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Pakistan hotel bombing kills at least 60 by Masroor Gilani http://www.iraq-war.


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Login Pakistan hotel bombing kills at least 60 by Masroor Gilani

By: AFP on: 21.09.2008 [00:45 ] (1482 reads)
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Pakistan hotel bombing kills at least 60 by Masroor Gilani

1 hour, 51 minutes ago

Remember me
register ISLAMABAD (AFP) - A suicide bomber detonated a truck packed with explosives at
the Marriott Hotel in Islamabad on Saturday, killing at least 60 people in a brazen
attack in the heart of the Pakistan capital.
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Home Page Around 200 people were wounded, some critically, and there were fears more
«Mirror of the World» dead would be found in the fiery wreckage of the hotel, a popular gathering place
for politicians, foreigners and the Pakistan elite.
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Contacts Officials said they were worried the building, engulfed in flame after the blast
Iraq-War board rules ruptured a gas pipeline, would collapse. A security official said many people leapt
to their deaths from upper floors rather than be burnt alive.
The bombing came shortly after new President Asif Ali Zardari, who faces a
Iraq News struggle to rein in Al-Qaeda and Taliban militants, delivered his inaugural address
Around the World to parliament only a few hundred metres away.
Historical analysis &
It was one of the deadliest attacks in an increasingly bloody campaign by
facts militants in Pakistan, a vital ally in the US-led "war on terror," and presented
Current analysis Zardari with a major challenge just days after he took office.
"Terrorism is a cancer in Pakistan, we are determined, God willing, we will rid the
Hot News
country of this cancer," Zardari said in a televised address to the nation. "We will
Rankings not be deterred by these cowards," he said.

Forums "Pakistanis are brave and fearless people. They are not afraid of death."

The attack appeared to be timed to cause the maximum number of casualties,

RSS feeds coming as the hotel was thronged with families holding their evening meal to
RSS feed for articles break the daily Ramadan fast.
and news
Eyewitness Mohammad Jamil said the truck exploded just outside the heavily-
Weather secured hotel's gates. He said the force of the blast sent the truck flying into the
air, and knocked him over onto the street.

"For a few seconds I was in shock and did not know what had happened. Then I
remembered the deafening noise," Jalil said.

The blast, so powerful it was heard for miles, blew an enormous crater in the
ground and destroyed the outside wall of the compound. Buildings several
kilometres away had windows blown out from the impact.
< Sep > < 2008 > Before officials pushed back the media over fears the devastated structure would
S M T W T F S collapse, an AFP photographer saw mutilated bodies amid the carnage.
1 2 3 4 5 6
7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Another witness, Dirome Anthony, told the BBC that there was a moment of quiet
14 15 16 17 18 19 20 after the blast before debris started falling from the sky. He said a human hand
21 22 23 24 25 26 27 landed near his car.
28 29 30
The government ordered in the army to try to clear away the debris. But senior
police officer Saqib Sultan said rescuers were unable to search for victims deep
inside the building which was still burning early Sunday.

1 of 14 9/23/2008 9:16 AM
Pakistan hotel bombing kills at least 60 by Masroor Gilani

"The death toll is 60 and it may go up," said a senior security official who declined
to be named.

Hospital officials said a US national was among the dead. The security official said
women, children and an unknown number of foreigners had died.

The government had received word two days ago of a possible attack near the
parliamentary offices, interior ministry official Rehman Malik said.

IntelCenter, a US organisation that tracks militants, said an Al-Qaeda leader who

claimed responsibility for a previous bombing in Pakistan threatened new attacks
in a video this month to mark the anniversary of September 11.

The Marriott was attacked previously in 2004 and 2007. But while nearly 1,300
people have been killed this year alone in a wave of militant violence across
Pakistan, attacks in Islamabad have been relatively rare.

But as Al-Qaeda and Taliban militants have tried to establish a safe-haven in the
tribal areas, attacks have spread to the capital more often.

US President George W. Bush condemned the attack, which he said "is a reminder
of the ongoing threat faced by Pakistan, the United States, and all those who
stand against violent extremism."

In Britain, Foreign Secretary David Miliband said the "disgraceful" bombing had
strengthened the resolve to fight militancy.

Although a close anti-terror US ally since 9/11, critics have repeatedly insisted
that elements of Pakistan's powerful intelligence service give clandestine backing
to Islamist militants.

Zardari will meet US President George W. Bush in the United States next week for
the first time since he took the oath of office on September 9.

The Bush administration has accused Taliban Islamic militants and Al-Qaeda
followers of using the unruly border areas as bases from which to direct a growing
deadly insurgency in neighbouring Afghanistan.

Meanwhile strains have emerged between Islamabad and Washington over

strikes by US forces on Pakistani tribal areas, carried out by US forces operating
in Afghanistan.



