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5- one signaling
Table of Contents

Five-Tone Programming ......................................................................................................................................... 1

Programming for 5-Tone Calls with no ID (Muted System) ................................................................................ 1
Programming for 5-Tone Calls with Open Mic .................................................................................................... 3
Programming for 5-Tone Calls with PTT ID (Muted System) ............................................................................. 5
Programming 5-Tone non-selective transmissions with PTT ID (Unmuted System) ......................................... 7
Programming for 5-Tone Emergency with ID ...................................................................................................... 9
Programming Kill/Stun/Revive in 5-Tone .......................................................................................................... 11
Programming PTT ID with DTMF Tone ID in 5-Tone........................................................................................ 13
Programming Select Call with DTMF in 5-Tone................................................................................................ 15
Programming Short Messages in 5-Tone ......................................................................................................... 17
Five-Tone Program Settings ................................................................................................................................. 19
5Tone RX Code CH Window............................................................................................................................. 19
5Tone RX Code Setting Window....................................................................................................................... 20
5Tone TX Code CH Window ............................................................................................................................. 20
5Tone TX Code Setting Window ....................................................................................................................... 21
Format Window ................................................................................................................................................. 22
User Tone Window ............................................................................................................................................ 22

© June 2011 Icom America i

Five-Tone Programming

Note: Each 5-tone feature is written with the TX and RX programming separate. In most cases, each radio will
have both the RX and TX parameters programmed in, but the guide describes the programming separately to
avoid confusion.

Programming for 5-Tone Calls with no ID (Muted System)

This procedure enables you to call a particular radio (selective call). The receive radio will receive your call but
will be unable to tell the identity of the TX radio. Receiving radios are muted to all traffic unless the call is
accompanied by the transmitting radio’s 5-tone ID.

The following instructions assume that frequencies, tones, and squelch are set and the radios are in PMR mode
(found in the Menu bar under Model). Additionally, the Auto Reset Timer must be enabled (Memory CH) and a
value entered (Common -> Common). These instructions apply to all Icom radios with PMR capability.

TX Radio:

Memory Ch
Field Setting / Description
CH Mute Mute options depend on radio model:
Cont (not muted) or SGL (muted until call is received)
Or (not muted) or AND (muted until call is received)
Switch Action » Call Set to Audible
5Tone Signaling » Form Set to EIA
5Tone Signaling » STN Set to 1. Points to 1 line in the TX Code CH window: target
Radio’s 5 Tone code

TX Code CH (under 5 Tone):

Field Setting / Description
Line 1 Target radio ID
Line 2, 3… 5-tone for multiple target radios

Key and Display (under Common)

Field Setting / Description
Key » P0-P3 Assign a key (right-click Conventional field to access
menu) for the following functions:

TX Code CH Select— Enters the Code Select mode so

that you can select a target radio from the TX Code
Channel list.

TX Code CH Up—Allows you to scroll through the target

radio list and select a radio. (As an alternative, you can
also use the Up/Down keys to scroll.)

Call—Sends the 5-tone signal to the target radio.

© June 2011 Icom America 1

To Make a call
To call a specific radio (selective call):

1. Press the assigned TX Code CH Select key to enter the select mode.
2. Press the assigned TX Code Up key (or up/down keys) to scroll and select the target radio.
3. Press the assigned Call key. This sends the target radio’s 5-tone code.

RX Radio:

Memory Ch
Field Setting / Description
5Tone Signaling » Form Set to EIA
5Tone Signaling » RX C.No Set to 1. Points to 1 line in the RX Code CH window: the
RX Radio’s ID.

RX Code CH (under 5 Tone)

Field Setting / Description
Line 1 » RX Code This particular radio’s RX ID.

2 © June 2011 Icom America

Programming for 5-Tone Calls with Open Mic
This procedure enables you to call a particular radio (selective call) and listen with the RX radio mic open for a
pre period of time.

The following instructions assume that frequencies, tones, and squelch are set and the radios are in PMR mode
(found in the Menu bar under Model). These instructions apply to all Icom radios with PMR capability.

