The Old Testament: The Creation Story Origin

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The Creation Story

Origin: The Old Testament

Have you ever wondered how this beautiful universe came into being? This creation
story is what you need to look back in time. In the beginning, there was nothing. There
was no time, no light, no darkness – nothing existed but God.
Then God decided to bring forth his power. On the first day, God created the heavens
and earth. But the earth had no form. So God said ‘let there be light.’ And there was
light! And that is how night and day were born.

On the second day, God created all the oceans, lakes, and rivers.

On the third day, God commanded dry land to appear on earth. Soon, God created all
the beautiful trees and plants you see today.
Then came the fourth day! God filled the sky with the sun, the moon and countless

But there was more to come!

On the fifth day, God breathed his life into the waters and created the sea creatures.
He also created all the beautiful birds on the fifth day.
Next, God called forth living beings – animals of all shapes and sizes – to fill the earth
on the sixth day. Reptiles, insects, and animals now called earth their home. God also
created the first humans – Adam and Even – on the sixth day of creation.
Now that the earth was ready and buzzing with life, God declared the seventh day as
the day of rest!

Lesson: God is the creator of everything we see.










The Story Of Adam And Eve
Origin: The Old Testament

After God had created the heaven and earth and filled it with life of all kind, he decided
to create humans in his image.

So, God took some clay and molded it into the shape of a man. Then God breathed
into the clay man and gave it life! Soon, the man opened his eyes and saw the wonder
that was heaven. God named the first man ‘Adam’.

God loved Adam very much and created a beautiful garden for him. The Garden of
Eden became Adam’s home.

But God soon saw that Adam was lonely and needed company. So he took a rib from
Adam and created a beautiful woman. He called her ‘Eve.’ Now Adam and Eve were
very happy in their beautiful home. They had all that they could ever need. All the
beauty of God’s creation was theirs. But God forbid them from eating the fruit from a
tree in the middle of the garden. That was the tree of knowledge.

But Satan did not like this happy family. So he took on the form of a snake. He called
Eve and tempted her to eat the fruit of knowledge. Eve could not resist the temptation
and along with Adam took a bite of the forbidden fruit.

Soon, everything changed. Adam and Eve were no longer the happy and carefree
souls. God was very sad that his children had disobeyed him. But he could not stop the
consequences. So he told them ‘Now you’ll have to suffer. You’ll have to earn your
living and live in pain. Nothing will come easy for you. And one day you’ll die.’

Lesson: We should obey God’s laws.







The Birth Of Jesus
Origin: The New Testament

Waiting for Christmas? Did you know that Christmas is the birthday of Jesus Christ?
Do you know the wonderful story of Jesus’s birth?

When Mary gave birth to baby Jesus, it was nighttime. Some shepherds, who were
tending to their sheep nearby, were startled when an angel appeared before them. But
the angel had brought good news! He told the shepherds that their Savior had finally
come, and it was time to see him.

Soon, other angels appeared and showed the way to find baby Jesus. So, the
shepherds made their way to Bethlehem, following the wonderful, bright star in the sky.

Not just the shepherds, the three wise kings too made their way to see baby Jesus –
their savior. And so all the world converged at a modest manger to see the Savior of
the world! It was a time to rejoice and celebrate.

Lesson: Jesus is the savior of man.






Jesus Stops A Storm

Origin: The New Testament

Do you know of the miracles Jesus performed? Want to hear a cool miracle story?

Once, Jesus Christ was traveling through the Sea of Galilee with his disciples. But
soon a violent storm engulfed them. Water filled the boat, and it began to sink. Jesus
was asleep, so his disciples woke him up.
So Jesus woke up, stood facing the sea, and commanded it to be calm. And just like
that, the storm withered away! It is a very short bible stories for kids and it is easy for
you to act out.

Lesson: With faith in God, nothing is impossible.






Jesus Walks On Water

Origin: The New Testament

What happens when you throw a rock in the water? It sinks, right? What will happen if
you try to walk on water? You’ll drown. But not Jesus!

A long time ago, Jesus asked his disciples to wait for him on the boat while he went up
to a mountain to pray. As the disciples waited for the boat for Jesus, a strong storm
blew the boat away to the middle of the sea. The disciples tried hard to row the boat
back to the shore, but to no avail.

The disciples were worried about Jesus and wondered what they could do to get their
master to the boat. Suddenly, they saw a man walk into the water! The disciples
panicked, thinking that a man was about to drown. But it was Jesus, and he did not
drown. Instead, he walked over the water and reached the boat safely.

One of Jesus’s disciples, Peter, asked if he too could walk on water. Jesus said yes, as
long as he kept Jesus as his focus. Soon, Peter too was walking on water. But the
moment he took his eye off Jesus and concentrated on the waves, he began to sink.
Jesus grabbed Peter and saved him. Finally, the disciples realized that Jesus was the
Son of God. It can be one of the best bible stories for kids to teach about Jesus.

Lesson: Make God your focus, not your problems.






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