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solid scientific
scientific questions
1. be important.
-Is it worth your time?
2. be clear, simple, understandable question that ends with a
question mark.

3. not be based on opinions or values / beliefs.

4. be a question you can make a prediction from.

scientific questions
5. testable & doable.
- Can you answer it with a scientific investigation?

6. safe / ethical to investigate.

7. interesting. (sparks your attention)

Other considerations:
Are the supplies available/accessible?
Examples: Non-examples:

*What is the effect of fertilizer *Is cigarette smoke cool?

on the growth of grass?
*How does the sun heat
*Does the sun heat cement objects?
and grass at the same rate?
Testable Question Formats

Here are some possible sentence starters to create a testable question.

independent dependent
Does changing ________ affect ________?
variable variable

independent dependent
How does changing _____ affect ______ ?
variable variable

independent dependent
If I change ______ will it affect _______ ?
variable variable

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