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Submit a Manuscript: World J Radiol 2017 January 28; 9(1): 5-9
Help Desk: ISSN 1949-8470 (online)
DOI: 10.4329/wjr.v9.i1.5 © 2017 Baishideng Publishing Group Inc. All rights reserved.


Functional magnetic resonance imaging and the brain: A

brief review

Maggie SM Chow, Sharon L Wu, Sarah E Webb, Katie Gluskin, DT Yew

Maggie SM Chow, Sharon L Wu, DT Yew, School of Biomedical ployed in many behavior analysis studies, with blood
Science, School of Chinese Medicine, Chinese University of Hong oxygen level dependent- (BOLD-) contrast imaging being
Kong, Hong Kong, China the main method used to generate images. The use of
BOLD-contrast imaging in fMRI has been refined over
Sarah E Webb, Division of Life Science, the Hong Kong the years, for example, the inclusion of a spin echo pulse
University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong, China
and increased magnetic strength were shown to produce
better recorded images. Taking careful precautions to
Katie Gluskin, Department of Neuroscience, St. Mary’s College
of Maryland, St Marys City, MD 20686, United States control variables during measurement, comparisons
between different specimen groups can be illustrated
Author contributions: Chow MSM, Wu SL, Webb SE and Gluskin by fMRI imaging using both quantitative and qualitative
K wrote the paper; Yew DT directed the research. methods. Differences have been observed in comparisons
of active and resting, developing and aging, and defective
Conflict-of-interest statement: Authors declare no conflict of and damaged brains in various studies. However, cognitive
interest for this article. studies using fMRI still face a number of challenges in
interpretation that can only be overcome by imaging
Open-Access: This article is an open-access article which was large numbers of samples. Furthermore, fMRI studies of
selected by an in-house editor and fully peer-reviewed by external brain cancer, lesions and other brain pathologies of both
reviewers. It is distributed in accordance with the Creative humans and animals are still to be explored.
Commons Attribution Non Commercial (CC BY-NC 4.0) license,
which permits others to distribute, remix, adapt, build upon this
work non-commercially, and license their derivative works on
Key words: Functional magnetic resonance image; Blood
different terms, provided the original work is properly cited and oxygen level dependent imaging; Humans; Pig and rodent
the use is non-commercial. See: models; Aging; Drug effects; Brain lesions and disease
© The Author(s) 2017. Published by Baishideng Publishing
Manuscript source: Invited manuscript Group Inc. All rights reserved.

Correspondence to: Dr. Maggie SM Chow, School of Biomedical Core tip: We summarize the use of blood oxygen level
Science, School of Chinese Medicine, Chinese University of Hong dependent-contrast imaging in functional magnetic reso­
Kong, Hong Kong, China. nance imaging (fMRI) by introducing and comparing the
Telephone: +852-39434140
various experimental and analysis methods used, as well
as describing the results obtained, and the challenges that
Received: June 16, 2016
Peer-review started: June 24, 2016 might occur in order to derive a hypothesis for further
First decision: August 16, 2016 studies and exploration. In addition, an overview of fMRI
Revised: September 6, 2016 following sensory stimulation in different specimen groups
Accepted: October 22, 2016 in both humans and animals is provided.
Article in press: October 24, 2016
Published online: January 28, 2017
Chow MSM, Wu SL, Webb SE, Gluskin K, Yew DT. Functional
magnetic resonance imaging and the brain: A brief review. World
J Radiol 2017; 9(1): 5-9 Available from: URL: http://www.wjgnet.
Abstract com/1949-8470/full/v9/i1/5.htm DOI:
Functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) is em­

