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 PPT Presentation – JOANNA TOMME

By definition:
Managers have the power to make or break their organizations. While great leaders encourage
their employees to reach their full potential and help their organizations surpass their goals.
- “The manager is your title for this job but it’s really how you handle the people and that’ll
make you a good leader. “

Optimistic – part of the onboarding process are the challenges along the way as new team
manager, being challenged in the new role is normal but I am hopeful that it will be a good start
and things will get better.
- “It’s one of the trait that I have. Because you really have to make sure that you’re positive all
the time, and we’re human. Human as we have the tendency to get down sometimes but we
have to make sure that we’re hopeful for better things to come.” 1

 Observant – awareness is very important and one should be alert to things. Being keen to
details is one of my trait and characteristics. Profiling of agents includes being able to identify
individual skills, character, strengths and weaknesses.
- “Right now as a Quality Analyst, I’m being keen to details. This is also my trait that I can
practice when I will, if I will become or given an opportunity to become a Team Manager. And
profiling of agents includes being able to identify individual’s skills, as well as characters,
strengths and weaknesses, so you have this trait should also be also define who I am because
profiling agents really become important because you cannot adopt particular role to everyone
and your approach should also be different to each and every individual depending on how
things or depending on their character, strengths and weaknesses as well. “ 2

 Goal-setter – ability to identify what needs to be accomplished and establish measurable goals
and timeframe. One has to need to do more than just what you decide to do. Work at
accomplishing whatever goal was set.

 “It’s not what you decide and when you do things right now, You stop and move on and have to
ensure that you have a goal and this goal should be measurable. We have to be smart, have to
be specific, measurable, attainable and realistic and time bound. As a Manager, I should have
this trait and I have this trait of making sure that the goal step is set that I look for something.
You know I look for something that I need to accomplish. “

Ability to communicate – being transparent and open in an honest way with your own team and
has good collaboration with other stakeholders.

“Communication is the key to success”.

“ I really believed though it has been used many times but it’s true. Communication is really the
key to success. Because how we will know someone’s ideas, how can you be collaborative if you
don’t share it with your people and you don’t just tell them what to do. You also listen to what
are their needs and what needs to be done. It takes two ways to tango all the time. Just be you,
just be transparent to them. You know, there are really things depending on the business need,
there are really things that you can’t really disclose it to them on the management level, but
atleast trying to be transparent on their, what are the things needs to be done and set their
expectations. Just an open communication and in an honest way.”

 Pragmatic – ability to deal with things realistically in a way that is based on practical rather than
theoretical considerations.

 “You also have to be practical. I look myself and I see myself as a Team Manager who is also a
believer of experience. And it’s just on in books. “

Present + (past)
Since I am a work in progress at this stage, I am now able to display the functions and abilities:

 Ability to identify the gaps – what are the things needed to be addressed.
“ As a present TM, I’m not able to display the functions and abilities of a Team Manager. Ability
to identify the gaps. What are the things needed to be addressed. So basically since I am now a
work in progress, we should be focusing on what needs to be done and needed to be

 Ability to identify and being able to address agent’s behavior progressing to the
procedure/company code of conduct.

 Ability to identify agent’s knowledge and skills – being able to do knowledge and skills transfer.
- “It’s not just me providing information through knowledge but also you to display this
knowledge to have the skill to transfer this knowledge, to provide examples, show it to your
team how to do this and provide skill transfer. Initiating what needs to be done. You don’t need
to tell them. As much as possible if they don’t know how to do it you show them how to do it.
(2) Leadership

 Logical/analytical – being sensible with sound judgement, being able to arrange priorities which
is important based on the impact and need of the business/project.

 “ So As a manager which is a work in progress, in the present., The best time and one character
is very important to have a self judgement. The decision making part is really play an important
role as a Team Manager, you just don’t decide as a welfare of the business but also decide as
well as considering the team how you be able to bring out the best to your employee. (3) –
Patient/Resilient - has the ability to accept and tolerate challenges, problems without getting
anxious and becoming annoyed. Be more understanding in every situation. Has the ability to
withstand difficult conditions.