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And so it begins
by capncrunch1stOhm on 21.09.2008 [02:37 ]

escalating Bombing campaign for world attention

capture and detention of leader to be used as a Zarquawi propaganda tool

Yes, the Zionists have struck again

by qvh on 21.09.2008 [03:43 ]
This is a Zionist attack, a false flag terrorist action, a signature instrument of warfare of the

Have a look at the crater; it is enormous: 40 meters deep.

h ttp://

A closeup of the crater:

2 of 14 9/23/2008 9:16 AM
Pakistan hotel bombing kills at least 60 by Masroor Gilani

h ttp://

Only a small nuke, one that is less than 1kton (a mininuke), even smaller perhaps, 0.1kton
(a micronuke) could have done this.

Otherwise, they would have had to have found a pretty large truck, one that holds 100 tons
or more of explosives to have done this. Unlikely.

Those people in the picture are unaware they are walking unprotected in a radioactive zone.
The radiation is not massive as this is a thermonuclear bomb, not a pure fission bomb, but
the effects will show up in time later with a mysterious epidemic of deaths.

Little do these people know that the Israelis have struck before in a similar fashion, most
notably in Indonesia, in the Bali bombing (the first one; the second one was done to destroy
evidence), and elsewhere eg. Lebanon. Joe Vialls has covered this topic well.

And of course, CIA military officers were the target. The Zionists are simply setting up the
Americans against the Pakistanis.

The Americans will be used like this, as false flag targets, until they are of no use to the
Zionists anymore.

This is how the Afghani Taliban were set up.

It looks like Pakistan is the new Afghanistan.

Look for more false flags with Pakistanis as patsies.

by Sandy on 21.09.2008 [06:44 ]
Thi sstory does not yet make sense as reported.

If th etruck "exploded "(is the eye witness reliable who said "though the air" as that is
important forensically) OUTSIDE the gates and somehow ignited a gas pipeline (how deep do
they run??) which from OUTSIDE the gate caused the burning of the Marriot.................

What pipeline? How deep? What kind of gas? How between the truck edetonation and the
Pipe allegedly? what was the surface of the ground immediately after the "Truck" detonation?
Why the large crater when this is not ballisticially consistent with a truck bomb?


The Marriott Hotel

by qvh on 21.09.2008 [07:01 ]
caught fire from the intense heat given off by the fireball that is formed in a nuclear
explosion. The thermal energy is great enough to make distant objects catch fire. You will
find that among the wounded there will be many with flashburns, characteristic of nuclear
detonations. Victims with inexpiicably severe flashburns were numerous in the Bali bombing.
I would predict that there were also reports of people being vaporized; one second they were
there, the next minute they weren't, not that the mainstream media would report on the
strange aspects of this bombing.

And the size of the crater also points to some large-sized detonation. A truck carrying
100-1000 tons of conventional explosives would have been noticed, and where would al
Qaeda get hold of this stuff?

Small bombings aren't good enough for the Zionists in their false flags. They have to make
the bombing spectacular enough causing as many deaths as possible to catch the attention
of the Americans and incite their rage and fear of the Pakistanis or whoever the Zionists want
blamed. Logistically this would be hard to accomplish with conventional explosives. Hence
there use of micro/mini-nukes.

Have a look at this image

by qvh on 21.09.2008 [07:09 ]
h ttp://

This looks like the scene outside the WTC with the burned out cars.

h ttp://
The burned cars were far from the WTC, they were in another block from the WTC.

Why do they look the same?

3 of 14 9/23/2008 9:16 AM
Pakistan hotel bombing kills at least 60 by Masroor Gilani

Because they were blown up the same way, and by the same people, the Mossad.

QVH you a shill? We moved past 911. 911 is open cold case
by capncrunch1stOhm on 21.09.2008 [08:08 ]
idiot recently put out a book and the msm caught the story of how everyone would be
amazed at the effecient killing tactics that got Iraq to where its at today
obviously an assessment made after the fact and full of flawed reasoning and objective
rationalizations of the strategies employed in Iraq only focusing on the positives while
dissmissing the negatives.

They would actualy be amazed by those of us that assessed the whole thing as it happened.
From the Iraqi clab brigades created through the Iraqi interior ministry, Zarquawi
propaganda, false flag bombings to get the population to seek security to the creation of the

Czech envoy killed in Islamabad hotel blast

by Zoraida on 21.09.2008 [09:52 ]
Pakistani PM: Czech envoy killed in Islamabad hotel blast

ISLAMABAD, Sept. 21 (Xinhua) — Pakistani Prime Minister Yousuf Raza Gilani Sunday
confirmed that the ambassador of the Czech Republic to Pakistan has been killed in
Saturday's suicide bomb attack at a five-star hotel in Islamabad.

"The ambassador has been confirmed dead in the attack," Gilani told reporters after visiting
the injured at the Pakistan Institute of Medical Sciences Islamabad.

Czech ambassador Ivo Zdarek was missing since the attack.