WJR|  January 28, 2017|Volume 9|Issue 1|

Chow MSM et al . fMRI study methods, significance and challenges

commonly used four-color scale, red indicates the highest

INTRODUCTION level of oxygen uptake, yellow is an intermediate level
There have recently been a significant number of be­ of uptake, green indicates the normal level of oxygen,
havior response analysis studies that have made use and blue indicates oxygen levels that are lower than
of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), and in particular normal (i.e., down-regulation; Figure 1). Utilizing this
functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI). The type of color scale, the researcher can easily compare
majority of these studies make use of blood oxygen the volumes of the variously-colored regions either in a
level-dependent- (BOLD-) contrast imaging, which specific part of the brain or globally in the whole brain.
involves mapping particular regions of a functioning Indeed, some well-funded research laboratories can afford
brain, from the changes in blood oxygen. to purchase software specifically designed to calculate
BOLD-contrast imaging fMRI has a good enough the morphometry for this purpose. Another method used
spatial resolution for the localization of activated brain for quantitating fMRI images, which is perhaps more
areas and their delineation from neighbouring regions applicable to the smaller, less affluent groups involves
to be visualised. The voxel representing the area of manually counting squares on a simple grid. This is placed
activation is usually defined as covering a few million on successive slices of the fMRI image, after which volume
neurons . In addition, the BOLD response lags 1 to 2 data can be calculated. Though tedious, this method can
s behind the stimulus in order for the vascular system yield results that are as accurate as those generated from
to respond, and in general it peaks at 5 s after the expensive software packages.
stimulus. A continuation of the same stimulus would In addition to quantitative analysis, qualitative eva­
downregulate the BOLD response . A refractory luation is also important, for instance to determine the
period of just a few seconds is frequently inadequate specific regions of the brain that are activated during
for BOLD imaging after activation to fade (see below), a particular type of movement. Some of the areas
depending on whether the mode of activation is motor, that are activated might be nonspecific, in which case
sensory or emotional. the investigator has to carefully consider each site of
To eliminate noise in the recording, the stimulus activation to determine if any logical deduction might be
must be repeated several times. This process often obtained. In this respect, at least six individuals, when
takes a few minutes to complete, and the results available, should be used for every experiment in each
can then be compared across different individuals or group in order to obtain the n-numbers required to
animals . With regards to the latter, rodents, pigs compare the data statistically. Indeed, in some of our
and monkeys have all been employed in behavior previous studies, we aimed to recruit at least a dozen
response analysis studies with BOLD-contrast imaging individuals per group. While this was not difficult to
fMRI . This technique and thus the quality of images achieve with studies using animals, it was sometimes
generated, has been improved by using both a spin difficult to solicit this number of human volunteers or
echo pulse and increasing the magnetic strength . patients. In addition, we found that fMRI studies are
One region of the brain that is popular for fMRI particularly hard to evaluate when the experiments
mapping due to it being relatively easy to generate a involve cognitive changes that might be affected by
stimulus, is the sensory part of the brain, including the emotions. The results of psychometrical tests were
lateral geniculate bodies and the cortex . Over the variable in different individuals, especially in those with
last ten years, our group has employed a number of neurosis.
different inputs of both sensory and motor activations fMRI recordings require the subject (whether human
for fMRI mapping, with some success. These include or animal), to perform a particular action in order to
chewing, the opposition of the thumb (in humans) trigger a dynamic uptake of oxygen into the brain. This
and passively flexing the elbow (in animals). These is because fMRI recordings are based on the subsequent
different types of activation trigger both the motor increase in oxygen demand from the brain tissue upon
and the sensory systems, such as proprioception and the execution of a certain stimulus, whether it is motor,
movement . However, only a limited number of sensory or emotional. One memorable case involved
clinical studies on head injuries, Alzheimer’s disease and human subjects being asked to repeat a set words in
drug use have been documented using this method so the correct sequence, which elicited a notable increase
far . of blood oxygen levels in the inferior frontal area (BA44)
of the brain . In this study, an uptake of oxygen was
normally elicited after repeated and continuous stimulus,
QUANTIFYING FMRI RESULTS and the acquisition of the BOLD-contrast image was
In the course of performing fMRI and comparing different usually completed within several seconds after the
specimen groups, it is often necessary to illustrate stimulation ended (in this case after 6 to 18 s). The
comparisons with quantitation. This can be achieved acquisition of subsequent BOLD-contrast images took
via a number of methods. For example, the different > 1 s per slice, e.g., 1.6 s . The images acquired were
levels of oxygen usage are frequently illustrated with then superimposed on the neuroanatomical image of the
a pseudocolor scale in the images acquired. In the corresponding slices, which facilitated the localization of