“ So far right now I have really developed a lot of patience and resiliency in my current task.
Because being a QA really requires a lot of these, you are also handling a lot of people. And in
my current post, I was trained to be more patient. It’s not just you listen to a call and you find it
bad, you have to weigh things too or consider the behavior of the agent. And not just the
performance alone but also the totally of how the agent performs.

 Innovative – has the ability to create new things or feature new methods and new ideas.
“ I think all of us has been innovative in our own way. We just probably don’t know it but
sometimes we try new things and if one and we should not stop and that’s what I’m doing right
now. And one approach doesn’t work, try another one and never give-up. “

 Motivator – ability to promote interest or enthusiasm. “Lead by example” as the saying goes
“One cannot be a good leader if not a follower”.
“ I’ve seen this with my previous managers before. If your subordinates cannot follow you
yourself is a violator itself. That you be able to promote interest and enthusiasm then again how
can you do it cannot influence your team? “

 Future (present + past)

Empowerment – has the ability to influence the business decision of the client. Taking it to the
next level, spear-heading ideas such as new tool development for the improvement of the
project as a whole.
“ Based on who I am in the past, you evolve. Me as a Team Manager, I see myself evolving at
this time. But pls don’t change, your characteristics are already there.”

“What I see myself for future is empowerment, has the ability to influence the business,
decision of the client, may take you to the next level, spearheading ideas: new tool development
for the account or improvement of the project as a whole. I see a team that is spearheading an
idea, Like in WA we have different providers (other centers as well). We’ve seen other providers
spearheading WA every time there’s a collab and calibration. You can see a provider who is
really performing and has a lot of ideas. Innovation, improving tools, suggestions.”

 Results-oriented – numbers should speak this time since at this stage I am seeing my team to be
successful not just on performance but also in character - being able to promote future supports
and leaders.

“Numbers should speak this time. I see my team to be successful not just perfrormance but also
in character. Be able to promote people as future leaders, supports because you’ve already
accomplished, you already molded these people and in the future. Your’re replicating yourself
to them. Your honing them, your different version. Displaying a role model for them and you’re
really able to unleash and bring out the best in your people become future leaders as well.

RENSEY MANABAT – Initial Interview

I - WEV:

“ It was when I was defined as a Project Manager of WFM Dynamic Scheduling, My manager is
based in LA and the pilot site was in Dvo, so as the onsite leader ; WFM Manager and at the
same time Project Manager I had to meet with the leaders just to make sure that they are able
to cater buy-in they have further question I can answer them. So I guess I did made a good job
without the supervision of my manager. I think what’s important is you know what you’re there
for, what to discuss, you set the goals, and you set the redefine the expectations with them. So I
guess that’s one thing I did without close supervision.”

“ I don’t recall anything because whenever there are projects, we always meet, communicate
and as long as we’re able to define their expectations with the client and if there are challenges
we should be able to communicate with them as early as possible and I think that is really a
great help to face the challenges, and I cannot recall anything “

“Fortunately everything was smooth. But there’s a little bit of challenges every now and then as
long as there’s communication set I think that will be a great help for both parties.”
“ But sometimes, tbh we look for some challenges, we were just fortunate that there were no
big fuss already, we were not able/weren’t face to big challenges that threatened the ties
between us and the client.”

