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In partial fulfillment for the requirements of the award of the degree of

“B.Tech In Civil Engineering”

School Of Civil Engineering

Lovely Professional University

1. Introduction
Janaki Women Awareness Society (JWAS) is a non-profit making non-
governmental organization. It was eastablished in 1993 and operated by group
of people to change our society through sustainable community development.
The project was carried out in janakpurdham and near by areas like
park,temple,pond,roads,etc."Clean janakpur Green janakpur" make a base
for the project and the slogan "na gandagi karenge,na karne denge" was
adopted as motto of the project. As we know that, Trash is nothing but it is
just a waste materials which are of no longer in use. It consists of unwanted
things or waste materials such as used paper, polythene bag, empty containers
and bottles, and waste food. Most of the people throw the waste in plastic
bag. Sometimes, people bury the waste into the ground which is harmful to
our environment. Because, when rain water get collected and get surcharged
into the land. It also may creates very bad smell which can make difficult to
live in. Also, here, we must try to know that all the wastes are not useless and
combustible. But also, it can be reused and recycled. So if some of us can be
able to make our neighborhood understand that, wastes like to be reused and
recycled should not be thrown outside or side by the road, river and field. It
has adverse effect on environment and even to us also.

2. Problem Identification and the Cause of the Problem

As I participated, I was glad to join as a volunteer. During the course of my

project, I observed several problem which leads to health issues and
degradation of environment. The problem seems to be like more garbage in
public places, over vegetation and lack of dustbin in appropriate places.
The main cause of problem is low arrangement and
low quality of leading of workmanship. Due to lack of education towards the
effect of trash on the environment and on health, people used to throw the
waste haphazardly. They are not aware of the adverse effect of these activities.
Also no any attention are paid by the government towards such thing, so
people feel very easy to throw the trash at any place as they wish to.

3. Objective to be achieved

The main objective of the project is to make the area clean along with
identifying the type of trash to be reused and recycled and make people
aware about effects of waste. Several objectives were highlighted in the
project as follows:
• To provide the dustbin at a appropriate place like temple ,park ,pond
,road ,etc
• To create the public awareness programme on environment
cleanliness .
• To create a healthy environment for a happy and helpful community
by planting trees.
• To inspire the community people to be role model for other other .
• To share the knowledge on waste management among people about its
advantage and disadvantage.
• To develop the janakpur area as a tourist spot.

4. Various Steps taken to achieve the objectives

• The very first step taken to achieve the objective is identification of
source to be needed for the achievement of goal in proper time.
• Then after finding the source, what is required is to plan and organize
the team member to carry out the task for the achievement of goal. As
there are lack of volunteer member, people must encouraged others to
join in public campaign.
• After organizing the team member, they should be assigned with the
task and it must be completed in stipulated time. There should be at
least 15 people in one group to complete the task easily.
• The volunteer should provide some idea to pick up the trash in an
efficient way and effects of trash on our environment.
• The volunteer should give idea about the recycling wastes by 3R
method like reduce ,reuse and recycle.
• The cleaner team should be provided with the gloves and long shoes.
No naked hand and leg should be allowed to pick up the wastes.
• The cleaner team should be provided with dustbin to collect the trash
and throw in a municipality van.
• Volunteer should be continue to move with the cleaner team and check
for the type of waste by himself or herself and also one should suggest
the cleaner team to take care of themselves also.
• After collecting is done, the waste is carried in the respective van to the
respective place for decomposition. The place should be far from the
locality areas.
• And then, the separated wastes which should be used for recycling and
reusing are taken to the respective place that is factories and industries.
• After finishing of picking up process, once the road and streets should
be washed with water.
• Then again gathering is done to discuss the solution of not repeating the
same problem and how it is carried out in a proper way and the problem
will not rise again.
• Then bin should be asked from the volunteer team and further this
purposal should be forwarded to the sub-metropolitan city office for
economic help.
• Then correct decision should be taken, where the provided bin should
be placed.
• The gathering team should also discuss about some rule against
breaking of rules if some rules are made.
• The rule should be followed by everyone and incase if it is not followed,
some fine should be issued to the respective person.
• The rule should be followed by everyone strictly.
• These rule should be approved by the sub-metropolitan city office .
• We must award the clean community and by seeing this other
community people also try to clean their locality.
• we have conducted various public awareness programmes by rally and
publishing cartoons in newspaper.
• we have make a chairperson under whom on every saturday named
program as "Green saturday", cleaning is going on till now.
• We have taken the help of media to give our thoughts on waste
management among mass of people under live programme to promote
the sustainability.
• we have planted more number of tress near temple, bank of the pond,
highway, etc to make clean and green place.
• In order to clean, we have taken the help of sub-metropolitan city
officer to cooperate us in our project.
• we have talked to street shopkeeper about not throwing the waste on
road side and given him importance of cleanliness.
• We have organized different activities and events to make people aware
about cleanliness and organized a massive cleanliness drive and
encouraged people of the main market, student , residental people.

5. Effectiveness of the Project

The project was very effective to all and everyone. At first, it was very
difficult to convince to manpower to work in team for the same project. But
however after convincing the people, and due to uniting of some educated
person, the team was created. With the team, project was made to take their
first step. After observing these, the more people got into a team and made the
project successful.

After completion of the project, every team member get praised by the
surrounding people and even by the sub-metropolitan city office. This sub-
metropolitan city office has also appreciated to the team member for this
useful project carried out. The effectiveness of our project was measured in
terms of the suffering between quality, time, and cost. After analyzing all
these parameter with final result that we had obtained, it was wonderful and
amazing work that makes the whole locality happy. This happiness measures
the effectiveness of the project.

6. Conclusion
The time had come when we again realized that how was the lifestyle before
this. Once when we looked back and thought, it was like that how we came
to the final result and got success. But anyway, we got the result and the
project was successful. All the team member were very happy as well as whole

This proved that, locality was lacking only one thing that is the “awareness
and education”. The government and all other educated people should always
take some step to make his or her locality clean and also to make other to
involve in this program. Some awareness drama should be played in the
society to aware the people about the fact. Also sometimes, one should visit
each and everyone’s home to convince them about their negative effect.

And it’s our very first duty to make clean the trash around us and also to
convince other to make his or her effort toward the environment. Everyone
should make habit of putting the trash and waste materials into the bin only
but not the roadside, riverside and near the temple. So, finally we all should
take part in such activities as it’s our home and we are living in.

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