Zdarek, 47, who used to serve in Vietnam, was appointed ambassador to Pakistan last month
and has been staying at the hotel, the embassy sources said.

Earlier, doctors at the Pakistan Institute of Medical Sciences Islamabad said that bodies of a
Czech national and a foreigner lady were brought to the hospital Sunday.

He was married with two sons, according to the website of the Czech embassy in Hanoi,
where he was most recently posted.

Gilani said that 53 people had been confirmed dead in the deadly truck bomb attack.

ht tp://

Tonys Story
by capncrunch1stOhm on 21.09.2008 [10:07 ]
Intresting things in this report

ht tp://

did it happen 1-2-3-4 or 4-3-2-1

by capncrunch1stOhm on 21.09.2008 [10:20 ]
There gonna do what they feel is the perfected Iraqi strategy on Pakistan. There stupid, the
president they depend on may end up on a plane out of there in another coup de tat.

911 is an open cold case?

by qvh on 21.09.2008 [13:15 ]
Do you mean you don't know what happened? Just because you don't, don't assume others
don't as well.

Shill for whom?

4 of 14 9/23/2008 9:16 AM
Pakistan hotel bombing kills at least 60 by Masroor Gilani

well picked Cap

by Sandy on 21.09.2008 [13:19 ]
Gee , someone was lucky with that photo!

The poor people inside.

Cap, you sure have pointed out an interesting 1234!!!

"..Earlier, a U.S. State Department official led three colleagues through the rubble from the
charred building, one of them bleeding heavily from a wound on the side of his head. One of
the four, who identified himself only as Tony, said they had been moving toward the rear of a
Chinese restaurant inside the hotel after a first, small blast when a second explosion hurled
them against the back wall.

"Then we saw a big truck coming to the gates," he said. "After that, it was just smoke and

Got that? THEN WE SAW A BIG TRUCK COMING TO TH EGATES..."After the exp;losion had
hurled them against the wall. hmmmm

Di dthey make a mistake? Wonder if these were the "cia targets" (yeah sure), and would be
valuable to know the orietnation of the chinese restaurant adn hence the blast vector.

But if it IS a correct quote, how could they see the Truck coming AFTER the hue blast?
Weird. Truck a fufry then? IF that is a true order of events.

Wonder if it was a gas line and if it was, where was it, how deep and how on earht could a
small explosion penetrate deeply enough through ground from a surface vector ppint to
resuolt in deep earht penetration???

Just like Bali and Jakarta,, it doesnt yet make sense.

It makes sense
by qvh on 21.09.2008 [13:39 ]
when you realize it was a micro/mininuke detonated at the same time that a truck is driving
to the hotel as a decoy. The truck would not have had enough explosives to cause that kind
of explosion and crater. The gas pipeline is just an excuse because they know people would
start to question the intensity of the explosion.

I don't think there's any mystery about this at all like there is no mystery about the 9/11
attack on the WTC or about the Bali bombing.

Timing, and other thoughts

by Richard on 21.09.2008 [16:20 ]
This bombing occurs just days prior to Zardari's attending the 63rd UN General Assembly
session. Ahmadinejad will deliver a speech, as well. Zardari has already started the "we will
fight the terrorists' craptalk. Good boy, now sit.

It seems there is a "radical Islamists kill CIA agents" spin being spun. Also, as others have
pointed out, witnesses detail TWO explosions happening, like Oklahoma City in 95.

The US is in effect punishing the people of Pakistan for having the audacity to be enraged at
the US for killing it's citizens. In other words, the US is saying to Pakistan with this attack
"you see, you won't let us kill the bad guys and look what happens, we told you so." It will
not work, of course.

The timing is just right, as a huge "terrorist attack" sets the tone for the new government, in
respect to it's attitude toward "militants". And as I said before, it occurs just prior to the
63rd UN G. A. session.

But all of this only reveals how detached the West is from reality. The Pakistani people won't
buy any of it. It will only cause the US to be more hated and distrusted.

The coming days will reveal more to us...

A truck carrying 100-1000 tons of conventional explosives would have been


5 of 14 9/23/2008 9:16 AM
Pakistan hotel bombing kills at least 60 by Masroor Gilani

by djandjolik on 21.09.2008 [16:21 ]

Is there any truck around in Pakiatan that can carry the weight of two "Abram Tanks" each
weight 50 tons???. Forget a truck that can carry 10 "Abram tanks" or 10 "Merkava tanks"!!!

