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1) A solenoid of 2000 turns, area 4 cm2, and length 30 cm carries a current of 4.0 A.

(a) Calculate the magnetic

energy stored in the solenoid from ½ LI2 (b) Divide your answer in part (a) by the volume of the solenoid to find
the magnetic energy per unit volume in the solenoid. (c) Find B in the solenoid. (d) Compute the magnetic
energy density from um= B2/20 and compare your answer with your result for part (b).

2) Given the circuit shown in the figure, assume that switch S has been
closed for a long time so that steady currents exist in the circuit and
that the inductor L is made of superconducting wire so that its
resistance may be considered to be zero. (a) Find the battery current,
the current in the 100-Ω resistor, and the current through the
inductor. (b) Find the initial voltage across the inductor when switch S
is opened. (c) Give the current in the inductor as a function of time
measured from the instant of opening switch S.

3) Show that the effective inductance for two inductors L1 and L2 connected in parallel such that none of the flux
from either passes through the other is given by

1/L= 1/L1+ 1/L2

4) For the circuit of the figure, (a) find the rate of change of the current in each inductor and in the resistor just
after the switch is closed. (b) What is the final current? (Use the result from
problem 3)

5) A large electromagnet has an inductance of 50 H and a resistance of 8.0 Ω. It is connected to a dc power

source of 250 V. Find the time for the current to reach (a) 10 A and (b) 30 A.

6 ) A coil of resistance 8.0 Ω and self-inductance 4.0 H is suddenly connected across a constant potential
difference of 100 V. Let t = 0 be the time of connection, at which the current is zero. Find the current I and its
rate of change dI/dt at times (a) t = 0, (b) t = 0.1 s, (c) t = 0.5 s, and (d) t = 1.0 s.

7) The current in an RL circuit is zero at time t = 0 and increases to half its final value in 4.0 s. (a) What is the time
constant of this circuit? (b) If the total resistance is 5 Ω, what is the self-inductance?

8) Given the circuit shown in the figure, assume that switch S has been closed for a long time so that steady
currents exist in the circuit and that the inductor L is made of superconducting wire so that its resistance may be
considered to be zero. (a) Find the battery current, the current in the 100-Ω resistor, and the current through
the inductor. (b) Find the initial voltage across the inductor when switch S is opened. (c) Give the current in the
inductor as a function of time measured from the instant of opening switch S.
9) The generator voltage in the figure is given by V(t) = 100 cos (2ft) cos (2πft). (a) For each branch, what is the
amplitude of the current and what is its phase relative to the applied voltage? (b) What is the angular frequency
ω such that the current in the generator vanishes? (c) At this resonance, what is the current in the inductor?
What is the current in the capacitor?

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