Writing Task 1

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The charts A and B show the share of the UK and Australian cinema market in 2001 and cinema

admission in the UK and Australia from 1976 to 2006.

Write a report for a university lecturer describing the information shown below.

Chart A: Films screened in the UK and Australia, 2001.

Chart B: UK and Australian cinema admission, 1976 to 2006.

The two charts present information about the films screened in United Kingdom and Australia in 2001.It
also shows the cinema admission of the people in Australia and United Kingdom from 1976 to 2006.

Overall, US films is the most popular movie films that are screened in Australia and United Kingdom in
2001. Meanwhile, people in the UK have the highest admission in cinemas throughout the period.

In detail, US films have the highest percentage of share in the movies screened in UK and Australia in
2001 with a figure of 65% and 75% respectively. It is also can be seen in the chart that Australian and
British have a different choice in other films such as UK films and other movies in a way that UK films
were preferred more by the British people and the other films were most commonly watched by the
Australian. In contrast, almost only one out of ten of Australian films were showed in Australia which is
the lowest percentage among the films screened.

On the other hand, the number of people in the United Kingdom has a slight fluctuation in the
admissions in movie theatres with approximately. 100 million people come to the cinemas in 1976. The
figure continued to decrease until 1985 before it rise gradually until 2005 ending with almost 159 million
which is higher than the figure in the beginning of the period. Meanwhile, the number of admission in
Australia had a slight variations before it gradually increase with about 30 million in 1976 and reach
almost 60 million in the end of the period which is twice higher than the figure in 1976.

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