II - CT – Collab and Team Work

“Let me stick with my first example. I was the Project Manager of the Dynamic Scheduling for all
of our North American Sites. When I say North American Sites we’re talking about Davao,
Bacolod and Mexico , and we’re talking about roughly 500 heads. I was just fortunate because
we were able to create a change management post proj timeline and we were able to highlight
the gap analysis; meaning we’re able to provide the current state and the features they’ll need
so that we’re able to clearly define for why is there need for us to change. That was a
challenging project because for the longest time we have statics scheduling. Meaning our
schedule never change, but we implemented dynamics scheduling it changes every month so, it
would impact the lifestyle of our agents, there were a push backs we were able to overcome
them once again, we’re able to clearly define the expectations, and we’re able to gain the buy in
of the senior leadership team and executive team which is really a good thing, we’re able to help
us back-up the project, we’re able to provide them the gap analysis, and one thing that I’m very
proud of is we were able to create a change management focus project timeline and create
change advocates group. We select certain agents who were part of change advocate group to
help us mediate the gap between us and the entire front line. They were serving as our
advocates to our frontline.”

“ Let me go back by clearly defining the expectation and goal, I think if we’re able to clearly
define the expectation and goal of the proj, it wouldn’t be hard on him to collaborate w/ my
other colleagues. What comes in my mind when it comes to collaboration is obviously
teamwork and healthy debate/good debate. Based on my experience, it wasn’t a smooth sailing
project because once again there were push backs, especially when we introduced that to the
leadership team, but by clearly define the goal and giving them the awareness on why do we
need to change, we were able to gain their buy ends., gain their trust, if there are diff, it’s better
to have a good debate but at the EOD we have to make sure out of those unresolved feedbacks
are answered and addressed and you know it’s purely business, nothing personal. That’s one
thing that I learned in my previous work. So at the EOD once we’re at the office it’s work and
we’re outside in the office we’re friends.”

Failed on the project – AP:

“it was the implementation of dynamic scheduling when we implement that in TWANA Mexico,
because they have a diff culture, they have a diff mindset. Instead of introducing dynamic
scheduling in w/c their schedule will be changing, every month we made a tweak on that project
so having changes of schedule they have to render extra days in the month. So they have to
come up with that initiative by collaboration. I think at the very start when you handle a project
it’s very important to hold a project and clearly define the expectation active clearly and give
them the awareness on why they need to change. We also sent out surveys to the agents that
the project wouldn’t work. We went back to the table it’s a black canvass again and it’s a black
drawing board and everything is accurate with the leadership team of the Mexico site that’w
when we found out that this project/initiative will work for them and we we were correct by at
the time when we implemented dynamic scheduling, that kind of dynamic scheduling was really
working so successful and learned from that experience is it’s not that bad to go back to the
drawing board, and communicate the challenges to the leadership team because at the EOD,
before we launch the project we have to gain their buy ends. So communication, collaboration
and thinking outside the box it’s just seeking ways to optimize processes.”

CD -

“I’m just fortunate because though we have a diff culture, but I didn’t have/find it hard to work
with them. It’s good to have a healthy debate. Though my colleagues in Mexico are okay to work
with, although the agents on the other hand were very upfront, straightforward asking us
questions during the QA session and that’s when we realize that you know, they have a different
culture and we have to adjust to us/them and knowing that people have different culture,
upbringing that you also have to push back. I think that’s part of the challenge.”

“I was just fortunate because I was given a chance to be sent in their headquarters in California.
I was able to witness the culture that the American culture which is quite different in the PH I
was able to prepare myself before handling that project.”

“And they really value work-life balance. They really focus on their work, as much as possible
there’s no distractions in their work. They would be able to end their shift on time and have
some time to spend it with other things outside.”


We all know that being a Manager is being hard in the picture, you need to meet with people so
if you need to become a TM/Leader.

“Dreamer – That’s the time you’re dreaming for a higher position, or higher things to be done in
your side. For example; a growth in your career, but if you are a dreamer.

Assertive – “They say it’s better to be assertive than aggressive, yes it’s true. It’s a positive
manner and it’s like catching yourself being or standing on your own feet.
Positive - “of course you will not hesitate to try things that you’ll going to in your life. At first it’s
not that simple, as long as you’re positive enough. And you’re going to be more certain on the
things that you want in your life especially as a manager. Of course as a manager, its really need
to have a positive attitude as well. You need to have this outlook to your subordinates, to the
person you’re working with of course a leader with a positive thinker, positive attribute and a
leader that is easy to work with.”