Peace day!
by pilot-x on 21.09.2008 [16:21 ]
I just discovered that months of my comments to the Globe and Mail are invisible to other
readers. What an embarrassing waste of time and effort. TRUST NO ONE

by capncrunch1stOhm on 21.09.2008 [20:19 ]
Video emerges of Marriott bombing - 21 Sept 08
ht tp://

Do you know why, pilot-x?

by Warehouse_Eyes on 21.09.2008 [20:27 ]
The Globe and Mail is a very rightwing paper. There is much they do not print. But don't
worry, your comments have probably been forwarded to the US Consulate, so they can keep
tabs on you, put you on that no-fly list, perhaps. I kid you not.

by pilot-x on 21.09.2008 [21:22 ]
"Pilot on no fly list" was one of the first nicknames I used LOL
Sad day and age with all this killing.
I have no children hug yours if you have them...

What Was Mysterious Activity Going on in the Marriott Hotel Islamabad by

United States Marines
by Zoraida on 21.09.2008 [21:23 ]
What Was Mysterious Activity Going on in the Marriott Hotel Islamabad by United States
Sunday, 21 September 2008 12:18
Marriott Hotel has now become a ghost house which was yesterday the most beautiful and
prestigious hotels in the Islamabad. While the condemnation of the blasts and the deaths
and the loss of property is going on from all the quarters, some intriguing news is also
pouring in.

After the blast, mysteriously fire was started at the fourth and fifth floors. It was said that
this fire was the result of gas pipeline burst running through the hotel. The million dollar
question is that was the gas pipeline not running through the other floors? Why the fire
broke out from the fourth and fifth flours? That is the question which perhaps holds the key
to the mystery as why the hotel was targeted yesterday, in which more than 60 people died
including many foreigners.

Though it would never get confirmed but the fire on the fifth and fourth floor of the hotel
broke out because those flours were housing the mysterious steel boxes under the heavy
guard of United States marines and no one including the Pakistani security forces and the
security men of the hotel were allowed to go near with the them. These boxes were shifted
inside the hotel when the Admiral Mike Mullen met Prime Minister Yousuf Raza Gilani and
others in Islamabad.

It is said that one member of parliament Mumtaz Alam who belongs to the PPP, the ruling
party was there eye witnessed the whole scene when the white truck of US embassy came to
the gate of Marriot Hotel and US marines themselves unloaded the steel boxes from the
trucks and shifted them to the fourth and fifth floors without passing through them the
scanners at the entrance of the hotels. When the truck was there, all the entrance and the
exit passage way to the hotels were closed.

And now this blast has occurred at the Marriott, while that mysterious activity was going on.

htt p://

Not a suicide bomber...

6 of 14 9/23/2008 9:16 AM
Pakistan hotel bombing kills at least 60 by Masroor Gilani

by Kamau_Ajamu on 21.09.2008 [21:33 ]

...I was watching what they said was the Pakistan Marriott Hotel truck bomb video on the
news. They probably, once again, screwed up and put the RIGHT video on TV.

The news showed a truck burning for a couple of minutes with people milling around and
some even bringing fire extinguishers BEFORE the bomb blew up in front of the hotel.

Please tell me. What 'suicide bomber' in their right mind (no pun intended) is going to sit in
a truck for a couple of minutes while the cabin area goes up in flames in front of by-standers,
waiting for the cabin to be completely engulfed and not get out BEFORE a bomb goes off! It
wasn't a suicide bomber. It was a bomb plain and simple! These neocons don't think through
their operations anymore neither do they expect REAL people to decipher their idiotic plans!

Something is odd with this detonation

by LittleHelper on 21.09.2008 [22:06 ]
Did you ever witness a detonation of a
large amount of explosives ?
Such an explosion usually levels every-
thing within a certain distance which
depends on the amount of explosives
But such an explosion does NOTt set
fire on the surrounding buildings !
Quite to the contrary, it immediately
blows out every blaze in its reach.
This is why explosives are often used
to blow out burning oil wells.

In my eyes, there is something false

with this incident.
In my eyes, the Marriot Hotel was
deliberately set on fire, AFTER the
detonation. The detonation was NOT
the cause of this fire.

qvh is right.
by Nopes on 21.09.2008 [23:32 ]
No conventional explosives can do this kind of damage. Crater so deep, distant objects catch
fire, cars almost melted.
It could be one of those pure fusion bombs.

What's important, they didn't show the explosion. NBC News confirmed that they did not
release video of the big (second) explosion.
That's a cover up. They could have used some old video of a previous incident to cover up
the fact that the "terrorists" got out of the car and warned people that they have 3 minutes
to save their lives.
It could be a false flag terrorist attack or simply a mistake of some CIA agents carrying
bombs for such attacks (hence the warning to bystanders).
In that hotel CIA had a meeting.
" ISLAMABAD: The bombers issued warning before the explosives laden car was rammed into
the five star hotel here on Saturday, witnesses said.

Witnesses said before the suicide blast, a small vehicle hit the security barrier outside the
hotel, a man emerged from it and warned the people present there that they had only three
minutes time to run away and save their lives."

Islamabad , Sept 20 (ANI): Several senior officers of Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) who
are reported to be currently visiting Islamabad were the target of the blast at the Marriott
Hotel which took place here tonight.