WJR|  January 28, 2017|Volume 9|Issue 1|

Chow MSM et al . fMRI study methods, significance and challenges

Figure 1 Functional magnetic resonance imaging image

A B of different states. A: fMRI of a short term heroin addict at
rest performing no activity and thus have no bodily stimulation.
Note some areas still have high BOLD activity (red); B: fMRI of
a short term heroin addict when performing motor and sensory
activities. Note BOLD image in different regions showing high
upregulation of BOLD (red), medium BOLD activity (yellow).
While blue indicates downregulation of BOLD activities; C: fMRI
of the same individual in (B) at rest after stimulation. There were
still some high activity spots of BOLD after stimulation and at rest
(red); D: fMRI of a long term (over 7 years) addict of heroin at
rest. Many downregulated BOLD spots in the brain (blue). fMRI:
Functional magnetic resonance imaging; BOLD: Blood oxygen
level dependent.


the sites of recording . the individual shown in Figure 1, varying levels of activity
were registered in the motor, sensory and visual areas
of the brain, as well as in the midline of the cortex. Upon
FMRI HUMAN CASES AND stimulation (achieved by thumb and finger opposition),
DOWNREGULATION clear and intensive reactions became apparent in the
BOLD-contrast images, but these were limited to the
In previous studies, we engaged human volunteers in
motor and sensory areas alone (Figure 1B). Figure 1C
active movements such as the opposition of the finger
depicts the corresponding fMRI image from the same
and thumb, flexion of the arm or mastication (e.g., by
chewing gum)
. In animals, such as pigs, rodents and individual following two minutes of stimulation and then
monkeys, however, it is often difficult to capture fMRI one-minute of rest. It is still possible to recognise some
images while they are freely and actively moving. Thus, residual increased brain activity in the post stimulation
passive movements tend to be performed instead. These resting state. These figures demonstrate the importance
include flexion and extension of the limbs and visual of the timing used for the evaluation and comparison
stimulation, as well as treatment with drugs. of data, as well as the use of the same individual for
In order to determine the effect of a specific be­ collecting corresponding sections in each series.
haviour on the amount of oxygen uptake in particular Another comparison method involves depicting of
regions of the brain using fMRI, images acquired during all the active sites of BOLD-contrast fMRI images in the
movement and at rest must be compared. Indeed, whole brain both at rest and during stimulation. Both
valid data can be acquired by subtracting the results of these different methods of comparison are useful in
recorded at rest from those recorded during movement. their own way, with the comparison of corresponding
Thus, subjects must be imaged as they perform a slices providing a quantitation of comparison on specific
certain type of movement and then again when they sites, whereas the whole brain images provide a global
are at rest. It would also be interesting to compare picture of all the active sites.
data from fMRI images acquired at different durations In addition to recording the uptake of blood oxygen
of rest after movement, as this might provide useful levels into the brain, the downregulation of blood oxygen
information regarding changes in the brain that occur has also recently been imaged by fMRI, in order to
during recovery after movement. evaluate subjects with brain damage or brain defects.
A typical example of a standard fMRI recording is Figure 1D is an fMRI slice of the brain of long-term
depicted in Figure 1. Figure 1A indicates a recording that heroin addict. The large numbers of blue spots indicate
was acquired when the test subject was at rest. When regions of the brain where the blood oxygen levels are
we conducted this experiment, we were interested to find lower than normal (as described above, green indicates
that in a number of individuals, some sporadic activity normal levels of oxygen). In the drug addict’s brain, the
occurred in the cortex even at rest. In the recording of blood oxygen was low (i.e., downregulated) in the grey