TX Radio:

Memory Ch
Field Setting / Description
CH Mute Mute options depend on radio model:
Cont (not muted)
Or (not muted)
Switch Action » Call Set to Audible
5Tone Signaling » Form Set to EIA
5Tone Signaling » STN Set to 1. Points to 1 line in the TX Code CH window: target
Radio’s 5 Tone code

TX Code CH (under 5 Tone):

Field Setting / Description
Line 1 Target radio ID
Line 2, 3… 5-tone for multiple target radios

Key and Display (under Common)

Field Setting / Description
Key » P0-P3 Assign a key (right-click Conventional field to access
menu) for the following functions:

TX Code CH Select— Enters the Code Select mode so

that you can select a target radio from the TX Code
Channel list.

TX Code CH Up—Allows you to scroll through the target

radio list and select a radio. (As an alternative, you can
also use the Up/Down keys to scroll.)

Call—Sends the 5-tone signal to the target radio.

Common (under Common):

Field Setting / Description
Auto Reset » Timer B This timer sets how long mute will be open (and other reset
functions). Set to 10 sec, or as desired.

© June 2011 Icom America 3

To Make a call
To call a specific radio (selective call):

1. Press the assigned TX Code CH Select key to enter the “select” mode.
2. Press the assigned TX Code Up key (or up/down keys) to scroll and select the target radio.
3. Press the assigned Call key. This sends the target radio’s 5-tone code.

RX Radio:

Memory Ch
Field Setting / Description
5Tone Signaling » Form Set to EIA
5Tone Signaling » RX C.No Set to 1. Points to 1 line in the RX Code CH window: the
RX Radio’s open mic code.

RX Code CH (under 5 Tone)

Field Setting / Description
Line 1 » RX Code This radio’s open mic ID (from the Memory Ch window).
When the RX radio sees this, it will respond accordingly.
Line 1 » Auto TX Set to ON to enable open mic (setting not available on
F3021 series radios)

Common (under Common)

Field Setting / Description
Auto TX Timer Sets how long the mic stays open. Default is 60 seconds.
(setting not available on F3021 series radios)

4 © June 2011 Icom America

Programming for 5-Tone Calls with PTT ID (Muted System)
This procedure enables you to call a particular radio and send your radio’s numeric ID. The receive radio will
receive your call and your numeric ID will appear on its display. Radios will hear only traffic directed to that
particular radio.

The following instructions assume that frequencies, tones, and squelch are set and the radios are in PMR mode
(found in the Menu bar under Model). Additionally, the Auto Reset Timer must be enabled (Memory CH) and a
value entered (Common -> Common). These instructions apply to all Icom radios with PMR capability.

TX Radio:

Memory Ch
Field Setting / Description
CH Mute Mute options depend on radio model:
SGL (muted until call is received)
AND (muted until call is received)
Switch Action » Call Set to Audible
5Tone Signaling » Form Set to EIA
5Tone Signaling » STN Set to 1. Points to 1 line in the TX Code CH window: target
Radio’s 5 Tone code
5Tone Signaling » ID Set a line to TX radio’s ID code (this radio)
5Tone Signaling » POS Set to BTM (Sends STN and ID codes together.)

TX Code CH (under 5 Tone):

Field Setting / Description
Line 1 Target radio ID
Line 2, 3… 5-tone for multiple target radios
Line 28 TX radio ID (this radio’s ID) This ID is sent along with the
target radio ID

Key and Display (under Common)

Field Setting / Description
Key » P0-P3 Assign a key (right-click Conventional field to access
menu) for the following functions:

TX Code CH Select— Enters the Code Select mode so

that you can select a target radio from the TX Code
Channel list.

TX Code CH Up—Allows you to scroll through the target

radio list and select a radio. (As an alternative, you can
also use the Up/Down keys to scroll.)

Call—Sends the 5-tone signal to the target radio.

© June 2011 Icom America 5

To Make a call
To call a specific radio (selective call):

1. Press the assigned TX Code CH Select key to enter the “select” mode.
2. Press the assigned TX Code Up key (or up/down keys) to scroll and select the target radio.
3. Press the assigned Call key. This sends the target radio’s 5-tone code.