Well placed sources said that Marriott Hotel is usual hotel choice of the US officials and it
seems that militants tipped off that certain high level US intelligence officers were currently
staying at the hotel.

While no confirmation was available but Pakistan sources said it was clear that the explosion

7 of 14 9/23/2008 9:16 AM
Pakistan hotel bombing kills at least 60 by Masroor Gilani

was aimed at specific targets based on a tip off.

At least twenty people were killed, and scores others seriously injured, when an explosives
laden truck rammed into Marriott Hotel here today.

Over 50 people have been admitted in the local hospitals.

The powerful explosion caused fire in many parts of the hotel besides damaging the buildings
around the hotel. (ANI)

by LittleHelper on 22.09.2008 [00:20 ]
If I remember it right, "Globe and Mail" belongs to
the News Corporation of Rupert Murdoch.
News Corporation is the largest media conglomerate
of the World, with assets on all continents.
Rupert Murdoch is a frenetical neocon right wing
zionist, due in part to his wife, who is a zionist jewess.

Except nukes
by qvh on 22.09.2008 [00:23 ]
"But such an explosion does NOTt set
fire on the surrounding buildings !"

Nukes do. The fireball created is millions of degrees and so it causes distant objects to set on

A closeup of the conflagration

by qvh on 22.09.2008 [00:44 ]
h ttp://

I'm surprised there were ANY survivors.

It wasn't the CIA. It wasn't al Qaeda. It wasn't the Pakistani ISI, the new president or any
other Pakistani group or individual.

It was the Mossad, and the bomb was made in Dimona.

Also consider this...

by Kamau_Ajamu on 22.09.2008 [00:56 ] order to make a large crater, the only thing that can make a deep crater after an
explosion is not necessarily a truck bomb, but rather a missile.

by verve on 22.09.2008 [01:07 ]
how do you address your comments? letters to the editor? that's the only way to get one's
counter views published? ah, but, it's all zio controled, right? But it's not, and even within
the ziocontrol, there are rivalries, one-up-manship- for lack of better explanation.
If you are making a valid point, they can ignor you and not print, (I remember having that
problem also, back when Afghanistan was first invaded. Even social commentary, on events
taking place within my own community, (two local dalies, and a weekly publication)).
Then I hit on something, and since then I've been published dozens of time, locally,
nationaly and internationaly.

If you have issue with an editor, or their comment, please do take the time to
respond, but remember to send a copy of your response to other editors of the local
newspapers (rival) and other media out lets. If your letting the editor know they are
an asshole, they'll be plesed you shared your views with their counterparts across
town. Believe me, it works. I've had letters addressed to one editor, published in
rival papers, especially if you have a valid point, all our points are vaild, right? If
you have issue with a reporter or their specific slant, please do respond, but
remember to send their editor a copy (if nothing else, it'll give two assholes
something to talk about), check papers masthead, send copies to senior staff if their
emails are published, and always, always, always, send copies to editors of all the
rival media out lets.

8 of 14 9/23/2008 9:16 AM
Pakistan hotel bombing kills at least 60 by Masroor Gilani

happy writing :)

not sure how the

by verve on 22.09.2008 [01:13 ]
big lettering got in there, wasn't me........moderator, please fix.

@pilot-x, and don't forget the 'spellcheck' which I don't have for posting here, well i might
have, just too damn lazy to look for it, and since it's spanglish anyways, who really cares?

Why does it have to be a missile?

by qvh on 22.09.2008 [01:23 ]
The Mossad don't need to fire a missile at the target. This is complicated and requires a
launcher or a plane. The Mossad can get access to the spot. It's easier to position a bomb
where they want it exactly and detonate it from afar electronically. The bomb was a
stationary one. Then get a patsy, one who thinks he's on a suicide mission or someone just
innocent of what's going on and told to drive a truck to a certain point, or they get a dead
person in the driver's seat and drive the truck by remote control etc. and you have a 'truck
bomb' driven by a suicide bomber.

But no truck bomb can cause this deep and wide crater.

h ttp://

According to the video, the truck was a six-wheeler - LOL. Carrying "high-quality explosives".

They were high-quality all right.

But of course, most of the population will just believe the media and think it was an al Qaeda
bomb, and the others, a suspicious minority, will think it was the CIA, or Bush or whatever
with a few variations on the theme, some convoluted plot by the new president of Pakistan or
his opponents. Alex Jones is already on the job even as we speak.

And nobody will guess the truth, and the Israelis will triumph over the goyim once again,
and continue to fool them. Eventually there will be another war and things will go around in
circles with the Israelis never discovered.

Well, if they can succeed, mostly due to the stupidity of the goyim, then I say more power to
the Israelis. The great majority of people stil have not woken up to the last great trick played
on them which was the Holocaust, and that was more than sixty years ago, nor to the truth
about the JFK assassination.

