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LPHS /STD IX /2019-2020/ 002

Subject: English Language Term – I

Revision Worksheet – Tenses and Prepositions

1. Fill in the blanks with an appropriate word

1. We came ______ many foreigners in the city.

2. The note was written _______ pencil.
3. He is bent ________ making a mischief.
4. My sister was confined _______ bed for three weeks.
5. I shall dispose ________ the old car soon.
6. Do not comment _________my attitude.
7. I disapprove _______ what they say.
8. I can tell you what this chocolate was wrapped _______.
9. This work of art is devoid ___________ merit.
10. The chairman will preside _________ the meeting tomorrow.

2. In the following passage fill in each of the numbered blanks with the correct form of
the word given in brackets

Driver Percy Caroll __(1)__ (take) the Mumbai mail towards the outer signal in
Chakradharpur in Jharkhand when a diesel goods train rammed into another stationary
goods train and sent its wagons __(2)__ (fly) onto the rack of the __(3)__ (speed) Mail.
The mail had its ‘All clear’ signal. Suddenly the driver sighted the __(4)__ (obstruct)
track, pulled the brakes and hung on while __(5)__ call to his fireman, ‘Jump for your
lives; I __(6)__ (save) the train.’ A moment later the crash occurred. He had saved
the lives of hundreds, but himself __ (7) __ (lie) pinned beneath his own engine. For
three days at the hospital, Caroll put up a courageous fight for life, yet even to the end
he was unselfish in his dying thoughts and ___(8)___ (enquire) about the passengers.
When assured that no one had been killed, he expressed his satisfaction, and had a
peaceful death.

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