RX Radio:

Memory Ch
Field Setting / Description
5Tone Signaling » Form Set to EIA
5Tone Signaling » RX C.No Set to 1. Points to 1 line in the RX Code CH window: the
RX Radio’s open mic code.

RX Code CH (under 5 Tone)

Field Setting / Description
Line 1 » RX Code This radio’s ID
Line 1 » ID Dec Set to ON. This allows the radio to show the TX radio ID.

RX Code Setting (under 5 Tone)

Field Setting / Description
Timer » ID Decode Set to 1.6

TX Code Setting (under 5 Tone)

Field Setting / Description
Timer » Displayed Digit Enter the digits you want displayed. For example: Send
98765, but if you only want 765 to show on this radios
display, enter “345”. Now the last 3 digits of any 5 tone ID
will be displayed.

6 © June 2011 Icom America

Programming 5-Tone non-selective transmissions with PTT ID (Unmuted System)
This procedure enables you to send your radio’s ID when pressing PTT. The receive radio(s) will receive your
transmission and your ID will appear on its display. Radios will hear all other traffic also

The following instructions assume that frequencies, tones, and squelch are set and the radios are in PMR mode
(found in the Menu bar under Model). Additionally, the Auto Reset Timer must be enabled (Memory CH) and a
value entered (Common -> Common). These instructions apply to all Icom radios with PMR capability.

TX Radio:

Memory Ch
Field Setting / Description
CH Mute Mute options depend on radio model:
Cont (not muted)
Or (not muted)
Switch Action » Call Set to Audible
Log-In/Off Set to activate PTT ID by pressing (log in) or releasing (log
off) the PTT key
5Tone Signaling » Form Set to EIA
5Tone Signaling » ID Set to 28. Points to 28th line in the TX Code CH window:
target Radio’s 5 Tone code. You can use any line, but
setting to line 28 allows you to use lines 1-27 for other call

TX Code CH (under 5 Tone):

Field Setting / Description
Line 28 Enter this radio’s ID.

This ID will always be a 5-digit number ending in the same

number for all the radios in the system. This allows all
radios to recognize each radio’s PTT ID (see RX Code CH).

© June 2011 Icom America 7

To Make a call
Press PTT to send the tone. The TX PTT ID will flash continuously on the RX radio(s).

RX Radio:

Memory Ch
Field Setting / Description
5Tone Signaling » Form Set to EIA
5Tone Signaling » RX C.No Set to 1. Points to 1 line in the RX Code CH window: This
is where the RX radio sees the TX Radio’s ID.

RX Code CH (under 5 Tone)

Field Setting / Description
Line 1 » RX Code Enter ++++9. The +’s are wildcards, allowing the radio to
see any first 4 digits. The “9” is the qualifier (0-8 will work
also). This last digit must match the same last digit of the TX
radio ID.
Line 1 » ID Dec Set to ON. This allows the radio to show the TX radio ID.

RX Code Setting (under 5 Tone)

Field Setting / Description
Timer » Compare Digit Enter the digits you want displayed. For example: Send
98769, but if you only want 9876 to show on this radio’s
display, enter 1234. Now the first 4 digits of any 5 tone ID
will be displayed.

8 © June 2011 Icom America

Programming for 5-Tone Emergency with ID
This procedure enables you to send an emergency signal to a particular radio (or dispatch) and send your
radio’s ID.

The following instructions assume that frequencies, tones, and squelch are set and the radios are in PMR mode
(found in the Menu bar under Model). Additionally, the Auto Reset Timer must be enabled (Memory CH) and a
value entered (Common -> Common). These instructions apply to all Icom radios with PMR capability.

