © \Wnich option matches each sel of shapes wih the compoundin the table ha represents? a e) © 2 mecca rare 4 Contour ines on geciogial maps represent ines of constant height, so hat al pins a ave ne have the same height Ceolzal maps sow the Height ofeach contour of the andor, ‘Geological srvtures can be prodctod using the map andthe Prince of Superposten. This prince Stas tat when rocks are deposted, healer rock wil be under he younger ones. Cn the Geog hap below, ferent eck ayers ar abled by lots, fa cor rock sample was taken a the dl pont shown, in what order would the dil pas hough the rocklayers? ® Rtas ® saRr ©) Rast © satR ‘Wen cur cls break down foot nutes to make anergy, carbon ex (CO, and war (H,0) ae ‘reduced and eleaed ino he aby exhaling. Ina spacecraft devices are needed 0 rernove the CO, and H,O rom thea an to peduce oxygen (0,) so ‘sronaus can eatho ‘The ntoatonal Space Staton uses a technology employing rusble molecular sess. ae venting space ale CO, andy = 1 ¥ reaction Ho i eo, ‘is satan about is eennolgy fs crac? (8) Bath CO, and H,0 ace used o generate O, {) HO ana'cx, are used to generate 0, (C)__Alpreauets&f CO, reacton are vend ito space (©) Alpreducts oft. reacton are vented ito spc wennarer oe 2 45. When sound waves pas rom less dense material io a more danse materia the waves wil be refacted otha angle 6, greater than 0,2 shown. Sound waves avel aa higher speeds ore dense mars ‘oud speaker orm surace retecod wave Incident wave Seismic waves behave the same as sound waves. During an earthquake aseismic wave traveled across Iwo rock bourais spaltay fe shown nthe diagram blow. T Took ype 1 t sensly st abot vi T freak ype 2 ions 2 ! 1 |rotety v2 rock ype 3 sensi 33 ect ich ofthe folowing Is earet? (0) | is greater hand; is greater han dt_| vf greater than v2; v2 i grater than vt (©) | tis great than 2; 2s greatorthan 3_| vie grater than v2 2s greater than v8 (2) | a2is greater hana; is great than a3 | v2 greater han vi; v1 i grater than v8 (©) | Sis areater than dt: restr than 2 | vas orate than vt I grotr thn v2 2 mieesesae rare eo UNSW Global assessment i aa \;

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