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September Cookies for Character

The Learner Profile is: COMMUNICATOR

The Attitudes are: Respect, Cooperation, tolerance and empathy
*Communicators must have empathy, respect and tolerance for others in order
to work cooperatively. They understand and express ideas and information
using a variety of communication modes.


1. Introduce traits:
 KWL, OTQ, Books, Videos, Class discussions, students identify people
who are/ were great communicators: MLK, Abraham Lincoln, Create
wordle, pictures
2. Incorporate terminology into your DAILY plans.
3. Recognize students as they exhibit the traits! Praise! (Interactive
4. Choose a student who fits the definition!
5. Student must be able to communicate the reason he/ she was chosen.
6. Select student on or before September 18th.
7. The first Cookies for Character Celebration will be held on Sept. 27th
at 1:30pm in the Cafeteria!


Visit the Media Center to find books that are labeled with learner profiles and
attitudes as well as transdisciplinary themes.

videos: (Different modes of communication)

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