“I’m motivated to apply here at Conectys. To make sure that I’ll be part of the company and as
well I can be the person that they want to; I want to become a Team manager here.”
“I’ll be part of the company that I’m determined as well, passionate as well, is to make sure that
Conectys will find me worthy that they provide me with this kind of position.”
“I’ll be working hard, I’ll be making sure while working, that I’ll be happy to balance of my social
work, my comp. work, to make sure that I’ll be productive at the end of the day. And of course
I’ll be goal oriented. Not just for me but also for my team that I’ll be handling with (proj /Team).

“Success can be only be determined if your determined by your people surrounding you. Is to
make sure that I can be the type of manager that can meet the expectation of the client,
company, I can contribute and produce more things beyond the task that will be given to me so
that I can assure that the effort that I can exert as well and the things that I’ll be doing as a
manager will be done as well by the EOD.”
“Yes you’re successful, but you need to extend the things that you can do. If you’re successful to
become a Manager, why not try for more? Initiative to help with other people.”



“If they would implement their rule for the 10 minute break for each terminal, it was not
adaptable/followed by every employee assigned.”

“ We could also suggest to the manager that we could build a proper delegation of the task that
they current have. In one day example that there is a task can be done every Friday and the
employees are overworked from excess task that is been done.”

“It can be assigned delegated to equally to the number of days equally to the employee working.
At the same time we can also suggest a better structure in regard to the design/environment on
where they are working. It’s also a factor us working in a certain company, our stations/desks
were we are located also matters we tried to adjust but if there are really things that could
distract work on a daily basis for example I see here that they’re situated in a pole with were the
lights are highlighted to them. And it’s really important that there’s a balance between on how
they work and on the environment as well when we work on a daily basis.”

“We have to make sure looking on the situation and how It impact their performance it shows
on how they adapt the change.”

“It’s pretty obvious that they work right now like the new employee was given instructions
would see and leaders would probably know about trainings, it’s just data entries and you can
read instructions and you can do your job but it’s really best to have a better training & you will
be equip at the same time like you said follow-ups.”

“Like the task of the Manager as well or the insurance investment Manager, is also placed a big
role with the current structure they have. Let’s just say they cannot change that anymore and
it’s just really 3 months and it’s gonna be rotation and to innovate.”

“ The role of the manager to innovate himself instead and how she handles her people so it will
be a routinary for her/person.”


“The clerk is responsible in working in the terminals. Where-in if you could really notice. It is
highlighted in the scenarios”
“ Clerks in the terminal 3 are all women, where in there will be a high risk since they were all
women, there might be a tendency as well after 3 months there might be looking on a diff
person and adjustment really need on that short period of time.”

“And with that 3 months, you can never expect that it could work all the time. Because not all
are adaptable. As mentioned there are employees working in the company don’t want to take a
break, they just want to do their task. And we all know as well, somehow there are some
persons as well that we can never tell that what’s at the back of their mind in terms the way
they work with a certain person, or a certain scenario. Or if you could notice the problem only
happens in Terminal 3, than other other terminals. Compared to other terminals, they manage
to maintain the problem to 1% level of the acceptable rate.”

“We need to address it from the basic. Basic of the main issues of the insurance companies, well
if you can notice as well all the information stated in this papers, we could notice that 1 of the
main cause of this increase of rate errors because the person working in the dept is they’re not
collaborating well. If we could notice this, they’re loner, they don’t want to take a breaks.”

“In order for us to make this kind of set up we need to make sure that to move forward and to
be more successful, we need to be make sure that we need to be working hard all together at
the same time, we will be working harmoniously at the same time, & we will be working
productively.” – Collaboration

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