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Name of Teacher Sharmaine G.

Agres Grade Year/Level 12

Given 60-minute discussion, the students will be able to;
A. Define the meaning of economics and its types
B. Identify and explain the classification of resources in economics
C. Discuss the importance of economics in real life


Reference: Basic Economics and Agrarian Reforms by Romeo C. Clemente
Manila paper

1. Prayer “Hallowed be Thy name; Thy Kingdom come,
Thy will be done on earth as it is in Heaven. Give
“Remain standing for the prayer” us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our
trespasses as we forgive those who trespass
Our Father …. against us; and lead us not into temptation, but
deliver us from evil. Amen.”
2. Introductory

“Good morning class” “Good morning ma’am”

“I am Ms. Sharmaine G. Agres, I will be your teacher
for today”

“Before we start, please arrange your chairs and sit (Arrange chairs)
3. Motivation

“Our topic for today is about Economics. If you hear “Needs”, “wants”, “resources”
the word Economics, what comes into your mind?”

(5 mins)
This part introduces the lesson content. It serves a
warm up activity to give the learner zest for the
incoming lesson.

“Very good”
“Now let’s see this example”

“If you are in this kind of situation, which are you “Needs, because it is important”
going to choose? The one that satisfy your needs or “Wants, because it will make me happy”
the one that satisfy your wants?”

(Ask at least 3 student for their opinions)

Name of Teacher Sharmaine G. Agres Grade Year/Level 12

4. Lesson Proper

“Thank you for the answers”

“Now let’s define economics”

“Economics is the social science that studies the

production, distribution, and consumption of goods
and services. Economics focuses on the behavior and
interactions of economic agents and how economies

“Now, by simply knowing the definition of economics, “Economics helps us to make choices”
why do you think economics is important?”

“Very good! Economics is highly relevant to every

aspect of your life. You can’t have it all, so you need “Yes ma’am”
to make choices, right?”

“There are 2 types of Economics, the Microeconomics

and Macroeconomics”

“Can you read the definition” (Ask a student to read)

“Microeconomics is the study of choices made by
individual economic actors”

“Example is household which means it includes the

needs of a family. Can you give some example of “Food” “Clothing”

“Right! For short the basic needs of every person,

another actor is an individual, it includes you, me, us,
every individual, lastly a firm, or what we call a
Name of Teacher Sharmaine G. Agres Grade Year/Level 12

“What is the second type of economics?” (Ask a

student to read) “Macroeconomics It is the study of the behaviors
of entire economies.”

“If we compare the two, macroeconomics is broader;

it looks at the decision-making of an economy as a
whole. It actually deals all the sectors of the
Philippine economy

“Examples of macroeconomic topics: unemployment,

inflation, deflation, national output or what we call
the GNP- Gross National Product”

“Before we move on, do you all understand the “Yes ma’am”

meaning, are we clear?”

“Okay, thank you”

“Again, who are the decision makers in economics? “Every person”

“Right, we mentioned earlier that economics deals

with the production and consumption, for short we
are talking about the consumer and the producer.”

“What do we mean if we say consumer?” (Ask a “Consumers are people who decide to buy things
student to read) based on needs and wants”

“What about producer?” (Ask a student to read) “Producers are the people who make things that
satisfy consumers’ needs and wants”

“Example, listen carefully, tell me if it is consumer or “OK ma’am”

producer okay?”

“You’re hungry, you decided to buy a burger in the “Consumer ma’am”

canteen, who are you?”

“Very good, then the saleslady sells the burger, who “Producer ma’am”
is she?”

“Very good, then you realized that the burger came “Consumer ma’am”
from bigmac, now who is the saleslady?”

“How about the bigmac?” “Producer ma’am

“Excellent! Are we clear?” “Yes ma’am”

“Ok, let’s move on. We make decisions? Based on

goods and services or simply products, that’s why we
have the goods and services”
Name of Teacher Sharmaine G. Agres Grade Year/Level 12

“What do we mean if we say goods?” (ask a student “Goods are physical objects that can be
to read) purchased”

“What about services?” “Services are actions or activities performed for

a fee”
“Can you give me some example of goods?” “food” “Clothing” “Cellphone”

“Very good, how about services?” (students give examples of services)

“Are we clear?” “Yes, ma’am”

“Good, let’s move on. There is this very important

thing we need to use in order to obtain our needs and
wants; this is what we call resource. Resources are
needed to produce the needs and wants of people.”

“Number one resource is the Natural resources,

these are the items provided by nature to produce
goods and services, examples are the trees, they cut
trees then they will use its branches or trunks to
make chairs, pencil, or anything that is made with

“Second, Human Resources, any human effort used

during production, that is either intellectual or
physical, examples are doctors, nurses, factory
workers etc.”

“Third, Capital Resources, any man-made good

produced and used to make other goods and

“Last, Entrepreneurship, the combination of

organizational abilities and risk taking involved in
starting a new business / creating a new product”


“Now let’s play a game, I will give some more

examples of these resources, tell me if it Natural,
Human, Capital or Entrepreneurship by,

Natural- Clap 2x
Human- Stand up
Capital- Wave your 2 hands
Entrepreneurship- Say “orayt!”
Name of Teacher Sharmaine G. Agres Grade Year/Level 12

“Understand?” “Yes ma’am”

“oil” “Clap 2x”

“Waiter” “Stand up”
“Coal” “Clap 2x”
“Painters” “Stand up”
“Pizza Resto” “Say orayt!”
“Bigmac” “Say orayt!”
“Franks” “Say orayt!”
“Factories” “Wave 2 hands”
“Warehouses” “Wave 2 hands”

“Okay, very good! That is a sign that you understand

the difference of each resource.”

“Search 10 examples of each types of resources”

“Thank you for today, class. Have a nice day. “Goodbye ma’am”

Prepared by: Sharmaine G. Agres

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