This is what I predict knowing the relative intelligence levels of the goyim and the Zionists.

Even if you spell it out for the goyim they won't believe you. It's not worth trying to wake up
the goyim. You'll only get abused by them and become a target of the Zionists. This is what I
am coming to realize more and more.

When I post to G and M my computer

by pilot-x on 22.09.2008 [01:30 ]
behaves as if my comments have been accepted.
I can read them along with the stack of other readers comments.But..
My neighbors PC does not show them....
They have had me tricked into believing they were recieved and posted online...Awkward to
explain...I'm not kidding.
Anyhow the Globe and Mail has been sent to the recycle bin and flushed. GURGLE GURGLE

by verve on 22.09.2008 [01:30 ]
agreed on the missile. BLU type, or Russian/Chinese equivilant. There should be lots of pics
of what missile crators look like and what ordinance was used to cause such holes. Compare
hole sizes and that'll give idea of what size missile it was. Seems to have missed its target
though, my guess, the hotel. The secondary gas pipe explosions that set the hotel on fire
(that's the ghist of what I've read so far) are plausable.

If there was a heavy US/CIA presence there?????? looks like ISI sent a strong message.
Otherwise, maybe it was a false flag and the (insert name of favorite villan here) really did
do it!

9 of 14 9/23/2008 9:16 AM
Pakistan hotel bombing kills at least 60 by Masroor Gilani

Could this bomb have been PRE-PLACED?

by pilot-x on 22.09.2008 [01:34 ]
Maybe via a tunnel?
One might think they would have tunnelled right underneath the hotel...

Alex Jones will set up a strawman

by qvh on 22.09.2008 [01:46 ]
not just about the Marriott Hotel bombing but about all the other suspicious events. He
serves a useful function for the Zionists and he does his work well. That's why they leave him
alone and he gets rich with lots of money from advertising and other business activities.

So he sets up a strawman. And doing this helps the Zionists because they can shoot it down
easily. Eg. Bush was behind 9/11. Or the CIA was behind 9/11. But many people know Bush
is not mentally capable of setting up and doing 9/11 so they dismiss Alex Jones. The
Zionists, those on Free Republic etc, make fun of Jones and call him crazy.

Clinton accuses him of being a traitor for accusing patriotic Americans like the firefighters or
the police officers or the CIA officers of being complicit in the conspiracy etc.

So Alex Jones sets himself and the whole 'conspiracy movement' by extension for attack and
ridicule, as Alex Jones somehow has become the PREMIER figure of the movement.

He introduces some truths in his reports and analyses to hook the suspicious in but he hides
them from the whole truth.

So he is one of the most effective gatekeepers for the Zionists. The Zionists have the
Christian Zionist pastors and religious right people doing the gatekeeping on the
conservative side, and basically keeping the people who would never think in conspiracy
terms under control; and on the other side, they have the conspiracy theorists under control
thanks to Alex Jones and others of his ilk.

Now anyone who is a conspiracy theorist is labeled a nut, or a traitor etc, or an extreme
liberal; one is automatically thought of in this way by the other side, even if one does not
blame the CIA or Bush as being the masterminds.

Only a very few people tell the truth about the perps; people like DBS; and guess what, he
can't get funding or advertising like Jones so his audience is much smaller.

And the Zionists will keep piling up their successes.

why a missile?
by verve on 22.09.2008 [01:46 ]
simple, clean, effective. requires little human input (other than planted media stories), less
chance of screw-up. To blow a hole that 'deep' one needs to plant the explosives deeply
underground, and force the earth up and out. Most 'planted' expolsives are close to surface,
or down manholes, or sewer lines, not 30+ feet undergroud.
On the other hand, BLUs and their bunkerbusting counterparts are designed to go 30-40 feet
underground before detonation, for a better example, look at pics of the hole that was dug in
the N. Korean railyard mere hours after Dear Leader passed through it.

One might think they would have tunnelled right underneath the hotel..
by qvh on 22.09.2008 [01:56 ]
No, they had to do it where the truck stopped. That would be at the checkpoint. So this was
a little distance from the hotel, not immediately under it. And to tunnel that far right under
the hotel would have taken a long time and they might have been caught.

They probably placed it in a sewer or concealed it in some receptacle nearby. The bomb's
size would not have been very big. They might have placed it in the truck itself.

by qvh on 22.09.2008 [02:03 ]
Have you seen a chart of crater sizes of nukes buried in the ground at varying depths and
detonated? If you have, you can see you do not need to bury a nuke deep at all, a surface
nuke can cause a very deep crater. The size of the crater is more a function of the nuke's
detonating power rather than how deep it's buried. Even a nuke that's detonated above-
surface can create a crater.

10 of 14 9/23/2008 9:16 AM
Pakistan hotel bombing kills at least 60 by Masroor Gilani

That's why you see craters pitting the ground all over Nevada in nuke bomb-testing sites.