TX Radio

Memory Ch
Field Setting / Description
ATR Assign dedicated channel as “E” for emergency
CH Mute Mute options depend on radio model:
Cont (not muted) or SGL (muted until call is received)
Or (not muted) or AND (muted until call is received)
Switch Action » Call Set to Audible
5Tone Signaling » Form Set to EIA
5Tone Signaling » STN Set to 1. Points to 1 line in the TX Code CH window: All
Radio’s 5 Tone Emergency code.
5Tone Signaling » ID Set ID on line 28. This is TX radio’s ID code (this radio)
5Tone Signaling » POS Set to BTM (Sends STN and ID codes together.)

TX Code CH (under 5 Tone):

Field Setting / Description
Line 1 All Radios’ Emergency Code (Tells other Radios this is
Line 28 TX radio ID (this radio’s ID)

Key and Display (under Common)

Field Setting / Description
Key » Emergency Assign the emergency key as Emergency Single or
Emergency Repeat.

Common (under Common or Emergency, depending on model)

Field Setting / Description
Emergency » Emer SW ON Sets how long the emergency key must be pressed to send
an emergency signal
Emergency » Emer SW OFF Sets how long the emergency key must be pressed to
cancel an emergency signal.
Emergency » Start/Repeat Timer Select the delay interval before the radio will send an
emergency signal, and the time between repeat emergency
signals (if emergency repeat is programmed).

© June 2011 Icom America 9

To Make an Emergency Call
To call a specific radio (or dispatch):

Press and hold the assigned Emergency Key for 2 seconds. The RX radio beeps as it forewarns you of the
upcoming emergency call.

The radio diverts to the Emergency channel (as assigned in ATR) and sends the 5- tone signal.

RX Radio:

Memory Ch
Field Setting / Description
5Tone Signaling » Form Set to EIA
5Tone Signaling » RX C.No Set to 1. Points to 1 line in the RX Code CH window: the
RX Radio’s Emergency RX Code

RX Code CH (under 5 Tone)

Field Setting / Description
Line 1 » RX Code RX radio Emergency Code (from Memory Ch
window…usually the same for all radios)
Line 1 » ID Dec Set to ON. This allows the radio to show the TX radio ID.
Line 1 » Text Enter emergency text to display on dispatch radio, if

RX Code Setting (under 5 Tone)

Field Setting / Description
Timer » ID Decode Set to 1.6

TX Code Setting (under 5 Tone)

Field Setting / Description
Timer » Displayed Digit Enter the digits you want displayed. For example: Send
98765, but if you only want 765 to show on this radios
display, enter “345”. Now the last 3 digits of any 5 tone ID
will be displayed.

10 © June 2011 Icom America

Programming Kill/Stun/Revive in 5-Tone
This procedure enables you to kill or stun a selected radio. Revive is also available on some models. A stunned
radio can be revived by cycling power and entering a password; a killed radio must be re-cloned to be revived.

The following instructions assume that frequencies, tones, and squelch are set and the radios are in PMR mode
(found in the Menu bar under Model). Additionally, the Auto Reset Timer must be enabled (Memory CH) and a
value entered (Common -> Common). These instructions apply to all Icom radios with PMR capability.

TX radio

Memory Ch
Field Setting / Description
CH Mute Mute options depend on radio model:
Cont (not muted)
Or (not muted)
5Tone Signaling » Form Set to EIA
5Tone Signaling » STN Set to 1. Points to 1 line in the TX Code CH window: target
Radio’s 5 Tone code.

TX Code CH (under 5 Tone):

Field Setting / Description
Line 1 » Text Enter text for target radios, such as Kill or Stun Unit XXX
Lines 2, 3 etc. » Text Enter text for any additional target radios
Unused lines » Sel Set all unused lines to OFF so that you don’t have to scroll
through them when selecting a Code.

Key and Display (under Common)

Field Setting / Description
Key » P0-P3 Assign a key (right-click Conventional field to access
menu) for the following functions:

TX Code CH Select— Enters the Code Select mode so

that you can select a target radio from the TX Code
Channel list.

TX Code CH Up—Allows you to scroll through the target

radio list and select a radio. (As an alternative, you can
also use the Up/Down keys to scroll.)

Call—Sends the 5-tone signal and Kill/Stun command to the

target radio.

