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How to make a good speech ELC

1. speak loud and clearly

2. performance

3. get the attention of the people

4. have a good reason why you choose that subject

5. use facts

6. think the speech

7. interact with the public

8. brainstorm

9. inspire people
The Speech (money)
1. introduction

everyone works for money because they. need money but there is a big

difference between money that people have some have a lot and some

have nothing.

2. body

every country has money. the total amount of money in the world is 90.4

trillion dollars. everyone needs money to buy things, money is important

for a lot of people. for some not but they also need money. the richest

country in the world is the US the porest country in the world is Malawi

they only live from farming mineng and fishing . the richest man in the

world is Jeff Bezos he has 112 billion dollars he is 54 years old and the

founder of Amazon. the richest woman is Alice Walton she has 46.7 billion

dollars and she is 69 years old and she is the co-founder of Bloomberg that

is a financial service company. with money you can help people a lot you

can help people in Africa to send food or clothing witch you buy with

money. so money makes the world also a better place. you can buy a lot of
things with money like food and houses. when you help people with your

money it makes you also happier. so my conclusion is

3. conclusion

you can´t have a world without money because nobody is working and

there is no new stuff so that is why I think that money is it what makes the

world go round.

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