There are a few sites on the net that show how big the craters are with varying depths of
detonation . It would be very unusual for a nuke bomb to be detonated (at any depth) and
not form a crater unless it was a deeply buried nuke as this is less likely to form a crater as it
makes a hole and the soil on top collapses inwards and you get a subsidence effect.

In the Bali bombing there was a similar crater.

by Nopes on 22.09.2008 [02:04 ]
"Why does it have to be a missile? The Mossad don't need to fire a missile at the target"

And why does it always have to be MoSSad?

Jews are not superheroes. They can't mess with Pentagon to this extent.

re: Alex Jones and FBI "snitch-jacketing"

by Richard on 22.09.2008 [02:10 ]
"Snitch-jacketing" is an old FBI tactic that attempts to discredit honest people, by starting
rumors that those honest people are actually paid agents of some kind.

The FBI used this tactic quite effectively against Huey Newton and the Black Panthers.

Here is a link to the prisonplanet archive where Zionists are the topic of discussion:

h ttp://

The fact that people who are "conspiracy theorists" are labeled as crazy is certainly not the
result of anything Alex Jones has done.

Inciting the "it's the Jews" talk

by Richard on 22.09.2008 [02:18 ]
Remember that a major component of the 9/11 propaganda involves the deliberate
incitement of anti-Jewish pronouncements, the better to discredit people as "anti-Semetic"
in a guilt-by-association kind of way.

The people of whom we should be wary are not people like Alex Jones, but rather people who
attempt to discredit those of us who do not scream "it's the Jews" at the top of our lungs.

It is absurd..
by Richard on 22.09.2008 [02:24 ]
to claim that 9/11 is explicitly a Mossad operation. Absolutely absurd.

Mossad does not control NORAD or the FAA. Mossad does not have the capacity to organize
fifteen or so different wargames on 9/11.

There are a number of guilty parties.

The Jews OWN the Pentagon.

by qvh on 22.09.2008 [03:16 ]
They OWN the White House. They OWN the CIA. They OWN the Congress. They OWN the
judicial system in the US. They OWN the federal reserve. They OWN the future president.
They OWN America. I'm including the crypto-jews and the dual citizens of Israel like
Rumsfeld, Cheney, Krongard, Mueller, Zakheim etc etc. too numerous to list here. All the
people in the top positions of government: the CIA, the Pentagon, the FBI etc, are Jews
(isn't that funny?).
That's how they could organize NORAD exercises and order a stand-down etc (Rumsfeld
ordered that, very simple, as he was the Defense Secretary at that time).

When I say MOSSAD, I mean the normal Israeli Mossad as well as the sayanim, Jewish spies
or Zionist spies within America. I do not regard them as Americans, I regard them as part of
the Zionist/Jewish nation with their loyalty to the Jewish nation above all. America comes a
distant second if not last. America is just a tool for them to achieve Zionist ends.

The Israelis/Jews/Zionists OWN America. And many of the western nations/OECD nations
around the world.

11 of 14 9/23/2008 9:16 AM
Pakistan hotel bombing kills at least 60 by Masroor Gilani

Oh, I forgot they OWN the media.

How can they cover up the USS Liberty, the JFK assassination, the King David Hotel
bombing, the Lavon Affair etc etc.? Because they OWN the USA AND the American people are
STUPID. The rest of the world isn't much better actually, just the American people seem
more easily brainwashed than most.

It seems like the Jews ARE "supermen" as you put it.

The Gentile CIA, not the leadership, as well as the Gentile part of the Bush administration
including Bush, are too stupid to plan a false flag. And that's a fact.

The Jews control the USA and they did 9/11 using the Mossad as the men on the ground to
execute the mission. The headquarters of the Jews is Israel. America is just a colony.

If Alex Jones started telling the truth and blamed everything on the Zionists/Jews/Israelis
/Mossad, he would suddenly have advertisers drop their contracts on his radio show, he
would be persona non grata all of a sudden, and he might even be the target of an
assassination attempt. The fact that Jones is flourishing and the Zionists leave him alone
tells you all you need to know what Jones is about: a Gatekeeper to keep the American
Goyim under control.

And if you don't think the Jews own America

by qvh on 22.09.2008 [03:30 ]
Just go around and tell everyone at work, in your school etc, that Jews own the USA. You will
soon find that the word will get to the Jews, and you will find yourself out of a job, or be
given the cold shoulder by professors, ostracism and you might even become a victim of
sabotage, a physical attack or verbal abuse. You might even be charged with a hate crime.
Do this as an experiment even if you do not believe it. Heck just do it on a mainstream
messageboard, you will be banned before long.

Then go around at a different place and say the same things, but just talk about the Nazi
whites, or the evil Bush family, and say they run the place, they run everything, and they're
evil and so on. I promise you you might get a few weird looks and some cold-shouldering by
some crypto-White Nationalists or conservatives who voted for Bush, but you won't lose your
job etc etc.