© June 2011 Icom America 11

To Kill a Radio
1. Press the assigned TX Code CH Select key. The first radio entered in the TX Code CH displays.
2. Press the assigned TX Code Up key to scroll and select a target radio other than the radio displayed in
step 1. On some models, you may also use the Up/Down keys on the radio.
3. Press the assigned Call key. This sends the target radio’s 5-tone code and Kill command.

RX Radio:

Memory Ch
Field Setting / Description
5Tone Signaling » Form Set to EIA
5Tone Signaling » RX C.No Set to 1. Points to 1 line in the RX Code CH window: the
RX Radio’s Kill or Stun ID

RX Code CH (under 5 Tone)

Field Setting / Description
Line 1 » RX Code RX radio Kill or Stun ID (from Memory Ch window)
Line 1 » Text Add text, such as “Killed”
Line 1 » Stun Select Kill or Stun from this menu

12 © June 2011 Icom America

Programming PTT ID with DTMF Tone ID in 5-Tone
This procedure enables you to send DTMF tones as PTT ID to be decoded by the target radios as 5-tone.

Note: Using DTMF in 5 tone format works the same as any other formats, but in many models, the radio will
require a UT108/R option board in the receiving radio. Check your model specifications for details.

The following instructions assume that frequencies, tones, and squelch are set and the radios are in PMR mode
(found in the Menu bar under Model). Additionally, the Auto Reset Timer must be enabled (Memory CH) and a
value entered (Common -> Common). These instructions apply to all Icom radios with PMR capability.

TX radio

Memory Ch
Field Setting / Description
CH Mute Mute options depend on radio model:
Cont (not muted)
Or (not muted)
Log-In/Off Set to L-IN or L-OFF. This sends the DTMF signal when
you press or release PTT.
5Tone Signaling » Form Set to DTMF.
5Tone Signaling » ID Set ID on line 28. This is TX radio’s ID code (this radio)

TX Code CH (under 5 Tone):

Field Setting / Description
Line 28 TX radio ID (this radio’s ID). This ID number will be a 5 digit
ID ALWAYS ending with the same number for all radios in
the system. For example: radio number 2378 will have
23787 entered. All radios in your system will end with the
“7”. When you TX, the radio sends the ID (2378 and a 7)
with every log in or off.

© June 2011 Icom America 13

To send PTT ID
Press PTT to send the tone. The TX PTT ID will flash continuously on the RX radio(s).

RX Radio:

Memory Ch
Field Setting / Description
5Tone Signaling » Form Set to DTMF
5Tone Signaling » RX C.No Set to 1. Points to 1 line in the RX Code CH window: the
TX Radio’s ID.

RX Code CH (under 5 Tone)

Field Setting / Description
Line 1 » RX Code Line 1= Enter in a “ ++++7” . The plus’s are place holders
which allows the RX radio to see any first 4 numbers TX’d
in 5-Tone mode. The “7” is the qualifier and tells the RX
radio to look at the 1 4 digits. All radios involved need the 7
at the end.

RX Code Setting (under 5 Tone)

Field Setting / Description
Compare Digit Sets which digits you want displayed on the RX radio
display. For example: In receiving ID 23787, if you want the
display too show the “378” part of the ID, enter in 234 (these
are the digit spaces you want displayed)

14 © June 2011 Icom America

Programming Select Call with DTMF in 5-Tone
This procedure enables you to call a particular radio (selective call) using DTMF tones. The receive radio will
decode the tones.

Note: the receiving radio must have the UT-108 DTMF decoder board installed.

The following instructions assume that frequencies, tones, and squelch are set and the radios are in PMR mode
(found in the Menu bar under Model). Additionally, the Auto Reset Timer must be enabled (Memory CH) and a
value entered (Common -> Common). These instructions apply to all Icom radios with PMR capability.