WJR|  January 28, 2017|Volume 9|Issue 1|

Chow MSM et al . fMRI study methods, significance and challenges

matter, and also in the fibers, especially those in the movements are easier to control although the results
corpus callosum (Figure 1D). These data confirm those obtained are more difficult to interpret. Therefore, in
acquired from ordinary MRI of addicts on abusive drugs, one a series of experiments we conducted, we used
which also demonstrated degenerative sites , especially sensory stimulation in order to evaluate the aging hy­
degenerative fibers or grey matter in the cortex, or in pothesis by applying a weight to the tail of rodents of
groups of nuclei in the cerebellum. different ages . The results obtained with the rodents
complimented those of the human studies in that the
sensory stimulus triggered increased blood oxygen
THE USE OF FMRI TO STUDY BRAIN levels in larger areas of the brains of the older animals
DEVELOPMENT AND DISEASE than in the young groups. It is therefore tempting to
conclude that larger areas of the brain are recruited in
fMRI recordings are useful for evaluating the changes
the aging groups than in the young groups, to conduct
in the overall activity of specific brain regions, not only
the same functional activity. Perhaps this is due to
in adults, but also in developing and aging animals.
brains being less efficient overall on aging. On the other
For example, in one study, fMRI was conducted in the
hand, it is also possible that on aging it is normal for
neonatal pig. At this stage of development the brain is
additional areas of the brain to be used to engage in
relatively immature, and it was shown that stimulation
activities. This would therefore illustrate the plasticity of
of either sensory or motor activities in the body elicited
[7] the brain during aging rather than simply a reduction in
a wide global and non-discrete response in the brain .
the efficiency over time.
Several months later, stimulation of the same activities
only produced induced BOLD responses in discrete
and related areas of the brain. This example clearly CHALLENGES AND FUTURE DIRECTIONS
shows that nonselective responses were elicited in
the immature brain, whereas in the maturing or fully FOR FMRI STUDIES
mature brain, the particular neuronal groups that fired Cognitive studies using fMRI are extremely important,
were specific to the related functioning areas. The but the results can be a challenge to interpret. The
same type of global nonspecific firing observed in the main difficulties lie in the psychometric nature of the
fMRI of the immature brain can also be observed in individual to be recorded. For instance, some individuals
some brain diseases such as schizophrenia and bipolar are very anxious and when they are asked unrelated
disorders. Follow-up cytochemical and histological questions, this elicits responses in areas of the brain
studies con­ducted with the pig concluded that during the that are not normally engaged. Interpretation of data
develop­ment and maturation of the brain, superfluous therefore depends on being able to collect a large
pathways were pruned significantly, and the number enough number of samples to be able to exclude false
of inhibitory contacts that refine the specificity of each positive results. fMRI imaging has largely been con­
pathway of the brain increased. This study and others, ducted with humans (including normal individuals,
demonstrated the usefulness of utilizing BOLD and fMRI patients, addicts, and aged individuals), as well as in
for understanding psychiatric and neurological diseases, animal models of addiction and aging
. In the case
and they facilitated the collection of pathological of patients with various diseases, the way forward for
specimens along the way at the same time. The use of fMRI and its potential are largely still under-explored.
fMRI imaging in conjunction with cytochemistry and/or However, it might be very insightful to find out how
classical pathohistological techniques has the potential areas of the brain areas react in patients with brain
to become a very powerful tool to help with the analysis cancer, for example. It would also be interesting to
of neurological diseases and mental disorders. explore any changes that might occur in focal path­
In addition to imaging the developing brain, fMRI ological areas and in normal areas surrounding the
can be applied to the aging brain. In a study employing pathology; as well as what changes take place in the
humans of different ages (i.e., young, middle-aged brain as the disease progresses. These are just a few
and old), BOLD-contrast imaging of fMRI was recorded of the studies that might be conducted using BOLD-
in each group as they performed the same motor
contrast fMRI.
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P- Reviewer: Gao BL, Pan HC, Takahashi H S- Editor: Kong JX

L- Editor: A E- Editor: Lu YJ

WJR|  January 28, 2017|Volume 9|Issue 1|

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