Bush is a retard, and the people of Gentile America are either moronic Zionist Christians or
crazy liberals. None of them have the capacity to plan a 9/11, a Marriott Hotel attack and so
on. Lenin once was asked why his admin was filled with Jews. Lenin, a Jew but not a
practising one, said that's because all the smart people in the SU were Jews; he couldn't find
intelligent Gentiles (except a few such as Stalin). Well, if he was in the US, I think he would
have said the same thing. It appears the only clued-in people in America ARE the Jews. The
goyim are idiots, and that's why the Zionists have conquered the Americans, a people much
more numerous than the Jews.

Cui Bono?
by qvh on 22.09.2008 [03:33 ]
Israel benefits from the Marriott Hotel bombing. America has money troubles and can't afford
to get involved in another conflict, let alone pay for the ones they're in now.

Israel benefits from this false flag, just as they benefited from the 9/11 false flag, the USS
Liberty false flag, the Lavon Affair, the Belle Disco false flag, the Pan Am Lockerbie false flag
etc etc etc ad nauseum.

Whoever it is
by pilot-x on 22.09.2008 [04:45 ]
certainly is well funded.
Hard to be a terrorist when you only have a couple of small pebbles.
A million dollar bomb to get a couple intelligence operatives....
Puts James Bond 007 to shame.
Some strange things in that cctv video.
The front left corner of the truck drops noticably.
Towards the end of the video the headlamps come on..

by capncrunch1stOhm on 22.09.2008 [07:05 ]

12 of 14 9/23/2008 9:16 AM
Pakistan hotel bombing kills at least 60 by Masroor Gilani

i cant post

by capncrunch1stOhm on 22.09.2008 [07:07 ]
The first 2 links pulled from prisonplanet posters.

photo of crater with the marriott hotel burning in background.

ht tp://

example of a truck bomb explosion and aftermath.

ht tp://

this link is an example of surface to air missle and crater

ht tp://

I recall summer Iraq 2004 how their was a wave of car bombs being reported by MSM in
Bahgdad and how the occupation moved in to close down the Muqtada Sadr newspaper.
They moved to close him down cause he was reporting that it wasnt carbombs but missle
That incident led to Shia uprising against the occupation

@qvh - the burnt cars

by TerraHertz on 22.09.2008 [07:41 ]
While I agree the bomb is very likeley to have been a micronuke, and the 'burning truck' a
diversion, I think comparing the 'burnt cars' from WTC
/DEW/dewpics/Image8.jpg vs the marriot cars -better pic here:
is ridiculous. The WTC cars you linked were just burned in situ, with no visible
impact/explosion damage. probably just caught fire from burning papers, etc, and and the
fire spread among the closely parked vehicles. Other 'WTC burnt cars' pics on the net are
very misleading - rows of cars that have obviously been carted away from the scene and
dumped in rows near a bridge for instance, that are claimed to be evidence of 'SF weapons' -
But the Marriot cars are interesting. Observe door panel pushed in against internal frame.
Obvious air overpressure damage. An explosives analyst could probably estimate the power
of the pressure spike from that. But note the cars are not burnt at all! Tyres undamaged,
interior upholstery intact. Rear view mirror shroud (typically plastic) is undamaged.

Now, in the NYT car pic, the explosion must have been from behind the cameraman, to
explain the pressed-in door. Buth the cars are unburnt, while the entire upper floor of the
hotel, much further from the blast, is well alight. This is odd. I don't believe the entire floor
caught fire from radiant heat even from a micronuke.
Looks like something else set fire to the hotel. How about those boxes the marines brought

If it's true there were many high level CIA officials dining in the hotel when the blast went
off, I wonder if this is some kind of faction war among US groups? Anti-Bush Military vs the
pro-Bush CIA?

In any case, I hope the Pakistan authorities know how to check for alpha radiation. An
ordinary geiger counter cannot detect Alpha. Needs a scintillation counter with very thin foil
walls, that Helium nuclei (Alpha) can penetrate.

I wonder if this was another micro-nuke placed in a drain, like Bali?

Come to think of it...

by TerraHertz on 22.09.2008 [07:51 ]
Setting a truck on fire would make a very good terminal guidance infra-red target for a heat
seeking missile, with a small nuclear warhead. This way you don't need to carry a micro-nuke
into the country, with all the risk of stuff-ups that entails.

If it's not a nuke, then...

by Paperinoisback on 22.09.2008 [11:57 ]
Boxes at top floors (main explosion), truck at the gates (set-up explosion), big bomb in the
sewers (to get the crater, also PR stuff).

good to see

13 of 14 9/23/2008 9:16 AM
Pakistan hotel bombing kills at least 60 by Masroor Gilani

by capncrunch1stOhm on 22.09.2008 [12:04 ]

search for truth still exsists here

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