TX Radio:

Memory Ch
Field Setting / Description
CH Mute Mute options depend on radio model:
Cont (not muted) or SGL (muted until call is received)
Or (not muted) or AND (muted until call is received)
Switch Action » Call Set to Audible
5Tone Signaling » Form Set to DTMF
5Tone Signaling » STN Set to 1. Points to 1 line in the TX Code CH window: target
Radio’s 5 Tone code

TX Code CH (under 5 Tone):

Field Setting / Description
Line 1 Target radio ID
Line 2, 3… 5-tone for multiple target radios

Key and Display (under Common)

Field Setting / Description
Key » P0-P3 Assign a key (right-click Conventional field to access
menu) for the following functions:

TX Code CH Select— Enters the Code Select mode so

that you can select a target radio from the TX Code
Channel list.

TX Code CH Up—Allows you to scroll through the target

radio list and select a radio. (As an alternative, you can
also use the Up/Down keys to scroll.)

Call—Sends the 5-tone signal to the target radio.

© June 2011 Icom America 15

To Make a call
To call a specific radio (selective call):

1. Press the assigned TX Code CH Select key to enter the select mode.
2. Press the assigned TX Code Up key (or up/down keys) to scroll and select the target radio.
3. Press the assigned Call key. This sends the target radio’s 5-tone code.

RX Radio:

Memory Ch
Field Setting / Description
5Tone Signaling » Form Set to DTMF
5Tone Signaling » RX C.No Set to 1. Points to 1 line in the RX Code CH window: the
RX Radio’s ID.

RX Code CH (under 5 Tone)

Field Setting / Description
Line 1 » RX Code RX radio ID (from Memory Ch window).

16 © June 2011 Icom America

Programming Short Messages in 5-Tone
This procedure enables you to send tones that correspond to preprogrammed messages. The receive radio will
decode the tones and will display the messages associated with the tones.

Note: Depending on the radio model, your message will be limited to 8 or 12 characters.

The following instructions assume that frequencies, tones, and squelch are set and the radios are in PMR mode
(found in the Menu bar under Model). Additionally, the Auto Reset Timer must be enabled (Memory CH) and a
value entered (Common -> Common). These instructions apply to all Icom radios with PMR capability.

TX Radio:

Memory Ch
Field Setting / Description
Switch Action » Call Set to Audible.
5Tone Signaling » Form Set to EIA.
5Tone Signaling » STN Set to 1. Points to 1 line in the TX Code CH window: the
target Radio’s 5 Tone code.

TX Code CH (under 5 Tone):

Field Setting / Description
Line 1 Enter the target radio 5-tone ID in the TX Code field. Under
Text, enter the intended message.
Line 2, 3… Enter any additional target radio 5-tone IDs in the TX Code
field for all other messages. Under Text, enter each
intended message.

Key and Display (under Common)

Field Setting / Description
Key » P0-P3 Assign a key (right-click Conventional field to access menu)
for the following functions:

TX Code CH Select— Enters the Code Select mode so that

you can select a target radio message from the TX Code
Channel list.

TX Code CH Up—Allows you to scroll through the target

radio message list and select a message. (As an alternative,
you can also use the Up/Down keys to scroll.)

Call—Sends the 5-tone signal to the target radio.

© June 2011 Icom America 17

To Make a call
To call a specific radio (selective call):

1. Press the assigned TX Code CH Select key to enter the select mode.
2. Press the assigned TX Code Up key (or up/down keys) to scroll and select the target radio message.
3. Press the assigned Call key. This sends the target radio’s 5-tone code.

RX Radio:

Memory Ch
Field Setting / Description
5Tone Signaling » Form Set to EIA.
5Tone Signaling » RX C.No Set to 1. Points to 1 line in the RX Code CH window: the
RX Radio’s ID.

RX Code CH (under 5 Tone)

Field Setting / Description
Line 1 » RX Code RX radio ID (from Memory Ch window).
Line 2, 3… Enter any additional target radio 5-tone IDs in the RX Code
field for all other messages. Under Text, enter each intended

18 © June 2011 Icom America

Five-Tone Program Settings

This section defines all of the default 5-tone settings for your radio. In most cases, the default settings will work

5Tone RX Code CH Window

Field Description
RX Code Up to a 7 digit 5 tone code can be programmed. The radio will
try to match any received 5 tone code to the value in this field.

