Task 1: Marketing

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Task 1

Products are designed according to the need of consumers and in order to place the product to the
right consumer you need a detail research and find the right costumer for your product. And to do
this one need to market the product means do marketing of your product. Now the question is
what is marketing? How to plan or market your products? To know about marketing here are few
definitions are given.

1.“Marketing is the process of planning and executing the conception, pricing, promotion,
and distribution of ideas, goods, services, organizations and events to create and maintain
relationship that will satisfy individual and organizational objective.” (Contemporary Marketing)

2. “Marketing is defined as the process of determine the need and wants of consumers and
being able to deliver products that satisfy those needs and wants.”

3.“Marketing is the process of communication the value of the product or service to the
customers, for the purpose of selling the product or service.”

4.“You have product and you want to sell. You need someone to pay for your product so the
success of that product depends that how many customers you gained. So in order to get
maximum numbers of customers you have to inform as many people as possible about your
product, the act of attracting these customers is known as marketing.”

From all these definition we can get an idea that marking is a very vast concept and it’s
difficult to define it in a simple few lines. If to go and ask few people about marketing you will
get different answers from everyone. In today business world marketing is the first and most
important tool for any kind of product before bringing it to the market for customers. So its very
clear if to want to be establish a successful venture to need proper marketing and expert people
of marketing who can generate unique and different ideas. For example you product a new
product which is best in quality and according to the need of customers but you are not aware
who to inform and attract customers towards your product that it will be very difficult to capture
even a small share of market. Thus for every good product you need proper marketing.

So marketing is:

“Marketing is about to make an image of your designed product in costumers mind so that
they should get familiar with it and when they need that item they should consider your product
in first place.” (In own words)
Task 2
London Book Company:
London Book Agency is one the well established agency in the city so people go their because of
their brand name. It existence is from fifty years in the market so they don’t have much
marketing activities. The hired only one person for marketing but during interviewing one of
their supervisor of the store currently no one is posted in that position. Whenever a list of new
book come the market person start advertise it by introducing these books to different libraries in
the country and most of them are their own published books as London Book Company has
already published fifteen books. To attract costumers they keep books in different exhibitions
which occur in many cities. London Book Company is more focusing on army and medical
books which and they are well known for the categories of books, because you will find almost
every army and medical related book there. So the provide the competition advantage over other.

Landon Book Company give excellent customer service in terms of providing their product
according to the customer needs. When you visit their store and do not find your required book,
they will give you time and you can collect that book on exact time which give develop
costumers trust on Landon Book Company. They have their own website
(www.paramountbooks.com ) where you can find all the details about the offers they provide. So
they have a very good costumer orientation which gives them edge over other stores in the city.
Since they are in this business from almost 50 years which allow them to establish themselves as
a brand so they do not focus to deep on marketing but still some activities are occur when new
books arrive to market. They give discount on many products or books but mostly their products
are fixed prices but with that they give quality product. Due to this factor costumer who don’t
compromise on quality are become their loyal customers.

Although London Book company at this maturity stage do not believe on strong marketing of
their products but still due to taking care of their costumers needs they achieve to exhibit
marketing orientation up to certain limit. London Books Company mostly depends on their
experience in the market so they do not go for activities like providing free items to costumers
and other new marketing approaches. In near future they need to concentrate on marketing in a
large scale because if they do not concentrate than they will likely not be able to attract new

Shaheen Books:
Shaheen Books is in business from 23 years so they are well established. During interviewing
them I found that they believe that their name is a brand in their costumer minds. Initially
Shaheen Books they use a marketing approach by participating in different books fair where they
introduce the items which were available in their store. They focus on quality and standardized
products both which allow them to catch a certain circle of customers who believe in standardize
level. But as now they are in a position to be known as well organized so they don’t participate in
any kind of book fairs.

Shaheen Books use different hidden and unconventional marketing tactics. Their target
customers are mostly children due to its selling ability, this also allow them to make deals with
different schools by offering them discount price on different items. As schools need books and
stationary on regular basis than they contact with retail stores and make deals with one who
offers high discount price. Shaheen Books made contracts with many educational institutions to
whom they provide stationary and children books in bulk with fair amount of discount. This
gives them access to their targeted costumer and also allows them to market their brand. Another
marketing tactic they use is when a costumer buys items up to certain amount they provide them
free hand bags, pens, etc with their tag and logo. This helps them to satisfy their costumer and
also get costumer loyalty which is very important in any business. This approach also provides
them an opportunity to make to new costumers and get their attention.

Shaheen Books not only provide books but also are in stationary business which provides them a
competitive advantage over competitors. This will provide customer satisfaction and costumers
can get everything under one roof. As they are more focus on children section and kids want to
get everything in one place so from this approach they can get their maximum target. So Shaheen
Books exhibit marketing orientation on a very large scale and they identify costumer needs and
then target those needs and provide costumers satisfaction.

Marketing Cost:
Initially Shaheen Books were specially spending certain amount of money of marketing section
but as with time the stop investing on book fair and other activities. Due to initial cost the got
loyal costumers due to their quality and best customer service.

Costumer Service& Costumer Care Strategy:

Shaheen Books provide a very good customer service and focus very well on this part. But still
they need to focus providing online website to costumer where they can see the product
availability as they do not have any service website.

Attracting New Costumers:

Shaheen Books invest on marketing to attract new customers but on the other hand London Book
Company does not concentrate on this part. In order to perform this task they provide free
handbags and other items with their logo.

From all these information and research we found that Shaheen Books is more focusing
on marketing than London Book Company and they always try to retain and satisfy customers
with different schemes and discount offers. On other hand London Book Company is more
depends on their own image and their loyal costumers which are mostly from army and medical
background and also people who don’t switch to other stores. Both London Books Company and
Shaheen Books are located in areas where people give importance to quality as well as service,
so if anyone is not able to provide these two than they will definitely loss costumers. Due to
better marketing approaches Shaheen books is catching market very positively in compare to
London Books Company.

Marketing Process of new retail Shop:

From the research I have done on earlier two books agencies it concluded tha there is still
potential for books and stationary business in the market because they have not concentrate on
marketing on large scale. For any business to start the first and most important thing is selecting
location, as most suitable location make things a lot easy.

Task 3
Analyze Situation and Environment:
Select a site where costumers need is not fulfilled well and they are not satisfy. You also need to
see your own capabilities so take a start to your own capabilities and all other internal factors.
There are many people in the market in this business so you need to make a different attempt and
right from initial go for quality and standard products and if the quality is good than you have
space for high price so that is not an issue. Gather all kind of information about costumers to
know about the buying behavior, this will give you idea that which product should be brought to
the market. So by analyzing the situation yo will get martek variable that you are going to focus
like: product, price place and promotion.

Marketing Control Process for shop:

Set M e a su re E v a lu a t e Take
G o P e rfo rm a P e rfo rm a C o r r e c ti v
a ls nce ce e A c ti o n
SWOT Analysis:
 Costumers buying power
 Standrized products
 Location

 Lack of experience

 New marketing technique for this business
 Less marketing sense in competitors

 New entrance to the market from beginning
 Not satisfying costumer with your products and service

So for a retail shop you need to take care of every step including marketing because the one who
are already in the market do not concentrate on marketing too much. This will give you
opportunity to make an image in customers mind because customer and specialy kids are looking
for standard and attractive products.

At the start of your business do not go for high margin profit but concentrate on gaining
customer and make them habitual to your product. Once they start trusting your product than you
can go for high margin of profit.

Contemporary Marketing (2006) by Boone & Kurtz

Principle of Marketing

Shaheen Books shop

London Books Company




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