Assignment 1: Managing Sales Force Concepts

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Managing Sales Force Concepts

Name: Snehil Periwal
Roll No:103
Division :B
Recommend two improvements each in the process you follow, for the
1. The Sales Organization Structure that you have:

Currently the sales are been made by us itself which involves my

father and my uncle and a single sales personnel been appointed
by them to go throughout the market and reach our samples tp
different wholesalers and Retailers for further demand and
designed production

As we are involved in different segments of Textile Business such

as Manufatcurer as Weaving and Embroidery together with the
Wholesaling of Nylon Lumps and Sarees too.

So it involves different sales personnel needs at different places

of business .So at present only one personnel has been appointed
other then our family members in the business of embroidery.

So firstly we are planning to increase the sales personnel in the

Embroidery and Weaving Segment so as to create a team of
Salling personnel leading to more reachability to the clients in
Different markets such as Kolkata, Varanasi, South etc.
2. Recruitment of your sales force
Deals compel is procured based on their connection with the
proprietors or with a current staff in the organization. The candidate
displays the resume yet no meeting is led to assess the applicant.
First improvement that I might want to propose is that meeting will be
led by the HR , and the HR would assess whether the applicant is
possible to be a piece of the business group. Also , I might want to
enlist deals compel from online stages like Naukri, Brisk employments
and so on with the goal that we can procure great individuals which will
improve our productivity.

3. Induction and training of your sales force

Right now there is no acceptance and preparing of our business
constrain however initially I might want to present a framework where
the new deals power will run with the senior sales rep and simply watch
, this will empower him to comprehend our market and how item is
being sold.

Besides I would give a report where in the deals and deals merchandise
exchanges are composed which the new individual needs to keep with
himself and make any deals under the domain of those polices.
4. Compensation of your sales personal
I might want to make an improvement where the business staff will be
given remuneration based on augmentation deals which they make
well beyond the earlier month.
Deals work force will be given deals focus on consistently or each half
year which in the event that they accomplish they will be qualified for a
blessing hamper, a trek or a sensible measure of cash

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