Text This value is displayed when a code matching the

corresponding RX Code field is received.

ID Dec When turned ON, this will display the matching received RX
Code instead of the value in the Text field.

Bell This field controls how the bell icon appears on the display when
a matching RX Code is received. Options are on, off, or blinking.

Emer Cancel If set to ON, a radio user can send an emergency cancel signal
to another radio that is in an emergency repeat state.

ABC (Answer Back Determines how a radio responds when it receives a signal from
Call) another radio. This can be used as a Call Alert.

Ringer Determines the type of ring pattern that is sounded once a

matching RX Code is received.

Auto TX When set to ON, the radio will automatically transmit when the
matching RX Code is received. The transmit time period is
controlled by the Auto Tx Timer in the Common Screen.

Aud Sets the mute condition when a matching RX Code is received.

Stun This setting will stun or kill a radio when the matching RX Code
is received.

Scan Starts or cancels Scan upon reception of matching RX code.

© June 2011 Icom America 19

5Tone RX Code Setting Window
Field Description
Link A(Sec) The amount of time the radio transmits an unmodulated signal
before transmitting the ABC (Answer Back Call) code.

ID Decode(Sec) This timer is used when the ID Dec field in the RX Code CH
screen is set to ON. It controls how long the radio waits to
decode the entire 5 tone ID code that was received.

Ringer Repeat(Sec) The interval between rings when a repeated ring is selected in
the Ringer field of the RX Code CH screen.

Compare Digit Controls how many digits the radio will compare when receiving
a 5 tone code. Digits left blank will be ignored by the radio.

5Tone TX Code CH Window

Field Description
TX Code The 5 tone code that will be transmitted by the radio.

Input Digit Selected digits of the 5 tone code can be modified by the radio
user via the keypad of the radio.

Text A text tag given to the 5 tone code that is displayed on the radio.

Update When set to ON, any 5 tone transmit code modified by the radio
user will be saved in the modified state.

Dec The decoded answer back code is indicated when the specified
TX code is used as a station code.

Aud When this field is set to ON, the radio releases the 5 tone mute
after an answer back code is received.

Sel Determines if the TX Code is selectable from the front panel by

the radio user.

20 © June 2011 Icom America

5Tone TX Code Setting Window
Field Description
Long Tone(Sec) Sets the time period for the 1st digit code emission length when
the long tone function is specified in 5Tone Signaling-L for a
repeater, station or ID code in Zone screen.

Link R(Sec) Amount of time between when the radio begins transmitting and
the first ID code digit is sent out.

Link 1(Sec) Amount of time between each digit of the 5 tone code

Link 2(Sec) Amount of time between each digit of the 5 tone code.

Lead out Delay(Sec) Amount of time between the transmission of the last 5 tone digit
and the end of transmission.

ABC Decode(Sec) The amount of time the radio waits to decode before it transmits
an answer back call code.

Displayed Digit Determines the number of digits of the 5 tone ID that are shown
on the radio display.

PTT Call at Inaudible When set to ON, the PTT button becomes active regardless of
the mute state.

Group The decoder accepts this code regardless of the code

programmed into the radio.

Repeat Used when the same codes are repeated. (e.g. 11111 ->

Link2 Emits this code instead of no modulation between the station

and ID codes.

© June 2011 Icom America 21

Format Window
Field Description
Tone Period(Sec) Controls the length of each individual tone sent by the radio.
Can be set from 0 to 0.255 seconds.

Notone Timer(Sec) This is the maximum amount of time in between the

transmission of each tone.

Tone Length(Sec) The maximum amount of time the radio will wait to decode each
tone on an incoming 5 tone signal.

User Tone Window

Field Description
Encode (Hz) Allows the user to define the frequencies for a custom 5 tone

Decode Low (Hz) Sets the low end of the decodable frequency range for the
frequency defined in the Encode field.

Decode High (Hz) Set the high end of the decodable frequency range for the
frequency defined in the Encode field.

22 © June 2011 Icom America

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