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Q. The stator of three phase, 6 pole induction motor has 36 slots.

It consists of double layer

sinusoidally distributed winding. The coil pitch is shorted by one slot. The phase sequence is
a. Find the value of Pole Pitch and Slot Angle
b. Develop winding table for phase A.
c. Draw winding diagram for phase A only.
zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. N
o. of phase = 3
No. of poles, P = 6
No. of slots, S = 36
Pole pitch = S/P
=​ 36/6
Slot Angle = 180°/slots per pole
​= 180°/6
= 30°
Since, the phase sequence is ABC therefore, the phase spread will be 120°.
The coil pitch is short by one slot therefore this is a short pitch winding and
Coil Pitch = Pole Pitch – 1
Coil Pitch = 6-1
Phase belt = 120°/Slot angle
= 120°/30°
b. Winding table for phase A

​+C.S. ​+C.S. ​+C.S. ​+C.S.

START 1 6’(=1+5) 2 7’(=2+5) 3 8’(=3+5) 4 9’(=4+5) COIL GROUP 1

+2P.P 13 18’(=13+5) 14 19’(=14+5) 15 20’(=15+5) 16 21’(=16+5) COIL GROUP 2

+2P.P 25 30’(=25+5) 26 31’(=26+5) 27 32’(=27+5) 28 33’(=28+5) COIL GROUP 3

b. Winding diagram for Phase A

Question 2) Paper MO-2017

hat are the advantages of distributed winding?
alculate the number of stator conductor per slot for 3 phase,50 HZ alternator if the winding is
star connected and has to give a line voltage of 13Kv when the machine is an open circuited. The
flux/pole is 0.15Wb .Assume full pitched coils and the stator to have 3 slot/pole/phase. The
speed is 300 rpm.
xplain how a rotating magnetic field can be produced from a 3-phase supply in a 3-phase
induction motor.
he advantages of distributed winding are as follow-
● In distributed winding the emf produced is more uniform(sinusoidal) and the
harmonics produced is less.
● In distributed winding their is maximum utilization of the armature which is
more cost saving.
● it make the structure more rigid and mechanically strong
so,Vph=13/√3=7.50Kv and f=50Hz
Kc=1 and n=3*3=9 ,β=180/9=20
Slot per pole per phase is given=3
We know that slot/pole/phase=3
So pole=120*50/300=20
Therefore no of slot will be 180
Stator conductore be X then T=90X
X=2.69=3 answer

n the 3 phase induction motor when the supply is provided in the primary
winding from the external source(Dc supply).The winding of field produces
magnetic field due to presence of current. This field is such that its poles do no
remain in a fixed position on the stator but go on shifting their positions around
the stator. For this reason, it is called a rotating field. The three phase windings
are displaced from each other by 120°. The windings are supplied by a balanced
three phase ac supply.The winding are either star connected or delta connected
so the phase difference between them would be of 120 degree. If the phase
sequence of the windings is R-Y-B, then mathematical equations for the
instantaneous values of the three fluxes ΦR=Bsin(ωt) , ΦY=Bsin(ωt-120)
AT instant ωt=0
ΦR=0 and ΦY=Bsin(-120) and ΦB=Bsin(120)
The resultant would be Φnet=ΦR+ΦB+ΦY=0+Bsin120+Bsin(-120)
Similary, at instant ωt=120​ and -120 instant
the net feild will rotate.

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