Approaching From A Distance - Theia

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[[child, naglalaro sa sahig; father enter scene]]

Father: Come here my child, it is time for bed, we have an early start tomorrow.

Child: But father! I still want to play!

Father: Come now my dear, how about we watch a bedtime story first.

Child: Yay! [[punta sa higaan]]

Father: [[upo sa tabi ng bata, binuksan yung TV]]

Narrator: [[playing sa TV]] Once upon a time there was a boy named Jack---[[interrupt ni child]]

Child: Father! I want to watch a story about the moon!

Father: Ahh, the moon you say, let me see [[ayos ayos kunwari ng tv]]

Father: Ah, here, the moon channel!

Narrator: Today on the Moon Channel..

1. Formation
Narrator: The birth of the moon. The Moon formed 4.51 billion years ago, some 60 million years
after the origin of the Solar System. The top hypothesis about the formation of the moon is the
Giant Impact Theory.

Proto-Earth: I am the primitive Earth.

[approaching from a distance -- Theia]

Theia: I am Theia, a Mars-sized planetary body.

[theia collides with earth, pagkabangga, alis na si theia, tapos madaming iba na materials/rocks
na maliliit ang magoorbit paikot ng earth]

Narrator: The Earth–Moon system formed after an impact of a Mars-sized body (named Theia)
with the proto-Earth. The impact blasted material into Earth's orbit and then the material
accumulated and formed the Moon.
[yung mga maliliit na materials na nagorbit sa earth, magsasama sama, tapos magiging moon]

2. Physical Characteristics
a. Internal structure

Narrator: The internal structure of the Earth’s moon is divided into the Crust or the outer layer,
the Mantle or the middle layer, and the Core as the innermost layer with each layer being
distinct from the other.

Crust: I am the moon’s crust and I am about 50 kilometers thick.

Mantle: I am the mantle and I am made up of crystallized magma.

Core: I am the core and I am filled with solid iron and my radius is about 240 kilometers.

b. Surface Geology

Narrator: The surface geology of the moon is composed of several craters or basins.

South Pole - Aitken basin: Hi, I am the South Pole - Aitken basin and I am the largest crater on
the moon.

3. Earth - Moon System

a. Orbit

Narrator: Just like how that Earth moves around the sun, the moon moves around the Earth.

Moon: I am the moon and I make a complete orbit around the Earth about once every 27.3
[[Show the moon umiikot sa Earth]]

b. Relative Size
Narrator: As compared to the other planets and their moons, the moon is relatively large for the
Earth because its diameter is more than ¼ of the diameter of the Earth and its mass is 1/81 of the
Earth’s mass.
Moon: I am the largest moon in the Solar System relative to the size of its planet.

c. Appearance from Earth - Phases of the Moon

Narrator: The moon is rotating too as it orbits around the Earth so almost all the time, the same
face of the moon is visible to the moon. This side is called the near side while the part rarely
shown is the far side or the dark side of the moon. The four main phases of the moon are as

[[Umiikot yung moon sa Earth tapos magpapalit ng itsura: New Moon, First Quarter
Moon, Full Moon, Last Quarter Moon]]

d. Tidal Effects
Narrator: There is a gravitational attraction between the moon and the Earth which causes 2 bulges
in the Earth’s oceans. The first one is a high tide on the side nearest to the moon and a low tide on
the side farthest to the moon. Every 24 hours, there is 2 high tides and 2 low tides.

e. Eclipse

Narrator: Eclipses only occur when the Sun, Earth, and Moon are all in a straight line.

[[Solar Eclipse: Sun - New Moon - Earth]]

[[Lunar Eclipse: Sun - Full Moon - Earth]]

4. Exploration
Narrator: NASA has launched plenty of unmanned spacecrafts in the hopes of testing their
space exploration capacities. In July 12, 1969, Neil Armstrong became the first person to walk
on the moon.

Neil Armstrong: I am Neil Armstrong and I will set foot on the moon
Narrator: In total, the Apollo missions have taken 380kg of lunar rock and soil from the moon for
testing and studies.

Narrator: That is it for now, see us again tomorrow, same time, on the Moon channel.

Father: Off to be now my child.

Child: But father! I want more!

Father: Tomorrow night my dear, say good night to Mr. Moon now.

Child: [[tingin sa moon]] Goodnight Moon!

Moon: [[waves]]

Narrator: The next evening..

[[child nakatingin sa moon sa bintana]]

Child: Wow, the moon is so round and bright..

Child: Father, let’s watch the moon channel again!!

Father: Okay my dear, have you done your homework though?

Child: Yes father! Now can we watch the moon channel??

Father: Sure my child, put away your toys first and sit down with me here.

Child: Yay!

[[Nood uli TV]]

Narrator: Tonight on the moon channel, we will take a look at the different moons of the different
planets in the solar system.

5. Other Moons
Narrator: First up, Mercury and Venus don’t have moons at all. Mercury is so close to the sun
and its gravity that if Mercury had a moon, the moon would be pulled in to the Sun.
[[Mercury, Moon, and Sun reenact]]
Narrator: Mars has two moons.

Mars: Hi I am the planet Mars and I have two moons.

Phobos: I am Phobos

Deimos: I am Deimos

Phobos & Deimos: We are the moons of Mars!

Narrator: Jupiter has 79 known moons.

Jupiter: Hi I am Jupiter and I am a big planet. I have 79 moons!

Io: I am Io

Europa: I am Europa

Callisto: I am Callisto

Ganymede: I am Ganymede! The biggest moon in the solar system!

Io, Europa, Callisto, & Ganymede: We are one of the 79 moons of Jupiter!
Narrator: Saturn has 53 moons that have been named. Saturn also has nine moons awaiting
confirmation. They’re unconfirmed because we’re waiting to get more information about them. If
all of these moons get confirmed, Saturn will have 62 moons.

Saturn: I am Saturn and aside from my rings, I have many moons.

Mimas: I am Mimas

Enceladus:I am Enceladus

Tethys: I am Tethys

TItan: I am Titan and I even have my own atmosphere.

Mimas, Enceladus, Tethys, & Titan: We are one of the 62 moons of Saturn
Narrator: The planet Uranus has 27 moons.
Uranus: I am Uranus and some of my moons are half-made up of ice.!
Narrator: Neptune has 14 named moons

Neptune: I am Neptune

Triton:I am Triton and I am as large as Pluto.

Narrator: That’s it for the moon channel tonight! Catch us again tomorrow evening as we
celebrate the 50th anniversary of the first human moon landing. Until then!

[[i off ang TV ni Father]]

Child: Wow, the moon really is fascinating father.

Father: It truly is my child.

[[parehong nakatingin sa moon]]

Child: I wish to be able to go to the moon someday father!

Father: Oh yes you will my dear, now off to bed you go.

[[higa na yung bata]]

Child: Good night father. Good night moon.

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