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(50 minutes)
NAME : ………………………………………………………
YEAR : 4 A / B

Circle the best answers.

Questions 1-4

1. Please throw the rubbish into the ______________ .

A. pot B. vase C. pail D. dustbin

2. My aunt bought some _____________ from the fishmonger at the market.

A. vegetables B. fish C. meat D. fruits

3. A pilot flies _________________.

A. a bus B. a ship C. an aeroplane D. a ferry

4. Many animals live in the ______________.

A. forest B. garden C. orchard D. market

Questions 5-7

One day, Daniel _____________(5) in a park near his house. He

wanted to show off his skill. Suddenly, he couldn’t stop because ____________(6)

failed. He fell ____________ (7) by the roadside.

5. A. is jogging B. were running C. was cycling D. is driving

6. A. the tyres B. the brakes C. the pedals D. the handle

7. A. up on the tree B. beside the hole C. into the drain D. into the sea

Questions 8-10

A. Mother is vacuuming the floor.
B. Mother is mopping the floor.
C. Mother is sitting on the floor.
D. Mother is sweeping the floor.

A. He does not like to take his medicine.
B. Daniel is taking his vitamins.
C. The boy is counting his vitamins.
D. He is looking at the vitamins.
A. He likes to walk in the park.
B. Nicholas jogs in the park everyday.
C. My grandparents jog in the park.
D. Mr. Lam likes to do his exercises in the park.

Questions 11 -15


A. I’m going for a swimming lesson

B. Look! The boys are swimming.
C. I’m sorry. I don’t like to swim.
D. Oh no! Where’s my goggles?

A. It is Friday.
B. The 14th of July.
C. What day is today?
D. I’ve haven’t set the date yet.

A. Good luck!
B. Can I help you?
C. How do you feel?.
D. I’m sorry to hear that.

A. Why are you so worried?
B. Are you looking for me?
C. I’ll confirm with you later.
D. That’s not true..

A. These clothes are still new.
B. They were donated by my friends.
C. Don’t worry. I have many clothes.
D. These clothes are very old.
Questions 16-20

16. Balqis ___________________ the rubbish into the garbage bin.

A. was throwing B. throw C. is throwing D. throwing

17. I gave the present to _____________.

A. hers B. her C. his D. she

18. Allysa _______________ a letter to Nadia every weekends.

A. write B. wrote C. writes D. writing

19. There are some _____________ on the table.

A. knives B. knive C. knifes D. knife

20. Mother and I ______________ cleaning the house just now.

A. clean B. cleans C. are cleaning D. was cleaning

Question 21
Choose the word that has the relationship as the word underlined.

21. The prince saved Rosemary, the _____________ of Genovia.

A. king B. queen C. princess D. dwarfs

Questions 22-23
Choose the correct spelling.

22. Anil is the King of ___________.

A. Kaite B. Kites C. Kities D. Khites

23. Nizam collected the _____________ at the beach.

A. seashells B. seasells C. saeshells D. seashells

Questions 24-25
Choose the sentence with the correct punctuation.

24. A. “ Happy Birthday, Susan!” said Anita.

B. Happy birthday Susan”,Said Anita!
C. “ Happy Birthday! Susan,” said anita.
D “happy birthday, Susan.” Said Anita.

25. A. I live in pekan nanas, pontian.

B. I live in Pekan Nanas Pontian.
C. I live in Pekan nanas, Pontian,
D. I live in Pekan Nanas, Pontian.

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